A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community
The Word
"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." Jesus, Matthew 11:28
Calendar You won’t want to miss these exciting church events! Check out the back calendar for more!
Every Monday Women’s Bible Study Disciple
March 1 Serve lunch at WSFS
March 5 @ 7:00 Ash Weds. Service March 12 @ 7:00 Fellowship Hall Committed to Christ March 13 @ 7:00 Ad Board meeting
Can you figure out the connections between these groups of people? (Answers on page 3)
1) Christian Mateos, Stu Osborne, Jennie Wilson 2) Cassidy Walker, Matthew Wilson, Conrad Kent, Libby Thompson 3) Heather Walker, Joan Lasson, Lynn Kerr 4) Walter Hart, Bob Cook, Keith Justus, Bruce Kerr 5) Pam Ellis, Heather Stovall, Eugene Pauley, Dolores Blevins 6) Sonny Bayles, Mike Baldwin, Orville Cruea.
March 2014
Strategic plan is considered On March 13, Amlin's Administrative Board will decide whether to move forward with developing a strategic plan for our church. A strategic plan for a church provides specific focus and direction for the ministries of a church, and casts a large vision with five year goals. The process involves gathering information about our church and our community. We then prayerfully discern where and how we believe God is calling our church to fulfill the mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Deep and frequent prayer is a critical component of this initiative. On Feb. 1, ten Amlin Church members attended the Leadership Training Day that was promoted for several weeks at worship. While many sessions were offered and many different trainings were attended, the strategic planning workshop offered that day provided the spark to launch this process. Ad Board Chair Tony Ganim remarked, "The time is right for our church to cont. on page 6
Amlin UMC gets dirty to help others Not quite the home Mateos, Conrad Kent, will also be added make-overs you may Nick Walker, Alex later this week. As have watched on Mateos, and Matthew finishing touches cable TV, but it was a Wilson. were added, one little huge homeAt the home being 6 year old was visibly improvement job for rehabbed, the kitchen moved at the sight of Amlin’s mission team. was painted and his freshly made bed, On the long Presigiven new flooring a darling 3 year old dents Day weekend, new counter tops blondie loved her eleven enthusiastic will be added new comforter, 1 adult & volunteers from our later this and a grateful 6 children church teamed with week. The 10 year old were workers of the Hambathroom declared he helped mer and Nails organiwas revived would always zation in Canton, with a new keep his “new” Ohio to help a famlook, flooring, room clean and ily in need. paint, new mirror neat. They all had The family and new lightpretty big smiles on 11 being helped ing. 4 bedtheir faces with grateservants was a single rooms were ful hearts. participated painted, mother with Though the work 6 children Mom and was grueling, back at four children still daughter picked the retreat center at home; their ages lavender hues and provided for volunteer are 10, 8, 6 and 3. the 3 boys picked groups, all was not Our team led by their favorite sports work. Madison and Mari and Keith team Cleveland Cassidy enjoyed setJustus, Christian Charge (minor-league ting out the Saturday Mateos and Lindsey NBA) the colors inevening dinner, Whelan and 7 youth cluded 3 gold walls knowing that Conrad, Cassidy Walker, and 1 deep berry, a Matthew and Alex Madison Justus, Tori large wall team logo cont. on page 6
Who Knew? Who’s New? by Mary Vulic
Scott Walker’s new title is CIO of Partners Pharmacy. He loves the job, but Scott, Heather, Nick, and MacKenna are all having to adjust to his weekly commute to NJ. Not exactly a commute, but Curtis Thompson is doing some serious business travel. His job will take him to South Korea for a couple weeks.
Prayers for him, Robin, Libby, Nate and Hannah. Sheila Buckley has a new job too. She is now a Pediatric Occupational Therapist with the Hilliard City School District. Congratulations, Sheila! Sam Putka is doing a super job at his new job in our church nursery on Sunday mornings. The nursery often needs volunteer helpers-- no prerequisites and very enjoyable. Step up! Shopping is clearly one of Doreen Cole’s talents, one she places at the service of our church. In December she bought us a large roaster that can be used for West Side Free Store lunches. Two weeks ago she found roaster liners. Hurrah!!! This is great news for any volunteers who have had to clean the roast-
PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at wing1@sbcglobal.net. We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.
