Borough Life Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine ISSUE 4 August 2016
Top Tips for Recycling Arts & Culture Active Life
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The website is accessible on all devices and offers you a wide range of services online.
Contents 4 8
Active life International linkages PCSP Strategic Plan 2016-2019 Shore to have a great time
Making planning more accessible
Council celebrates award winning green spaces Last year you recycled 49% of your waste
Kidzconnect with recycling Calling all recycling enthusiasts!
12 13 17
Love Food Hate Waste
Do you need support to kick-start your business?
Have your say survey Community funding available for rural areas
Lights, camera, business
19 20
Another notable initiative is Recycle Week from 12-18 September. Currently we are recycling 49% of our waste which is great news for saving money on landfill costs. To help improve this figure even further, there are lots of tips and advice on recycling in this issue (pages 10-12). We would also like your thoughts on our local recycling centres, so I would encourage you to complete the survey on pages 13-16.
Council support for residents invaluable
Councillor John Scott Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey
Home safety for under 5s and over 65s
Arts & Culture Your Councillors Mayor supports NI charities Delivering Council business
Antrim and Newtownabbey has had a busy summer, with many events showcasing our Borough including the Ulster Pipe Band Championships and Party in the Park. The prestigious Armed Forces Day attracted over 15,000 people to what proved to be a fantastic day and made me proud to represent the Council as Mayor. There are more events to follow over the next few months, with the Shoreline Festival providing family fun over the August Bank Holiday (page 8) and the Stenaline Triathlon, perfect for those who would like to put their fitness to the test (page 5).
Remember to look out for our next Borough Life from 10 October, it will be jam-packed with all the Halloween festivities!
22 24 26
Welcome to the August edition of Borough Life, our residents’ magazine that keeps you up to date with life in our Borough. As the new Mayor for Antrim and Newtownabbey, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your warm welcome and I look forward to the year ahead as First Citizen of our Borough.
Got a great business idea?
Armstrong Solicitors celebrating milestones
Mayor’s message
Holiday arrangements
If you have any comments on the magazine please contact: Communication and Customer Services, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Antrim Civic Centre, 50 Stiles Way, Antrim, BT41 2UB. T. 028 9034 0034 E. comms@antrimand The magazine is available in alternative formats, please contact us for more information.
The magazine is delivered to postal areas BT29, BT36, BT37, BT39, BT41 and our residents in BT38. If it is not delivered to any of your neighbours living in these areas, please let us know. Printed on FSC and PEFC accredited material. © Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council @ANBorough www.antrimand
Borough Life | August 2016
Active Life Couch to 5k Always wanted to start running? Pick up the pace and join one of our Couch to 5K programmes. The programme is aimed at getting non-runners from their couch to running 5km in just a few months. Venue
Days & Times
Mon & Wed 7-8pm
12 Sept
T. 028 9446 4131 E.
4 Oct
T. 028 9086 1211 E.
V36 AT THE VALLEY Tue & Thu 7.30-8.30pm
Let’s get Every Body Active!
Thanks to National Lottery Funding of over £6m, Council is delighted to be working in partnership with Sport Northern Ireland to deliver the new Every Body Active 2020 programme.
In particular it will create opportunities for underrepresented groups to take part including women, those with a disability and those living in areas of greatest social need.
Encouraging everyone to be more active, more often, this programme will offer a wide range of activities at a time and place that suits you. Allowing people to get involved on their own doorstep, coaches and physical activity leaders will deliver sports and activity programmes in locations such as schools, community centres and local clubs as well as the traditional leisure facilities. Specialist coaches will also work with GP practices to increase the levels of physical activity for those who are inactive or would benefit from physical activity.
Keep an eye on our website for more information on some of the Every Body Active programmes coming soon as well as details on how to register to take part.
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
For more information contact Rosey O’Neill T. 028 9034 0067 E. rosey.oneill@
C he ck o u t the What’s On section of our website for kids programme s and activities
Get on your bike Get on your bike and get a copy of the Council’s new Cycling Guide. There are some great cycling routes around the Borough and this new guide will help you to discover some of the beautiful areas right on your doorstep. The handy pocket size guide includes information and maps on five short distance cycle routes, all of which connect into the much longer National Cycle Network routes. The guides are free of charge and are available from Council facilities.
The guide can also be downloaded from www. antrimand newtown uk/cycling
Stenaline Triathlon Up for a challenge? Why not register and take part in this year’s Stenaline Triathlon. Consisting of a 750m swim, a 20km bike ride and a 5km run, this Triathlon Ireland event is suitable for the first timer right up to the elite. Suitable for age 16+
Sunday 4 September, 9.30am Valley Leisure Centre and V36 Costs €38 Register online at
Shape up this September
Online booking
Athletics track
leisure centres across the Borough and a range of membership options and activities available, there is something to suit everyone.
