Side Effects Of Over Dose Of Antioxidant Superfoods
For years, antioxidant superfood have been know for its apparently age defying outcomes on our body. From blueberries to sweet potatoes, broccoli, its health conscious could not get enough of these superfood. However, not it seems like you actually have too much of any good thing. Many research says the subtle balance of the nutrients needed by our body could be exaggerated by loading it full of antioxidants rich foods. Nutritionists also says that such antioxidant superfoods can increase your life by reducing the risk of cancer and heart diseases. It has also been linked to better sex life. However, this is also true that too much of any powerful antioxidant foods could also mean there are not sufficient pro-oxidants,which usually get considered as evil twin of the antioxidants in our body. As the antioxidant superfood reduces the speed of damaging muscles or any other organs through the process referred as oxidization, the process of pro-oxidants increases. However, too many superfood antioxidants can unbalance and it is little difficult for the older people to breathe and also stop them from performing physical exercise to stay fit.
Many nutrionists also claims that the antioxidant superfoods can also reduce the speed and can sometime reverse few of the effects of aging that is the reason foods such as blueberries have been refered as having a great effect on the dementia victims. However, few of such alterations are not appropriate fro the ageing body as it stops few of the methods in that blood cells flow by taking our chemicals referred as vasodilators that helps in opening of blood vessels. It makes gaing people get out of the breath much faster, for example, that in turn prevents them from any sort of physical exercise and staying healthy and fit. It is really cautionary note that before increasing the dose of the antioxidant superfood, you need to understand much more about the fundtion in the physiological circumsyances and systems such as exercise.
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