Antrim and Newtownabbey PEACE IV Closure Booklet

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This initiative has been funded by the EU’s PEACE IV Programme managed by the SEUPB

The Antrim and Newtownabbey PEACE IV Programme, funded by the Special EU Programmes Body, is a unique initiative of the European Union which has been designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.

ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY PEACE IV LOCAL ACTION PLAN The Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council PEACE IV Local Action Plan was developed based on project delivery across three key themes, each containing a range of projects designed to encourage organisations, stakeholders and residents within the Borough to address peace and reconciliation issues at a local level. The three key themes are:


Children and Young People


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Shared Spaces and Services

Building Positive Relations

A widespread consultation and engagement exercise was carried out to identify the key local issues to be addressed as part of the PEACE IV Local Action Plan. This exercise included; desktop research, statistical and socio-economic data analysis, key stakeholder engagement, officer working groups, focus groups, public meetings, co-design and development workshops, one to one consultations, and a comprehensive online survey. The PEACE IV Programme aimed to build upon the experience of previous programmes by tackling the remaining challenges that exist in building positive relationships and developing shared spaces. The requirement was to develop programmes which demonstrate commitment to tackling real and complex issues, such as racism and sectarianism, in order to ensure a lasting legacy of peace building. As was the case with PEACE III, the PEACE IV Programme was designed to embed the concept of reconciliation into the objectives and desired results of the Programme with a strong emphasis on promoting positive relations. The local authority action plan contained three strategic themes: Objective

Children and Young People

Enhancing the capacity of children and young people to form positive and effective relationships with others of a different background and make a positive contribution to building a cohesive society

Shared Spaces and Services

The creation of a more cohesive society through an increased provision of shared spaces and services

Building Positive Relations

The promotion of positive relations characterised by respect, and where cultural diversity is celebrated and people can live, learn and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance

AREA PROFILE Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has 7 District Electoral Areas (DEA) and a population of c.145,000. There are an estimated 4300 businesses in the area and the area attracts 212,000 visitors annually. The area has a rich natural environment including 5 nature reserves; 2 special protective areas; 1 special area of conservation; 2 ramsar sites (wetland sites designated to be of international importance); 7 areas of special scientific interest. Its built heritage includes remains of remote ancient settlements & castles, ritual sites and tombs, and the many buildings of architectural importance (including: Cranfield Church, Antrim Round Tower, Spring Farm Rath and Ballywee Enclosed Farmstead). There are also 90 scheduled sites and monuments and 5 state care monuments.


Strategic Theme

PROJECT DETAILS Following an extensive application, assessment and clarification process, a letter of offer was received from the SEUPB in August 2017 for £3.2million to support delivery of the Antrim and Newtownabbey PEACE IV Local Action Plan under Strategic Objective 4 - Building Positive Relations. Delivery of the PEACE IV Local Action Plan consists of projects under three themes: Children and Young People, Shared Spaces and Services and Building Positive Relations. In order to best utilise available resources, it was agreed by the PEACE IV Partnership to adopt a mixed delivery approach. Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Leisure Services Section, Capital Projects Section and Community Planning Department delivered a selection of projects directly. The remaining projects were subject to a competitive tendering exercise.

PROJECTS Children and Young People – Programme Target numbers 1029 • • • • 4

Early Intervention Programme (Prog1b & 1c) Schools Based Programme (Prog 2) Out of School Programme (Prog 3) Leadership and Life Skills Programme (Prog 4)

Shared Space and Services


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Community Connections Programme (Prog 1a) Addressing manifestations Programme (Prog 1b) Shared Space Engagement and Events (Prog 2) New Shared Space Programme (Prog 3) Creation of a Virtual Shared Space (Prog 4)

Building Positive Relations • • • • • • • • • •

Dialogue Programme (Prog 1) Capacity Building and Engagement Programme (Prog 2) Cross Border Programme (Prog 3a, b and c) Cultural Expressions Programme (Prog 4a and b) Capacity for Dialogue with Church/Faith Groups (Prog 5) Growing Understanding Programme (Prog 6) Leadership Programme for Peacebuilding (Prog 7) Sports Engagement Programme (Prog 8a) Arts Engagement Programme (Prog 8b) Recreation Programme (Prog 8c)




CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 1B & C) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver an Early Intervention Programme with circa 229 CYP aged 3-6 years by 2018 which will invest in CYP & their families from an early age & give them the resilience skills to address the negative pressures from others and increase their respect and appreciation of cultural diversity in the area which will ultimately assist them to form positive and effective relationships with others.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of 2 programmes:


1b – Reclaiming Play Spaces; Contract Value £43,375; delivered by Playboard NI Target groups / areas: This project recruited and worked with teenagers (13 to 18) to train as young leaders to deliver play sessions, across 5 play parks within the Borough which were in the identified hotspot areas of: Crumlin; V36; Steeple; Glengormley and Rathcoole. 27 young leaders were trained and a total of 88 young people took part in a series of positive play sessions.


1c - Respecting Difference Programme; Contract Value £70,900; delivered by Early Years. This programme aimed to recruit and train practitioners from local early years settings across the borough, thereby ensuring sustainability post programme through delivery of Respecting Difference training to children within the Early Years setting, year on year. 27 practitioners were trained and supported, with a total of 473 children benefitting from the teaching resources and programme delivery through the programme delivery period.

OUTPUTS: Both programmes were severely affected by the COVID 19 Pandemic with government restrictions in place affecting both internal and external gathering, coupled with the closure of the Early Years settings. Despite this, a total of 588 children were engaged and supported through these 2 programmes against a target of 229.

CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE - SCHOOLS BASED PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 2) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Schools & Family Based Good Relations Programme at nursery, primary, secondary and special school level with a focus on promoting greater sharing, understanding and reconciliation between schools and school communities in the Borough to circa 272 CYP by 2018 (circa 1,188 CYP and their parents).

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: Moving Forward Together programme; contract value £203,000 (which included Resource Allocation budget of £110,000 = £10,000 to 11 school partnerships). Target Groups / Areas: Pupils, parents, teachers and support staff, PTA volunteers Board of Governors members Parents and Guardians from established school partnerships across the Antrim and Randalstown area; and emerging school partnerships in the Newtownabbey area.

The programme achieved delivery to 255 young people despite the extreme disruption caused by COVID 19 and the repeated closure of schools during this period, which resulted in P7 Pupils recruited and engaged in projects moving on to post primary education before there was opportunity to complete project delivery, requiring the delivery agent to repeat recruitment activities and procurement exercises on more than one occasion.




CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE – OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 3) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver Out of School Area Based Programmes to c.145, 16 to 24s through a menu based programme to include a range of targeted taster sessions and workshop modules, strengthened with one-to-one mentoring, to detached young people who were experiencing issues such as educational underachievement and / or engagement in conflict and / or criminality. This personal development programme enabled young people to gain accredited non – vocational qualifications; avail of learning which will equip them to plan for a future career path and give them the ability to move into a work environment confidently with the skills to engage effectively and appropriately. Programme activity was linked to the needs of the young people.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: Out of School Life Skills Development Programme; contract value £80,291.29. 8

The programme targeted recruitment at disengaged 16-24 year olds experiencing:


• Educational under attainment • Not engaged in education, training or employment • Engaged in anti-social behaviour/ criminality Young people were engaged in a co-design process to design an imaginative and proactive Life Skills Development programme that met their needs; delivery of a personal development programme; delivery of accredited qualification / skills training; activities promoting citizenship, understanding cultural identity, respecting diversity, conflict management and mediation; work experience / placement opportunities, volunteering / community engagement focused activities; activity designed to highlight and equip young people with skills and job opportunities. The delivery agent utilised innovative delivery techniques and current modes of communication to ensure participants were engaged for the duration of the programme and also provided mentoring support specific to the young people and signposting to relevant education training and employment routes.

OUTPUTS: The programme achieved delivery to 123 young people across a number of focussed groups and areas.

CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE – LEADERSHIP AND LIFE SKILLS PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 4) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver an accredited and non-accredited leadership, personal development & active citizenship programme in each of the 7 DEAs in Antrim and Newtownabbey for circa 238 young people, aimed at building leadership & team work skills, empowering them to take greater control of their own lives & building their emotional intelligence & coping skills. Programme Budget £84,332.

