Country Talk - June 2014

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A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community


June 2014 The Word “The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers.” Acts 2:42



“Blessing of the Animals” Aug. 17 @ 11:00

Pastor Steve delivered a wonderful blessing over the riders for the 2014 riding season and 10tv captured part of it for the 6:30 news. Photos courtesy of Bruce Kerr.

Second annual event was a huge success On Sunday May 18 Amlin celebrated our Blessing of the Bikes. We had a total of 22 bikes, 10 more than our first event in 2013 and over 30 bikers! Our blessing was attended by both 10tv and the Columbus Dispatch! Pastor Steve delivered a wonderful blessing over the riders for the 2014 riding season and

10tv captured part of it for the 6:30 news. Many of our Amlin congregation supported our bikers by attending the blessing, joining with them in prayer, meal and making them feel very welcome. The second annual Blessing of the Bikes was a huge success thanks to the efforts of the entire Amlin family.

From the women who organized the potluck and purchased the church furnished supplies, to all who so very generously brought the many fine dishes, to the folks manning the grill, and all of those who helped set up, take down and clean up we say thank you. All of your efforts helped to make our “Biker” friends feel

welcome. Sharon and I, and Jen and Jason had an idea, but it took the Amlin family to make it a success. We offer a heartfelt “Thank You” to all of you. We are already in the planning stages for the third annual blessing in 2015. Sincerely, Jim & Sharon Oldham and Jason & Jennifer Bevington

Amlin United Methodist Church will host “Blessing of the Animals” at the 11:00 a.m. service on August 17. If you’d like to help organize this fun community event, please contact Pastor Steve.

Lay Reader Training June 8 @ 12:30 There will be refresher training for all liturgists on Sunday June 8 after the 11:00 service. Meet at the Panera on Mill Run around 12:30. Please contact Christian Mateos if you have questions.

The newsletter is going green! In our continuing efforts to be good stewards of the earth and of the resources that the congregation of Amlin UMC has entrusted to us, the newsletter team has decided to reevaluate its distribution. In the beginning, God asked us to be good stewards, taking care of the gifts God had created, which we can see in Genesis 2:15. After much prayer and careful consideration, we have decided that this issue of Country Talk will be the last one printed and mailed by the church. Each month, the newsletter is also emailed to over 150 people, and our hope is to be able to reach all newsletter recipients by email in the future. If you do not receive the newsletter by email, please call the church office at (614) 771-1904 or email us Prayerfully Yours, Sally Pauley, Nancy Chattoraj, Verna Baldridge, Jennifer Sayre, and Jennifer Gedeon.

Who Knew? Who’s New? Jennifer Fink, Sam Putka and Kim Wisecup are spring 2014 grads. After earning a degree in chemical engineering from Miami University, Jennifer is rewarding herself with travel to Italy. Her father, Rob will be joining her for half the trip. On her return she has a job

lined up in Pensacola, FL. Sam Putka graduates from Thomas Worthington HS. He will study engineering at Ohio Northern this fall. Kim graduated for Methodist Theological School in Ohio, or MTSO, in May. Congrats and best wishes to all! We welcome new members, Judy and Bob Stolar. They bring a life-time of family, work and travel experience along with an eagerness to worship and serve with us. We are

so pleased! Here are some facts you may not know about the Kaiser family, longtime Amlinites. There were 3 Kaiser siblings: Richard (Pat’s husband), Raymond (Norma’s husband) and Irene (wife of John Woerner). John Kaiser is Pat’s step-son. He and his wife Tammy have a son, Chris, who is a “weekend warrior” with the National Guard.. Vickie Ferguson is the daughter of John and Irene. Those in bold print are still living, loving members of our church.

The “terrific” twos are amongst us. Lydia Ganim celebrated her 2nd birthday on May 18. That was just after Kenley Slaughter’s in April. Harper DeStephen and Kennedy Fisher are following close behind with birthdays in June and July. The guys, Carter Holstein (September), Becket Hollinger (November), and Noah Wisner (December) will always be playing catch up. Wait a minute; maybe the guys are ahead. Mason Rumpf is still 2, having had his birthday last December.

Abby Gedeon will be leaving the twos behind in June. Who have I forgotten? One final note, this is in the pewtiful beautiful category. On a recent Sunday Cyndee Thomas and family filled a pew beautifully. She sat with grandson Noah, his parents Georganne and David Wisner and David’s parents, Ed and Brenda Wisner. All were together to hear David take his first musical lead in our worship service. He shared some original songs, which were lovely.

PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.

People struggling Baldwin Family Kaci Osborne Nathan Thompson Emily Kerr Jessica Terrie Gary Ellis & family Katie Wisecup John, Susan, & Michael Mortach/Mateos family Luke Bryan Allen Lily Mortach Amlin family Drew & Tori Mike Rice Terrie

Linda Keller The Sayre Family Gerry and Joan Lasson Angie Adkins’ Dad Gibson/Cook Family Community UMC Ashlie Stan Skiver Rick Urchyk Sheree Huntoon Lyn Blevins Chris Bev Serozynski Jen Stewart Teresa Vance & family Families & divorce Good court outcomes Lee Anne

Drew Praise for motherhood Bruce Kerr’s mother Barbara & Carmen Alan Carol Paul Lisa & family Duane Randall Flood Victims Orville Cruea Sarah Kennedy Blessing of the Bikes

Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month. The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at

Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.

CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: Website: Church Summer Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:00-1:00 Fridays: 9:00-1:00 Or by appointment

Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: Phone: (614) 668-5001

Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: Phone: (614) 562-2868

Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos

Treasurer Dee Elkins (614) 771-1904

Financial Secretary Becky Kent (614) 446-2359

This might be your family, a group of good friends, or our church. Are you rallying others as a Christian leader? If you’re not one of the leaders, are you supporting your leaders and offering your God-given From Pastor Steve Putka skills, talents, and other blessings? How might you You’re on His Team encourage a team win? When I played Little League, I had some of the worst coaches and some of the best. The worst one I grew up in Cleveland, which means screamed at us several inches from our little thirdthat I am not accustomed to rooting for grade faces. One belittled some of us when we winning sports teams. I heard a comedropped fly balls and only gave the good ice cream dian say, “When you grow up in Cleveland, you don’t to the best players. Pretty soon, I wanted to quit choose the Browns, Cavaliers, and Indians. Nobody baseball. But the best coaches were differreally does. They are given to you at birth.” ent. They cared about us, and enjoyed helpI have never really followed baseball much If you were a ing us to improve. You could tell that all of until this year, when I started listening to occabaseball us mattered. We all felt like part of the team. sional baseball games on the back porch. I player on Everybody got the good ice cream. listen to the Cleveland Indians, who are in the God’s team, Make no error here. God has “called up” cellar in the division standings. But the team how would all of us to be on the team. We are loved has its share of stars. They are people focused God describe deeply by God. God cares about you, and on seeing a bright future, and are combining you? loves you just as you are. God is the best discipline with talent to provide leadership to coach ever, and wants you to give it your all. their team. And God will joyfully help you as you stretch and This has got me thinking. If you were a baseball grow, trying new things to become stronger. It’s beplayer on God’s team, how would God describe you? In cause God sees your potential even when you don’t. the game of life, are you showing up for practice? EnGod knows you belong on the team, and you matter couraging your team? Building on fundamentals? Lookimmensely. Remember, no sport compares with being to Jesus, as your coach, role model, and team ing called to be on God’s team. And though Jesus, leader all rolled into one? Are you keeping your eye on we are all winners! the ball? See you in church! Pastor Steve Think of a group that you’d consider as your team.

The Pastor’s Message

We are here to

SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church.

You can… ♥

Serve on Saturday, June 21 from 1‐4 p.m. Come and enjoy the Ice Cream Social/fundraiser. Spread the word be‐ forehand and bring lots of friends on the day! (Volunteers can help with the serving, too!)

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July. Plan to attend and volunteer!

Serve as an occasional substitute for the Finks, who are cleaning the NLC this summer.

Help on Sundays with Children’s Church or in the nursery.

To present your mission ideas to the Risk‐Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.

The Blessings of the Bikes With more than 30 bikers, two local news teams, and a beautiful day of prayer, the 2013 event was a huge success! Plan for a third annual event next spring!

Kick off the summer with the UMW’s ice cream social on June 21 If the image of delicious scoops of ice cream smothered with tasty toppings makes your mouth water and if the thought of helping impoverished people provide basic needs for their families warms your heart, there is an opportunity for both on Saturday, June 21. Coincidentally that’s the first day of summer.

From 1 to 4 pm at our church, the UMWomen are sponsoring an ice cream social / fundraiser. Please put the date and time on your calendars and get your family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances here to enjoy the event and to donate generously. 100% of all monetary donations

will go to Heifer International. Our goal is $500, the cost to provide one milk cow to a needy family, but in our dreams we see $1000, enough for a milk menagerie (4 milk producing animals: a cow, 2 goats, and a water buffalo). Heifer International’s mission is to end hunger and poverty by helping

small scale farms increase productivity so families and communities become selfsustaining. They provide livestock and training. Through their “passing on the gift” program, recipients of livestock agree to pass on to other families or communities some of the livestock born of the original gift.

Other core values of the organization include: sharing & caring, sustainability & selfreliance, improved animal management & training, genuine need & justice, gender & family focus, nutrition& income, and spirituality.

Attend the joint service and potluck on June 22 to host The Cardinal Chorale On Sunday, June 22, Amlin will have one Sunday worship service at 10 am to host The Cardinal Chorale. A cookout and potluck will follow the service. The Cardinal Chorale, under the direction of Charles R Snyder, is the premiere youth chorus in the state of Ohio. Founded in 1995 from the select voices from the All-Ohio Sate Fair Youth Choir, the group has toured annually at large venues and has also has been honored to sing at occasions including three gubernatorial inauguration ceremonies. The group has been honored with receiving original compositions from such gifted arrangers as Len Thomas. The chorus will provide moving sacred music during a traditional worship service. Following the service, the youth choir will join our Amlin family as we provide hospitality through a cookout. All are encouraged to provide a teenager-sized side dish to share. Burgers and dogs will be provided.

“This is a worship service and experience that people will be talking about for quite a while. This choir has moved me to tears as they have praised God through their amazing music. We are both privileged and honored that they have offered to join us,” shared Pastor Steve. We hope you’ll join us, and invite a friend or two!

Service Ministries Schedule

If you would like to provide Hospitality refreshments between the early service and the late service, or if you are interesting in Service Ministries as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter please contact Eugene Pauley @ 614-570-8706 or e-mail @ Thank you!



Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Rd. Dublin, OH 43016


Mon 2

Tue 3

Youth Retreat Returns

Tavern Theology 6:30 @Oties

8– Pentecost! 9 Charge Conference Annual Conference Begins





Wed 4

Thu 5

Fri 6




12 7:00 Team Meetings 8:15– Ad. Board






21 1:00 Scoop Up The Blessings





Tavern Theology 6:30 @Oties

Tavern Theology 6:30 @Oties



24 Tavern Theology 6:30 @Oties


Noisy Sunday



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