Swimming pool
Selected Classes
Fitness Suite
With summer coming to an end, it’s time to start thinking about the September routine and getting back to fitness. With a choice of five superb
For more information contact any of the leisure centres (page 27) or visit www.antrimandnewtown
Active Life | August 2016
Active Life Go walking Whether you’re a serious rambler or enjoy a short stroll, why not don your walking boots and take in some of the great walking routes in our Borough. For more information visit Looking for company on your walk? There are a number of walking groups within the Borough who meet on a weekly basis. For more information visit
NEW! In partnership with Tesco, a new walking group has been formed in Newtownabbey. Meeting every Monday in Tesco Newtownabbey at 10am, the short walk takes you through the picturesque Valley Park before returning to Tesco for some refreshments. For more information contact Vicki Carson T. 028 9334 1818 E. vicki.carson@
Gymnastics A great sport for both boys and girls, gymnastics will help with the development of fitness, strength, flexibility, co-ordination, balance and physical confidence. Term 1 begins week commencing Monday 5 September and continues for 12 weeks. Cost for Term 1 Parent & Toddler £48 Pre-school 3-5yrs £50.10 Age 5+ £48
Struggle with your mobility? Or perhaps you are returning to exercise after an illness? Our Simply Strolling programme offers gentle weekly walks, led by trained leaders for those with mobility restrictions or in rehabilitation. Participants can also learn Nordic Walking skills – a full body version of walking using adapted poles. Wednesdays, 9.30am, Antrim Forum, costs £1.50 (includes tea/coffee after the walk). For more information contact Elaine Upton T. 028 9446 3113 E. elaine.upton@
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Parent & Toddler
Parent & Toddler
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Age 5-7yrs
Parent & Toddler
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Pre-school 3-5yrs
Waiting lists are currently held for other classes in Antrim Forum, Neillsbrook Community Centre, Glengormley Pavilion, Crumlin and Sixmile Leisure Centres. For more information or to book any of the above classes visit 6
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
New look for Allen Park The newly transformed Allen Park is now open following Council investment of ÂŁ4.15m and a further ÂŁ350,000 from the Enkalon Foundation. The new Schierbeek Pavilion, named after former Enkalon Managing Director, Dr Roelof Schierbeek CBE, includes new changing facilities and a full size indoor sports hall with Taraflex synthetic flooring suitable for a range of sports and activities including basketball, netball, 5-a-side football and badminton. The existing clubhouse has also been upgraded and redeveloped into changing facilities, locker rooms and a committee room.
Upstairs, the licensed restaurant has been modernised, offering stunning views across the golf course.
Opening Autumn 2016 You will be able to perfect your swing whatever the weather with the new indoor golf simulator. This state-of-the-art technology allows golf to be played on a graphically simulated driving range or golf course. Three new floodlit 3G pitches have also been developed outdoors and are suitable for football, rugby and Gaelic. Keep an eye out for our next edition of Borough Life for more details. For advance booking of the 3G pitches or to book the sports hall contact Allen Park T. 028 9442 9001 E. allenpark@antrimand
Bowl it with boccia Our leisure and community centres offer a range of physical activity programmes for all ages and abilities. A new boccia club is starting on For more information contact Sixmile Leisure Centre T. 028 9334 1818
Wednesdays at 7-8pm from 7 September at Sixmile Leisure Centre. Similar to bowls, boccia players aim to propel a set of coloured balls and position them closer to a jack ball than those of their opponent. The balls can be moved with hands, feet or even a ramp.
Active Life | August 2016
International linkages
Strategic Plan 2016-2019
The Council has established formal twinning arrangements previously held by Newtownabbey Borough Council with partners in Dorsten (Germany), Rybnik (Poland) and Arizona (USA).
To help reduce crime and improve community safety, Antrim and Newtownabbey Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has been working with the local community to help put together a new Strategic Plan.
These international links offer opportunities for Council, residents and businesses to partner in programmes, exchange ideas and learnings, undertake cultural and community exchanges and open up new markets for investments. One of these twinnings date as far back as 1967 when Councillor Vera McWilliam became involved in Dorsten through firstly, Ballyclare Presbyterian Church, then in her role as a Councillor with Newtownabbey Borough Council. During a recent visit, this connection was acknowledged when Councillor McWilliam was presented with the ‘Stadtplakette’ (gold town medal). This is the first time the medal has been presented.
Cllr McWilliam showing her medal to former Mayor, Cllr Hogg on her return.
The plan will set the direction for the next three years on how the PCSP will help tackle issues such as anti-social behaviour, burglary, domestic violence and help empower communities to address crime. If you have a concern regarding any of these issues, we want to hear from you. The PCSP have also issued a public consultation on a draft Equality Scheme and Disability Action Plan. Please take time to review and give us your feedback visit www. PCSP T. 028 9446 3113/028 9034 0000 E. Write to PCSP, Mossley Mill, Carnmoney Road North, Newtownabbey, BT36 5QA
For more information contact Carol Shane T. 028 9034 0073 E.
Shore to have a great time Friday 26 - Monday 29 August JORDANSTOWN LOUGHSHORE PARK The fun kicks off on Friday afternoon with specially discounted amusement rides from 2pm to 9pm. The family fun continues each day of the festival with activities including bouncy castles, face painting and a petting zoo from 1pm until 6pm. Fabulous musical entertainment is again the main attraction of the festival with two concerts planned. Saturday night features Sounds of Adele with Suzanne Pavis, Northern Ireland’s number one 8
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
Adele tribute act. Sunday night is for the rock ‘n’roll lovers, Con Jovi who will make sure everyone is “Livin’ on a Prayer” when they kick off at 8pm. For more information visit www.
Making planning more accessible Would you like to know more about planning applications in your area? The Northern Ireland Planning Portal has information and copies of plans as well as updates on progress, visit Public planning kiosks are also available in the reception areas of Mossley Mill and Antrim Civic Centre for anyone to use. Whilst many people have access to phones and iPads, these kiosks provide a larger screen which allows plans and drawings to be viewed more easily. The kiosks are a new initiative which are part of Council’s commitment to continuously improve how we deliver our services and respond to our customers’ needs.