Karen & husband Betty & Mike Gina Killian Kentucky Family Gary Ellis Lincoln Family John & Sarah Good Carter Holstein Pete Lynn Kerr Jennifer Sayre Jennie Wilson’s parents Jessica Justus Drew Woerner Family Lynn Kerr Diane Michelle
Gwen Tilley Lee & Ann Laura and Izzy Sue Nicole Bagchi Mike Carlotta Cathie Briskey Jeanie Adams Barbara Smith Deck Murray family Doug Cheyeene Allwyn, Larry, Dick, and Roger Connor Gail Campbell Allwyn Swami The Wisecup Family The Elkins Family
Alyssa Wisecup Hunter Adams Lynsay Whelan’s cousin Amanda Dale Mike Ferguson Chuck & Mary Kay Withrow The Kerr Family Lee & Ann Blevins
ers. Doreen will be doing all the grocery shopping for our March 1st service lunch date at the WSFS. Thanks so much. Jennifer and Don Gedeon received a super Christmas gift, a childfree night on the town. They were given a night’s stay at a downtown hotel with child care included. Their love of board games will probably lead them to a Short North venue where they can game to their hearts’ content. They’re winners before they even start! Dozens of Anonymous Amlinites donated dozens of warm blankets and jackets in response to an emergency appeal from the Parsons Avenue Free Store. The cold weather is bringing out warm hearts to match exceptional needs. Way to go, donors!
CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016
Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Website: www.amlinumc.org
Church Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30 - 4:00 Fridays: 9:30 –12:30 Or by appointment
Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: sputka@me.com Phone: (614) 668-5001
Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month.
Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Phone: (614) 562-2868
The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at AmlinUMC@aol.com. If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at JenniferSayre7@gmail.com.
Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.
Treasurer Dee Elkins (614) 771-1904
Financial Secretary Becky Kent (614) 446-2359
The Pastor’s Message
dreds of United Methodists, each representing thousands, arrive to discern how we will organize the church, and what we will teach on social issues. Resolutions are used From Pastor Steve Putka as teaching tools, and retained in The Book of Resolutions. Matters of church structure, central social teachings, Science vs. Religion? and theology are included in The Book of Discipline. Since the 1700s we have never had a gathering when we did For the month of February, many of us not add, delete, or modify our teachings. I love this about United Methodism! We are always willing to continue liswill long remember the spectacle. Two tening for the Holy Spirit, and understand that the church teams locked in competition, each attemptcan both make mistakes as well as learn and grow. ing to emerge with a clear victory. So many watched the old So what do we teach about evolution? rivalry, and were rooting for their side. I am, of “We recognize science as a legitimate interprecourse, not speaking of the Winter Olympics. I am tation of God’s natural world. We affirm the validspeaking of the classic debate between Bill Nye (the The common ity of the claims of science in describing the natuScience Guy) and Creation Museum founder Ken question: ral world and in determining what is scientific. We Ham. “Must I believe preclude science from making authoritative It all got started with some shots being fired on in a literal six claims about theological issues and theology YouTube. Bill Nye posted a video called day creation to from making authoritative claims about scientific “Creationism is Not Appropriate for Children.” Ken be a United issues. We find that science’s descriptions of Ham fired back. Both sides were itching for a fight, Methodist cosmological, geological, and biological evolution and so a debate was held. Christian?” are not in conflict with theology.” I’ve been approached by some people about this And here’s what our Book of Resolutions has to debate. One person kindly offered me tickets to the say about teaching creationism in schools: debate! Maybe I should have attended, as the $25 tickets WHEREAS, The United Methodist Church has for many sold out in less than two minutes. Others have asked me years supported the separation of church and State, what I believe, and more importantly what United Methodists Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Conference of believe, about creationism. The common question: “Must I The United Methodist Church go on record as opposing believe in a literal six day creation to be a United Methodist the introduction of any faith-based theories such as CreaChristian?” tionism or Intelligent Design into the science curriculum of The quick answer is no. We United Methodists have a our public schools. pretty big theological umbrella. I love that about us! While we Described simply, we teach that science and religion affirm the historical creeds, we do not teach or require adhercan and should peacefully coexist. Science should not be ence to a literal interpretation when we consider the early used as a “club” to beat down religious beliefs, but we stories of Genesis, such as the creation stories and Noah’s also do not teach that religious beliefs should be used as Ark, for example. But neither do we write them off as mere a “club” to beat down the important work of scientists. The fable, devoid of powerful spiritual teachings about God and “war” between science and religion is pointless, and humankind. needs to call a truce! But how do we decide issues like this? Every four years, See you on Sunday! our church sends an equal number of clergy and laity to a Pastor Steve large worldwide gathering called General Conference. Hun-