OUTPUTS: Total of 205 young people from across the 7 DEA’s of the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough completed the required meaningful cross community contact hours (228 commenced the programme) achieving: Personal development of young people - improved self-confidence, self-esteem, enhanced sense of citizenship and responsibility to their local community. 9 ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY PEACE IV LOCAL ACTION PLAN

• young people completed a Level 1 in Diversity and Good Relations; took part in a visit to Stormont; 8 cross community residentials at Todd’s Leap; 2 further residentials took place – 18/19 January and 22/23 February 2019. 14 participants completed OCN Level 2; Young people, parents, community leaders and Antrim and Newtownabbey Peace IV Team attended final celebration event to showcase learning and impact of programme on 17th August 2019.




SHARED SPACE AND SERVICES – COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 1A) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Place Making Programme in circa 7 areas with circa 70 participants through a place making dialogue and networking approach with a view to inspiring people to collectively reimagine or reinvent public spaces within their communities.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: Community Connections programme, contract value £37,740, delivered by Blu Zebra Ltd.

OUTPUTS: 83 people were engaged with the programme against a target of 70. Expectations were exceeded in terms of building cross community relationships; developing networks, improving access to alternative facilities in areas and also additional resources through collaboration with both sides of the community and effectively using Elected representatives, to work together for the betterment of the community as a whole. Each group identified a Shared Space project, which formed the basis of Programme 1B – The Addressing Manifestations Programme. The project worked with Community Planning and Place Shaping Forums to ensure there was no duplication and that projects contained social, environmental and economic benefits.


Recruitment took place across the 7 DEA’s, bringing together individuals, support groups, voluntary organisations and interested members of the public. Dialogue sessions were held by DEA which established relationships and explored gaps in local areas for projects which would re-invent spaces, making them shared and exploring possible services which could be developed around these spaces. Collective events which brought together the 7 DEA’s were held to share ideas, network and also included best practice site visits – opening participants up to areas of the borough they had not previously visited or know existed.

SHARED SPACE AND SERVICES – ADDRESSING MANIFESTATIONS PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 1B) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver an Addressing the Manifestations and effects of Division Programme in circa 7 areas with 70 participants over 3 years, and will aim to explore ways of addressing and tackling some of the visible and invisible manifestations of sectarianism, prejudice and racism locally. It will include dialogue opportunities to discuss contested spaces and will encourage transformational and reimaging work.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: An Addressing Manifestations Programme comprising seven separate capital projects, identified by the participants / groups involved in the Community Connections Programme. 12



The Addressing Manifestation programme includes the following capital projects: • Community Garden Accessibility Project - Monkstown Community Forum. • Works to develop an arts and craft hub within the centre; provide access to Health and Wellbeing Community Garden and upgrading of associations facilities to enable a wide variety of groups to access and make better use of the venue – Monkstown Community Association. • Works to develop a cross community youth engagement centre in Antrim – FOCUS (local youth organisation). • Works to reimage Whiteabbey Community Centre – Whiteabbey Community Group. • Creation of a fully accessible community garden, with raised beds and planters, and a cookery hub – Crumlin United Football Club (benefitting a range of local community groups including the Senior Citizens taking ownership of the community garden). • Extension works at Lock-keepers Cottage, Toomebridge, to increase opportunities for use as a shared space by local groups and organisations. • The Viaduct Reclaimed – works to develop and enhance this listed monumental structure in Randalstown to create a safe, shared space for all residents to use and enjoy.

SHARED SPACES AND SERVICES – SHARED SPACE ENGAGEMENT AND EVENTS (PROGRAMME 2) SMART OBJECTIVE: V36 Shared Space Engagement Project: Development and delivery of a range of seven bespoke shared space engagement events/ activities developed to attract residents and visitors to use the V36 park across the programme period and aimed at building sustainable, meaningful and purposeful relationships between people of different community backgrounds. V36 Education and Play Project: Education and play programme at V36 Play Park with the development of associated teaching resources. Exploring shared history and building educational resources in the areas of literacy, numeracy and other curriculum subjects such as history, geography and including languages other than English.

