A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community
February 2014
The Word
"Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom bring healing.” Proverbs 12:18
You won’t want to miss these exciting church events! Check out the back calendar for more!
February 4 @ 6:30 (and every Tuesday) Tavern Theology Pint Room, Dublin February 13 Ad Board meeting Every Monday Women’s Bible Study Run for God Disciple
March 5 Serve lunch at WSFS March 15, 16, 17 Hammer & Nails Mission Trip to Canton
Children learn about history during a 5-week Bible study Do you know how many history books are in the Bible? How about poetry books? On Jan. 5, twelve Amlin UMC children grades 3-6 received their own Deep Blue Bible and started an eight week curriculum. We are learning how the Bible was
written, different ways that parts of the Bible are used in prayer and worship and how to use the tools in the Bible for help with everyday concerns. This is a very smart group of children! If you don’t know the answer to the first two questions, ask one of them!
Musical Notes... The music program at Amlin is alive and kicking! Pastor Lynn Pease, an ordained Deacon, has been adding her singing talents to lead songs at first service. She graced us all with her talents on the organ on Christ-
mas Eve. She will be joining Christian and Angela in providing music for the first service. During Advent, Kaci Osborne directed our Advent Choir which is quickly becoming our Adult Choir and should be singing for Continued on pg.3
The story of how Amlin UMC changed one person’s life
Sara and I came to Amlin as church shoppers. We had our individual wants
first Sunday. We came for a glimpse of Amlin and instead saw our future. It had plenty of the wants, as well as some new offerings, but mainly it just felt right. In a year, I have enjoyed many great
services and participated in Dinner for 6, Tavern Theology, and Run for God. All of these ministries have enriched me spiritually and R4G helped me physically. However, it is the social aspect of the kingdom of God that
has really touched me on a personal level. The encouragement, accountability, and love of a church family is something that I had dearly missed.
In My Own Words
o Josh J
but also open minds. Two people with different experiences and needs from a church, shopping together? It sounds like a commercial for a church version of match.com. However, a strange thing happened that
Who Knew? Who’s New? Alyssa Wisecup entered the family of Kim, Tim and Katie, b. 1/20/14. It’s been a speedy recovery for Ron Keller who had hip
replacement surgery after Christmas. He’s back worshipping with us already. Gail Campbell has settled into her new apartment at Whet-
stone Gardens and Adult Care. Florence Sears, who has been pretty much shut-in since her serious arm fracture last year, was able to attend her great granddaughter’s first birthday party on 1-19-14. Flo will be back worshiping with us soon. A warm musical welcome to Andy Clingman, bass guitarist in NLC, and Lynn Pease, vocal leader in the chapel.
Just days after moving to Columbus from northeast Ohio, Sue Miller found Amlin, worshipped with us and joined the Frappe with Philippians group. Say “hey” to Sue. Mychal Ellis is rehearsing with 100 other central Ohio youth who comprise the cast of the rock musical Tetelestai, which reenacts the last week of Jesus’ life. Bree has moved to
PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at wing1@sbcglobal.net. We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.
Bob Smith Cassie Barb People who are homeless Lyn and Dolores Gail Campbell Family of Lana Wisecup June Stout Eugene Stout Sandra Martin Time with family Safe Travels Alex Mateos Drew Mary Baumler Loved ones at Christmas Those who are grieving Mildred Bonner
The Kyle Family Forrest Gribler Carla Swami Pauley’s niece & family Vickie, Dawna, Eli & Jeff McFadin Family Bullying Friends & family of Peter Leatherman Christian Mateos Teresa Heineman Allwyn Swami Kuhns Family Chelsea Jim & Sharon Oldham James Moore Family Barb Heckathorn
June Stout James Chuck Withrow Sam Grandma Billy Evan Yoder Doug Curtis Thompson Wisecup Family Karen & husband Laura and Izzy Sue Mike Carlotta Cathie Briskey Allwyn Swami Carla Swami Gail Campbell
a new home. We love her, will miss her and wish her the best. There is little rest for Angela and Keith, though; they are currently babysitting Hailey and Allison, the little one and two year olds we will occasionally see with them in church. Welcome, girls! Prayers and praise to God for all… and praise to Mary Vulic for gathering this news for us to read!
CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016
Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Website: www.amlinumc.org
Church Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30 - 4:30 Fridays: 9:30 –12:30 Or by appointment
Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: sputka@me.com Phone: (614) 668-5001
Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month.
Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Phone: (614) 562-2868
The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at AmlinUMC@aol.com. If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at JenniferSayre7@gmail.com.
Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.
Treasurer Dee Elkins (614) 771-1904
Financial Secretary Becky Kent (614) 446-2359
force for nearly every initiative within the church. While members of the church provide some leadership, the pastor is a hands-on and "nuts and bolts" leader. There is nothing wrong with this process. And this process will help to grow a church. From Pastor Steve Putka But at a certain point, the church needs to transition with An Emerging Vision a new strategy. As the church identifies leaders and gets more excited about what God is doing in their midst, new opportunities for ministry develop. Congregational leaders, Are you more of a big picture person or a driven by their passion for serving God, begin to accept detail person? If you know me, you know genuine leadership and responsibility for particular ministhat I get more excited about the big picture try areas. The pastor moves from "doing the hands on than the individual details. I have never been much of a numleadership" to "equipping and coaching others in hands on bers guy for that very reason. This is especially true leadership." The pastor is still leading, but is inin ministry. For me, I am much more attuned to how vesting much more time and energy in congregapeople are feeling, a sense of momentum, and the tional leadership development. In some ways, it Many people subtle and sometimes startling fingerprints of the is teaching others to fish rather than doing the are respondHoly Spirit. These things typically are very difficult to fishing. It becomes much more about teaching ing to God's quantify. and mentoring. invitation to a But numbers can tell us plenty about the larger I am grateful to God for the many leaders we transformed reality. Like in many other community organizations, have at Amlin United Methodist Church. No life through our numbers can tell us a great deal. Are more peolonger do we have a few people doing many Jesus Christ. ple participating in mission projects and having an things. We now are sharing the responsibilities impact in our community? Is financial giving increasand the privilege of leadership far more effecing? Are more people worshiping God at Amlin tively. United Methodist Church? Are more adults meeting for small But it's not just about leadership. God calls us all to mingroup study and spiritual growth? Are more children particiistry, not just our leaders. We all have an opportunity to pating in Sunday school? Youth group? deepen our commitment as followers of Jesus Christ, in Well, the numbers are in for 2013. And the numbers are order to transform the world around us! So many in our telling us what many of us have long sensed about our community, and even some within our church, are in deschurch. We are on a roll! Our church is experiencing growth perate need of the transformational power of Jesus Christ. in worship attendance, membership, small group participaAnd we all share the responsibility and privilege of making tion, and the number of people engaged in music leadership. disciples, which can be as simple as inviting or welcoming We recently had a record number of people offer help at the someone to Amlin. West Side Free Store! We are seeing more children in worYes, we still have a few obstacles that stand in our way. ship and Sunday school as well. I expect that our financial Our parking lot is an eyesore and holds back many potennumbers, once received, will share good news as well. tial visitors that might find a wonderful fit with our congreBut whether you like numbers or not, numbers can only gation. We are outgrowing our sound system in the New reflect the reality that is producing them. Many people are Life Center and are frequently plagued with technical isresponding to God's invitation to a transformed life through sues related to sound. As our congregation grows, we Jesus Christ. Leaders at Amlin are stepping up and sharing would benefit from elevated staging so that all may feel their gifts in ministry and service. Our administrative board is connected to what's happening in the front of the sanctuworking in a coordinated fashion to faithfully focus on the ary. You will be hearing more in the near future about how fundamentals of being the church in the world. People are we will overcome these challenges. welcoming new people with genuine warmth and inviting In the spring, we will develop a broad and clear vision them into genuine relationship. for Amlin United Methodist Church for the next several Perhaps the most important dynamic that is shaping these years. I am so very excited that I have the privilege to positive numbers is related to the way that we are operating serve as your pastoral leader during this very exciting as church. We have been successful in shifting from a pastortime! centered congregation to a pastor-led congregation. At our I look forward to see where God will lead us during this size, this is a natural and expected shift that must occur if our thrilling time for Amlin United Methodist Church! church will continue to grow and serve effectively. See you on Sunday! In smaller churches, the pastor serves as the primary glue Pastor Steve and connection for the congregation. The pastor is the driving
The Pastor’s Message
Musical Notes... Continued from the front God and us in first service. Not to be outdone, second service has a new lead guitar player, Andy Clingman. He brings the talent of not only lead guitar, but also acoustic guitar and bass guitar. He has been covering bass for our praise band. Jason and the rest of the band continue bringing high energy, quality music to our second service. We now have two praise teams so that Jason and his team can have a rest occasionally. Our second team is headed by Joan Lasson . Christian
Mateos has been playing the baby grand piano for our second team but we are still working on finding guitar players. Our Children’s Choir is keeping busy. They sang for us Christmas Eve at the first service. In January, they sang a song from Snow White to go along with our Disney Themed sermons. We are very blessed to have so many talented and willing musicians in our church. We want to thank all of them for their service. If you would like to participate in one of the music ministries, please contact Christian Mateos 572-4589.
