Co-op News - January 2014

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Co-op News North Coast Co-op 811 I Street Arcata, CA 95521

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Eureka, CA 95501 Permit No 327

CO-OP NEWS A Publication of the North Coast Co-op • Jan. 2014

Report from Our General Manager

from the editor By Melanie Bettenhausen, Marketing & Membership Director

CO-OP NEWS Empowering Kids to Make Healthy Choices

Volume 61

...if other companies were using their resources to market unhealthy food to children, then the Co-op could use its resources to market healthy foods to children.


Jan. 2014 Editor Melanie Bettenhausen

Marketing & Membership Director (707) 826-8670 ext. 132

Graphics & Coordination Amy Waldrip Graphic Design Coordinator (707) 826-8670 ext. 120

Jeremy Smith-Danford

Marketing & Graphics Assistant (707) 826-8670 ext. 129 The Co-op does not officially endorse the services or products of any paid advertiser. All articles, columns and letters are the expressed opinion of the author and not the Co-op News.

Arcata Location

811 I St., Arcata • (707) 822-5947 Kevin Waters, Store Manager Open daily: 6 am to 9 pm

Eureka Location

25 Fourth St., Eureka • (707) 443-6027 Toby Massey, Store Manager Open Daily: 6 am to 9 pm

Cooperative Offices

811 I St., Arcata • (707) 826-8670 General Manager Kelli Reese, ext. 124

kellireese@nor thcoastco -

Membership Coordinator Bella Waters, ext. 135

bellawaters@nor thcoastco -

Human Resources Lisa Landry, ext. 127

From left: Kona, Melanie & Mahina


ack in July, we announced in the Co-op News that we were looking for Co-op kids to be in our TV, radio and print ads. Well, we found them, and they did an excellent job. Hopefully you’ve seen them on TV, but if not you can watch them on our You Tube page at (see p. 12) or by simply searching North Coast Co-op Kids. I’d like to thank Elliot, Keena, Lotus, Slate, Corbin, and their caregivers for taking time out of their busy schedules. I’d also like to tell you more about the Co-op Kids project. One of the cooperative principles is Concern for Community. A part of my job is community outreach and community building. In my work, I have learned that our nation is experiencing an obesity epidemic, and our county in particular has a higher rate of obesity among children than other parts of our state. More concerning than generally being overweight are the chronic diseases associated with obesity. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, are appearing in kids at an alarming rate. There are many organizations locally working to reduce obesity and associated health issues, and many people who work tirelessly to identify the multifaceted sources of the prob-

lem and approach it from many angles. I consider myself one of those people. Back in May, I was stuck on a long flight back east and decided to use that time to watch a free documentary on the plane—HBO’s Weight of the Nation. I was both horrified and inspired by what I saw in that four-part series. It seems the entire nation is struggling with obesity, from individuals to medical providers to political leaders. Equally, the entire nation is coming up with innovative ways to combat the issue, from changing individual behavior to altering the built environment (sidewalks, parks, etc.) to changing policies (what can be served in school meals, allowing workers to take walking breaks, etc.). According to anyone who works in nutrition, one of the major contributors to this obesity epidemic is excess sugar and insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption. The documentary Weight of the Nation identifies sugary processed foods marketed to children as a major culprit. As I sat on the plane absorbing all of this information, it occurred to me that the Co-op had a giant opportunity to play a positive role in this effort to reduce obesity and it could be done using resources we already have; we just needed to use them differently—if other companies were using their resources to market unhealthy food to children, then the Co-op could use its resources to market healthy foods to children. I took this idea back to my phenomenal team at the Co-op and they agreed. We came up with a commercial concept

whereby kids would talk about fruits and vegetables to other kids. We weren’t sure what it would look like, but we knew we needed the kids to be authentically enthusiastic or other kids wouldn’t believe them. In order to do that, we had to capture the kids on camera in their natural state—no scripts, no lights and no official set. It’s hard to write a commercial when you don’t know what you are going to get, but we found local videographer, Matt St. Charles (I daresay a former Co-op kid himself), who was willing to play along and see how things developed. We also found an amazing group of kids and caregivers who were willing to come to the Co-op without any real instruction and see what happened. I cannot thank everyone enough for being so open to the process. The outcome was overwhelmingly successful. Every adult who sees these videos is immediately smitten, and every child who has seen them wants to watch them over and over again. The authenticity that is captured conveys these kids’ enthusiasm for fresh fruits and vegetables in a way that is sure to inspire interest in their peer groups and adults alike. We plan to create more of these commercials until we have broad demographic representation for our county. If you know of a Co-op kid who would like to participate, please have them contact me at (707) 826-8670 ext. 132 or fill out the form on p 15. Together, we are empowering kids to make healthy choices!

lisalandr y@nor thcoastco -

Accounting Kelli Costa, ext. 138


kcosta@nor thcoastco -

Board of Directors

Kelly Boehms, Kate Lancaster, Fred Moore, Tim Silva, Steve Suttell, Jessica Unmack, John Woolley

The Cooperative Principles: 1. Voluntary & Open Membership 2. Democratic Member Control 3. Member Economic Participation 4. Autonomy & Independence 5. Education, Training & Information 6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives 7. Concern for Community


2 from the general manager 3 member comments 4 food news 5 member news 6-7 community kitchen class & workshop schedule

8 winter squash & lentil salad 9 local & in season calendar 10 roasted garlic rubbed cabbage 11

Co-op News | January 2014

12 13 14 15 15

c o-op kids cooperative community community partners vision tree winner reference guide

Special Hours Notice The Co-op will close at 7pm on Fri., Jan. 10 for our Annual Employee Celebration.

