Country Talk - August 2014

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A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community


August 2014 The Word “If people hear my words and don’t keep them, I don’t judge them. I didn’t come to judge the world but to save it.” -Jesus, from John 12:14

Progress rolls along for “Lake Amlin” lot repairs Trustee advocacy has paid off! In mid-July, the City of Dublin finally addressed the drainage issue along Cosgray Road in front of our church. The work followed a meeting with an Amlin trustee representative in 2013; a promise was made to address the issue in 2014. Two new catch basins have been installed along the road, which now link to a main underground drainage route along Cosgray Road. Now, water that makes its way to the ditch will not back up onto our property. This is a helpful first step, but the work is far from done. After consulting with civil engineers, our trustees have proposed a solution. Plans and a competitive


Calendar Aug. 17 @ 11:00 “Blessing of the Animals” service

After years of problems with standing rain water in the parking lot, the first big steps toward a solution have been made.

bid has been developed and approved for replacing our front parking lot with new asphalt that should last at least twenty years. The project will cost $45,000. We are in the process of identifying lead

donors who will ensure the success of this fundraising campaign. We already have two $5,000 pledges, plus other lead gifts and designated funds totaling $26,000!

If you’d consider making a lead gift, perhaps in honor or in memory of a loved one, please see Pastor Steve or our Finance Chairperson Todd Hanes.

Smiles and laughs filled the air during Amlin’s Vacation Bible School week! Amlin’s VBS theme this year was the Workshop of Wonders. We were home for over 30 children and 25 children for the week. We learned how to Imagine, Build, Work, Grow, and Walk with God. It was a great success! As part of learning to Imagine with God, we worked on raising funds to help

imagine a world with no malaria. The children raised over $195.00 surpassing their goal! The kids loved their reward for their hard work, sliming Pastor Steve! It was a wonderful week full of blessings at Amlin. Thank you to all of the parents for sharing your children and to the many volunteers who donated time, efforts and resources!

Written by Mary Vulic

Amlinites seem to be everywhere this summer! The Kents went to England and Paris, the Ganims to Ireland, the Vulics to Barcelona, Switzerland and France, Jennifer and Rob Fink to Italy, the Sayres on a

Caribean cruise... And there were seemingly endless streams of you all heading to beaches near and far—both Walker families, Slominskis, Kerrs, Meyers, Thompsons. Those are just the trips I’ve heard and seen photos of. It’s great to get away, but when school starts this month, we have at

least 7 freshmen getting their first taste of high school: Matthew Wilson, Conrad Kent, Cassidy Walker, Alex Mateos, Grace Buckley, Noah Mortach, and Libby Thompson. We wish them earnest studies and great memories. In our thoughts and prayers are some of those staying closer to home for various reasons. Verna Baldridge is recovering from back sur-

gery, Nancy Chattoraj from very recent knee surgery, Gail Campbell from a recent hospitalization, and Pauline Roberts who has just moved to a nearby assisted living residence. Nancy is rehabbing at Darby Glen, a welcoming place for friends to visit her. We offer condolences to Bob and Allana Meyer. Bob’s mother, Mary, passed away in July. Here are a couple

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Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.

Verna Baldridge Sharry Justice Youth David and Megan Sovic Sharry Justice Mike Carlotta Charles& Mary Kay Withrow Tori Mateos Steve Mortach Tanner Dave and Amy Ruland Cardinal Choale Steve, Grace, and Sam Putka Abby Gedeon Jim’s safe trip Matthew Wilson

of upbeat updates to note. Duane Randall, a friend of Jason and Amy Hissong, worshiped with us earlier this year and then was absent for months. A few Sundays ago Duane was back with his inspiring story of a victorious battle against cancer, gratitude for those who helped him win and determination to be there for others who are still struggling. Praise God for

Nathan Moore & USMC Christi in L.A. Gary & Sarah in Okinawa David Ariel Sharry Waldo Nicole Markley Family of Bill Haberman Gerry Lasson Donna Clair Pat Ryan Norma Julie Vickie Kerry Lil

Christopher Pauline Roberts Anna Ruland Jack Andrick Amy Hissong Eugene Pauley Rachel Clingman Mark Lasson Melinda Gloriosa Gail Campbell Jim Keller Jack & Arlene

Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month. The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at

Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.

CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: Website: Church Summer Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:00-1:00 Fridays: 9:00-1:00 Or by appointment Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: Phone: (614) 668-5001 Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: Phone: (614) 562-2868 Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos Treasurer Dee Elkins (614) 771-1904 Financial Secretary Mike McFadin

those I seek to serve. If I avoid the ballpark because I may hear some fans using bad language, for example, I will find myself spending less and less time engaged with the world. I have found that for some, From Pastor Steve Putka fear of God’s judgment can hold us back from living Judgment a full life, especially when our image of God is a stern, harsh figure rather than God as the essence Judgment seems to be a difficult topic of love and joy and forgiveness. for many Christians, including me. How The ugly? When we give in to our desire to judge about you? others, we can become judgmental. Remember, We seem to talk about judgment in several ways, and Jesus had lots to say about people judging others. this creates confusion as we look at teachings about He told us that the measure we use to judge others judgment from the Bible, and even the way will be used for us as well. He told us to fothat we feel free to judge others and ourselves. cus on the beam in our own eye rather than I challenge Let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly the speck in our neighbor’s eye. He told us when it comes to judgment. you to to love our enemies and seek their welfare The good: Judgment is an important part of consider the by transforming them with acts of kindness living as a Christian. It’s important for us to use and care. God will judge, not us! We Chrisrole of good judgment as we make decisions in our tians have an image problem, and it’s not judgment in day-to-day choices. By reading the Bible, esundeserved. As a group, our harsh criticism your life. pecially the gospels, we can learn more about of others is often ugly and un-Christlike. It’s how Jesus approached and taught about many why “judgmental” is often the first word that practical matters. We can use our judgment to non-Christians use to describe us. apply these teachings to our own lives, and teach chilI challenge you to consider the role of judgment in dren and others new to the faith. Recognition that there your life. Use good judgment as you engage with will be a final judgment will encourage us to avoid evil, the world. Avoid places of genuine temptation, but seek the good, and love all. This kind of judgment is be in places where you can shine God’s light. And good! when you relate to others, determine how you can The bad: How can judgment be a bad thing? The fear best love others, rather than judging others harshly. of making mistakes and falling into inadvertent sin can And when you do, I promise that you will find even hold us back. “Judgment” sensors can move into overmore rest for your soul. drive, seeing temptation at every turn. The thought of See you on Sunday! mingling with a messy world may separate me from Pastor Steve

The Pastor’s Message

Enjoy an event while helping to raise funds for church landscaping The Farm Science Review is one of the fundraisers the Special Church Funding Team has planned this year. The Review is located on Route 40 near London. We need volunteers to serve or prepare food in the Kiwanis food tent. No experience is needed. Each volunteer will be paid and these funds are donated to the church trustees for landscaping. The dates this year are September 16th, 17th and 18th, the hours 9:30 until 2:00. You may select any date that works with your schedule. You are admitted free and parking is free. Team up with a friend and enjoy the event, there are many free items at the show. Contact Margy Johnson, Sally Pauley or Doreen Cole to schedule your preferred date before August 25. Thank you!

Marybeth Walters, director m AmlinCommunityPreschool@gma 1904 771) (614

Dearest Amlin Friends,

, I will, a child..." I don't wanna to go school!" But like l fee I you tell st mu I . end an to ents! My summer is coming ited to meet all our new children and par exc so be will I g, kin wor om sro clas the and once I am in us with two full morning classes. I am d sse Ble has d Lor The . 4th and 3rd s Our first days will be September well. Please remember us in your prayer as s clas on rno afte y sda hur y/T sda hopeful this year to have a Tue to fill these spots. dren and happy parents!

with happy chil Please also pray for a safe year filled

proschool. Thank you for all you do for the Pre nity mu Com lin Am the at e her r I look forward to my 4th yea gram. Sincerely, Marybeth Your preschool gal

Amlin Community Preschool

NOW ENROLLING for fall 2014 classes Contact Director Marybeth Walters to secure your child’s seat in a class today! (614) 771-1904

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Duane! And also for Sharon Oldham’s brother, Skip. Just a couple of years ago Skip lost his life-long business and went through some very dark times, but when he joined us for worship recently along with his friend Wendy and his son Blake, he looked newly-blessed. Hey, what a wonderful week with the young and not so young enjoying Vacation Written by Mary Vulic Bible School! Thanks so much to Jennifer Gedeon for putting together a Workshop of Wonders and to all those who helped make it fun and successful. We welcome Terri MacGregor, our new nursery attendant. If you’re not bringing in little ones for her care, stop by and say hi anyway and perhaps volunteer. The nursery always needs assistants. Here’s my Pewtiful Beautiful award. For some time now a pew has been filled by Joan Lasson (one of our lovely music leaders), her husband Gerry (here when not busy with his prison ministry), her daughter Julie with husband Steve Ruland and Julie’s children Eric and Aaliyah Brletic. But this summer they have been joined by Steve’s brother Dave, wife Amy and children Nate and Madi who have recently moved here from Virginia. There may be some Rulands I’ve missed in this list, but a warm welcome to all.