Available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, they are free to use and no appointment is necessary. For more information contact Planning T. 0300 123 6677
Planning your place wnabbey Antrim and Newto Plan nt Local Developme 2030
Towards Preferred
Where should new businesses grow?
To help us plan for your future, the Planning team have been out and about meeting people in the Borough, listening to your views on key planning issues.
What areas should we protect and cherish…
As well as talking face to face, an online questionnaire has also helped capture your feedback and thoughts.
Natural areas?
All of this information will help to inform our new Local Development Plan and Preferred Options Paper. The Preferred Options Paper will cover issues that will impact on where and how you live such as housing, employment, retailing, town centres, villages and countryside. This work is ongoing but as this will have a direct impact on the place you live, it is important that you keep in touch with us. You can register to be kept informed by visiting uk/planning or T. 0300 123 6677
Built heritage? Open spaces?
How should we travel?
Borough Life | August 2016
Council celebrates award winning green spaces Belmont Cemetery in Antrim has recently been awarded a Green Flag, joining the other ten parks and green spaces which this year retained the prestigious award.
award for Green Flag Volunteer of the Year.
Antrim Castle Gardens and Clotworthy House and Sentry Hill Historic House and Visitor Centre, previously awarded Green Flags, also received the Green Heritage Award, a new category for 2016 awarded to sites which conserve, enhance and help people to enjoy the heritage value of the site.
There was yet more success for the Borough of Antrim and Newtownabbey at the Green Flags Awards Ceremony, when Ballyeaston Church Ruin received a Green Flag Community Award for the site, which is managed and maintained by Ballyeaston Village Committee.
In addition to these outstanding successes, Council’s Cemeteries Supervisor, Kenny McFall was announced as the Green Flag Employee of the Year and Paul Edge of Ballyeaston Village Committee, received the
The Green Flag Award is recognised throughout the world and sets an international benchmark standard for the management of parks and green spaces. A Green Flag flying overhead is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent facilities. For more information visit
Last year YOU recycled 49% of your waste THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SAVES THOUSANDS OF POUNDS ON LANDFILL COSTS. To increase this further don’t forget the following items can be put in your brown bin...
Food waste Cold ashes
Small twigs and branches
Tea bags and coffee grounds
Takeaway pizza boxes
Hedge clippings and grass
Shredded paper
items that can be recycled visit
1 Don’t be a baddy, put it in your caddy! Kidzconnect with recycling 2 Be a cool dude, recycle your food! India Lewis (St Marys on the Hill)
Jay (Tir na Nog)
Earlier in the year, over 200 primary school children from across the Borough took part in our Kidzconnect event, a one day workshop that gave a voice to the young people in our Borough. The workshop sessions included: how to stay safe online, planning an ideal summer scheme, designing our neighbourhood and ‘If I was Mayor…’ One of the most popular sessions was designing a slogan for recycling; here are the Kidzconnect top six! We thought the winner’s slogan was so good we have used it in our campaign on page 10.
3 4
Save our environment and recycle! Ashleigh Leitch (Ashgrove)
Recycle today, do it right away. To make the world a better place, recycle your waste! Una Collins (St James)
If we all did a little, we’d make the world less brittle! Cara Bonnes (Mount St Michaels)
Don’t waste food. Recycle, save money! Harry (Ashgrove)
Calling all recycling enthusiasts! Do you and your family have what it takes to be the face of our next recycling campaign?
Name Names and ages of other family members
Do you know your brown bin recyclables from your black bin waste? Have you some top tips on recycling items in your household? Would you like to win a £50 voucher to use at one of our leisure centres or theatres?
We are looking for a family to feature in one of the upcoming issues of Borough Life to share their tips on how they promote a greener household. To be in with a chance of winning fill in the form and return it with a recent family photograph to Communications, Antrim Civic Centre, 50 Stiles Way, Antrim, BT41 2UB or enter online at www.antrim
Telephone Email Entries close on Friday 30 September. Visit the website for terms and conditions.
Love Food • Hate Waste Scrumptious smoothies Now that summer is nearly over, it’s time to get back to your healthy lifestyle, and what better way to do it than using up your leftover fruit to make a smoothie! It’s a great way of getting those important healthy vitamins, as well as reducing the amount of food that is wasted. Here are a few smoothie ideas to get you started… WHY NOT TWEET US YOUR PHOTOS @ANBorough
Berry Good Smoothie Ingredients
2 apples 1 handful of blueberries 1 handful of raspberries 200g of natural yogurt 1 handful of ice cubes
put Juice the apples and then of the the juice and the remainder ingredients into the blender. Blend and enjoy!
Peachy Dream Smoo
2 inch slice of pineap ple 1/4 mango 1/4 peeled banana 1 peach 1/2 mug of coconut m ilk
Juice the pineapple and the juice and the rem then put ainder of the ingredients into the blender. Blend and enjoy!
Don’t forget fruit peelings or pips can go into your brown bin to be recycled and your punnets can also be put into your recycling bin or box! For more recipes and ideas for reducing food waste visit 12
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
vey Have your say sur
Prize draw
All responses received will be entered into a FREE PRIZE DRAW to win a £50 voucher to use at one of our leisure centres or theatres.*
Recycling centre service
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is continually trying to improve its facilities and services for ratepayers and as part of that process we are always interested in the views and opinions of our residents. Please take a few moments to fill in the survey below on the service and opening times at the Council’s recycling centres and tell us what you think. Please return it to: Freepost RTLJ-KAZB-ERRS, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Customer Services, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey, BT36 5QA. Closing date to receive completed entries is Monday 26 September 2016.
