AMS-Online Issue 01/2013

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01 2013


01 2013 EDUCATION Raw materials production - Abbau fester mineralischer Rohstoffe im untertägigen Bergbau

Tudeshki, H.

Institute of Mining | TU Clausthal | Germany

TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Global Blast Borehole Technique – Surface and Underground Mining with an Outlook to Future Techniques and Mining Developments

Wennmohs, K.-H.

Liquid oxygen explosivedevelopment and application

Becker | Schwark-Werwach

Tough going for man and machine

Jautze | Passmann | Schöniger

Analysis of transfer stations of belt conveyors with help of Discrete Element Method (DEM) in the mining industry

Minkin, A.

Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation Technique

Institute for New Basic-Technologies | Germany Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH | Germany

Innovative filler removal to improve the quality of crushed sands

ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group | Mining Europe

Gschaider, H. J. Binder+Co AG | Austria

Mining specialist BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran presents roadheader at BAUMA 2013


Thyssen Krupp: Modern gearless drive systems for high-capacity belt conveyors

Kerkhoff | Sehl | Svirsky

Mülheim an der Ruhr | Germany

ThyssenKrupp Robins Inc.| Denver | USA

NEWS & REPORTS Metso’s HRC™ takeshigh pressure grinding roll technology to the next level

Metso Minerals Deutschland

Sandvik Mobile Crushers and Screens unveil two new models at Bauma 2013

Sandvik Construction

Sandvik DC125R: Functional simplicity and nimble mobility

Sandvik Mining & Construction

One crusher, two configurations Sandvik ’s New Prisec TM CI5** Series HSI

Sandvik Construction

Sandvik: New Alpha 330 drilling tool system

Sandvik Construction

PREMIERE: First Presentation of the New REMAX 1112 MAXI to the Expert Audience!

SBM Mineral Processing GmbH

For 25 years, allmineral supplies innovative processing technology increasingly in demand throughout the world

allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik

Global innovation in the Contractor market: New mobile jaw crusher generation from Kleemann

Kleemann GmbH

Kleemann at bauma 2013: The concentrated power of mineral processing!

Kleemann GmbH

Wirtgen: rounds out new generation of cold recyclers and soil stabilizers

Wirtgen GmbH

Wirtgen Group Mineral Technologies: Maximum reliability and economic efficiency

Wirtgen Group

Wirtgen Group introduces 29 new products at bauma 2013: Innovative Solutions for Road and Mineral Technologies

Wirtgen Group

Bochum | Germany Essen| Germany Essen| Germany Essen| Germany Essen| Germany

Bell celebrates: 10 years of German manufacturing at BAUMA 2013! International market introduction: E-Series takes ADTs into new era!

Oberweis | Austria

Duisburg | Germany

Göppingen | Germany Göppingen | Germany

Windhagen | Germany Windhagen | Germany Windhagen | Germany

Bell Equipment Germany Alsfeld | Germany

Bell Equipment Germany Alsfeld | Germany

THIS MAGAZINE IS SUPPORTED BY: BBM Operta GmbH Continental/ContiTech ARIA International GmbH

Sandvik Metso MTC

Vermeer Wirtgen allmineral

01 2013 NEWS & REPORTS EDUCATION BELL VersaTruck: Full OEM solutions for niche markets

Bell Equipment Germany

HD785-7 Rigid Dump Truck Performance and Safety

Komatsu Europe International

New Komatsu WA380-7 Wheel Loader

Komatsu Europe International

New Komatsu WA500-7 Wheel Loader

Komatsu Europe International

Komatsu Hybrid HB215LC-1 Hydraulic Excavator at bauma 2013

Komatsu Europe International

Technology for Your Success! Komatsu ’s Innovations at BAUMA 2013

Komatsu Europe International

Volvo Construction Equipment stands for expert knowledge at Bauma 2013

Volvo CE Deutschland GmbH

Volvo Penta at Bauma 2013: A new, exciting Start /Stop function – and an update of the coming Tier 4 Final engine range

Volvo Penta

World Premiere at the 2013 Bauma: Liebherr TA 240 Articulated Dump Truck

Liebherr International AG

Liebherr is exhibiting its large IIIB-generation Wheel Loaders at the 2013 Bauma

Liebherr International AG

Liebherr exhibits revised Design of Midsize Wheel Loaders

Liebherr International AG

Liebherr introduces the 22-tonne R 922 Crawler Excavator at the 2013 Bauma

Liebherr International AG

Liebherr is exhibiting the 350-tonne R 9400 Mining Excavator at the 2013 Bauma

Liebherr International AG

LB 44 Rotary Drilling Rig completes Liebherr‘s Range of Products for Deep Foundation Applications

Liebherr International AG

Liebherr Components at the 2013 Bauma

Liebherr International AG

The Bauer BG range of rotary drilling rigs: The Premium Line concept

BAUER Maschinen GmbH

The Bauer Deep drilling rig RB-T 90

BAUER Maschinen GmbH

Atlas Copco: The new Boomer E - series

Atlas Copco Germany

Cut high fuel cost and increase productivity with Atlas Copcos new drill rig FlexiROC T45

Atlas Copco Germany

Alsfeld | Germany

Hanover | Germany

Hannover | Germany Hanover | Germany Hanover | Germany Hanover | Germany

Ismaning | Germany

Ismaning | Germany

Biberach an der Riss | Germany Biberach an der Riss | Germany

Biberach an der Riss | Germany Biberach an der Riss | Germany Biberach an der Riss | Germany Biberach an der Riss | Germany Biberach an der Riss | Germany

Schrobenhausen | Germany Schrobenhausen | Germany Essen | Germany

Essen | Germany

THIS MAGAZINE IS SUPPORTED BY: BBM Operta GmbH Continental/ContiTech ARIA International GmbH

Sandvik Metso MTC

Vermeer Wirtgen allmineral

01 2013 NEUHEITEN EDUCATION & REPORTAGEN ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe expands its service network on four continents!

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe: When the going gets tough: XAR® heavy plate for mining machinery!

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

PHOENIX at Bauma: PHOENIX with New Monitoring System and Corrugated Sidewall Belt

PHOENIX Conveyor Belt Systems

Duisburg | Germany Duisburg | Germany

Hamburg | Germany

Machines and systems for bulk material and piece good transport: BEUMER provides efficient solutions for the cement industry

BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG

Rotor impact mills for sand processing: BHS-Sonthofen: Cubical shaped grains with round edges

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH

Processing technology: BHS-Sonthofen: Gravel processing with BHS rotor centrifugal crushers

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH

HAVER NIAGARA GmbH – Member of the new HAVER & TYLER Alliance: HAVER & BOECKER Machinery Division Muenster became HAVER NIAGARA GmbH


HAVER NIAGARA F-Class – Eccentric Screening Machine with New Bearing Concept


HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean 2000 – New High Pressure Washing System with Increased Material Throughput: Minimized water consumption and improved cleanliness of bulk mineral products


HAVER-Snap-Guard ® – Optimized Wear Protection for Screening Machine´s Crossbeams: Easy maintenance and high efficiency


New Holland Construction will launch new W170C Recycler wheel loader at Bauma 2013

New Holland Construction

bauma 2013: ContiTech Presents Future-Oriented Product Solutions

ContiTech AG

ContiTech at the Hannover Messe: Success with Sustainable Products

ContiTech AG

bauma INNOVATION AWARD 2013: nominees for the bauma Innovation Award 2013!

Messe München International


Beckum | Germany

Sonthofen | Germany Sonthofen | Germany Münster | Germany

Münster | Germany Münster | Germany

Münster | Germany

Berlin | Germany

Hanover | Germany Hanover | Germany

Munich | Germany

The AMS-Event calender 2013

THIS MAGAZINE IS SUPPORTED BY: BBM Operta GmbH Continental/ContiTech ARIA International GmbH

Sandvik Metso MTC

Vermeer Wirtgen allmineral



Mining technology

Crushing technology

Heavy duty pumps

Conveying Solutions

Best results lead to the breakthrough If crusher technology by Metso looks after anything, then it’s your purse: the Barmac vertical impact crusher protects the rotor which controls the process in an autogenous layer of feed material in crushing. The mobile Lokotrack LT1415 protects the nerves, as its large intake opening prevents bridging. As a primary crusher, the LT140 saves time – in conjunction with the flexible Lokolink conveyor system it makes such progress in opencast quarrying that you can save a large proportion of your dumpers. Talk to us about the possibilities of staying successful even in difficult times. Metso Minerals (Deutschland) GmbH, Obere Riedstraße 111-115, 68309 Mannheim Karl-Heinz Hessler, Tel.: 0177/6608438, E-Mail: Issue 01 | 2013



Einführung in die Rohstoffgewinnung

Abbau fester mineralischer Rohstoffe im untertägigen Bergbau

Nach dem in den vorausgegangenen AMS-Ausgaben im by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H. Tudeshki Rahmen der Weiterbildung die Fachgebiete „Rohstoffsicherung, Surface Mining and International Mining TU Clausthal | Germany Lagerstättenerkundung, Reservenberechnung, Geomechanik und Hydrogeologie“ als Voraussetzung für Planung von Bergbauprojekten ausführlich behandelt wurde, setzt die Weiterbildung dieser Ausgabe mit der Einführung in die Rohstoffgewinnung fort. Nach der Eröffnung des Themas in der vergangenen Ausgabe durch die „Bergbaurelevanten Lagerstättenmerkmale“ werden in dieser Weiterbildung die Verfahren der Rohstoffgewinnung im untertägigen Bergbau behandelt.

Abbauverfahren Die Verfahren, nach denen der Abbau von festen mineralischen Rohstoffen im Tiefbau vorgenommen wird, sind sehr vielfältig. Überspitzt kann gesagt werden, dass die Abbauverfahren in ihrer Erscheinungsform so vielfältig sind wie die Lagerstätten selbst. Bei der Auswahl eines Abbauverfahrens ist die Ausprägung der Lagerstätte und hier besonders die Teufenlage, die Mächtigkeit, das Einfallen und die Standfestigkeit des Lagerstätten- und Nebengesteins der Haupteinflussfaktor. Nur durch Abstimmung des Abbauverfahrens auf diese Lagerstättenparameter wird ein Abbau des mineralischen Rohstoffes wirtschaftlich und technisch möglich. Die Abbauverfahren können nach verschiedenen Merkmalen eingeteilt werden. Die Merkmale können in drei Ordnungen unterteilt werden. Merkmale der ersten Ordnung sind die Bauweise und die Dachbehandlung, Merkmale der zweiten Ordnung umfassen Angaben über die Verhiebsart und -richtung. Die Merkmale der dritten Ordnung geben letztlich Auskunft über die Abbauführung und Abbaurichtung.

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Eine grundsätzliche Einteilung der verschiedenen Abbauverfahren wird mittels der Bauweise vorgenommen. Die Bauweise beschreibt, wie ein abzubauender Lagerstättenabschnitt in Angriff genommen wird. Die folgenden Bauweisen sind möglich: • • • • •

langfrontartige Bauweise, stoßartige Bauweise, pfeilerartige Bauweise, kammerartige Bauweise und blockartige Bauweise.

Issue 01 | 2013

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Bei der langfrontartigen Bauweise wird die Lagerstätte in einer Front von bis zu mehreren hundert Metern abgebaut. Die Abbaufront rückt dabei quer zu ihrer Erstreckung vor. Eine solche Bauweise wird bei großflächig abgelagerten, plattenförmigen Lagerstätten mit mäßigem Einfallen angewandt und ist typisch für den Abbau von Steinkohle.

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Wird die bestehende Lagerstätte in schmale Abschnitte, so genannte Stöße, eingeteilt, so wird dies als stoßartige Bauweise bezeichnet. Die einzelnen Stöße weisen dabei meist eine ein- bis dreifache Streckenbreite auf, können neben-, über- oder untereinander angeordnet werden und werden nacheinander abgebaut. Abbauverfahren mit stoßartiger Bauweise werden meist bei gangartigen Vorkommen des Erzbergbaus angewandt.

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Bei der pfeilerartigen Bauweise wird die Lagerstätte in Abschnitte, so genannte Pfeiler eingeteilt. Die Pfeiler werden durch vollständiges oder teilweises Umfahren hergestellt. Nachdem dieses Pfeilerstreckensystem aufgefahren wurde, kann in einem zweiten Arbeitsschritt damit begonnen werden, die Pfeiler und damit einhergehend den größten Teil der Lagerstätte abzubauen. Die Pfeiler können dabei je nach Ausprägung des Rohstoffvorkommens neben oder übereinander liegen. Die kammerartige Bauweise zeichnet sich durch das Herstellen von Kammern oder Örtern aus. Kammern und Örter sind gleichmäßig geformte Abbauräume mit einem lang gestreckten meist rechteckigen Grundriss. Wird der Hohlraum dabei in einem Arbeitsgang aufgefahren, entsprechen die Abmessungen also ungefähr denen einer Strecke, dann handelt es sich um Örter. Werden diese Abmessungen vor allem hinsichtlich der Höhe überschritten, so spricht man von einer Kammer. Eine Sonderform der kammerartigen Bauweise ist die so genannte Weitung.


EDUCATION Die blockartige Bauweise ist beschränkt auf sehr mächtige Lagerstätten. Das Vorkommen wird in Lagerstättenabschnitte mit zum Teil beträchtlichen Abmessungen, so genannte Blöcke, unterteilt. Der durch den Abbau geschaffene freie Raum ist bei diesem Abbauverfahren im Gegensatz zum Kammerbau nicht zugänglich. Eine weitere Unterteilung der Abbauverfahren kann durch die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Behandlung der Firste während und nach dem Abbau vorgenommen werden. Unter diesem auch als Dachbehandlung bezeichneten Merkmal wird die Behandlung der lotrecht über dem Abbauraum anstehenden losen oder festen Massen verstanden. Die Möglichkeiten der Dachbehandlung sind: • • •

der Festenbau, der Versatzbau und der Bruchbau.

Beim Festenbau wird das den Abbau überdeckende Gebirge durch stehen gelassene Lagerstättenteile, so genannte Bergfesten, dauerhaft abgestützt. Die Festen werden im Gegensatz zu Pfeilern nicht abgebaut. Wird der Versatzbau angewendet, so wird den beim Abbau entstandenen Hohlräumen durch das Einbringen von Versatzbergen ein neues Auflager gegeben. Der Versatz sollte eingebracht werden, bevor es zu Setzungen des Gebirges kommt, damit eine geringe und bruchfreie Absenkung der Deckgebirgsschichten erreicht wird.

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Merkmale zweiter Ordnung Nachdem die Abbauverfahren durch die Merkmale der ersten Ordnung bereits grob beschrieben wurden erfolgt durch die Merkmale der zweiten Ordnung eine weitere Spezifizierung. Merkmale dieser Ordnung sind die Abbau- bzw. Verhiebsrichtung, die Verhiebsart sowie die Abbauführung. Hierzu muss zunächst kurz erläutert werden, was im bergmännischen Sprachgebrauch unter Abbaubzw. Verhiebsrichtung zu verstehen ist. Im Gegensatz zur Abbaurichtung, die die Richtung beschreibt, in die sich der

Issue 01 | 2013

Die Verhiebsart beschreibt in welcher Weise die Abbaufront in Angriff genommen wird. Dies kann firstartig, strossenartig oder stoßartig geschehen. Die Abbauführung schließlich umfasst mehrere Merkmale. Sie beschreibt die räumliche Verteilung der Abbaubetriebe im Grubengebäude. Ein sehr wichtiges Merkmal in diesem Bereich ist die Unterscheidung ob es sich bei dem betrachteten Abbau um einen Vor- oder einen Rückbau handelt. Bei einem Rückbau werden ausgehend von einer Hauptstrecke zunächst die das Abbaufeld begrenzenden Abbaustrecken aufgefahren. Im weiteren Vorgehen wird das Wertmineral in einer rückwärts gerichteten Bewegung in Richtung der Hauptstrecke abgebaut. Beim Vorbau ist die Abbaurichtung von der Hauptstrecke wegführend. Die Abbaustrecken können dabei entweder vorher oder begleitend mit dem Abbau aufgefahren werden.

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Als Bruchbau wird das Verfahren bezeichnet, bei dem die Deckgebirgsschichten planmäßig zubruchgehen. Durch die beim Bruch auftretende Volumenvergrößerung des Haufwerkes wird der durch den Abbau und das Zubruchgehen entstandene Hohlraum gefüllt und dient somit den weiteren Gebirgsschichten als Auflager. Typischerweise treten beim Bruchbau Setzungen an der Tagesoberfläche auf.

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Abbau im Großen bewegt, sagt die Verhiebsrichtung etwas über die Richtung des Hereingewinnens des Wertminerals im Kleinen aus. Die Abbaurichtung beschreibt sozusagen die Strategie des Abbaus insgesamt, während die Verhiebsrichtung die Taktik vor Ort beschreibt. Sowohl die Abbaurichtung als auch die Verhiebsrichtung kann streichend, fallend, schwebend oder schräg realisiert werden, wobei die schräge und fallende Richtung nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung hat.

Abbauverfahren mit einer langfrontartigen Bauweise werden eingesetzt, wenn eine plattenförmige Lagerstätte mit großer Ausdehnung vorliegt. Beispiele für den Einsatz dieser Bauweise sind der Abbau der deutschen Steinkohle sowie der Golderzbergbau in Südafrika. Von praktischer Bedeutung bei dieser Bauweise ist heute nur noch der Strebbau. Beim Strebbau wird üblicherweise ein rechteckiger Flözabschnitt an einer langen Front abgebaut. Der als Streb bezeichnete streckenförmige Abbauraum wandert quer zu seiner Längserstreckung über die für den Abbau vorgesehene Fläche. Der Streb ist ein langer, schmaler Abbauraum von relativ geringer Höhe, der auf der einen Seite durch das Wertmineral und auf der Anderen durch den Bruch bzw. Versatz begrenzt wird. Die Höhe des Strebes ist abhängig von der Mächtigkeit des abzubauenden mineralischen Rohstoffes. Hinsichtlich der Dachbehandlung kann zwischen Bruchbau und Versatzbau unterschieden werden.



Abb. 1: Beispiel Strebbau [1]

diesen seltenen Fällen wird der Raum hinter dem Streb mit taubem Gestein aus der Kohlenaufbereitung, so genannten Waschbergen, verfüllt.

Die nachstehende Abbildung 1 zeigt den Strebbau, wie er im deutschen Steinkohlenbergbau angewendet wird. Ausgehend von den Hauptstrecken werden bei diesem Abbauverfahren die obere und untere Abbaustrecke (Kopfund Bandstrecke) aufgefahren. Der Streb wird durch ein so genanntes Aufhauen eingerichtet. Das Aufhauen legt die Abbaufront für den späteren Abbau frei und stellt die Verbindung zwischen den beiden Abbaustrecken her. Ausgehend von diesem Aufhauen bewegt sich der Streb rechtwinkelig zu den Abbaustrecken durch die Baulänge. Der Strebraum wird auf der rechten Seite der Abbildung durch den bereits ausgekohlten Bereich, den Alten Mann, begrenzt. Links des Strebraumes liegt die noch abzubauende Kohle an.

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Um einen Wetterzug durch den Alten Mann und damit einhergehend eine Entzündung von Restkohle zu vermeiden werden Streckendämme errichtet. In dem in Abbildung 1 dargestellten Beispiel wird die untere Abbaustrecke nach dem Durchgang des Strebes abgeworfen. Die obere Abbaustrecke hingegen wird für das nachfolgende Abbaufeld als untere Abbaustrecke erneut genutzt.

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Der Bereich des Alten Mannes wird entweder mit Versatz aufgefüllt oder aber zu Bruch gehen gelassen. Beim Strebbau ist der Bruchbau üblich, nur ein geringer Anteil der weltweit im Strebbau gewonnenen Kohle kommt aus Streben in denen Vollversatz angewendet wird. In

Issue 01 | 2013

Ein weiteres Merkmal der Abbauverfahren mit langfrontartiger Bauweise ist die Abbaurichtung, bei der beim Strebbau die Richtung verstanden wird, in die sich der Streb als Ganzes bewegt. Im Bezug auf die Lage des Flözes im Gebirge kann sich der Streb in streichender, schwebender oder fallender Richtung bewegen. Eine Auswahl von Kombinationen der Abbau- und Verhiebsrichtungen zeigt die nachstehende Abbildung 2.

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Die Abbaue links in der Abbildung zeigen eine streichende Abbaurichtung mit schwebendem (oben) und fallendem (unten) Verhieb. Die Abbildung rechts zeigt ein Abbauverfahren mit einer schwebenden Abbaurichtung und einem schwebendem Verhieb

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Zur weiteren Beschreibung des Abbauverfahrens werden Aussagen zur Abbauführung getroffen. Ausgehend von einem Aufhauen wird der Streb zwischen der oberen und unteren Abbaustrecke ins Feld geführt. Werden die Begleitstrecken gleichzeitig mit dem Streb aufgefahren so wird dies als Vorbau bezeichnet. Bei einem Rückbau werden die Begleitstrecken zunächst in ihrer gesamten Länge bis zur Baufeldgrenze hergestellt. An der am weitesten von der ausgehenden Hauptstrecke liegenden Stelle wird dann das Aufhauen hergestellt und der Streb zurück zur Hauptstrecke geführt (Abbildung 3). Die nachstehende Abbildung 4 zeigt ein Beispiel eines langfrontartigen Abbauverfahrens wie es im südafrikanischen Golderzbergbau angewendet wird. Das Golderz wird in dem als Reef bezeichneten Flöz mit einer Mächtigkeit von rund 1 Meter abgebaut. Gegenwärtig werden in Südafrika Teufen von 4.000 m und mehr erreicht. Das Flöz wird abgebohrt und gesprengt, das



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Abb. 2: Abbau- und Verhiebsrichtungen beim Strebbau

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Abb. 3: Vor- und R端ckbau

Issue 01 | 2013



Abb. 4: Strebbau im Golderzbergbau [2]

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Abb. 5: Golderzbergbau Mponeng Mine, Südafrika [3]

so freigelegte Gestein wird mit Hilfe von Schrappern zur Hauptfördersohle gefördert und von dort nach übertage transportiert. Ein Charakteristikum des südafrikanischen Golderzbergbaus sind die Pfeiler aus geschichtetem Holz, die die Tragfähigkeit des bereits ausgeerzten Bereiches unterstützen.

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Abbauverfahren mit stoßartiger Bauweise

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Die Abbauverfahren mit stoßartiger Bauweise zeichnen sich durch die Einteilung der Lagerstätte in Streifen oder Stöße aus, die in flacher Lagerung nebeneinander und in steiler Lagerung übereinander liegen. Erst wenn

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ein Stoß vollständig abgebaut ist, wird mit dem Abbau des nachfolgenden Stoßes begonnen. Die wichtigsten Ausführungen dieses Abbauverfahrens sind der Stoßbau und der Firstenstoßbau. Diese beiden Varianten werden im Folgenden näher betrachtet.

Beim Stoßbau werden nacheinander mehrere Meter breite Stöße aufgefahren. Die nachstehende Abbildung 6 zeigt anhand des Beispiels Erzbergwerk Meggen einen Stoßbau bei flacher Lagerung. Ausgehend von einer Strecke, die durch den Erzkörper aufgefahren wird, werden zu beiden Seiten der Strecke Stöße in Angriff genommen. Nachdem ein Stoß vollständig abgebaut wurde, wird er versetzt. Im Anschluss kann ein neuer Stoß angegriffen werden. Die Abförderung des Erzes erfolgt durch die mittlere Strecke.

Abb. 6: Stoßbau in flacher Lagerung, Beispiel Erzbergwerk Meggen [1]

Issue 01 | 2013



Abb. 7: Prinzip des Strossenstoßbaus [Quelle: SME Mining Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition Volume 2, 1992]

Auch bei steiler Lagerung kann der Stoßbau eingesetzt werden. Diese besondere Art des Stoßbaus wird als abwärts geführter Stoßbau oder als Strossenstoßbau bezeichnet (Abbildung 7). Hierbei werden die einzelnen Stöße nicht nebeneinander sondern untereinander aufgefahren. Ausgehend von einer Wendelstrecke oder Rampe wird eine Strecke im Erzkörper aufgefahren. Im Erzkörper wird zudem ein Rollloch aufgefahren, durch das das Erz auf die tiefer gelegene Fördersohle verstürzt werden kann. Ist ein Stoß vollständig abgebaut, wird er versetzt und dient dem darunter zu gewinnenden Stoß als Firste . Der Versatz wird durch einen im Versatz mitgeführten Verschlag bis auf die zu versetzende Stelle transportiert. Allerdings gilt das Verfahren als verhältnismäßig leistungsschwach und teuer. Aus diesem Grund kommt es nur noch selten zum Einsatz.


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Der Firstenstoßbau kann bei steilstehenden Erzlagerstätten eingesetzt werden. Ausgehend von einer Wendelstrecke (Abbildung 8) wird im Rahmen der Vorrichtung zunächst eine Gangstrecke aufgefahren, die den Erzkörper in seiner gesamten Mächtigkeit unterfährt. Die Gangstrecke ist meist durch eine Schwebe, das heißt durch einen stehen gelassenen horizontalen Lagerstättenstreifen, von der Förderstrecke getrennt. Ausgehend von der Gangstrecke bzw. von der nächst höher gelegenen Sohle werden vertikale Rolllöcher für das Erz und den Versatz erstellt.

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Abb. 8: Prinzip des Firstenstoßbaus [1]



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Aus der Gangstrecke bzw. aus einem vorher erstellten Überbruch wird ein gerader Firstenstoß mit einer Höhe von bis zu 4 m aufgefahren. Dies geschieht mittels Bohr- und Sprengarbeit. Ist dieser Stoß abgebaut kann er versetzt werden und dient als Arbeitsebene für die Gewinnung des darüber liegenden Stoßes. So wird ein Stoß nach dem anderen angegriffen, bis die nächst höhere Sohle erreicht ist. Als Versatzarten kommen Spül-, Pump-, Sturz-, Blasoder Schleuderversatz in Betracht.

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Eine Sonderform des Firstenstoßbaus ist der so genannte Magazinbau. Das Verfahren ist nur bei sehr standfestem Nebengestein und einer regelmäßigen Ausbildung der Lagerstätte anwendbar. Der Abbau funktioniert prinzipiell wie beim Firstenstoßbau, allerdings dient hier das bereits gesprengte Haufwerk als Arbeitsebene für den Angriff des nächsten Stoßes (Abbildung 9). Da das gesprengte

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Abb. 9: Magazinbau [2]

und damit aufgelockerte Gestein mehr Raum in Anspruch nimmt als das anstehende Gestein, muss ein Teil des Erzes durch Trichter auf die Fördersohle abgezogen werden. Es muss stets soviel Haufwerk abgezogen werden, dass ein ausreichend großer Arbeitsraum im Bereich des Firstenstoßes entsteht. Das Verfahren ist sehr leistungsfähig, allerdings ist ein großer Teil des verkaufsfähigen Wertminerals auf längere Zeit im Speicher gebunden. Zudem ist das Verfahren nicht anwendbar, wenn das Material, wie bei einigen sulfidischen Mineralen der Fall, zur Selbstentzündung neigt oder wenn eine Veränderung des Speichergutes beispielsweise durch Oxidation auftritt, die eine Aufbereitung möglicherweise erschwert.


EDUCATION Bibliography

[22] Thyssen-Schachtbau: Thyssenschachtbau-Report 2004


Reuther, E.-U.: Lehrbuch der Bergbaukunde


Atlas Copco: Underground Mining Methods – Mining Methods case studies, a technical reference edition,




Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe: Verschiedene Artikel und Publikationen


GibGas – Fahren mit Erdgas: Internetpräsenz


Bay. Sand- und Kiesindustrie: Schriftenreihe der bayrischen Sand- und Kiesindustrie, Heft 2


Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe: Dr. Michael Kosinowski, Tendenzen auf dem Rohstoffmarkteine Analyse der BGR


Deutsches nationales Komitee des Weltenergierates: Energie für Germany – Fakten, Perspektiven und Positionen im globalen Kontext 2002


DEBRIV: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen 2003

[10] World of Mining Surface and Underground: Die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen – insbesondere von fossilen Energieträgern, 04/2004 [11] Verein der Kohlenimporteure: Jahresbericht 2003 [12] Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe: Rohstoffwirtschaftliche Studie, 2002 [13] DEBRIV: [14] Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft e.V.: [15] Wirtschaftsvereinigung Bergbau: Nachfrage und Absatz von Steinkohle, [16] USGS – United States Geological Survey: Iron Ore – Statistics and Information, Mineral Commodity Summaries 2005 [17] International Aluminium Institute: Aluminium production production/ [18] Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle: Metallstatistik 2003

[23] Thyssen-Schachtbau: TS Schachtbau und Bohren, Internetpräsenz [24] RKK-Soilfreeze Technology: About Ground Freezing, [25] Deilmann-Haniel: Herstellung einer Wetterbohrung auf der Schachtanlage Heinrich Robert, Zeitschrift Unserer Betrieb, April 1992, [26] Herrenknecht: Datenblatt VSM 8000 Shaft sinking machine 11/2004 [27] Orica: Internetpräsenz der Firma Orica, [28] DBT: Internetpräsenz der Firma DBT,, Broschüre DBT Diesel FBR-15 Coal Hauler [29] Atlas Copco: Internetpräsenz der Firma Atlas Copco, Photoarchiv, [30] Kali und Salz: Internetpräsenz der Firma K+S, Pressefotos, [31] Deutsche Steinkohle AG: Internetpräsenz der Firma DSK, Bildarchiv [32] Betek: Internetpräsenz der Firma Betek [33] Eickhoff: Bildmaterial der Firma Eikhoff Bergbautechnik GmbH [34] Wirth: Internetpräsenz der Firma Wirt,, Broschüre RM T 1.24 [35] Parallelgraphics: Bildmaterial der Firma Parallelgraphics, [36] Voest Alpine Bergtechnik: Internetpräsenz der Firma Voest Alpine Bergtechnik, Bildmaterial ASVA [37] Herrenknecht: Internetpräsenz der Firma Herrenknecht [38] Geo Kompakt: Geo Kompakt, Nr. 1, 2004, Die Geburt der Erde, Vom Werden und Vergehen der Gesteine, S. 89 [39] Steinkohle-Portal: Internetpräsenz

[19] Volker Lukas: Kali- und Steinsalz in Germany, Akademie der Geowissenschaften, Hannover, 2002, Veröffentlichung 20, (2002), S. 54-62

[40] DBT: Internetpräsenz der Firma DBT,

[20] IG BCE: Bericht I/2004, Kalibergbau und weiterer Nichtkohlenbergbau

[42] Mining Magazine: Mining Magazine, Ausgabe Februar 2005

[21] Deilmann-Haniel: Internetpräsenz der Firma DeilmannHaniel,

[41] Halbach & Braun: Internetpräsenz der Firma Halbach und Braun,

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hossein H. Tudeshki studied from 1977 to 1980 at the Mining College of Shahrud (Iran); following several years of work in the mining industry, he completed his mining study at the RWTH Aachen in 1989. Since 1992 he was Chief Engineer at the Institute for Surface Mining (Bergbaukunde III) of the RWTH Aachen, mainly active in the field of open cast mining and drilling technique. He did his doctor degree in 1993 and qualified as a university lecture in 1997. In 1998 the Venia Legendi was awarded to him be the RWTH Aachen for the field “Rock and Earth Open Pit Mining”. In November 2001 he was appointed as Professor for Surface Mining and International Mining at Clausthal University of Technology. He already has over 25 years of experience in the field of project planning and cost-benefit analysis within the frame of various mine planning projects. The international tasks rendered by him mount up to more than 300 international raw material-related projects. | | |

Issue 01 | 2013


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Global Blast Borehole Technique

Surface and Underground Mining with an Outlook to Future Techniques and Mining Developments

Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Wennmohs Atlas Copco | Mining and Rock Excavation Technique | Essen | Germany

Blasting and drilling engineering has proven to be one of the most effective and safe loosening techniques in global surface and underground mining. However, it should be noted that this statement does not refer to mining operations with geological conditions that allow for application of economic, mechanical loosening techniques.

Blast Borehole Technique – Underground The 30 kW impact performance limit for hydraulic drill hammers in underground small bore drilling (38 -64 mm) was considerably increased through the launching of a 40 kW hydraulic drill hammer during the 2012 Las Vegas exhibition. With today’s drilling tool standards, such performance boosts are only possible through an increase of blow rate. The reasons are clear limits to the resilience of drilling tools, with regard to the maximum load through single impact energy. This new generation of hydraulic drill hammers with more than 100 Hz blow rate requires highest precision in control of the hammer mechanism and in production of the components.

Fig. 1: Development of Impact Performance in Hydraulic Drill Hammers

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Controlling such extraordinary high impact performance is only possible with a highly developed computer system, since reaction times for influence on drill parameters are extremely small, due to the high drilling speed. Furthermore, in relation to the progress of drilling, the drilling fluid has to be adapted to the conditions of the cuttings according to pressure and volume. This performance class is primarily applied to 2-4 armed drilling jumbos, which are operated according to requirement profiles of automatic operations for mechanical pre-drilling and injection drilling of up to approximately 30 m. This drilling technique status in hydraulic drilling hammers for small bore drilling will remain for a few years, but further developments can be expected.

Development of Impact Performance in Hydraulic Drill Hammers


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 2: Four-armed drilling jumbo Boomer XE 4 with COP 4038 drilling hammers

Up to now, this design size of drill jumbos has been designated for classical tunnel driving. However, with the extension of mines and the increase in diameters, twoand three-armed drill jumbos are increasingly being used in excavations. Typical examples are tunnels and drifts for the underground excavation in the Chuquicamata mine, north of Chile.

Fig. 3: Drilling equipment for underground extraction drilling

In the year 2000, with high-performance hydraulic drill hammers with 40 kW impact energy, the production drilling equipment developments for underground long hole drilling were already advanced. Compared to drill hammers for small bore drilling, this drill hammer class has completely different impact characteristics. In these applications, considerably bigger and stronger drill rods are applied in connection with other borehole diameters (76 -140 mm). These drill hammers have substantially higher single impact energy, and the impact frequency is considerably lower. It is for this reason that the dimensions and weight of the main piston are basically larger. Such are important drilling parameters for long hole drilling. Apart from classical top-drill hammers, down-thehole hammers are increasingly being used in large-scale operations. The reason is bigger bore hole diameters and the comparatively long boreholes. It is possible that there are limits for the transfer of impact energy for the top hammer drilling with these conditions.

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 4: Extraction drilling device with water-driven down-the-hole hammers

These down the hole hammers are operated with compressed air or water. In compressed air application, high-performance compressors are used, which increase the available air chucking from 5 bar to 20 -25 bar. In order to reduce the dust generation, these devices are operated with an air-water mix. In terms of energy efficiency, water-operated down-the-hole hammers are powerful

and much more economical than if they are operated with pressurized air,. However, the operation with water requires an underground infrastructure, which allows for such volumes and quality of water. A typical utilization of this technique can be seen in the LKAB in north Sweden Kiruna.

Fig 5: Detecting and drilling through dislocations

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Modern long-hole drilling devices for underground extraction offer all possibilities for control and can generate a complete wheel of bore holes, up to a borehole length of 50m, either fully automatic or through remote control. Since, according to the rocks to be drilled, such borehole lengths call for a change of drill bits, these devices with top drill hammers offer the possibility of automatic drill bit change. The drill bit magazine on the drilling device makes this possible. This magazine can carry 9 drill bits with a diameter of 115 mm. Based on the parameters given, a modern drilling device control selects the time of changing the drill bit. This is critical for the drilling progress, but also an important step towards optimizing costs of drilling devices, since it prevents over-drilling of drill bits. In order to ensure that high-performance drilling devices can drill securely and appropriately, they have to be able to timely detect and react to irregularity in mountains, e.g cavities or areas with very soft formations. This technique ensures that, upon reaching such a zone, the drill hammers automatically are put into a reduced impact performance mode, and unnecessary empty strokes are avoided. After drilling through this zone, the system recognizes the situation, and the drilling device continues to work at full force.

Drilling borehole technique above ground The mining in open pit mines through loosening and crushing begins with modern drilling devices. In formations of over 100 MPa rock compression strength, these are devices with percussion drilling methods like top-drill hammers and down-the-hole hammers. Exceptions are open pit mines with borehole diameters between 180 mm and 406 mm. If the rock parameters of approx.. 80 – 200 MPa compression strength allow for it, rotational drilling methods with rotary bits are applied. In higher compression strengths, which can be above 300 MPa, modern down-the-hole hammers are applied. It should be noted that transition between rotary drilling technique with rotary bits and the percussion drilling is fluid and is dealt with differently. Large open pit mines with annual outputs of 60 -100 million tons possess modern drilling tools, which can often operate without extension drill rods in bench heights of up to 18 m. This drilling technique, which is internationally called “single pass drilling”, reveals high gross drilling outputs and allows for automations, if needed.

Fig. 6: Rotary drilling DM for borehole diameters of 203 – 305 mm

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Nowadays, drilling devices for diameters of 51 – 178 mm are the drills mostly used in quarries and they work with top- or down-the-hole hammers. The impact performance of top drill hammers in this machine sizes lies in a spectrum between 20 and 40 kW. Modern down-the-hole hammers of this class, with an operation pressure of 30 bar, have a comparable impact performance of 40 kW and above on the borehole bottom. Drilling devices in weight categories of up to 25 tons are used in open pit mines with an annual production of up to 10 million tons, or in large operations for special drilling tasks, which cannot be covered by large-scale drilling equipment. This so-called large-scale drilling equipment are design sizes with machine weights of up to 200 tons. This is understandable, since it is necessary to specify respective pressure values on the drill string, without changing the position of the drilling device. When applying rotary drilling technique, in which mostly rotary bits are applied, large amounts of cleaning air are needed to convey the cuttings from the borehole bottom to the borehole top with high speed. In order to do so, compressors are installed on these drilling devices. They have a delivery quantity of up to 105 m3/min, with an operation pressure of 7.5 bar. With this technical fitting the installed motor performance on the drilling devices is 1200 kW. This can be either a diesel engine or an electrical engine.

Example of a typical open pit mine in hard rock The Boddington open pit mine of the Newmont Company, in which gold and copper are mined, is located in west Australia, close to Perth. Its geology consists mainly of andesite and diorite, with a specific density of 2.8 tons/m3, and uniaxial compression strength of 250 MPa. In addition, there is dolerite with a specific density of 3.0 tons/ m³ and compression strength of > 300 MPa. These geological data naturally have influences the drilling engineering during mining. All drilling devices are equipped with rotating hammer drills, which mainly are down-the-hole hammers. Mining extends over two open pit mines, which are connected to each other. The bench height is 12 m, the borehole diameter for the extraction drilling boreholes is 216 mm. Smaller borehole diameters are only selected for border areas (slopes). The drilling pattern, which based on geological conditions, was developed in a way to produce a rock pile with smallest possible fragments, in order to use the cost benefits of blasting engineering, compared to crusher engineering.

In the areas where due to geology, rock strength and quartz content rotary drilling technique reaches economical limits, these drilling devices are used with down-the-hole hammers in diameters between 193 and 269 mm. For such applications the drills are equipped with high-pressure compressors with delivery quantities of up to 41 m3/min at 24 bar. The exhaust of the down-the-hole hammers is utilized as drilling air. The motors in these type series have 560 kW and are electric or diesel-powered. An important step in development of drilling engineering is the so-called PARD-Method. PARD stands for percussion assisted rotary drilling. This technique consists of a standard rotary drill bit, with a down-the-hole hammer, which strikes a socalled “soft” stroke on the drill bit with the low air pressure (7.5 bar) of the drill air. The combination of these systems presents astonishing results. The following results show an example. In an open pit mine in South America , with a rock compression strength of 200 – 250 MPa, borehole depth 16.5 m, boring time with rotary drilling approx.. 60 min/borehole. The combination of rotary drilling technique and down-the-hole hammer reduced the time by 50%.

Fig. 7: 7 PARD = Percussion Assisted Rotary Drilling

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Fig. 8: Boddington open pit mine of the Newmont Company in Australia

The extraction from this operation is approximately 100 million tons per year. Currently 18 drills, including equipment of subcontractors, are operating around the clock. 100,000 meter drilled per month is needed for production. This can be achieved with a gross drilling performance of 22.5 meters drilled per hour for production drillings of 216 mm borehole diameter.

Approximately 1,000 km of drifts are needed for preparing the actual mining. An economic operation of such deposits with decreasing metal contents is only possible through conveying of large masses. The projections show a reduction of copper contents in the deposits. The positive characteristic of Chuquicamata is the share of molybdenum in raw ore.

The mining of approximately 100 million tons produces roughly 100 tons of gold and an interesting amount of copper (Source Newmont)

This mining method requires high investments in development and equipment. The under-cut and the production areas require a considerable number of drifts. In order to start mining in 2018, four production levels are excavated, which ensure mining of 340,000 tons of copper per year. Once the digging is completed and the block cave is in operation, mining costs are very low, as there is only loading and conveying. The classical drilling and blasting is only applied for crushing of large ore rocks at loading points, when mechanical bolder equipment fails.

