Be open and honest. Treat others with appreciation. Collaborate and work as a team.

We care for people so they can be their best

We care for people so they can be their best

Be open and honest. Treat others with appreciation. Collaborate and work as a team.
We care for people so they can be their best
We care for people so they can be their best
We are proud to announce that the Great Place to Work Institute has awarded Apple Leisure Group and AMR Collection as one of the Best Places to Work in Mexico™.
Last Thursday, June 8, our Human Resources leaders had the pleasure of attending the Best Places to Work™ in
Mexico 2023 awards ceremony. Where Great Place to Work Institute awarded the following ranking positions:
Apple Leisure Group - 13th position (ranking 75 companies with 500 - 5000 employees).
AMR Collection - 19th position (ranking 50 multinational companies with 50 - 500 employees).
This distinction is awarded to organizations that stand out for their performance in a survey of all colleagues and an audit of their people management practices. It is a testament to our colleagues’ dedication, talent, and commitment. We are profoundly grateful and proud of every one of them.
We are happy to share that, once again, we have demonstrated that our purpose of “Caring for people so they can reach their best version” is our superpower and guides our daily decisions and actions.
Congratulations to all! Let’s continue to demonstrate the pride of belonging to one of the best companies to work for in Mexico!
Now we want to tell you a little about this valuable certification:
Great Place to Work® is a global research and consulting firm. It helps organizations identify, create and maintain great workplaces and provides assistance to companies in 106 countries on five continents.
Decades of Great Place To Work® endorsement have earned it a worldwide reputation as the most trusted employer brand.
With a presence in 150 countries and millions of employees heard through the Trust Index™ survey, membership in the Best Places to Work™ listings is the ultimate recognition of hightrust cultures in organizations.
The Great philosophy places employer branding as one of the pillars; from the inside out, a successful brand is built.
As a colleague, you know your company’s product or service better than anyone else. When there is an openness in the organization to listen to everyone, you can contribute your ideas and the best of your talent, generating impressive results.
We also want to share a little about GPTW’s For All™ Model, which helps organizations maximize human potential through effective leadership, values, and trust. Below, we share with you the 5 points of this model:
1. 3. 2.
Innovation for all:
Unleashes the creativity, skills, and passion of all people under a culture of inclusion, enabling continuous improvement, innovation, and adaptation to change.
Effective leadership:
Leaders’ approach to developing and directing business strategy through an emotional connection with all organization members.
Maximizing human capital: Developing the unique potential of each colleague regardless of their position or who they are.
4. 5.
These are the basis of the daily experience of colleagues in the workplace. Our values guide us at all times.
Governs the three most important relationships of colleagues within the organization: with their leaders, their work, and their colleagues.
We invite you to learn about the benefits of being part of this certification:
At ALG, we live our values, and we gave life to our purpose “We care for people so they can be their best” That is why on May 16 and 17, our HR leadership teams participated actively in the 2023 Summit held at the Breathless Riviera Cancun, where they shared team updates, learned about industry experts and enjoyed fun moments with various activities.
The event seeks to keep our HR leaders connected on leadership topics, share work methodologies, create cohesion among business units, exchange strategies, and share achievements. Great things are achieved by working as a team!
Constant communication is one of the most important characteristics of Hyatt & ALG that makes a big difference among other companies. That is why our Q2 Global Town Hall was held last Wednesday, May 31st, an important moment for all the colleagues to learn about all the activities carried out and present the achievements obtained as a team and where we shared the update on how the Hyatt and ALG cultures are becoming more unified.
Our speakers on this occasion were:
During the Town Hall, the winner of the Values Awards, Jennifer Hauser, was introduced; congratulations on this achievement!
Thank you to everyone who joined the Q2 All-Colleague Town Hall!
If you weren’t able to attend the Town Hall, don’t worry, we are sharing the recording below: Click below to watch the video.
Dear colleagues, sharing the results of our Global Volunteer Month is a pleasure. We thank all our colleagues for contributing to each activity and being part of this great family.
Volunteers, drawn by solidarity, develop solutions to urgent development challenges and for the common good.
It is the place where compassion and solidarity meet. Both concepts share our core values: to support each other from a position of empathy, respect, inclusion, and well-being.