Recycling centres 1
Please tick the recycling centre that you visit most often.
n Bruslee, Newtownabbey n Crumlin
n Craigmore, Randalstown n Newpark, Antrim
n O’Neill Road, Newtownabbey For centre locations visit For the following questions, please answer in relation to the centre you selected above. 2
How frequently do you visit the recycling centre? Please tick one box only.
n More than once a week n Once a month n Less often 3
n Once a week n Once every 3 months
n Once a fortnight n Once every 6 months
Please rank on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very satisfied, 3 neither satisfied or dissatisfied, and 1 very dissatisfied, the centre on the following issues: 5
Don’t know
Accessibility to centre Size of recycling centre Ease of site layout Visibility of centre signage Amount of signage Centre cleanliness Staff assistance Range of recycling containers Range of reuse or donation areas Overall view of centre Borough Life | August 2016
If you have any recommendations for improvements at the centre, please let us know:
Opening hours The Council is keen to encourage recycling and having accessible recycling centres, as well as the regular kerb-side collections, is key to achieving this. Please answer the following questions to help us to assess the opening hours that will best meet your needs. 5
At present the Council operates summer and winter opening hours, with extended opening in the summer to allow for the longer hours of daylight. Would you be happy for the Council to continue with this practice?
n Yes n Don’t have a strong opinion either way 6
n No
From April to October, please tick the table below, the latest time you would like to have access to a recycling centre: 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm Don’t know Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
If you have any comments on the summer opening hours for the centres, please let us know:
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
From November to March, please tick the table below, the latest time you would like to have access to a recycling centre: 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm Don’t know Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
If you have any comments on the winter opening hours for the centres, please let us know:
Sunday opening hours 10
Would you like to have access to a recycling centre on a Sunday? (Currently Bruslee Recycling Centre is open from 9am to 5pm every Sunday.)
n Yes n Don’t have a strong opinion either way 11
If your closest recycling centre was not open on a Sunday, would you be content to drive to another recycling centre?
n Yes n Don’t mind 12
n No
n No
If so, how far would you deem it acceptable to drive? Please tick one box only.
n 0 - 4 miles n 10 - 15 miles
n 5 - 9 miles
Borough Life | August 2016
If you have any further comments on the recycling centres, please let us know:
Thank you for your time in completing this survey
Prize draw
h When you have completed the survey and your details below, post to Freepost RTLJ-KAZB-ERRS, sav is isAntrim ed an A and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Customer Services, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey, BT36 To 5QA. w d
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Community funding available for rural areas Does your village or rural area require funding to help maintain or improve services and amenities? GROW South Antrim has almost ÂŁ800,000 to award under its community schemes for Basic Services and Village Renewal. An application call will open in autumn 2016 were projects can receive up to 75% grant aid funding for eligible projects based in the rural areas of Antrim and Newtownabbey. Rural Basic Services aim to improve the living conditions and welfare of those living in rural areas. By providing access to better basic services and through improvements to social infrastructure, the quality of life for rural dwellers should be enhanced. The maximum grant available per project in this category is ÂŁ75,000.
Villagers from Doagh and Toome enjoying the community garden in Toome which was funded by GROW under the previous rural development programme.
Village Renewal offers support to villages and surrounding rural areas to develop and implement integrated action plans, promote community development and regenerate the area through village renewal schemes and village enhancement. This aims to enrich the community infrastructure with the maximum grant available of ÂŁ50,000 per project. Holestone Hall between Doagh and Parkgate was refurbished to benefit Holestone Young Farmers Club and the local community thanks to GROW funding in 2011.
To find out more about these schemes, contact GROW T. 028 9448 1311 E.
Did you know? In April last year, each of the new super councils in Northern Ireland took control of off street car parking. Within the Borough, the Council is now responsible for five paying and six free car parks, offering almost 1,500 spaces. Over the next five years planned improvements to these car parks include resurfacing, improving disabled provision and renewing car park space lining. Traffic attendants, employed by Transport NI are continuing to operate in our paying and free car parks to ensure that motorists comply with parking rules and respect the use of disabled bays. For enquiries relating to parking tickets or Penalty Charge Notices, contact the Parking Enforcement Processing Unit, PO Box 134, Coleraine, BT52 9AF.
Call in, log on When you are visiting one of our many facilities, why not take advantage of our FREE Wi-Fi? To access our Wi-Fi facilities, turn on Wi-Fi on your device and select ANBC Guest Network.
Borough Life | August 2016
Do you need support to kick-start your business? This could be your chance to win up to £2,500 to kick-start your business idea! To celebrate 25 years in business, Antrim Enterprise is hosting ‘The Business Idea Competition’ giving entrepreneurs across the Borough the chance to showcase their ideas to win one of four prizes. To enter the competition, participants must submit a business plan. They will receive help from experienced business advisors in putting together this plan and those shortlisted will have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to a small panel in October.
Antrim Enterprise Agency Manager, Jennifer McWilliams explains: “We recognise in the current climate there are very few grant opportunities to help entrepreneurs on their way. With the right idea and a little support, starting a business in the Borough is possible and stimulating entrepreneurship is one of our key targets.” With a prize pot of £2,500 and some great ideas just waiting to get going, the lucky winners will also receive one year’s mentoring support for their new business. The competition runs until 30 September 2016 with prize money provided by Antrim Enterprise Agency and Danske Bank. For full terms and conditions, contact Jennifer McWilliams T. 028 9446 7774 E.