Planned Large Mines The current situation in the commodity industry leads globally active mining companies to large investments in brownfield and greenfield projects. Therefore, extensive mining projects are being implemented or planned in mining regions. Examples are projects in Mongolia, project Oyu Tolgoi and in Chile. The open pit mine Chuquicamata in Chile is being developed into an underground mining. This open pit mine is currently the largest copper open pit mine in the world, with an annual production of approximately 440,000 tons copper per year. This means that this mass open pit mine will be converted into the world’s largest underground mine ever operated. In the course of conversion the open pit mine is crossed underground with tunnels and drifts and consecutively operated as a typical mass mine with the block caving mining method.

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Mining is concentrated on a level stripping of the ore body at the numerous loading points, as well as on avoiding cavities within the mining area. The operating equipment is construed for a daily conveyance of 150,000 to 200,000 tons. Since such conveyance can hardly be done vertically, it is done by belt conveyance. The excavations have started in 2012. Various internationally renowned companies conduct the excavations for ventilation-, transport- and access tunnels and the underground exploratory work of the open pit mine. This work is planned to be completed within the next years, until the start operation is taken up, and the underground mining is to start in 2018.



Fig. 9: Developed mining with bock caving

Outlook Future mining operations, which are developed from open pit mines or as “greenfield projects”, increasingly are planning their work with the “bock caving” mining method, in order to achieve their high production goals. However, this technique presumes specific mountain parameters. In case these are not met, known mining methods are to be applied, which can be modified based on the available machine- and blasting agent technique. In these large mines, automation possibilities should increasingly be used, particularly in the areas of drilling engineering and conveyance. This includes involvement of the entire equipment in a computer network, which allows for remote control and access to equipment functions in case of interruptions. The connection can help to use recorded data of the drillings, as well as borehole position and length for consecutive blasting. The search for suitable personnel is more and more becoming a key issue for mining companies. Jobs in mining have to offer more than financial incentives, they have to be attractive and to attract the future generation. Among these attractions are trainings with simulators (drilling, loading, conveying).

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Automation is the key in open pit and underground mining. The rationale for this need lies in the abovementioned problem, which is finding personnel for open pit and underground mining. But another key argument is the possibility of a higher utilization of machines. The matching of drilling and blasting engineering with the goal of optimal fragmentation of the excavated material will have a central position in the cost-structure of mining. Therefore more interaction of drilling and blasting engineering is needed in the future. There is a high potential for development in the overall area of mining. In medium-term, mechanical loosening techniques will be a serious competitor for drilling and blasting engineering. This is not only due to safety issues with regard to handling explosives, but also due to the discontinuous operation of drilling and blasting engineering. Currently there are extensive global efforts to develop a continuous cycle in the advance technique, through the application of new methods in mechanical loosening technique.


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 10: Networking of Equipment

These new technologies will be applicable to all geologies encountered. It could be a possible solution, particularly in mining in extreme depths of 5,000 m and above, as the dangerous and difficult working conditions in these depths pose great challenges due to the increase in rock bursts. In the coming years the available drilling technique for open pit and underground mines, combined with blasting means, will not loose much of its market shares. Mechanical loosening techniques with all their advantages in operation will have to prove cost-effective. This is exactly why there is a potential for advancements in modern drilling and blasting engineering in future years.

Issue 01 | 2013

Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Wennmohs Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation Technique Langemarckstrasse 35 D-45141 Essen




Liquid oxygen explosive

development and application

by Dr. rer. nat. C. Becker | Dr.-Ing. B. Schwark-Werwach | Institute for New Basic-Technologies (INBT) | Nordhausen | Germany

During the 17th BUS- Congress, the two authors of this paper have made two separate presentations on the characteristics (1) of the PMMA-LOX-Ex system and the resulting automated applications with regard to blasting (2). During the past two years many new studies have been conducted on the PMMA-LOX-Ex system, as well as studies on further applications of the system in various areas of blasting , such as special blasting and extraction blasting.

In summary, these are: 1. Operation of blasting equipment that allows for being furnished with up to 25 kg of LOX-Ex 2. Determining further blasting parameters and outputs of the PMMA-LOX-Ex system. 3. Implementing various simulated blastings. 4. a) Plating and b) impacting of conventionally nonweldable metals through blasting. 5. Successful multiple shelling with LOX-Ex-capsules on gypsum and greywacke rocks, according to the LOX-Exmethod (2) introduced in 2011. 6. First successful test on the basis of the Imloch-blasthole method. 7. First successful developments and testing of LOX-Exfuses.

Operating blasting equipment of up to 25 kg LOX-Ex This is manually operated equipment that pre-cools fuel and containers of explosives and doses initial amounts, mixes and stores them in Thermo- storage boxes. The centrepiece is the pre-cooler for the molecularly structured nano-particle-fuel, seen in fig 1. The central cylindrical space, which is equipped with a mixing shaft, serves for the collection of fuel. It is enclosed by a double-walled barrel, which is filled with the cooling medium, that is liquid nitrogen or oxygen. After 1.5 to 4 hours - based on the amount of cooling liquid and intensity of stirring- the fuel is cooled to a temperature of approximately 160째C, which is sufficient for a dust-free mixture.

The INBT would like to thank the following companies and institutes for their support and collaboration in reaching these development milestones: BAUER Maschinen GmbH, Perforator GmbH, Knauf German Gypsum Works KG, ISAF TU Clausthal, KANEKA Corporation, SFL Water Power Plants GmbH and the BAM.

Fig. 1: Pre-cooler (right), LOXEx- storage box (left)

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY In a thermos container, shown in figure 1, the material needed for the application are weighed in, mixed with the LOX and kept until usage.

Further blasting parameters and outputs The LOX-Ex is a liquid oxygen- fuel system, in which the fine structure of the fuel is specifically used to influence parameters such as blasting speed. The composition of the explosive, the system PMMA-LOX-Ex, can be adapted to respective tasks. As such it is possible to optimize the quality of the blasted rock. Following parameters can be “pre-set” in advance: a) Load intensity b) Speed of detonation from approx. 1000 m/s to over 9000 m/s c) Volume of fumes and d) Blasting dynamics or smashing power. On a): Like with all explosive agents, this is determined by simple specification of quantities, immediately before application. On b): NIn addition to patented methods, the granulation or compaction (specific cluster forming) of the molecularly structured nano-particle fuel is the determining factor for this target parameter. On c): the volume of fumes, which are generated during chemical reaction of the blasting agent, can be set by a dosage of LOX or by addition of water in appropriate physical modification. On d): The blasting dynamics of the explosive can be optimized through integration of chemically inert material and spacing or shaping elements at the load.

Many video documentations (6) of free blasting tests show that in the moment of chemical reaction the fire ball (reaction plasma) lights up well visibly and big in size, according to the energy content of approx. 9 MJ/kg. The view can only occasionally be obstructed by raised dust. Contrary to many conventional blasting agents that are construed to gas and fume generation, this reaction plasma that passes into the gas phase has its “own” extensive and short-term thermodynamic energy content. This potential can be extended for a few ms and shifted through addition of long-term fume generators, at the expense of the fireball power.

Conducting various simulated extraction blastings Three simulated extraction blastings were conducted in the years 2011 and 2012. The first two test were qualitative ones, and it was only the third test which aimed at a quantitative result regarding the break-off amount per each kg of explosive.

Test 1: Borehole blasting This test was conducted in a vertical borehole of a depth of 4m and a diameter of 90 mm, with a distance of approx. 3 m to the rock edge in the gypsum rock. An insertion slot consisting of PP is inserted over the entire borehole length. The upper meter of the inserted tube was designed in a way, that it could be removed after inserting the load. This tube was filled with 12 kg LOX-Ex (i.e. 4kg/m) from the borehole depth up to 1 m below the surface, and insulated on the top with snow and ice (since it was a winter day) and ignited with a commercially available instantaneous fuse. The result of the blasting left nothing to be desired.

Further parameters are: •

Smallest column charge tested in 2011 was 14 mm. In the upscaled comparison of tested column charges of 70 mm no losses in break-off amounts and quality of blasted rock could be seen. Tests have shown that, based on rock type, 85 to 100 g PMMA-LOX-Ex, applied with insultation, break off approximately 1 ton of rocks. In case both components of the PMMA-LOX-Ex (i.e the PMMA fuel and liquid oxygen) are applied in pure form and in correct relation of composition, no toxic nitrogen oxides occur, only H2O and CO2.

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Test 2: Mini blasting The aim of the test was, •

To check whether charge columns with very small diameters entail output losses

And to determine, how the blasting performance and grain composition changes with the design size, as well as to develop a basic concept of the automated and low-vibration continuous extraction blastings with regard to feasibility.


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY 6 Boreholes of 28 cm depth and 20 mm in diameter were drilled into the anhydride soil in two lines and with a distance of 45 to 50 cm, vertical to a brim. PE tubes with an internal diameter of 14 mm were inserted into the boreholes, which were each filled with approx. 38 g PMMA-LOX-Ex, furnished with an electrical detonating cap, insulated and ignited. The holes directly facing the brim were furnished with instantaneous fuses and the second row was furnished with fuses with 25 ms delay. Due to some mishaps during precooling of the insertion slots and fuses it was only possible to fill and ignite 4 遜 holes instead of 6. In addition the terrace was neatly blasted off and it was proven that charge columns with diameters of 14 mm can ignite and blast without output losses.

Figure 3 shows the image sequence from high-speed video-taping of the pit blasting, picture 4 shows the excavated pit.

Table. 1: Blasting results of a pit blasting operation

Length of blasting pit approx. Width of blasting pit approx. Depth of blasting pit approx.

3,9 m 3,2 m 2,6 m

Density of gypsum rock

2 t/m続

Volume of rocks

30 m続

Amount of rocks Amount of explosive

60 t 5 kg

Test 3: : Rock Pothole blasting

Specific baring/heading

6 m続/kg

Weight ratio rock/PMMA-LOX-Ex

12 t/kg

For future tests it was planned to create a blasted cavity in the closed gypsum- bedrock.

Explosive requirement

ca. 84 g/t

Table 1 contains all quantifiable specifications for this test. And the most important result is that, based on type of rock, 85 g to 100g stemmed PMMA-LOXEx can breakoff approximately 1 t of rocks.

Fig. 3: Image sequence of pit blasting from the high-speed video documentation

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 4: View of the excavated pit

Explosion cladding and impacting With regard to the above, one test each was conducted in 2011 and 2012. Test 1: Explosion cladding of Cu on steel, according to the experiences of relevant industries. Test 2: The component part that was to be blasted open was applied on the carrier with “meteoritic” force.

Plating Blasting open a 3mm thick, 30 cm wide and 40 cm long Cu-plate on a construction steel plate of the same size. The image segments of the image show the test procedure. Above left: Sample preparation; right; blasting with a total of 4.5 kg LOX-Ex. Below is the team with the “welded” plate and on the right the sawed out sample stripes. The detonation speed of PMMA-LOX-Ex was set at approx. 4000 m/s up to 4500 m/s.

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Picture 6 shows on the left a close-up view over the area of inter-metallic alliance between steel and copper (the beam shows the measure 50 µm). The right section of the picture shows a typical wave structure with amplitudes of up to 240 µm, along the intermetallic contacting (Source: DMC Dynaplat GmbH). Interestingly there was no wave formation with LOX-EX-Plating. Fig. 5: Explosive plating of Cu on construction steel



Fig. 6: Left - close-up view of the LOX-EX-connection, right- typically occurring wave structure over the connection (DMC Dynaplat Co)

Impacting Contrary to plating, where metal parts are “rolled into each other“ through blasting, the goal of impacting is to explosively connect small-area and conventionally unweldable metals through direct exposing and higher speed. During the tests a Cu-, as well as an AI plate with thicknesses of 3 mm and 50 mm square were flatly exposed on a construction steel plate with measures of 20 mm thickness and 100 mm square, through 300g LOX-EX. Picture 7 shows the impacted plates immediately after the test. In the upper part of picture 8 micro-sections over the inter-metallic interface of AI and in the lower part the one of the CU steel bonding is shown.

Fig. 7: Left- Impacting CU on steel and right – AI on steel

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Based on the chosen experiment setting and the data of explosives, the estimation method according to De Carli and Meyers for speed of flyr plate (3) resulted in impact velocities of approx. 2600 m/s for the CU plate and 4400 m/s for the AI plate. Under the same conditions, in case of usage of C4 in place of PMMA-LOX-Ex, the Cu plate would have impacted the steel with 2200 m/s and the aluminium plate with 3400 m/s.

Serial shots of LOX-Ex capsules on gypsum and greywacke rocks In 2011 and 2012, further technical developments were done and extended tests were conducted on the drilling and blasting method, also called LOX-Ex-Method (2). Hereby special, simply constructed PET capsules were filled with LOX-Ex and shot on gypsum- and greywacke rocks, as well as on a quarry rock face.


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 8: Above: microscopic view of the metal connection AI and below CU on steel

Picture 9 shows the set up of the pneumatic shooting site, which consists of the remotely controlled loading preparation and the shooting device (transvector). Left in picture 10 some PET capsules are shown before the pre-cooling and filling, and right in the picture a snapshot of the baring in successive penetration into the rock is shown.

Fig. 9: Ready for operation plant, according to the LOX-Ex method

The graphics in picture 11 show development of the vertically tapped depth- or penetration profile, for two shots (above) and the absolute depth development, in connection with the number of shots (below). The graphics pertain to the tests shown in pictures 9 and 10, where the same location in the quarry wall was permanently shot at. One PET capsule is filled with approx. 75 g PMMA-LOX-Ex. A free greywacke rectangle of a size of approximately 1.2 m3 was also shot at. This rock is considerably harder than gypsum and anhydride rock.

Fig. 10: Left- PET capsules and right- rock baring/penetration into the rock face

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Fig. 11a: Depth Development of the Penetration Process

After the first four hits the rock already showed a three-dimensional tear system, which permeated approximately 2/3 of the rock volume. Picture 12 shows the greywacke rocks. After three more shots bigger rock segments started to break out. These tests with the LOX-EX-method already show that with PMMA-LOX-EX the excavation performance is twice as much as with the method that is run with C4 and which was developed in the 1970ies by Loui and the AAI Corporation (4).

After 10 shots After 5 shots

First test according to the Imloch blasting method The Imloch- drillblast method (named according to the Imlochhammer- drill method) is a special application form of the LOX-EX-method. The difference is, that a sack borehole is installed in the rock with a drilling machine, in which a LOX-Ex load is shot. See scheme of picture 13. In the first test of the method, the loop “drilling- shooting in� was passed through three times. The drillings were done with a hand drill and were therefore not ideal with regard to their diameter quality and depth (manually only 10 to 15 cm per drilling could be achieved)

Drilling depth development

drilling depth [m]

Three shots were fired. Each shot broke off rocks in a funnel-shape around the drilling. Picture 13 illustrates the method.

Fig. 11b: Depth Development of the Penetration Process

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number of shots


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 12: State of greywacke rock, approx. 1.2 m3, after the 7th shot

In case drillings are set accurately and by machine, specific rock break-offs of more than 400 kg per 100 g of LOX-Ex can be expected, independent of the rock type. This method can also be applied in an automatized way and possibly in combination with adits and tunnel boring machines. This is particularly possible in case mechanical and rock-breaking tools fail in particular rock formations. An advantage is, that with PMMALOX-Ex , no poisonous gases are generated and the dust can be removed by normal ventilation.

Fig. 13: Principle of Imloch drillblast method

Initial Developments and tests of “LOX-EX-fuses” Lox-EX explosive can be ignited safely and reliably with commercial electrical detonators. Why use LOX-EX fuses? •

In case small portions of LOX-EX loads are brought to reaction in an automated way, a classical electrical detonator would boost costs per ignition of load.

Tests have shown (WIWEB 2008) that in case of igniting LOX-EX-loads with EL detonators, the detonation speed increases to the final speed after a distance of 2 to 3 cm. This distance is too much if geometrically small loads are used.

Fig. 14: Test of the Imloch Drillblast method

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Electrical cables are inexpedient during firing of capsules

During impact- welding tests it has proven beneficial, if the detonation speed is accelerated from almost zero to full speed, in order to keep the amount of explosives low.

LOX-Ex- fuses only become explosive in contact with liquid oxygen.

The fuses or detonation accelerators used up to now have been selected from the field of corruscatedexplosives (5), i.e non-gas producing explosives. This type of “LOX-Ex” fuses are currently applied to •

The LOX-Ex-Method

The booster-ignition of impacting and compacting tests and

The pneumatic, remotely controlled ignition of LOX-Ex loads.

Picture 15 shows two examples of utilization of such fuses. On the left a “naked” heat shell capsule for the LOX-Ex method can be seen. A hard gelatine capsule is under the tip of the liner, which contains an appropriate coruscate. In the moment of collision the coruscate in the LOX-Ex ignites and immediately causes acceleration of detonation speed to the maximum value. This happens even before the proper motion of the capsule in collision damages the geometry. In the right part of the picture there is a tiny booster load at the tip of the electro- detonator (black arrow). This load is activated through the fuse and acts as “detonation accelerator”, so that a successful impact-welding of small objects becomes possible with relatively small LOX-Ex loads. Fig. 15: Coruscated, LOX-based ignition and detonation accelerator

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Bibliography [1] C. Becker: “Ein Kryosprengstoff der neuen Generation“; 17. Kolloquium Bohr-und Sprengtechnik, TU Clausthal, Januar 2011. [2] B. Schwark-Werwach: “Ein neues Verfahren zum automatisierten Sprengvortrieb“; 17. Kolloquium Bohr- und Sprengtechnik, TU Clausthal, Januar 2011. [3] P. S. De Carli and M. A. Meyers: Design of Uniaxial Strain Shock Recovery Experiments; Preprint from: Shock waves and high-strain-rate phenomena in metals (1981); Poulter Laboratory, SRI-International Menlo Park , California 94025 U.S.A. [4] Maurer, W. C.: Advanced Drilling Techniques, ISBN 0-87814117-0, Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101, 1980. [5] C. Becker: “Neue Methoden zur Sprengung – Umweltschonend und Kostengünstig”; Public Security – Energie & Rohstoffe 1-2012. [6] Videodokumentationen und –Veröffentlichungen zu den LOX-Ex-Versuchen des INBT im Internet; s. youtube, Kanal von „ Aruncillos „.

Dr. rer. nat. C. Becker Institute for New Basic-Technologies (INBT) Alte Leipziger Str. 50 99734 Nordhausen

Dr.-Ing. B. Schwark-Werwach Institute for New Basic-Technologies (INBT) Alte Leipziger Str. 50 99734 Nordhausen



TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Literaturverzeichnis Dr. rer. nat. C. Becker

[1] C. Becker: “Ein Kryosprengstoff der neuen Generation“; 17. Kolloquium Bohr-und Sprengtechnik, TU Clausthal, Januar 2011.

Institut für Neue Basis-Technologien (INBT)

[2] B. Schwark-Werwach: “Ein neues Verfahren zum automatisierten Sprengvortrieb“; 17. Kolloquium Bohr- und Sprengtechnik, TU Clausthal, Januar 2011.

Alte Leipziger Str. 50 99734 Nordhausen

[3] P. S. De Carli and M. A. Meyers: Design of Uniaxial Strain Shock Recovery Experiments; Preprint from: Shock waves and high-strain-rate phenomena in metals (1981); Poulter Laboratory, SRI-International Menlo Park , California 94025 U.S.A.

Dr.-Ing. B. Schwark-Werwach Institut für Neue Basis-Technologien (INBT)

[4] Maurer, W. C.: Advanced Drilling Techniques, ISBN 0-87814117-0, Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101, 1980.

Alte Leipziger Str. 50

[5] C. Becker: “Neue Methoden zur Sprengung – Umweltschonend und Kostengünstig”; Public Security – Energie & Rohstoffe 1-2012.

99734 Nordhausen

[6] Videodokumentationen und –Veröffentlichungen zu den LOX-Ex-Versuchen des INBT im Internet; s. youtube, Kanal von „ Aruncillos „.



Advanced Mining Academy

Weiterbildungsprogramm Mining:

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Eine praxisorientierte modulare Ausbildung für Fach- und Führungskräfte der Bereiche Mineralische Rohstoffindustrie Maschinenindustrie Rohstoffhandel Finanzsektor Dienstleistungssektor

Das Weiterbildungsprogramm Mining setzt sich inhaltlich aus vier geschlossenen Modulen und einer abschließenden Exkursion zusammen. Rohstofflagerstätten Tagebautechnik Untertägiger Bergbau Arbeitssicherheit und Recht

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Tough going for man and machine by Tilo Jautze | Veit Passmann | Mario Schöniger Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH | Germany

Fig. 1: Raise boring HG250 while drilling


n July 2008 RAG issued a call for tenders for the sinking of a new staple shaft at West colliery. The bidding consortium ‘ventilation borehole F275’ – comprising partners Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH and DHSS GmbH – has tendered successfully for RAG vertical development projects for a number of years and the client also entrusted this challenging engineering project to the experience and know-how of the F275 consortium.

Technical background Ventilation borehole F275 was constructed by raise boring to a diameter of 3.66 m and a depth of 320 m. Its completion meant a new ventilation route to the two proposed new working panels 630 and 632 in the deeplying Girondelle seam. Given the existing shaft parameters it was decided to use a Wirth type HG 250 raise boring machine for sinking the staple shaft. In order to achieve the directional accuracy specified by the client a Micron self-adjusting rotary vertical drilling system (RVDS) was employed in conjunction with a 10 „ drill string for the 12 ¼ „ directional borehole. After the pilot hole had been drilled to completion the directional drilling system with its roller bits was replaced by a Sandvik 3.66 m-wide raise boring head fitted with 20 monobloc disc cutters.

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Raise boring: Raise boring is a technique for drilling largediameter boreholes in solid rock. Raising means using a dry drilling process whereby an extension drilling head fitted with discs gradually cuts its way to the surface. The largest raise boring machines currently in operation can draw up to 1,500 tonnes. This class of machine can drill shafts more than 6.0 m in diameter and up to 1,000 m in depth – depending on the strength of the local rock strata. One of the prerequisites of the raise boring method is to have access at the bottom end of the hole in order to clear away the debris produced as the machine cuts its way upwards.


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Pilot drilling The assembly and equipping work began at West colliery in November 2008, though the pilot drilling did not commence until 21.01.2009 due to a delay in completing drivage E550 for the bottom roadway. This lower road was to be widened to create a chamber that would constitute the end-point for the staple shaft with its shaft bottom. The pilot hole had to break through as accurately as possible to the centre point of this chamber. In order to achieve this level of directional accuracy it was decided to use a self-adjusting vertical drilling system, which is capable of a drilling precision of up to 0.3% deviation from the vertical. The pilot hole was drilled using a rotary, direct flush boring technique (direct circulation method) and the drill mud – in this case clean water – was fed to the drilling unit by means of a twin piston pump. The drilling operation started off smoothly and after seven days the pilot hole broke through to the chamber. The deviation from vertical was about 15 cm. The RVDS did not have to be changed over and completed the entire 320 m without a hitch.

The entire drill string was then removed and the RVDS with its drill bits dismantled. The drill string was then reassembled and connected to the raise boring head so that the raise boring machine with its connecting rod could be set up in the shaft bottom chamber. Once this assembly work had been completed the chamber was sealed off with a baffle wall, for safety reasons, so that the drilling debris falling down the raise hole would not pose a risk to men and machinery. A small opening was left in the right side of this screen to provide access for a chain conveyor that would gather up the material as it came piling over the top of the debris heap and transport it directly to the main belt installation.

Hole widening All the preparatory work was completed by 11.02.2009 and the raise boring phase could begin. Unfortunately the drilling team realised after just a few metres that the geological conditions were far from ideal for a raise boring operation. During the first 30 m there were major rock collapses that prevented the drilling head from cutting uniformly and steadily. Add to this the fact that these large blocks of rock, some of which measured up to 0.5 mÂł in size, occasionally caused damage to the drill head, which then had to be repaired.

Fig. 2: Assembling of the reaming head at the bottom of the blind shaft

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY After discussions with Sandvik it was decided that the raise boring head should have its cutter arms and disc cutters strengthened so that the normal drilling performance could be achieved even under such difficult conditions. Some of the drilling parameters, including contact pressure and rotational speed, were also adjusted to meet the challenge. As soon as these measures had been implemented the boring operation was able to continue at a quite acceptable rate of advance. The extremely large-sized debris also posed loading problems at the foot of the shaft: the larger blocks sometimes jammed the chain conveyor and transfer point to the belt installation and had to be reduced in size. This meant frequent belt stoppages, which had a major impact on the drilling work and resulted in significant delays. The enormous mechanical stress imposed on the drill head, combined with the frequent changes in the geological make-up of the strata – harder rock alternating with soft to very soft ground – also meant that the drill head had to be repeatedly inspected and cleaned. The entire hole widening operation lasted until 04.06.2009. Despite the delays imposed by the poor geomechanical conditions the operation was completed within the planned time frame thanks to the introduction of week-end working shifts.

Shaft support After the drilling operation had been completed on schedule the shaft support phase was able to commence as planned in June 2009. RAG also commissioned the F275 consortium to carry out this part of the overall project. The infrastructure required to complete the support work was set up around the top of the shaft opening. This comprised a rope pulley frame, a platform winch, two hoisting winches for men and materials, an emergency travel winch and a cablewire winch. The ventilation shaft was to be lined with a layer of shotcrete at least 5 cm thick to support the inner face of the shaft column and, additionally, to act as a levelling layer in those areas where breakouts had occurred. The frequent side-wall collapses encountered during the raise boring operations resulted in a much higher consumption of shotcrete than originally planned and formwork had to be installed in some sections before applying shotcrete to level off the larger cavities that had formed in the sides of the shaft. The shotcrete was delivered pneumatically

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Fig. 3: Working stage and rope pulley

via a drop pipe and a Schuerenberg concrete pump was used to dry spray the material into place. The material was supplied by the client in ‘big bags’. The shotcrete phase was followed-up by the installation of a three-piece yielding ring support system combined with a roll-mesh lining that was fixed directly to the shaft wall. The very cramped working conditions for the fitting and assembly team (shaft diameter 3.6 m) called for an extremely precise operating routine and perfectly coordinated logistics.

Pipework As soon as the shaft lining had been completed the operation then switched to the installation of some 15 inshaft pipe columns. This comprised two fully-supported GRP pipes plus a total of 13 tension-proof socket connections with their mounting points at the top of the shaft. Screw couplings were also used for various pipes that would supply the new working panels with water, gas, air and calcium chloride (CaCl2).


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY The final phase The final piece of equipment to be installed was a small cage system that would be used for regular descents of the shaft in order, for example, to examine the condition of the pipes. This installation comprised a rope pulley frame, winch and travel cage. The cage itself ran on a tensionrope guidance system, with boarding and alighting points provided at the top and bottom of the shaft.

Conclusions Despite all the problems and unforeseen obstacles staple shaft F275 was finally delivered on time, and fully equipped, in March 2010. The completion of F275 signalled the go-ahead for the first panel in the Girondelle seam to be started up.


Tilo Jautze

Veit Passmann

Mario Schöniger

Source: Thyssen Schachtbau Mining Report 2012/2013 THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU GMBH Sandstraße 107 - 135 45473 Mühlheim an der Ruhr Tel.: +49(0) - 208 - 3002 - 0 Fax: +49(0) - 208 - 3002 - 327 eMail:

Fig.: Raise boring HG250 while drilling

Issue 01 | 2013



Analysis of transfer stations of belt conveyors with help of Discrete Element Method (DEM) in the mining industry

by Dr.-Ing. Andrey Minkin ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group | Mining Europe |Northeim | Germany


ntroduction: Steady growing demand on row materials in emergency markets boosts a development and improvement of bulk material equipment in mining industry. Belt conveyors and their elements remain most popular mining equipment due to its very high productivity. Transfer stations are widely used for belt conveyors, where a bulk material is transported over long distances and/or complex mine or nature terrains. In the mining industry heavy and hard bulk materials (e.g. crushed rock or similar) must be transported very often. In this case a carefully designed transfer station essentially contributes for a long life time of a conveyor belt. The behavior of a bulk material flow in a transfer station is very complex and cannot be described sufficiently by an analytical model. The analysis of alternative designs of a transfer station can be aided by using a numerical simulation based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM) before a transfer station is ever built. DEM was developed in the 70th of the twenty century by Cundall for geo- and rock mechanics and is widely used now for simulation of material handling equipment [1]. From many numerical methods the DEM-method is the most representative one to describe a complex dynamic behavior of the discrete and discontinuous processes, which is e.g. the transportation of bulk materials.

Table 1: Typical transfer station designs used in the mining industry

Impact wall

Rock box

Transfer stations and feeding points remain one of the most important and challenging units of belt conveyor systems, because a poor designed transfer station may cause: •

Build-ups and plugs in transfer stations resulting in high downtime of production

Dust, noise and spillages around the conveyor system

Essential wear or destruction of a conveyor belt, transfer station elements and idlers

Belt misalignment due to not a central loading

Source: RWE, Germany

Hood - spoon system

Grizzly fingers

Following transfer station types are widely used in the mining industry: Impact Wall, Rock Box, Hood-Spoon-system and Grizzly Fingers (Table 1).

Source: Gulf Conveyor Systems Pty Ldt., Australia Issue 01 | 2013

Source: Jadco Manufacturing Inc., USA



Fig. 1: 3D simulation models of the transfer chute geometry

All types of the above mentioned transfer chutes have advantages and disadvantages and should be applied depending on bulk material properties, conveying parameters, site conditions etc. This article focuses on the Rock Box type.

Design consideration for two rock boxes One existing and one alternative transfer stations with a different geometry and position of the rock box were considered in the two simulations. The simulation models were generated on the base of the CAD drawings offered by one mining company. They are shown by Fig. 1. The models are named after the Existing Rock Box (ERB) and the Alternative Rock Box (ARB). The bulk material rock was simulated with the following particle size distribution: •

Approx. 40% of total mass: 110 mm < dK < 150 mm

Approx. 60% of total mass: 37 mm < dK < 74 mm

The simulation parameters were chosen after the analysis of the given rock sample. The following operational parameters were considered in the simulation models.

Results of DEM simulation Figure 2 shows the steady state situation of the material flow of the two transfer stations. Due to the narrower wide of the chute in the configuration ARB, the material builds up higher on the receiving belt. Regarding also the lower position of the rock box in this configuration hardly any accelerating distance for the down falling of particles can be recognised. The material which flows down the rock box is generally directed against the conveying direction of the receiving belt. Fig. 3 shows this even clearer via the vectors of the particle velocity. The steady state condition can be not only recognised by the observation of the material flow but also by the analysis of the acting forces on the rock box. Fig. 4 shows the forces due to the particle impact on the rock box in transport direction (x-direction). After a certain time nearly constant values of both forces are measured. Although the particles hit the “ARB”- rock box with a higher velocity, lower impact forces in x- direction could be measured. This is caused by the higher particle velocity component in z-direction due to the increased distance from the drum.

Table 2: Operational parameter of the simulation models

Case Drawing Volumetic flow

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Belt velocity

Belt Troughing Angle

Material Trasnition Surcharge Distance Angle

Material Density



20.000 t/h

7,6 m/s



3,8 m

1,9 t/m³



20.000 t/h

7,6 m/s



3,8 m

1,9 t/m³



Fig. 2: Simulated material flow. Particle colour: Particle velocity: 0

The forces on the rock box acting in gravity direction (z-direction) are mainly influenced by the weight of the stored bulk solid on the rock box. Fig. 5 shows that the “ARB” rock box is loaded with a smaller force in gravity direction. A measurement of the stored bulk solid mass in steady state condition results in a weight difference of 1030 kg between the two rock box designs. The reason for this is the much more narrow design of the “ARB” rock box.


But not only the forces on the rock box could be measured. Also the impact forces on the receiving belt were measured in the simulation. This allows a prediction of belt wear. Fig. 6 shows the measured belt impact forces of the both transfer stations. The transfer chute configuration “ARB” shows clearly less impact forces due to the lower distance of the rock box to the belt.

Fig. 3: Particle velocity vectors and impact direction on the receiving belt

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Fig. 4: Forces on the rock box caused by the particle impact (x-direction)

Fig. 5: Forces on the rock box caused by the mass of stored material (z-direction)

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Fig. 6: Impact forces on the receiving belt

Conclusions The DEM simulation of two rock boxes showed that by means of the DEM superior design could be identified and the higher wear impact on a belt reduced at the design stage with less cost. Summarizing it can be mentioned, that DEM is a powerful tool, which can be used for the development, design and calculation of conveyors and their elements and for problem solving in conveyor technology.

Dr.-Ing. Andrey Minkin ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group Mining Europe Northeim, Germany

References [1] Itasca Consulting Group Inc.: PFC3D – Theory and Background. [2] GRÖGER, T., KATTERFELD, A.: Application of the Discrete Element Method in Materials Handling: Basics and Calibration; Bulk Solid Handling, Vol. 27 (2007) Nr. 1

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Andrey Minkin ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group Breslauer Straße 14 D-37154 Northeim Tel. +49 (0) 5551-702-207 Fax +49 (0) 5551-702-504

[3] KATTERFELD, A., GRÖGER, T., MINKIN, A.: Discrete Element Simulation of Transfer Stations and their Verification: Bulk Solids & Powder Science & Technology, Vol. 2 (2007) [4] MINKIN, A., KATTERFELD, A., GRÖGER, T.: The Usage of the Discrete Element Method in Conveyor Technology: Screw Conveyors and Shaftless Screw Conveyors; Bulk Solid Handling, Vol. 27 (2007) Nr. 2

Issue 01 | 2013



ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group | Phone +49 5551 702-207

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Innovative Filler Removal to Improve Quality of Crushed Sand

by Dr.mont. H.J. Gschaider Binder+Co AG | Gleisdorf | Austria


inder+Co is an internationally successful specialist for machines and overall systems for crushing, screening, drying and sorting, as well as for packing and palletizing of any kind of bulk solids. The company, which is located in the Styrian Gleisdorf, is seen as the global market leader in screen technology and glass recycling. Its machines are used for processing of bulk solids, such as construction commodities, coal, ores, minerals, waste glass, waste paper, plastics waste, chemical and petrochemical industry products, chemical fertilizers, salt, food and animal feed. Within the field of processing of construction commodities, Binder+Co particularly focuses on screening machines for special requirements. Responding to the growing demands regarding overall cost-effectiveness of a processing plant, Binder+Co focuses on development, implementation and integration of innovative screening systems. Apart from ensuring the required product quality and throughput rates, an important factor is minimizing the costs of investment and operation, leading to a sustainable success in mineral processing. Particularly in plant alterations, the space available plays a major role and calls for tailored solutions with regard to process and mechanical engineering. With the overall goal of offering optimum solutions, Binder+Co promotes continuous advancement and new product development.

Issue 01 | 2013

Fine screen mats for BIVITEC- screening machines For many years, the special screening machine BIVITEC has been successfully operated to produce high quality crushing granulation. Several screen mats are applied for crushed sand screening or “crushed sand filler removal�. Punching mats with mat thicknesses of 2 to 7 mm are used to produce the classical separating cuts 8mm, 5mm and 2 mm, with square or slotted perforations, based on the task.



0,2 mm line-perforation

precision frame

80 µm quadratic perforation The so-called “filler removal” requires corresponding fine perforations. In the past, mostly longhole perforation mats with mat thicknesses of approximately 1 to 2 mm have been used. The corresponding width of the hole lies in areas between 0.8 and 0.2mm. Holes of sizes „0,5 mm x 5 mm“, „0,3 mm x 3 mm“ and „0,2 mm x 4 mm“ are often used. A relatively new development of Binder+Co is the BIVITEC precision tissue mat. Here, fine tissue cuts are inserted into a form of synthetic-basic frame. The respective fine tissue is characterized by exactly defined and systematically controlled, reproducible tissue characteristics, such as mesh size, thickness, tear resistance and dimension stability. The standard mesh sizes used for crushed sand filler removal are 315 µm, 210 µm, 177 µm and 105 µm. The finest BIVITEC precision tissue mat currently has a mesh size of 80 µm.

Approach to technical screening machine construction In order to optimally design the screening machine, usually “filler removal separating cut”” screening tests are conducted with a pilot plant screening machine. As a first step, the feeding rate is determined with the help of a computer programme that is programmed on the basis of a factor method. The testing machine has an effectively usable screening length of maximum 2.33 m and is adjustable

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Fig. 1: Perforation mat and precision tissue mat

in its inclination. In most cases a simple screening attempt through one time feeding of the screenings and sampling of the two production streams would not or would only approximately correspond to a large-scale screening. In order to optimally design the required screening surface area, the following path is taken: The required feeding amount of approximately 1 m³ bulk goods for each test series is fed into the screening feed hopper, located in the technical center of Binder+Co in Gleisdorf. The first part of the test is started, considering the calculated screening duration, and after reaching a continuous operation state, representative sampling from both screening products and charging material is started. Hereby the entire stream of material is temporarily captured with a sampling container. The collective samples obtained in this way are reduced by riffle splitters or rotary dividers for the consecutive sample analysis. The two product chutes lead the major amount of the screening products into the coarse- and fine material container. Similarly, the second phase of the test is conducted with the coarse material produced in the first phase of the test. Hereby the screening plant is operated with a reduced feeding rate, so that the duration of both sections is fairly equal. Based on the size of the task, it might be necessary to conduct a third or fourth test phase with the same duration. It is possible to simulate screen lengths in the area of 2.33 m to 9.33 m.



....representative Repräsentative Probenahme .... sampling tv1.1 = tv1.2 = tv1.3 Fig. 2: Flow chart of the test procedure with three test phases: Ai.j. Task, G i.j. coarse material, F i.j. fine material, tv i.j. duration of the test phase, i. number of test series, j number of test phase

tv1.1 G1.1 (=A1.2) 1 tv1.2 G1.2 (=A1.3) 2 F1.1

tv1.3 3


F1.2 F1.3

For clarification purposes it should be noted that the three screening machines numbered 1, 2 and 3, shown in figure 2 refer to the same screening machine, but to different test phases. This type of test not only ensures the simulation of needed large-scale screen lengths or dwell times, but also provides extensive data material (after analysis of subsamples) for an optimal screening machine dimensioning.

Case study Over the last years, more than 20 new BIVITEC screening machines were installed for crushed sand filler removal. Currently single-, double, triple and quadruple deck screening machines are in operation. In addition to the filler removal, the double-decker machines allow for the coarser separating cut of 2 mm with the upper deck, for example. The separating cuts of the two-and- half decker are 2 mm and 5 mm through the upper deck. The short tween deck offers an additional screening area for the separating cut 2 mm, and the lower deck is entirely used for filler removal. The three-decker is in application for three separating cuts, the four-decker for four separating cuts.

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The screening of crushed granite is briefly outlined as a case study. Approximately 65 t/h of pre-screened granite of a nominal grain size 0/3 mm are to be feed into a threedecker BIVITEC screening machine. Each screening deck has an effective width of 2.4 m and an effective length of 7 m, measured from the first to the last screen mat. In case of only one impulse, the entire nominal screening surface amounts to 50.4 m². The swing characteristic can be set separately for each screen deck, or changed retroactively, if needed. In order to achieve the separating cut 1 mm, perforating mats are inserted into the upper deck. On one hand the perforating mats of the tween deck protect the precision fabric of the lower deck, on the other hand they allow for an additional separating cut of nominally 0.3 mm. This is followed by four screening products. The two overflows of the tween and lower deck can be combined partly or totally, as required (see fig. 3 a). On one hand this allows to react to changes in the fed material, on the other hand it gives the opprotunity to produce end products with various grain compositions or various “filler contents”. Figure 3 b shows a special screening machine in the production hall at Binder+Co in Gleisdorf. The machine was delivered at the end of 2012 to South Germany and will be integrated into a plant to process crushed sand.



filler „0/63 µm“

e.g. „filler removal“ of Crushed Sand Fig. 3a: Schematic Diagram three-decker- BIVITEC

Fig. 3b: Three-decker BIVITEC for granite screening with precision fabric mats in the under-deck

New development “Air-supported fine classification“ In its newest innovation, Binder+Co mineral engineering combines screen and air technique and offers major advantages for the filler removal of crushed sands: •

Space saving

More possibilities to change separation characteristics

Lower fine sand losses

Better end product qualities

This new development can be divided into two areas that are connected in series. As a core component, the first area contains dynamically charged separators that, similar to a screen mat of a BIVITEC screening machine, are constantly stretched and compressed. The crushed sand, which is to be filler removed, is conveyed downwards over the inclined separation plane, at the end of which the coarse material (filler removed crushed sand) flows over. There is no resonating dust removal pipe in screening machines at the machine covering. Instead, various air inlets can be inserted in the cover area. There is a new gas cyclone, either Fig. 4: Schematic diagram of the new development

Issue 01 | 2013

under the perforated separating elements, or inserted downstream. Fig 4 shows the sketch of a possible model of this development with horizontal cyclone. The fine material (“filler product”) is actually sucked through the separating elements with an exhaust device and then separated with the help of the gas cyclone. The particular shape of this cyclone is different from conventional cyclones in the sense that the crude gas inlet in the cyclone is slimmer and ranges over the entire cylindrical height, it has a continuous drawbar in the cyclone axis and the conic casing is shaped considerably shorter (see figure 5).

parting element

coarse material


fine material


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 5: 3D- sectional model of the new gas cyclone with continuous drawbar

entry of crude gas


The separator system is characterized by a smaller “screening area”, by mats with small openings (e.g. 0.2 mm x 4 mm), as well as by high dynamics. This prevents clogging of the perforations despite the high air flow (or the respective under-pressure in the area of separating elements) and supports the detaching of adhering grains and “dissolving of agglomerates” during the transport of the coarse material over the separating elements.

concentration of removal filler in coarse material

coning cover

inverse value of specific rate of feeding [m²/(t/h)] measurement without ventilation

measurement with ventilation


compensation Fig. 6: A comparison of test results

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Initial comparative filler removal tests in the technical center of Binder+Co were conducted in late 2012. Crushed sand with a nominal grain size of 0/2 mm from a German limestone processing plant with a filler content of 22% served as feedstock. The filler content is defined as the mass fraction of the grain size category <63 µm in the sand product. During the analysis of the test data, a specific feed rate was defined, as the relation of feeding rate (t/h) to the available nominal screening surface (m2). In figure 6 the reciprocal value of this specific feeding rate is recorded on the x-coordinate. This reciprocal value specifies the amount of square meters of screening area per 1 t/h crushed sand feeding, which has been provided for the filler removal. The filler contents < 63 µm of the coarse material are recorded in percentage on the y-axis. The filler contents of the feeding material are assigned to the x-axis value zero. The more of screening area or separating area is made available per t/h feeding material, the lower is the corresponding filler content in the coarse material. Blue rhomb symbols were used to present the results of the classical screening filler removal tests, and a blue compensating curve was drawn to characterize the screening behaviour. Similarly, the red squares and the red curve show the air-supported classification with suction and gas cyclone. The initial summarizing statement is: Compared to the classic screening filler removal, the airsupport only requires half of the separating area for the same amount of filler content in the coarse material.