Thanks for a decade of service
The answers from the on the front page: 1) All are preachers’ kids, but not alone in that. Besides the obvious Sam, Chad & Grace Putka and Abby & James Gedeon, add on Matthew Wilson, Lynn Kerr and Betty Baldwin. 2) All are 13 year olds who have been joys at Amlin since their births in 2000. 3) All work for Hilliard City Schools after school child care program. 4) All previously attended St. Marks on the Westside (as did Christian Mateos). 5) Listen to the light lilt of their voices; it reveals a shared Southern heritage. 6) With as many preacher’s kids as revealed in #1, it’s no surprise we are blessed with preachers, too.
A decade may seem long or short depending on your perspective, but for nearly a decade, Roger Shaw has been almost single-handedly ensuring that the carpet in our New Life Center is vacuumed and that the chairs are lined up so we can meet there together weekly for worship and fellowship. Roger was a very active member of our congregation as we dreamed of and realized our NLC. When the building opened in June of 2005, Roger was serving as a Trustee, a position he held for 8 years, often as Chair. As volunteers, Roger and Irene Foulk divided the custodial duties of the new building, with Roger’s half being carpet and chairs. In recent years many of us have stepped up and shared Irene’s half (trash, kitchen and restrooms), but Roger has quietly continued with his carpet and chairs. In December when Allwyn Swami and Larry Elkins assumed NLC cleaning duties, Roger stepped down for much-deserved rest. Maybe he’ll have time to organize some Friday evening euchre parties, a NLC activity many of us enjoyed with Roger just a year or so back. It’s not likely that Roger will remain idle. He and his wife Pam regularly serve as ushers and have often provided Sunday morning hospitality or worked on church clean-up days. As we know so well, most of what gets done at a church is done by volunteers. Roger’s service to Christ and to our church is a model for us all. Thank you, Roger, so very much.
Marybeth Walters, director
il.com AmlinCommunityPreschool@gma (614) 771-1904 AmlinUMC.org
Dearest Amlin Friends, ny and out like a lamb. I am ready for sun I am hoping spring comes in like a lion days, green grass and spring flowers. . I look ning about planets and nursery rhymes March will be a fabulous month of lear every year. forward to teaching both of these units to for the fall of 2014. Once again, I ask you We are gearing up for enrolling students yet tiny so is ones to our program. Our program put on your thinking caps to invite little one ll Christian atmosphere. They look out for so powerful. Our students learn in a sma t. n how to share, sing and pain another, care about one another, and lear ( cardabout the Olympics. We had bob sleds February was fun and fast. We talked paper sory table and we ice skated with wax board boxes) snow skis ,snow in the sen preis it e aus Everyone got a gold medal bec on our shoes. We also made gold medals. ner here! school and we can make everyone a win shared valentines and We ty. We had a wonderful Valentine’s Par played number bingo. rs. This morning we We are also learning to recognize our lette were eating ice cream at had ice cream in the mystery bag. We I think they will always 9:30 in the morning. My job is the best!! the letter I. remember that Ice Cream starts with Sunny wishes are sent your way! Love, Your Preschool Gal, Marybeth
New name, same mission The Special Events team has changed its name to the Special Church Funding Team, but not its mission. Our new name explains our goal: To raise funds, through several events, for church ground improvements and landscaping. Our projects this year: ♦ Wendy’s Burger Bash April 3 and August 28 at Wendy’s cemetery road in Hilliard. ♦ Farm Science Review in September. ♦ Kroger’s Community Rewards all year. Please ask your friends and neighbors to enroll their Kroger cards to benefit our church. A reminder to re-enroll your Kroger’s card each April to continue the benefits. More information on each project will be provided in the weekly church bulletins. Thank you for your support. Marybeth Walters, Director/Teacher AmlinCommunityPreschool@gmail.com (614) 771-1904
Planning a church activity? Share your news before and after the event! Get it in the newsletter! And make sure to take photos! We’d love to see what’s going on! Email your article and a graphic or picture to Jennifer Sayre at JenniferSayre7@gmail.com by 20th of the month to be included in the next month’s issue of Country Talk!