Lights, camera, business Local man and budding entrepreneur Philip Young, turned being made redundant to his advantage, by signing up for Invest Northern Ireland’s Regional Start Initiative. “My ambition was always to be self-employed and through Invest NI’s Regional Start Initiative, I got the opportunity to explore the idea further. I focused on my passion for acting and now have created an independent actors agency. The current climate and the lack of jobs available fundamentally encouraged me to look at going into business. The positive statistics and information discovered 18
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
through the market research that I carried out with my business advisor gave me the confidence to start up on my own. The research demonstrated the overall success of Northern Ireland as a prime location for films, advertisements and TV series.” Philip credits the Regional Start Initiative with aiding him in his entrepreneurial dream; “Invest NI’s Regional Start Initiative was a huge support and gave me the confidence to explore my business idea. It allowed me to tackle my fear of developing a business plan, managing accounts and all the legalities involved in starting up a business.” Already Philip is reaping the rewards of his participation in the initiative as he has managed to find actors for some very large budget productions being filmed here in Northern Ireland. Invest Northern Ireland’s Regional Start Initiative is delivered by Enterprise Northern Ireland and its network of regional delivery partners. For details visit
Got a great business idea but not sure how to develop it?
The Council prides itself on the vibrant local business sector and is launching three separate programmes to support businesses based in the Borough this autumn.
Bricks and Clicks Bricks and Clicks will look to recruit ten would-be retail business start-ups and offer free training workshops, a minimum of three days specialist mentoring and consulting support. Other benefits will include best practice visits, local test trading opportunities, a tailored operational start-up plan and a ÂŁ500 bursary towards start-up costs. To be eligible, participants must be residents and be committed to starting a retail business in the Borough. The idea could be an online (Clicks) business or a more traditional bricks and mortar (Bricks) retail business. The ten most viable candidates will be selected from applications.
STAR 3 Based on the success of previous versions of the programme, STAR 3 will provide a customised and specialist support for
Participants of the STAR 2 programme.
the needs of individual retailers from the hospitality, tourism and professional services sector based in the Borough. The programme will provide a minimum of three days one-to-one mentoring together with an interactive workshop and training programme to 20 existing local businesses. This will help identify and address key areas of development in each business, help promote business competitiveness, best practice in sales and marketing, financial control as well as management processes and techniques.
Build your own website Could your business benefit from a new website? Due to strong demand through the Council’s LEAN Business Network, this new programme will be geared to help ten local businesses create, update and amend their own commercial website. Priority will be given to businesses who do not already have a commercial website in place.
It is anticipated that all these programmes will run from September 2016 to March 2017. If you think that one of these programmes may help your business, you can register your interest by contacting Alastair Law T. 028 9034 0000 E. Places will be confirmed by programme managers once dates have been agreed.
Borough Life | August 2016
Council support for residents invaluable Council’s Economic Development section provides funding and support for a range of programmes to help improve employment prospects for our residents. Some examples of the programmes on offer include…
Princes Trust The Princes Trust offers development grants of up to £500 to enable unemployed young people, aged 16-25, access employment, training or education. Funding can be offered for a range of support including, training course fees, interview clothes, travel costs, temporary childcare costs and tools or equipment for a job or qualification. To apply for an award T. 0800 842 842 or visit
NOW Group The NOW Group supports young people (aged 1624) and adults (up to 65), with learning difficulties to access training, volunteering and employment opportunities. The programme uses a mix of mentoring, workshops and tailored advice services to support its clients. To apply T. 028 9043 6400 or visit
Network Personnel Jobmatch is a programme run by Network Personnel providing guidance, skills and employability support to those who are seeking to return to the workplace. The service is flexible, informal and provides a support system that is individually tailored to each client’s needs. To see if this programme can help you, T. 028 7963 1032 or visit
Exploring Enterprise This free programme aims to help those in the Borough take their first steps to gaining employment or exploring a new business idea. Participants will achieve an accredited qualification and receive mentoring to improve skills for business or employment. For more details on qualifying criteria T. 028 9446 7774 E. 20
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
Armstrong Solicitors celebrating milestones Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor John Scott, recently visited Armstrong Solicitors to celebrate the expansion and first anniversary in their new Glengormley based offices in the old Northern Bank. Founder and Managing Director, Philip Armstrong explains: “Over the past few years we have been innovating the way we deliver legal services for our clients. We are hugely excited to be launching our latest website with a fully functioning fee estimator giving the user the most accurate quotation possible, including the latest changes to the stamp duty regime for investors. Over the next couple of months, we are launching phase two of the system, which will change the way that people move house in Northern Ireland”. Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor John Scott commented, “This is fantastic news for our Borough and in particular Glengormley. Armstrong Solicitors have gone from strength to strength, quadrupling in size in the last seven years and employing over 16 people which is great news for employment in our Borough. I wish them all the best for the future and hope their success story continues.”
For information on Mayoral business visits contact Economic Development T. 028 9034 0018 E.
Home safety for under 5s and over 65s Home accidents cause around 17,000 admissions to hospital each year and typically two deaths each week in Northern Ireland. This is a staggering figure given that many of these accidents and injuries are preventable. The vast majority of injuries and deaths in the home are caused by falls however serious injury and death can also be the result of carbon monoxide poisoning, blind cord strangulation and inhalation of smoke caused by fire, particularly in most vulnerable age groups. Children under 5 and people over 65 are more likely to have a home accident and are most likely to suffer long term effects.