Author: Dr.mont. H.J. Gschaider | Binder+Co AG

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Helfried Gschaider studied mining and processing at the Montan-University Leoben in Austria. Between 19911997 he first was an assistant for processing of industrial projects and then an assistant Professor at the Department of Processing at this university. Sinve november 1997 he is working for the Binder + Co AG in the areas of process engineering, project management and sales with a focus on screening, wet processing and sensor based sorting. | | |

Contact: Dr.mont. H.J. Gschaider Binder+Co AG Grazer Straße 19-25 8200 Gleisdorf, Austria Tel.: +43 (0)3112 800-0 Fax: +43 (0)3112 800-300 eMail: Internet:

Please visit us at Bauma 2013 Hall B2 | Booth 205

[1] Gschaider, H.J. und Kalcher, A.: Qualitätssteigerung von Brechsanden durch siebtechnische Abscheidung von Feinststoffen/Improving the Quality of Crushed Sands by Screening Off Very Fine Materials, Aufbereitungs Technik/ Mineral Processing, 42 (2001), Nr. 7, S. 328/335. [2] Brunnmair, E., Dunst, F. und Flachberger, H.: Neuartiger Gaszyklon mit differenzierter Grob- und Feinabtrennzone, BHM, 154. Jg. (2009), Heft 12, S. 610/613. [3] Eixelberger, R.: Unveröffentlichte Versuchsauswertungen, Binder+Co, 2012.

Issue 01 | 2013



Mining specialist BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran presents roadheader at BAUMA 2013


Fig. 1: The BRH 130 is designed for high performance and low wear. The illustration shows the design for a salt mine (photograph: BBM)

he highly efficient BBM Group, based in the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr, has for decades been one of the leading and deeply rooted service partners of the German coal mining industry. BBM has also acquired an excellent reputation internationally. For nearly two years BBM has also been on the market with the firm BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran GmbH as a manufacturer of high-performance mining machines and supplies a wide range of technical equipment such as roadheaders, roof cutters and milling loaders. With the BRH 130, BBM Meran are presenting at BAUMA 2013 the revised version of a selective roadheader that has long proved its worth. True to BBM‘s slogan „Quality leads to Quantity“, the crawler-mounted BRH 130 equipped with a cross-cutting head displays all of the features to make it an efficient, safe and durable high-performance device when driving roadways and galleries , as well as during mining operations under the most adverse conditions. With the 160 kW of power installed for driving the cross-cutting head, it can cut minerals and rocks with a compressive strength of up to 100 MPa. During the cutting work, claws relieve the load on the crawler chassis and increase the stability. Intrusion cutting is also performed with the crawler chassis supported by the hydraulic, zeroplay 400 mm advance motion. This is a significant advantage compared to the fixation via the crawler chassis which has been standard practice so far.

Excellent equipment and optimum ergonomics The front shovel can be expanded in various ways. The loading system with scraper blades, which feed the excavated material to the central conveyor, is very robust. The central conveyor is equipped with a central chain

Fig. 2: The BRH 130 is versatile and can be used in various fields of application, such as in coal mines using the design shown in the illustration above (photograph: BBM)

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY and scrapers and optionally available as a double-chain conveyor. For the discharge a sufficiently large conveyor cross-section is available. The machine can be operated by radio remote control - with visualisation on a monitor being provided in the rear of the machine - or by a control unit with an electronic profile control system display and the required operating and monitoring equipment, which is arranged on the side of the machine. The operator‘s cab provides the machine operator with a good view of the working face. The driver‘s seat and the elements arranged around the driver‘s seat are designed according to ergonomic principles and thereby help the driver to work safely and without becoming tired. For the hydraulic supply of all drives there is a double pump unit installed.

High performance and low wear even under extreme conditions The cutting drive of the machine is equipped with a cross-cutting head. 160 kW of electrical drive power for the cross-cutting head. Rugged helical cutting gear for extreme loads. Loading system with robust scraper blades and cylinder drive. Another advantage of the BRH 130 is the 400 mm displacement in the longitudinal direction of the cutting arm and centre support with slide. This allows the intrusion cutting to be performed from a stationary position while the roadheader rests on claws. Supporting the machine during cutting protects the chassis and above all the floor. All of this makes the BRH 130 an investment which is worthwhile because of the high efficiency levels, service life and low rate of wear. For the adaptation of the BRH 130 to different application requirements the following optional additional equipment is available: •

machine cover with integrated dust extraction channels

cooling system for high ambient temperatures

anchor drilling rig

swivelling belt conveyor

lining placement device

working platform on the cutting arm

radio remote control

cutting arm sprinkling air - water

loading table widening, variable

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Fig. 3: Additional optional equipment from up to down: cutting arm sprinkling air-water, profile control system, wireless remote control (photos: BBM)

automatic lubrication system

profile control system

In addition, there is the possibility of equipping or adapting the roadheader according to individual customer wishes.



Fig. 4: Dimensions of the BRH 130 (photograph:BBM)

Tables 4 & 5: Dimensions of the device and radii of action of the machine BRH 130

Dimensions of the device and radii of action of the machine Total weight 55 t Overall length 11.600 mm Overall height 2.000 mm Height above conveyor 1.750 mm Loading table width 3.700-4500 mm Crawler width 600 mm Conveyor speed 0,6 m/s Diameter of the cutting roller 750 mm Tank volume 600 L Feed length from stationary pos. 400 mm Lowering of the loading table 200 mm Lifting of the loading table 200 mm

Cutting profile: Cutting height Cutting width Undercut Cutting speed

4.200 4.500 200 3,2

mm mm mm m/s

Field of application of the machine: Minimum width of the gallery Minimum height of the gallery Smallest curve radius

2.200 mm 2.500 mm 6.000 mm

Electrical system: Standard operating voltage Total installed power Cutting head drive Frequencies

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1000/50 290 160 50

V/Hz kW kW Hz


TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 5: The „big sister“ of the BRH 130, the BRH 300/400 (photograph: BBM)

Please visit us! Hall C2, Booth 507

Contact: Operta-BBM Dieter-aus-dem-Siepen-Platz 1 D-45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Tel.: +49(0)208 459 59-0 Fax: +49(0)208 459 59-59 eMail: Internet:

A wide range of mining machines Besides the BRH 130, BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran has other machinery for use in the mining industry in its range. Like the BRH 130, these also feature high levels of performance and stability and quality „Made in Germany“. BBM has been working in the field of mining for decades. As a result the company is able to integrate its practical experience under ground into the development and manufacture of machines. The result is machines with robust technology, highest safety levels and output on the one hand and as little wear and tear on the other. • Roadheaders: BRH 300/400 • BRH 130 • BRH 178/300 • Milling loaders: BML 50 • BML H • BML B 110 • BML N 110 • Roof cutters: BFT 110 • Excavator cutting head: BRQ 110 Convince yourself of the performance of BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran and their machines and services at BAUMA 2013.

Issue 01 | 2013

BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran: professionals for professionals also in the fields of maintenance and repair Each hour of downtime costs a lot of money and reduces productivity. Especially where the conditions are harsh, the regular professional maintenance of machines is therefore particularly important. Because this can be planned, whereas fault-related downtimes cannot. At BBM Maschinenfabrik Meran customers have an experienced and flexible service team at their disposal. Not only when standard maintenance is due, but also when repairs are required to ensure that the machine can be quickly put back into use. Another offer of BBM Meran is the repair and modernisation of second-hand machines. Sometimes this is a reasonable alternative to the purchase of new machines from the economic perspective. Old machines are restored to their original condition both technically and with respect to their safety and can subsequently be used again. Also in this case BBM Meran provides its customers with support, from the initial consultation, the inventory or procurement of used machines to the professional execution of their repair in accordance with the individual specifications of the customer.



BROAD SERVICE SPECTRUM The BBM Group is active in a variety of future-orientated business areas: Our core business comprises mining, structural, underground and civil engineering as well as assembly. In addition, as an innovative company we have also embarked on the development and marketing of new IT technologies. Our services at a glance:


Dieter-aus-dem-Siepen-Platz 1 D-45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr PHONE +49 (0) 208 459 59-0 FAX +49 (0) 208 459 59-59 EMAIL

OPEN CAST MINING Excellent raw materials for successful construction projects Our quarries produce first-class rock for structural and civil engineering. Our stone fractions, high quality fine flints and architectural stone are used primarily in road construction and concrete production, and also in the chemical industry. BBM is also increasing in demand as a contract mining supplier for raw materials extraction. MINING Top quality services based on experience BBM is an outstanding supplier of specialist underground mining services, in particular in Germany. Working on behalf of large mining companies, we assume responsibility of complete lots or provide personnel for all forms of mining and assembly work. Our teams are available for flexible application right across Europe. Our own workshop maintains our fleet of machines. BBM has also succeeded in making a name for itself as a contract mining supplier in the underground mining sector.

DIVERSE ACTIVITIES ACROSS EUROPE The proprietor-managed BBM Group has enjoyed success on the market since 1990 and is active in a wide range of business areas. Networked with internationally renowned cooperative partners, we support demanding projects throughout Europe. In doing so we apply the skills of around 1,000 highly qualified employees, who work with competence and commitment to ensure the seamless fulfilment of our orders. It is with maximum flexibility that we set benchmarks in quality and reliability. Thanks to rapid decision-making and the central steering of all activities, we offer integrated solutions from a single source and generate tailored solutions – in all business sectors.

W W W. O P E RTA - B B M . D E Issue 01 | 2013


WE BUILD THE FUTURE Every project needs a vision – and the resources to transform it into reality. BBM combines both: Top quality demands throughout all of our activities in a wide range of areas, excellent corporate knowhow and expert knowledge of the skilled trades and technology. This results in excellent products and services, for which we are renowned and valued right across Europe. BBM is a reliable and in-demand partner, greatly trusted by its clients and cooperative partners. This high performance level and consistent orientation towards the demands of our customers makes us exceptional. We accept challenges and create added value: As a dynamic company that will continue to grow in the future and tap into new markets across Europe. BBM brings projects to a successful conclusion – take our word for it and profit from our rich wealth of experience.



Thyssen Krupp:

Modern gearless drive systems for high-capacity belt conveyors G端nther Kerkhoff | BSEE General Manager Electrical | ThyssenKrupp Robins Inc. | Denver | USA Dipl.-Ing. Peter Sehl | General Manager Sales & Service | ThyssenKrupp Robins Inc. | Denver | USA Vladimir Svirsky | MSME Chief Mechanical Engineer | ThyssenKrupp Robins Inc. | Denver | USA


n many mining areas, ore grades are declining. New mines are being developed in ever more remote areas. Pits are getting deeper and more hard-rock mines are switching to underground operations. This means that more material must be transported over longer distances, which creates new challenges. As mining volumes increase, demands for availability are also rising. As a result, conveying systems need to be equipped with modern drive systems that guarantee a high degree of reliability.

Gearless drive system, 2 x 3,800 kW, 63 rpm, 631 kNm

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Partnership with Siemens for large conveying systems

Gearless drive characteristics and advantages

For many years ThyssenKrupp and Siemens have partnered to help build some of the most impressive conveyor systems in the mining industry. One of the greatest success stories is the Los Pelambres downhill conveyor in Chile, installed in 1999, which is the highest tension conveyor belt in the world. It transports copper ore over a distance of 12.7 kilometers from 3,200 meters above sea level down to 1,600 meters and in so doing generates up to 17 MW of electrical energy, which is fed into the grid.

Gearless drives are an attractive alternative for conveyors with higher power requirements. Due to their simple construction, such drives offer very high availability, robustness, reduced operating and maintenance costs, and reduced noise as well as the benefits of a variable-speed drive.

Technical limits of conventional drive systems The gear reducers traditionally used to drive conveyors reach their physical limits in demanding applications, such as steep-angle or high-capacity installations. For example, a modern conveyor system with a total drive power demand of ≼ 20,000 kW requires at least eight traditional gear reducer drives, each equipped with 2,500 kW motors.

With gearless drive systems, a slow-running synchronous motor is directly connected to the shaft of the drive pulley. Because of the slow motor speed, no gear reducer is required. The rotor of the synchronous motor / Fig. 1 / is flanged onto the pulley shaft. Gearless drive technology is nothing new to the mining business. Mining companies have been installing high power gearless drives for mine hoists, excavators, draglines, pumps and mill applications for many years. While the technology is similar, the requirements differ for conveyor applications. Similar to mills, conveyors require a lot of torque during startup, especially in uphill applications. Gearless drives increase operating efficiency while at the same time providing high reliability and low maintenance requirements:

The traditional gear reducer solution has the disadvantage of reduced overall availability associated with the large number of mechanical components (e.g. more than 70 bearings for eight 2,500 kW gearboxes) which results in a lower mean time between failures (MTBF).

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 1: Gearless drive rotor during shop inspection at Siemens

For the previous 20,000 kW example, a gearless drive solution can be accomplished with only 3 or 4 low speed motors and no bearings or couplings. With fewer components, the drive station and electrical building require a smaller footprint / Fig. 2 /. This is especially beneficial for underground applications where the number of expensive excavations for drive stations is minimized. For downhill operation, the drives are able to work in regenerative mode and supply the mine operation with additional electrical energy. Advances in conveyor belt technology are also supporting the capabilities offered by gearless drive systems. Newly developed stronger

belts (ST-10000) are now available that can withstand the higher stresses resulting from increased drive power requirements. Mining companies are striving to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions and increase system reliability. Gearless drives meet these requirements by significantly reducing the number of mechanical components, such as gears, bearings and couplings, while delivering higher efficiency / Fig. 3 /. The capital expenditure for a gearless drive conveyor is equal to or less than that for conventional geared drives, especially if capital spare parts are a consideration.

Fig. 2: Reduced footprint of gearless drive system (motor on left is shown in maintenance position with the stator housing moved away)

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TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 3: Comparison of standard vs. gearless drive solution

First reference for gearless drives in German coal mine In 1985, O&K (now part of ThyssenKrupp) and Siemens installed the first gearless directdrive belt conveyor with cycloconverterfed synchronous motors. Engineers at RAG Deutsche Steinkohle were impressed by the converter technology and decided to use it in the underground Prosper-Haniel coal mine in Germany / Fig. 4 /. More than a quarter century later, the belt drives are still in operation – to the complete satisfaction of the mine. The conveyor system provides an availability of more than 99%.

Managers at RAG indicate that: •

There have been no significant interruptions or failures attributable to motors and converters.

Maintenance costs are significantly lower than for conveyor drives with gearboxes.

Estimated electrical energy savings of 10% are achieved annually compared to fixed-speed geardriven drive arrangements.

New gearless drive system for client in Peru Continuing their successful teamwork, ThyssenKrupp Robins and Siemens are now delivering an overland conveyor to Xstrata Copper’s new Antapaccay mine in Peru with a gearless drive system / Fig. 5 /. The conveyor system will transport ore over a distance of some 6.5 kilometers from the mine to the processing plant on a 1,370 mm wide belt travelling at 6.2 meters/second.

Fig. 4: Prosper Haniel mine, conveyor drive station with gearless drive system, 2 x 3,100 kW

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When the belt conveyer system is commissioned in 2012, it will be capable of transporting up to 5,260 tons of copper ore per hour. The drive system comprises two lowspeed synchronous motors – each with a rated power output of 3,800 kW – and the associated cycloconverters, motor cooling systems, converter transformers and complete electrical house for the drive station. A closed loop control system improves load sharing between the two motors.

Summary Long conveyors with large throughputs and/or high lifts require a significant amount of power. When the demand for power exceeds 3 MW per pulley, gearless drives for the conveyor become the preferred solution. Gearless drive solutions provide many benefits compared to gearreducer drive systems: •

Higher plant availability by eliminating electrical components, couplings, bearings and gearboxes – therefore minimizing the risk of downtime;

Up to 4% higher energy efficiency achievable with gearless direct-drive technology;

Longer conveyors with fewer drive stations and smaller footprints resulting in less excavation for underground applications;

Higher available power at the pulley;

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Fig. 5: Rendering of a drive station for the Xstrata Copper Antapaccay mine in Peru

Reduced maintenance achieved by reducing the potential for mechanical breakdowns through the use of robust components;

Fewer spare parts resulting in lower inventories and lower investment costs;

Reduction in noise levels achieved by eliminating the gear reducers, which are the noisiest component in a traditional drive system.

The mining industry, particularly in South America, is looking increasingly at large, high-capacity conveyors as a solution to meet ore and overburden transportation requirements. Gearless drive solutions have the potential to meet these new requirements efficiently and at lower operating costs.


ThyssenKrupp AG ThyssenKrupp Allee 1 D-45143 Essen Tel.: +49(0) 201 844 0 Fax: +49(0) 201 844 536000 E-Mail: Internet:



Innovative and Efficient Solutions for challenging tasks in extraction, surface mining and surface forming.

T1255 Terrain Leveler

Vermeer has transcribed its long-standing experience in the area of rock mills into its new surface mill. The T1255 is characterized by protected technology, intelligent design, excellent production and system stability. Meanwhile the Terrain Leveler can process an area of up to 3.7 m width and 61 cm depth in one single run.

The machine has been designed to ablate all kinds of rocks, gypsum, coal and other material (e.g. concrete). This is done using a big, hydrostatically steered milling drum, which ablates the rock in a more efficient way and with a higher cutting depth. The result: More coarse material with a low proportion of fine fraction. Deutschland GmbH Puscherstr. 9 90411 Nuremberg, Germany

Issue 01 | 2013

Tel.: +49 (0) 911 5 40 14 0 Fax: +49 (0) 911 5 40 14 99



NEWS & REPORTS Fig. 1: The HRC is ideal for high-tonnage, hard rock applications and can be used as a tertiary, quaternary or pebble crusher. The machine does have range within hard rock applications: it’s been designed for use in diamond, iron ore, copper, gold, platinum and various industrial minerals.

Metso Minerals (Deutschland) GmbH Bochum | Germany

Metso’s HRC™ takes

high pressure grinding roll technology

to the next level

etso’s latest development in comminution equipment, the HRC™, is a major step in the profitable application of high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) technology. Metso has made M several key innovations in order to increase throughput and decrease total cost of operation.

Patented Arch-frame eliminates downtime caused by skewing

Flanges maximize wear life and increase throughput

Metso’s patented Arch-frame creates an even gap setting across the width of the tires, limiting skewing that can result in downtime for mining operations. This antiskewing Arch-frame also prevents damage to the roller bearings (caused by misalignment) that can occur with the traditional HPGR design.

Used in place of spring-loaded cheek plates, the flanges keep the bed of material within the crushing zone and prevent material from bypassing the tires. This enables greater circuit capacity and increases the overall crushing efficiency.

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NEWS & REPORTS In addition, by preventing material from bypassing the tires, even pressure across the width of the tire is better maintained. By distributing the pressure more evenly, the tire life is maximized by preventing a ”bath tub effect,” in which the center of the tire wears faster than the edges. Victoria Herman, Metso’s product manager for the HRC, notes that this breakthrough design is a response to the growing needs in the mining industry. “Energy efficiency has been attracting our customers to HPGR technology for years,” she says. “But (our design concept) increases capacity and crushing efficiency – and that’s something mining companies are always looking to improve on.”

Other notable benefits of the HRC™ •

Hydraulic cylinders are positioned to create a compact design while still providing excellent crushing strength

Dust enclosure minimizes dust and reduces noise

Transporter facilites a safe and fast tire replacement

Feed hopper include liners designed for long life

Studded tires maximize tire life by building up an autogenous layer

The HRC is ideal for high-tonnage, hard rock applications and can be used as a tertiary, quaternary or pebble crusher. Currently, several HRC units are in operation around the world – with a total of 6,500 operating hours including over 3,800 hours in a mining hard rock application. The machine does have range within hard rock applications: it’s been designed for use in diamond, iron ore, copper, gold, platinum and various industrial minerals.

Mining and Construction Metso’s mining and construction professionals specialize in always bringing the right technology, processes, machinery and services to our customers in the aggregates production, construction, mining and minerals processing.

Metso Metso is a global supplier of technology and services to customers in the process industries, including mining, construction, pulp and paper, power, and oil and gas. Our 30,000 professionals based in over 50 countries deliver sustainability and profitability to customers worldwide. Expect results.

Fig .2: Currently, several HRC units are in operation around the world – with a total of 6,500 operating hours including over 3,800 hours in a mining hard rock application.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Improtant test results: Basalt: • •

Crushability - 28,13% (Macon) P50/F50 - 6x (Hydraulic Cylinder Pressure: 75 bar - Specific Crushing Pressure: 2,0 N/mm2)

Diabase • •

Crushability - 30,09% (Macon) P50/F50 - 3,5x to 6,0x according to the size feed (Hydraulic Cylinder Pressure: 90 bar - Specific Crushing Pressure: 2,0 N/mm2)

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NEWS & REPORTS Granite • •

Crushability - 51,91% (Macon) P50/F50 - 6,0x (Hydraulic Cylinder Pressure: 160 bar - Specific Crushing Pressure: 4,0 N/mm2)

Limestone • •

Crushability - 41,99% (Macon) P50/F50 - 10x (Hydraulic Cylinder Pressure: 80 bar Specific Crushing Pressure: 2,7 N/mm2)

River Pebbles • •

Crushability - 53,26% (Macon) P50/F50 - 5,5x (Hydraulic Cylinder Pressure: 120 bar Specific Crushing Pressure: 3,0 N/mm2)


Metso Minerals Mrs. Victoria Herman, Product Manager, Hydraulic Roll Crushers Tel.: +1 717 849 7241 | Mobile: +1 717 309 1150 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013

Metso Minerals (Germany) GmbH Kantstrasse 22-24 D-44867 Bochum Uwe Kahlert Mobil: +49(0) 1776608489 eMail: Internet:


NEWS & REPORTS Sandvik Construction

Sandvik Mobile Crushers and Screens

unveil two new models at Bauma 2013

Sandvik Construction Mobile Crushers and Screens will be using the showcase of Bauma 2013 to officially launch two new additions to their advanced product offering, thereby demonstrating continuous commitment to new product development. Sandvik’s dedicated R&D team have been working hard over the past couple of years to design customer-focused solutions which are easy to operate, and more efficient to run, whilst maintaining the high standard of quality whilst adhering to the latest safety directives.

New heavy-duty scalper for increased performance and productivity The latest incarnation of the original E7 mobile scalper demonstrates the value of customer feedback and experience, as the new model contains a “wish list” of features and benefits that far exceed traditional expectations of durability and technical excellence. Customer requirements which have been met with the new model include: • E normous increase in stockpiling capacity • Wider oversize conveyor to handle larger material • Heavy duty apron feeder with increased feed hopper size • Aggressive screen box action to maximize enhanced product handling and delivery capability • User friendly color-coded control panel with sequential start for ease of operation.

Issue 01 | 2013

New Impactor model for premium productivity and performance whatever the application Also being showcased for the first time on the international stage will be a new Impactor model which will further enhance Sandvik’s extensive crusher portfolio. Featuring Sandvik’s market leading Impactor technology, this new model will offer customers unparalleled flexibility in primary and secondary applications, undoubtedly proving to be the perfect solution for large scale operators. This new model will possess many customer benefits such as: • Large feed hopper with highly efficient pre-screening • Underpan feeder to reduce any spillage issues and protect the main product conveyor from high velocity material from the rotor • Excellent reduction ratio with impressive rates of


NEWS & REPORTS production • User friendly PLC control system and color screen for ease of operation • Low wear, easy maintenance and a low cost per ton.

The versatility of the equipment is ensured by a comprehensive range of optional extras that allows the right crusher to precisely match the demands of the customer’s specific application. These include an optional double deck hanging screen with recirculation system, which will allow the crusher to produce accurately sized products for immediate use at source. The two new additions to the range have been designed with mobility, productivity, transportability and user friendliness at their core, but with a level of customer involvement unprecedented within the industry. Both units are fitted with radio remote control as standard, and are fully compliant with the latest Machinery Directives.

For further information please contact: Sandvik Construction Melissa Baker, Marketing Communications Mobile Crushers and Screeners Tel. +44(0) 1283 212121 eMail:

Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2011 the Group had about 50,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of more than 94,000 MSEK. Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying, tunneling, excavation, demolition, road building, recycling and civil engineering. The range of products includes rock tools, drilling rigs, breakers, bulk-materials handling and crushing and screening machinery. In 2011 sales amounted to more than 9,000 MSEK, with approximately 2,600 employees (pro forma rounded numbers).

Pic: Sandvik QA450 in action

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Sandvik Mining and Construction

Sandvik DC125R

Functional simplicity and nimble mobility SSandvik DC125R shows what it means when function truly meets form. It is a new member to the proven, highquality Sandvik DC family of compact, rubber-tyred top hammer drill rigs. The model carries all familiar handy features that simplify the everyday life of a job site, and includes a bunch of new ones resulting in top-rate mobility, great serviceability, low fuel consumption – and an absolutely attractive outlook.

Sandvik DC125R: Functional simplicity and nimble mobility Sandvik DC125R is a fully remote-controlled, hydraulic and selfpropelled mini-sized drilling unit on a 4-wheel drive carrier, for drilling of 22 – 45 mm holes. The new model replaces the former Sandvik DC122R, one in the series of rigs originally launched in 1988 under the product name of Tamrock Commando.

A range of job site tests show that the new model, the Sandvik DC125R, offers better maneuverability than ever before. This is thanks to the new large drive gears that make the rig invincibly nimble and mobile, guaranteeing safety of operation even in the most difficult ground conditions. Rough terrain safety is further enhanced by a new winch with rollertype of rope guides.

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NEWS & REPORTS Thanks to its simplified body structure, easily interchangeable drive gears and a new type of simplestructured dust collector, the rig is easy to maintain. Further adding to the user-friendliness of the rig are centralized oil changing spot, straightforward hose routing and electrical component center. A new cooling system keeps the rig running smoothly, and an externally placed silencer reduces the heat load in the engine compartment. An ambient temperaturecontrolled cooling fan brings considerable savings in fuel consumption. New covers and a refreshed design give the rig an appealing outlook, and six working lights guarantee visibility during the dark hours as well. The mini-sized Sandvik DC125R mini rig is at its best in applications such as foundation drilling, road cutting, trenching, bolting, line drilling in dimensional stone quarries, and other special drilling applications.

Sandvik Construction Nina Lehtonen Marketing Communications, Surface Drilling and Tunneling Tel. +358 400 534 344 eMail:

The Sandvik-Group

Table: Sandvik DC125R

Hole diameter Rock drill Engine output Flushing air Production capacity Total weight


22 - 45 mm 5,5 kW 37 kW 1.2 m3/min, up to 8 bar 300 – 400 m3/8 h 3 150 kg

Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2011 the Group had about 50,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of more than 94,000 MSEK.

Sandvik Construction Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying, tunneling, excavation, demolition, road building, recycling and civil engineering. The range of products includes rock tools, drilling rigs, breakers, bulk-materials handling and crushing and screening machinery. In 2011 sales amounted to more than 9,000 MSEK, with approximately 2,600 employees (pro forma rounded numbers).

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Sandvik Construction

One crusher, two configurations

Sandvik’s New Prisec TM CI5** Series HSI


he new generation of compact horizontal impact crushers (HSI) from Sandvik provides customers with a low capital cost solution, optimum performance and good cubical shape, whilst ensuring the lowest operating cost per ton for a wide range of materials and applications. The all new patented and highly modularized Sandvik CI5** Prisec TM crusher range, additionally combines the ability to configure one base crusher into either a Primary or a Secondary configuration, thereby making it adaptable to everchanging requirements. The new Horizontal Shaft Impactor (HSI) range of crushers from Sandvik Construction have been developed in response to customer demands, building on the rock solid foundation of the primary and secondary series they will replace. Spearheaded by the CI511, this new range of crushers establish Sandvik as market leaders in the design and development of HSI crushers that have been developed to deliver exceptional rates of productivity and efficiency. All crushers possess the ability to be configured into either a primary or secondary crusher operating mode and with this unique, exclusive to Sandvik, patented design, provides customers with unparalleled adaptability.

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Exceptional reduction ratios Sandvik’s revolutionary all new design of crushing chamber ensures even greater reduction ratios than have been previously obtainable. Furthermore the Prisec TM crusher is able to easily produce impressive reduction ratios through the use of two uniquely designed curtains, which have traditionally required a three curtain configuration crusher. As well as enhanced productivity, this means fewer wear parts and reduced maintenance.


NEWS & REPORTS Energy efficient overload protection

Dealing with crusher blockages

DThe CI511 Prisec TM is equipped with an infinite hydraulic curtain adjustment combined with a brake positioning system which relieves pressure, and setting, when un-crushable objects enter the crusher. No hydraulic power is required during normal operation, thus saving on operating power and reducing total power consumption. Both first and second curtains are infinitely adjustable via the Sandvik’s patented adjustment / braking system which is located on the cross beams of the crusher. This system gives hydraulic adjustment of both curtains, via the standard supply electric hydraulic power pack.

Crusher blockages have always historically been a problem, especially when operating in a primary configuration. Removal of the blockage, with the combined downtime and health and safety risks encountered, are now eliminated with the Sandvik new generation Prisec TM crusher. Due to the exceptional features of the crushers no stopping of the crusher is necessary, with no operator intervention inside the crusher, no heavy lifting gear required, all resulting in maximum uptime and reduced health and safety problems.

Rotor and hammer design The rotor and hammers can be considered as the heart of the crusher; this is why those used on the CI5** Prisec TM range are both robust and efficient. Rotors have superior weight and design, essential for delivering the high inertia required for optimum crusher performance, thus ensuring stability and smooth operation during production. The unique “banana” shaped self-sharpening hammer design helps to keep the contact heads sharper during operation, resulting in more effective shearing of the incoming material, and hence improved production.

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NEWS & REPORTS Easy and Safe maintenance A unique key safety interlock system ensures safe maintenance of the crusher and prevents accidental opening of the crusher and inspection doors even in multiple installations. It also allows the ability to raise curtains during operation without stopping the crusher to clear blockages, and re-set automatically to operating setting. This maximizes uptime and reduces the need for heavy lifting gear and operator / maintenance intervention, thereby reducing further Health & Safety risks.

Maximum uptime, Maximum breakage Through the modularized nature of the Prisec TM range, wear parts can be turned for maximum life/ usage with the same size being used across the whole range of crushers. In addition, Sandvik’s world leading technology in the hammer and liner material composition provides options far surpassing old industry standard of manganese, resulting in even lower operating cost per ton and the ability to operate efficiently in a variety of materials, especially recycling applications.


Sandvik Construction Rowan Dallimore Sandvik Construction Product Manager Impact Crushers Stationary Crushing and Screening Tel: +44(0) 1761 239249 eMail:

Table: Sandvik Cl511 PrisecTM crusher

Technical Data Rotor diameter (mm) Max. feed size (mm) Rotor configuration Tonnage throughput (nominal) Tonnage throughput (nominal)

Issue 01 | 2013

CI511 – Prisec TM crusher 1005mm High x 950mm wide 600mm Open Type, 4 hammer. 200 TPH 200 TPH


NEWS & REPORTS Sandvik Construction Central Europe

New Alpha 330 drilling tool system signals a new era of rock tool economy through increased rod life, more accurate collaring’s and straighter blastholes

In order to match the increased energy output from modern high power rock drills now used in drilling and tunneling, Sandvik Construction is proud to launch the Alpha 330 drilling tool system. This advanced system has been developed with special features that control power and, most importantly, ensure that this power is transmitted into the rock as efficiently, accurately and economically as possible. In tests, in varying rock conditions, the new design has been proven to deliver a 30-80% increase in rod life, provide more accurate collaring and straighter blastholes, thereby delivering greater advancement, improved profile control, thus enabling projects to be completed more rapidly, as well as reducing the overall cost of drilling and tunneling.

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NEWS & REPORTS The Sandvik Alpha 330 has been designed and dimensionally optimized to replace the R32 connections, which until now has been the dominant Ă˜ 45 mm system. A key development of this advanced new system sees the drill string rod / bit connection featuring an entirely new thread design. Furthermore the Alpha 330 possesses a shorter thread on the hexagonal rods in the tool system resulting in a rigid, integrated powerpack drill string, which possesses superior resistance to bending stresses, thereby securing perfect energy transfer. As part of the manufacturing process more steel has been used for higher fatigue strength, which further helps ensure exact collaring and straighter holes, as well as delivering a 30-80% increase in rod life.

Designed to boost productivity Essentially the Sandvik Alpha 330 system has been designed to increase customer productivity; it is able to accomplish this due to inherent benefits derived from the stronger and more rigid R33 thread, which possesses a significantly larger cross-section than R32, thereby making it proportionately stronger. Further improving rigidity, the Alpha 330 possesses a new guiding function located between the rod and bit-skirt immediately behind the thread. This means that the rod cross-section over the guide is now 36% larger (Alpha vs. R32) at the rear of the connection, greatly improving

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the rigidity of the joint. After the bit-skirt, the rod crosssection increases to Hex-35 quickly, and smoothly, ensuring that the sturdy thread is well guided inside the bit-skirt, offering higher precision in collaring – even in complex rock formations and uneven surfaces.

Customer satisfaction The reported benefits customers have experienced from using the Sandvik Alpha 330 tool system in global tunneling projects has been staggering: rod life has been extended by at least 30%; as well longer shank adaptor and coupling life spans. These factors alone have seen a reduction in total drilling tool cost by 20%, with additional benefits including high rates of penetration, advanced precision in collaring, superior drilling accuracy, faster and easier uncoupling of bits, as well as reduced machine downtime. Furthermore, the hard wearing and productive features inherent to the Alpha 330 has enabled tunneling projects to be completed in less time.


NEWS & REPORTS Summary of key features of the Alpha 330 • New Short thread design and hexagonal rods result in a rigid, integrated drill string optimized for 43-51 mm drilling. • The new short thread design offers increased precision in collaring. • A rigid drill string results in straighter holes, permitting optimum drilling patterns, better hole accuracy and higher rates of advance. • Exact collaring and straighter holes (essentials for productive drilling) are assured with less over-break and lower overall costs. • Less downtime of machinery resulting in better scheduling through optimal productivity.

The new Alpha 330 from Sandvik Construction is the latest addition to Sandvik’s world leading rock tools range of products that are aimed at enhancing customer’s productivity, and efficiency, whilst reducing the overall costs of drilling and tunneling.


Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2011 the Group had about 50,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of more than 94,000 MSEK.

Issue 01 | 2013

Sandvik Construction Emilie El Tarzi Marketing Communications Specialist Tel: +46 (0) 26 26 23 26 eMail:

Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying, tunneling, excavation, demolition, road building, recycling and civil engineering. The range of products includes rock tools, drilling rigs, breakers, bulk-materials handling and crushing and screening machinery. In 2011 sales amounted to more than 9,000 MSEK, with approximately 2,600 employees (pro forma rounded numbers).


NEWS & REPORTS SBM Mineral Processing GmbH

PREMIERE: First Presentation of the New REMAX 1112 MAXI to the Expert Audience!

New mobile mineral processing plant from SBM: The new plant REMAX 1112 MAXI offers a completely redesigned material flow. Image: REMAX 1312 MAXI. ŠSBM

First Presentation of the New REMAX 1112 MAXI to the Expert Audience In time for the bauma 2013, SBM launches a new mobile mineral processing plant and expands the REMAX series by a powerful, economic plant. With 41 tons this mobile track-mounted plant belongs to the mediumsize class of the REMAX series. The new plant REMAX 1112 MAXI offers a completely redesigned material flow making material jamming a thing of the past. The discharge conveyor belt below the screen can be optionally fixed or swivelling by 180° increasing stockpile capacity fivefold and considerable improving logistic processes. The impact crusher RHS ensures proven quality made by SBM. The rotor with a diameter of 1160 mm provides a very high energy level in the crushing chamber. Uniform crushing capacity and high throughput capacity are convincing performance parameters of the plant made by SBM. The diesel-electric drive system ensures low operating costs. REMAX 1112 MAXI is also equipped with a change-over switch for generator or mains operation

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further reducing operational costs. Additional features of the new SBM plant are a rotor with adjustable speed and a mounted cleaning function of the discharge chute. This plant is supplied with a frequency converter to control the speed of the return conveyor of the oversize material. Dolly-compatible compact transport dimensions and fulfilling latest environmental standards go without saying. Additional improvements include a revised control concept offering simplified operation as well as automatic feed hopper locking making the REMAX 1112 MAXI a state-ofthe-art plant concerning safety specifications. The graphic scratch-proof touch display ensures easy operation of the plant with gloves. A new feature of the REMAX series is a radio control permitting simple manoeuvring of the plant, operating the magnetic separator, and adjusting the feed. Additional functions are available upon request.


NEWS & REPORTS EXPANSION OF PRODUCT PORTFOLIO: Reclaimer – an Economic Power Package for Homogenised Bulk Materials By developing a highly efficient reclaimer - a bridge type bucket wheel reclaimer - SBM Mineral Processing GmbH expands its product portfolio especially for processed bulk materials. This new product made by SBM is applied wherever economic handling and homogenisation of large volumes of bulk material are of paramount importance – i.e. a plant especially targeted on the demands of the extractive industry. This type of reclaimer features exceptionally high loading capacity and high availability. It is especially designed for extreme operating conditions such as ice, snow and frost. A distributing conveyor puts the processed material with a grain size of 0-8 mm in layers on two stockpiles. Then the material is fully automated reclaimed by the reclaimer and fed to the loading of wagons by means of conveyors. The SBM reclaimer stockpiles 1000 t/h at a rail gauge of 58 m and will start operation in autumn 2013. This new product development is an essential part of a major order SBM - an Austrian company with long-standing tradition - managed to obtain last year. By expanding the product portfolio in the direction of handling bulk materials for mining, port facilities and steel works industries, SBM intends to open up new customer segments. The Austrian high-quality manufacturer possesses decades of know-how in process engineering and convinces thanks to worldwide reference projects for industrial plant engineering under extreme weather conditions.

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FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: SBM Mineral Processing GmbH Mag. Alexandra Wagner, Leitung Marketing Oberweis 401 | 4664 Oberweis, Austria Tel.: +43(0) 3612/270-1510 Mobil: +43(0) 676/8827-1510 eMail: Internet:

SBM Mineral Processing GmbH For more than 60 years, SBM Mineral Processing has specialised in mineral processing plants and conveying plants for natural stone and recycling industries. In the mineral processing field, SBM carries the brands SBM and MFL. The second product field of the Austrian high-quality manufacturer are concrete mixing plants fulfilling all requirements on international concrete standards. SBM and its 130 employees belong to the MFL Corporate group operating all over the world.

New mobile mineral processing plant from SBM: The new plant REMAX 1112 MAXI offers a completely redesigned material flow. Image: REMAX 1312 MAXI. ©SBM


NEWS & REPORTS Allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Global Player from Duisburg at Bauma 2013: For 25 years, allmineral supplies innovative processing technology increasingly in demand throughout the world

allmineral: sishen

From copper processing in Queensland, Australia, to sorting hematite iron ore in Brazil’s »Iron Quadrangle«, from jigging machines in the Pilbara region to magnetic separators in the Indian Sarda mines: allmineral’s innovative solutions play a key role in the state of the art processing of raw materials around the world. Visit us and find out more about the latest development in beneficiation applications, related processes and machinery at the BAUMA 2013 (Hall B2, Booth 319/414, Hazemag Group corporate booth).