from the general manager


Kelli Reese General Manager


appy New Year! We’re looking forward to a busy 2014 with a bylaws re-write on the agenda and the beginning stages of implementing our five-year Strategic Plan. The strategic planning process began in February of 2013 at the annual leadership retreat, where the Board of Directors and I reflected upon what we had learned from the five-year strategic plan written in 2009. In addition, we started looking ahead to the next five-year planning cycle. In considering the future of the North Coast Co-op, exciting possibilities emerged for how we could advance our mission and uphold the seven cooperative principles. To test these ideas and begin drafting a plan for 2014-2018, a committee was selected to work out the framework and logistics for a Strategic Planning Workshop, to involve members and staff in the process. The Planning Committee spent several meetings developing draft categories and goal statements that were presented in six separate member and employee forums in the month of March 2013. Feedback from the forums was

As we embark on the process of reviewing the proposed bylaws changes, compiled and presented at the Strategic includes the following categories: we will have an in depth look at the proPlanning Workshop in April 2013, with Develop Our Local Foodshed, Invest posed revisions in the next few issues 24 Co-op members, board, and staff parin Our Future, Educate and Advocate, of the Co-op News. In June we will have ticipating in a day-long, participatory Enhance the Co-op Experience and Promember forums where the Board welprocess. We explored the Co-op’s mismote Environmental Responsibility. Our comes any questions or concerns about sion and vision, further developed longnext step is to breakdown the strategies the proposed changes. The Board will range goal statements, and identified into manageable actions to create a road incorporate feedback and the bylaws strategies for achieving our goals. map we can follow that corresponds to will have one final review. The Board is The Strategic Planning Workshop led our daily work in the Co-op and prepares scheduled to approve the final revision to the crafting of the 2014-2018 Strategic us for the larger vision of the organizain August with a vote going to the memPlan, which serves as a living document tion. We’re looking forward to this next bers in October. It seems like a long way to guide our Co-op towards the future. phase of the process and will report back away right now, but it will sneak up on There was a sigh of relief when we regularly to our members on how we are us quickly and it’s important that memcompleted the process bers participate in the of planning and writing process by voting in the the Strategic Plan, not election, especially with Our next step is to breakdown surprising since it was important bylaws updates the strategies into manageable actions to more than a yearlong on the ballot. create a road map we can follow that process for arriving The bylaws are being where we are today; updated to correspond corresponds to our daily work in the Co-op however, it’s just the with what we actually do and prepares us for the larger vision of first step. The next at the Co-op, gain consteps include implethe organization. sistency in compliance mentation, execution with regulations and our and mapping out our securities permit, and to stay current approach to what we will tackle in the achieving our Strategic Plan goals. In with cooperative law. Voting is one of next 12-18 months and how we will hold the meantime, if you’d like to see a copy the benefits of your Co-op membership ourselves accountable. of our 2014-2018 Strategic Plan, please and 5% of the membership or 250 votes I’m very cognizant of the fact that visit our website www.northcoastco-op. cast is required to pass the bylaws the Co-op has seen a large amount of com or alternately you can request a changes. You’ll be hearing about this a lot change over the last few years. Through copy at Customer Service. during the next few months until we reach hard work by employees from all levels the voting period. Please make of the organization we have made strides Negotiations Update your voice heard. Read the newsletter in our level of service, staff efficiencies, At the time of this writing the bargainarticles, attend the forums, ask questions and a reduction in our expenses. We’re ing unit is in the process of voting on the and most importantly VOTE in Octoa tighter organization than we were two tentative agreement reached between the ber. We know bylaws aren’t the most years ago and for that we have seen a Co-op and the Union. The Union plans to exciting topic to discuss, but we firmly turnaround and positive net income. Our count the ballots on Monday, December believe these updates help to simplify our members and shoppers have supported 23. We will have gone to press by that current bylaws and make us more effius through it all and we are grateful. time, but will include an update on the cient. While we’ve managed to continue to outcome in the next Co-op News. The Thank you for supporting the North grow at modest levels we are entering a Union and their bargaining committee Coast Co-op and helping to make us a place where we can begin to think about recommend the agreement and we hope successful organization. our ability to implement the goals of our to have it ratified before the New Year. strategic plan over the next year. We thank you for your patience and supContact Kelli The 2014-2018 Strategic Plan port during this process.

Final for newsletter

View the full Strategic Plan at

Develop Our Local Foodshed

Invest in Our Future

Our goal is to collaborate in sustainable, local, and regional food system development that addresses gaps in food production, storage and/or distribution.

Our goal is to strengthen our leadership position in the community by investing in opportunities that significantly serve our members to ensure a viable co-op for our future.

Educate and Advocate Our goal is to engage our members to make positive changes around essential local and national issues which affect our community’s future, and advance our mission, principles and cooperative values.

Final for newsletter

Enhance the Co-op Experience

Promote Environmental Responsibility

Our goal is to foster and develop talent, leadership, engagement and passion, creating an inspiring environment at our Co-op.

Our goal is to continue to improve the environmental practices in our day-to-day operations. 2

we ď ™ our members

Member Comment Board

We love to hear from our members! Below are some of the most recent comments that have been posted to our Member Comment Boards in both of our store locations.

Letters to the Editor






Letters must include your name, address, member number, and telephone number (so that we can contact you should any questions arise). Letters should be kept to a maximum of 250 words and may be edited. We regret that we may not be able to publish all letters due to limited space. Please send your letters to: Co-op News North Coast Co-op 811 I Street Arcata, CA 95521 or email


Co-op News | January 2014

Cynthia Packard, Member # 11463 She won a $25 Gift Card!

food news

Maintaining Organic Integrity

It sounds simple but it is a huge commitment. Ensuring organic integrity is a complex multi-step process.