How can we help if you are over 65? The Council provides free confidential home safety checks for anyone over 65 or for a vulnerable household.
The check identifies potential risks in the home and provides information, advice and support. The Home Safety Officer may also be able to assist with some equipment such as spark guards, carbon monoxide alarms or anti-slip mats (subject to home safety check and availability).
How can we help if you have a child under 5? A home safety check is offered to all first time parents during the Health Visitor 6-9 month assessment. Equipment can then be provided by the Home Safety Officer subject to eligibility and availability. This is safety equipment such as stair gates, fire guards, cupboard locks and blind cord cleats. To request a free home safety check or for advice T. 028 9034 0160 E. envhealth@ (please quote home safety in the subject title of your email).
Performance Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council recently published its Corporate Improvement Plan for 2016/17. The Council has a statutory duty to secure continuous improvement and this Plan sets out the Council’s strategic improvement objectives and how we will deliver those in the year ahead. To download a copy visit www.antrimandnew For more information or if you have ideas on how the Council can improve contact Helen Hall T. 028 9034 0083 E. helen.
i Borough Life | August 2016
Arts & Culture DISCOVER WHAT’S NEW AT ANTRIM CASTLE GARDENS Discover the beauty of Antrim Castle Gardens this autumn with a stroll through this unique living museum which will be transformed as summer scents drift into autumnal colours. This award winning attraction has two brand new features to entertain, educate and really enhance the visitor experience.
Pump Chamber restoration Works to restore the Pump House at Antrim Castle Gardens are now complete having commenced in October 2015. This Chamber lies next to the Motte in the gardens and consists of access stairwell and entrance as well as an adjacent tunnel network providing access into the Pleasure Gardens. Completion of the £200,000 restoration project has included the erection of a 1.2m high natural stone wall around the pumping house with a glass roof to allow viewing into the basement and pump. Guided tours will be available in the near future and this unique attraction is another reason to discover the rich heritage of Antrim Castle Gardens.
EXPERIENCE CULTURAL LIFE As summer fades and the children get ready to start another school year, it’s the perfect time to check out the Borough’s Cultural Life offer and brighten up those darkening days.
The Northern Ireland Screen Digital Film Archive The Northern Ireland Screen Digital Film Archive is an online catalogue containing 70 hours of moving images of Northern Ireland from 1897 until 2000 and is now available at Clotworthy House in Antrim Castle Gardens. The archive covers drama, documentaries, news, newsreels and amateur actuality film. This is a fantastic resource for teachers, students and historians and is only available at limited sites in Northern Ireland, including W5 at the Odyssey, Belfast City Hall, the Nerve Centre Londonderry and the Ulster Museum. Antrim Castle Gardens has now joined this prestigious group and the Digital Film Archive is free to use during opening hours offering a great bonus for visitors to the Gardens.
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
Our Autumn programme runs from September to Christmas and is bursting with theatre, craft, classes, exhibitions and heritage attractions to entertain, educate, engage and inspire. Some highlights include children’s theatre, events to commemorate the centenary of The Battle of the Somme and thought provoking exhibitions. Cultural Life is available in digital format at www. To receive our digital magazine or monthly e-zine contact the Box Office T. 028 9034 0202.
SOMME COMMEMORATIVE CONCERT: MEMORIES FROM THE LITTLE TIN BOX THEATRE AT THE MILL Thursday 20 October, 7.45pm Our Somme programme of commemorative events continues until Friday 18 November. Tickets available from the Box Office T. 028 9034 0202. To view the full programme and details of this concert visit www.
Brand new!
Tues 6 December – Sat 31 December
CLASSES TO BE HELD AT THE EYRE STUDIO, ANTRIM CASTLE GARDENS Enrol now for Semester 1: 10 September -19 November (10 weeks every Saturday) This new Youth Drama School, tutored by the very experienced and talented Patsy Hughes, is on the look-out for future stars of stage and screen. Join us for a semester of fun and educational workshops which closes with a short performance for family and friends.
PLACES LIMITED Ages 7-11 9.30-11.30am Ages 12-18 11.45am–1.45pm Cost: £90 (per semester)
Everyone hates the sound of ‘last orders’ but for Diamond sisters Holly and Ivy it also threatens a pending yuletide eviction from their precious home and pub, ‘The Rough Diamond’. Will there be any room at the inn this year? Can they rely on the support of the ‘rubbered’ regulars who prop up this local dive? Will they place all their Christmas cash and cheer on local boxer and odds on favourite Short Leg Stewarty? Or will Holly, Ivy and the rubbered regulars all have to find another Christmas grotto to get blott’oed in?
Join us this Christmas for a healthy seasonal offering of good old Northern Irish craic with this specially written seasonal side splitter. Returning after last year’s smash hit, My Big Fat Belfast Christmas, writers and actors Caroline Curran (aka Maggie Muff) and Julie Maxwell had over 12,000 giggling in the galleries and sniggering in the stalls.
For more information contact Clotworthy House T. 028 9448 1338 E. clotworthy.
CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR COURTYARD THEATRE Saturday 12 November 10am-4pm Those looking for that special and unique Christmas gift should look no further than our festive craft fair. Recommended Age: 16yrs+ Dinner & Show Packages available from £32.95
Tickets available from Box Office T. 028 9034 0202 or
Featuring over 40 stalls of homemade food, bespoke textiles and giftware, handmade jewellery and children’s toys, there is sure to be something to tempt everyone. For more information contact the Box Office T. 028 9034 0202.