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NEWS & REPORTS Supported by its numerous international affiliates and selected partners allmineral supplied processing plants into the most important raw materials markets in the world. In these plants the systems are the key technology for the efficient and economical processing of ores, coal, gravel, sand, metal slag and a variety of recyclable materials. And what’s more: as a member of the renowned Hazemag Group, allmineral has expanded its international network yet again and can provide an even better service to its customers by way of global collaboration with Hazemag companies and partners. »The Hazemag Group’s involvement is another example of our successful and consistent marketing strategy focused on the global marketplace,« says allmineral’s CEO Dr. Ing. Heribert Breuer about the new partnership. »The international market has grown significantly for our mainstay in ore and coal processing. The company has established a sustainable global presence and as a group we will be able to offer to our customers an even larger range of products and expertise.«

allmineral´s latest start-up, allmineral Australia Pty. Limited contributes to strengthening allmineral’s position in the booming Australian market – a market that still has enormous potential. In addition to the successful commissioning of Rio Tinto’s strategically crucial pilot plant including alljig®, allflux® and gaustec®-WHIMS as the core components, allmineral secured more orders in the Pilbara area. By the end of 2012, there were a total of 17 alljigs® and 25 allflux® in operation in Australia.

allmineral’s latest achievement on the fifth continent was in Queensland: The up-and-coming Australian mine operator CUDECO is banking on the innovative Duisburg technology for its native copper processing. Under the direction of the Chinese state-owned enterprise SINOSTEEL in mid-2013, a total of ten alljigs® will be installed for the beneficiation of various grain sizes as part of the ambitious »Rocklands Group Copper Project«.

allmineral: christmas creek

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NEWS & REPORTS This allmineral technology is used by a number of leading mining companies around the world and is the key component of this modern, high tech plant that will not only produce copper concentrate, but also cobalt, gold, pyrite and magnetite concentrates in the course of the next decades. The first of the latest generation of magnetic separators have raised the bar in Brazil and India for hematite iron ore processing, by doubling the throughput rate to 700 tph. Despite this increase in capacity, the new design allows for keeping the gaustec®-GX WHIMS’ dimensions, weight and energy consumption at approximately the same level compared to smaller units.. As a direct result capital expenditure and operating costs per ton of feed are significantly lower, also thanks to the fact that the gaustec®-GX’s innovative technology requires less equipment in the field and allows for a simplified process flow.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG Baumstraße 45 47198 Duisburg | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)20 66 - 99 17 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)20 66 - 99 17 - 17 eMail: Internet:

allmineral’s success story continues in other areas as well – for example, with the alljig®-GR jigging machines for processing and cleaning coarse fractions of up to 80 mm particle size. In only four years, there have been 40 successful jig installations with this new discharge arrangement in the gravel, sand, ore and recycling sectors. With its innovative alljig®, allair®, allflux® und gaustec® systems, allmineral has been successful in the market for over 25 years now, and is the right partner to talk to in regard to separation and processing of coal, ore, slag, gravel and sand or for recycling (of construction waste, for example). allmineral’s plants are in Europe, India, Australia, North and South America as well as in South Africa. Around the world there are more than 750 allmineral plants in operation, reliably and efficiently applying both methods, dry and wet.

About allmineral

Bauma 2013: allmineral is at the Hazemag Group’s corporate booth | Hall B2, Booth 319/414

Issue 01 | 2013

allmineral is a world-renowned specialist in the preparation of gravel, sand, coal, slag and ore. Our system solutions are oriented to the individual needs of our customers, market conditions and the quality of the raw materials available. In close cooperation with our customers, our qualified staff develops an optimal concept, builds the appropriate system and ensures trouble-free operation..


NEWS & REPORTS The new mobile jaw crushers from Kleemann: Mobicat MC 110 EVO.

Kleemann GmbH

Global innovation in the Contractor market: New mobile jaw crusher generation from Kleemann

At this year‘s bauma Kleemann will show for the first time its new jaw crushers Mobicat MC 110 Z and MC 110 R, which further expand the successful EVO Contractor Line of Kleemann. Also here EVO represents a redevelopment of the entire plants, real progress in terms of power and efficiency.

Complete new designs The plants of the new Mobicat EVO series have been redesigned from scratch, thus allowing the combination of new features such as the hopper walls integrated in the chassis or a fully hydraulic crushing gap adjustment with tried-and-tested concepts like the independent doubledecker pre screen, making the plants even more diverse and efficient.

Issue 01 | 2013

Crusher direct drive, electric auxiliary drives Similar to the mobile impact crushers in the Mobirex EVO series, drive variants with direct drive crushers and electric drives for the vibrating conveyors, belts and the pre screen, are now used for the mobile jaw crushers. This means extremely efficient operation and allows optimal loading of the crusher. The so-called CFS (Continuous Feed System) controls an even more equal loading of the crushing area, in which the conveying frequencies of the


NEWS & REPORTS feeder trough and the pre screen are adapted independently of each other to the level of the crusher and thus help increase the performance significantly.

New crushing unit with hoisted crusher jaw The new crusher impresses with its hoisted articulated crusher jaw, which on the one hand prevents blocking of coarse material and on the other hand takes all fastening elements of the crusher jaw from the wear area. In addition, the transfer from the pre screen or the feeder trough is designed so that the material can simply tilt into the crushing jaw and convey an even material flow. With this property and other features Kleemann achieves outputs of up to 300 tons per hour.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Kleemann GmbH Mark Hezinger Manfred-Wรถrner-Str. 160 73037 Gรถppingen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)71 61 - 20 62 09 Fax: +49 (0)71 61 - 20 61 00 eMail: Internet:

The new mobile jaw crushers from Kleemann: Mobicat MC 110 EVO..

Kleemann GmbH Kleemann GmbH is a member company of the Wirtgen Group, an expanding and international group of companies doing business in the construction equipment industry. This Group includes the four well-known brands, Wirtgen, Vรถgele, Hamm and Kleemann, with their headquarters in Germany and local production sites in Brazil, India and China. Worldwide customer support is provided by its 55 own sales and service companies.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Kleemann GmbH

Kleemann at bauma 2013:

The concentrated power of mineral processing!

Mobile primary crusher with hourly output of up to 600 tons.

Kleemann presents a highlight at this year‘s bauma with the global première of the new generation of mobile jaw crushers in the Contractor Line, the new Mobicat EVO series. But apart from this there is still a considerable amount to see at Kleemann: With a total of five mobile crusher plants on display, Kleemann clarifies how comprehensive the spectrum of applications of the Kleemann product range is.

Competence in natural stone The two representatives of the Kleemann Quarry Line are designed especially for tough use in the area of natural stone. The Mobicat MC 125 Z mobile jaw crusher is a very powerful primary crusher, which with a crusher inlet opening of 1250 x 1000 mm and a weight of approx. 130 tons performs its work also in adverse conditions and processes up to 600 tons per hour. The Mobicone MCO 11 S mobile cone crusher is a secondary crusher for the second or third crushing stage and with its integrated triple-deck screening unit and the closed material cycle enables production of three defined final grains.

Issue 01 | 2013

Diverse, powerful, efficient: Mobirex MR 130 ZS EVO.


NEWS & REPORTS Mobile secondary crushing plant with cone crusher and triple-deck screening unit to meet the highest requirements for grain form and output rate.

Kleemann GmbH Kleemann GmbH is a member company of the Wirtgen Group, an expanding and international group of companies doing business in the construction equipment industry. This Group includes the four well-known brands, Wirtgen, Vรถgele, Hamm and Kleemann, with their headquarters in Germany and local production sites in Brazil, India and China. Worldwide customer support is provided by its 55 own sales and service companies.

Diverse, efficient and extremely powerful The Mobirex MR 130 ZS EVO mobile impact crusher, the star of the Kleemann stand at the last bauma, has more than established itself since its launch in 2010 in the Contractor market. The MR 130 and its sister model MR 110 have proven themselves both in natural stone and in diverse recycling applications to the extent that they now belong to the most powerful and efficient representatives in their class. The two completely redeveloped mobile jaw crushers MC 110 Z EVO and MC 110 R EVO which will be added to the Contractor Line of Kleemann from May of this year, also want to offer this evidence. Similar to the impact crushers in the Mobirex EVO series no bolt was left untouched here. With its crusher inlet widths of 1100 x 700 mm the plants are targeting the so-called 1100 class, which is the largest individual segment in the market of mobile crusher plants. With the new plants Kleemann has provided the basis to also conquer further market shares in this class and establish itself over the long term.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Kleemann GmbH Mark Hezinger Manfred-Wรถrner-Str. 160 73037 Gรถppingen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)71 61 - 20 62 09 Fax: +49 (0)71 61 - 20 61 00 eMail: Internet:

DThe new mobile jaw crushers from Kleemann: Mobicat MC 110 EVO.

Issue 01 | 2013



Wirtgen: rounds out new generation of cold recyclers and soil stabilizers

Cold recycling and soil stabilization made easy. The new WR generation offers even greater output, high cost-efficiency and easy handling.

Maximum quality every time – the WR 240 already delivered this level of performance when it was introduced to the market in summer 2012 as the first representative of the new-generation cold recyclers and soil stabilizers. With the two, new WR 200 and WR 250 models, Wirtgen now rounds out this product segment in time for bauma 2013.

New standards in cold recycling and soil stabilization

A small compact machine (WR 200) meets a powerhouse (WR 250)

With the world’s largest line of recyclers and soil stabilizers, Wirtgen has the right solution for every application. For example, the WR 240 is considered to be an all-rounder for the heavy-duty stabilization of large areas of non-cohesive soil, and for the conservative cold recycling of damaged asphalt layers. A variety of new features make it a pioneer in terms of performance and cost-efficiency, and it has impressively demonstrated both of these in practical use in recent months, as the exclusively positive feedback from customers confirms. Despite its higher productivity, the WR 240 consumes significantly less fuel thanks to state-of-the-art engine management, and therefore considerably reduces costs for contractors. What is more, their machine operators praise the large, modern cabin, the all-around view it affords, the machine‘s improved manoeuvrability, its optimized ergonomic design and its intuitive operation.

Wirtgen is presenting the WR 200 at bauma 2013, a smaller version of the WR 240. It boasts nearly identical features for both cold recycling and soil stabilization. It shows off all its capabilities in these applications, specifically its maneuverability on small, tight construction sites. Furthermore, it requires no special transport permits and is therefore ideal for one-day jobs.

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The WR 250 is the most heavy-duty machine of the new WR generation. This powerhouse is designed for stabilizing heavy, swampy soils and comes into its own on recycling and pulverization jobs, where it turns roadways up to 25 cm thick into homogenous granulate. What is new is the option of also operating the milling drum from the cabin, making it possible to flexibly activate a number of milling drum speeds. The milling drum design tailored to the WR 250’s high output helps to achieve outstanding mix quality at a high feed rate.



Outstanding! Wirtgen won the iF product design award in the category “Special Vehicles / Construction / Agriculture” for the WR 240, one of the most coveted international design prizes. The award evaluates aspects such as degree of innovation, environmental impact, functionality, ergonomics and product safety.

iF product design award for the Wirtgen WR 240 In addition to their innovative features, all three models lastly win out with their ultra-modern design. The WR 240 even won an iF product design award in 2013, one of the world’s foremost design prices.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Wirtgen GmbH - Press and Public Relations Michaela Adams, Mario Linnemann Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2 53578 Windhagen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31-0 Fax: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31 499 eMail: Internet:

Cold recycling and soil stabilization made easy. The new WR generation offers even greater output, high cost-efficiency and easy handling.

Issue 01 | 2013



ADVERTISEMENT Ausgabe 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Wirtgen Group

Two brands – one solution: the Wirtgen Group offers machines for the mining and processing of minerals – Wirtgen surface miners and Kleemann crushers and screens.

Wirtgen Group Mineral Technologies: Maximum reliability and economic efficiency

With the Wirtgen surface miners and Kleemann crushers and screens, the Wirtgen Group‘s Mineral Technologies division offers a well-matched product range for mining and processing minerals. Extracting minerals from open-cast deposits and processing mineral raw materials impose high demands on man and machine. Durable, high-performance equipment is essential here. The experiences gained in practical applications are continually channelled into further technological advancements and it is this which now permits the Wirtgen Group to offer its customers technically perfected, practical products which are designed to withstand the most extreme operating conditions. From material extraction to material processing, these robust machines stand for reliability and economic efficiency.

by a special cutting drum before being transferred into dumpers via sturdy conveyor systems – all in a single pass. Alternatively, the rock can be placed alongside the machine or laid in windrows between the tracks. Only Wirtgen can offer both of these options. As a result, surface miners are very flexible to use. They have cutting widths of 2.20 to 4.20 m and cut down to depths of 20 to 83 cm – at a uniaxial compressive strength of up to 120 MPa. Special machines for rock construction can even cut hard granite up to 260 MPa. Wirtgen is the only manufacturer which can offer a performance range of 100 to 3,000 t/h.

Wirtgen surface miner The well-established mechanical mining procedure requires no drilling, blasting and pre-crushing. Instead, the rock is first cut and crushed in the surface miner

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NEWS & REPORTS The product range: Individually configurable standard machines Wirtgen offers three time-proven performance classes which can be configured variably to meet the needs of each project: the 2200 SM, the 2500 SM and the 4200 SM. Over two dozen cutting drum designs are available as standard and further designs can be developed and built for specific applications. Used in open-cast mining, road routing work, railway lines and tunnels, over 420 Wirtgen surface miners are currently in operation around the world. The machines can selectively extract valuable minerals, coal, limestone, gypsum, bauxite, phosphate or iron ore with a high degree of purity. Thanks to the continual expansion of the machines‘ range of applications, they can also be used for special applications in salt, granite, kimberlite or oil shale mining.

Surface mining sets standards – Also in terms of economy A pioneer of surface mining technology, Wirtgen GmbH has been developing the mechanical process since the 1980s and has established it as an alternative to conventional mining methods. Requiring no blasting, the process avoids ground vibrations, noise and dust, minimizing the environmental impact. Surface mining also increases safety in the mines.

Mining companies who opt for surface mining make immense cost savings, as the initial investment is not only considerably lower than for conventional methods – the production costs are reduced by up to 40 percent, too. What is more, they can also rely on Wirtgen‘s longstanding application experience. For instance, the mining experts are available to provide advice on site for the entire duration of a project – extending from the organization of the project logistics to service in the mine. After all, machine availability is crucial to success in the mining business, where machines are in operation 24/7. Local service bases and comprehensive services offer customers maximum reliability when planning the deployment of their machine fleets.

Kleemann crushers and screens The Wirtgen Group offers a wide range of jaw, impact and cone crushers as well as screens for processing mineral raw materials and recycling construction materials. Kleemann has been in the business of processing natural rock and recycling materials for over 150 years. Recycling materials and the chunks of rock obtained from drilling and blasting work in quarries are processed into defined grain sizes. These classified final granulations are used in road and building construction, being standard additives for concrete as well as for asphalt base, binder and surface courses.

One of the key features of the Wirtgen surface miner is its ability to load cut material directly onto trucks – like this 4200 SM. The height-adjustable conveyor can be swung 90 degrees to either side.

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NEWS & REPORTS In addition, Kleemann products are designed to tackle hard minerals and materials in the mining sector. Kleemann provides application consulting for its customers to help them select the right machine for their requirements. This ensures that products can be mined as economically as possible at the specified daily rate.

The product range: Stand-alone machines or interlinked machine combinations Jaw crushers in the MOBICAT line are the classic primary crushers for natural rock. The performance range of these mobile machines extends from 100 to 1,500 t/h. Extremely robust, high-performance machines with feed capacities of 450 to 1,000 t/h are used for traditional quarry applications. Secondary crushers such as track-mounted impact crushers in the MOBIREX line and cone crushers in the MOBICONE line are electrically connected to work in tandem with primary crushers and screens. The screen area of the chain-mounted screening plants ranges from 7 to 18.4 m². Their performance extends up to 1,000 t/h, making them ideal for heavy duty operation and material which is difficult to screen. Stationary plants with capacities of 100 to 1,000 t/h perform all the other individual tasks required apart from crushing and screening – i.e. washing, sand processing, mixing, dust collection etc., rounding off the product range.

Two brands – One solution The Wirtgen Group offers extremely robust, state-of-theart special machines in the field of mineral technologies: namely Wirtgen surface miners and Kleemann crushers and screens. With a wide range of products and decades of practical experience in applications technology, the Wirtgen Group offers its customers one-stop tailored solutions, worldwide. Committed to advancing its machines in collaboration with its customers and to providing an optimum after-sales service – extending from advice and financing support to an on-site machine service – the Wirtgen Group is the ideal partner in the field of mineral technologies.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Wirtgen Group - Press and Public Relations Michaela Adams, Mario Linnemann Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2 53578 Windhagen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31-0 Fax: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31 499 eMail: Internet:

Three MCO 13 S mobile secondary crushers for the production of iron ore in a grain size of 0-10 mm.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Wirtgen Group

Wirtgen Group introduces 29 new products at bauma 2013: Innovative

Solutions for Road and Mineral Technologies

Four strong brands, 91 innovative exhibits, 29 of which are pioneering world premieres, 10,560 m² of exhibition space and over 100 experienced specialists: these impressive figures describe the Wirtgen Group at bauma 2013 and demonstrate its innovative force in the Road and Mineral Technologies business segments.

Wirtgen Group sets the pace in the industry With their advanced solutions, the strong Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm and Kleemann brands are once again setting the pace in the industry. Tailored closely to needs in the field, the new Wirtgen Group machines offer customers added value that greatly facilitates their everyday work at the construction site, mine or quarry. With six world premieres, Wirtgen is ringing in a new era in roadway construction. Be it new construction or rehabilitation, road building companies are ideally equipped to meet any challenge with the two, new-generation cold recyclers and soil stabilizers as well as slipform pavers. Maximum process reliability, lower fuel consumption, greater ease of operation: that is the new „dash 3“ generation from Vögele. Eleven world premieres among the road pavers and extending screeds can be seen live at bauma 2013. With world premieres in the H, HD+ and HD CompactLine product families, Hamm rounds out its range of high-quality vibratory compactors and tandem rollers. Efficiency is the keyword for the future of compaction technology.

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The new MOBICAT EVO line of mobile jaw crushers sets new standards in the contractor market. The three world premieres from Kleemann boast high efficiency and versatility.

EExperience the Wirtgen Group stand at the trade show: New perspectives for visitors In line with its theme “Innovative Solutions for Road and Mineral Technologies” – the Wirtgen Group is showing not only world premieres, but also an impressive cross-section of its full-service portfolio. The dimensions of Wirtgen Group’s trade show stand are equally as impressive. The total area has increased considerably since bauma 2010; in fact the Wirtgen Group has the third-largest exhibition space at bauma 2013. As if that were not enough, the stand has even grown vertically: visitors can discover the Wirtgen Group world on two levels for the first time in 2013. While the hardware is on display on the ground floor in the product area and technology pavilions, customers can experience the Wirtgen Group’s other services on the second floor. From applications consulting and financial



solutions to after-sales service, visitors learn here how the Wirtgen Group lives up to its pledge “close to our customers” every day.

Wirtgen Group experts in Munich Experts for the Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm and Kleemann brands, and from the 55 sales and service organizations worldwide, will be on hand at bauma 2013 to answer any questions surrounding road and mineral technologies.

Issue 01 | 2013

For more information on Wirtgen Group at bauma 2013, go to: FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Wirtgen Group - Press and Public Relations Michaela Adams, Mario Linnemann Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2 53578 Windhagen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31-0 Fax: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31 499 eMail: Internet:



Continuous training for the Mining industry: Advanced Mining Academy More information about the

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Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Bell Equipment (Deutschland) GmbH

Bell celebrates:

The European Bell factory in Eisenach, Germany, is gearing up for the new E-series models.

10 years of German manufacturing at BAUMA 2013!

2013 will be a milestone year in the history of Bell Equipment‘s German manufacturing facility, which celebrates its 10-year anniversary and gears up for the production of the new Bell E-series generation of Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs) later in the year. Following the company‘s recent announcement to re-enter the Americas, the world‘s largest ADT market, the factory will also increase its production to supply Bell ADTs to this strategic new market.

10 years of German manufacturing Comments Bell Equipment Group Chief Executive, Gary Bell: „Having started manufacturing in Germany 10 years ago we‘ve had a fair opportunity to assess the value of producing our trucks in Europe and going forward we believe that our decision to produce in Germany is still good and valid. We‘ve positioned the company well to leverage new opportunities and are looking forward to the exciting times that lie ahead. We are also satisfied with the quality of our product from this factory; it‘s produced to a high standard as expected from a German facility.“

The European Bell factory in Eisenach, Germany, is gearing up for the new E-series models. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

The flow-line concept with parallel component preparation of Bell Equipment‘s European ADT factory allows the flexible production of all models according to market demand. Bell Eisenach assembles all Blu@dvantage Bell trucks for the company’s EU-IIIb markets and North American Tier4i markets. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

Looking back Bell Equipment started construction on its German manufacturing facility at Eisenach at the beginning of 2003 and the first of its European-produced D-series Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs) rolled of the production line in October that same year. Ten years later Bell Equipment has established itself as a strong, reliable ADT specialist in the construction industry and earthmoving sector. In addition the company has grown its local supplier database, showing its deep-rooted commitment to the European region.

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Highly qualified personnel form the backbone of Bell Equipment’s assembly concept in Eisenach, Germany. Here driveline components such as Mercedes-Benz engines and Allison transmissions are prepared in parallel to the truck assembly. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

The company took the decision to develop the German factory following the immense worldwide success of its D-series ADT. Recalls Bell: „ADT production at our South African factory was near capacity and developing a European assembly plant presented many benefits in terms of flexible production, short delivery distances, improved logistics, the guarantee of additional machines and the strategic positioning for future growth in Central and Eastern Europe. „During the initial phase the factory supplied product to North America, however, that was terminated in 2005 due to a new arrangement with our American partners. Prior to this the factory had reached its design volumes and was running with pleasing efficiency,“ he said. „While volumes have not been as great as expected in recent years, and the European market hasn‘t fully recovered from the 2008/2009 global recession, it has provided sufficient volume for the factory and given us the benefit of not having to ‚round trip‘ our product. This has enabled us to focus on localising some of our component manufacture to Germany as well as to build our markets in the region and grow our distribution footprint to provide better support.

The European factory was designed from the outset to assemble the varied Bell truck range – from the smaller trucks up to the flagship Bell B50D. After strict end-of-line checks the Bell trucks are delivered to Bell dealers and customers across the northern hemisphere. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

as the Canadian dealer and distributor of its range of ADTs. Said Bell: „We are excited to be able to return to these markets, ADTs are the backbone of our business and a product we specialise in and access to the American markets is key to our global plans. As such we have planned for a significant increase for North American volumes off a low base.” Meanwhile work to equip and convert the German factory for the manufacture of the full range of E-series ADTs started early in 2013. The E-series meets the next tier of engine emission requirements and features some of the most cutting edge ADT technology to build on the company‘s heritage as an ADT specialist. Concludes Bell: „2013 should be a exciting year for the company in terms of growing our presence in North and South America and launching our E-series ADT to the global market. At the factory research and development continues strongly and this year we begin testing our 60ton truck.“ Gary Bell, Bell Equipment Group CEO. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

„As volumes increase to Eastern Europe, in particular Russia, it is our intent to further improve local value add and improve the company‘s competitiveness in these markets,“ he added. Although the overall market outlook for 2013 is not positive, with a 5 to 10% drop in market sales forecast, Bell is hoping to maintain similar levels to 2012 and has planned for a 15% increase in European volumes. In addition the facility will re-launch the production of trucks for the North Americas following the appointment of Wajax Equipment

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Bell Equipment (Deutschland) GmbH

International market introduction:

E-Series takes ADTs into new era!

Bell Equipment‘s new E-series, represented at BAUMA 2013 by the B30E, is set to build on the company‘s strong heritage as an Articulated Dump Truck specialist. The new range offers latest developments in 6x6-technology, continuing to provide class leading power and weightratios, advanced engine and drivetrain characteristics. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

Previewed at last year’s Intermat show, the brand-new Bell B30E will take centre stage for Bell Equipment at BAUMA 2013 to start the market introduction of Bell Equipment’s evolutionary new E-Series ADT range (Hall B4, Stand 108). Following the modular performance class concept Bell launches its new 30-tonner together with the smaller Bell B25E, both incorporating latest developments in 6x6-technology. While continuing to provide class leading power and weightratios, advanced engine and drivetrain characteristics, both models set new standards in safety, driver comfort and truck management. The Bell B30E, on display at BAUMA 2013, showcases the improvements Bell Equipment‘s design engineers have made in the key areas of performance and fuel efficiency. They have also taken ADT functionality to new levels with customer-focused advancements and the highest level of automated machine protection. The all-new truck platform has been specifically engineered to handle future emissions requirements and take ADT innovation into the next era.

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Defining new standards on proven grounds Fuel burn can contribute more than 40% of the operating cost on a site and has, therefore, always been a major focus area for Bell Equipment, especially in reacting to international emission restrictions schemes. The latest generations of Bell D-series trucks introduced their “Blu@ dvantage” SCR-technology (Selective Catalytic Reduction ) as an industry leading standard in fuel-efficient emission



Bell Equipment‘s new E-series, represented at BAUMA 2013 by the B30E, is set to build on the company‘s strong heritage as an Articulated Dump Truck specialist. The new range offers latest developments in 6x6-technology, continuing to provide class leading power and weightratios, advanced engine and drivetrain characteristics. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

control, compliant to Tier4i and EU-IIIB. Whilst the E-series platform has been designed for upcoming legal requirements, first generations of the new B25E (210 kW/1 120 Nm) and B30E (240 kW/1 300 Nm) continue to use the proven Blu@dvantage engine configurations of their predecessors, but engine power and fuel consumption have been additionally optimized through event dependant software that controls retardation, cooling and charging of accumulators. Bell Equipment‘s D-series platform, particularly for its larger ADTs, has continuously emerged as the best in class during its long lifetime due largely to the company‘s

evolutionary approach to design. It should come as no surprise that Bell Equipment engineers have opted to carry this platform through to the smaller trucks in the new E-series range by changing the front suspension on the smaller E-series trucks to an A-frame layout. „We‘ve increased the suspension travel and the A-frame gives a more independent ride. In ride quality evaluations numerous operators have been unanimous in their approval and appreciation of the improvements achieved on the E-series,“ commented Tristan du Pisanie, Bell Equipment‘s B30E Project Manager. Additionally, wider tyres are offered as an option on the B30E, while importantly still keeping the machine width below 3m to allow for easy on-road transportation of the truck to job sites in Europe. In keeping with the practice of carrying through attributes from the larger Bell ADTs to the smaller trucks, the company has switched to Allison The Bell E-series sets new standards in safety, driver comfort and truck management. Taking the driver experience to a new level is the Isringhausen seat with a three point safety harness, designed to improve ride comfort and reduce whole body vibration with its own suspension and dampening system. On the dashboard a full colour screen and an automotive mouse interface has been introduced to control the sealed display unit, which features more detailed and user-friendly onboard diagnostics. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

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With the E-series Bell Equipment‘s engineers have carried through the A-frame suspension used on the larger ADT models to the smaller trucks in the range to increase suspension travel and deliver a more independent ride. The result? An unparalleled experience in terms of ride quality. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

transmissions. Bell previously used Allison transmissions on the small C-series trucks and believes that the change offers improvement in performance due to greater efficiency. Importantly the change is in alignment with Bell Equipment‘s single family design concept.

Therefore the E-series cab has a full colour screen and an automotive mouse interface to control the sealed display unit. The Bell ADT is the first to offer this technology and the standard reversing camera can also been integrated into the colour screen display.

For improved safety and productivity the E-series has an automatically engaged Inter-axle Differential Lock (IDL) giving the vehicle full automatic traction control. A sensor on the inter-axle differential identifies when an axle loses traction and automatically engages the IDL function while the vehicle is still moving. „This feature is working so well that the diff lock button on the Sealed Switch Module (SSM) may soon become redundant,“ says du Pisanie. In addition the B30E and B25E ADTs both have limited slip differentials in each axle so the cross locking of wheels is achieved automatically without any interaction from the operator.

Bell opted for an Isringhausen seat, with its own suspension and dampening system, to improve ride comfort and reduce whole body vibration. The seat also has a three point safety harness which can be configured, as an additional safety feature, so that the truck‘s engine will only start once the seat harness is fastened. Heated seats are an option for colder climates.

Driver comfort = owner profit According to Tristan du Pisanie, the operator‘s experience has been a key focus area and various improvements to the cab and suspension performance have been made with this in mind. „We wanted to build on what we had achieved with our long-standing successful D-series by simplifying the interface and making the cab more ergonomic where possible. When we looked at how to improve the operator‘s experience we took into consideration the lifestyles of today‘s younger generation of operators. Smartphone technology is growing in popularity and we also wanted to build the familiarity of what happens in your car into what happens in our E-series trucks,“ explains du Pisanie.

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Modern flowing lines, in keeping with the current styling trend on road vehicles, offer the operator unsurpassed levels of visibility while lights have been positioned higher up on the body where they will be less inclined to attract mud. Additionally all surface areas that could potentially come into contact with hazards on the job site now incorporate a rolled steel section for even higher durability. Safety systems and features, such as handrails and high visibility mirrors, have been styled into the project from the beginning so that the finished product is aesthetically pleasing and polished.

Advanced ADT Intelligence „A lot of thought and testing has gone into the E-series design and the engineering team has had detailed interactions with customers, operators and the Bell Sales Team,“ says du Pisanie. „As a result the onboard diagnostics


NEWS & REPORTS are more detailed and user friendly. The E-series truck can store up to 72 hours of machine operation and there are more proactive advance warnings for the hydraulic system. Another technological advancement is that a Bell Field Technician can plug the screen display onto his laptop and link with our Engineering team in Richards Bay so that they can see the screen display and see exactly what is going on with a truck anywhere in the world.“ In line with the improved diagnostics, Bell Equipment‘s satellite fleet monitoring system, Fleetm@tic is also undergoing a major facelift with a new web application focussing on mapping utility so that Fleetm@tic is available on all multi-media including tablets, smartphones and PCs. The geofencing feature is to be reconfigured to increase vehicle safety by facilitating geofencing in multiple zones based on speed limitations related to load, inclination and site conditions. An additional feature will be a map tracking utility giving per minute tracking data. Of course Bell Equipment‘s other ground-breaking innovations such as keyless ignition, HillAssist, Bin Tip Prevention, Auto Park Application (APA), standard Turbo Spin Protection and On-Board Weighing (OBW) are still standard on the E-series. OBW-Accuracy has been improved through the addition of an additional load cell to compensate for different loading styles.

Proven and tested concept Bell Equipment‘s Head of Engineering, Pieter Goosen says that the E-series has been in development for the past five years and has undergone stringent durability testing, having enlisted reputable independent national and international test facilities for additional verification. Development has followed a well-structured process that has included an unprecedented level of customer interaction, concept vehicles and numerous prototypes to ensure a strong, reliable product. Extensive testing formed part of the process and engineers used structural analysis and dynamic analysis along with a rigorous testing programme on some of the harshest mine sites in the world to ensure that the E-series is worthy of taking the Bell marque forward. „We are confident that with Bell Equipment‘s continuous development philosophy the E-series platform will take us well into the next decade to further strengthen our pedigree as the ADT specialist,“ he said.

Table: Key technical data B25E and B30E (* Weights are best estimates based on measurements done on pre-production trucks and exclude bin liners and tailgate)

Engine Gross power Gross torque Bin volume (SAE 2:1) Unladen weight* Payload



OM926LA, Stage 3B 210 kW @ 2 200 rpm 1120 Nm @ 1200 - 1600 rpm 15,0 m³ 19 000 kg 24 000 kg

OM926LA, Stage 3B 240 kW @ 2 200 rpm 1300 Nm @ 1200 -1600 rpm 17,5 m³ 19 950 kg 28 000 kg

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Bell Equipment U.K. Unit 6 C, Graycar Business park, Barton-Under-Needwood, Burton-on-Trent Bell Equipment International DE13 8EN United Kingdom Stephen Jones, Manager – Group Marketing Bell Equipment Co. SA. Phone: +44 (0) 1283 712862 Fax: +44 (0) 1283 712687 Tel.: +27 (0) 35 907 9431 eMail: Fax: +27 (0) 35 797 4323 Internet: eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Bell Equipment (Deutschland) GmbH The newest addition to the Bell VersaTruck range, the B30D 4x4 will be on show at BAUMA 2013. The 4X4 base offers improved manoeuvrability, with tighter turning circle and shorter dimensions without impacting on payload and engine performance. A cost effective, tailor made OEM solution for customers not requiring the functionality of a standard 6x6 ADT but still needing the higher flexibility offered by an articulated truck in terms of terrain and weather capabilities with reduced operating cost. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

BEll VersaTruck:

Full OEM solutions for niche markets Bell Equipment‘s ability to listen to the needs of its customers and successfully translate these needs into tailor made machine solutions has led to the introduction of a new product to the company‘s VersaTruck programme, namely a B30D 4x4 to be displayed on the Bell BAUMA stand (Hall B4, Stand 108). The company, which was built on the specialised machinery concept, is recognised as the Articulated Dump Truck specialist and takes versatility to a whole different level with its VersaTruck programme. Customers are able to choose from a number of Bell ADT permutations to best suit their application requirements. Included in Bell Equipment‘s extensive list of tailor made solutions are ejector trucks, fire trucks, water tankers, lube trucks, flat deck trucks, hooklift trucks, container trucks, concrete trucks, timber trucks, waste handlers, waste compactors and even an underground concrete mixer. Managing this programme is the Bell Application Equipment (BAE) division, a substantial team with years of experience, which is dedicated to the design, fabrication and assembly of the Bell niche products. Clinton Wissekerke heads up this team and tells us about the latest addition to the programme. The B30D 4x4 solution for earthmoving and quarrying applications, which will be on display at BAUMA 2013, has arisen from specific enquiries from the industry. Wissekerke said: „Over the past few years we‘ve worked on several 4x4 variations on our D-series platform including the B15D for light duty industrial

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applications, the T302D Timber Haulers and now the B30D 4x4, which is particularly well suited for use in quarrying applications worldwide.“ Wissekerke explains the reason for the 4x4 ADT: „Providing the same payload and engine performance as our standard B30D, the 4x4 option offers a tighter turning circle and shorter dimensions compared to our traditional 6x6 ADT with their optimized offroad capability. It therefore suits customers needing improved manoeuvrability, but still needing the higher flexibility (weather independence, heavy terrain) of an articulated truck compared to rigid chassis alternatives on the market. These customers may also reduce tyre costs - a major portion of the operating cost of an ADT - simply through reduced tyre scuffing associated with the third axle.“ Adds Bell Equipment‘s Marketing Manager: ADTs, Llewellyn Roux: „Of course the VersaTrucks are able to offer the best in performance, safety, fuel efficiency and ease of operation of our standard ADT range. Similarly they also have all the latest innovations and features, among them onboard weighing, keyless ignition, HillAssist, Bin Tip Prevention, Auto Park Application (APA), standard Turbo Spin Protection and our satellite fleet management system Fleetm@tic.



„By offering complete OEM solutions to our niche markets we are able to provide an OEM warranty knowing that these machines are built according to our uncompromising design philosophy and quality standards. Importantly this also means that a Bell Versa Truck solution is guaranteed of Bell Equipment’s technical support offered through our comprehensive global network of customer service centres and dealers,“ he says.

The VersaTruck programme has been borne from Bell Equipment‘s ability to listen to the needs of its customers and successfully translate these needs into tailor made machine solutions. These complete OEM solutions - including ejector trucks, water tankers, hooklift trucks and ADTs with fifth wheels - come with an OEM warranty knowing that these machines are built according to Bell Equipment‘s uncompromising design philosophy and quality standards. (Photos: Bell Equipment)

Key technical data B30D 4x4

Gross power

240 kW

Gross torque

1 250 Nm

Bin volume (SAE 2:1)

17,0 m³

Unladen weight

17 250 kg


27 000 kg

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Bell Equipment International Bell Equipment U.K. Stephen Jones, Manager – Group Marketing Unit 6 C, Graycar Business park, Bell Equipment Co. SA. Barton-Under-Needwood, Burton-on-Trent Tel.: +27 (0) 35 907 9431 DE13 8EN Fax: +27 (0) 35 797 4323 United Kingdom eMail: Phone: +44 (0) 1283 712862 Internet: Fax: +44 (0) 1283 712687 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013

The newest addition to the Bell VersaTruck range, the B30D 4x4 will be on show at BAUMA 2013. The 4X4 base offers improved manoeuvrability, with tighter turning circle and shorter dimensions without impacting on payload and engine performance. A cost effective, tailor made OEM solution for customers not requiring the functionality of a standard 6x6 ADT but still needing the higher flexibility offered by an articulated truck in terms of terrain and weather capabilities with reduced operating cost.


NEWS & REPORTS Komatsu Europe International N.V

HD785-7 Rigid Dump Truck Performance and Safety

omatsus 91-tonne capacity rigid dump truck will be on display at Bauma 2013. The HD785-7 offers K impressive engine power and brake retardation, as well as excellent fuel efficiency. Its powerful and efficient Komatsu SAA12V140E-3 engine delivers 1178 HP at 1900 rpm and provides great acceleration, low fuel consumption with a top speed of 65 km/h.

To optimise performance and fuel consumption, the engine is fitted with a variable horsepower control (VHPC). This system sets the maximum engine power to one of four levels to match the job being carried out and the working conditions. The operator chooses between power and economy mode, and the VHPC automatically detects whether the machine is loaded or unloaded. Consequently, the HD785-7 delivers excellent climbing ability when required and fuel consumption can be reduced. The HD785-7 has an advanced transmission that effectively harnesses the engine power, with 7 forward and 2 reverse gears. The transmission includes K-ATOMiCS, Komatsus electronically controlled clutch modulation system, which controls both the engine and transmission to optimise clutch engagement. Combined with a skipshift function that automatically matches the travel speed to the incline, this system ensures smooth gear shifting and responsive acceleration.

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A number of other features improve operational safety, such as the advanced retarder braking system. With a capacity of 1464 HP for continuous decent, the largest in its class and more than the engine power, this system ensures the safest downhill travel. It includes Komatsus anti-pitching 4-wheel oil-cooled multiple disc retarder, which shares the retarding force between all four wheels to reduce tyre-lock and allow smooth downhill travel. In addition, the auto-retard speed control (ARSC) allows preselecting a constant downhill speed so the operator can concentrate on steering.

For even greater safety, the HD785-7 can optionally be fitted with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), and an automatic spin regulator (ASR) that prevents the rear tyres from slipping on soft ground, improving traction and braking. With a heaped capacity of 60 m3, the HD785-7 is matched to Komatsus PC1250 and PC2000 excavators, and WA800 and WA900 wheel loaders.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Komatsu Europe International N.V. Kevin Broman Corporate Branding Coordinator Tel.: +32 2 255 24 58 eMail: Komatsu Europe Bettina Meeuw Komatsu Sales Promotion Coordinator HanomagstraĂ&#x;e 9 30449 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 4509 212 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Komatsu Europe International N.V

New Komatsu WA380-7 Wheel Loader

Powered by EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim Engine Technology. With Komatsu CARE– A complimentary maintenance program for customers. The new WA380-7 wheel loader will be displayed at Bauma 2013

friendly engine that increases power while lowering fuel consumption by approximately 10 per cent, compared to the WA380-6.

BWeighing in at 17,910 kg, the WA380-7 features improved efficiency, lower fuel consumption, improved operator comfort, and enhanced serviceability to maximize productivity while reducing operating costs.

The WA380-7 is supported by Komatsu CARE, a complimentary maintenance program for Komatsu customers that comes as standard with every new Komatsu S3B construction machine. For the first three years or 2.000 hours it covers factory-scheduled maintenance, performed by Komatsu¬trained technicians with Komatsu Genuine parts. Komatsu CARE offers up to a maximum of 2 complimentary Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) exchanges and a KDPF warranty for the first 5 years or 9.000 hours.

With a net horsepower of 191 hp (143 kW), the WA380-7 is powered by a Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 engine and is EU Stage IIIB/ EPA Tier 4 Interim emission certified (S3B). Built upon a proven Stage IIIA engine platform, Komatsu has leveraged its leadership in technology and innovation to design an environmentally

Issue 01 | 2013

The latest KOMTRAX™ technology on the WA380-7 sends machine operating information to a secure website utilizing wireless technology. Data such as operating hours, fuel consumption, location, cautions and maintenance alerts are relayed to the web application for analysis. New data includes details about the type of work the machine is doing and a performance report of Komatsus new EU stage IIIB engine and its Komatsu Diesel Particle Filter (KDPF). KOMTRAX™ communicates the number of active KDPF regenerations performed by the machine, and the time spent doing them.


NEWS & REPORTS The KOMTRAX™ fleet monitoring system increases machine availability, reduces the risk of machine theft, allows for remote diagnosis by the distributor, and provides a wealth of other information to drive business efficiency and productivity.

New features of the WA380-7 include: • EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim Emission Certified Engine Built upon proven Stage IIIA technology, the SAA6D107-E2 engine provides lower emissions while also lowering fuel consumption. The Komatsu S3B engine uses an advanced electronic control system to manage air flow rate, fuel injection, combustion parameters and after-treatment functions to optimize performance, reduce emissions and fuel consumption, and provide advanced diagnostic capability. As a leader in hydraulic technology, Komatsu has also developed a hydraulically actuated Komatsu Variable Geometry Turbocharger (KVGT) and an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve, resulting in better precision and air management as well as longer component life. The Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) has an integrated design that will not interfere with daily operation but will keep the operator aware of its status.

