Anbc corporate improvement plan 2016:17

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Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Mission Statement To meet and exceed the needs and aspirations of our people and be recognised for leadership and excellence both locally and beyond.

Table of Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Performance Management Framework 5 Identification of Corporate Improvement Objectives 7 Summary of Key Achievements 2015-16 9






PLACE Summary of Key Achievements 2015-/16


Improvement Objective 1 • We will provide a welcoming, attractive and safe environment by improving the level of cleanliness of the roads and streets across our Borough.


Improvement Objective 2 • We will minimise waste through the adherence of Government and European Union targets.


PEOPLE Achievements 2015-/16


Improvement Objective 3 • We will achieve excellence in customer service through maximising technology and our standards of customer service.


Improvement Objective 4 • We will support a more active, healthy and empowered community through effective partnership working and an investment programme in our leisure, sport, Play Park and recreation facilities.


PROSPERITY Achievements 2015-/16


Improvement Objective 5 • We will maximise tourism opportunities and have a strong arts and cultural economy, through working in partnership to deliver showcase events and enhancing the visitor experience.


Improvement Objective 6 • We will improve the physical environment of our Borough and work with partners to deliver town and village regeneration.


Improvement Objective 7 • We will seek to encourage and support those who wish to start their own business and we will strengthen and grow the business base of the Borough.


PERFORMANCE Achievements 2015-/16


Improvement Objective 8 • We will be at the forefront of good governance and make the best use of our resources through innovative practices and strong financial arrangements.




Appendix A 39


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Foreword from the Chief Executive We are pleased to introduce our Improvement Objectives for 2016-17, which details the improvements we intend to make for our citizens over the year. Part 12 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 puts in place a new framework to support the continuous improvement of Council services, in the context of strategic objectives that are important to those who receive those services. The Council is committed to continuous improvement. It recognises that improvement JACQUI DIXON bsc mba Chief Executive

means more than just quantifiable gains in service output or efficiency, or the internal effectiveness of the Council. It means activity that enhances the sustainable quality of life and environment for ratepayers and communities. Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council have an ambitious Corporate Plan which sets out the vision for the Borough and identifies what we need to do between now and 2030 to achieve this. The purpose of this Improvement Plan is to evidence that the Council is delivering its duty under the Local Government Act and focuses on eight Improvement Objectives – areas of work where we aim to make significant difference to services and outcomes and to ensure ‘A Prosperous Place, Inspired by our People; Driven by Ambition.’ The Improvement Plan builds on the Council’s Corporate Plan and is not designed to describe all of the Council’s day to day work. It is supported by a portfolio of strategies and actions, which will be reviewed continually to track our progress and respond to emerging opportunities and challenges


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Introduction and Context The Council’s Corporate Improvement Plan 2016 -17 sets out what we

Figure 1

Strategic Planning Process

will do in the year ahead to deliver on our statutory duty, as listed in Part 12 of the Local Government Act 2014. These ‘duties’ relate to sections 84(1), 85(2) and 89(5), which are the Council’s arrangements to secure continuous improvement, arrangements to secure achievement of its

Community Plan (Expected

completion 31 March 2017)


improvement objectives and arrangements to exercise its functions so that any Departmental specified standards are met.


Specifically, the Corporate Improvement Plan provides a rationale for why we have chosen these improvement objectives and details the outcomes expected. It outlines how we consulted on these improvement objectives and how this feedback will be incorporated. The Corporate Improvement Plan will demonstrate how we plan to monitor the delivery

Annual Corporate Improvement Plan (This Plan)


of the improvement objectives and information on how stakeholders may propose new objectives during the year. Each objective has been framed so as to bring about improvement in at least one of the specified aspects of improvement as defined in Section 76 of the Act (Strategic Effectiveness; Service Quality; Service Availability; Fairness; Sustainability; Efficiency and Innovation).

4 Annual Personal Review & Development Plans (Individual

Corporate Plan (2015-2030)

Directorate Business Plans


or Team)

In 2015/16 Councils were subject to limited introduction of the new performance duty, however, the Local Government (2014 Act) (Commencement No 4) Order (NI) 2015 brings into effect the remaining provisions of the duty from 1 April 2016, with the exception of section

Continuous Improvement in the delivery of council services

91(1) on the use of performance information, which will become effective from 1 April 2017. This plan has been developed with the needs of our residents, customers, businesses and visitors in mind. It has been informed by the ongoing work with Elected Members, partners and stakeholders through the community planning process and our existing Corporate Plan 2015-30. The Corporate Improvement Plan sits within a hierarchy of plans which guide our strategic policy direction and drive our service delivery arrangements (Figure 1 opposite)

1 Part 12 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 details the framework to support continuous improvement in the delivery of council services.


Achieving Continuous Improvement Central to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Performance Improvement Framework is the achievement of our Corporate Vision to become a “Prosperous Place, Inspired by our People, and Driven by ambition.” The Council has put in place a Performance Management process which will drive and provide assurance that we are delivering


Strike Draft Busin

April 17 4th Quarter Review (KPIs) Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

on our Vision.