Borough Life | August 2016
Antrim Threemilewater
Your Councillors
Macedon Glengormley Urban
Airport District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Aldergrove, Clady, Crumlin, Mallusk and Templepatrick and consists of 5 members.
THOMAS BURNS SDLP T. 07803 535094 E. thomas.burns@ antrimandnewtown
ANNEMARIE LOGUE SINN FEIN T. 07533 353610 E. annemarie.logue@ antrimandnewtown
MATTHEW MAGILL DUP T. 07825 374019 E. matthew.magill@ antrimandnewtown
PAUL MICHAEL UUP T. 07587 657120 E. paul.michael@ antrimandnewtown
MERVYN REA mbe UUP T. 07860 590614 E. mervyn.rea@ antrimandnewtown
Antrim District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Antrim Centre, Fountain Hill, Greystone, Springfarm, Steeple and Stiles and consists of 6 members.
NIGEL KELLS DUP T. 07825 418774 E. nigel.kells@ antrimandnewtown
NEIL KELLY ALLIANCE T. 07545 992615 E. neil.kelly@ antrimandnewtown
ROISIN LYNCH SDLP T. 07827 276840 E. roisin.lynch@ antrimandnewtown
JIM MONTGOMERY UUP T. 07471 147666 E. jim.montgomery@ antrimandnewtown
DREW RITCHIE UUP T. 07713 864953 E. drew.ritchie@ antrimandnewtown
JOHN SMYTH DUP T. 07436 582180 E. john.smyth@ antrimandnewtown
Ballyclare District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyclare East, Ballyclare West, Ballynure, Ballyrobert and Doagh and consists of 5 members.
DAVID ARTHURS UUP T. 07925 740395 E. david.arthurs@ antrimandnewtown
JIM BINGHAM UUP T. 07789 208142 E. jim.bingham@ antrimandnewtown
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
MANDY GIRVAN DUP T. 07912 028945 E. mandy.girvan@ antrimandnewtown
TIM GIRVAN DUP T. 07895 208006 E. tim.girvan@ antrimandnewtown
Key abbreviations DUP Democratic Unionist Party SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party
VERA MCWILLIAM UUP T. 07792 477050 E. vera.mcwilliam@ antrimandnewtown
UUP Ulster Unionist Party TUV Traditional Unionist Voice
Dunsilly District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Cranfield, Parkgate, Randalstown, Shilvodan and Toome and consists of 5 members.
TREVOR BEATTY DUP T. 07825 409722 E. trevor.beatty@ antrimandnewtown
LINDA CLARKE DUP T. 07803 132601 E. linda.clarke@ antrimandnewtown
HENRY CUSHINAN SINN FEIN T. 07871 229810 E. henry.cushinan@ antrimandnewtown
BRIAN DUFFIN SDLP T. 07702 710517 E. brian.duffin@ antrimandnewtown
RODERICK SWANN UUP T. 07423 457376 E. roderick.swann@ antrimandnewtown
Glengormley Urban Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyhenry, Burnthill, Carnmoney, Collinbridge, Glebe, Glengormley and Hightown and consists of 7 members. DEPUTY MAYOR
AUDREY BALL DUP T. 07749 083538 E. audrey.ball@ antrimandnewtown
JOHN BLAIR ALLIANCE T. 07788 871189 E. john.blair@ antrim andnewtown
PHILLIP BRETT DUP T. 07971 538685 E. phillip.brett@ antrimandnewtown
MARK COSGROVE UUP T. 07740 063726 E. mark.cosgrove@ antrimandnewtown
MICHAEL GOODMAN SINN FEIN T. 07827 818500 E. michael.goodman @antrimandnew
MICHAEL MAGUIRE UUP T. 07827 936498 E. michael.maguire @antrimandnew
NOREEN MCCLELLAND SDLP T. 07789 208157 E noreen.mcclelland @antrimandnew
Macedon District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Abbey, Carnmoney Hill, O’Neill, Rathcoole, Valley and Whitehouse and consists of 6 members. MAYOR
BILLY DECOURCY DUP T. 07789 208144 E. william.decourcy@ antrimandnewtown
PAUL HAMILL DUP T. 07803 186008 E. paul.hamill@ antrimandnewtown
THOMAS HOGG mbe DUP T. 07792 891572 E. thomas.hogg@ antrimandnewtown
DAVID HOLLIS TUV T. 07475 033363 E. david.hollis@ antrimandnewtown
JOHN SCOTT UUP T. 07803 598637 E. john.scott@ antrimandnewtown
W.J. WEBB mbe jp ALLIANCE T. 07799 866876 E billy.webb@ antrimandnewtown
BEN KELSO UUP TT. 07515 854858 E. ben.kelso@ antrimandnewtown
STEPHEN ROSS DUP T. 07713 946038 E stephen.ross@ antrimandnewtown
Threemilewater District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyduff, Fairview, Jordanstown, Monkstown, Mossley and Rostulla and consists of 6 members.
FRASER AGNEW mbe UUP T. 07711 135267 E. fraser.agnew@ antrimandnewtown
WILLIAM BALL DUP T. 07917 543674 E. william.ball@ antrimandnewtown
PAMELA BARR DUP T. 07974 826165 E. pamela.barr@ antrimandnewtown
TOM CAMPBELL ALLIANCE T. 07595 978690 E. tom.campbell@ antrimandnewtown
Mayor supports NI charities Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor John Scott, has chosen three charities to support during his year in office. The KEVIN BELL
aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the bodies of loved ones who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances.