By Ron Sharp Merchandising Manager


ou’ve probably heard that the North Coast Co-op is the only certified organic grocery store in Humboldt County, but what does that really mean? How can we be an organic retailer if we sell both organic and nonorganic products? In the simplest terms, it means we ensure the organic integrity of your organic product from the time it comes in our back door to the time it makes it into your shopping basket. It sounds simple but it is a huge commitment. Ensuring organic integrity is a complex multi-step process. First, everyone who works at the Co-op is fully trained on what constitutes a certified organic product. Each staff member signs an affidavit stating



5ARD 2 $FT C




they have read and understand the we have in place, as well as examples definition of certified organic. of price signs we use to represent In addition to this all staff mem- organic products to our shoppers. bers that work in departments that We can only be a certified organic handle organic product are trained to retailer if we are accredited by an maintain the integrity of the organic independent third party certifier. product they are handling. We ensure California Certified Organic Farmers organic and conventional products (CCOF) is the certifier we have chonever touch or are “co-mingled” sen. Like all certified farmers or cereither on a retail display or in back- tified food makers we pay the certistock storage. fier to audit our operation and declare When we sanitize a surface that we have complied with organic regutouches food—like cutting boards, lations. CCOF schedules an organic sinks, and knives—we inspector to visit our are required to comstores once a year and pletely remove any sanithe inspector thoroughly tizer residue and we are reviews all of the ways required to document we maintain organic when we do so. product integrity. The Along with this inspector then reports we maintain extensive back to CCOF. Once records (our certification CCOF is certain we are binders are massive!). maintaining that integrity We keep updated copthey renew our certificaThe Co-op is certified ies of organic certificates tion. We are now in our organic by California Certified Organic from all vendors that sell eighth year as a certified Farmers (CCOF) us organic products. We organic store! maintain our California This month we are organic registration. We also fully asking our members how important detail our “Organic System Plan”, it is that the Co-op remains a certiwhich includes things like how each fied organic retailer. Find the member department handles organic products, survey below and enter to win a $25 what approved pest control practices gift card!

Member Sur vey DEADLINE TO ENTER JAN. 31

Is it important to you that the Co-op remains a certified organic retailer? Why? (see article above)

Keeping You in the Know

About GMOs

Labeling Initiative Defeated in Washington


nfortunately, Washington’s labeling initiative 522 failed in the November election—49% in favor and 51% against. It was another close race, very similar campaigning as when California’s Prop 37 to label genetically engineered foods was on the ballot in 2012, in which opponents pumped billions of dollars into making the initiative seem to have too many exemptions and high costs for consumers. The Grocery Manufacturers Association continues to push for federal regulations that only require voluntary labeling (as in Non-GMO Project verification). Entire agricultural industries based on organic and natural products continue to push for mandatory labeling in an effort to preserve the integrity of their products. The concern is that unregulated and unlabeled raw products (such as apples, wheat and salmon) will find their way into organic farms and natural populations of fish, in essence killing the lifestyles and economic viability of organic and natural products. For more information about I522 visit

GMO Ban in Humboldt County


he Co-op’s Board of Directors is set to review feedback and materials around the GMO Free Humboldt ordinance that would ban the cultivation and production of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in Humboldt County. The Board will be taking action at their board meeting on Thursday, January 23 at 6pm in the Co-op’s Community Kitchen in Eureka. The Board may or may not be ready to take a vote in support, but they do appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to our member survey last month—87 of you—and will continue to work toward making the best decision for the Co-op. More information about the proposed ordinance can be found at If you have comments for the Co-op’s Board of Directors, email or direct your letters to: Attn: Board / North Coast Co-op / 811 I St., Arcata, CA 95521. Your comments will be included in the Board meeting packet.

Educational Resources at the Co-op

Member Name: Member #:

Phone #:

Detach this entry form & return it to the Member Survey box located at Customer Service at either store location. Be sure to include your name, contact information, and member number so that we can contact you if your entry is drawn. You can also send your response to with “Member Survey” in the subject line. Must be a member to enter. Co-op employees and their families are not eligible to win.

Stop by Customer Service in either store location to pick up educational materials regarding GMOs and the Co-op’s GMO Policy. 4

member news

Patronage Refund Vouchers – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em! VOUCHERS EXPIRE MARCH 15, 2014 Patronage Refund FAQs Q: Why didn’t I get a refund letter? A: Your letter may have been lost in the mail, so stop by Customer Service to make sure we have your current address. Other reasons why you may not have received a refund letter: • You joined the Co-op after March of 2013 • You are no longer a resident of California • You spent less than $213.44 during the fiscal year, resulting in a refund that was less than $2

Bella Waters Membership Coordinator


atronage refunds are a way of returning some of our profits to our owners. Last month, North Coast Co-op mailed refund letters with vouchers to all Fair Share members who qualified to receive their refund in cash. Patronage Refund vouchers can be used right at the register. The amounts of the refunds/vouchers are based on each owner’s purchases for the period of April 1, 2012 through March 30, 2013. Receiving the patronage refund in cash/ voucher is just one benefit of being a Fair Share member. Fair Share members are Co-op members who own $300 in “B” Shares and help the Co-op sustain its on-going commitment to providing top quality goods and services at reasonable prices. Plus, they can invest in dividend-earning “C” Shares.


Q: I can’t find my refund letter. How do I go about getting my refund? A: Just call or email our Membership Coordinator for a replacement letter at (707) 826-8670 ext. 135 or Q: Can I get cash instead of using my refund for store purchases? A: Yes! Just ask to redeem your voucher for cash at Customer Service before March 15, 2014. Q: Can I donate my refund? A: Yes! Ask Customer Service to donate your refund to the North Coast Co-op’s Cooperative Community Fund (CCF), a fund whose appreciation/earnings are gifted to local non-profit organizations annually. Q: I’m not sure whether my family used my refund voucher. How can I check on this? A: Just call or email our Membership Coordinator to see if your voucher has been used (707) 826-8670 ext. 135 or

Q: I want my refund in cash/voucher next year, so how do I become a Fair Share member? A: You can purchase “B” Shares in $10 increments at Customer Service. Once you reach $300, you are a Fair Share member. Future patronage refunds will be distributed to you in cash/voucher.