March 17 Customer Survey in Resident Magazine NIAO Publish Annual Report (Composite report on the performance of all NI Councils). Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects Corporate Improvement Project – Update report to Committee/Council

February 17

Performa Managem Cycle

Strike the Rate Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

January 17 Ongoing work on Estimates Process Employee Engagement Plan (revised) 3rd Quarter Review (KPIs) Customer Survey in Resident Magazine Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

December 16 SMT Conference n Estimates Review n Engage & Deliver (Collaborative Leadership) Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects Corporate Improvement Project – Update report to Committee/Council

November 16 Corporate Workshop n Mid-Year Report on Performance n Corporate Financial Review (half year) n Draft Estimates for next year Employee Roadshows Employee Engagement Survey Customer Survey in Resident Magazine NIAO ANBC Audit and Assessment Report Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

October 16 Ongoing work on estimates process Customer Survey in Resident Magazine Mid-Year Personal Review and Development Process 2nd Quarter Review (KPIs) Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

ebruary 16

e the Rate t Corporate Improvement Plan reported to Council Meeting ness Planning & Performance Management Training for Heads of Service

March 16 Customer Survey in Resident Magazine Begin 8 week consultation process on Corporate Improvement Objectives

April 16 Annual Personal Review and Development Plan (Launch and roll-out of training) 2015/16 4th Quarter Business Plan for year reported to appropriate Committee/Council meeting Employee Engagement Plan

May 16

ance ment e

Corporate Improvement Plan reported to Council meeting Compile benchmarking data for regional comparison Customer Survey in Resident Magazine Employee Roadshows Launch ‘Flagship’ Leadership Development Programme ‘I Lead 2030’

June 16 Annual Personal Review and Development Plan Completed Annual Overall Council Performance Report reported to appropriate Committee/Council meeting. Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects Corporate Improvement Project – Update report to Committee/Council

July 16 1st Quarter Review (KPIs) Draft individual learning and development needs for 2017/18 NIAO Assessment (Assess framework in place to deliver corporate objectives) Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

August16 Financial Review – start work on the estimates process Customer Survey in Resident Magazine Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects

September 16 Ongoing work on estimates process Benchmarking data available for comparison/improvement purposes Report to NIAO and Council/Committee on Council performance in relation to Statutory Indicators. Progress Report to CLT re: Improvement Projects Corporate Improvement Project – Update report to Committee/Council

Figure 2

Performance Management Framework

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Identifying Improvement Objectives Improvement Objectives have

Our Vision

been identified through a

A prosperous place. Inspired by our people. Driven by ambition.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council




number of sources: Our Corporate Plan (2015-30), is a medium term strategy and clearly sets out 14 key priorities and measures under three themes, Place, People, Prosperity and underpinned by Performance and Community Planning as detailed opposite.

Performance & Community Planning 7

Figure 3

Improvement Objectives

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

These corporate priorities were informed

to invest in capital programmes and

been identified which will deliver

by a process of consultation and

be at the forefront of innovation and

improvements to service delivery and

engagement and are embedded in

improvement, whist minimising the

financial efficiency. These have also

the annual service deliver business

rates burden for our residents.

been considered in relation to the

and improvement plans developed for

setting of improvement objectives for

each service within the Council. These


corporate priorities also informed the

The Council have developed

identification of our annual Corporate

and approved an ambitious ICT


Improvement objectives. See appendix

Digitalisation Strategy for the next

We have reviewed performance

B Corporate Plan.

3 years.

data and have taken cognisance of

this year.

major events which are happening COMMUNITY PLAN.

ICT has a role in transforming services

in Borough and are using these as

The Community Plan will be the

so that they can be delivered in a

opportunities to deliver sustainable

overarching strategy aiming to improve

smarter, more agile way to enhance


the sustainable social, economic and

customer engagement. PROGRAMME FOR GOVERNMENT.

environmental wellbeing of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. A

Through the appropriate use of

Statutory targets have been set

robust engagement and consultation

technology we aim to ensure that

for Planning Services; Economic

exercise has taken place over the last

business processes and customer

Development and Waste Management.

12 months and work is well underway

transactions are delivered in the most

in terms of the identification of evidence

efficient and effective way possible.

based needs and priorities.

These have also been considered when setting these corporate

It is recognised throughout Local

improvement objectives.


Government that service delivery

A ‘Have Your Say Survey’ was published

should be focused on a “Digital


in the December 2015 edition of

by Default” methodology, with the

The Council will continue to consult

Borough Life. The survey was about

promotion of more 24 hour self-serve

with communities and relevant

Waste, Recycling and Street Cleansing.

options for our customers.

stakeholders throughout the year

This was sent out to 69,000 households

with an opportunity to identify new

in the Borough. The results of this

This strategy is central to the Council’s

survey have been analysed and as a

improvement and transformational

result ‘Street Cleanliness’ has been

success and hence has been

identified as an area of improvement.

considered when setting these


objectives. MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN. In setting these improvement objectives


the Council’s three year financial plan


has been considered, ensuring that we

A number of transformational

have the financial stability to be able

change management projects have


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Corporate Improvement Objectives 2016-2017 In identifying corporate improvement objectives for 2016-17, it

Our Corporate Improvement Objectives for 2016-17 cover

was recognised that these should enhance the core business

a broad range of business areas and will contribute to the

being planned and delivered in the 2016-17 year through the

sustainable, social, economic and environmental wellbeing

work set out in the Business and Improvement Plans.

of the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough, delivering improvements for our citizens and ratepayers.

Our Corporate Improvement Objectives should provide a specific focus on delivering key improvements which also meet the seven aspects of improvement as identified by legislation, i.e.

• Strategic Effectiveness • Service Quality • Service Availability • Fairness • Sustainability • Efficiency • Innovation


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Consultation Antrim and Newtownabbey formally consulted on the

in Council’s magazine ‘Borough Life’ and a pop up stand was

corporate improvement objectives. A working draft

provided at both Council civic building receptions.

of the Corporate Improvement Plan was taken to the Council meeting in February 2016 for Elected Members

The consultation closed on the 29th April 2016. The

consideration and comment.

feedback from the consultation was considered by the Corporate Leadership Team and will be incorporated into

On Tuesday 1 March the Council initiated an eight week

the implementation plans derived out of the Corporate

public consultation to derive feedback from Elected

Improvement Plan and/or supporting plans and strategies,

Members; Residents and Stakeholders; Local Businesses;

such as the Community Plan and Departmental Business

Statutory and other community planning partners and other


bodies with which collaborative working is taking place or is being planned.

