Alltime rebranding corporate

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Alltime Rebranding

Analysis of competitors’ values

Global competitors’ values Agility, CargoLine, DBShenker, LKW Water

Values: unmatched personal service, integrity, personal ownership, teamwork and excellence, reliability. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, reliable, dynamic, close to consumer, warm, friendly.

Values: reliability, quality, custom-made solutions, environmental concern. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, sirious, reliable, but cold, unpersonified, distant from consumers, mediocre.

Values: continuous development, experience, innovations, responsibility, environmental concern, economic attractiveness. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, sirious, responsible, organized, strict, cold, unpersonified, distant from consumers.

Values: reliability, quality, responsibility. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, international, reliable, but old, not up-to-date, cold, absolutely unpersonified, too distant from consumers.

Lithuanian competitors’ values Magnus, Girteka, A.Griciaus

Values: reliability, experience, inspiration. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, reliable, dynamic, close to consumer.

Values: reliability, co-operation, proffessionalism, Attainment of results. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, sirious, reliable, dynamic, contemporary, up-todate, warm, friendly, close to consumer, playful.

Values: competence, responsibility, challenges. Impression from Visual Communication: professional, global, sirious, responsible, organized, strict, cold, unpersonified, distant from consumers, old-fashioned.

Comparison of Alltime’s & competitors’ values



Looking at these scheme it’s easy to realize that Alltime’s values are not so uncommon & unique, comparing to its competitors. Thus before forming the concept it’s very important to find out and define the values, that will be different from other brands, in order to create comprehended visual communication, that reflects this values.

Definition of new Alltime’s values

CHAPTER FROM THE BRIEF “.......V pervuju ochered biznesom zanimatsa reshyla ne i za deneg a iz za interesa i uvlechonosti, tak u nas na saite pojavilis slova Forda - Biznes kotoryj delajet tolko dengi - plaxoi biznes. Mechta - postrojit silnuju komandu ne tolko na rabote no i po zhyzni. Pomogat druk drugu i rasti vmeste........�

These few sentences make the sense of the whole business. You have a dream and you have a team, even more than a team - family, that honestly shares your dream & passion. You are not alone, you are together on the way to your dream. These are the values that make you brand stand out, that make you brand different. These are the things that matter.

Model WIN/WIN that you have is right, but it’s better to keep it as a model. For the pay-off it sounds too cold and doesn’t reflect the strongest human values that you and your team have. So in order to find out a new appropriate pay-off, at first i tried to define the key words, that are the core of your business.

Key Words

Due to the fact that logistics is quite sirious business, it wouldn’t be right to communicate in too honest way, talking about the dreams, but at the same time i believe it’s useful to keep a warm feeling in pay-off. Thus i was looking for the words, which were connected with business, believes and the name of the brand.

New pay-off and moodboard

DIRECTIONS, THAT MATTER. This short line tells everything we want to tell. It has connection to the business, warm atmosphere of trust & care, but at the same time sounds professional and serious.

Color palette of competitors’ logos.

New Alltime color palette.


0 21 93 0

R 255 G 244 B 0


67 60 59 45

R 51 G 51 B 51

I kept the same colors as the logo has today, because they are out of the competitors’ color palette, but i chose stronger tones in order to highlight the status of the brand, make it more confident and enforce the positive impression.

Inspiration for logo.

New sign.

Structure of new sign.

Plain logo.

Logo with brandline.

Color use.

Grey logo on yellow background.

Different media use.

Business cards & stamp. (rough paper, that imitates road)

FOLDERS. (rough paper, that imitates road)

Advertising modul.

Directions, that matter.

Coast of arms for t-shirts. (young & stylish)

Promo car.


Corporate identity.


Directions - New corporate element.

Where it comes from. New corporate element was born from the main sign.

Fast overview of new corporate identity.

Business cards. (rough paper, that imitates road, leterpress, yellow edges)

Business cards.

Business cards.

Corporate cup. Instead of black - corporate grey.

Invelop for invitations and etc. (Yellow paper, white sticker, grey stamp)

Envelop together with corporate form.

Post envelop. (Yellow paper, print in one color)

Example of car stickers.


Example of “heavy” sticker

Alternative envelop for invitations and etc. (Grey paper, yellow stamp)

Example of filled form.

Yellow corporate cup.

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