Marybeth Walters, director
il.com AmlinCommunityPreschool@gma (614) 771-1904 AmlinUMC.org
Dearest Amlin Friends, y, We have had two snow days! Wow, bab January has been a very chilly month. it's cold outside! , penguins and reviewing our shapes and We have been learning about hibernation Brett. She is an amazing author and illus colors. We are studying the author Jan GINGER BREAD BABY. trator. Our favorite book has been the n, run,, as fast as you can!, You can't We have been repeating the phrase "Ru ase They love this story and I feel this phr catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!�. t fas as , in a difficult situation.... Run, run can carry on to the teen years when put as you can!� children will be exchanging ValenWe will be having a Valentine's party. The ntines boxes. We will enjoy playing num tine's and making their own special Vale ty par conversation hearts. Sounds like a ber bingo and eating sugar cookies and to me!. Metro Parks come in to teach us about We will be having a naturalist from The e and spend the morning with us. animals. We are very excited for her com in signing up students for the fall. We February will also be the month to beg afternoon class on Tuesday and Thursare hopeful to have both a morning and . Please pass on our preschool inforonly s ning mor be will s day nes Wed s, day love to be full by summer. mation to all your little friends. I would port. Thank you for all your prayers and sup Love, Your Preschool Gal,
(614) 771-1904 AmlinCommunityPreschool@gmail.com
Looking for more? Tavern Theology
Get involved in your church community! Small Bible study groups are flourishing within our congregation. On Mondays Dee Elkins welcomes a dozen ladies into her living room for Frappe with Philippians, while just up the street in the Amlin fellowship hall Heather Stovall and Amy Grandy are leading a Disciple Bible Study group. On Tuesdays a Tavern Theology group meets and discusses faith issues at the Pint Room in Dublin. The younger children spent time on Sunday mornings in January studying the life of Jesus while the older children have been learning about the Bible and how to use it. Each of the children in grades 3-6 received a gift Bible from the church. The Run for God study/run group finished its fall program with the Jingle Bell Run in December and will be starting up again in late winter or early spring. Want to get involved? Information about all these groups is available through the church office.
What does the word “Mission” mean to you? We often think about “Mission” as performing physical services such as cleaning, painting, or fixing something for someone else. Sometimes we think of mission as serving others at soup kitchens, free stores, disaster relief or overseas travel to help other countries. What about the programs we hear and read from the United Methodist Church? Surely, those are mission. Truthfully, these are all valid responses; however, shouldn’t we think of these from a personal connection with those we serve? Initially, I struggled with writing the perfect article for this newsletter. I wondered how I could inject passion and enthusiasm, to engage you our congregation, to serve others. Reflecting on our busy lives can we decide to carve out time, energy, and yes, finances for greater causes beyond our four walls? Why do we focus on “the event” instead of the “connection” to those persons we serve? Your deep desire to care is where we truly impact people’s lives. Mission is simply the means to connect with people in need. Even at the smallest scale of servant leadership can make the biggest impact. I’m reminded of a recent testimony a woman shared with me. She was placing her items from her over flowing buggy onto the conveyer belt, when she noticed a man in his late 20’s buying baby food and formula with limited funds in front of her. She watched as the cashier reluctantly had to tell him this jar and this jar etc… of baby food doesn’t qualify under the WIC program. This broke her heart. She toyed with how she can take care of this situation without offending or embarrassing this man, or hurting his pride. As she looked back and forth comparing what she had on the conveyer belt in “cat food” to what he had in “baby food”, her tears began to well. Struggling to think quickly, she had the cashier ring up the portion of baby food he didn’t purchase and had the bagger run them out to his car. I could tell in her voice and her heart, it had nothing to do with the complement from the cashier or even from me. It had to do with serving others and the gratifying feeling of doing what was right in God’s eyes. Paying forward the blessings she has received in her life. And to think, this is just one example, of one person, with a heart to care. I hope we ALL have it in us to be aware and recognize we CAN make a difference