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The WA380-7 also features Komatsu SmartLoader Logic, which provides optimal engine torque for the job required. Komatsu SmartLoader Logic helps to save fuel by automatically decreasing engine torque when the loader isnt working hard, such as when it is driving with an empty bucket. Komatsu SmartLoader Logic functions automatically and doesnt interfere with operation, saving fuel without decreasing production.

• Large Capacity Torque Converter with Lock-Up The WA380-7 has a newly designed Komatsu Large Capacity Torque Converter with Lock-Up as a standard feature. This provides improved acceleration and hill climb ability, a higher top speed and lower fuel consumption. The Lock-Up function activates in 2nd, 3rd and 4th gears and gives the machine a maximum ground speed of 40 km/h. The wheel loader has greater productivity in V-cycle applications because of the increased tractive effort. The improved hill climbing ability allows the WA380-7 to up¬shift gears faster because of better acceleration. The Komatsu WA380-7 can also achieve higher gear ranges and maintain higher ground speeds when working in load-and-carry applications. In most applications, production is increased and fuel consumption reduced, resulting in improved fuel efficiency.


NEWS & REPORTS • Enhanced Operator Environment The new cab provides a comfortable work environment with a reduced interior sound level of only 68 dB(A) so operators can maximize their productivity. The front glass was lowered and the dashboard redesigned to improve visibility. The short lever Electronic Pilot Control (EPC) is connected directly to the operator seat. A precise and comfortable temperature can be set with the Climate Control system, and a CDRadio including two 12Volt ports was incorporated into the cab. A new high resolution 7” LCD monitor features enhanced capabilities and displays information in 25 languages, for global support. Using the monitor, the operator can easily modify settings for items such as the auto idle shutdown or the auto-reversing fan. Operators can also check operational records, such as working hours or fuel consumption; monitor the KDPF; or check how much time is required before the next maintenance interval. The monitor offers the option of using the ECO Guidance function, which provides operational tips to reduce fuel consumption. A separate high-resolution back-up camera is standard with every machine and is mounted on the right hand side of the console for operator convenience.

• Convenient Maintenance and Serviceability The WA380-7 provides easy service access to reduce costly downtime. The new model has increased cooling capacity, wider cooling fin spacing and a standard auto-reversing fan to help keep the radiator clean. The machine is equipped with the exclusive Komatsu EMMS (Equipment Management Monitoring System), which has enhanced diagnostic features that give the operator and technicians greater monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities. EMMS also continuously monitors all critical systems, preventative maintenance, and provides troubleshooting assistance to minimize diagnosis and repair time.

• Greater versatility An easy-to-clean radiator compartment in combination with an auto reversible radiator fan effectively supports work on job sites that are littered with a lot of debris. A newly designed multi-function lever has integrated proportional controls for the easy handling of attachments that require a third hydraulic line, such as High-Dump buckets. For attachments, you can adjust the flow rate individually and select a continuous or proportional flow, and the new unique user interface allows saving your customized settings.

Issue 01 | 2013

Quick Specs Operating weight


Engine power (ISO 14396)


Hinge pin height


Dumping Clearance ( with 3.2m³ bucket with teeth)


Full turn static tipping load (at 37°)


FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Komatsu Europe Komatsu Europe International N.V. Bettina Meeuw Coordinator Kevin Broman Komatsu Sales Promotion Corporate Branding Coordinator Hanomagstraße 9 Tel.: +32 2 255 24 58 30449 Hanover eMail: Tel.: +49(0) 511 4509 212 eMail: Internet:


NEWS & REPORTS Komatsu Europe International N.V

New Komatsu WA500-7 Wheel Loader

Powered by EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim Engine Technology. With Komatsu CARE– A complimentary maintenance program for customers. The new WA500-7 wheel loader will be displayed at Bauma 2013. Weighing in at 33.335 kg, the WA500-7 features improved efficiency, lower fuel consumption, improved operator comfort, and enhanced serviceability to maximize productivity while lowering operating costs. With a net horsepower of 352 hp (263 kW), the WA500-7 is powered by a Komatsu SAA6D140E-6 engine and is EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage IIIB emission certified. Built upon a proven Stage IIIA engine platform, Komatsu has leveraged its leadership in technology and innovation to design an environmentally friendly engine that increases power while decreasing fuel consumption by approximately 10 per cent, compared to the WA500-7.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS The WA500-7 is supported by Komatsu CARE, a complimentary maintenance program for Komatsu customers that comes as standard with every new Komatsu S3B construction machine. For the first three years or 2.000 hours it covers factory-scheduled maintenance, performed by Komatsu¬trained technicians with Komatsu Genuine parts. Komatsu CARE offers up to a maximum of 2 complimentary Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) exchanges and a KDPF warranty for the first 5 years or 9.000 hours. The latest KOMTRAX™ technology on the WA500-7 sends machine operating information to a secure website utilizing wireless technology. Data such as operating hours, fuel consumption, location, cautions and maintenance alerts are relayed to the web application for analysis. New data includes details about the type of work the machine is doing and a performance report of Komatsu’s new EU stage IIIB engine and its Komatsu Diesel Particle Filter (KDPF). KOMTRAX™ communicates the number of active KDPF regenerations performed by the machine, and the time spent doing them. The KOMTRAX™ fleet monitoring system increases machine availability, reduces the risk of machine theft, allows for remote diagnosis by the distributor, and provides a wealth of other information to drive business efficiency and productivity.

New features of the WA500-7 include: • EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim Emission Certified Engine Built upon proven Stage IIIA technology, the SAA6D140E-6 engine provides lower emissions while also lowering fuel consumption. The Komatsu EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim engine uses an advanced electronic control system to manage air flow rate, fuel injection, combustion parameters and after-treatment functions to optimize performance, reduce emissions, reduce fuel consumption and provide advanced diagnostic capability.

Recirculation (EGR) valve, resulting in better precision and air management as well as longer component life. The Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) has an integrated design that will not interfere with daily operation but will keep the operator aware of its status. The WA500-7 also features Komatsu SmartLoader Logic, which provides optimal engine torque for the job required. Komatsu SmartLoader Logic helps to save fuel by automatically decreasing engine torque when the loader isn’t working hard, such as when it is driving with an empty bucket. Komatsu SmartLoader Logic functions automatically and doesn’t interfere with operation, saving fuel without decreasing production.

• Large Capacity Torque Converter with Lock-Up The WA500-7 has a newly designed Komatsu Large Capacity Torque Converter with Lock-Up as a standard feature. This provides improved acceleration, improved hill climb ability, a higher top speed and lower fuel consumption. The Lock-Up function activates in 2nd, 3rd and 4th gears and gives the machine a maximum ground speed of 40 km/h. The wheel loader has greater productivity in V-cycle applications because of the increased tractive effort. The improved hill climbing ability allows the WA500-7 to up¬shift gears faster because of improved acceleration. The wheel loader can also achieve higher gear ranges and maintain higher ground speeds when working in loadand-carry applications. In most applications, production is increased and fuel consumption reduced, resulting in improved fuel efficiency.

As a leader in hydraulic technology, Komatsu has also developed a hydraulically actuated Komatsu Variable Geometry Turbocharger (KVGT) and an Exhaust Gas

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NEWS & REPORTS • Enhanced Operator Environment The new cab provides a comfortable and quiet work environment so operators can maximize their productivity. The front glass has been lowered and the dashboard has been redesigned to improve visibility. The short lever Electronic Pilot Control (EPC) is connected directly to the operator seat. A precise and comfortable temperature can be set with the Climate Control system, and a CD-Radio including two 12Volt ports was incorporated into the cab. A new high resolution 7” LCD monitor features enhanced capabilities and displays information in 25 languages for global support. Using the monitor, the operator can easily modify settings for items such as the Auto Idle Shutdown or the auto-reversing fan. Operators can also check operational records, such as working hours or fuel consumption; monitor the KDPF; or check how much time is required before the next maintenance interval. The monitor also offers the operator the option of using the ECO Guidance function, which will provide operational tips to reduce fuel consumption. A separate high-resolution back-up camera is standard with every machine and is mounted on the right hand side of the console for operator convenience.

• Greater versatility This machine is well suited for the toughest quarry and mining applications and for material handling. Due to a superior dumping height of 3.300mm, it can easily load high boarded trucks even with a 5.6m³ bucket, saving valuable time at the jobsite. With a 40° steering articulation angle to both sides, the WA500-7 is extremely manoeuvrable in tight places for faster loading cycles, especially on small quarry benches.

• Convenient Maintenance and Serviceability The WA500-7 provides easy service access in order to reduce costly downtime. The new model has increased cooling capacity, wider cooling fin spacing and a standard auto¬reversing fan to help keep the radiator clean. The machine is equipped with the exclusive Komatsu EMMS (Equipment Management Monitoring System), which has enhanced diagnostic features that give the operators and technicians greater monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities. EMMS also continuously monitors all critical systems, preventative maintenance, and provides troubleshooting assistance to minimize diagnosis and repair time. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Komatsu Europe Komatsu Europe International N.V. Bettina Meeuw Coordinator Kevin Broman Komatsu Sales Promotion Corporate Branding Coordinator Hanomagstraße 9 Tel.: +32 2 255 24 58 30449 Hanover eMail: Tel.: +49(0) 511 4509 212 eMail: Internet:

Quick Specs Operating weight Engine power (ISO 14396)

34.335 kg 263kW

Hinge pin height


Dumping Clearance (with 5.6m³ bucket)


Full turn static tipping load (at 40°)

22.680 kg

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Komatsu Europe International N.V


Hybrid HB215LC-1 Hydraulic Excavator

At bauma 2013

he Komatsu Hybrid HB215LC-1 hydraulic excavator will be showcased at Bauma 2013. It is now T available in Europe and worldwide, with more than 1900 Komatsu hybrid excavators owned by customers and millions hours of field operation logged in. With an operating weight of 21.220 kg and

bucket sizes ranging from 0.8 m³ to 1.05m³ the Komatsu HB215LC-1 fits into the large “21tonnes” class of hydraulic excavators and boasts an average of 25% less fuel consumption and CO2 emissions than a traditional excavator. It’s a second generation hybrid machine and a product of groundbreaking research going back to the beginning of this millennium when Komatsu decided to develop hybrid technology for construction machinery to a level compatible with full scale serial production.

Cutting-edge technology The HB215LC-1 offers to customers the benefits that make the Komatsu hydraulic excavators world renowned: low operating costs, first class operator comfort, highest safety standards and extreme reliability. The cabin, boom and arm, undercarriage and revo frame, as well as the “Look and feel” of the new machine are practically identical as on a standard Komatsu PC210-8. Controls and wear parts are the same, making it simple for both owners and operators to profit from the added value of the HB215LC-1.

The hybrid components and the access to regular maintenance points were fine tuned on the HB215LC-1. Komatsu’s hybrid technology saves an average of 25% fuel with an equivalent reduction in CO2 emissions when compared to the standard excavator model. The Hybrid HB215LC-1 offers power and efficiency along with a reduced environmental impact. The HB215LC-1 comes standard KOMTRAX™ technology, which operating information to a secure wireless technology. Data such as

with the latest sends machine website utilizing operating hours,

The HB215LC-1 is powered by the Komatsu Hybrid System, which includes Komatsu’s electric swing motor, power generator motor, capacitor and a 141 hp (104 kW) diesel engine. Komatsu developed its revolutionary hybrid system to work on the principle of swing energy regeneration and energy storage using the Komatsu Ultra Capacitor system, which provides fast energy storage and instantaneous power transmission, thus significantly reducing fuel consumption. The kinetic energy generated during the swingbraking phase is converted to electricity that is then sent through an inverter and captured by the Ultra Capacitor. This captured energy is discharged very quickly for upper structure rotation and to assist the engine as commanded by the hybrid controller when accelerating under workload conditions.

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NEWS & REPORTS location, cautions and maintenance alerts are relayed to the web application for analysis. The KOMTRAX™ fleet monitoring system increases machine availability, reduces the risk of machine theft, allows for remote diagnosis by the distributor, and provides a wealth of other information to drive business efficiency and productivity.

Crossrail project The first UK sale of the unique Komatsu HB215LC-1 hybrid excavator was completed in July 2013, with the machine’s first deployment being the prestigious Crossrail transport project in Central London.

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Marubeni-Komatsu Ltd, the sole UK distributor of Komatsu heavy machinery, supplied five HB215LC-1 machines to Ridgway Rentals, a company based in Shropshire, in the West Midlands region of England. Edward Prosser, Marketing Manager at MarubeniKomatsu Ltd said: “We are delighted to have completed the first ever UK sale of this distinct piece of equipment, and are really excited that it’s already being used on such an iconic project as the London Crossrail”. “These hybrid excavators are probably the most reliable and technologically-advanced in the industry today and truly represent a new generation of machines. They are designed to provide optimum performance together with significant fuel savings compared with conventional excavators. Clients can reduce their carbon footprint and save money at the same time.”



Stuart Jones, Director at Ridgway Rentals, said: “With the Government pledging to embrace new technologies in a bid to make London significantly ‘greener’ and to reduce the city’s CO2 emissions by 60% over the next ten years, it seems apt that this particular piece of equipment was selected for one of its largest scale projects. Feedback from our client at the London Crossrail project is that it performs well and uses a lot less fuel, which has got to be a win - win for everyone. We are thrilled to have taken delivery of our first HB215LC-1 hybrids. It’s the only excavator of its kind currently on the market, and we can offer something different to our customers. We are very much looking forward to showcasing their benefits to our clients nationwide.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Komatsu Europe International N.V. Kevin Broman Corporate Branding Coordinator Tel.: +32 2 255 24 58 eMail:

Komatsu Europe Bettina Meeuw Coordinator Komatsu Sales Promotion Hanomagstraße 9 30449 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 4509 212 eMail: Internet:

Looking ahead Komatsu plans to expand its hybrid technologies to larger excavator models and other construction equipment. As a leading manufacturer, Komatsu will always introduce new equipment that is specifically designed to curb environmental impact on the natural environment of the planet, thereby meeting the requirements of the times. Komatsu will continue to strengthen their leadership in innovation for the success of their customers.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Komatsu Europe International N.V

Technology for Your Success! Komatsu’s Innovations at BAUMA 2013 - Hall B5


t the BAUMA 2013 international trade fair, in Munich on April 15¬21 2013, Komatsu Europe International n.v. will showcase their industry leading technologies, fuel efficient machines and exclusive products and services, all designed and manufactured to provide customers with an advanced and complete solution to run a successful business in the earthmoving industry.

Komatsu’s Innovations In a world premiere, Komatsu will present a new dozer and an excavator built around Komatsu’s revolutionary concept of intelligent Machine Control (iMC), which can change the future of the construction business. At Bauma 2013, these 2 exclusive machines will demonstrate in a live performance how they will help customers enhance their productivity, reduce costs of operations and improve job site safety. On the 4500m² indoor stand, Komatsu’s ground breaking HB215LC-1 Hybrid Excavator, the first “green” machine of its kind, already at work on hundreds of job sites around the world, will no doubt once again be a main attraction for all visitors of the Bauma fair. Three other new machines, with EU Stage IIIB engines (S3B) and featuring the latest innovations aimed towards improving customer profitability, will be presented to the public for the first time: the WA320-7 and WA470-7 wheel loaders, and the PC138US-10 excavator.

Outside the hall, an additional 1000 m² outdoors demo area will host the 2 new iMC machines. There, a driver’s bar, a Komatsu shop and an interactive excavator simulator will welcome visitors. Also showcased will be a 56 tonne / 29m³ mining Komatsu bucket. A press conference is scheduled on April 16 at 14.00 hrs during which Mr. Noji, President of Komatsu Ltd. will present his view on the future direction of the company. Ms Fujiwara, Managing Director and CEO of Komatsu Europe International says: “We all look forward to BAUMA 2013 as an exceptional event where Komatsu can share our ground breaking concepts and innovations for the success of our customers with the industry and the world” For more details about Komatsu’s products and services, please go to or visit your local Komatsu sales and service organization.

A total of 28 other machines, representative of the complete Komatsu range, will be available to the public, many also recently launched on the market with Komatsu’s S3B emission-reducing technology. All Komatsu services will be highlighted, and visitors will learn more about how Komatsu’s high-tech product support and dealer and customer services such as Komatsu CARE, Dealer Qualified Used Machines and Komatsu Genuine Parts can help improve a business. More information will be given about Komatsu Financial Europe, and a special space dedicated to KOMTRAX™, Komatsu’s exclusive wireless monitoring system, and to the latest upgrades available as standard on Komatsu machines. The mining corner, and a true cabin of PC8000 mining excavator, will certainly draw a lot of attention.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Volvo Construction Equipment

Volvo Construction Equipment stands for expert knowledge at Bauma 2013

Customer Solutions: A full and diverse range of customer solutions designed to boost customer profitability.


olvo Construction Equipment demonstrates its expertise in personalized solutions with an expanding line of innovative customer solutions tailored to increase availability throughout a machine’s lifecycle. And don’t miss the expanded range of Volvo Attachments that will be presented at Bauma 2013.

Volvo Construction Equipment is well known for its machines and their safety, quality and care for the environment – not to mention technology and awardwinning design. But beyond the machines, there’s a wide range of products and services available that support the complete ownership experience – solutions that benefit machine owners for years following the initial purchase. Volvo is showcasing the knowledge within its business at Bauma 2013 and will conduct live interview with its product and service experts who are on hand to advise customers throughout the show. From rock to road, Volvo provides a total solution that caters for every aspect of a machine’s productive life – from purchase financing, through a machine’s lifecycle, until its eventual refurbishment or disposal.

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There for you every step of the way The people behind Volvo’s products and services are highly trained – from the salespeople in our dealerships to service technicians in the field – and this year they will take the spotlight. Throughout the day Volvo experts will take center stage and answer questions about how Volvo can support customers to help maximize their business’s profitability throughout the complete machine lifecycle.

Volvo Customer Support Agreements Volvo CE dealers can offer customers agreements that are optimized to tune service levels to specific time periods or conditions such as machine mix, age, application, or even the degree to which a customer self-services a fleet. Customer Support Agreements bundle important aftermarket products and services such as Volvo-trained


NEWS & REPORTS service technicians, Genuine Volvo Parts, maintenance and repairs into one package – ensuring optimum uptime, increased performance, higher productivity and better cost control.

Genuine Volvo Parts and Volvo Attachments Volvo will present an expanded range of attachments at Bauma; tools that reflect the Volvo brand in terms of quality. All Genuine Volvo Parts are designed along with the machines to perfectly complement equipment performance. The comprehensive range includes kit solutions, remanufactured parts or application-specific solutions like attachments and ground engaging tools. And customer support, warranty parts and service support are all available through Volvo.

Volvo service technicians Service once meant responding quickly to a machine breakdown, but now pre-empting and preventing breakdowns through advance warning has become even more important. Frontline Volvo support is a prime reason customers remain dedicated to Volvo.

Oil analysis A service to help customers plan maintenance as well as reduce the risk of unplanned downtime and expensive repairs. Volvo-trained service technicians can give machines a thorough ‘health check-up’ by analyzing samples of oils in the engine, transmission, hydraulic system, axles and brakes as well as coolant and fuel quickly and efficiently through the Volvo laboratory.

Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) is a major international company developing, manufacturing and marketing equipment for construction and related industries. Ist products, leaders in many world markets, include a comprehensive range of wheel loaders, hydraulic excavators, articulated haulers, motor graders, and soil and asphalt compactors, pavers, milling machines, compact equipment and material handling equipment. Volvo CE is part of the Volvo Group, the world´s largest manufacturer of diesel engines in the 9 to 18 liter category. The Volvo Group is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, driver systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services. The Group also provides complete solutions for financing and related services.

CareTrack Most new larger machines come with three years of free activation of the Volvo Construction Equipment telematics system CareTrack, which provides customers with a solution that facilitates monitoring of machine health, fuel consumption and activity. CareTrack is available in most regions and will continue to expand to new markets. Speak to our trained dealers on the stand about how to interpret the valuable data that helps owners maximize productivity and efficiency.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Volvo Construction Equipment Steven Lefebvre | Brian O’Sullivan External Communications | SE10 London Tel: int + 32 2 482 5042 | Tel: int +44 77 333 50307 Email: | Email: Internet:

MATRIS-analysis Volvo dealers can provide expert analysis of machine operating activity via this tool. MATRIS analysis supports optimized operation by tracking activity characteristics and identifying opportunities for improvement – resulting in better economy and reduced wear.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Volvo Construction Equipment

Volvo Penta at Bauma 2013:

A new, exciting Start/Stop function – and an update of the coming Tier 4 Final engine range

Volvo Penta: Volvo Penta highlights Tier 4 Final solution.


hen the doors to Bauma 2013 will open on 15 April, Volvo Penta is ready for an exciting follow-up of the new Tier 4 Final engine range and for displaying engine features like the Start/Stop function – the latest Volvo Penta innovation that will help operators to significantly reduce their fuel costs.

The story of the Tier 4 Final engines started in January, 2011, when Volvo Penta introduced its range of engines compliant with Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B – all based on the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology. They were well received by the market. But the off-road equipment industry were also well aware that within less than 3 years they had to go from the Interim stage to the Final stage – a substantial 80% reduction of the NOx – from 2.0 g/kWh to 0.4 g/kWh. They were also facing the additional challenge of re-designing their machines for installing new engines and after-treatment systems from their suppliers. Revolutionising.

David Hanngren, Manager Product Planning Industrial at Volvo Penta, explains: “With our new Tier 4 Final engine range, we will meet our customers’ primary objectives: no re-generation, limited installation challenges, continuous optimised fuel consumption and low operating costs. With as few and as simple changes as possible, we aim to make our customers’ job as easy as possible”, and adds: “This is probably the best EGR system in the world”. The “light” EGR system added to the engines has provided further emission reduction. It will, at the same time, help keep the SCR catalyst operating at an optimal temperature. By avoiding a costly Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), installation is greatly simplified.

Volvo Penta chose to keep it simple To meet the new, stringent emission requirements of Tier 4 Final, Volvo Penta soon found that the well-tested and well-proven SCR technology was superior. Apart from meeting all the new emission standards, it would make life easier for all the equipment manufacturers already employing this technology.

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A new, solid engine range The Volvo Penta Tier 4 Final engine range for off-road applications consists of five basic engines. Thanks to the SCR system it has been possible to meet the new emission standards with only a limited number of technical changes.


NEWS & REPORTS Here, the component commonality of the engines is particularly valuable to OEMs who include several engine sizes in their product applications.

from long and costly downtimes in the long term, but also to tailor the agreement in accordance with specific conditions and requirements.

All the engines in the new range will be on display at Bauma 2013, 15–21 April, in Munich. They will also be ready for delivery in 2014 – but already today they are ready for the OEM’s drawing-boards.

Mining industry people attending Bauma will most certainly focus on Volvo Penta’s new range of engines approved for underground mining applications; nine Tier 2 engines and nine Tier 4i engines with outstanding ventilation rates.

More Volvo Penta news at Bauma

A fourth novelty is the Volvo Penta Oil Analysis – an easily performed analysis that will enable operators to increase the intervals between services from every 500 hours to every 1,000 hours – a massive improvement which will pay off already in the short term.

At Bauma, Volvo Penta will also introduce the new, automatic Start/Stop Function for industrial equipment. It turns off an idling engine after a pre-set time span, and when the driver activates any machine control the engine starts immediately and the work can continue. This Volvo Penta innovation will help operators to reduce their fuel costs with up to 5%! Volvo Penta will also launch the new Industrial Extended Coverage, IXC – a programme that allows operators and equipment manufacturers to not only guard themselves

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Volvo Construction Equipment / AB Volvo Penta Åke Edman phone: +46 (0) 31 3225190, eMail: Internet:

Volvo Penta: Volvo Penta unveils innovative stop-start feature.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

World Premiere at the 2013 Bauma:

Liebherr TA 240 Articulated Dump Truck


ith its new TA 240 Litronic, Liebherr is using the 2013 Bauma trade fair to introduce another model in its articulated dump truck range. The successful launch of the 30-tonne TA 230 is now followed by a model in the 40-tonne category – Liebherr’s response to growing market demand for complete programmes from a single source for the loading and transport of various materials.

As with the TA 230 Litronic, the model designation includes the payload in metric tons. With a load capacity of 40 t and a dumper body volume of 27 m³ with rear flap the TA 240 has been ideally planned for the fast, costeffective transport of large volumes of bulk material. The dumper body is specially shaped to speed up discharge of the contents.

Powerful driveline, innovative retarder The three HD axles have been designed for strength and stability, and are the ideal basis for the exceptionally highperformance 6 x 6 driveline with automatic transmission, torque converter and converter lockup clutch. This new articulated dump truck is driven by a powerful Liebherr D 9508 V8 diesel engine with SCR system and a displacement of 16.2 litres. It complies with Stage IIIB / Tier 4i exhaust emission limits and has an output of 350 kW (476 hp). With this power available, the dump truck can reach speeds of up to 57 km/h on level surfaces. When reversing, maximum speed is limited electronically to 16 km/h.

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A high-performance retarder makes the vehicle safer and more convenient off-road, and also helps keep operating costs low. The retarder’s braking action can be continuously varied and the desired value preselected. This is a very useful option, for instance if the vehicle is regularly used on the same downhill route. As soon as the driver takes his foot off the accelerator pedal, the engine brake and retarder are activated – with no delay and with the braking effect previously selected. At the end of the downhill gradient the retarder shuts down automatically, but the previous braking level remains available when selected again. The wet-type oil-cooled multi-disc brakes are operated only when the TA 240 comes to a halt for loading and discharging or if an emergency brake application is needed. All maintenance and servicing work on the new TA 240 can be completed with minimum loss of time. The driver’s cab and the engine hood can be tilted electro-hydraulically for quick, safe access to all maintenance points.


NEWS & REPORTS Functional design, bold styling

Liebherr components for key technologies

The new Liebherr TA 240 dump truck catches the eye immediately with its striking design and the driver’s cab with its exceptionally large window area. The restyled, extremely spacious cab offers the driver maximum comfort and convenience, and complies with the ROPS/FOPS safety standard. Visibility is excellent through the large windows, so that the dump truck can be positioned quickly and safely for loading or discharge. The ergonomically designed, airsprung driver’s seat is standard equipment and can be adjusted individually to suit the driver’s size and weight.

As on many other Liebherr construction machines, key technical functions on the new TA 240 are performed by components developed and manufactured at various Liebherr competence centres.

The controls for the automatic transmission and retarder, and also the tipping control levers, are very responsive in operation, so that precision control of the dump truck presents no problems. Thanks to the well laid out, easily legible display unit with touch-screen function, an innovative Liebherr PME electronic component developed in-house, the driver can check the vehicle’s operating condition at any time without being distracted from the driving task. As an option, the display can show images from the standard Liebherr front- and rear-view cameras or details of current temperature, engine speed, air conditioning, daily operating hours, number of discharge movements or number of operating hours. A further feature contributing to comfort are the highquality spring-damper units on the front axle, which are rated to withstand the most arduous operating tasks. The level of ride quality that they provide also helps maintain the driver’s concentration during long, demanding work sessions.

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Liebherr’s reliable hydraulic cylinders, which have proved highly successful in tough construction-machinery operating conditions, are used to perform tipping and steering movements on the new articulated dump truck. Thanks to its powerful hydraulic dumper body actuating rams, the TA 240 can discharge its full load reliably in only 12 seconds and return to the lowered position within a further 8 seconds. Equally successful in ensuring directional stability and reliable steering in all circumstances, even when crossing very difficult terrain, are the steering rams; these too are developed and manufactured in-house by Liebherr Electrical and electronic items such as wiring harnesses, cameras, the touch-screen display, other controls and the central machinery control unit are also of Liebherr’s own manufacture.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Liebherr-Hydraulikbagger GmbH Thomas Bäuerle Tel.: +49(0) 73 54 80-73 64 Fax: +49(0) 73 54 80-75 35 eMail: Internet:


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

Liebherr is exhibiting its large IIIB-generation Wheel Loaders at the 2013 Bauma


t the 2013 Bauma, Liebherr is presenting its new IIIB generation of large machines for the first time to users worldwide. These wheel loaders were first shown to a wider public at the Intermat in April 2012.

Higher performance, enhanced stability The L 550 and L 556 have a redesigned engine compartment with the diesel engine installed transversely. This gives them an even more compact layout, and makes all the principal maintenance points accessible from ground level. The engine output of the L 576 and L 580 models has been increased, and all the large newgeneration machines have an optimised tipping load limit that further improves productivity and stability. In addition to the Z-bar linkage for standard operating tasks, Liebherr supplies industrial lift arm. No other manufacturer offers both lift arm versions in every machine category at no extra cost. The geometry of the industrial lift arm has been specially chosen for high load moments and ample force in the

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upper lifting area. As a result, exceptionally heavy loads can be handled. The pattern of movement is parallel over the entire lifting range. The industrial lift has a hydraulic quick coupler as standard equipment.

LPE driveline boosts performance and economy For the IIIB generation, Liebherr continues to use hydrostatic drive concept together with another Liebherr development: Liebherr Power Efficiency (LPE). This is an electronic mapped-characteristic control system that increases the machine’s handling power and keeps fuel consumption to a minimum. Compared with other machines in similar size categories, the innovative driveline concept cuts fuel consumption by as much as 25%.


NEWS & REPORTS Less fuel is needed for the same performance, and tyre and brake wear are reduced. The LPE system influences engine management proactively: the machine’s software receives an electronic accelerator-pedal position signal and computes the most efficient way of carrying out the operator’s wishes. LPE optimises interaction of the driveline components in terms of swiftness and sensitive control of the machine. The new-generation diesel engines are now even more environmentally friendly, with many other improvements, too: precision common-rail fuel injection optimises the combustion process and reduces pollutant emissions. Exhaust emission control is by means of a diesel oxidating

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH Maria Graffius Tel.: +43(0) 50809 11-543 Fax: +43(0) 50809 17-741 eMail: Internet:

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catalytic converter combined with a diesel particulate filter. In most situations, this filter can be actively regenerated by burning off deposits during operation of the machine, and the task in hand continued without interruption.

Straightforward maintenance, ease of control Cleaning and servicing are easier than ever before on the new IIIB generation of wheel loaders. The operator can reach the maintenance points for the principal components from ground level. Cleaning and maintenance work has been reduced to a minimum: the radiator assembly is again installed directly behind the cab, where air with a low dust content can be drawn in. The operator will appreciate the functional efficient, ergonomically correct cab layout. The operator’s seat with horizontal side-to-side suspension, available as an optional extra helps reduce operator fatigue. New cab mounts have been developed to lower the level of noise and vibration inside the cab. As far as outside noise emissions (sound power levels) are concerned, Liebherr is traditionally among the leaders; its machines operate well below the permitted limits.


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

AT THE Bauma 2013: Liebherr exhibits

revised Design of Midsize Wheel Loaders


t the 2013 Bauma, visitors will have a first opportunity to see Liebherr’s redesigned midsize range of wheel loaders. The L 524, L 528, L 538 and L 542 conform with IIIB / Tier 4i emission standards. These “Allrounders” on the wheel loader scene have been further optimised in the efficiency and safety areas in particular. Their performance and stability, their engine output and the power hydraulic ratings are now higher. Throughout their product range, the tipping load limits have been raised and the structural steelwork reinforced to make the machines even stronger.

Many innovations for greater productivity The LIKUFIX hydraulic quick-change system that has proved so successful on Liebherr hydraulic excavators is now available for midsize Liebherr wheel loaders. Working attachments can be detached and attached in a matter of seconds, working directly from the wheel loader’s cab. The hydraulic lines are connected fully automatically in the same way, with no hydraulic fluid leakage.

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As in the past, the purchaser can choose at no extra cost between a Z-bar linkage for standard operations, or a parallel linkage for industrial applications. This way the machine’s specification can be ideally matched to the intended tasks. For the new midsize wheel loaders, Liebherr has retained its hydrostatic drive concept, and combined it with Liebherr Power Efficiency (LPE) as a means of boosting the machines’ handling capacity and economy. Compared with other wheel loaders in this size category, the innovative driveline concept cuts fuel consumption by as much as 25%. The wheel loader needs less fuel, and tyre and brake wear are reduced. A Liebherr development, the LPE system influences engine management pro-actively: the machine’s software is supplied with the accelerator-pedal position signal and


NEWS & REPORTS then computes the most efficient means of implementing the operator’s instructions. LPE optimises interaction of the driveline components. Liebherr’s design concept for its midsize wheel loader series ensures comparatively high handling capacities, since high tipping loads are possible despite the machines’ low tare weight. The new generation of diesel engines is now even more environmentally friendly and there have been many other improvements, too: precision common-rail fuel injection optimises the combustion process and reduces pollutant emissions. Exhaust emission control uses a diesel oxidating catalytic converter combined with a diesel particulate filter. In most situations, this filter can be actively regenerated by burning off deposits during operation of the machine, and the work in progress continued without interruption.

Safety, ease of control, straightforward maintenance These “Allrounders” now have -larger cab windows; the roof has been shortened and the upper part of the windscreen extended farther back. To the left and right of the steering column, the cabin trim has been lowered and replaced by glass. All-round visibility is therefore even

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better on these new models. A fold-out window for the cab’s door is an option, and makes it possible to open the window completely. The cab is larger and safer, with even higher standards of comfort and convenience. The new wheel loader generation had excellent ride quality and even more stable, accurately controlled steering response. This is due to the two steering cylinders installed as standard on all these new-generation “Allrounder” models. Design changes to the vehicles’ frames increase stability even when travelling at quite high speeds. More severe surface irregularities are compensated for by the rear swing-axle suspension. All maintenance points can be easily and safely reached from ground level by opening just one single hood. This is possible because the Allrounders’ diesel engine has been turned through 90°. The transverse location of the radiator, with an air-intake in its customary position directly behind the cab reduces the amount of cleaning work needed, because the air drawn in contains less dust. Cooling system performance has also been uprated to suit the new technological requirements.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH Maria Graffius Tel.: +43(0) 50809 11-543 Fax: +43(0) 50809 17-741 eMail: Internet:


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

Liebherr introduces the 22-tonne R 922 Crawler Excavator at the 2013 Bauma

t the 2013 Bauma Liebherr is presenting its new R 922 crawler excavator, which is to supersede A the previous R 906 model. Together with the R 918 and R 926 crawler excavators that are to be seen on partner stands, the 22-tonne R 922 is a member of the newly developed product range with up to 30 tonnes service weight. Its Liebherr diesel engine with oxidating catalytic converter has a rated output of 105 kW (143 hp) and complies with Stage IIIB exhaust emission limits.

The new 22-tonne R 922 Crawler Excavator The new R 922 is designed for earthmoving and drainage work. Like all the new-generation excavator models, it is equipped with integrated excavator system technology for rapid, smooth working movements. In order to make the necessary flow volume available quickly and without one consumer significantly affecting another, and to ensure optimal use of the available energy, the Dual Circuit Positive Control hydraulic system is used. This allows the machine operator to save energy compared with other systems, since it reduces or in some cases entirely eliminates pressure losses. The driver benefits from the natural, harmonious movement cycles made possible by the load-dependent volume distribution principle. The R 922 exhibited at the Bauma is equipped with Liebherr’s Likufix quick-coupling system, which has enjoyed many years of popular success. The extensive range of backhoes and add-on tools, and Liebherr’s own patented bucket tooth system, enable the crawler excavator’s productivity to be increased still further.

Issue 01 | 2013

The steelwork has been functionally optimised to withstand continuously increasing demands for trouble-free operating life. The cruciform undercarriage increases stability and disperses stresses more effectively. The centre section and side members are designed to make cleaning quicker and easier. The tractive force of 190 kN makes the excavator highly manoeuvrable, even over difficult terrain. Higher grabbing force, a breakout force of 123 kN and a digging force of 149 kN increase the performance of the R 922 still further. The R 922’s cab sets new standards of ride quality and ergonomic control layout in its class. Low noise levels, an agreeable sense of space and fully automatic air conditioning as standard equipment guarantee the driver a pleasant place of work. Easily reached controls and a colour touch-screen that can be operated intuitively make the working environment even more agreeable. The windscreen can be fully opened for quick, easy communication with people


NEWS & REPORTS nearby, especially on drainage work. The reinforced cab complies with ROPS regulations and ensures optimal safety for the driver. As a further means of making work safer, a rear-view camera is integrated into the ballast weight as standard equipment; its high-resolution image is displayed on the touch screen. Maintenance points on the new R 922 can be reached from ground level. This reduces the time needed, and makes the task safer for maintenance personnel. A Liebherr central lubricating system is also standard; its programmed lubrication is in accordance with the excavator’s maintenance schedule and means that valuable time is saved. The LIDAT data transmission system permits more effective maintenance planning and management of the machine fleet.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: LLiebherr-France SAS Catherine Pierrat Tel.: +33(0) 389 21-3070 Fax : +33(0) 389 21-3793 eMail: Internet:

At the Bauma the R 922 is exhibited with a gooseneck boom, a 2.7 m long dipper stick and an LC undercarriage. Even with 600 mm wide track pads, it does not exceed an overall width of 3.0 metres for road transport.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

Liebherr is exhibiting the 350-tonne R 9400 Mining Excavator at the 2013 Bauma

t the 2013 Bauma trade fair in Munich, Liebherr is presenting the face shovel versionof its 350A tonne R 9400 mining excavator. With a 22-m³ bucket as standard equipment, the R 9400 is the ideal machine for loading a mining truck fleet in the 136 tonnes class. The R 9400 is available with either a diesel engine or an electric motor, for optimal flexibility in a wide variety of applications.

The 350-tonne R 9400 Mining Excavator There are currently over thirty R 9400 hydraulic mining excavators operating in four countries. The latest R 9400 commissioned in a Ghanaian gold mine is the first model in face shovel configuration. The excellent productivity that the R 9400 is known for in backhoe configuration is expected in in face shove configuration. The production-tailored attachment kinematics combined with a mining-optimized bucket shape ensure the highest crowd and breakout forces. Even under tough conditions the R 9400’s high digging force allows easy bucket penetration and high bucket fill factors to achieve high productivity. The R 9400 follows the Liebherr design philosophy of maximizing the machines performance by improving the efficiency of all individual subsystems. Engineered for optimum serviceability the machine is designed to ensure maximum uptime.

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Designed for hard application, the R 9400’s heavy duty 3-piece fatigue-resistant undercarriage provides efficient superstructure weight distribution and reduces ground bearing pressure enabling the necessary stability and reliability.

Innovative hydraulics, high-performance drivelines Optimizing electrical, mechanical and hydraulic power distribution, the Litronic Plus System allows for easy control even when simultaneous movements are required. Every attachment cylinder is fitted with the patented Liebherr Electronic Damping System which provides controlled end-cushioning for fast and smooth machine’s motions. Intelligent and power-oriented energy management diverts the pump flow during boom lowering, allowing other cylinder motions to operate unimpeded.


NEWS & REPORTS The R 9400 is powered by a Cummins QSK50 diesel engine that complies with USA/EPA Tier 2 exhaust emission limits and has a rated output of 1250 kW (1675 hp). The electric-motor drive also available is an economically viable alternative in a number of application areas, for instance machines intended for work in arctic regions.

Advanced Mining Academy

Well-equipped cab, simple maintenance

Weiterbildungsprogramm Mining

The R 9400 has a wide, spacious cab that provides the operator with the comfortable working conditions needed for maximum productivity. Mounted on vibration dampers, it also reduces the noise level and creates an quiet environment that promotes the excavator operator’s own performance.

Eine praxisorientierte modulare Ausbildung für Fach- und Führungskräfte der Bereiche Mineralische Rohstoffindustrie Maschinenindustrie Rohstoffhandel Finanzsektor Dienstleistungssektor

In addition to its excellent ergonomic design, the cab provides maximum protection for the operator. The robust steelwork of low-stress design and the safety-glass windows comply with the FOPS standard and protect the operator against falling material. For maximum safety there are several easily reached emergency stop buttons at ground level, in the cab and in the pump and engine compartments. All machine accesses have been optimized. The R 9400‘s upperstructure is accessible via a powered 45° stairway fitted with handrails and the service drop down flap provides easy access to the main servicing features. Fuel, engine & hydraulic oil, grease, windshield wash water can be refilled and drained from ground level.



AMA - Advanced Mining Academy Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 3 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Telefon: +49 (0) 53 23 - 98 39 38 Telefax: +49 (0) 53 23 - 96 29 908 eMail:

Liebherr-Mining Equipment Colmar SAS Swann Blaise Tel.: +33(0) 369 49-2199 Fax: +33(0) 369 49-2279 eMail: Internet:


Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

LB 44 Rotary Drilling Rig completes Liebherr‘s Range of Products for Deep Foundation Applications


he LB 44 rotary drilling rig newly presented at the Bauma 2013 is the latest development in Liebherr’s range of „deep foundation“ products and expands the LB series at the upper end of the scale. Based on its many years of experience and extensive know-how, Liebherr is reacting to the need for larger, more powerful machines of this type by presenting the LB 44. The LB 44 rotary drilling rig weighs approx. 160 tonnes and has been designed for drilling diameters of up to 3 m and drilling depths of maximum 92 m. The rig is driven by a V8 diesel engine offering 505 kW (677 hp) and complying with the exhaust certification stage 3B. Possible applications of the LB 44 include Kelly drilling, drill-ing with double rotary head, continuous flight auger and full displacement tool. The powerful rope crowd system with ap-prox. 56 t pull force allows utilisation of the entire length of the leader. This provides the operator with maximum perfor-mance and reliability even with the most difficult soils and extreme operational conditions.