The feedback from the consultation, and a final draft of the Corporate Improvement Plan 2016-17 was brought to Elected

An online questionnaire enabled the Council to seek

Members for approval in June 2016.

opinion on the range of corporate improvements as set out in the draft Plan. In addition, an article was included



A Borough where Hazelbank Park - Newtownabbey

The Council’s commitment to ‘PLACE’ as identified in the Corporate Plan states that from a civic leadership perspective, the community planning process and the preparation of a Local Development Plan will enable us to plan positively for the future of our Borough. We will ensure that lands are appropriately zoned and that our infrastructure is enhanced to develop the Borough for future generations. We will support sustainable communities by empowering residents to take responsibility for their environment. Specifically the corporate plan has set the following targets for 2030.

• A place where people take pride in their surroundings. • A place where people feel safe. • A place where we protect and enhance, where possible, our natural habitats and built heritage.

• We have vibrant and welcoming towns, villages, neighbourhoods, and rural areas and an efficient planning process that promotes positive development.

• A place where people choose to reuse or recycle their waste. Antrim Train Station


During 2015/16 we delivered the following results. 1.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

We delivered a range of projects to instil pride with our

Britain in Bloom Award


• • • • •

Achieved 10 Green Flags Accreditations. Britain in Bloom Silver Gilt Award for Antrim Town. 3rd place for Ballynure in the Ulster in Bloom Large Village category. 3rd place for Ballyeaston in the Ulster in Bloom Small Village category. Roses in Towns Overall winner for Antrim town in

Ulster in Bloom. 3rd place for Antrim town in the Ulster in Bloom

Winner of the Large Housing Area Award for Merville

Large Town Category. Garden Village in the Best Kept Awards. 2 towns shortlisted in the Welcome Award for Best Kept – Ballyclare and Glengormely Best Kept Large Urban Centre Award for Antrim town in Ireland’s Best

• •

Kept Towns. 30 Volunteer Gardeners working at Antrim Castle Gardens. Installation of public art at V36.

7. Conducted 4639 environmental health service requests throughout the year.

2. Issued 12,835 dog licences and 108 fixed penalty notices for dog straying, dog fouling and having no dog

8. Fulfilled the council’s statutory obligations with regard to Environmental Health legislation and reported the level of


compliance via the appropriate statutory return. 3. Achieved favourably low scores in the NI Environmental Cleanliness Index annual report for the Borough; to include, 12% for cleanliness pollution, 3% for graffiti

9. Approved an environmental policy and implementation of an Environmental Management System.

pollution, 0% for fly posting pollution and 18% for litter pollution. (KNIB NI Pollution Report 2015-2016).

10. Council achievement of the environmental management standard ISO14001.

4. Delivered an extensive education programme to support the reduction of environmental vandalism and issued 187 penalties for litter. 5. Implemented a Park Ranger scheme in Antrim Castle Gardens. 6. Conducted 2839 environmental health inspections

11. 1147 people participated in biodiversity events across the Borough. 12. Achieved 94% Energy Performance Certificate compliance. 13. Achieved 100% Display Energy Certificate compliance.

throughout the year. 14. Achieved 96% Commercial Energy Performance



Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

15. Achieved 94% Air Compliance.

24. Conducted 9293 building regulation inspections throughout the year.

16. Secured £22m to deliver a Capital Project programme. 25. Remain on target to recycle 50% of our waste by 2020. 17. Delivered Randalstown and Ballyclare public realm and

Currently 49%.*

revitalisation schemes and have six projects underway. 26. Opened a ‘state of the art’ Recycling Centre at O’Neill 18. Secured project funding for 4 further public realm


schemes (Antrim, Randalstown, Ballyclare and Glengormley) and funding approval for 2 linkage schemes (Antrim and Ballyclare). 19. 116 Commercial properties were enhanced.

27. Achieved 84% resident satisfaction in the way in which the Council deals with your household rubbish. 28. Achieved 85% resident satisfaction with the Council’s recyclable waste service.

20. Commenced work on our new Local Development Plan which will set out our planning and land use issues up

29. Achieved statutory target for the amount of

to 2030. We’ve published our planned timetable and

biodegradable Local Authority Collected Municipal

statement of community involvement.

Waste Landfilled.*

21. On track to achieve statutory targets for the processing times for planning applications. * 22. Maintain a high success rate at planning appeal. * 23. The supply of land available for housing development is estimated at 15 years.

Environmental Management Award ISO 14001

* Statutory Performance Indicators


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will provide a welcoming, attractive and safe environment by improving the level of cleanliness of the roads and streets across our Borough. WHICH OF THE 7 STATUTORY ASPECTS OF IMPROVEMENT WILL




Service Quality; Service Availability; Sustainability and Efficiency

Review and reorganise the resources dedicated for street cleansing and involve the public in public clean-ups.


Use an effective enforcement and education policy for environmental vandalism (graffiti, litter, dog fouling, and

A resident satisfaction survey in the December 2015 edition


of ‘Borough Life’ a council magazine sent out to all 69,000


households across the Borough. The survey focused on Waste,

Review the provision, maintenance and emptying of litter bins across the Borough.

Recycling and Street Cleansing. The survey was positive in terms of waste and recycling however identified areas for


improvement in the cleanliness of our streets.


• 55% satisfaction with the ‘cleanliness of the roads and streets in your area’.

• 65% satisfaction with ‘litter bins are well maintained and

Residents report an increase in satisfaction with the level of cleanliness of the roads and streets across our Borough.

2. Residents report an increase in satisfaction in the provision, maintenance and emptying of litter bins across the Borough.

emptied regularly in your area’.

