Few unknown facts about black currant extracts

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Few Unknown Facts About Black Currant Extracts In any stores for health food, one can find numbers of products that contain black currant extracts and juices. However, one should be clear about the difference between black currant extract or juices and black currant seed oil, as both are two different products.

The oil of the black currant seed is available since ages and contains therapeutic fatty acids that also get referred as GLA. However, the extracts of this superfood are now being promoted in the organic health industry and in very short time span has become hot latest product in the market. Even though, black currant is similar to the other berries such as dark purple and blue berries or other fruits from berries’ family such as elderberries, raspberries and blueberries, yet they have some subtle and distinct differences in terms of nutritional value. This superfood is a rich source of potassium and vitamin C. However, the main focus is the antioxidant content of this fruit. Here are some of the possible health benefits of this superfood from the berries’ family – -

It plays a great role in improving vision and overall eye health. The extract of the berries also helps in curing seasonal allergies. The extract also helps in improving right circulation and lessens muscle stiffness and fatigue. Many clinical tests have also proven that the consumption of this fruit helps in reducing the risk of infection in urinary track and kidney stones. The compounds of this berries is useful in management of evolution of Alzheimer’s disease.

Consumption of black currant extract with organic substance referred as IP6 may boost bioactivity of antioxidants available in the berries. IP6 also get referred as phytic acid that usually gets found in the seeds, whole grains and legumes and is popular as powerful antioxidant. Hence, it is recommended to consume this supplement at least 2-3 hours before meal or in an empty stomach. There are any other extracts that one can find in the health stores such as kiwifruit extract, black pepper extract, boysenberry extract and many more to mention. All these extracts carries some or the other beneficial properties our overall health. However, it is very essential that one should consult their health care advisor before starting consumption of any of these extract as it can also lead to some side effects to some individuals.

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