High mobility at and between jobsites Distinguishing advantages of the new rotary drilling rig are its easy transportation and the short period of time between set-up and operation. As the leader can be folded back for transportation with all hydraulic hoses connected, no disassembly is required when moving between two jobsites. Subsequently, the LB 44 can be set up rapidly using the quick assembly system - this process barely requires more time than for smaller machines. If required the LB 44 can be disassembled into single parts weighing max. 40 tonnes. Thus, the rotary drilling rig can be transported throughout the world without any problems. For the basic design of the rig Liebherr remains true to its proven principles. This includes a large operating area thanks to parallel kinematics. Another aspect relates to the direct mounting of all winches on the leader. On the one hand, this allows for a direct view from the operator‘s cab to the main winch and, on the other hand, ensures that the ropes do not move during leader adjustment. Moreover, the undercarriage provides more stability thanks to long crawlers but still provides nearly the same small swing radius as the smaller rigs of the same product line.

Issue 01 | 2013



Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH Wolfgang Pfister Tel.: +43(0) 50809 41-444 Fax: +43(0) 50809 41-500 eMail: Internet:

Innovative rotary drive of BAT series The innovative BAT rotary drive of the new LB 44 offers a torque of 510 kNm. The main advantages of the hydraulic drive manufactured by Liebherr are automated torque adjustment, continuous speed optimization and four electronically adjustable speed ranges. Further advantages of this rotary drive are its simple structure, its low maintenance re-quirements and, above all, its exceptional efficiency.

Issue 01 | 2013

Like all Liebherr piling and drilling rigs the LB 44 is also fitted with the proven Litronic control system and thus offers a multitude of programme options for the various drilling methods as well as for clearly displayed information on service requirements and the condition of the machine. The use of many components manufactured by Liebherr guarantees the customer a product of highest quality. This is completed by the rig‘s robust design in order to provide a long service life of the new LB 44 rotary drilling rig.


NEWS & REPORTS Liebherr-International AG

Liebherr Components at the 2013 Bauma


he Components division of the Liebherr Group has its own stand at the 2013 Bauma, (Stand A4/115 in Hall 4). The exhibits from the mechanical, hydraulic and electrical drive systems areas have been developed and manufactured at various Liebherr competence centres, and demonstrate the exceptional bandwidth of the division’s product programme.

Common-rail fuel injection systems from Liebherr A highlight on the Components stand are the new common-rail fuel injection systems, with their own enginemanagement control units. These systems are already standard equipment on Liebherr engines with between four and twelve cylinders, but can be adapted for use on other manufacturers’ diesel engines. Liebherr common-rail systems are notable for exceptionally low fuel consumption and efficient combustion, both factors that reduce exhaust emissions.

Issue 01 | 2013

New generation of diesel engines At this year’s Bauma, trade and other visitors will be able to see for the first time the latest generation of Liebherr diesel engines that comply with the EU stage IV / EPA Tier 4 final exhaust emission limits that come into force in 2014. Liebherr uses Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) only on these engines, an innovative technology that makes particulate filters unnecessary.


NEWS & REPORTS LiView: a hydraulic cylinder position measuring system Also to be seen at the Bauma is LiView, an innovative electro-hydraulic system for the precise, reliable position measuring of hydraulic rams and cylinders in all size categories. The actual position is determined to an accuracy that can be as high as +/- 1 mm. LiView is strongly built and therefore suitable for installation on construction machinery and mining equipment. Based on the position data detected by LiView, construction machines’ movement sequences can be automated and their performance potential and ease of control greatly enhanced.

Control system for small mobile machines In the electronics area, Liebherr is exhibiting a control system for small mobile machines. The system consists of a compact control unit – a new development – with display, keypad and camera. It is a modular system based on familiar industrial standards, and is suitable for construction, agricultural and forestry machines and also for road construction machinery and communal vehicles

on which high standards of freedom from vibration and shock together with resistance to temperature changes and contamination have to be complied with. The display can be supplied with a multi-image function capable of showing signals from up to four cameras simultaneously.

New series-production driveline components In the hydraulic pump and motor, large anti-friction bearing and transmission areas, a notable development is the new series-production range of travel-gear drives (FAT) with hydraulic motors. This series, developed and manufactured by Liebherr itself, consists of eleven transmissions in successive sizes, from FAT 325 to FAT 1600; they are available in crawler-crane or crawler-excavator versions. The corresponding Liebherr hydraulic motors of axial-piston type, with swashplate pitch adjustment, are supplied with these units and matched optimally to them. They ensure high levels of overall efficiency within compact dimensions, and an excellent power-to-weight ratio.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Liebherr-Component Technologies AG Simone Stier Tel.: +41(0) 56 296 43 27 Fax: +41(0) 56 296 43 01 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013



The Bauer BG range of rotary drilling rigs:

The Premium Line concept At Bauma 2013 BAUER Maschinen GmbH will be launching its new Value Line and Premium Line classification of BG drilling rigs. The Value Line is optimized for kelly drilling. The Premium Line, as the name suggests, is a high-end range incorporating multifunction rigs for a wide variety of applications. The Premium Line range extends from the BG 12 up to the BG 50. It enables all rotary drilling techniques to be implemented, including kelly drilling with and without a casing oscillator, the classic CFA (continuous flight auger) system and CCFA (cased continuous flight auger) drilling, as well as soil displacement pile drilling. The Premium Line rigs can also be used without problem to carry out all kinds of ground improvement techniques, such as CSM (cutter soil mixing), single or multiple soil mixing, or deep vibration. They can also be fitted with BC trench cutters. This makes the rigs suitable as a platform for all commonly employed specialist foundation engineering techniques, and enables them to adapt to a wide variety of different soil types based on a broad range of tools.

Issue 01 | 2013

All Premium Line rigs can be fitted with a Tier IV i engine conforming to the highest exhaust emission standards, though a standard Tier II or III engine is still available for all models intended to be used in markets where emissions are not regulated. The base carrier units for the Premium Line are specified to attain the lowest noise emission values in their class. Their specification ensures compliance with the very latest environmental standards.

BAUER rotary drilling rig BG 42


NEWS & REPORTS The main winches for the Premium Line rigs feature high pulling forces and wide drums. A drilling and drawing assist function aids handling in “Single-pass” drilling operations. State-of-the-art electronic systems make the rigs easy to control and highly responsive. The new Bauer B-Tronic Generation 4.1 is an enhanced variant, featuring monitoring of the winch pull and hoisting speed, a torque indicator and error message display as well as a diagnostic assist. The BG Premium Line models are also equipped as standard with the Bauer kelly visualization system, which provides operators with full assistance to ensure the kelly bar is operated optimally and with low wear. A tablet PC with built-in wireless functionality now likewise comes as standard in the new Premium Line cab. One of the designers‘ key objectives was to optimize all the safety features. The rigs now incorporate fall guards, an integrated ladder to access the uppercarriage and handrails on all walkways, as well as walk-on platforms on top of the uppercarriage. The service hatches on the side of the uppercarriage are of lift-up design. The counterweight disks can be variably stacked. Great attention was paid to ease of handling and to optimum health and safety assurance. The rigs enable operators to work in a stress-free environment, without becoming fatigued. A new cab design and state-ofthe-art, ergonomic layout provide the ideal degree of visibility for operators. This is also aided by an array of cameras, enabling operations to be monitored onscreen. Rear-view cameras permit operators to monitor the rear end and right-hand side of the rig, and the main winch reel-in is likewise monitored by a camera.

The BAUER Maschinen GmbH Leading-edge technology for specialist foundation engineering The companies of the Schrobenhausen-based Bauer Maschinen Group are showing numerous novelties at Bauma 2013 on the newly built open-air exhibition site north, stand number FG N 520. BAUER Maschinen GmbH has been continually expanding its product range over recent decades, and together with all its subsidiaries it will be presenting the broadest offer in the specialist foundation engineering equipment sector. The core Bauer Maschinen products are the drilling rigs of the BG series and the range of trench cutters. New products are once again being presented by KLEMM Bohrtechnik GmbH, with its anchor drilling rigs and jet-grouting systems. RTG Rammtechnik GmbH provides Bauer with a competence centre in the manufacture of a wide variety of leader systems. MAT Mischanlagentechnik GmbH produces suspension mixers and treatment plants, while PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH is a manufacturer of well drilling rigs.

BAUER rotary drilling rig BG 42

FOR MOPRE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BAUER Maschinen GmbH D-86529 Schrobenhausen Tel. +49(0) 8252 97-0 Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Schöpf Tel.: +49(0) 8252- 97 1302 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013



The Bauer

Deep drilling rig RB-T 90 PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH is presenting a deep drilling rig designated RB-T 90. The company has sold six of the universal drilling rigs to China. They are designed to sink emergency rescue shafts to reach trapped miners quickly and safely. A key feature of the newly developed machines is their great mobility: Built on a truck trailer, they can be towed quickly to any location where they may be needed. The rigs are being built in the Bauer Maschinen plant at the corporate headquarters in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria. RB-T 90 drilling rigs offer a maximum hook load capacity of 90 tonnes. The maximum small-diameter drilling depth is 3,000 metres. With 700 millimetres diameter, bores can be sunk down to a depth of 1,500 metres.

The BAUER Maschinen GmbH Leading-edge technology for specialist foundation engineering The companies of the Schrobenhausen-based Bauer Maschinen Group are showing numerous novelties at Bauma 2013 on the newly built open-air exhibition site north, stand number FG N 520. BAUER Maschinen GmbH has been continually expanding its product range over recent decades, and together with all its subsidiaries it will be presenting the broadest offer in the specialist foundation engineering equipment sector. The core Bauer Maschinen products are the drilling rigs of the BG series and the range of trench cutters. New products are once again being presented by KLEMM Bohrtechnik GmbH, with its anchor drilling rigs and jet-grouting systems. RTG Rammtechnik GmbH provides Bauer with a competence centre in the manufacture of a wide variety of leader systems. MAT Mischanlagentechnik GmbH produces suspension mixers and treatment plants, while PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH is a manufacturer of well drilling rigs.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BAUER Maschinen GmbH D-86529 Schrobenhausen Tel. +49(0) 8252 97-0 Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Schรถpf Tel.: +49(0) 8252- 97 1302 eMail: Internet:

Deep drilling rig RB-T 90

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Atlas Copco Underground Rock Excavation

Atlas Copco:

The new Boomer E - series

The Boomer XE3 C from Atlas Copco’s new Boomer Series offering simplicity, ergonomic design, high performance and the widest range of rock drills in the mining industry. (Photo: Atlas Copco)


ith an improved user interface, including a new intuitive touchscreen, and user-friendly design, the next generation of Rig Control System is here today.

Comfortable and environmental Operator comfort, safety and environmental care also get priority. For example, the FOPS certified cabins are air-conditioned and ergonomically designed featuring the latest operator seat and controls. In the drill rig, the operator is in focus.

The operator should feel good in order to make a good job with high productivity. The large 3- and 4-boom rigs offer a new improved and more ergonomic chair for the operator. The arm rests have a flat design with just two multi-functional joysticks instead of four.

The series offers an upgraded control system with a user-friendly interface, a larger (15-in), intuitive touch screen, just two multi-functional joysticks instead of four and the latest rig support planning software - Underground Manager (Photo: Atlas Copco)

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Carbon emissions have also been reduced to a minimum as the diesel engines are needed for moving the rigs around the site while electricity is used for drilling. The rig has stage 3B/Tier4i diesel engines as standard and biodegradable hydraulic oils are offered as options. The rig can also be equipped for dry-drilling systems.

Underground Manager All over the world the demand for documentation and follow-up are increasing. This led us to create the new underground manager, which takes planning and evaluation to a higher level. With the underground manager you can get support to all kind of underground machines from Atlas Copco. The user interface is new, modern and easy to use. The system contains a new drill plan generator, complete 3D view of the tunnel, smart, interpolation of contours and improved log- and report function. “- With these improvements, we are confident that the new Boomer series offers one of the most powerful and productive underground mining rigs and tunneling rigs on the market.” Says, Johan Jonsson, Product Manager at Atlas Copco Underground Division. The new Boomer rigs will be available via Atlas Copco’s own worldwide sales organization from 2013.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Atlas Copco MCT GmbH Product Manager Johan Jonsson Phone: +46 (0)70 811 0491 Mobile: +46 (0)70 811 0491 eMail: Internet: Project Leader Marketing Communications Elisabeth Meyer Phone: +46 (0)19 670 7019 Phone: +46 (0)70 670 8267 eMail: Internet:

Atlas Copco is an industrial group with world-leading positions in compressors, expanders and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. With innovative products and services, Atlas Copco delivers solutions for sustainable productivity. The company was founded in 1873, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning more than 170 countries. In 2011, Atlas Copco had 37 500 employees and revenues of BSEK 81(BEUR 9). Atlas Copco Underground Rock Excavation gehört zum Geschäftsbereich Bergbautechnik von Atlas Copco. Diese Abteilung entwickelt, fertigt und vermarktet eine breite Palette an Tunnel- uis a division within Atlas Copco’s Mining and Rock Excavation Technique business area. It develops, manufactures, and markets a wide range of tunneling and mining equipment for various underground applications worldwide. The division focuses strongly on innovative product design and aftermarket support systems, which give added customer value. The divisional headquarters and main production center is in Örebro, Sweden.

The Boomer XE3 C from Atlas Copco’s new Boomer Series offering simplicity, ergonomic design, high performance and the widest range of rock drills in the mining industry. (Photo: Atlas Copco)

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS Atlas Copco Surface Drilling Equipment

Atlas Copco:

Cut high fuel cost and increase productivity with Atlas Copcos new drill rig FlexiROC T45


t Bauma 2013 Atlas Copco launches its new tophammer surface drill rig, the FlexiROC T45, along with its new rock drill COP 3060. As the name suggests, this new rig is flexible yet uncompromising when it comes to fuel efficiency, while the new rock further drill enhances drilling capacity. The FlexiROC T45 is a production workhorse, just like the ROC F9 before it, but outstandingly fuel-efficient and even more productive.

At the outset of development, demands were high for this new drilling rig. Not only was it expected to be incredibly efficient and productive, but also it was to be built on a tried and trusted platform that would provide high-availability and a wide area of use for both large and small applications. Naturally, it had to be extremely fuel-efficient.

FlexiROC T45 with folding boom and the COP 2560 rock drill and T51 drill string.

Fuel consumption cut in half Field studies show that the FlexiROC T45 with folding boom, depending upon rock conditions, uses only half as much fuel as its predecessor the ROC F9 using the same rock drill. Additionally, the new rock drill COP 3060 mounted on a fix boom and aluminum feed, manages large diameters using the T60 drill string with outstanding performance and reliability. -It‘s an incredible accomplishment to increase productivity and drilling capacity while reducing fuel consumption so dramatically. Everybody wins when there‘s less environmental impact, a better working environment, and higher profitability, explains Mario Santillan, Product Manager at Atlas Copco Surface Drilling Equipment.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS FlexiROC T45 with fix boom and the new COP 3060 rock drill and T60 drill string.

Innovative solutions Key to the success of the new rig lies in building on a proven platform fitted with a number of clever solutions to effectively reduce unnecessary energy losses and increase productivity. During operation, the operator can adjust the airflow and the dust collector fan speed according to actual working demands. The speed of the engine and compressor are then adjusted automatically. The FlexiROC T45 - with its efficiency, productivity, and superior cabin environment - is everything you would expect from Atlas Copco. However, these are not the only proofs that Atlas Copco is on the leading edge of drilling development. Compared to similar rigs on the market the FlexiROC T45 has 50% fewer hoses and 70% fewer couplings.

Sustaining the environment -Because hydraulic functions and electrical components are positioned in close proximity to their functions, components are easier to service and maintain and the risk of leakage is greatly reduced, explains Dieter Koss, Business Line Manager Drilling Equipment, Atlas Copco MCT GmbH who further adds: -The hydraulic tank is almost 60% smaller than on previous generations, making it possible to use biological hydraulic oil without increasing total costs. Should an accident occur, no costly environmental cleanup is needed, simply rinse with water.

Compared to similar rigs on the market the FlexiROC T45 has 50% fewer hoses and 70% fewer couplings.

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Atlas Copco MCT GmbH , Surface Drilling Equipment Business Line Manager, Dieter Koss Tel.: +49 (0) 201 2177 273 | Mobil: +49 (0) 173 7077 273 eMail: Internet: Product Manager, Mario Santillan Tel.: +46 19 670 70 00 | Mobil: +46 (0)70 811 82 93 eMail: Internet: Communications Professional, Sandra Lee Tel.: +46 (0)19 503 1240 | Mobil: +46 (0)73 337 80 28 eMail: Internet: The new COP 3060 rock drill and T60 drill string.

The FlexiROC T45 is equipped with an engine that meets the new and more stringent environmental demands according to Tier 4. This means that sulfuric oxide has been reduced by 50% and particle emissions by an outstanding 90%. A Tier 3 engine is also offered.

The innovative solutions in this new surface drill rig, FlexiROC T45, for quarrying and mining, makes it not only a very fuel efficient drill rig in its hole range on the market but also very productive.

Atlas Copco is an industrial group with world-leading positions in compressors, expanders and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. With innovative products and services, Atlas Copco delivers solutions for sustainable productivity. The company was founded in 1873, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning more than 170 countries. In 2011, Atlas Copco had 37 500 employees and revenues of BSEK 81(BEUR 9). Atlas Copco Surface Drilling Equipment is a division within Atlas Copco’s Construction and Mining Technique business area. It develops, manufactures, and markets rock drilling equipment and mobile crushers and screeners for various applications in civil engineering, quarries and open pit mines worldwide. The division focuses strongly on innovative product design and aftermarket support systems, which give added customer value. The divisional headquarters and main production center is in Örebro, Sweden. More information is available on

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe:

expands its service network on four continents! o offer more and better services to its customers in the construction industry and the minerals & T mining sector worldwide, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is expanding its heavy plate distribution network, with new service centers on four continents. Alongside wear-resistant and high-strength special structural steels such as XAR®, XABO®, N-A-XTRA® and PERFORM®, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe now also offers complete components and repair solutions. With the growth of many countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa, global demand for raw materials is rising. For the mining and transportation of raw materials and the expansion of the infrastructure in these regions, special structural steels from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe open up a number of interesting opportunities. To be able to deal even more individually with the requirements of its customers in booming regions, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is now broadening its sales strategy. “For the future we are looking beyond the sale of a single plate, extending our value chain and expanding our distribution network to improve availability and increase our processing capabilities on four continents,” says head of sales Peter Selbach. As a result ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe will be offering companies in the minerals & mining industry and the construction sector an even wider range of services in the future. Tailored processing solutions will round off the portfolio.

For the mining and transportation of raw materials and the expansion of the infrastructure worldwide, special structural steels from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe open up a number of interesting opportunities. To be able to deal even more individually with the requirements of its customers in booming regions such as Latin America, Asia and Africa, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is now broadening its sales strategy. Alongside wear-resistant and high-strength special structural steels, the steel company now offers complete components and repair solutions.

The global network of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe’s Heavy Plate operating unit consists of the company’s own service centers, joint ventures and exclusive partnerships at the most important high-growth business locations. For example the Chilean subsidiary ThyssenKrupp Aceros y Servicios has been supporting the booming minerals & mining industry in Latin America for 50 years. Specialist processing operations serve customers – including mining companies and their suppliers – in Chile and Colombia. In the future the heavy plate experts will also be using the expertise they have acquired in South America in Asia: ThyssenKrupp recently opened a warehouse in Taiwan to supply the Southeast Asian market. To find out more about ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe’s products and capabilities in special structural steels, visit us at bauma at the Munich Exhibition Center, hall A6, booth 429, from April 15 to 21, 2013. ThyssenKrupp AG, Corporate Communications Erik Walner Phone: +49 203 52 45130 | Telefax: +49 203 52 25707 eMail:

Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

When the going gets tough:

XAR® heavy plate for mining machinery!

XAR®: The special structural steel XAR® from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is a match for the highest wear requirements, for example in dump trucks. That makes it easy to transport raw materials around the world. The robust, hard-wearing XAR® steels are ideal for use in, for example, mining equipment, cement plants, and earth-moving and agricultural machinery.

hroughout the world, XAR® special structural steels from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe make the mining, T transportation and processing of raw materials easier. Deep rock, fluctuating climatic conditions and extreme loads are no problem for the robust XAR® (eXtra Abrasion Resistant) steels from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe. They were developed especially for applications requiring maximum wear resistance – for example in mining equipment, cement plants, and earth-moving and agricultural machinery. In the minerals & mining sector worldwide they have long been a by-word for reliability. Customers in Europe, Asia and North and South America purchase XAR® steels via ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe’s global network. Only recently the steel company opened a warehouse in Taiwan especially to distribute XAR® heavy plate. With plate thicknesses of 3 to 100 millimeters, XAR® steels offer optimum solutions for all areas of mining equipment. Alloyed with chromium and niobium, they display hardnesses of up to 600 Brinell, guaranteeing optimum wear resistance. Components made from XAR® steels last five times longer than conventional structural steel components. XAR® steels also meet the highest requirements in terms of quality and processing properties. They are ideal for press braking, bending, welding and cutting. In addition, with thickness tolerances as low as ±0.2 millimeters, XAR® heavy plate can help reduce weight.

Issue 01 | 2013

With the spectrum of grades ranging from XAR® 300 to XAR® 600, steel solutions can be tailored to requirements: XAR® 400 is the most commonly used variant. It is suitable for example for screening and crushing machinery. For components subject to less extreme loads – for instance in conveying troughs in mining – XAR® 300 is recommended. This steel combines optimum surface quality with outstanding cost-effectiveness. XAR® 600 offers the highest wear resistance – for use for example in heavy dump trucks. For applications in excavating and earthmoving machinery where the going is particularly tough, XAR® HT (High Toughness) is the material of choice. To find out which material best meets your requirements, visit us at bauma, hall A6, booth 429, from April 15 to 21.

ThyssenKrupp AG, Corporate Communications Erik Walner Phone: +49 203 52 45130 | Telefax: +49 203 52 25707 eMail:


NEWS & REPORTS PHOENIX Conveyor Belt Systems


PHOENIX with New Monitoring System and Corrugated Sidewall Belt PHOENOGUARD® PX revolutionizes conveyor belt monitoring • PHOENIX S-Wall™ negotiates inclines of up to 90 degrees Hamburg, 2013. Minimizing maintenance costs and ensuring the adaptability of record-setting conveyor belt systems are benchmarks that PHOENIX Conveyor Belt Systems has been setting itself for many years. The technology specialist will showcase impressive and clear examples of its innovative art of engineering with its cutting-edge conveyor belt concepts and captivating high-tech solutions at bauma 2013 (hall C2, booth 212)..

The Independent PHOENOGUARD® PX Localizes Any Damage PHOENIX Conveyor Belt Systems is introducing a revolutionary new development with PHOENOGUARD® PX. The autarchical monitoring system continuously measures the current overall condition of the conveyor belt, internally and externally. From notching on the covers to penetration of foreign bodies and damaged steel cords, this unprecedented technology not only records damage but also intervenes automatically in the operation of the system in cases of emergency. If the system identifies damage that could result in breakdown of the conveyor belt, PHOENOGUARD® PX immediately shuts the conveyor system down. In the case of minor damage that has no direct impact on the condition of the conveyor belt, the system triggers an alarm. Users can adjust these settings in line with their requirements. PHOENOGUARD® PX uses this method of targeted intervention to prevent serious damage from occurring and dramatically reduce maintenance costs. If users want to get an impression of the overall condition of the conveyor belt, the system is able to provide a comprehensive snapshot image at the click of a mouse..

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PHOENOGUARD® PX ist in der Lage, eine umfassende Momentaufnahme per Mausklick zu liefern. / PHOENOGUARD® PX is able to provide a comprehensive snapshot image at the click of a mouse.


NEWS & REPORTS Introducing Steep-angle Conveyor Belting To Our Range On show will be the range of PHOENIX S-Wall™ corrugated sidewall belt’s. These steep-angle and vertical conveyor belts are the latest state of the art products to be added to the PHOENIX product range. Advantage’s of this system are that it eliminates the need for transfer points which in turn helps to minimize spillage. The system also allows for the maximum utilization of space, especially where this is at a premium. PHOENIX has expanded on the conventional cold-bonding manufacturing technique, to now include Hot Vulcanisation. This method uses heat and pressure to vulcanise the side-walls and cleats to the base-belt, leading to exceptional adhesion level’s. This allows the belts to be used in both higher temperature and particulally stressfull applications. This durable and resilient bonding method noticeably increases the service life of the belt whilst reducing maintanence costs in special applications.

PHOENIX Displays Record Book Visitors will also gain an insight into the tremendous potential of the many solutions offered by PHOENIX at bauma: The world’s strongest conveyor belt, belts with the highest conveying capacity – PHOENIX technology is what lies behind these records and many other extreme conveyor belt solutions. Across the globe, the customized conveyor belts transport goods under the most complex of requirements and, in doing so, set some spectacular records. The new Extreme Conveyor Belt Solutions brochure gives a fascinating insight into the virtually boundless possibilities and the tremendous performance capability of PHOENIX conveyor belts. Illustrative examples demonstrate the impressive and customized way in which PHOENIX products convey material.

Gezeigt wird das Spektrum der PHOENIX S-Wall™ Wellenkantengurte / On show will be the range of PHOENIX S-Wall™ corrugated sidewall belt’s.

About PHOENIX PHOENIX Conveyor Belts, headquartered in German Hamburg, is an international group company that is more than 150 years old. Phoenix Conveyor Belt Systems GmbH has produced significant advancements in conveyor belt design, which include world records such as the strongest belts, the steepest overland and the world‘s heaviest belt, to name a few. Phoenix serves the worldwide bulk handling industry from international production facilities with textile and steel cord conveyor belts. Technological achievements such as the PHOENOTEC® active belt protection system in combination with more than 100 years of experience in conveyor belt production make PHOENIX Conveyor Belts the first choice for highest reliability and efficiency.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Phoenix Conveyor Belt Systems GmbH Bernd Küsel Hannoversche Straße 88 D-21079 Hamburg Phone 040 7667 2205 Specialised Belting Solutions Ltd. Fax 040 7667 2411 Tom Webster eMail: Unit 26-32 Brunel Way Internet: Thetford, Norfolk, UK, IP24 1HZ Phone +44 (0) 1842 754392 Fax +44 (0) 1842 765264 eMail: Internet:

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Machines and systems for bulk material and piece good transport:

BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG Beckum | Germany

BEUMER provides efficient solutions for the cement industry


he BEUMER Group, headquartered in Beckum and with several companies around the world, develops and realises system solutions that provide increased efficiency in the cement and building material industry. The company can build on more than 75 years of international experience in this field. With the integration of Enexco Teknologies of India, the BEUMER Group strengthened its presence in the cement industry in one of the most important future markets. „Our goal is not the short term profit, but the long term success” - this is the guiding principle of the BEUMER Group, which was founded by Bernhard Beumer in Beckum in 1935. Family spirit, the integration of employees into all operational processes, innovation, communication and the constant dialogue between Sales, Engineering and Research and Development are the basis for this future-oriented alignment. Manageable growth, global market presence and a large range of products in the conveying, loading, palletising, packaging segments - as well as sortation and distribution technology - ensure the long-term success of the company. The BEUMER Group employs about 3,200 people and achieves an annual turnover of about 500 million EUR.

The BEUMER Group is an international leader in the manufacture of intralogistics for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and distribution technology.

The BEUMER belt bucket elevators impress by durability and their considerable conveying heights, which depend on the project.

The system supplier designs, constructs and installs systems tailored in detail to the specific project requirements, and with its belt conveyors provides economic and sustainable solutions. Today the BEUMER Group ranks among the world‘s leading technology providers for curved belt conveying systems, either as troughed belt conveyors with open design or as Pipe Conveyor with closed design. They can be adapted optimally to the environment and can negotiate long distances and large differences in height. This is ensured by their optimal routing through the terrain as well as by the narrow horizontal and vertical curves which can even overlap. Therefore rugged terrain, rivers, streets, buildings or train tracks do not present obstacles. Furthermore, the BEUMER Group supplies high-capacity belt bucket elevators

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NEWS & REPORTS provided with centre distances up to 200 metres and high-quality steel wire belts, endless closing and special bucket mountings. This way the BEUMER Group enables higher conveying capacity and longer service life. In addition, belt apron conveyors for hot materials also are supplied. In order to palletise load units in the building material industry, the BEUMER Group provides effective solutions with the BEUMER robotpac速 robotic palletiser and the BEUMER paletpac速 layer palletisers. Bags filled with bulk material are stacked layer by layer with high geometric accuracy and stability and these stacks can be easily conveyed into the BEUMER stretch hood速 high-capacity packaging system arranged behind the palletiser. Packaging load units with the BEUMER

stretch hood速 is quick, safe and sustainable, and has been dimensioned for many different film thicknesses. It impresses with high throughput and reliable film handling. The BEUMER Group offers comprehensive service for all product lines - from maintenance, troubleshooting, repair and spare parts to system modernisation and expansions. In developing its solutions, the target of the Group is always to provide for and preserve sustainability. To this end, the Group developed a validation system, the BEUMER Sustainability Index (BSI), which is used to evaluate the sustainability of its technologies in a continuous, systematic and verifiable way.

The BEUMER Group is known for outstanding and extensive know-how in the field of belt conveying systems.

About BEUMER Group The BEUMER Group is an international leader in the manufacture of intralogistics systems for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and distribution technology. Together with Crisplant a/s and Enexco Teknologies India Limited, the BEUMER Group employs about 3,200 people and achieves an annual turnover of about 500 million EUR. With its subsidiaries and sales agencies, the BEUMER Group is present in many industries the world over. For further information visit

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG Oelder Str. 40 59269 Beckum | Germany Internet:

Regina Schnathmann Tel. + 49 (0) 2521 24 381 Verena Breuer Tel. + 49 (0) 2521 24 317

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Rotor impact mills for sand processing :

BHS-Sonthofen: Cubical shaped grains with round edges At BAUMA 2013, BHS-Sonthofen is showcasing its unique rotor impact mills, which are not manufactured by any other company in the world. They produce crushed sand with special characteristics that cannot be achieved in the same quality with any other machine: the grains are cubical, but their edges are rounded. Dry mortar produced with this type of sand is easier to use and makes concrete easier to pump.

Unique process increasingly being used for other applications Last year BHS-Sonthofen delivered numerous RPMtype rotor impact mills for new dry mortar factories in fast-growing Asia and the Middle East, further consolidating its position as market leader in machinery for producing dry mortar sands. BHS rotor impact mills employ a globally unique principle.

These rotor impact mills are increasingly being used for other applications than manufacturing sand for the dry mortar industry; for instance, they are being employed more and more frequently to make sand for ready-mixed concrete, as the concrete containing such sand has excellent pumping properties. Around the world, the number of rotor impact mills is also growing in the asphalt industry, in the manufacture of surfaces for sports facilities, as well as for grinding limestone, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite and quick lime.

Rotor impact mill, type RPM 1513 for throughput up to 75 t/h.

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NEWS & REPORTS The hammers are wearing parts and can easily be replaced in just a few simple steps.

The rock breaks upon impact and assumes its cubical form. Repelled by the anvil ring, which is available in toothed and smooth versions, the material hits the hammers again, is further crushed, and thrown back against the anvil ring. This repeats until the material is small enough to pass through the gap between the rotor and the anvil ring, and falls out through two discharge chutes.

When it comes to crushing rocks, the rotor impact mill works best on slightly to moderately abrasive material. It can process feed sizes up to 56 mm. Larger feed sizes can be used for materials that are easy to crush, such as quick lime. Throughput can reach 75 t/h. The horseshoe-shaped hammers in BHS rotor impact mills are also absolutely unrivaled. The input material is fed into the machine from above through the centrallylocated feed tube. When it hits the rotor, it is accelerated outward at high speed by the centrifugal forces, where it is then caught by the horseshoe-shaped hammers, which impel it against the anvil ring of the annular housing.

The multi-phase crushing process serves to grind the edges of the particles, closely approximating the way sand is produced in nature. In practical applications, the rounded grain form makes it easier to process the material. For example, plaster made from this sand is easier to spread than if made from sand with sharp edges. The same effect makes the rotor impact mill an attractive choice for producing sand for ready-mixed concrete, which is then easier to pump.

The particles are caught and crushed between the rotating hammers and the anvil ring.

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NEWS & REPORTS About BHS-Sonthofen BHS-Sonthofen GmbH offers innovative and efficient mechanical process solutions for mixing, crushing, recycling and filtration applications. The company focuses on developing and manufacturing plants capable of operating efficiently for long periods, even under challenging conditions. We have been working in the “crushing technology� sector for more than 100 years, manufacturing crushing machines that are used for processing minerals in quarries and gravel pits and in the mining industry. Our products include state-ofthe-art impact crushers and mills with horizontal and vertical shafts. For more information, visit

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Layout of the rotor impact mill with anvil ring and open inlet cover .

The sand produced has a high proportion of grains sized between 0 and 2 mm. Compared to conventional impact mills, the rotor impact mill results in a considerably higher proportion of useful grains.

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH Roland Schmid Head of Marketing & Communications An der Eisenschmelze 47 D-87527 Sonthofen Tel. +49 8321 6099-231 Fax +49 8321 6099-220 eMail: Internet:

The gap between the horseshoe hammers and the anvil ring is adjustable and the peripheral speed of the rotor is variable, making the BHS rotor impact mill flexible for use in a wide range of applications. It also effectively processes fine off-spec gravel fractions, making it an efficient and future-proof solution. The adjustable hammers can be installed and set manually without any special tools or lifting devices. They ensure the output grain-size curve of the BHS rotor impact mill remains constant over the entire service life of the wearing parts, maintaining a consistent quality of the final product. The entire inlet cover can be pivoted for optimum accessibility, which greatly simplifies maintenance of the machine.

The crushing chamber of the rotor impact mill features horseshoe-shaped hammers.

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Processing technology :

BHS-Sonthofen: Gravel processing with BHS rotor centrifugal crushers At BAUMA, BHS-Sonthofen demonstrates the rotor centrifugal crushers of the RSMX series for processing hard and medium-hard rock to produce aggregate chippings and high-quality aggregates. The “rock-on-rock” principle and the patented rotor with just two centrifugal chambers offer considerable advantages over multi-chamber rotors in everyday practice.

Wear is virtually a thing of the past The requirements on the building materials concrete and asphalt – and thus on the gravel, chippings and sand used for their production – have continuously risen in recent years. Since demand for high-grade crushed sand and high-quality aggregates is also constantly rising, gravel and aggregate plants have to expand and equip their machine pools in order to meet the European standards and directives that require increased use of high-quality aggregates. BHS offers machines in four different sizes for throughput rates of up to 400 t/h.

Crushing with BHS impact crushers with vertical shafts and twin-chamber rotors is a popular choice in many plants for the production of high-quality aggregates. BHS rotor centrifugal crushers adopt the impact crushing principle: the material is fed vertically from above onto the high-speed rotor, which is mounted on a shaft with vertical bearings. In both chambers of the rotor, the input material is rapidly accelerated outwards due to the high circumferential speed, routed out via a naturally forming material bed and hurled at high speed against a fixed annular wall, generally consisting of an anvil ring made of heavyduty casting or an autogenous material bed.

BHS rotor centrifugal crusher of type RSMX for production of highgrade crushed sand, aggregate chippings and high-quality aggregates.

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Crushing function of the BHS rotor centrifugal crusher with anvil ring by means of the impact crushing principle.

The rotors patented by BHS with just two centrifugal chambers offer considerable advantages over threechamber and multi-chamber rotors: • • • • •

maximum input grain sizes of up to about 80 mm for hard rock and up to 150 mm for soft rock optimal material flow in the rotor, free from clogging 15 to 20 percent greater throughput rate with the same power consumption wear-related costs reduced by up to 25 percent exhaust air quantity reduced by more than 10 percent.

Choice of rock shelf or anvil ring The rotor centrifugal crushers from BHS can optionally be operated with an anvil ring made of heavy-duty casting or with a rock shelf, and can thus be variably adapted to a wide range of different requirements. If the anvil ring is used, the input material is crushed intensively by the hard impact of the rock against the impact wall, thereby developing the crushed face count of the chippings. Previously damaged rock and friable components are destroyed, significantly improving the test results of the final products. The stepped shape of the anvil ring causes the crushed material to be removed immediately from the crushing chamber without further abrasion.

Crushing function of the BHS rotor centrifugal crusher with rock shelf by means of the “rock-on-rock” principle.

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NEWS & REPORTS BHS rotor centrifugal crusher of type RSMX with anvil ring.

BHS rotor centrifugal crusher of type RSMX with rock shelf.

If the rotor centrifugal crusher is operated with a rock shelf, it is also suitable for highly abrasive input materials, such as quartz, as the “rock-on-rock� principle means that only very few machine components are subjected to wear. Another advantage is that, unlike in other crushing systems, the condition of the wearing parts has no effect on the grading curve: it is only the speed of the rotor that determines the crushing performance. Depending on the application specified by the customer and the properties of the rock, operation of the rotor centrifugal crusher can be varied:

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BHS-Sonthofen at BAUMA in Munich, April 15 to 21, 2013: Hall B2, booth 325/420


NEWS & REPORTS • with anvil ring: • as crusher and cubicator for the production of aggregate chippings and high-quality aggregates from soft and medium-hard rock • for production of crushed sand • with rock shelf: • as crusher and cubicator for the production of aggregate chippings and high-quality aggregates from hard rock • with rock shelf or anvil ring (depending on the application): • for selective crushing of friable rock while maintaining the hard core of the material • for disaggregation of conglomerates

About BHS-Sonthofen BHS-Sonthofen GmbH offers innovative and efficient mechanical process solutions for mixing, crushing, recycling and filtration applications. For more than 100 years, the crushing technology division of BHS has been manufacturing machines that are used for processing minerals in quarries and gravel pits and in the mining industry. The product range includes impact crushers and impact mills with horizontal and vertical shafts. For more information, visit

Every kind of rock has different characteristics; for this reason, BHS conducts tests at its in-house technical center on request. These tests are carried out using original industrial scale machines to ensure optimal and realistic crushing results. These tests give the customer the certainty that his outlay is well invested and that the new plant is future-proof.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BHS-Sonthofen GmbH Roland Schmid Head of Marketing & Communications An der Eisenschmelze 47 D-87527 Sonthofen Tel. +49 8321 6099-231 Fax +49 8321 6099-220 eMail: Internet:

BHS rotor centrifugal crusher of type RSMX with the patented twin-chamber rotor, vertical shaft and anvil ring.

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HAVER NIAGARA GmbH – Member of the new HAVER & TYLER Alliance: HAVER & BOECKER Machinery Division Muenster became HAVER NIAGARA GmbH

HAVER NIAGARA GmbH is a processing specialist in the machine construction and engineering industry for primary and secondary raw materials of the mining, recycling and building materials industries, its main areas of activity being screening, washing, and pelletising. HAVER NIAGARA GmbH was founded on January 1, 2012, and made an independent PLC after over 80 years as part of HAVER & BOECKER OHG. This step was taken to effect a separation between HAVER & BOECKER OHG’s two main business sectors, namely packaging technology and processing technology, and to allow each section to concentrate on their core areas of competence. Graduate engineer Mr Peter Grotjohann has been appointed CEO of HAVER NIAGARA GmbH. The Sales and Field Service team customers are familiar with will continue to act as contacts and advisors on all processing technology matters. HAVER NIAGARA GmbH looks back on many years of experience in processing technology, all of which began with the construction of the first NIAGARA vibrating screen in 1930. HAVER NIAGARA GmbH’s key fields of activity now lie in screening, washing, pelletising and in the engineering of plants and systems for the extractive industry. Its target markets are Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. HAVER NIAGARA belongs to the renowned HAVER Group and is a member of the HAVER & TYLER Alliance. The HAVER & TYLER Alliance, formerly known as THE HAVER SCREENING GROUP, sees itself as an amalgamation of all the processing specialists that belong to the HAVER Group. This includes not only HAVER NIAGARA GmbH but also HAVER & BOECKER Latinoamericana in Brazil and W.S. Tyler in Canada. The new HAVER NIAGARA GmbH signet perfectly illustrates the global orientation of the processing technology alliance. The signet outline matches that of the HAVER & BOECKER logo with a stylised globe and the hammer and chisel mining symbol. The letters „H” and “T” stand for the HAVER-Group in general and specifically for the companies HAVER & BOECKER and W.S. TYLER Canada.