• 56% satisfaction with ‘provision of litter bins across the Borough.’

Recycling at Antrim Forum

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective • We will minimise waste through the adherence


Food Waste Recycling at home

of Government and European Union targets.




1. Expand the range of dry recyclables materials in the legacy Antrim area (with the acceptance of rigid plastics).

Service Quality; Service Availability; Sustainability; Efficiency and Innovation

2. Introduce kerbside glass recycling in the Antrim area. 3. Roll-out of more triple stack bins across the Newtownabbey area.

WHY HAS THIS OBJECTIVE BEEN CHOSEN? Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council needs to

4. Roll-out of 180 litre black bins across the Antrim and Newtownabbey area over a two year period.

demonstrate compliance with the following proposal:

• EU target of 50% recycling rate of household waste by

5. Expansion of commercial food waste recycling service to

The Council annual budget for waste operations is

6. Support these changes with an effective education and

businesses in the Newtownabbey area.


awareness programme.

approximately £13 million and therefore has a significant impact on the domestic rates bill. Most recycling processes

7. Increase the recycling opportunities at Council facilities across the Borough.

are cheaper than the waste going to landfill so every tonne reused or recycled saves the ratepayers money. The European Union has approved a waste hierarchy which


places the most environmentally sensitive option at the top


with final disposal by landfill at the bottom.

We remain on target to recycle 50% of our household waste by 2020.

2. We have met our landfill targets and avoided any fines. The recycling markets have been developing over the years and waste items that were previously not economically viable to recycle can now be processed alongside the main paper, card and metal packaging. Plastic bottles have been collected in the dry recyclables bin in the Antrim area for over five years but following the award of a new processing contract, our contractor can now accept plastic pots, tubs, and trays. The development of a new Materials Recycling Facility (MRFs) sector in Northern Ireland has opened up new waste treatment options which reduce the amount of waste being landfilled through new recycling and recovery techniques. In order to use these new MRFs for commercial waste, the Council needs to remove the food and garden waste from the rubbish and to do, this businesses in the legacy Newtownabbey area will be offered an organic waste collection service. A similar recycling service is already in operation in the Antrim area.



A Borough where Outdoor Football at Crumlin Leisure Centre

The Council’s commitment to ‘OUR PEOPLE’ as identified in the Corporate Plan is to be an area where people choose to live and where residents enjoy a high quality of life. Through the Community Planning process we are committed to working with our partners to streamline service delivery and share resources. We aspire to be a place where our people work together to encourage a culture of tolerance, diversity and respect. We aim to support and enrich the knowledge and skills of the community and voluntary sector to address disadvantage and promote opportunities. Specifically the corporate plan has set the following targets for 2030.

• Our communities will have access to high quality Council services and facilities. The support we provide will lead to a more active, healthy and empowered community.

• Communities and agencies work together to plan and deliver better services, address disadvantage and improve the quality of life for everyone.

• Our community is inclusive and supportive and encourages a culture of tolerance, diversity and respect.

• We communicate clearly with our residents, listen to their feedback and respond to their needs. Customers will increasingly use the Council’s website for its convenience and ease of use to order, pay for and request services.

• We will achieve excellence in customer and service quality standards and this will be recognised through accreditation schemes.


During 2015/16 we delivered the following results. 1.

8097 participants took part in the Active Communities Programme.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

7. Provided an extension to Antrim Cemetery provision (Belmont Road).

2. 1,075,158 people used our leisure and community centres.

8. We have assisted residents to budget their central heating oil payments, with a total value of £158,000 oil stamps having been purchased.

3. Crumlin Leisure Centre, which opened in March 2015, to include a multi-sports hub providing modern, stateof-the-art facilities, including, three 3rd generation flood

9. 540 attendees at Community Planning consultation and engagement exercises.

lit pitches for rugby, football and Gaelic; cardiovascular

fitness suite, conference facilities.

10. 74% Customer satisfaction with Council Services.

The Centre has had a very successful first year, having

11. Over 8,500 online transactions for Council services.

exceeded annual membership targets by 47% and exceeded annual projected financial targets by 13.8%. 4. 699 patients referred through the Exercise Referral

12. 4325 Twitter followers. 13. 310,000 visits to our corporate websites.

Scheme (Scheme funded by the Council and delivered in partnership with GP’s and Health Trusts)

14. Developed a new Residents Magazine which is delivered to 69,000 households on a bi-monthly basis.

5. 250 patients completed the 12 week Exercise Referral programme in Antrim Forum.

15. Developed an external communication and marketing plan to maximise resources and utilise digital technology

6. Technical appointment procedure substantially complete

to meet the need of our customers.

for consultants to carry out technical assessment of proposed burial sites at Ashley Road and Crumlin.

16. Launched the ‘Life’ range of publications which is our direct route to communicate and engage with

Patient on the Exercise Referral Scheme

our residents and customers, acting also as our key promotional material. This suite of new publications refreshed and replaced comparable core legacy publications, and within the current financial year we have delivered efficiency savings of approximately £26,000. 17. Developed digital versions of our key customer publications e.g. Borough Life and Active Life.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Borough Life Digital Publication

Launch of V36

New Visitor Guide

18. Established a customer consultation schedule to support the delivery of service improvement. 19. Opened a state-of-the-art facility at V36 which is home to an adventure play area, a civic linear park and a floodlit third generation pitch for football, rugby and Gaelic sports. 20. Expanded the accessibility of our arts and culture performances and have delivered 2 signed /captioned performances and 2 relaxed performances. 21. Delivered 168 successful arts/crafts and theatre programmes with 39,166 attendees (April 2015 – March 2016). 22. Developed a Cultural Life brand of marketing and publicity materials. 23. Retained Museum Accreditation for Sentry Hill and Museum at the Mill.

