Ibiza Style Garden
Designed by Amy Marsden
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Numbers shown in key correspond throughout the document
View Points
Having the seating area at this angle means that the seating area creates the illusion of greater space along the garden
Having view points from the house creates the illusion that the house has more rooms and spaces than it does.
Section view Section view was taken from the masterplan showing two sofa seating areas, grass and raised planting beds along with the current hedges in place being incorporated in the design through the use of tiered planting.
Isometric Drawing Isometric Drawing shows a rough layout of the square garden showing a generic design of the possible the garden.
Outside cooking, dining and drinking area (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Inside-outside cooking perfect for socialising with bbq located close to the eating area to ensure that everyone is involved. The ground is covered by a light hard surface such as compressed limestone or white outside titles. The viewpoint from the house creates a sense of an extended living area. Detailed features to add to the Ibiza style along with having surrounded planted borders have small plants in pots on the table along with having pots around the corners of the space. At night the overhead fairly lights and under the raised beds light up to create the Ibiza style look at night along with possible outside heating.
Open plan outside dining area with a lot of seating for guests. The partial bio folding doors kitchen worktop area allows food or drinks to be quickly passed outside and allowing cooking in the kitchen to be still involved in the socialising outside.
5. Raised planting bed Using built-in white planting beds to create an entry point into the grass area of the garden creates the illusion of more space in the garden while also creating the Ibiza feel. The planting colour scheme should be white flowers, and grey and medium to dark green planting to keep the Ibiza style. Using these planting beds to create a built-in sofa area at the right-hand side of the patio area saving money but also creating the Ibiza style seating areas.
6. Outdoor built-in Sofa area Built in sofa area with storage under the sofa area to store possible sofa furniture or accessories in the garden or even outside children toys. The Sofa area is a social L shaped sofa that would have cushions made for the hand-built sofa (lower cost than buying an L shaped sofa) that will have a pail greys and off white tones. A small coffee table will be put in place for drinks along with wooden trunk seating around the other side if there is a large number of guests. Small pots placed on a lower built-in area (to the right of the sofa area) creates the illusion of more space inside the house.
7. Grass area
The grass area is surrounded by raised white planting borders creating a gradual decline from the current hedges that are in place in the house.
9. Seating area This area is a sofa area created using wood or possibly built-in white plastered stone. The reasoning for this area is to provide a sofa space for relaxing as a family but also space where guests can move to after eating for drinking and chatting.
8 and 10 Raised planting area Having a raised border around the garden keeps the entire garden having the Ibiza feel with the white in the edges hard surfacing, creating the illusion of light in the garden. The triangle raised bed areas to act as the back for some of the seating area and allows the sector to be more private and surrounded by vegetation.