at any level of connection with people. Sharing your personal experiences of serving through mission work encourages others to do the same. Your passion and enthusiasm uplifts the people around you to reach out and want to do the same. It’s OK if you are new to mission thinking and it’s OK if you are really busy with work and life’s challenges. Let’s all pay forward our blessings to help another. Maybe you don’t have time, but you can help financially by sponsoring someone who can; or provide funds for a lunch or dinner to support a mission team. Maybe you can carve out some time to help a mission. We need everyone at Amlin to participate at some level, and please, share your testimonies of compassion. 2014 will be another year of mission focus for our church. Your mission team is already busy researching and planning several opportunities. You can expect our continuing support for programs such as the Westside Free Store, Blessings of the Bikes, Hammer & Nails, Imagine No Malaria Campaign, and many more. Also, we are evaluating at least a dozen more programs to promote with the hope of engaging everyone to Serve and be Disciples of Christ. One opportunity this year is with Hammer & Nails in Canton, OH the weekend of Saturday, February 15th-17th, and includes Presidents Day (Monday) to encourage the youth group. We will plan on 15 people, which is $60/person and includes housing, supplies and meals. If you want to go, but finances are a concern, let your mission team know because we will be contacting people for participation sponsorships. This opportunity will fill up quickly so get your name(s) on the list. We will have an alternates list started as well, in the event someone has to cancel. Please contact me at keith_justus@hotmail.com or 614-496-6412 with any questions or to signup. Let’s make this a fantastic event to connect with people in Canton. Together in Christ, Keith Justus & your Mission Team (Heather Stovall, Christian Mateos, Mary Vulic, William Hanes, Jennifer Gedeon, Mari Justus)
We are here to
SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church. You can… ♥
Help out with the Hammer and Nails mission trip on Feb 15, 16, and 17 in Canton, Ohio. 16 volun‐ teers will be needed, ages 12 and up. Contact Keith Justus or the church office for more information.
Participate in serving at the West Side Free Store on Saturday, March 1. Contact Mary Vulic.
Take part in the planning of the Blessing of the Bikes Sunday, which will be held in late spring.
Contribute to or attend the No More Malaria musical benefit. More information coming soon!
Share the good word with family and friends about our own Amlin Community Preschool. Regis‐ tration for fall classes begins this month. Contact Director Marybeth Walters for more information.
To present your mission ideas to the Risk‐Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.
W! Support UM Cut this out on and post it ! your fridge
Monthly Meeting The next meeting will by Feb. 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome all women of the church to meet with us! Fair Trade Coffee/Tea A reminder that we continue to have coffee and tea for sale through the Fair Trade Coffee Project. These are available in the NLC each week. Prayer Shawls with Hilliard UMC The shawls can be crocheted, knit, or sewn. To donate a shawl, please contact Linda Keller for more information.
Free Store Lunch This year the UMW will continue to support the Westside Free Store by serving lunch. Please mark your calendar and join us! We will serve on the first Saturdays of: March May September November Riverside Hospital “Sewing Day” Two members of UMW attended a recent event at Riverside Hospital. They gathered details and opportunities for mission and will bring it to the next meeting to share with others. Suggestions needed for Missions Bring ideas to the February meeting or send suggestions to Jen Bevington (mcfarljm@yahoo.com). Current suggestions include: ♦ Third world sister church ♦ Heifer project – pay for seed or animal for community
Service Ministries Schedule
If you would like to provide Hospitality refreshments between the early service and the late service, or if you are interesting in Service Ministries as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter please contact Eugene Pauley @ 614-570-8706 or e-mail @ sepauley@aol.com. Thank you!
Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Rd. Dublin, OH 43016
Sat 1
6:00-8:00 Youth Group
Hammer & Nails
23 Church Potluck New Member Class
3 7:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study Run for God Disciple
4 6:30 Tavern Theology Pint Room, Dublin
10 7:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study Run for God Disciple
11 6:30 Tavern Theology Pint Room, Dublin
17—7:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study Run for God Disciple H & N Returns
18 6:30 Tavern Theology Pint Room, Dublin
24 7:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study Run for God Disciple
25 6:30 Tavern Theology Pint Room, Dublin
7:00pm UMW
13 7:00 pm Team Meetings & Ad. Board
Hammer & Nails Mission Trip Leaves at 7 am