Sentry Hill Museum

24. Retained the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence for Antrim Castle Gardens.


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will achieve excellence in customer service through maximising technology and our standards of customer service.





access more services digitally.

Service Quality; Service Availability; Fairness; Sustainability; Efficiency and Innovation

Maximise the use of technology so customers can


Refine the customer journey in relation to key services to enable digitisation and more streamlined services.



to customer needs.

The Council strives to achieve excellence in everything that it does and works hard to ensure that customers receive good

Ensure our employees are well informed and responsive

4. Deliver service specific improvements as a result of the customer service consultation process.

quality services that provide value for money. A recent resident survey (Dec 15), indicated a positive result, however our commitment to provide excellent customer service is paramount


and hence during 2016-17 we will embark on a three year plan

1. There is an increase in the number of online transactions.

to improve satisfaction with Customer Services.

2. There is an increase in the range of online services.

• 74% overall customer satisfaction with the Council Services

3. There is an increase the number of unique visitors to the website.

(Resident Magazine Survey, Dec-15)

4. There is an increase in the number of Twitter followers. Customers now expect to be able to access our services and make service requests 24 hours a day, seven days a week and


We have rolled out a programme of Customer Care Training to key services.

therefore it is important to expand our range of online services,

6. We are recognised by external accreditations.

encourage customers to use these online services and support

7. Customer satisfaction has increased.

people to do this. The key to the continued and future success of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is to engage and respond to the needs of our residents and our aim is to continually improve the customer journey ensuring our employees are well trained and responsive to customer needs. Through customer engagement we will strive to better understand the barriers of access, mobility, culture and language and this will inform the improvement journey for the design and delivery of services.


For events, news and updates follow us on Twitter


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will support a more active, healthy and empowered

community through effective partnership working and an investment programme in our leisure, sport, Play Park and recreation facilities.

Outdoor Gym - Loughshore




1. Engage in joint working arrangements to improve the

Service Quality; Service Availability; Fairness; Sustainability and

general health and well-being of our residents (Exercise


Referral; Everybody Active 2020; Regional Obesity Prevention Group; Macmillan Move More; Warmer Homes

WHY HAS THIS OBJECTIVE BEEN CHOSEN? As part of our community planning consultation conducted

Schemes). 2. Continue our investment programme to improve and

over the past year, health and well-being has been a

modernise our leisure, sport, play park and recreation

recurring issue, and is likely to be an emergent theme in the


development of the community plan. Access to leisure, mental health, early intervention and prevention, in particular have


been the topics raised the most frequent.


We are delivering health improvement programmes which aim to support the general health and well-being

The Council aims to ensure our residents have the necessary information to make healthy lifestyle choices and increase participation and engagement levels in leisure through high quality services provision and sports development

of residents. 2. There is an increase in the usage of sports, leisure and community facilities. 3. Delivered a range of modernisation programmes which

programmes. Our residents and customers expect this to

will enhance our leisure, sport, play park and recreation

be delivered in well-managed, fit for purpose, sustainable


facilities. Having fun at a Borough play park

The Council aims to continuously improve what we offer to support our community in terms of health and well-being, and over the last year we opened a state-of-the art facility at V36 and have an ambitious programme in place for 2016-17, including the re-development project at Allen Park. A comprehensive Play Park audit was carried out indicating that there are 34 playparks across the new Borough varying in age, scale and condition, this audit indicated that an upgrade is necessary in nine of these playparks to improve the facilities to an acceptable standard.



A Borough where Junction One Outlet Shopping

The Council’s commitment to ‘PROSPERITY’ as identified in the Corporate Plan is that we will, through the community planning process, encourage and support economic growth in our Borough to create a vibrant and prosperous economy which is attractive to new and existing businesses. We will encourage innovation and support skills development to meet the future needs of local businesses. We will support the physical regeneration of our Borough and make it attractive for residents, investors and visitors. We will build on the strengths of our area to maximise tourism opportunities. Specifically, the corporate plan has set the following targets for 2030.

• We identify and support entrepreneurship, have a strong competitive business advantage and are a centre of excellence for leading edge companies. We

have a world class infrastructure which attracts inward investment and supports productivity, exports and business growth. We stimulate business activity to sustain existing jobs and create new employment opportunities.

• We maximise tourism opportunities and have a strong arts and cultural economy. Garden Show Ireland children's entertainment


During 2015/16 we delivered the following results. 1.

Supported 69 new businesses to get started.

2. Promoted 80 job opportunities. 3. Assisted 50 businesses with one-to-one mentoring support.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

14. Indicators of the economic health of the Borough include:

• 3% unemployment in the Borough. • 100 Invest NI clients across the Borough. • 64 vacant properties in town centres. • 3730 Vat Registered Businesses in the Borough.

15. Arranged 6 major Council run events: May Fair, Dragon 4. Assisted 40 businesses with specific support programmes. 5. Assisted 20 people consider self-employment opportunities (resulting in five new businesses created).

Boat Race, Street Velodrome, Halloween Spectacular, Ghouls and Fools and Shoreline Festival. 16. Supported 10 externally run tourism events across the Borough (including May Day Steam Rally, Irish Game Fair, Beekeepers Conference, Koi Carp, Toome Horse Fair,

6. Delivered 12 networking events delivered with 250

Antrim Show, and Garden Show Ireland).

attending. 17. Established a local tourism forum . 7. Had 50 businesses complete the Sales Growth and Business Advancement Programme.