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The new trade marks of HAVER NIAGARA GmbH

The name HAVER NIAGARA expresses the pride of 70 employees and managers in the history of their traditional company and is a reference to both the HAVER Group and the Niagara Falls in North America, close to which the first NIAGARA eccentric vibration screen in the world was invented and manufactured. Traditional NIAGARAtrade mark showing the world-famous Niagara Falls

The HAVER & TYLER Alliance and its sales network provide outstanding quality in processing technology, innovation, customer proximity and service on all continents. The highlights on show at bauma 2013 are the new F-Class screening machine, the Hydro-Clean 2000 highpressure washer and the HAVER-Snap-Guard® wear protection system. Further information is available on the www.haverniagara. com and websites.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: HAVER NIAGARA GmbH, Münster Dipl.-Geol. THOMAS HOLZLEHNER Marketing and Public Relations Robert-Bosch-Straße 6 | D-48153 Münster Tel. +49 251 9793-102 Fax: +49 251 9793-156



HAVER NIAGARA F-Class – Eccentric Screening Machine with New Bearing Concept:

Buffering of outer bearings reduces risk of bearing failure For the first time at bauma 2013 in hall B2, stand 129/236, the HAVER & TYLER Alliance will be exhibiting the new, patent-pending bearings concept in the F-Class eccentric screen series which will introduce a further innovation to processing technology. This new development was masterminded by HAVER & TYLER Alliance’s Innovation Management Department.

radial vibration is transferred directly to the outer bearings and support frame. This bears the risk of direct or mediumterm damage to the bearings. Buffering the outer bearings helps to extend the service life of the bearings with radial vibration and increase the availability of the screening machine during operation. Investing in our innovative bearings concept with the outer bearings encased in rubber has a positive effect on your ROI.

The concept has floating outer bearings embedded in rubber which buffer radial vibrations from the eccentric drive shaft. Vibrations such as these occur with strong load alteration when the screening machine feed rate suddenly rises during operation or when external force is applied, such as the direct impact of a hydraulic hammer used to remove blockages in a primary crushing plant or by excavator shovels in mobile plants. In standard eccentric vibration screens the outer bearings are not buffered and

The new HAVER NIAGARA F-Class has all the constructive and functional properties of the familiar HAVER NIAGARA T-Class. The modular, standardised assembly of the components, comprising the screen box, continuous drive train, spring brackets and support frame, simplifies maintenance and spare parts storage. Its wide range of operation, i.e. the various combinations of drive shaft speed and amplitude from 630 to 1,060 rpm and 3.1 to

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NEWS & REPORTS 9 mm, enable the eccentric vibration screen to be perfectly adapted to suit all tasks and requirements. The optional reinforced screen box frame has been designed for heavyduty use or comes into play when higher demands are made of machine availability, such as in the mining industry. With a machine width of up to 3,000 mm the HAVER NIAGARA F-Class is extremely suitable for high feed and throughput rates. The inner and outer bearing size combinations of 150/110 mm, 180/130 mm and 220/150 mm are geared towards oversized outer bearings to ensure availability even with large loads. The HAVER NIAGARA F-Class eccentric vibration screen is fully balanced, i.e. the dynamic loads during screening machine operation are minimal, so that the static loads of the machine and feed material are determinative when dimensioning the steel structure. The HAVER NIAGARA F-Class is distinguished by the fact that various screening media can be combined with one another on one deck. Depending on the task on hand, screen meshes, pressure-welded gratings, snap-in screen panels or perforated plates can be combined. Adapters enable screening media from different manufacturers to be used; the screen operator is therefore not committed to any particular manufacturer. Subsequent modifications to the assigned media are also not a problem as the HAVER mounting rail system is not welded to the screen box crossbeam.

At bauma 2013 a double deck HAVER NIAGARA F-Class S 180/130 2400 x 6000 2D will be on show which has been designed exemplarily for armourstone screening and a feed grain of 0/450 mm. The screen deck sizes are 2,400 x 6,000 mm. The upper deck is fitted with perforated plates with 100-mm openings. The lower deck has variable configurations which can cope with various screening tasks. The combination on display, consisting of ISENMANN PU snap-in screen panels, TY wire and FlexMat modules, all of which are fixed down using the ISENMANN WS85 hold-down system, guarantee optimum stability, an open screening surface, selectivity and blockage-free operation in each phase of the screening process. The HAVER-Snap-Guard® wear protection system protects the crossbeams from wear.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: HAVER NIAGARA GmbH, Münster Dipl.-Geol. THOMAS HOLZLEHNER Marketing and Public Relations Robert-Bosch-Straße 6 | D-48153 Münster Tel. +49 251 9793-102 Fax: +49 251 9793-156

The crossbeams in the screen box can also be optionally fitted with the patented HAVER-Snap-Guard® wear protection system that permits wear protectors to be quickly and easily replaced during machine servicing. The HAVER NIAGARA F-Class eccentric screen is suitable for all classifying jobs – from medium to large grain size – where load independent screening is necessary due to fluctuating feed rates and clinging feed material.

HAVER NIAGARA F-Class Exzentersieb mit gepufferten Außenlagern

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HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean 2000 – New High Pressure Washing System with Increased Material Throughput: Minimized water consumption and improved cleanliness of bulk mineral products

The HAVER & TYLER Alliance will be introducing the HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean 2000 under the aegis of HAVER NIAGARA GmbH. The HAVER NIAGARA HydroClean 2000 is the result of consistent further development of the well-known Hydro-Clean high-pressure cleaning system which has proved its cleaning power, high throughput rates, availability, economic efficiency and ease of maintenance in many different areas of application worldwide. The tried-and-tested modular system has been retained; new features include two adjacent washing rotors within one washing drum. The result is a high material throughput of up to 400 metric t/h and improved cleaning of clinging dirt from the 0/150 mm target grain size. As with all other sizes of HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean only high-pressure jets are used for cleaning, these being directed at the raw material by rotor nozzles at pressures of up to 150 bar. As the jets of water rotate with the washing rotor the raw material is thoroughly ploughed through. Material is cleaned merely by the impact of the stream of water and the shearing processes in the raw material bed. Without exception all moving machine components are outside the flow of material. This makes the HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean high-pressure washer a cleaning system with minimum wear. The machines low water consumption of 0.1–0.2 m³/t protects our natural resources and qualifies the HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean for use in areas with a limited supply of water. It also creates a process that has a low water circulation, thus cutting operating costs. Its modular and compact design, installed total power requirement of 230 kW maximum and total weight of below 6,000 kg allow the HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean 2000 to be used as a stationary, partially or fully mobile system or as a plant component.

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HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean 2000 with two wash rotors in one single washing drum

The HAVER NIAGARA Hydro-Clean is available in four sizes: the Hydro-Clean 350, Hydro-Clean 700, Hydro-Clean 1000 and Hydro-Clean 2000. Its areas of application include mining, exploration, recycling, the quarrying of sand and gravel as building materials and quarrying stone and earth. .

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: HAVER NIAGARA GmbH, Münster Dipl.-Geol. THOMAS HOLZLEHNER Marketing and Public Relations Robert-Bosch-Straße 6 | D-48153 Münster Tel. +49 251 9793-102 Fax: +49 251 9793-156



HAVER-Snap-Guard® – Optimized Wear Protection for Screening Machine´s Crossbeams:

Easy maintenance and high efficiency

HAVER-Snap-Guard® crossbeam wear protection

The HAVER & TYLER Alliance is introducing the patented HAVER-Snap-Guard® crossbeam wear protection system under the aegis of HAVER NIAGARA GmbH. This unique system has been developed to improve wear protection and minimise maintenance times. As opposed to the standard method of gluing wear protection to the crossbeams and laboriously removing the remains thereof once worn, in combination with the HAVER mounting rail system the HAVER-Snap-Guard® is simply clamped and snapped onto the crossbeam. The HAVER-Snap-Guard® is fitted and removed by hand without the need for any tools. HAVER-Snap-Guard® wear protection components are standardised and designed to fit the HAVER mounting rail system.

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The components are made of moulded PU parts which are used to cover the threaded rods on the mounting rail clamps and exposed crossbeam sections, thus protecting them from abrasion by the feed material.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: HAVER NIAGARA GmbH, Münster Dipl.-Geol. THOMAS HOLZLEHNER Marketing and Public Relations Robert-Bosch-Straße 6 | D-48153 Münster Tel. +49 251 9793-102 Fax: +49 251 9793-156


NEWS & REPORTS New Holland Construction

New Holland Construction will launch new W170C Recycler wheel loader at Bauma 2013

New Holland: W170C Recycler

New Holland builds on the success of its W170C wheel loader in the Recycling industry, due in great part to its exceptionally low fuel consumption as low as 10 litres/ hour and best-in-class bucket payload, by launching a new version specially designed for the very tough, aggressive and dusty working conditions typical of waste handling and recycling facilities.

Advantages of the W170C: • • • • • • •

New Heavy Duty cooling box designed for extra efficient cleaning Full package of protections for extra operator safety and machine durability More power, less fuel consumption and more uptime with SCR Tier 4 interim solution More safety indoors with SCR that stops sparks More pushing power and faster cycles with Ecoshift More grip and less wear with the Heavy Duty axles with open differentials and 100% diff lock More fuel economy with ECO Mode and ECOSTOP

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New Heavy Duty cooling box copes with the most extreme dusty conditions New Holland’s unique cooling system design, where radiators are placed forming a box rather than the traditional approach of having them overlapped, ensures maximum cooling efficiency and makes it easy to clean the radiators. For the Recycling industry, where conditions are particularly dusty, New Holland has gone one step further to avoid clogging of the radiators and the consequent machine stoppages: the radiator in the W170C Recycler is built with more space between the fins so that dust and debris are easily blown away by the reversible fan. In addition, the cooling box is mounted behind the cab, far from the rear of the machine and from the ground, away from the dust. This placement is possible because of the rear-mounted engine, which has the added advantage of easier maintenance from ground level all round the back of the loader. This design results in a bigger load in your bucket, making the W170C the most productive loader in the 15-ton class today.


NEWS & REPORTS A full package of protections for the toughest working environment Wood and solid components in waste can cause damage to the machine, if they fall from the bucket onto the lifting cylinders or the windshield, or if they get stacked in the machine’s articulation or under its belly. The W170C Recycler comes with a full package of protection guards for hoses, lights, cylinders, transmission shaft, fuel tank, windscreen, axles, front and rear chassis to ensure the operator’s safety, enhance the machine’s durability and protect its residual value.

More power and fuel economy with SCR Tier 4 interim solution The advantage of New Holland’s Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) after-treatment solution lies in the high combustion temperatures and the elimination of exhaust gas recirculation, which allows for optimised engine combustion. The result is more power density with less fuel; the engine delivers 950 N.m at 1300 rpm with just 6.7 litres; the high combustion temperatures cut particulates emissions by 90%. .

More uptime with SCR SCR doesn’t require a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), so that no fuel is used to burn PM in a DPF: it all goes to push in the pile. The machine never needs to stop for a parked DPF regeneration, so no time is wasted. Moreover, the operator can turn the key and stop working at any time, as there is no need to wait for the DPF to complete regeneration, which can require up to 50 minutes. All this results in optimised uptime, which is particularly valuable in recycling operations that typically work round the clock.

More safety indoors with SCR, the spark stopper A further benefit of New Holland’s SCR solution is greater safety on recycling jobsites, which are typically vulnerable to fire ignition risks: the system sprays AdBlue fluid in the exhaust to reduce NOx emissions by 50%, killing the sparks in the exhaust in the process. In addition, the

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maximum temperatures reached by the catalyst are about 50% lower than those of a DPF during regeneration, further lowering the risk of fire ignition.

More pushing power and faster cycles with EcoShift The EcoShift consists of three elements, which add up to maximum efficiency and fast cycle times. The lock-up of the torque converter is activated automatically during travelling, eliminating viscous losses, resulting in higher efficiency and 12% more pushing power available in second gear and faster acceleration. It is activated from 7km/h, when the second gear is engaged in order to maximise efficiency. It also enables the operator to climb steep slopes without downshifting to first gear. The five-speed transmission enables the operator to work at lower rpm and fully use the engine’s outstanding torque, resulting in more efficiency and faster cycle times. When braking, power inch prevents bouncing due to the automatic transmission cut off; on slopes, it acts as a hill holder, increasing the operator’s comfort and reducing fatigue.

More traction and less tire wear with heavy duty axles with open differentials and 100% front diff lock The open differentials mean that no friction is applied to reduce wheel slip, resulting in less tyre wear and lower energy losses. The front differential lock means that 100% of the available torque goes to the wheel with adherence – a big step up from the 60% of a limited slip differential.

Even more fuel economy with ECO Mode and ECOSTOP The W170C also features a new ECO working mode, which optimises engine curves and gear shifting strategy, achieving as much as 25% lower fuel usage than the MAX mode. Fuel efficiency is further enhanced with the ECOSTOP feature, which automatically shuts down the engine and the electric system after 5 minutes of idling, so there is no fuel waste and the turbocharger has the time to slow down and cool before it is turned off.


NEWS & REPORTS More cost savings with the W170C Recycler All these features make the W170C Recycler the best wheel loader available for recycling operations, as it offers: • • • •

The most fuel efficient tier 4 interim technology: SCR The most fuel efficient transmission: Ecoshift The most reliable cooling system for dusty jobsites: the Heavy Duty Cooling Box And a host of cost saving features such as ECOSTOP, ECO Mode, open differential with front diff lock and a full package of protections

New Holland Construction is a global, full-line construction equipment brand, with a network of 800 dealers and more than 2,100 outlets in 100 countries. The company brings together the strength and resources of its worldwide commercial, industrial and finance organizations. Thanks to the experience of its foundation heritage brands, New Holland can proudly point to quality, technologically state-ofthe-art products that are fully compliant with safety standards and environmental regulations. New Holland Construction is a brand of CNH Global N.V., a majority-owned subsidiary of Fiat Industrial S.p.A. (FI.MI). More information can be found on line at

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: C2 Marketing für ALARCON & HARRIS Lutz Holthaus Tel: +49 (0)2392 913 465 Tel: +49 (0)2392 913 464 eMail: Internet:

New Holland: W170C Recycler

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma 2013: ContiTech Presents FutureOriented Product Solutions • MegaPipes expand the range of applications for closed-trough belts • Hose lines for commercial vehicles and industrial applications • ATEX-certified air springs for improved safety • Elastomer bearings reduce vibrations in systems and vehicles

With an external diameter of 750 mm to 900 mm, the new MegaPipes double the flow rates compared to conventional closed-trough belts. They are available as textile belts or steel cord belts. (Photo: ContiTech)

Environmentally friendly, energy- and cost-efficient solutions for the mining sector as well as for construction machinery and plant construction are the focus of ContiTech‘s appearance at the bauma 2013 trade show. In addition to conveyor belts and sustainable conveyor belt solutions, air spring systems, hose lines, and vibration technology for industrial vehicles and plants can be seen at stand 301/402 in hall B2.

First Choice for Conveyor Belt Technology In keeping with the motto „ContiTech Conveyor Belts. First Choice“, the ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group is presenting innovative and environmentally friendly conveyor belt solutions. With an external diameter of up to 900 mm, the new MegaPipes double the capacities compared to conventional closed-trough belts and even enable the transport of crushed ore downstream of the primary crusher or of bulky goods in the industrial sector applications. Their special design allows the angle of inclination of the closed-trough belt systems to be increased by up to 45°, depending on the bulk material

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properties. Another trade fair highlight comes in the form of the conveyor belts specially developed to transport hot goods, even at extremely high material temperatures. Through the use of an innovative insulation layer in the belt construction, heat transmission is lowered by up to 40°C, while the total weight of the conveyor belts is significantly reduced. The business unit is also presenting the extremely low-stretch EPP textile belts CON-MONTEX® and CONBITEX®, as well as the TransCord conveyor belts, which offer greater flexibility compared to conventional steel cord conveyor belts with the same conveyor strength thanks to their special steel cord construction. In the area of steep and vertical conveyor belts, the Conveyor Belt Group is presenting the successful FLEXOWELL® product line and POCKETLIFT® as the only continuous conveyor system for stroke heights of up to 700 m and capacities of up to 5000 t/h. Both systems are among the groundbreaking innovations in this market segment. The company is also presenting Conti Secur® PREMIUM, an innovation in adhesive technology. In line with the motto „One step – one solution“, the new adhesive has just one component instead of two, which means that it can be used immediately and for long periods.


NEWS & REPORTS New Segment Bundles Skills At bauma, ContiTech Fluid Technology is introducing the powerful new Commercial & Industrial Vehicles (CIV) segment. It consolidates the business unit‘s expertise for all media flows in the fields of commercial vehicles and industrial applications. At bauma, CIV is presenting further developments in its SCR hose line systems with heatable quick connectors. Highly flexible hydraulic hoses made of rubber are indispensable components for hydraulically powered excavators, loaders, cranes, and dumper trucks. ContiTech also provides hydraulic solutions made of plastic. Preformed polyamide oil and fuel lines are characterized by their flexibility and media resistance. ContiTech Fluid Technology has developed ultra heavy-duty fuel lines specifically for new high-performance engines. They can withstand pressures of up to 35 bar and operating temperatures of up to 130°C.

Air Actuators and Air Springs 80 mm to 950 mm in Diameter

and drivers‘ cabs, will also be displayed at the stand. Comprising two elastomer bodies and a steel tube, the mounting element is not only cost-effective but also ensures good acoustic decoupling for a load range from 20 kg to 500 kg.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Mario Töpfer Head of Technical Media Relations, ContiTech AG Vahrenwalder Straße 9 D-30165 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 938-1304 Fax: +49(0) 511 938-1305 eMail: Jens Fechner Director Market Communications,ContiTech AG Vahrenwalder Straße 9 D-30165 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 938-14019 Fax: +49(0) 511 938-14025 eMail:

At bauma, ContiTech Air Spring Systems is mainly exhibiting one-, two- or three-convolution bellows with diameters of 80 mm to 950 mm. They fulfill the requirements for ATEX certification. These products can be used in potentially explosive areas (equipment group II) as category 2 and 3 equipment, in T1 to T4 temperature ranges and in atmospheres containing gas or dust. For over 50 years, ContiTech air springs and air actuators have been used for a wide range of purposes, such as suspension of stationary machines. Especially when used under harsh operating conditions, ContiTech air springs and air actuators impress with their unique product characteristics and long service life.

Elastomer Bearings for Industrial Vehicles and Plants At bauma 2013, ContiTech Vibration Control, the specialist for vibration- and noise reduction, is presenting ring elements with external diameters of 65 mm to 256 mm. These elements can be used in the most diverse applications and for loads of up to 82,000 N. Bushings compensate for rotational movements in drivers‘ cabs and ensure a much more comfortable ride for passengers. The SCHWINGMETALL® flange components, which are particularly suited to the suspension of engines, assemblies

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Neben den millionenfach bewährten SCR-Leitungen bietet ContiTech auch eine weiterentwickelte zweite Leitungsgeneration mit beheizten Quick-Connectoren an. (Foto: ContiTech)

Alongside its SCR lines – tried and tested a million times over – ContiTech also offers an advanced second generation version with heated quick con-nectors. (Photo: ContiTech)



ContiTech at the Hannover Messe: Success with Sustainable Products

• ContiTech presents sustainable products for machinery and plant engineering • Energy supply and agricultural machinery, two key issues for Russia, the trade shows partner country • Electrically powered two-wheelers a promising future market • WeP Partner Concept celebrates 10th anniversary

Under the We care! slogan ContiTech is showing how its systems help safeguard supplies for people worldwide - above all in agricultural machinery. (Photo: ContiTech)

Under the We care! slogan, ContiTech AG is showcasing its comprehensive technological and developmental expertise in the manufacture of sustainable products for machine and plant engineering at the Hannover Messe (April 8 - 12). The technology companys approx. 500square-meter booth (F18 in hall 6) provides an overview of whats new in rubber and plastic, the materials of the future. This year, ContiTech has boosted its presence at the Messe with a booth (B23 in hall 25) devoted to drivetrain technology at the leading trade fair „Motion, Drive & Automation“. On display there are drive solutions for mechanical engineering applications and two-wheelers as well as vibration isolation components and hose lines. “Our presence at the Messe and our principle of Engineering Green Value underscore the claim we make of contributing to the general well-being of society,“ affirms Heinz-Gerhard Wente, CEO of ContiTech AG. „With our expertise, our high level of flexibility, and our quality standards, we intend to up the quality of human life.“ Under the We care! slogan ContiTech is showing how its systems help safeguard supplies for people worldwide: in the food and beverage industry, in the provision of clean water, in the operation of irrigation systems, and, above all,

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in agricultural machinery and in the reliable extraction and transfer of raw materials. ContiTechs We care! slogan also points to the companys reliance on eco-friendly technology. Examples of this are hoses for the purification of tractor exhaust gases, ultra efficient drive belts for harvesters, or a specific technology for straw balers.

Driving the future: On the road and in the machine-building industry The ContiTech Power Transmission Groups presentation at the Hannover Messe focuses on heavy-duty belts for applications in machinery and plant engineering, in twowheelers and in new eco-friendly drive belts. On view for the first time is a new high-performance polyurethane timing belt with carbon cord as tensile member. Its ultra reliable force transmission capability is paired up with high resistance to wear and abrasion. ContiTech has expanded its range of eco-friendly drive belts marketed under the BlueConcept label. The label stands for environmentally compatible and healthful industrial applications. In the future, a multiple V-ribbed belt will also be available.



This year, ContiTech has boosted its presence at the Messe with a booth (B23 in hall 25) devoted to drivetrain technology at the leading trade fair „Motion, Drive & Automation“. (Photo: ContiTech)

The showing is complimented by drive belts for twowheelers – the full gamut, from motorcycles and scooters through to bicycles equipped with electric motors. Going forward, the topic of individual mobility in metropolitan areas will continue to grow in importance and with it the demand for electrically powered two-wheelers. The ContiTech Power Transmission Group has developed a drive system for this purpose that replaces the classical chain with a drive belt – with a host of advantage for consumers. The drive belts and matching pulleys are developed in close collaboration with manufacturers and sales partners in the two-wheeler industry. „We are growing worldwide, not only with our high-tech belts for machinery and plant engineering but in the two-wheeler market as well,“ notes Konrad Müller, head of the Power Transmission Group business unit. „Our wide-ranging competence in the area of drive belts makes us a coveted partner.“ Also available for viewing at the ContiTech booth in hall 25 are hoses for compressors and large hoses for use at construction sites as well as air suspension systems and ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL rubber-to-metal-bonded components for reducing vibrations in industrial vehicles and machines.

Russia - partner country at this years Messe Russia, this years partner country, will also play a role at the ContiTech booth. ContiTech serves the Russian market from its sales office in Moscow. Technology from ContiTech Air Spring Systems will, for example, keep things moving at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. Deployed in buses, express trains, and ropeways, too, products from

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ContiTech will transport a world audience to and around the event. For decades now, ContiTech Fluid Technologys Dunlop Oil & Marine segment has been a well-known name in the Eastern European energy industry thanks to its high-performance hoses for the oil and gas industry. ContiTech is, moreover, currently constructing a new plant in Kaluga, Russia, 170 km southeast of Moscow. Slated to go into operation in December 2013, the new plant will manufacture automotive air-conditioning and powersteering lines.

ContiTech makes added value tangible For the tenth time, select ContiTech supplier partners will present their products at the trade show booth. Together with ContiTech, these value-added partners demonstrate how very important the interplay among all industry partners is in creating a high-quality product. Technologies range from special elastomers through to communications technology.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Mario Töpfer Head of Technical Media Relations, ContiTech AG Vahrenwalder Straße 9 D-30165 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 938-1304 Fax: +49(0) 511 938-1305 eMail:

Jens Fechner Director Market Communications,ContiTech AG Vahrenwalder Straße 9 D-30165 Hanover Tel.: +49(0) 511 938-14019 Fax: +49(0) 511 938-14025 eMail:




Are you ready for the crush of your life?

e are making it easy for you. Sandvik is launching an e crusher that will change your view of crushers forever. See it for the first time at Bauma.

Now we are making it easy for you. Sandvik is launching an innovative crusher that will change your view of crushers forever. See it for the first time at Bauma.


Issue 01 | 2013


NEWS & REPORTS BAUMA 2013 - Messe München International

New developments enhance the future capability of the construction, building materials and mining industry

bauma INNOVATION AWARD 2013: nominees for the bauma Innovation Award 2013!

BAUMA Innovation Award The nominations for the bauma Innovation Award 2013, which is being presented as part of bauma, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines, Construction Vehicles and Construction Equipment, have been selected. The 15 nominated innovations were announced at the press conference held at the bauma Media Dialog on January 29, 2013 in Munich, by Johann Sailer, President of the VDMA Construction Machinery and Building Materials Machinery Association. The award is divided into five categories. Out of a total of 156 submissions from Germany and abroad, the jury selected three groundbreaking innovations per category to go through to the final round. Editors of trade journals participating in the bauma Media Dialog will be voting for their favorites from this selection on January 29 and 30, 2013. High-ranking international guests from business and politics are expected to attend the award ceremony, honoring the winners and the nominees, on April 14 in the AllerheiligenHofkirche (Court Church of All Saints) in the Residenz Palace in Munich. Most of the new developments will also be on show at bauma. The trade show takes place from April 15 to 21, 2013, in Munich.

Category: Machinery • • •

Revolution in underground mining – the Mobile Tunnel Miner, Aker Wirth GmbH, Erkelenz Pipe Express - a new semi-trenchless method for installing pipelines, Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau JFI Method: Fully automated production of multi-layer concrete elements, Sommer Anlagentechnik GmbH, Altheim

Category: Machinery components • • •

Tablet PC – transferring the digital workplace to the construction machine, Bauer Maschinen GmbH, Schrobenhausen Fume Extraction System,, Volvo Construction Equipment, London/Great Britain AutoPilot Field Rover – 3D system for controlling offset slipform pavers, Wirtgen GmbH, Windhagen

Category: Construction process/Construction work • • •

Monopile foundation for tidal engine turbine – offshore site in Scotland, Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH Using revolving tower cranes to erect hybrid-energy wind towers – in a fast construction time, Max Bögl Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co KG, Sengenthal „PAST“: reliable, automated road-building – improved function along the whole building process chain, Hermann Kirchner Bauunternehmung GmbH

Category: Research • • •

Online grain size analyzer, Technical University of Clausthal Parallel kinematics (HEXAPOD) for working equipment on mobile machinery, Technical University of Dresden Computer tomography enables orientation analysis of steel fibers in reinforced concrete, Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Category: Design • • •

Liebherr Compact Loader, Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen, Bischofshofen/Austria Kaiser Walking Mobile Excavator 2013, Kaiser AG Fahrzeugwerk, Schaanwald/Liechtenstein EH 100 demolition breaker, Wacker Neuson Vertrieb Europa GmbH & Co KG, Munich

The criteria used by the jury of experts in reaching their assessment of the submissions and innovations include the following: sustainability, practical use, contribution towards environmental protection and humanization of the workplace, economic benefit and performance capability combined with energy- and cost-efficiency, and the contribution towards enhancing the image of the construction, building-materials and mining industries or the sector as a whole. In 2013 the Innovation Award is being presented for the tenth time. The competition is a joint project by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.), the German Construction Industry Association (HDB – Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V.), the Central Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB – Zentralverband des deutschen Baugewerbes e.V.), the German Building Materials Association (BBS – Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und

Erden e.V.) and bauma

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bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

Aker Wirth through to the final round - Mobile Tunnel Miner has chances for award

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he latest development from Aker Wirth, the Mobile Tunnel Miner (MTM) for underground tunneling and mining, has been nominated for this year’s bauma Innovation Award. A jury of T experts picked the MTM as one of the three best contributions from among 156 entries in the “Machinery” category. The nomination was announced officially at the bauma Media Dialogue event, which was held in Munich, Germany end of January. The winners will be announced officially and handed their awards in Munich on 14 April 2013. The innovative Mobile Tunnel Miner combines the flexibility of a roadheader with the robustness of a tunnel boring machine. The knowledge gained from a previous version developed and tested already by Aker Wirth is also exploited. “The nomination is a welcome confirmation of our performance and innovation strength. Our MTM sets a revolutionary new benchmark in underground mining, particularly with regard to safety and efficiency,” said Aker Wirth CEO Einar Brønlund.

The bauma Innovation Award At the internationally-renowned Innovation Award event, pioneering innovations in construction machinery, building material machinery and mining machinery, as well as construction work/processes, are recognised by the VDMA (Association of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers), bauma and the Spitzenverbänden der Deutschen Bauwirtschaft (Central Associations of the

German Construction Industry). Prizes are awarded every three years at the bauma international trade fair, the world‘s leading exhibition for construction machinery, building material machinery, mining machinery, construction vehicles and construction equipment. It will be held in Munich, Germany from 15 to 21 April 2013. Prizes will be awarded in five categories (“Machinery”, “Machinery component”, “Construction process/Construction work”, “Research” and “Design”), for each of which three innovations have been selected for the final round. They were presented to the international specialist journals at the bauma Media Dialogue event with short films and in discussion with representatives from the companies.

About Aker Wirth Aker Wirth is one of the leading equipment suppliers, delivering core components for the oil and gas industry as well as mining and civil construction products for the industry. Since 1895, Aker Wirth has been supporting the establishment of a modern and efficient development of natural resources and infrastructure, promoting growth and improving the standard of living. In 2010 and 2011, Aker Wirth was awarded for an outstanding personnel management and in 2009 and 2011 for innovative products and solutions. Aker Wirth is a subsidiary of Aker Solutions AS, a provider of oilfield products, systems and services for customers for the oil and gas industry world-wide.


The Aker Wirth Mobile Tunnel Miner 6

Issue 01 | 2013

Aker Wirth GmbH Kölner Str. 71-73 | D-41812 Erkelenz Simone Grönemeyer Manager Communications Tel.: +49(0) 2431 83-459 Fax: +49(0) 2431 83-83 459 eMail: Internet:



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


ry Mac

PIPE EXPRESS® from Herrenknecht nominated for the BAUMA Innovation Award

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ith Pipe Express® the Herrenknecht AG has developed a new semi-trenchless method for installing pipelines. In comparison with the open construction method, routes are W considerably narrower, no groundwater lowering is necessary and there is less impact on nature. This has a very positive effect on the grid operators‘ construction costs. Because of the especially ecological and cost-efficient working method, the development of this new system is subsidized by the German Environment Ministry. An expert jury has now nominated Pipe Express® for the bauma Innovation Award 2013.

Pipe Express® is a new mechanized method for the near-surface installation of pipelines of up to 1,000 meters in length and with diameters of 800 to 1,500 millimeters (32“ to 60“) using the half-open construction method. A tunnel boring machine loosens the soil which is then directly conveyed aboveground using a milling unit which is carried along. At the same time, the pipeline is installed underground. Since earthwork is reduced to a minimum and no groundwater lowering along the route is necessary, Pipe Express® has very little impact on the environment. This method is unique so far: For the installation of pipelines with a diameter of up to 1,500 millimeters, the soil is directly removed and not pushed aside. Pipe Express® is ideal, for example, for projects in which the groundwater level is only a few centimeters below the terrain‘s surface, in mainly swampy terrain or when nature protection is of special importance.

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Minimum manpower and a high degree of work safety The main components of the new installation system include a tunnel boring machine that works underground, a trenching unit with a buggy and an operating vehicle on the terrain surface. The modular design of the entire system allows easy transport and relocation, as well as high flexibility in changing project conditions. The compact system is remote controlled from the operating vehicle and no trenches have to be dug. This means that minimum manpower is needed, increasing work safety at the same time.


NEWS & REPORTS Cost savings thanks to minimum earthwork The new method has a positive influence on the realization and renaturalization costs in projects taking place in particularly challenging areas with unstable ground, water-bearing layers and at great installation depths. Compared to the conventional open construction method, with Pipe Express® the route width can be reduced by up to 70 percent, thus reducing the necessary earthwork. When crossing agricultural land, major losses of harvest and thus long-term compensation payments can be prevented compared to the open construction mode.

Environmentally-friendly installation of pipelines


By using Pipe Express®, the influence of the construction activities on the surrounding environment can be reduced to a minimum. Acceptance by the population, land users and land owners is improved due to the reduced implementation of large equipment and thanks to shorter construction periods. The natural soil structure is only disturbed to a minimum, making subsequent recultivation easier. No complex groundwater lowering is required along the route and water-saturated soil layers are prevented from drying out. In addition, as the pipeline is installed fast and in one work step and fewer conventional construction machines are needed, emissions of exhaust gases and noise can be considerably decreased.

Test drillings and a first reference project completed successfully After Herrenknecht AG had initially carried out test drillings on the company site at the Schwanau headquarters over one year, the new machine technology could be applied in a first reference project in Sevenum, Netherlands at the end of 2012. „Pipe Express® has exceeded all expectations,“ noted project manager Andreas Diedrich with satisfaction and continued to explain: „The machine works with a tunnelling speed of up to one meter per minute, which means that 500 meters of pipeline were installed in three days.“ The construction company Visser & Smit Hanab is currently building a new high pressure gas line between Odiliapeel and Melick for the Gasunie grid operator. On a section of this line, the Herrenknecht innovation was put to use. Visser & Smit Hanab‘s managing director Wilko Koop confirmed: „I am very enthusiastic, everything worked excellently“.

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PipeExpress in action

PipeExpress starting area


NEWS & REPORTS Pipeline installation technology for all geologies and terrains In view of the expected extension of the worldwide pipeline network by around 25,000 kilometers a year, Herrenknecht AG sees itself well-positioned with its portfolio extension, allowing the installation of pipelines for gas, oil, freshwater, district heating or as protection pipes for power cables in all geologies and terrains. In sensitive areas, PipeExpress® will be a quick, environmentallyfriendly and economic alternative to the open construction method in future. The Herrenknecht AG also offers the flexible HDD method as a tried-and-tested trenchless technology to cross, for example, underneath rivers, roads or populated areas in soft to very hard grounds, or the single-step Direct Pipe® method for unstable grounds.

Nomination for the bauma Innovation Award 2013 An expert jury nominated Pipe Express® in the machine category of the bauma Innovation Award 2013. In mid-April, the prize will be awarded in five categories. The jury will be assessing the future business capability and the practical relevance of the innovation. Selection criteria are economic efficiency, increase in performance, energy and resource efficiency as well as the innovation‘s contribution towards environmental protection, humanizing of the workplace and improving the sector‘s image. The competition is a joint project of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation), HDB (Main Federation of the German Construction Industries), ZDB (Central Federation of the German Construction Industries), BBS (German Federation of Construction Materials - Stones and Earth) and bauma.

The Herrenknecht AG As the only company worldwide, Herrenknecht AG delivers tunnel boring machines for all ground conditions and in all diameters – ranging from 0.10 to 19 meters. The Herrenknecht product range includes tailor-made machines for transport tunnels, supply and disposal tunnels and additional equipment and service packages. Furthermore, Herrenknecht manufactures drilling rigs for vertical and sloping shafts as well as deep drilling rigs. In the year 2011, the Herrenknecht Group achieved a total operating performance of 1,104 million euros. Since the formation of the company in 1977, Herrenknecht machines have excavated a total of 1,900 kilometers of tunnels in the large diameter range of more than 4.20 meters. Around 850 Herrenknecht Utility Tunnelling Machines are in operation around the world constructing or laying water and wastewater systems, gas and oil pipelines, as well as conduits for electricity, the Internet and telephone lines. The Herrenknecht Group employs around 4,000 members of staff worldwide and is training more than 240 young people. With 77 subsidiaries and associated companies working in related fields in Germany and abroad, Herrenknecht provides a comprehensive range of services close to the respective project and customer.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Herrenknecht AG Schlehenweg 2 | D- 77963 Schwanau Achim Kühn Tel.: +49(0)7824 302-5400 Fax: +49 (0)7824 302-4730 eMail: Internet:

Pipe Express® - the method When installing pipes with Pipe Express®, a tunnel boring machine drills the tunnel for the pipeline which is installed simultaneously. The excavated soil is conveyed directly to the surface via the milling unit and stored alongside the route. At the same time, the trenching unit functions as a vertical connection between the tunnel boring machine and the terrain surface. The operating vehicle accompanies the installation system and provides the entire logistics. These include a control stand for the operator, a power unit room, a high-capacity pump and a storage container for bentonite to reduce the skin friction between the pipe string and the ground. With the integrated crane system, assembly and dismantling work can be done in a very short period of time. The thrust force for the excavation unit and the pipeline is provided by a Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster.

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


Sommer Anlagentechnik GmbH - JFI-Method

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Fully automated production of multi-layer concrete elements


he JFI method, an innovation by Sommer Anlagentechnik and SAA Engineering, granted with a patent in 2012, enables a highlyprecise automated production of multi-layer concrete elements with high flexibility and productivity. Till now the production of multi-layer concrete elements had been performed manually in most cases. The production of sandwich elements with a protruding facade cladding with klinkers, tiles, handcraft and natural stone needs much a lot of personnel and is not flexible. For this reason the market share is also quite low currently. This new process has been developed for the requirements of the Russian market. But due to the substantial advantages of this process for the production of high quality facade elements it will increase the market share of prefabricated concrete elements world wide. At the end of the year 2012 the very first plant world wide with this energy efficient, highly productive and ressource friendly technology will be taken into operation in the greater Moscow region. Another plant will start its production by the end of the year 2013. New fields of application in the production of complex prefabricated concrete parts are opened. Different building projects can be implemented economically. Energy and material costs are reduced, eg by saving plastic matrix and insulation material. By the possible use of different facade cladding elements such as steel, stone, aluminium, ceramics and photovoltaic the technical and aestethical quality of the buidling projects will be improved significantly.

The following developments have been implemented for that purpose: Production method for applying a joint filler The joint filler is applied automatically to the surface of the production pallet in a grid pattern according to the CAD planning. The joint filler mass has the following properties: it can form a joining contour. it does not connect with the joining concrete. it balances the tolerances of the production pallet. it has vibration absorbing properties and thus protects the facade elements from damages in the following compaction processs. the facade elements are position-fixed. it enables sealing and balancing of tolerances at the moulding edges.

Production method for feeding facade cladding elements (tiles, klinker, etc) automatically to a transport and cutting device and for placing them automatically and precisely with a robot on the production pallets The cladding elements are fed to a robot cell. The robot takes out one unit from a transporting unit (pallet, staple etc) and feeds it directly to a cutting device or directly to

The net product for the production in the prefabricated concrete plant is increased and also the competitiveness of prefabricated concrete parts over cast-in-place concrete. By fully automated, CAD supported production processes the efficiency of the production process will be increased and the working conditions in the factories will be improved.

Production method applying a joint filler

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NEWS & REPORTS the placing robot. The placing robot grips a group of pre-positioned parts, drives them to the unit and exactly into the joint filler applied before - in a distance to be defined.

Production method enabling an automated feeding, cutting, boring and positioning of the insulation layer and an automated placing of wall connectors The insulation staples being deliverd as staples are cut into single pieces automatically; according to the CAD data they are cut and borings or breakthroughs for the wall connectors to be used are inserted. A placing robot positions the plates on the freshly cast front layer and plugs and wall connectors through the recesses in the insulation plates and into the wet concrete.

Production method for feeding facade cladding elements (tiles, klinker, etc) automatically to a transport and cutting device and for placing them automatically and precisely with a robot on the production pallets

Production method enabling an automated feeding, cutting, boring and positioning of the insulation layer and an automated placing of wall connectors

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Sommer Anlagentechnik Alfred StraĂ&#x;meier SAA Engineering Dr. Christian Hanser

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

BAUER Maschinen GmbH - Tablet-PC

Category Mac ery Componenhtin s


n the Component category, BAUER Maschinen GmbH presents the tablet-PC for foundation equipment, a helpful tool to facilitate communication and documentation procedures in construction projects. A generic tablet-PC is fixed in the operator’s cabin and equipped with electronic and mechanical theft protection. A data interface with the construction equipment and the internet as well as various applications offer multiple benefits for all important stakeholders of a project. One of these apps enables the B-Tronic operator screen to be displayed on the tablet-PC. Thus the operator can be observed or instructed from a distant and safe position outside the working area. Another app provides editing of photos and screenshots, with a linked e-mail facility. The BAUER World app includes functionality which allows users to access the BAUER Maschinen customer centre or the online Parts & Service catalogue. A wide range of applications is available to optimize working procedures on-site. Using tablet-PCs for industrial applications is stateof-the-art. The actual innovation is the integration in the process of construction. With this technology the digital age is brought into construction equipment. Since 2012, the tablet-PC can be found in all of BAUER‘s PremiumLine drilling rigs, piling rigs and foundation cranes. .

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BAUER Maschinen GmbH D-86529 Schrobenhausen Tel. +49(0) 8252 97-0 Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Schöpf Tel.: +49(0) 8252- 97 1302 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013

Tablet-PC für Baustelleneinsatz



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

VOLVO: Fume extraction system shortlisted for bauma Innovation Award

Category Mac ery Componenhtin s


olvo Construction Equipment’s extractor for bituminous fumes has been shortlisted for a bauma Innovation Award. The innovative design improves the operator environment on the company’s ABG pavers by substantially reducing fumes without significantly increasing fuel consumption, noise or affecting visibility into the auger channel.