A culturally diverse office will be more inclusive and enhance people’s learning and performance. A multicultural work environment will be more innovative, economically productive, and profitable.
This Day is an opportunity to celebrate the enormous benefits of cultural diversity, including humanity’s rich intangible heritage, and to reaffirm our commitment to building a more peaceful world based on the values of mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue.
The international community has recognized the fundamental role of culture as a driver of change and development.
While we celebrate cultural diversity today, we must also remember that it faces a growing threat. Around the world, violent extremism has targeted cultural minorities and destroyed our shared heritage to weaken the fundamental links between peoples and their history. In a different sphere, uncontrolled urban development threatens to standardize our cities, reducing their social diversity and identity.
Based on human rights, UNESCO believes that our differences and diversity make us stronger and that respect for cultural diversity is essential to foster intercultural dialogue, sustainable development, and peace.
Let us be guided by the spirit of this Day as we work together to address threats to our cultural diversity, knowing that by promoting our cultural diversity, we can weave a brighter destiny for all.
Do you know a colleague who lives our values every day?
If the answer is yes, we invite you to nominate an Amstar colleague for the Values Awards by clicking the button below:
The winner will be presented at the next edition of our Global Town Hall
At Amstar, we celebrate together the most valuable dates; that is why, in May, we recognized all the effort, commitment, and love of our colleague moms. Undoubtedly, they are a valuable pillar in every family, who are always there and teach us that nothing is impossible. We hope you enjoyed your day for those who give unconditional love and who dare to raise a child.
Department objective:
To implement the company’s strategic objectives to manage the necessary resources to develop services that meet customer needs.
Departments/contact areas: Sales, Customer Service, Meeting & Events, Accounting, Supplier Engagement, and General Management.
Team phrase:
Team members:
Operations ManagerSmall details make a big difference.
I started at Amstar on June 30, 2015, as Operations Coordinator for the Meeting & Events department; this is thanks to the great opportunity that Andrés Castro (today Regional Director of Sales Costa Rica) gave me; in fact, I had the great blessing of being the third Amstar collaborator in Costa Rica.
At the beginning of 2017, I had my first promotion and was allowed to take responsibility as the Operations Coordinator in general at the country level.
Then, after a couple of years in the position of Coordinator,another great opportunity arose at the beginning of 2019. I got my second promotion within the company, and I am now responsible for leading a larger team and its duties as Operations Manager for Costa Rica.
Currently, and after the hard times that the industry, in general, went through, I am still working as Operations Manager for Costa Rica with an excellent team.
GROWTH.... That would be a very appropriate word to the question, and it defines what Amstar means to me very well. I am the father of 2 boys and one girl, and I could make the analogy of how I see my children grow daily, and they have made me a better person.
I have seen Amstar’s destiny grow little by little, going through and being part of all its stages, which have undoubtedly made me a better professional and person.
The people and their extraordinary commitment. Each one of the members of this department contributes their essence and excellent judgment, in addition to the great objectivity with which they see the day-today.
Much of what happens in any company, in one way or another, is linked to the active part of any organization. Making a synergy with all the other departments of the company has been a challenge that, little by little, we are overcoming; this is under the understanding that, as a team, we like things well done and almost to perfection, but we cannot leave aside that we must first understand the others to know how to express ourselves and find the best way to express ourselves well with the other departments.
All of the above for the benefit of the organizational operation that, in the end, benefits both the internal and external customers.
What information from the department would be helpful for all colleagues within the company to know that would help the department to provide better service, meet its goals, or achieve a more significant impact?
We are a team that follows the rules, seeks perfection in what we do, and will always analyze before executing, and when we execute, it is because there is an objective and real basis for doing so.
We like proactivity and are faithful believers that mistakes are necessary to learn but that we can only make the same mistake once if the real learning from it is taken advantage of.
In Amstar our priority is your personal and professional development, so we put at your disposal our online platform My Learning, where you can have access to our catalog of courses that will help you to be your best version.
Fulfilling our purpose of “Taking care of people so they can reach their best version,” our Amstar leaders had the opportunity to develop their managerial competencies in the “Development of Managerial Competencies” course given by the Tecnológico de Monterrey, which allowed them to improve their performance at a personal level, as well as at an organizational level, giving them the necessary tools to adapt to change. We are delighted to share with all of them this achievement.