Interested in becoming a member? Membership allows you to have a hand in the future of the Co-op, as well as exclusive member discounts, promotions and investment opportunities. Pick up an application at Customer Service in either store, or call (707) 826-8670 ext. 135 for more information.

ok a co ing class f or you 


From: Value: Gift Certificate #:

Be sure to include your name, contact information, and member number so that we can contact you if your entry is drawn. Must be a member to enter. Co-op employees and their families are not eligible to win.


Q: How can I find out how much my refund is? A: Just ask at Customer Service.

our members! Monthly Member Giveaway

‘Twas the first month of the year and all through the store The people were stirring because they wanted more They were sad to think the members prizes were gone As each month they hoped their name would be drawn They loved the TP, bars, and soup they won Even though sometimes 40 prizes seemed like a ton Never wanting to disappoint, the Co-op team gathered round To put their heads together and come up with a plan that was sound The monthly giveaways would continue with gifts for the few A lucky member would continue to win something to chew This month is no exception as we’ve come up with a prize That will surely be coveted and make people cry Four cooking class is what can be had Only one will win, so enter and be glad

Q: How do I check whether I should have received a refund? A: Just ask at Customer Service.

Co-op News | January 2014

Win Cooking Class gift certificates, good for four community kitchen classes of your choice! See schedule p. 6-7.

Enter to win at either store location. Deadline to enter: January 31

January thru February 2014

Schedule of Cooking Classes & Workshops in Eureka & Arcata

Registration Information p. 7

Citrus Salad Recipe p. 7 Eureka Cooking Classes 4th & B Streets Wed., Jan. 8 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm

Master Food Preserver Demonstration ~ Fermented Foods MFP Instruction W Free Learn different methods for fermenting fresh produce and more. Topics include safe food preservation techniques, the importance of using recommended recipe sources, and more. The workshop is demonstration only with tasty samples included. Thurs., Jan. 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Food, Fun & Family 6 week series! Colleen M. Ogle, BS, RD, Humboldt Co. Public Health Nutritionist

Free Sign up one time for all six classes. Learn about kitchen safety, creating a healthy plate of food, menu planning, label reading, smart shopping, and more! Prepare and sample recipes and take home a binder of recipes and resources. Mon., Jan. 27 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

New Year & New Basics

Chef Jon Hoeschen $45/$35 Co-op Members Time to jump start 2014 with some new favorite recipes! Jon’s delectable menu includes: Smoked Salmon Soufflé; Pasta Carbonara with Pancetta; Seasonal Vegetables; and Mocha Mousse.



Tues., Jan. 28 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Wed., Feb. 19 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Sweet Mama Janisse $40/$30 Co-op Members This mouthwatering menu features some full-flavored down home favorites…without the gluten! Creole Corn Torte; Buttermilk Corn Cakes; Sweet Potato Soup with Coconut Milk; Chicken Macque Chow; and Louisiana Shrimp.

Chef Alex Begovic $45/$35 Co-op Members Enjoy this satisfying meal while learning tips & techniques from Chef Alex. Savoy Cabbage Soup with Sausage, Dill and Caraway; Honey Balsamic Roasted Carrots with Parsley Coulis and Toasted Almonds; Endive, Pear and Gruyere Tart; and Vanilla-Chocolate Panna Cotta.

Gluten-Free Southern Comfort

Wed., Feb. 5 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

French Winter I

Mon. Feb. 24 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Chef Alex Begovic $45/$35 Co-op Members

This delicious meal is perfect for a chilly evening. Cream of Cauliflower Soup with Nutmeg; Eufs en Cocotte (individual baked eggs with cream, Gouda and chives); Roasted Beet Salad with Apples, Bacon, Frisée, Hazelnuts and Balsamic Vinaigrette; and Chocolate Custard Tart. Tues., Feb. 11 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Oven-Roasted Vegetable Delights

Simona Carini $30/$20 Co-op Members Think outside the box with these intriguingly scrumptious recipes. Roasted Red Beets - Three Ways (risotto, scones, and chocolate covered beet hearts) and tasty Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Avocado.


French Winter II

Wine Served

Regional Cuisine of the Northwest Chef Jon Hoeshen $45/$35 Co-op Members

Experience this tantalizing menu featuring local ingredients and products. Oysters Two Ways (grilled with barbecue sauce and raw on the half shell with mignonette sauce); Wild Mushroom Soup; Grilled Salmon with Teriyaki and Grilled Mango-Pineapple Salsa; Ginger-Coconut Sticky Rice; Seasonal Vegetables; and Blueberry Tart with Meyer Lemon Cream. Please note: Most cooking classes (in both Arcata & Eureka) are demonstration only, meaning that the instructor demonstrates the recipe(s) and students eat the food that is prepared (usually a full course meal). Classes with a hands-on icon allow for student involvement in the creation of a meal.



W 6

January thru February 2014

Arcata Cooking Classes 8th & I Streets Thurs., Jan. 30 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm

Eat for Peace

Community Kitchen


Juliet Ferri $10/$0 Co-op Members January is the perfect time to take better care of ourselves…anytime is! This workshop focuses on how stress negatively affects the mind and body. Discussion includes which foods can aggravate and relieve stress. Find out simple ways to feel calmer and deal with life’s bumpy road. Juliet is an exercise physiologist and owner of Inspire Wellness.

Register for Classes

Dr. Pepper Hernandez $40/$30 Co-op Members Now is the perfect time to make simple & nutritious raw chocolates for family, friends and you! This hands-on class includes recipes, nutritional information, yummy samples and decadent truffles for taking home. Pepper is a naturopath, nutritionist and raw food chef.