LIGHTHOUSE is committed to the prevention of suicide, the promotion of positive mental health and the provision of support services to families who have been bereaved by suicide. The charity provides a ‘beacon of hope’ to individuals, families and communities. It provides preventative and support services and aims to save lives, offer advice and support those affected by suicide and self-harm.
HELP FOR HEROES offers direct, practical support to those who have suffered life-changing injuries and illnesses whilst serving our country. The charity provides comprehensive tailored support, from psychological wellbeing and sports recovery, to financial grants and career support. A variety of fundraising activities and events will be organised throughout the year, to help raise money and awareness for these worthwhile causes. For more information visit www.antrimand 26
Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine
Delivering Council business Earlier in the year at the Annual General Meeting, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor were elected, as well as the Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons for each of the committees.
MAYOR Councillor John Scott
DEPUTY MAYOR Councillor Noreen McClelland
Audit Committee CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Rea VICE CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Girvan
Operations Committee CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Montgomery VICE CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Magill
Policy & Governance Committee CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Duffin VICE CHAIRPERSON: Alderman DeCourcy
Community Planning Committee CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Brett VICE CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Logue
Planning Committee CHAIRPERSON: Alderman Agnew VICE CHAIRPERSON: Councillor Webb For more information and contact details for each of the Councillors see pages 24-25 or visit www.antrim
Holiday arrangements for Monday 29 August
Useful numbers
3 Open 7 Closed
Animal Welfare
028 2563 3134
Bryson Energy
0800 142 2865
Bus and Rail queries (Translink)
028 9066 6630
Education Authority
028 2565 3333
Electricity Faults & Emergencies (24 hours)
03457 643 643
Gas Emergency Response (24 hours)
0800 002 001
Hospitals Antrim Area Hospital Whiteabbey Hospital
028 94424000 028 9086 5181
Antrim Newtownabbey
Services which the Council is NOT responsible for:
028 9446 3113 028 9034 0000
7 7
028 9442 9001 028 9446 4131 028 9084 8287 028 9445 2733 028 9334 1818 028 9086 1211
3 3 3 3 3 3
Courtyard Theatre 028 9034 0202 Old Courthouse Theatre 028 9442 8331 Theatre at The Mill 028 9034 0202 or visit or
3 3 7
LEISURE CENTRES Allen Park Antrim Forum Ballyearl Crumlin Sixmile Valley
FACILITIES Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House Ballyclare Town Hall Flax Gallery & Museum at The Mill Pogues Entry Sentry Hill Whitehouse
03448 920 900 03448 920 901 03448 920 902
Land Registry
0300 200 7803
Mapping (Land & Property Services)
0300 200 7804
Northern Health & Social Care Trust
028 9442 4000
Pest Control (Consult Phone Directory)
028 9448 1338
028 9034 0137
028 9034 0129
028 9448 1338 028 9083 2363 028 9034 0129
7 3 7
COMMUNITY CENTRES Contact details for community centres are available at
To report an incident in a park T. 028 9034 0275
See the local press for details or check your bin collection day at Please remember to leave your bin out for 7am on collection day at normal collection point. Antrim area 028 9446 3113 Newtownabbey area 028 9034 0056
Open Mon-Sat 9am-8pm. Craigmore (Randalstown) Crumlin Newpark (Antrim)
Housing Executive Main Number (including grass cutting & graffiti) Repairs Line Housing Benefit
Rates (Property Rating & Valuation) TransportNI (previously Roads Service) Antrim office Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti Cut roadside trees and grass verges Fallen trees Flooding roadway, footpath and blocked road gullies (24 hours) Road repairs Street lighting Traffic Hotline Winter salting (24 hours)
3 3 3
Open Mon-Thur 9am-8.30pm, Fri-Sun 9am-5pm. Bruslee 028 9034 0056
Open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. O’Neill Road
028 9034 0056
028 9442 6500 028 9046 3250 028 9054 0540 0300 200 7891 028 9025 3000 0300 200 7893 0300 200 7899 0845 712 3321 0300 200 7893
Social Security Agency Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices: Benefits Freephone Employment Service
0800 022 4250 0300 200 7822
Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT fault)
0800 023 2023
Voting (Electoral Office)
0800 432 0712
Water Waterline
03457 440088
0300 200 0100 Flooding Incident Line (24 hours) Report your property is flooded or flooding Flooding - Council owned property
028 9447 3813 028 9442 3640 028 9442 8107
0300 200 7801
028 9446 3113
Burst watermains and blocked sewers 0345 744 0088 (Northern Ireland Water) (24 hours) Overflowing rivers and watercourses (Rivers Agency) Water pollution in watercourse (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)
028 9260 6100 0800 807 060
Recycle Week 12-18 September
Green butler service at recycling centres Our top tips for recycling Compost giveaways and much more… See website for more details
In 2
our 015-1 6 B c r e a o r o ug 85 te d h
o f w t on nes ast e
3 5, 1 t on
of t
hi s w la nd a s fi lle d
It costs 50% less to compost our food and garden waste in comparison to sending it to landfill, saving money on household rate bills. A saving of £230,000* a year could be made if we put food waste in our brown bin instead of our black bin. This money is equivalent to two play parks and three outdoor gyms!
*Figures based on a 2013 WRAP study comparison.