FREZZOR Omega-3 Black, your supplement for healthy body and skin The Frezzor Omega-3 Black consists of the purest green lip mussel oil from the New Zealand. It has a unique ratio of 32 essential fatty acids of which 18 are omega-3 fatty acids. The uniqueness of Omega-3 Black supplement of Frezzor is that it blends the life-critical essential fatty acids along with the powerful antioxidants on the planet like Astaxanthin, Cur cumin, and Pine Bark extract, along with other life-enhancing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory from raw cold-pressed kiwifruit seed oil, flax seed oil, and extracts of grape seed, kiwifruit seed, boysenberry, and black currant. For a healthy living FREZZOR Omega-3 Gold Black offers the most powerful, pure, indentured, all-natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant on the planet containing the essential micronutrients that your body requires to function at full-capacity and experience superior vitality and wellness.
Key Features of FREZZOR Omega-3 Black The Green lip mussel oil contains phospholipids forms of omega-3 The Green lip mussel of New Zealand is considered as the most powerful anti-inflammatory as it contains Eicostetraenoic Acid (ETA). The Astaxanthin act as a powerful scavenger of free radicals because it has a unique structure that lets it, span across the entire cell membrane. Further the Astaxanthin has powerful positive effects as it has been validated in over 500 scientific studies to date. It is said to be the most potent natural antioxidant discovered to date, as it is 6000 times more potent in its antioxidant properties than vitamin C, 800 times stronger than Co-Q10, and 550 times stronger than green tea. These Astaxanthin is mainly produced from a unique strain of H. Pluvialis algae, which is sourced from the clean waters of New Zealand. The FREZZOR grows its algae in an enclosed photo-bio reactor system which is fully-controlled, which, undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring that it is free from environmental contaminants, while their independently validated test methods ensure that the dosage of Astaxanthin is accurate each and every time. Astaxanthin is a potent UVB absorber & reduces DNA damage. Pine Bark extract acts synergistically with astaxanthin, protecting the outside of the cell-membrane whereas astaxanthin protects the inside. Pine bark extract mainly protects telomeres that are important & a wellknown biomarker for ageing. Pine bark extract is clinically tested in a number of neurological clinical trials and has shown profound benefits for memory recovery and brain cognition. The Pine bark supports in healthy blood vessels, thus, ensuring oxygen and vital nutrients are delivered to where they are needed in your body. Pine bark helps in healthy glucose control. The FREZZOR Pine bark extract is rich in piceatannol, a form of resveratrol that is 1200 times more potent than ordinary resveratrol. Kiwifruit oil contains all 8 natural forms of vitamin (4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols) which protects 100 trillion cells in our body. Kiwifruit seed oil is a rare and valuable tocotrienols compared to other sources. It is rich in essential Fatty Acids and a great source of Vitamin K.
Grape seed extract, kiwi fruit seed extract, boysenberry extract, and black currant extract are all high in a group of water-soluble antioxidant compounds called polyphones that are powerful free-radical scavengers.