We are here to
SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church. You can… ♥
Participate in serving at the West Side Free Store on Saturday, March 1. Contact Mary Vulic. Mark your calendar for May 3!
Take part in the planning of the Blessing of the Bikes Sunday, which will be held in May.
Contribute to or attend the No More Malaria musical benefit. More information coming soon!
Share the good word with family and friends about our own Amlin Community Preschool. Regis‐ tration for fall classes begins this month. Contact Director Marybeth Walters for more information.
To present your mission ideas to the Risk‐Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.
Amlin UMC gets dirty to help others
Strategic plan is considered Continued from the front page look ahead and focus our ministries. Both Keith Justus and I left that morning with both helpful planning resources and the connectional support to help make it happen." They engaged with members of Lithopolis United Methodist Church, who had launched and recently concluded the implementation of their church's plan. The plan was successful, and led to increased spiritual depth for their church as well as growth in ministries. Tony and Keith have committed to learning from the Lithopolis UMC process as we consider implementing a planning process at Amlin. The process, if approved this month, will engage our entire church. The planning team will be composed of select church members who are excited about the future of our church, who have demonstrated leadership and investment in Amlin's ministries, and believe that God is calling them to serve in this capacity. Please contact Tony Ganim or Pastor Steve if you'd like to be part of the planning team. Photo Caption: Free Store volunteers give a “Two Thumbs Up” to the coats, blankets, and other cold weather items given by Amlin Church in February.
Women’s Emmaus Walk Weekend Pastor Jennifer Gedeon will be directing a Women’s Emmaus Walk, March 20-23. Applications are still being accepted, and she would love to have Amlinites join her. The group will gather around 7pm on the 20th and wind up in time for dinner on Sunday. The long weekend is a great chance to hear fellow Christians share about their spiritual journey and also to reflect on where you are spiritually and where you want to go.
Continued from the front page would have the fun of afterdinner kitchen clean-up. After the meal, young and old held a table discussion of gratitude, good deeds, and the impact on giver and receiver. Bedtime came early to the weary. Sunday brought worship at a local UMC and dining out followed by lots more work, work that continued well into Monday. As a sign that God was by their sides throughout the weekend, our missionaries arrived safely back home, just prior to Monday’s rain/sleet mix that left roads hazardous. Along with the gratitude of a blessed family in Canton, Team Amlin has our congregation’s gratitude for representing us and serving for us in Christ’s name. May God grant that in the future many more of us step up and experience the blessings of service.
Service Ministries Schedule
If you would like to provide Hospitality refreshments between the early service and the late service, or if you are interesting in Service Ministries as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter please contact
Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Rd. Dublin, OH 43016
2 New Member Sunday
3 Disciple Women’s Bible Study
9 Disciple Group movie event @ Dublin UMC
10 Disciple Women’s Bible Study
Sat 1 Westside Freestore Youth Lock-in– 5pm
5 Ash Wednesday Service– 7:00 pm
6 UMW– 7 pm
HCSD Preschool Scrapbooking Event
HCSD Preschool Scrapbooking Event
12 Lent Bible Study– 7pm
13 Team Mtgs– 7 pm Ad. Board– 8:15 pm
17 Disciple Women’s Bible Study
19 Lent Bible Study– 7pm
24 Disciple Women’s Bible Study
26 Lent Bible Study– 7pm
30 Noisy Sunday
31 Disciple Women’s Bible Study