Jenna steps down after many years of service

Blessing of the Animals Sunday, Aug. 17 @ 11:00 a.m. Get ready to welcome and bless all of God’s creatures On Sunday, August 17, Amlin UMC will host its first Blessing of the Animals. The blessings will occur at the 11:00 a.m. service, which will be held outdoors under a large tent. Our 9:30 traditional service will be indoors and animal-free. Seating will be divided as “dog side” and “cat side,” but all animals are welcome! The service will be somewhat shorter than normal to accommodate our animal visitors with a more limited attention span. Each animal will receive a special, individual prayer and blessing. Pastor Steve will be preaching from the theme “Do Dogs Go to Heaven?” You won’t want to miss this service! Feel free to invite neighbors, family, and friends!

Anyone around the New Life Center on Sunday mornings knows we’re experiencing a baby boom, or more precisely a baby/toddler boom. We have about 15 attendees in the age 3 or under category. There’s often a roomful. Jenna Walker has served our congregation officially for 13 years as our staff nursery attendant. If you’ve been at Amlin long enough you know her service goes back to when there was no NLC, when four of our high school freshmen – Matthew, Conrad, Libby and Cassidywere still in diapers and the nursery was where Pastor Steve’s office now stands. Imagine yourself back then, peering over the extension gate into

the room, and you’ll see Jenna helping to care for our little ones. Now Jenna’s son, Cameron, is in elementary school and her family has grown to include Greg Kilmer and his son, Isaac. So Jenna is stepping down from her nursery duties to join her mom, Diana Walker, daughter, Cassidy, and the rest of the family and worship

regularly with the grown-ups. During the worship service on July 27 we honored Jenna for her service and dedication to us and to the children who over the years have loved coming to spend Sunday morning with “Miss Jenna”. We thank you, Jenna, from the bottom of our hearts, and we welcome you out here with us “big kids.”

We are here to

SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church.

You can… 

Volunteer to serve at the West Side Free Store lunch on Saturday, Sept. 6. Meet at Amlin at 9:20 a.m. and serve until 1:00 p.m. Contact Mary Vulic for more information.

Watch for updates on our continuing campaign to Imagine No Malaria

Volunteer to help with Children’s Church and/or the Nursery.

To present your mission ideas to the Risk-Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.

Service Ministries Schedule

If you would like to provide Hospitality refreshments between the early service and the late service, or if you are interesting in Service Ministries as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter please contact Eugene Pauley @ 614-570-8706 or e-mail @ Thank you!

4 hours a week. Highly qualified teachers. 6:2 student to teacher ratio. Very affordable. Take a break! Your child will thank you for it! Call or click today! Now Enrolling for Fall 2014 Classes!

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, Aug. 21 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

“Relax, Mom! I’m learning!”









12 Marybeth Walters, Director Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road, 614.771.1904












7 pm– UMW

Youth Camp Out

Youth Camp out








7:00– Team Mtgs. 8:15– Ad. Board





Blessing of the Animals

24 Sunday School & Youth Celebration

21 6:30 - 8:30 Amlin Community Preschool Open House




28 Wendy’s Event


September 6

Noisy Sunday

Serving Westside Free Store

The newsletter is going green! In our continuing efforts to be good stewards of the earth and of the resources that the congregation of Amlin UMC has entrusted to us, the newsletter team has decided to reevaluate its distribution. In the beginning, God asked us to be good stewards, taking care of the gifts God had created, which we can see in Genesis 2:15. After much prayer and careful consideration, we have decided that we will no longer print and mail issues of Country Talk. If you do not receive the newsletter by email, please call the church office at (614) 771-1904 or email us Prayerfully Yours, Sally Pauley, Nancy Chattoraj, Verna Baldridge, Jennifer Sayre, and Jennifer Gedeon.

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