This program lasted six months and was divided into seven modules, including The Manager as a Person, the new business environment, Change Management, and conflict management, among others.
We want to congratulate our leaders for this new achievement; undoubtedly, their commitment was vital:
· Alexander John
· Dinora Hernández
· Annie Gómez
· Reyna Gómez
· Chris Campos
· Isaac Castrillo
· Laura Patricia
· Luis Fermín
· Juraj Fakete
· Raúl Navarro
Virgilio Hernández
· German Schaub
· Rosa Narváez
· Tiurka Rijo Guerrero
· Silvia Uc
Congratulations to our leaders for their participation and commitment!
Below, we share with you some of the testimonials:
Dinora Hernández:
The diploma course provided me with tools to effectively enhance the management of work teams with clear goals and problem-solving and decision-making skills that have allowed me to find efficient solutions.
Isaac Castrillo:
Obtaining the diploma in Management Competencies Development given by the Tec de Monterrey meant an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge and apply it best with my colleagues at Amstar CR. In addition, it was highly enriching to learn about the experiences of my colleagues in different destinations.
Virgilio Hernández:
In April, we finished the Management Competencies Diploma, during which we had the opportunity to connect with colleagues from other destinations; we carried out self-knowledge exercises and worked to broaden our vision of what it entails to be leaders in our areas; it was undoubtedly a very enriching experience.
Raúl Navarro:
My experience with the course... Developing knowledge and new awareness, expanding my vision as a person and leader.
They learned tools, techniques, and processes to manage the empowerment and growth of the team members, as well as to maximize their potential as a person and be a better version to meet the company’s objectives.
To consider risks within the planning to find the best way that some variables or constants of our day to day, do not affect the expected result.
Here is a truth that may be uncomfortable but is, above all, true and most natural (warning for those who have a considerable fear or dislike of germs and microbes): we live with millions and millions of microorganisms all the time. What’s more, inside us, in addition to our cells, we coexist with microorganisms that have made themselves at home, most of which are pretty comfortable. But let’s not worry or panic; in addition to the fact that we have grown in harmony with various microorganisms for thousands of years, many of these beings are essential for us to sustain our lives. For example, today, we can produce insulin for humans in bacteria, we use fungi to fight microorganisms, and there is even talk of using viruses to correct genetic problems before they appear.
In particular, within our bodies, some microorganisms help us break down and process the food we eat in more efficient ways so that we get more out of our food and maintain a healthy body. For example, microorganisms help better process fiber and generate beneficial compounds such as short-chain fatty acids. These microorganisms belong to the so-called intestinal flora. However, each of us has a different intestinal flora, which depends on many factors such as lifestyle, the region where you live, genetics, your pets, whether you were born by cesarean section or natural childbirth, climate, stress, among others, but above all, your diet.
Let’s put it this way: when you eat foods rich in fiber, you generate a favorable environment for microorganisms that live by processing that fiber in your body; when you eat high-fat and highly processed food, you develop a suitable environment for microorganisms that only feed on this type of food. In turn, your gut flora will not only provide on what you eat, but it has also been shown to prompt your brain to want to eat more of the foods that maintain this balance in your gut flora. In other words, if you eat healthy foods, your microbiota will make you find healthy foods more palatable; if you eat processed foods, your microbiota will make processed foods more palatable.
This is why it is necessary to maintain a diverse nutrition, not only because it provides as many nutrients and vitamins as possible, but also because it keeps us free from indulging in processed and unhealthy foods only.
As final recommendations, we recommend eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as fermented foods, maintaining a diverse nutrition, avoiding foods excessively rich in sugars and drinking plenty of water. Take care!
How far do sea turtles travel during their lifetime?
Sea turtles migrate thousands of miles during their lifetime through ocean basins and offshore. For example, one leatherback sea turtle traveled more than 12,000 miles (19,300 km) round trip across the Pacific Ocean from Papua in Indonesia to the northwest coast of the United States. Both males and females migrate long distances between feeding grounds and nesting beaches.
Do all sea turtles have hard shells?
Six of the seven species of sea turtles have hard shells, but the leatherback turtle is the exception. Its shell is more flexible and leathery. The leatherback turtle is also the largest sea turtle species and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds (680 kg) and measure 63 inches (160 cm).
