New Dutch National Access Point (NAP) Jan Maarten van den Berg, project lead NTM, NDW Henk van Haaster, CGI
Session: Find and Exchange mobility data | Summit Theatre 3 | March 31 | 16:00 – 16:30
Transitions Electrification & automation of vehicles Digitalisation of the public space Data quality Multimodel services (eg MaaS) Public-private cooperation Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
Need for more and improved mobility data
Key features NTM ✓Hosting the National Access Point (NAP) ✓Signpost in the data landscape ✓Data Quality & Customer Focus ✓Standardisation & Interoperability ✓Combination of datasets ✓Linking pin Europe
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
Data layers & front runners NTM
Usage Capacity Functional
Technical approach of a use case • Henk van Haaster, CGI
Use case Groningen accessibility 19 april 2022
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
Why do bus passengers often miss their train in Groningen?
19 april 2022
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
Traffic lights
The answer to this question starts with combining data sources in a knowledge graph
Induction loops
19 april 2022
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
2D map
Visualize data and discuss results with domain experts to discover valuable insights
Data science
3D visualization
19 april 2022
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
During this use case “Groningen accessible”, we learned the following about data sharing Use case driven
19 april 2022
Connect and share data
Nationaal Toegangspunt Mobiliteitsdata
One language