Rachael Patton $30/$20 Co-op Members Find out just how diverse lentils and beans can be! From savory bean & vegetable pies to lentil salad wraps to sweet bon-bons filled with sweet bean paste. Legumes are an excellent food to emphasize as a main course for any meal. They’re easy to work with and are complemented by a surprising variety of other flavors. This demonstration ends with a buffet sampler of all the dishes and then some. The focus of this class is to inspire creative ways to prepare nutritious, affordable foods.

Mon., Feb. 10 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Steven Dugger $30/$20 Co-op Members Learn how to cook with what’s in your kitchen! Steven will show how to break out of the recipe mold and create your own culinary masterpieces. This class will feature tasty demonstrations about topics including: flavor profiles, food & beverage pairing, basic food chemistry and techniques. Join us for the discussion over pleasing appetizers and a hot drink.

Co-op Staff Instruction Free Are you looking for creative, economical and nutritious new recipes for 2014? This interactive class focuses on creating healthy & delicious recipes from scratch with ingredients on sale at the Co-op. Participants will have fun preparing and sampling the recipes in class.

Cook & Save


y Kitchen R


Teri Smolens $30/$20 Co-op Members Learn culinary tricks of the trade with three versatile and appetizing soups that are easily adapted to your dietary needs (vegan & gluten-free): Roasted Red Pepper-Red Lentil; Creamy Mushroom; and Thai Garlic. This class includes demonstration and handson interaction. Teri is the owner/chef of Teri’s Custom Catering. Thurs., Feb. 27 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Thurs., Jan. 23 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Improvisational Cooking

Satisfying Soups

Sat. Feb. 8 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm

Raw Chocolate for Valentines

Visit or call Community Kitchen Coordinator, Lauren Fawcett at (707) 443-6027 ext. 102. Please note location when registering.

Mon., Feb. 17 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Lovely Legumes

Arcata Class Announcements Full Class: Ms. M’s Catering Hands-on Sushi

with Maria Vanderhorst • Tues., Jan.21

Makes 6 to 8 servings

Citrus Salad with Spiced Cardamom Honey



• ½ cup honey

1. In a small pot, bring first 7 ingredients to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 1 minute, stirring often. Remove from heat, and let stand 30 minutes or until cool.

• ½ cup water • 3 cardamom pods, broken open • ½ teaspoon coriander seeds

2. M eanwhile, peel the citrus and make sure not to leave any of the bitter white pith. Slice horizontally into thin rounds (about 1/8 inch). • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns Arrange the citrus slices (alternating citrus colors will (pink peppercorns can be used, too) liven up the design) on individual plates or • ¼ teaspoon dried crushed red pepper on a serving platter.

• 1 bay leaf

• 3 medium-size navel oranges • 3 mandarin oranges • 2 Ruby Red grapefruit • 2 limes (if you don’t like limes, add more mandarins) • Drizzle of olive oil • 5 mint leaves or 3 basil leaves, cut into thin strips

3. Pour the spiced honey through a fine wire-mesh strainer, discarding solids. Drizzle citrus with the spiced honey until you have the desired amount (the leftover spiced honey can be used in tea, or as a topping for oatmeal or pancakes). Drizzle with olive oil. Garnish the salad with mint or basil and a little sea salt to taste. This salad can be made up to 24 hours in advance of serving.

• Sea salt to taste


Co-op News | January 2014

cook & save club


By Brenda Harper, Consumer Education Coordinator & Lauren Fawcett, Outreach Coordinator


he North Coast Co-op’s Cook & Save Club hosts free monthly meetings to develop recipes that include items from our sales flyer. This month we are featuring green lentils from our bulk department. Lentils are legumes, just like dried beans and peas, and are an affordable, easy-to-prepare and highly nutritious food. They are rich in protein, fiber,

Ingredients Salad • 3/4 cup green lentils • 6 cups winter squash (we used Red Kuri), peeled, seeded, and cut into 1 inch cubes • 2 Tablespoons olive oil • 1 teaspoon paprika • Salt and Pepper • 4 cups baby greens • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese (optional)


vitamins and minerals. They have been cultivated for 8,000 years, and are a dietary staple in many parts of the world. They are a must to keep handy in the pantry. This hearty salad can be served with crusty bread as a light vegetarian meal, or pair it with a main dish like roast chicken or grilled salmon for a more substantial supper.

Winter Squash & Lentil Salad

Apple Cider Vinaigrette • ½ cup olive oil • ¼ cup maple syrup • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper

Sale Items

prices valid Jan 21 thru Feb 3

Bulk Organic Green Lentils

Napa Valley Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil



per lb

Reg. $2.19

1. Cook the lentils Boil them in water until tender but firm, about 30 minutes. Drain, rinse under running cold water to stop the cooking process, and set aside. While the lentils are cooking, preheat oven to 375°F.

Photos by Jeremy Smith-Danford

25.4 oz

Reg. $13.69

2. Cook the squash In a large bowl, toss squash with oil, paprika, and a generous amount of salt and pepper. Arrange in single layer on a large baking sheet, and roast in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes or until tender and lightly caramelized, flipping over the squash cubes about halfway through. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

3. Make the dressing In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, maple syrup, cider vinegar and mustard until combined. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

4. Assemble In a large mixing bowl, toss the roasted squash and cooked lentils together. Add the dressing a little at a time until you have the desired amount. Arrange the greens on four small salad plates, or on a single large serving platter. Spoon the dressed squash and lentils over the greens, and then sprinkle with crumbled feta (if using). Serve immediately. 8

we’re with the farmers


Local & in Season

What's "growing on" for the month of January. All produce is organic unless otherwise noted. Calendar based on best case scenario. Bad weather at the wrong time can change availability at a moment’s notice! Store selections may vary.