Once the eggs hatch, the baby turtles trudge across the sand stretch, separating them from the sea. They use the moonlight or starlight reflecting off the water to guide them. It is estimated that only one out of every 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survives to adulthood.
Males never leave the sea; females only come out to lay their eggs in the sand during the nesting season.
We all know how important exercise is for keeping us physically healthy. But did you know that exercise can also help keep you mentally healthy?
Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Why does exercise make us feel better, mentally?
Often, people who exercise regularly do it simply because it makes them feel good. Exercise can boost your mood, concentration and alertness. It can even help give you a positive outlook on life.
The link between exercise and mental health is complicated. Inactivity can be both a cause and a consequence of mental illness, for example. But there are lots of ways that exercise can benefit your mental health, such as:
Before you can decide to get healthier and eat better, it is very important to get your head in the right place and focus on being positive. The best place to start is by expressing your gratitude for the good in your life. To start, write down 5 things you are grateful for each day. grateful for each day.
Regular exercise can help you sleep better. Exercise can improve your sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem. People who exercise regularly often report how good achieving a goal makes them feel. Exercise can distract you from negative thoughts and provide opportunities to try new experiences.
It offers an opportunity to socialize and get social support if you exercise with others. Exercise increases your energy levels. Physical activity can be an outlet for your frustrations. Exercise can reduce skeletal muscle tension, which helps you feel more relaxed.
If regular exercise is not already a part of your routine, you might be wondering how much you need to do to give your mental health a boost.
The good news is exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous or take a long time. Studies show low or moderate intensity exercise is enough to make a difference in terms of your mood and thinking patterns.
Starting to exercise can be intimidating if you last exercised a while ago, but a plan can help you get started and stick with it. Your new exercise plan has a better chance of success if you choose an activity, you like or have enjoyed in the past that suits your fitness and abilities.
For the most significant benefits, try exercising outdoors. Some recent studies have found that people manifest a higher level of vitality, enthusiasm, enjoyment, and self-esteem.
Eating less processed foods can improve brain and emotional health. From a young age, we are taught that eating well helps us look and feel better. What we are not always told is that good nutrition also significantly affects our mental health. A healthy, balanced diet can help
us think clearly and be more alert. It can also improve concentration and attention span.
In an ever-evolving job market, the most sought-after professional skills are undergoing significant changes.
Rapid technological advancements, increasing automation, and growing globalization have led to a rising demand for specific skills in the workforce. As companies adapt to these trends, certain competencies emerge as vital for individual and organizational success.
With ongoing technological innovation, advanced digital skills have become essential in nearly every professional field. Programming, data analysis, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and machine learning are just a few examples of highly soughtafter technological skills. Those who can quickly adapt to new tools and technologies will have a significant advantage in the job market.
Critical thinking is a timeless core competency. Companies seek professionals who can analyze complex situations, identify problems, and develop effective solutions. The ability to think creatively, make informed decisions, and address challenges innovatively is increasingly valued in today’s business environment.
As automation expands, human skills such as emotional intelligence and social skills are gaining greater importance. The ability to communicate effectively, work in teams, show empathy, and manage one’s own and others’ emotions has become a key requirement in the workplace. Organizations are seeking leaders and collaborators who can build strong relationships and foster a positive work culture.
4. Flexibility and Adaptability: Volatility and uncertainty have become the norm in today’s job market. Therefore, the ability to adapt quickly to changes, demonstrate flexibility, and learn new skills is crucial. Companies value professionals who can navigate ambiguous situations and are willing to take on new roles and responsibilities.
5. Digital Literacy: As digitization permeates all aspects of our lives, digital literacy has become essential. Understanding how to use digital tools and platforms, evaluate and manage online information, and maintain cyber security are indispensable skills in today’s society.
Continuous learning is a critical competency in an ever-changing job market. Those who demonstrate a growth mindset and a willingness to acquire new skills and knowledge are more likely to excel in their careers. Companies seek motivated employees who stay up-to-date and are willing to invest in their personal and professional development.
As you can see, these competencies can apply to a wide range of different positions and companies, as they are competencies that we could all develop. Remember that in addition to competencies like these, companies will have specific competencies that they are looking for for each of their positions, in order to ensure that the best people fill those positions. Wait for the next edition to learn about the model we use in the company.
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