Volvo Construction Equipment’s (Volvo CE’s) revolutionary extractor for bituminous fumes is one of three finalists in the machinery component category of the bauma Innovation Awards. The system, which is available as an option on Volvo CE’s C-Series ABG pavers, introduces a new way of removing fumes from the operator’s working environment. The innovative feature improves the working conditions of the operator – who sits directly above the auger channel. By delivering 83% efficiency, the system exceeds the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) guidelines which state that 80% of fumes should be captured. Volvo’s results have been independently certified by an environmental institute.

compact architecture. This also helps to maintain visibility into the auger channel which is vital to ensure consistent material flow and good quality, smooth paving.

Innovative and efficient During the majority of operating conditions, Volvo’s ABG pavers run on smart power which lowers the engine rpm

Behind the breakthrough The pioneering system works by using a fume intake, with a fan located directly behind it, on both the left and right hand side of the auger channel. The fan captures and transports the fumes via two tubes to the top of the paver where they are then released. This means that the air in the operator’s working environment is significantly cleaner than was previously the case. Volvo’s design is located at the back of the machine and features a very short distance between the intake and the fan – eliminating the need for additional piping and funnelling in the auger channel. This increases efficiency, prevents any loss of power and ensures that there is no effect on the operator’s visibility into the auger channel. Because extra power is not needed, smaller fans are used. These can be installed horizontally instead of vertically which offers a smaller, more

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NEWS & REPORTS and considerably reduces fuel consumption. The new fume extraction system continues this environmentally friendly and fuel efficient approach and works just as efficiently when the machine is operated in smart power mode as it does when the machine is working in max power mode. As well as increased efficiency and visibility, another benefit of the Volvo design is reduced noise. The difference in sound between the system being on or off is insignificant – just 0.3 decibels. This means that there is no risk of the system distracting the operator or causing fatigue.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Volvo Construction Equipment Deutschland GmbH Marketing & Communications Manager Thorsten Poszwa Adalperostr. 80 85737 Ismaning | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)89 944 - 66 42 30 eMail: Internet:

Paving the way Although there is currently no legislation insisting pavers meet the NIOSH 80% guideline, the Volvo system has been designed to meet demands from customers and operators in certain markets. Due to the modular design of the Volvo system, it can be retrofitted to machines already in the field. .

Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) is a major international company developing, manufacturing and marketing equipment for construction and related industries. Ist products, leaders in many world markets, include a comprehensive range of wheel loaders, hydraulic excavators, articulated haulers, motor graders, and soil and asphalt compactors, pavers, milling machines, compact equipment and material handling equipment. Volvo CE is part of the Volvo Group, the world´s largest manufacturer of diesel engines in the 9 to 18 liter category. The Volvo Group is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, driver systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services. The Group also provides complete solutions for financing and related services.

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

Category Mac ery Componenhtin s

Nominated for the bauma Innovation Award 2013 – The

Wirtgen AutoPilot Field Rover revolutionizes road construction


s the leading manufacturer of road construction machinery, Wirtgen GmbH is renowned for its pioneering technologies and innovations. With the Wirtgen AutoPilot Field Rover, the company has now launched a technical development that for the first time enables fully automatic, stringline-free concrete paving. This system will enable road construction companies to complete jobs much more easily, quickly and, above all, economically. The jury of the bauma Innovation Award 2013 also deemed the AutoPilot Field Rover a pioneering development, and nominated it in the „Machinery Component“ category. When monolithic profiles such as concrete safety barriers or curbs are paved today, digital terrain models are created and so-called stringlines are secured in the ground along the profile. During paving, these are used by the machine for orientation purposes – a very timeconsuming method.

Fully automatic paving with the AutoPilot Paving is much quicker with the Wirtgen AutoPilot. The 3D control system comprises a computer that is integrated in the machine and an intuitive control panel. Two GPS receivers mounted on the machine communicate with a GPS reference station on the job site. A digital terrain model is not required, as surveying and programming is carried out on the spot. Conventional stringline-free 3D systems currently available on the market can only be operated by personnel trained in surveying, while the AutoPilot Field Rover is designed for simple operation by the machine operator, rendering special training unnecessary.

AutoPilot Field Rover: Stringlines are a thing of the past But what happens if a hydrant is positioned incorrectly or a gully is located 10 cm away from its marked site? With the traditional stringline method, the user modifies the line on the job site. This is also poses no problem for the Field Rover. The Field Rover comprises a GNSS receiver and a data collector on which the software developed by Wirtgen is installed. As during normal survey work, the section to be paved is staked out with a plumb rod and individual measuring points defined. The highlight of the Field Rover is that the software calculates the optimum course on the basis of the measured points, creating a virtual stringline, so to speak. The data are saved on a USB stick that is then simply connected to the machine. It is not necessary for the operator to enter any additional data by hand. The Wirtgen slipform paver then automatically moves to the starting point calculated during the survey, and from there moves along the defined course.

The AutoPilot Field Rover has been nominated for the bauma Innovation Award in the „Machinery Component“ category, as the jury regards this new development as a pioneering development for road construction

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NEWS & REPORTS If the concrete profile is to be paved up to existing roadway edges, the user can calculate the optimum virtual stringline within minutes. For the first time ever, it is now truly possible to eliminate the conventional stringline in practical applications. Road construction companies stand to benefit in many ways – for example the Field Rover lowers paving costs considerably in comparison to conventional methods. As it bases its calculations on the actual job site measurements and does not rely on construction drawings, it achieves a higher degree of paving accuracy and quality. In addition, the slipform paver can automatically negotiate obstacles. Apart from enhancing safety on the job site, this feature also brings further cost reductions, as machine damage that frequently occurs when the machine drives over obstacles is effectively eliminated.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Wirtgen GmbH - Press and Public Relations Michaela Adams, Mario Linnemann Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2 53578 Windhagen | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31-0 Fax: +49 (0)26 45 - 1 31 499 eMail: Internet:

With the AutoPilot Field Rover, Wirtgen is introducing 3D technology for everyone. The price of the system is significantly lower than that of existing 3D systems, as the Wirtgen system is optimally integrated in the machine and optimized for the respective application. What‘s more, this ingenious tool is very easy to use, so that there is no need to consult a survey technician.

The job site set-up for 3D control with the innovative Wirtgen AutoPilot: Highest precision is guaranteed

Issue 01 | 2013



ry Con procestructio ss n

bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH Drilled Monopile Foundation for a Tidal Turbine


number of BAUER Group companies were involved in a project in the summer of 2011 to install a monopile into the sea bed as the foundation for a tidal turbine. The contract was executed by BAUER Renewables Ltd. with the help of its parent Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH. Tidal flows are a good source of renewable energy, as they provide a regular and predictable output. In the North Sea off Scotland, close to the Orkney Islands, a test field of the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has been established for such projects aimed at generating renewable energy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: BAUER Maschinen GmbH D-86529 Schrobenhausen Tel. +49(0) 8252 97-0 Retrieval of the drilling unit after a successful operation

In order to install the monopile foundation, Bauer‘s engineers designed an entirely new drilling rig which is lowered to the sea bed and is operated hydraulically from on-board a floating vessel. The new rig was designed by Bauer Maschinen, and within just a few months was ready for operational use. Its name: the BSD 3000 – BSD standing for Bauer Seabed Drill. Initial sketches were produced in October 2010, and in March 2011 manufacturing of the rig began. In the subsequent phase the project was subject to strict timing constraints. Every day was planned exactly: for testing, transportation from Hamburg to the UK port, transfer from the port of Scrabster to the drilling location, and for the drilling phase itself. The work on-site had to take account of the tides, waiting for the hour or two in which ebb turned to flood and vice versa. Only during that period of relative calm was it possible to lower the key components of the rig: the drilling template with casing oscillator, guide casing and drilling tool. The actual drilling was possible even when the sea was rough. The special ship was held in position by a propulsion system based on GPS. Thanks to detailed preparation, the drilling operation ran almost perfectly. The drilling was carried out using a full-face roller bit with heavy weights. The cuttings were transported to the surface by an air-lift system. The torque was provided by a modified BG 28 rotary drive. At a depth of around 37 meters underwater, a 23 metre long monopile with two metre diameter was grouted into an 11 metre deep rock socket with high-strength mortar. The one megawatt turbine will be installed approximately 12 metres above the sea bed – a depth at which it is able to make optimum use of the tidal flows.

Three dimensional drilling operation schematic of the seabed drilling equipment BSD 3000

The complete seabed drilling equipment BSD 3000 on the pier at Scrabster, Scotland

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bauma Innovation AWARD 2013: Max Bรถgl Wind AG Hybrid-energy wind towers


ry Con procestructio ss n

A successful pilot project in Bischberg: To be able to reach areas with high wind speeds, with its hybrid wind turbine towers made from reinforced concrete and steel, Max Bรถgl Wind AG reaches hub heights of 150 metres. This new generation of high performance wind energy systems is also bringing a new assembly concept a long with it. The towers are being constructed with specially modified, selfclimbing revolving tower cranes.

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


ry Con procestructio ss n

HERMANN KIRCHNER Bauunternehmung GmbH PAST (Process-Reliable Automated Road Construction) • Increased quality and durability of asphalt roads • Reduced construction-related congestion • Diminished burden on public budgets The cooperative research project PAST (Prozesssicherer automatisierter Straßenbau) [Process-Reliable Automated Road Construction], which was concluded in 2012 with a key role being played by several STRABAG Group companies, aims at making decisive improvements to important functional properties of asphalt roads such as noise absorption, evenness, grip and durability by eliminating quality-influencing weaknesses during the construction and logistics processes. This involved around four years of intense research to develop state-of-the-art approaches in automation from which machine technology innovations were derived for the entire construction process chain. Practical testing was carried out along trial sections on four motorways and two federal highways in Germany.

In 2010, the 15 procedures and techniques (so-called demonstrators) which had been developed to date were subjected to a first practical test along a trial section of the German A4 motorway near Jena. The procedures and construction techniques were then further refined and successfully tested at five additional trial sections.

Quieter, safer, more durable, and equipped with intelligent sensor technology: this is the road of the future. The innovations will benefit not only road users, but will also help to reduce the burden on public budgets, minimise construction-related congestion, which results in an estimated 4.4 billion hours of lost time, and shorten the intervals between road maintenance.

A further innovation is the use of data transponders placed in the asphalt during the paving process. The transponders will not only store all relevant construction data and material values, but will also allow the asphalt temperature and thickness to be measured, stored and read as often as desired. This is not only of immense importance as information for the production process, but as part of an intelligent road sensor system can also serve as a universal source of information and early-warning system (e.g. during icy conditions or to determine the current road conditions).

The recently concluded interdisciplinary research project PAST – participants included two German universities, several industry partners, the German Federal Highway Research Institute (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen – BASt) as well as the STRABAG Group companies Deutsche Asphalt GmbH and Hermann Kirchner Bauunternehmung GmbH as project leader – shows that innovative approaches to this subject already exist. The aim of the project is to identify and eliminate nearly all quality-reducing factors during the construction of asphalt roads. The goal is to produce high-quality, long-lasting road surfaces through the use of largely standardised and automated processes along the entire process chain, from the mixing plant to the construction site. The necessary construction techniques were developed in a series of steps over the duration of the project (2008-2012) and can be used in the construction of roads following their testing and conformance to standards.

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The Brandenburg Roads Agency (Landesbetrieb Straßenwesen Brandenburg) commissioned KIRCHNER as project leader to provide maintenance works along a seven-kilometre section of the A111 motorway near Berlin. Nine different asphalt types were laid and, as part of the PAST project, will be measured, observed and assessed over the whole service life.

“Our federal highways and motorways show significant deficits in terms of quality. This makes analysing and improving the processes so important,” says Prof. Josef Kunz, director of the road construction department at the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS), convinced of the research project’s innovative approach. The necessity to improve the quality is clear to see. Growth forecasts predict 20 percent growth of non-commercial and 40 percent growth of commercial traffic by the year 2015. A complete contemplation of the process chain not only includes the use of weak point analyses and improvements in construction techniques, but also the testing of different asphalt compositions. Various mixtures were produced, including the first-ever layed asphalt with a porous surface,


NEWS & REPORTS and an integrated gritting was carried out before the first rolling. The general objectives here are to improve road quality in terms of noise reduction, lightness and grip with reduced costs and increased durability.

Overview of the technological and procedural developments achieved to date as part of the cooperative research project PAST: • • • • • • • • •

Targeted, segregation-free filling of the vehicles at the mixing plant Thermally insulated truck container with integrated temperature sensors Shock-absorbent docking system to paver Optimised mixture transport in paver with horizontally movable bunker wall and auger modification Data collection and analysis using roadway transponders Reflector-laying machine to determine layer thickness Automation of road rolling Interactive real-time communication between roller and paver regarding production management / control Asphalt production and long-term roughening with integrated gritting

General facts and figures Project leader: HERMANN KIRCHNER Bauunternehmung GmbH Project partners: Deutsche Asphalt GmbH, Carnehl Fahrzeugbau GmbH, Dynapac GmbH, Moba Mobile Automation AG, FH Köln, TU Darmstadt, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) Financed by: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWI) Project sponsor: TÜV Rheinland Trial sections: A4 Jena, A111 Berlin, A33 Hilter, A19 Güstrow, B16 Unterhausen, B184 Dessau

The constant improvement of construction materials and construction processes, and the use of specially adapted machinery and equipment, make the research results clear to see and the project experts are already aiming to continue the research project this year.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Hermann Kirchner Bauunternehmung GmbH Thomas Gallistl Hermann-Kirchner-Str. 6 36251 Bad Hersfeld Tel.: +49 6621 162-335 eMail:

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013: Clausthal University of Technology Online Grain Size Analyzer


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he innovation consists of utilizing the physical principle of proportionality between pulse intensity and grain size in dynamic processes for online recording of grain size distribution of mass flows in belt conveyor systems, as well as in hydraulic and pneumatic transports in pipeline and in construction of a globally new analyzer for process monitoring, system control and quality assurance during processing steps: cutting, sorting, classification and finishing. Technical and economical optimization of processing and quality improvement of commodities calls for an exact knowledge of grain size distribution of mass flows before and after each step of the process, as it is essential to ensure quality and process control. Apart from the very narrow grain spectrum in a range of fine to super-fine grains, for which optical measuring methods deliver an online particle measurement, there exists no method, which allows for a representative online-screening analysis of mass flows in dynamic processes for the entire grain spectrum various mixing states (solid, solid-liquid mixture and solid-air mixture). Currently, the recording of the grain spectrum before and after each step in processing is done through

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manual sampling from the mass flow. Samples are then often dried before being analyzed in the laboratory with common screening machines. This universally applicable new online grain size analyzer can be applied to a wide range of grain sizes and eliminates time-consuming and cost-intensive sampling and laboratory analysis, as well as ergonomic and occupational safety concerns during sampling, the health impact of dust formation during sieving quartzous product in the laboratory. The forward-looking significance of this innovation is intensified through the fact that the innovation also offers a continuous automatic screening analysis of the mass flow and ensures online-control and monitoring of plants


NEWS & REPORTS and product quality. Application of several sensors in a process chain even allows for a holistic system analysis. It should be emphasized that this innovation offers an extensive range of application in many branches of engineering industry, in which any type of granular material is produced or processed. Currently the following branches are benefitting from this innovation: • • •

Mining and civil engineering Machine industry Raw material processing industry

This new development has been installed in two mines and is currently being used for steering of processing machines. Further plants are planned to be equipped with the device and currently tests are being conducted for application in gypsum, salt and potash industry. The device has also been used in tunnelling.

Advantages of the online grain size analyzer • • • • • • • • • •

Economical and technical advantages Increase of global competition in machine industry Increase in quality of plants as a result of optimum mode of operation Reduction in personnel costs Reduction in maintenance costs Reduction in energy costs Process control, weak point analysis and diagnosis Increase in product quality Reduction of costumer complaints Increase of efficiency in raw material processing

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Humanization of the work place • • •

Substituting manual sampling Eliminating danger of accidents in manual sampling from mass flows Elimination of dust formation during manual sieving

Environmental advantages • •

Reduction of waste Reduction of noise and dust formation.

Online Grain Size Analyzer One of the main tasks of process monitoring, system control and quality assurance in various branches of the industry is to determine the grain size distribution of granular material. The range of tasks extends from pharmaceutics and food production to chemistry, as well as to construction and mining industry. There is a central role to processing of mineral raw material, particularly in mining, since here the processes of crushing, sorting and grading, which are directly linked to the distribution of grain size of the material, can be optimized, supervised and controlled. The capturing the grain spectrum of a material mixture before or after each process step is usually done through sampling and analysis through well-established screening machines in the laboratory, often preceded by preparation of the specimen, for example drying. Since it is difficult to determine grain size of dust and ultrafine grains, laser-based analysers, which are integrated in the laboratory or partly in the process chain, have been developed. However, the timeconsuming and costly sampling from the process cycle with subsequent laboratory analysis, as well as the limited range of application and the sensitivity of optical methods call for the development of a robust measuring system for use in a broad range of application for the online analysis of the grain size distribution of granular material. The development and application of a new method to determine grain size is based on pulse-induced vibration.


NEWS & REPORTS Measuring Principle

Currently several plants are in industrial operation:

During its transport in various media collisions of granular material with solid bodies generate impulses, that evoke oscillations in those solids. The characteristics of the oscillations are directly proportional to the pulse intensity, and in case of the same density of the granulate material, they are directly proportional to the grain size. The correlation of the inter-class time-bound intensities of the signals results in a distribution, which is directly proportional to the distribution of the grain spectrum that has generated vibrations in the analysed timeframe. A proactive one-time calibration of the system allows for the assignment of signals to the respective grain categories, making an online grain size analysis possible.

• • •

Plant control in the quartz sand processing (hydraulic tube conveyor) Control of processing plants of a sand-and-gravel operation (conveyor belt) Laboratory analysis of sand and gypsum products (pneumatic tube conveyor)

Range of uses and applications The new development is available for on-line particle size analysis in bulk flow on belt conveyors and in hydraulic or pneumatic tube conveying. The device is used for process monitoring and control as well as quality assurance for all processing operations such as crushing, sorting, classifying and refining.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Clausthal University of Technology Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H. Tudeshki Institute of Mining Engineering Clausthal University of Technology Erzstrasse 20 D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Tel.: +49(0) 53 23 - 72 22 25 eMail:

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013: Technical University of Dresden HEXAPOD- Parallel kinematics


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pplicability, performance and safety of mobile machines are determined by their work equipment. Thus it contributes heavily to the technical solution of construction as well as forestry, agriculture and transportation machines. Within the scope of a research project funded by the BMBF a parallel kinematics, also known as “Hexapod” has been developed to be applied as device interface (e.g. tractor), as linkage for blades (e.g. grader) and to combine different equipment versions for wheel loaders. The latter shall be used to demonstrate the numerous advantages that come with this innovation. Because of its mobility and large variety of tools the wheel loader as a heavy equipment machine is adjusted to different processes (e.g. loading, mixing, milling, hammering, sieving, displacing). This diversity is especially demanded by the classes from 2t to 12t weight that have a market share of more than 60%. Up to now this demand has led to a wide range of technical solutions for wheel loaders, compact-, front-, telescope- or swivel loaders and tools with integrated prismatic or revolute module. The HEXAPOD has been developed in addition to or rather as a replacement for these solutions, since it is able to move the tool (e.g. loading shovel, pallet-fork, milling head, hammer) using the full capacity of all 6 degrees of freedom in relation to the machine. With this manipulator the wheel loader can tilt, lift and telescope a loading shovel without moving, put down a pallet whilst reaching over an obstacle or push bulk material forward with a laterally displaced tool. As a result many different new ranges of application emerge, which increases the practical value and the advantage in competition for wheel loaders.

• • •

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equivalent working load, lifting and dumping characteristics as the standardized machine with 7 axis-K-Kinematics for the equipment movement in Tz and Ry, increase of the practical value due to new functions as a result of additional and superposed movement / motion in Tx, Ty, Rx and Rz, providing the preconditions for automation and operator assistance modules, high stiffness of the framework, reduction of the net weight, increase of process power and speed of manipulation and improvement of the operator`s sight, energy efficiency due to improved technological performance and lightweight design, increase of practical value in return for higher manufacturing costs.

The HEXAPOD parallel kinematics represents a framework of hydraulic cylinders. Because of its nonlinear coupled transfer characteristics a special motion control and an ergonomic control unit is required. Those provide at the same time the basis for valuable assistance applications such as automation of recurring manipulations, processing information about the working space, compensation of inclination and spatial damping. Another advantage is the modularity. Whenever a customer intends to use less than 6 degrees of freedom the hydraulic cylinders can be replaced by rods. This kind of framework is particularly rigid; it reduces the net weight and improves the operator´s sight. By adding the modifications to a WEIDEMANN 3070CX wheel loader the following targeted research goals were accomplished:

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bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


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Technical University of Kaiserslautern - Computer tomography enables orientation analysis of steel fibers in reinforced concrete


raunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics and Institute of concrete structures and structural engineering at TU Kaiserslautern team up as one of three nominees in the category „Research“ in this year‘s Bauma Innovation Award competition.

A look inside – computer tomography enables orientation analysis of steel fibers in reinforced concrete The nomination is based on pioneering work on steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) that is expected to dramatically raise the acceptance of this material in the building industry. The increased use of steel fiber concrete offers great potentials in terms of time-savings and costefficiencies, in addition to being an environmentally friendly construction method. Some typical applications are composite slabs, load-bearing floors and walls, industrial floors, steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, segments for tunnel construction, and underwater slabs. A production method of uniform steel fiber reinforced concrete under building site conditions has remained a mystery. Established testing methods (wash-out, electro-magnetic, and photooptic systems) provide information at great expense about the volume fraction of fiber. However, none of these have offered a reliable and verifiable analysis of the fiber distribution and direction.

construction where steel fiber reinforced tunnel segments have been economically used after the fibers‘ preferential direction was verified absolutely as being parallel to the border of the formwork. Currently, the focus of effort is on fiber tomographics in stress cracks with the aim of acquiring an improved understanding of load bearing capabilities. The safe application of steel fiber reinforced concrete offers many new perspectives to the entire building industry.

Help has now arrived in the form of the algorithms developed at Fraunhofer ITWM, which form the basis of MAVI software. The engineers have succeeded in implementing the world‘s first descriptive testing of the fibers according to their positioning in space, projected length, and diameter. This news has been greeted with great national and international interest. The Institute of concrete structures and structural engineering at TU Kaiserslautern has implemented this new development for scientific testing of norms and for the study of the post-cracking behaviour of SFRC. The testing method is now ready for use in the assessment of damage claims and quality monitoring. An example is provided by tunnel FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM Fraunhofer-Platz 1 | D-67663 Kaiserslautern Telefon: +49 631 316 00-4674 eMail:

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TU Kaiserslautern | FB Bauingenieurwesen Paul-Ehrlich-Straße | D-67663 Kaiserslautern Telefon: +49 631 205-2157 eMail:



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


World Premiere at the 2013 Bauma: Liebherr L 506 C and L 508 C Compact Loaders

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he Liebherr Compact Loaders on display at the 2013 Bauma represent an entirely new machine concept. The L 506 C und L 508 C combine high performance with maximum safety and extreme versatility on all kinds of task. Both models are exceptionally low in height, at less than 2,500 mm. The L 508 C with its 49 kW (67 hp) engine is the only compact loader with centrepivot steering in this performance category to have such a low overall height. The excellent versatility of these models opens up many additional applications, for example in road building, drainage, forestry and agriculture and in the service of local authorities and communities. The frequent changes of operator and workplace constraints associated with such operating tasks present no problems. The new Liebherr Compact Loaders are an addition to the existing range of stereo, medium-size and large wheel loaders.

An excellent all-round view and straightforward controls The driver’s cab is comfortably equipped, with an aboveaverage window area. The operator of the Compact Loader has an unobstructed view of the power tools or working attachments, and the well-positioned rear and side mirrors for good all-round visibility. The conicalpattern lifting gear improves visibility even further; the driver can react quickly to any situation arising close to the machine. This guarantees maximum possible protection for people in the vicinity, the equipment and the load.

Excellent weight distribution for optimal productivity The Compact Loader’s reduced height automatically lowers its centre of gravity. Its tipping load limit and stability, even on uneven surfaces, are higher. The well-matched relationship between operating weight and tipping load is another productivity bonus for these machines. For optimal force distribution, the lifting cylinder is centrally located on the tapered lift arm. Accurate parallel movement of the working equipment is the key to exceptionally fast and precise work: loads are positioned and lifted reliably without manual correction or loss of material. If a fork is fitted, a payload of more than two tonnes is available.

The controls in the operator’s cab are ergonomically laid out for intuitively correct operation; they can be individually adjusted by the operator for reduced fatigue and maximum performance. This ease of operation enhances both productivity and safety. The Compact Loader’s operator can concentrate fully on the task in hand and devote full attention to working and manoeuvring movements.

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NEWS & REPORTS High mobility – rapid readiness for work Thanks to the low headroom it needs, the Liebherr Compact Loader can easily reach its working location even if access is restricted by tunnels or underpasses. It can also be carried without difficulty on tipper vehicles) or in a high-cube container. If moved on a conventional transport vehicle, the maximum height does not exceed four meters. Mobility is enhanced by the machines’ lightweight construction, which in normal circumstances does not exceed the statutory weight limit. A big range of ex-factory add-on options is available to equip the Compact Loaders for a variety of different tasks. With the easily operated quick coupler, add-on attachments can be installed and removed rapidly and effortlessly.

High-performance equipment, easy maintenance The L 506 C Compact Loader weighs only 5,180 kilograms and has a tipping load of 3,450 kg. It has a standard 0.8 m³ bucket and is powered by a 45 kW (61 hp) diesel engine. With a operating weight of 5,600 kilograms, the L 508 C Compact Loader has a tipping load of 3,850 kg. It has a 1.0 m³ standard bucket and a 49 kW (67 hp) diesel engine. Easy access to all maintenance points and radiators/oil coolers is another factor that boosts the productivity of the new Liebherr Compact Loaders.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH Maria Graffius Tel.: +43(0) 50809 11-543 Fax: +43(0) 50809 17-741 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:

Category Design

KAISER AG Fahrzeugwerk - Kaiser Walking Mobile Excavator Innovative design, ergonomics and driver comfort are the hallmarks of the latest generation of walking mobile excavators from KAISER.


he innovative design of KAISER’s new S-Line cannot fail to impress. Rounded bodywork, enhanced ergonomics and optimised optional equipment not only create visual harmony but also ensure a significant increase in driver comfort.

Perfectly formed The new generation of walking mobile excavators reveals a consistent focus on dynamic and at the same time functional design of every element of the vehicle – whether it’s the cab interior, the field of vision inside and out of the cab or the positioning of the heating and airconditioning system. The cab and superstructure form a single unit which in turn harmonises with the vehicle as a whole. The new design is based on the principle of a compact radius excavator, offering outstanding all-round visibility of the entire working zone. The driver has a direct view of each of the excavator’s pads from the cab. Integration of the new, significantly more powerful drive and cooling system called for innovative technological concepts and presented a major challenge in the design phase. When it came to developing and designing the

Issue 01 | 2013

new walking mobile excavators, KAISER benefited from the excellent collaboration between its own development team and established industrial designers from the firm “Design Department” based in Linz, Austria.

Design meets performance The large, dynamically designed air suction and exhaust vents provide an immediate clue to the performance class of the new S-Line. The new models are equipped with the powerful COM IIIB engine which already meets future requirements of the EU vehicle emissions standard. Thanks to their lower centre of gravity, the new vehicles in the KAISER S-Line boast even greater stability on extreme slopes.


NEWS & REPORTS Emphasis on driver comfort Walking mobile excavators are built for deployment in arduous and inaccessible terrain. The driver commonly spends more time on the job compared with other construction sites. For that reason the cab has been specially conceived with the needs of the user in mind. The ergonomic layout of the extensive range of functions has been chosen to greatly facilitate the work of the driver. Convenient operation is just as important as a comfortable seated position. Enhanced operator comfort was a major focus for the S-Line, the aim being to achieve a measurable increase in productivity on long working days. The complexity (number of different functions) of operating a walking mobile excavator should not be underestimated; it is comparable to flying a helicopter and requires full concentration at all times. New joysticks make for easier operation of the many hydraulic adjustment facilities and a wide range of attachments. While the rotary button and switches are readily accessible in the side panel, the standard display on this series is optimally located within the driver’s field of vision and is intuitive to use.

Issue 01 | 2013

Various fresh air vents ensure a pleasant climate inside the vehicle. Optional extras such as air-conditioning, storage compartments for documents and provisions, cooled bottle holder and hands-free docking station for a mobile phone provide even greater operator comfort in the new excavators.

Carefully chosen colour scheme The colour scheme has been revised for this new generation. A combination of grey and black tones ensures a tranquil atmosphere inside the cab. The exterior is dominated not only by the familiar KAISER blue and yellow but also by the new anthracite finish for the undercarriage.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: KAISER AG Fahrzeugwerk Vorarlbergerstrasse 220 FL-9486 Schaanwald Tel. +423 377 21 21 Fax +423 377 21 10 eMail: Internet:



bauma Innovation AWARD 2013:


ry Des

Wacker Neuson Vertrieb Europa GmbH & Co. KG -


A revolution in the demolition breaker segment: Wacker Neuson’s EH 100


n extremely high demolition performance with a single stroke impact energy of 100 Joule combined with a good power to weight ratio – these are the facts which are readily available at this point in time regarding Wacker Neuson’s new demolition breaker. Its name: EH 100.

The new demolition breaker segment: Wacker Neuson’s EH 100 Wacker Neuson’s new demolition breaker, a world’s first within the range of demolition breaker, will be introduced to the market punctually for the Bauma 2013. “Powerful, formidable and unique” is how Dennis Vitze, Product Manager for Demolition Technology at Wacker Neuson, describes the new demolition breaker. “Our idea was to move into a higher performance class in the demolition segment with our new demolition breaker, while remaining easy to transport and cost efficient. This goal has been definitively achieved with the EH 100.”

The results are remarkable: On the one hand an extremely powerful demolition breaker in a high performance class, on the other hand a tool easy to operate, transportable and cost-efficient thanks to its ergonomic design and the many proven technical details coming from Wacker Neuson. The building world can thus await with interest a revolution within the demolition breaker segment. Let us look forward to a demolition breaker of a new dimension with a high degree of application flexibility and lots of power under the hood.

The single stroke impact energy of 100 Joules is packed into a compact hood with an absolutely new design. The ergonomically shaped, fully spring-mounted hood allows the operator to precisely guide the demolition breaker while maintaining visual contact with the chisel’s tip. This helps to make the demolition application extremely efficient. Plus all this is bolstered by the low hand/arm vibrations (HAV) of 5.8 m/s”. Wacker Neuson’s proven hollow piston percussion system with striker rod is also in operation in the EH 100 and does so without wear-prone seals and gaskets. The system also makes possible the extremely high demolition performance. Also well-known from other electric demolition breaker by Wacker Neuson is the wear-free asynchronous motor with its brushless drive. It goes without saying that both percussion system and motor are precisely adjusted for the EH 100.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND CONTACT: Wacker Neuson Vertrieb Europa GmbH & Co. KG Silke Müller, Corporate Public Relations Preußenstraße 41 | D-80809 München Tel. +49 - (0)89 - 354 02 –383 eMail: Internet:

Issue 01 | 2013




Issue 01 | 2013




THE AMS-EVENT CALENDER April 2013 01 Apr 6th Coaltrans Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

03 - 05 Apr IMade in Steel 2013

Milan, Italia

08 - 09 Apr Hunter Valley Coal Chain Conference 2013

New South Wales, Australia

08 - 10 Apr CRU 12th World Copper Conference

Santiago, Chile

08 - 12 Apr Hannover Messe 2013

Hanover, Germany

10 - 10 Apr 5th Annual Saskatchewan Mining Supply Chain Forum

Saskatoon, Canada

11 - 11 Apr Mining, Energy and Water Summit 2013

Santiago, Chile

11 - 13 Apr IAC Third Annual Gold Conference 2013

New York, USA

12 - 13 Apr Weiterbildung MINING

Aachen, Germany

14 - 14 Apr Gold and Precious Metals Day

London, UK

15 - 16 Apr

Johannesburg, South Africa

Chanty-Mansijsk, Russia

International Conference on Mining, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Engineering 2013

15 - 17 Apr 6. Rohstoff-Konferenz 15 - 17 Apr MineWater Solutions in Extreme Environments 2013

Lima, Peru

15 - 21 Apr bauma 2013

M端nchen, Germany

16 - 19 Apr 23. International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey

Antalya, Turkey

16 - 17 Apr Global Exploration, Mining and Minerals (GEMM) 2013

Vancouver, Canada

16 - 17 Apr Botswana Coal and Energy Conference

Gaborone, Botswana

16 - 18 Apr The European Gold Forum 2013

Zurich, Schwitzerland

19 - 20 Apr Mongolia Mining Expo 2013

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

22 - 25 Apr 2013 World of Coal Ash Conference WOCA

Lexington, USA

23 - 25 Apr PARTEC 2013

N端rnberg, Germany

24 - 25 Apr Canadian Mining and Industrial Expo 2013

Sudbury, Canada

24 - 26 Apr Minerals North Conference 2013

Terrace, Canada

25 Apr REWIMET-Symposium

Goslar, Germany

25. Mai Zukunftstag im Geozentrum Hannover

Hanover, Germany

London, UK

26 - 26 Apr Mining in a Day London 2013 29 - 29 -Apr Coal Fundamentals

Sydney, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

30 Apr - 02 May Africa Mining Australia 2013

Perth, Australia

09 Apr - 02 May Annual Coal Processing Exhibition and Conference Coal Prep 2013

Lexington, USA

30 Apr- 01 May Drill and Blast 2013

Issue 01 | 2013




THE AMS-EVENT CALENDER May 2013 05 - 08 May CIM Conference and Exhibition 2013

Toronto, Canada

05 - 08 May Planetary and Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium

Toronto, Canada

06 - 08 May Intertech 2013

Baltimore, USA

07 -09 May ARMINERA 2013 IX International Mining Exhibition

Buenos Aires, Argentinia

07 - 08 May Österreichischer Bergbautag 2013 „Mobilität in der Mineralrohstoffindustrie“

Seggauberg, Austria

08 - 09 May Open Pit Slope Design and Implementation

Vancouver, BC, Canada

09 - 10 May Uganda and COMESA Oil, Gas and Mining Summit 2013

Kampala, Uganda

11 - 12 May 5. Göttinger Energietagung

Göttingen, Germany

11 - 12 May Geominetech 13th Annual Symposium

Bhubaneswar, India

12 - 16 May Clean Coal Technologies Conference (CCT) 2013

Thessaloniki, Greece

12 - 16 May 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy (EnMat II)

Karlsruhe, Germany

13 - 14 May The Metals and Minerals Investment Conference New York 2013

New York, USA

14 - 15 May IHS McCloskey European Coal Outlook Conference 2013

Nice, France

14 - 16 May Miningworld Russia 2013

Moscow, Russia

15 - 16 May Bulk Handling Conference

North Lincolnshire, UK

15 - 16 May 4th Annual Metals Trading Operations & Technology Summit 2013

London, UK

15 - 17 May 9th International Geothermal Conference IGC 2013

Freiburg, Germany

19 - 22 May 2013 Haulage and Loading Conference

Phoenix, USA

20 - 21 May The Mining for Development Conference 2013

Sydney, Australia

20 - 24 May Mining Agreements

St Andrews, UK

21 - 22 May 3rd Sino-German Conference & Excursions. Underground storage of CO2 and energy

Goslar, Germany

21 - 24 May Expomin China 2013

Beijing, China


Aachen, Germany

22 - 24 May Ground Improvement and Support in Underground Construction and Mining

Golden, USA

26 - 29 May Mining and Quarrying Oman 2013

Muscat, Oman

27 - 27 May ICEGS - Internatinal Conference on Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Potsdam, Germany

27 - 28 May Advanced Crushing and Grinding Techniques

Lima, Peru

27 - 28 May Groundwater Modelling for Mining

Lima, Peru

29 - 30 May Rock Mass Characterization for Mine Design

Lima, Peru

Issue 01 | 2013




THE AMS-EVENT CALENDER May 2013 28 - 30 May UMEC Uganda Mining and Energy Conference and Exhibition 2013

Kampala, Uganda

31 May - 01 Jun Open Pit Slope Design

Lima, Peru

31 May - 07 Jun ITA AITES World Tunnel Congress WTC 2013

Geneva, Schwitzerland

11 - 14 Jun 5. Internationale Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen (Waste-to-Resources 2013)

Hanover, Germany

12 - 14 Jun GDMB-Fachausschuss Geothermie

Bochum, Germany

12 - 13 Jun 4. URBAN MINING® Kongress

Iserlohn, Germany

June 2013

12 - 14 Jun Ghana Mining Summit 2013

Accra, Ghana

12 - 16 Jun XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress 2013

Sozopol, Bulgaria

18 - 19 Jun The Turkey Mining Show 2013

Istanbul, Turkey

20 - 21 Jun 12. BergbauForum

Leipzig, Germany

20 - 21 Jun International Gold Mining Conference 2013

Zhaoyuan City, China

23 - 26 Jun European Metallurgical Conference Emc2013

Weimar, Germany

Milos Island, Greece

Hanover, Germany

Munich, Germany

09 - 10 May GeoBioEnergie 2012 im Rahmen der IFAT ENTSORGA

Munich, Germany

15 - 16 May Bulk Handling Conference (Bulk2013)

North Lincolnshire, UK

Freiburg, Germany

Aachen, Germany

Freiburg, Germany

12 - 13 Jun 4. URBAN MINING Kongress

Iserlohn, Germany

12 - 14 Jun GDMB-Fachausschuss Geothermie

Bochum, Germany

30 Jun - 03 Jul SDIMI 2013 Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry Conference Event-Highlights 2013 08 - 12 Apr Hannover Messe

15 - 21 Apr bauma 2013 15 - 17 May 9th International Geothermal Conference IGC 2013 International Mining Symposia (AIMS 2013) 22 - 23 May Aachen „Mineral Resources and Mine Development“ 27 May ICEGS 2013 - 2nd International EGS-Conference

Issue 01 | 2013




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Issue 01 | 2013



Issue 01 | 2013



Issue 01 | 2013


Company-Presentation NEWS & REPORTS

Mining Technology Consulting Field of activity • Feasibility studies

• equipment selection

• Exploration

• drilling & blasting

• geological modelling

• slope stability & monitoring

• geostatistical resource estimation

• assessment of geotechnical risk

• resource classification

• hydrological investigation

• mine design

• health & safety in mining

• mine optimization

Geological Investigation Exploration • Survey & Mapping • Mineral exploration program • Geological investigation • Geochemical investigation • Geological and structural analysis • Microscopic investigation and mineralogical analysis

Geological Modelling • Data collection and review of projects • Database validation and verification • Exploration and data management • 3D geological, structural and mineralization interpretation and modeling • Statistic and geostatistic analysis • Geostatistical resource estimation • Resource classification, reporting andreconciliations

Mine Design & Mine Optimization Mine Planning • Design and optimization of pit layout • Mine development planning • Scheduling • Design of mine dumps • Optimum location of surface facilities

Issue 01 | 2013


Company-Presentation NEWS & REPORTS Equipment Selection & Modelling • Loading and haulage • Transport route optimization • Optimization of primary crusher location (Mobile / semimobile / stationary crusher) • Economic evaluation

Slope Stability & Monitoring • Geotechnical investigation • Groundwater investigation • Slope stability assessment • Slope design • Implementation of geotechnical instrumentation • Slope monitoring • Assessment and management of geotechnical risks

Drilling & Blasting • Planning of drilling and blasting • Blast vibration control • Control of borehole deviation • Economic evaluation

Compact courses For the international mining industry on mining methods and technology: • Seminars, conferences, courses, lectures and workshops


Mining Technology Consulting Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. H. Tudeshki

Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 3 D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Tel.: +49(0) 53 23 - 98 39 33 Fax: +49(0) 53 23 - 96 29 90 8

Issue 01 | 2013


Presentation NEUHEITEN of new & REPORTAGEN products

Mining Calculator: A Software for Mine Optimization Software characteristics • • • • • •

Individual equipment selection for loading and haulage Discontinuous and continuous haulage systems Equipment matching Economic analysis Ecological assessment (greenhouse gas emissions) Overall-comparison and rating of different bulk material handling systems as a basis for key decisions • Improvement of economic and ecological feasibility

Key applications • • • •

Feasibility studies for green and brown field projects Optimization of operating mines and earthmoving projects Evaluation of project development dynamics Education

Key functions • • • • •

Selection of loading and haulage systems Equipment matching Calculation of various cost types Determination of CO2-emissions Presentation of results by tables and diagrams

Mining Technology Consulting Albrecht-von-Groddeck-Str. 3 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld | Germany XGraphic Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Aretzstr. 9 52070 Aachen | Germany

Ausgabe 01 | 2013

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Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Christian Thometzek


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hossein H. Tudeshki University Professor for Surface Mining and International Mining eMail:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hossein H. Tudeshki Dr. Monire Bassir Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Christian Thometzek eMail:


Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Christian Thometzek eMail:


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Graumann Design Dipl.-Des. Kerstin Graumann Mildestieg 13 22307 Hamburg | Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 40 - 741 061 64 eMail: Internet:


79pixel Steffen Ottow, B.Sc. BodestraĂ&#x;e 9 38667 Bad Harzburg | Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 53 22 - 7 84 16 57 eMail: Internet:


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Issue 01 | 2013

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