CITRUS Orange, Navel Orange, Navel 8 lb bag KIWIFRUIT Kiwifruit Kiwifruit, 2 lb bag


BRUSSELS SPROUTS Brussels Sprouts CABBAGES Baby Bok Choy Bok Choy Green Napa Red Savoy, Green Savoy, Red CARROTS Carrots, 5 lb bag Juice Carrots, 25 lb bag


KOHLRABI Green Purple

HERBS Parsley, Italian GREENS, BUNCHED Chard, Gold Chard, Green Chard, Red Collard Greens Dandelion Greens Kale, Green Kale, Lacinato Kale, Rainbow Lacinato Kale, Red Bor Kale, Red Russian Kale, Siberian Mustards, Green GREENS, LOOSE Braising Mix Spring Mix Sweet and Spicy Mix GREENS, PACKAGED - 5 oz. Arugula Baby Lettuce North Coast Mellow Mix Spinach Spring Mix Sweet and Spicy Mix Watercress

LEEKS Leeks MUSHROOMS Lion’s Mane Oyster Shiitake POTATOES Devina Devina, 5 lb bag Kennebec Purple Majesty Red Red, 5 lb bag Russet Russet, 5 lb bag Variety, 5 lb bag Yellow Finn Yellow Finn, 5 lb bag Yukon Gold Yukon Gold, 5 lb bag RADISHES Daikon Watermelon

ROOTS Parsnips Rutabaga Turnips Yacon

Farmer Key Feral Family Farm , Blue Lake Distance to: Arcata Store 9 mi. Eureka Store 16 mi.


Greg Gebhart, Orland Distance to: Arcata Store 197 mi. Eureka Store 189 mi.

SPROUTS Pea Shoots WHEATGRASS Wheatgrass WINTER SQUASH Acorn, White Blue Ballet Buttercup Butternut Carnival Delicata Honeyboat Kabocha, Green Kabocha, Grey Kabocha, Red Long Island Cheese Marina de Chioggia Muscat de Provence Red Kuri Sweet Dumpling Sweet Meat Turban

The North Coast Co-op's Guide to Regional Food Trust Your Source provides information about the environmental and social values held by our local vendors and producers. View profiles of the people who grow and produce our food locally, such as Warren Creek Farms (to the left), under the Healthy Choices drop down menu on our website.

Little River Farm , Bayside Distance to: Arcata Store 2 mi. Eureka Store 7 mi.

Mycality Mushrooms, Fairhaven & Arcata Distance to: Arcata Store 3-8 mi. Eureka Store 5-11 mi. Neukom Family Farm, Willow Creek Distance to: Arcata Store 40 mi. Eureka Store 48 mi. ierce Family Farm, Orleans P Distance to: Arcata Store 78 mi. Eureka Store 85 mi. Rain Frog Farm, Blue Lake Distance to: Arcata Store 9 mi. Eureka Store 16 mi. Warren Creek Farms, Arcata & Blue Lake Distance to: Arcata Store 9 mi. Eureka Store 13 mi. Wild Rose Farm , Ferndale Distance to: Arcata Store 28 mi. Eureka Store 20 mi. Willow Creek Farms, Willow Creek Distance to: Arcata Store 41 mi. Eureka Store 48 mi.

Where Do Bees Go in the Winter?

In cold weather, the bees cluster quietly in the hive; relying on the honey and pollen they stored the previous season to sustain them. In winter, the main job of the bees in the hive is to take care of the queen bee.

Brenda Harper Consumer Education Coordinator


oneybees and bumble bees are closely related but their winter behavior is very different. In the midst of winter, honeybee colonies are already busily making preparations


for the coming spring. In cold weather, the bees cluster quietly in the hive; relying on the honey and pollen they stored the previous season to sustain them. In winter, the main job of the bees in the hive is to take care of the queen bee. This means they must keep her safe and warm. In order to do so, worker bees surround the queen and form a cluster with their bodies. The worker bees flutter their wings and shiver. This constant motion and continuous use of energy is how the bees keep the inside temperature of the hive warm. Deep within the

Co-op News | January 2014

cluster, the queen lays thousands of eggs; the beginning of a massive population boom that will peak in the late spring and early summer, when flowers full of pollen and nectar are plentiful. Bumblebees do not maintain colonies throughout the winter. Instead, the last brood of the summer colony will contain a number of queens. Each of these queens will mate and then find a nest in which to overwinter, often just a hole in the ground. She alone will hibernate until spring. While the bumble bee queen hibernates she is nei-

ther eating nor working. Her depressed rate of metabolism allows her to live for long periods while burning very little fuel. On warm and sunny winter days you may spot a queen bumble bee foraging for food. She needs to be careful to not get caught out in the cold before she can return to her winter hideout. When too cold she’s not able to fly and protect herself against other insects and will not survive. Whatever their winter activity, we rely on bees to survive the cold season in order to pollinate food crops in the spring.

See how you can help save the bees, p. 11

local produce recipe By Brenda Harper, Consumer Education Coordinator & Lauren Fawcett, Outreach Coordinator


bundant and relatively inexpensive, cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables in existence and continues to be a dietary staple throughout the world. There are at least one hundred different types of cabbage grown throughout the world, but the most common types in the United States are the green, red, and Savoy varieties. Cabbage belongs to the Brassica family of vegetables, along with broccoli, collards, kale and Brussels sprouts. It is typically round and is made up of leafy layers. Cabbage is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins K and C. It is also a good source of fiber, manganese, folate, vitamin B6 and potassium. Here is a healthy and delicious recipe that features green cabbage from Willow Creek Farms as well as garlic from Pierce Family Farm.

Featuring Green Cabbage from Willow Creek Farms in Willow Creek Photos by Jeremy Smith-Danford

Serves 4-6 •1 head of green cabbage (approx. 2 lbs) • 1 ½ Tablespoons olive oil •4 large garlic cloves, chopped •S ea salt & freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 400° F. Remove a couple of the outer leaves of the cabbage and discard. The cabbage can be cut either vertically or horizontally into 1inch thick slices. If cutting vertically, start at the top and cut down towards the core. If the cabbage is not tightly formed, the slices won’t stay together well.