18. Had 728,568 overnight stays in the Borough (2014). (NISRA)

8. Identified two demonstration sites at Crumlin and Ballyclare for rural broadband.

19. Visitor spending in the Borough equated to £37.2m (2014).

9. Released a call for funding applications to help allocate £150k rural development programme funding.

20. Attracted over 362,000 visitors to Antrim Castle Gardens.

10. Assisted in the creation of 2 new social enterprises

21. Installed free libraries at Mossley Mill and Castle Gardens.

in the Borough. 22. Attracted regional audiences of approximately 32,000

11. Encouraged 23 participants attend an Exploring Enterprise Programme (Joint programme Antrim

to the Courtyard Theatre, Theatre at the Mill and Old Courthouse (Apr 15 – Dec 15).

Enterprise Agency/Mallusk Enterprise Park). Performance of 'OLIVER' - Theatre at The Mill

12. Encouraged 500 school children participate in a

self-employment programme.

13. Provided educational support and mentoring for 45 children and 18 parents.


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

23. Delivered 168 successful arts and crafts workshops / courses across the Borough.

26. Achieved 98% customer satisfaction rating with Jordanstown Loughshore Park and 99% would recommend the site and 98% would stay there again.

24. Attracted overnight stays from visitors all over Europe, as well as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, Swaziland and America.

27. Increased conference venue and Meet at the Mill Bookings and Antrim Civic Centre.

25. Achieved 93% customer satisfaction rating with Sixmile Water Caravan Park and 99% would recommend the site and 99% would stay there again.

Dragon Boat Race Entertainment


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017 Fishing Trip - Rams Island

Improvement Objective


• We will maximise tourism opportunities and have a strong arts and cultural economy, through working in partnership to deliver showcase events and enhancing the visitor experience. WHICH OF THE 7 STATUTORY ASPECTS OF IMPROVEMENT WILL




Promote and work in partnership with flagship event organisers to maximise attendance and attract key

Service Quality; Service Availability; Sustainability; Innovation

events to the Borough - Circuit of Ireland, NI Festival of WHY HAS THIS OBJECTIVE BEEN CHOSEN?

Food and Festival of Cycling, Garden Show Ireland, Armed

The tourism market is becoming ever more competitive and the

Forces Day, the Ulster Pipe Band Championships and

potential visitor is becoming ever more discerning. Increasingly

River to Lough Festival.

tourists are on the lookout for more authentic experiences.


Deliver quality showcase events including Dragon Boat

They want to visit new, exciting, intriguing destinations where

Race, May Fair, Party in the Park and Halloween and

they can experience the culture of the region and interact with

Christmas Events.

local people. In 2014 the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough


Work in partnership with the local tourism industry to

Council region attracted 352,966 visit to visitor attractions in

create innovative opportunities to enhance the visitor

the Borough and generated £37.2 million revenue. (NISRA).


The region’s share of the overall Northern Ireland Tourism market was 4% of trips and 5% each of nights and tourism


Measure customer satisfaction with visitor attractions, theatre performances and events.

expenditure. During 2016-17 there is an opportunity to improve tourism within in the Borough with a number of high profile


events including Armed Forces Day, Circuit of Ireland and Street

1. We increase the number of day visitors, overnight stays

Velodrome planned.

and visitor spend. 2. More people are using our key arts, cultural and

We want to maximise on the opportunity to showcase Antrim and Newtownabbey and to encourage visitors to come to the Borough. The Council is developing a new tourism brand to reflect its key strengths of culture, gardens and loughs and will be used in marketing campaigns to attract visitors to the region. We are working with our tourism industry to develop an annual tourism action plan to attract more visitors to the region.


attractions attending events. 3. Our local tourist industry and visitors tell us that we are delivering added value.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will improve the physical environment of our Borough and work with partners to deliver town and village regeneration.

Clean streets across our Borough




1. Real improvements have been delivered to our facilities

Service Quality; Service Availability; Fairness and Sustainability

and we have achieved customer satisfaction. 2. Shop front and streetscape improvement programmes


have been completed in Randalstown, Antrim and

Town centres and villages across the Borough are in need

Glengormley and Ballyclare.

of assistance to sustain existing businesses and encourage

3. Key regeneration projects linked to the village planning processes across rural areas have been identified and

investment in the future.

applications for grant assistance submitted. We aim to create an environment that is attractive to new investment, where people take pride in their surroundings and

4. We retain existing and achieve additional external accreditations/awards.

which improve the fabric of our towns and villages, as well as improving council facilities and enhancing council services.

Shop front after regeneration

WHAT WILL WE DO? 1. Roll-out a capital development programme and deliver

four projects:

• Randalstown Phase 2 • Carnmoney Road, Glengormley • Ballyclare (North) • Bridge Street/Dublin Road, Antrim

2. Improve the existing retail and public realm environment in our towns (Randalstown, Antrim, Glengormley and Ballyclare). 3. Work with partners to regenerate the physical and social fabric of our villages and rural communities. Shop front before regeneration


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will seek to encourage and support those who wish to

start their own business and we will strengthen and grow the business base of the Borough.





Service Quality, Service Availability; Fairness; and Sustainability

in starting a new business. 2.

WHY HAS THIS OBJECTIVE BEEN CHOSEN? The Council strives to promote a prosperous Borough with an

Deliver a high quality support service to those interested Roll-out a series of programmes to support existing businesses to help them develop and grow.


Collaborate with external partner organisations to provide

embedded culture of entrepreneurship which attracts, retains

services that can support people into employment and

and supports businesses.

self-employment. 4.

Provide direct grant assistance to eligible businesses

A thriving local economy will create employment opportunities

in the rural areas of the Borough through the NI Rural

and offer and develop a variety of valued services to our

Development Programme.

residents and visitors. WE WILL HAVE SUCCEEDED IF: 1.

Our businesses tell us that we have met their expectations.