2. Place the cabbage slices onto a baking sheet. Using a pastry brush, brush both sides of the cabbage slices with olive oil. Rub chopped garlic, salt and pepper onto both sides. 3. Roast on the middle rack for about 15 minutes. Carefully flip the cabbage slices and roast for an additional 15 minutes or until tender and edges are brown and crispy. Serve hot.

3. 10 10 The following are in support of the U.S. EPA joining with 15 other countries in imposing an immediate moratorium on the use of neonicotinoids:

To protect bees, Congressmen John Conyers and Earl Blumenauer introduced the Saving America’s Pollinators Act [H.R. 2692]. Co-sponsors are: Rep Madeleine Z. Bordallo Rep Judy Chu Rep Yvette D. Clarke Rep Wm. Lacy Clay Rep Gerald E. Connally Rep Susan A. Davis Rep Peter A. DeFazio Rep Suzan K. DelBene Rep Lloyd Doggett Rep John J. Duncan, Jr. Rep Keith Ellison Rep Elizabeth H. Etsy Rep Colleen W. Hanabusa

Rep Steven A. Horsford Rep Jared Huffman Repo William R. Keating Rep Ann M. Kuster Rep Rick Larsen Rep Barbara Lee Rep Zoe Lofgren Rep Michelle Lujan Grisham Rep Ben Ray Lujan Rep Jim McDermott Rep James P. McGovern Rep Gregory W. Meeks Rep Jerrold Nadler

Rep Richard M. Nolan Rep Beto O’Rourke Rep Mark Pocan Rep David E. Price Rep Mike Quiqley Rep Charles B. Rangel Rep Lucille Roybal-Allard Rep Janice D. Schakowsky Rep Carol Shea-Porter Rep Louise McIntosh Slaughter Rep Jackie Speier Rep Nydia M. Velazquez

American Bird Conservancy Amy’s Kitchen Appetite for Change Avaaz Aveda Beyond Toxics Californians for Pesticide Reform California State Grange Calvert Investments Center forro Biological Diversity Center for Environmental Health Clif Bar CREDO CUESA Defenders of Wildlife Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps Earthjustice Equal Exchange Ewe4ic Ecological Services Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance Farmworker Association of Florida Food & Water Watch Food Democracy Now! Franciscan Action Network Frey Vineyard Friends Committee on National Legislation Friends of the Earth - US Goat Green Green Century Capital Management Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Ma ine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns Maryland Pesticide Network Mi dwest Organic Sustainable Education Service Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate National Family Farm Coalition National Organic Coalition National Organic Dairy Producers Alliance Na tional Organic Farming Association - Interstate Council Natural Grocers Nature’s Path Ne w Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides Natural Resources Defense Council Nutiva NYR Organic Oregon Tilth Organic Consumers Association Organic Seed Alliance Organic Valley Osborne Organics Rachel Carson Council Rural Advancement Fund International - USA Rural Coalition Sierra Club Slow Food USA Stonyfield SumOfUs The Cornucopia Institute The Endocrine Disruption Exchange The Sustainability Group Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge Trust, LLC Trillium Asset Management, LLC United Methodist Caretakers of God’s Creation United Natural Foods, Inc. Women, Food and Agriculture Networkw

Ad courtesy of Images copyright Pan Xunbin(bee) & oksana2010(blossom), used under license from


Co-op News | January 2014


co-op kids

See our Co-op Kids TV commercials on our YouTube page (search for North Coast Co-op on YouTube). For more information about this ad see p. 2.

c prices

basic goods at basi

It’s fun to eat giant ones cuz there’s different ways to make them—slicing them, eating them whole…It’s good!

Elliot Age 6


I think that it will taste clean and good…a little bit crunchy. It is a good food!

Age 9


Age 10

This is the Galia Melon. This is a really healthy fruit, it’s full of antioxidants. How you test it is you press this little button thing right here, and if it pushes down enough then you smell it, and if it smells good, then that’s a good melon!

“ basics ic prices

basic goods at bas

Do you love your produce? We’re looking for kids ages 6-16 to join Co-op Kids Crew! Co-op Kids may appear in TV and print advertisements. Application on p. 15.

I think my favorite type of tomato would be the cherry tomatoes, these ones here. So much good flavor…and healthy flavor! I don’t really pay attention to how many are in the basket, I just eat cuz they’re so good!


Age 10 12

cooperative community

Disaster Prep 101 Winter Weather and Road Travel

al Announcemen i c e t Sp

During the winter, travelers who venture beyond the immediate confines of their community are wise to prepare their vehicle and update their vehicle emergency kit for safe winter weather travel – before they begin their trip. Remember: be easy to find ─ tell someone where you are going and the route you will take. Also, winterize your vehicle. Ask your mechanic to do it, or learn how in the owner’s manual of your car. Update the emergency kit in your vehicle. It’s best to store emergency items in the passenger compartment in case your trunk gets jammed or frozen closed. • Vehicle Emergency Kit • Windshield scraper and small broom • Flashlight • Emergency flares and reflectors • Water • First aid kit • Snack food including high energy snack food

• Jumper cables • Shovel and road salt, sand, or cat litter • Portable radio – battery-powered or hand-crank, preferably NOAA Weather Radio capable (with extra batteries) • Fluorescent distress flag, LED emergency beacon and whistle to attract attention • Tow chain or rope

• Blankets or winter weight sleeping bags

• Warm winter clothing: coats, winter hats, boots, socks, mittens

• Cell phone with adapter to plug into lighter socket

• Necessary medications and medical items

• Multipurpose tool

• Sanitation and personal hygiene items

Welcoming a New Co-op Kid Congratulations to our former Co-op Board Vice President, Melanie Cunningham, and her husband Kevin on their new baby boy!