Economic Development Support Measures: Through

Some options currently available to local businesses:

n ASK Mentoring Programme; n LEAN Business Network – programme of events re-starting June 2016; n STAR 2 complete – STAR 3 expected to re-start September 2016; n Bricks & Clicks 3 – aimed at pre-start – to re-start in September 2016; n Business Downloads – useful links to training, business planning and loans; and, n NRC – Accountancy Apprenticeships.


Contact Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Economic Development on 02890 340000


New businesses are created in the Borough.


New jobs are created as a result of Council supported Programmes and initiatives.


Rural businesses successfully access grant aid.

Shopping in Abbeycentre


A Borough where Planning Officers on-site

The Council’s commitment to ‘PERFORMANCE’ as identified in the Corporate Plan is to be a Council renowned for excellence in service delivery. We will do this by ensuring that our culture is constructive and provides employees with opportunities to reach their potential whilst achieving community outcomes. We will be recognised for excellence in governance and our commitment to using a best practice approach to accountable decision making. WHAT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE BY 2030 • To be at the forefront of good governance. The Councils decision making process will be conducted in an open and transparent manner. • We are innovative and results focused, aiming to make the best use of resources available to us. We will deliver savings and improvement programmes across a range of services and we are committed to paying our suppliers promptly. • We respect the welfare and safety of our staff and customers and deliver an effective emergency planning response.


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

LAST YEAR WE: 1. Maintained a freeze in rates for our community.

14. Delivered training for Audit Committee Members.

2. Managed our finances in accordance with the

15. 11% reduction in insurance premiums against budget.

requirements of the Local Government Finance Act (NI) 2011 and the Prudential Code. 3. Subjected the 2014/15 annual accounts to an unqualified

16. 47% reduction in legal costs against budget. 17. Approved a Digital Transformation Strategy.

audit opinion. 18. Introduced Optical Character Recognition for the swift 4. Controlled our net cost of service provision within the

processing of invoices.

agreed annual budget. 19. Developed an electronic system for Elected Members’ 5. Produced six sets of audited Accounts. 6. Secured £5.4m external funding for the Borough.

expenses. 20. Adopted a Buy Social Toolkit for Procurement, providing practical guidance on how to generate benefits to

7. Achieved the CIPFA Finance Team of the Year Award.

society and the local economy through our procurement practices.

8. All minutes and audio recording of Council and Committee meetings were uploaded to the website.

21. Developed an Emergency Plan for the Borough and responded swiftly to emergency incidents for our

9. Over 850 Mayoral engagements. 10. Paperless working for Elected Members.

community. 22. Developed a Risk Management Policy and Procedures with a robust risk management framework in place.

11. 97.0% of Freedom of Information responses were issued within legislative requirements. 12. Delivered Code of Conduct training for Councillors and employees. 13. Trained Councillors and employees on areas relating

23. Recorded no reportable health and safety incidents. 24. We rolled out a Council wide reorganisation and restructuring programme. 25. 97 jobs on new structures have been filled.

to governance (Financial Regulations, Information Governance, Health and Safety, Contract Management and Anti-Fraud and Bribery).


26. Made savings of £1,092,194 on annual salary costs of those staff who have taken voluntary severance.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

27. Embedded a robust Business Planning process.

33. Embedded a 100% electronic recruitment process.

28. Successfully implemented a number of key strands

34. Provided 21 placements to school children.

on our employee engagement strategy, including the development of a staff newsletter, a team brief and employee roadshows are held bi-annually. 29. We carried out an internal survey with staff and achieved some excellent results: 82% the Council invests in

35. Assisted 9 people through employability programmes. 36. Delivered an ambitious capacity building programme: 150 sessions delivered in 10 months.

developing our capabilities and there is a culture of continuous improvement. 91% work is interesting and get the opportunity to use skills and abilities.

37. Recorded 287 employee training sessions for 2469 staff.

30. Received Investors in People Accreditation (Silver).

38. Achieved the Elected Member Development Charter.

31. Developed a system to robustly manage absence.

39. Delivered a very successful ‘Youth in Democracy Day’ for schools in the Borough.

32. 58% of our staff has 100% attendance.

The Council receives the IIP Silver Award


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Improvement Objective


• We will be at the forefront of good governance and make

the best use of our resources through innovative practices and strong financial arrangements.





Use the latest technology to embed strong financial arrangements and to support efficient working.

Sustainability and Efficiency 2.

using digital solutions, and identify areas for optimisation.

WHY HAS THIS OBJECTIVE BEEN CHOSEN? Several factors have and will continue to influence our service

‘Drill down’ and examine key areas of Council spend


Continue to make efficiency savings to ensure the rates

over the next number of years, particularly the financial

burden for our business and domestic customers is

environment with forecasts indicating that the fiscal climate


will remain challenging for the Council through the next five WE WILL HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE IF WE:



actions to realise savings.

Our ambitions as a Council to deliver transformational change in the delivery of services will require resources and an investment in technology. We need to maintain a strong

Have reviewed the costs of services and implemented


Have met or exceeded budget targets, having delivered our agreed objectives.

financial position into the future so that we can continue to invest and grow our Borough. Charter for Elected Member Development Award


Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Statutory Indicators Section 89(5) of the Local Government Act 2014 specifically refers to the standards specified in the Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015. In addition to the Corporate Improvement Objectives identified, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is committed to meeting and, where possible exceeding the standards set by central government departments through statutory performance indicators, as set below:


The number of major planning applications processed.


The number of local planning applications processed.


Progress of enforcement cases.


Processed from date valid to decision or withdrawal within an average of 15 weeks.


The percentage of household waste collected that is sent for recycling.


Processed form the date valid to decision or withdrawal within an average of 15 weeks.


The amount (tonnage) of biodegradable municipal waste that is landfilled.


70% of all enforcement cases progressed to target conclusion within 39 weeks of receipt of complaint.


The amount (tonnage) of collected municipal waste arising.


A recycling rate of 50 % of household waste by 2020.


No more than 20,058 tonnes.


The number of jobs promoted through business start-up activity. (Business start-up activity means the delivery of completed client-led business plans under the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s Regional Start Initiative or its successor programmes).



Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Annual Report on Performance

Corporate Improvement Governance Framework

The Council will publish information annually its performance

A Corporate Improvement Governance Framework for Antrim

in achieving the improvement objectives and those

and Newtownabbey Borough Council has been developed.

performance indicators and standards set by the Department. This is to ensure that commissioning, delivery, problem These assessments and improvement plans will be subject to

solving and monitoring of identified corporate improvement

audit by the Local Government Auditor who will produce an

projects are achieved.

Annual Improvement Report for each financial year for each A copy of this document is available in Appendix A.


Mossley Mill / Theatre at The Mill




Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Corporate Improvement Governance Framework INTRODUCTION This paper outlines the Corporate Improvement Governance

Project Sponsor (Director). Each project team will have

Framework for Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.

Director Sponsorship. This sponsor is the individual that

This is designed to ensure that commissioning, delivery,

the Project Manager and team can turn to for support.

problem solving and monitoring of identified corporate

The sponsor will have strategic influence throughout the

improvement projects are achieved.

organisation to ensure that the Project Manager gets what

Eight corporate improvement objectives have been identified.

he/she needs to ensure ultimate success.

Figure 1 illustrates the proposed structure graphically and Figure 2 details the membership of each team.

Project Manager. The Project Manager role is to scope specific projects, agree allocation of duties and ensure


delivery within time and cost limits. The project manager assumes a degree of authority and decision making for

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Policy &

matters associated with the actions and outcomes of the

Governance Committee will provide overall approval for work


of all the project teams. Reports will be forwarded on a quarterly basis for monitoring of the progress of delivery of the Council’s improvement objectives Both the Council and Committee will promote innovation by challenging the status quo and encouraging different ways of thinking and options for delivery.

• Development of Improvement Project Plans. • Adopt a project management methodology (MSP) and use software to monitor and track progress of Improvement project plans.

• Oversee progress of their own project team and report

monthly re: progress to the Change Management Team

The Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) will oversee the delivery of the programme, quality assure proposals and resolve corporate issues as they arise. This will require it to:

• Agree the programme and project allocation across the organisation.

• Monitor the programme. • Commission additional Projects • Approve resource allocations. • Identify policy issues and agree corporate position. • Quality assures any proposals on Standards, Cost, Income, and Quality of Service.

• Agree corporate position on issues referred by Project Management Team/s.

• Report on progress and seek policy direction from Committee.


and CLT.

• Make agreed project recommendations to the CLT for approval.

• Act as a reference point for Project Teams. • Resolve operational issues within policy guidelines. • Ensure that issues and risks are brought to the attention of the Business Change Manager/Director/CLT.

• Determine the on-going capacity requirements of their

core membership and consult with the Business Change Manager/Director/CLT over proposed changes.

• Refer critical corporate issues to the CLT for resolution.

Corporate Improvement Plan 2016/2017

Project Lead Officer. The Project Lead Officer is to support the Project Manager with the development, follow-up, monitoring and reporting of each of the projects. Project Team. Membership of Project Teams will be drawn from a range of staff most relevant to the delivery of the projects outlined. This may include staff at both managerial and operational level and it is likely that project teams will include staff from a range of service and support areas. Business Change Manager/Change Team. It is the responsibility of the Business Change Manager and Change Team to:

• Embed a programme management methodology (MSP), to the management of the Improvement Project Plans and roll out training for this approach including the use of electronic teamwork software.

• Support the project managers to ‘scope’ the individual projects and develop work programmes. • Support and oversee the work of the improvement teams to ensure that each is working to the agreed timescale and milestones. • Coordinate all monthly reporting templates, minutes and recommendation reports to the CLT. • Compile a summary monthly project team report to CLT with recommendations, highlighting issues and risks. • Liaise with the local government auditor in relation the Council’s corporate improvement duty. Programme Support. In order to deliver these projects successfully, the Project Managers may require assistance from the following areas: ICT, Engagement and Communication, Finance and Business Support.

Antrim Civic Centre


Corporate Improvement

Business Change Manager

Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council & Policy & Governance Committee (Quarterly)

Compiled Monthly Project Team Report to CLT with Recommendation Reports

Antrim & Newtownabbey Corporate Management Team

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management

Monthly Project Monthly Project Team Team Report Report Change ToToChange Management Management

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management





We will provide a

We will minimise

We will achieve

We will support a

welcoming, attractive

waste through

excellence in

more active, healthy

and safe environment

the adherence of

customer service

and empowered

by improving the level

Government and

through maximising


of cleanliness of the

European targets.

technology and our

through effective

roads and streets

standards of customer

partnership working

across our Borough.


and an investment programme in our leisure, sport, Play Park and recreation



Governance Framework

Internal & External Communication Processes

Project Managers to present to CLT/HOS as requested

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management

Monthly Project Team Report To Change Management





We will maximise

We will improve the

We will seek to

We will be at the

tourism opportunities

physical environment

encourage and

forefront of good

and have a

and work with

support those who

governance and make

strong arts and

partners to deliver

wish to start their

the best use of our

cultural economy,

town and village

own business and

resources through

through working in


we will strengthen

innovative practices

partnership to deliver

and grown the

and strong financial

showcase events

business base of the


and enhancing the


visitor experience. 42

ANTRIM CIVIC CENTRE 50 Stiles Way, Antrim BT41 2UB T 028 9446 3113 MOSSLEY MILL Carnmoney Road North, Newtownabbey BT36 5QA T 028 9034 0000 • T 028 9446 3113

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