From the Board of Directors: New Year, New Opportunities

Being able to embrace change and transition gives us the potential to grow and to broaden our own knowledge base and experiences. I, for one, look forward to what the New Year has to offer; in my garden, my personal life, and especially as a new member of our Board of Directors! “ Jessica Unmack Board Member


ith the New Year now upon us I’m drawn to my usual thoughts of transition and change. As a gardener and fairly new homeowner I think about how I’m going to next transition my vegetable gardens for the coming season and what perennials and natives I want to implement for long term benefit. I get excited thinking about the variety and unexpectedness of the next harvest and how to use what we grow in useful and creative ways. I get especially excited about the increase in birds, bees, frogs and other beneficial insects in my garden. Planning out new structures and amenities, like a beehive and a new chicken coop, occupy the spaces of my brain not


already filled with other (obviously-notso-important) daily tasks. I try not to be hard on myself when things don’t grow as planned right away; there are so many factors involved in learning a new piece of land and planning for the long term use of our small property. However, seeing the overall progress we’ve made in just over a year and the growing interest my kids have in the garden boosts my morale and keeps me working at it and excited for what’s to come. As in my garden, I try to take on transition and change in my personal life with the same enthusiasm and excitement. With every job change, new volunteer opportunity or educational endeavor I find myself taking on, I’m always excited to meet the people already involved and take on the challenges of new tasks and environments. From working with Alaska Native elders preserving traditional knowledge and oral traditions passed down for mil-

Co-op News | January 2014

lennia to being welcomed into a group of local cattle ranchers actively engaged in improving their working landscapes to unexpectedly finding myself on my Coop’s Board of Directors, I’ve been fortunate enough to find myself in the company of some remarkable people doing amazing things. Had I not felt the need for some kind of change or transition in my life and taken it, I would have missed out on some awesome experiences. Times of transition and change that are thought out and planned are usually the result of some kind of forethought into what our true desires and interests are and the extent of ourselves that we can give to any new endeavors. I’m currently in the process of transitioning out of a great part-time job in a growing prenatal clinic because as time goes on that work pulls me away from time with my children and my garden which is really where my heart lies. It’s not an easy choice to give up

good employment with great co-workers; however, knowing that I only have a limited amount of time with my kids while they’re young and my increasing desire to be part of a larger local gardening community helps me transition out of certain tasks and into others. Being able to embrace change and transition gives us the potential to grow and to broaden our own knowledge base and experiences. I, for one, look forward to what the New Year has to offer; in my garden, my personal life, and especially as a new member of our Board of Directors! Happy New Year!

Stay in Touch with Your Board Send Us an email:

Catch up on Board Business: Find meeting agendas and minutes at in Board/Elections under the About Us tab.

Attend a Board Meeting: Jan. 23 from 6-8pm in the Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka location.

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Co-op gift cards available in values up to $500

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Local Sponsors: Premiere Financial Group  Wildberries Marketplace David Kelley Woodworking  Pierson Building Center r


advertise in the

co-op news

Affordable and package rates available Limited space Contact Amy Waldrip at 707.826.8670 ext. 120 or email

Trade in your paper newsletter subscription for a digital subscription. Send your request to with the subject line “Go Paperless.” Please include your full name and Member number. 14

vision tree winner


basic goods at basic

Do you have a passion for produce? Do you want to be on TV and radio? If you think you have what it takes to educate our community about making healthy food choices, fill out the form below. Have we got a job for you! Name:__________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Member #:________________________________________

Douglas Dickson | Member #1279

Phone: _________________________________________________________

Last fall we asked our members to share their vision for the North Coast Co-op’s future. Below is Douglas’s vision for the Co-op:

You and your parent/guardian will receive a call with further instructions. Depending on the number of Co-op Kids interested, we may or may not hold auditions. See our current Co-op Kids Crew on p. 12 of this newsletter.

A redesigned Co-op building. Dug into the ground so the earth acts as insulation. A garden on top! Gentle ramps leading to the entrance so all could walk or roll down. Helpers for those needing help to get up with their groceries. Maybe skylights too.

Return your form to Customer Service at either store location by January 31, 2014.

Board Activities

Co-op Sponsored Events

Board of Directors Meetings

Jan. 1-31 Coats for the Cold Drop off gently used

Co-op members invited to attend. Jan 23 | 6-8pm Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka store location Feb 27 | 6-8pm Co-op Community Kitchen, Arcata store location Mar 27 | 6-8pm Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka store location

Jan.-Mar. Jazz Festival Tickets Available for purchase

Co-op Action Committee

Meets at the Board’s request. No meetings scheduled at this time. Find meeting dates and times at

Finance Committee

Meets quarterly. Next meeting Wed., Feb. 5, 2014 5:30-6:30pm Co-op Conference Room, Arcata store location (NOTE date change)

Co-op Events Jan. 21 | 2pm Co-op Community Fund 2013 Grant Recipients check Ceremony. Co-op Community Kitchen, Eureka store location.

warm coats at either Co-op location during January. Coats are then distributed to local schools and organizations. More information at

Keep up-to-date with your

Community Kitchen!

at the Co-op’s Customer Service counters. Only $75 if purchased before Feb 1. Jazz Festival takes place March 27-30 at the Eureka waterfront.Visit for individual shows and ticket prices.

Deadlines Jan. 31 Member Surveys due (see p. 4) Jan. 31 Giveaway entries due (see p. 5) Ja n. 31 Co-op Kids Crew applications due (see ad above).

Special Hours Notice The Co-op will close at 7pm on Fri., Jan. 10 for our Annual Employee Celebration.

Sign up for the Cooking Class email list • Get special email-only deals on classes • Recieve the most up-to-date information on full & canceled classes

• Read about new & noteworthy classes Want to sign up? Send an email to with the subject line “Community Kitchen Email” For more information Visit or call Community Kitchen Coordinator, Lauren Fawcett at (707) 443-6027 ext. 102.


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