DELIVERY: A number of programmes were delivered through internal Service Level Agreements with other Council departments, including Community Services; Arts and Culture; and Leisure. Bespoke and innovative programmes delivered a range of training and education programmes; engagement activities and events – all designed to promote and develop shared spaces across the Borough. Total Programme budget across range of projects: £120,000.


Range of programmes to include: Theatres Programme; Community Centres Programme; Leisure and Sports Facilities Engagement Project – to deliver bespoke shared space engagement events and activities and open up spaces across the borough as shared spaces.

SHARED SPACES AND SERVICES – NEW SHARED SPACE PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 3) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a New Shared Space Programme resulting in the creation of three new, shared / consensual spaces with a minimum of 30 participants over 3 years with a view to developing new spaces where there are gaps in provision.

DELIVERY: Two large scale capital projects were planned, however with the impact of COVID on council finances resulting in removal of Council match funding, and the refusal of planning permission for one of the projects; approval was granted to proceed with one large scale capital programme, the Urban Skate Park, named ‘Skate 100’, which opened in May 2022.


The Skate 100 park is a bespoke urban sports park catering for a wide range of activities including skate boarding; scootering; in-line skating, BMXing and Parkour. The park is one of the largest of its kind in the UK and Ireland.


A further smaller capital project was delivered as part of a larger project of development in Crumlin Glen. The Peace IV element was to develop a natural play area within Crumlin Glen. In the design phase the project engaged with a number of schools in the Crumlin area and through NI Forest Schools, worked with the children in the forest setting of Crumlin Glen, to develop their ideas and design for the capital element.

OUTPUTS: Development of 2 Shared Spaces – Urban Sports Park, V36 and Natural Play Area at Crumlin Glen. Both areas have historically been hotspots for conflict and anti-social behaviour which was the basis for their inclusion in the Antrim and Newtownabbey Peace IV Programme. Reports and incidents coming through to Antrim and Newtownabbey Council and other statutory partners who are engaged through the Community Planning Structure within Council, and other multi-agency, Cross sectional initiatives, have decreased significantly, demonstrating the success of both projects.

SHARED SPACE AND SERVICES – CREATION OF A VIRTUAL SHARED SPACE (PROGRAMME 4) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Virtual Shared Space Programme designed to harness creativity and develop skills with circa 30 young people over 3 years, with a view to enable young people to use technology together to share, learn, create and influence the shape of their local areas.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: Virtual Shared Space Programme, contract value £30,000, delivered by WheelWorks Ltd. This innovative programme worked with 34 young people from across the borough, facilitating them to engage in the planning of their areas, with each other and relevant stakeholders, in a safe manner and in an innovative and creative way using a range of different multimedia and innovative technologies. The programme delivered: Appropriate accreditation Creation of a Virtual Shared Space developed by the young people Delivery of a “Get Creative Family Day” in each DEA


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BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – DIALOGUE PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 1) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Dialogue Programme to initiate & conduct hard conversations with groups from 8 areas and 48 participants, aimed at building their capacity & resilience skills to discuss contested spaces, to overcome the influence of gatekeepers & to undertake dialogue in safe places on hard issues includes an allowance for groups to undertake individual, localised Resource Allocation projects.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Dialogue Programme by Copius Advisory Services LLP. Programme budget £80,500 + Resource Allocation Budget of £16,000.

OUTPUTS: 58 participants, from local community based organisations, were recruited against a target of 48.

Groups were supported to develop, apply for and deliver a practical project (Resource Allocation) in 5 areas.


7 programmes were designed, offering participants 13 workshops from which they each chose 8. Participants also received 1-1 mentoring and groups were supported to identify and develop suitable Resource Allocation projects which were received by the Peace IV Partnership as individual applications, and assessed and awarded as such. A training needs analysis was undertaken for each group, alongside delivery of a capacity building dialogue programme for emerging leaders. The delivery agent carried out facilitation of dialogue sessions following delivery of the capacity building programme.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – CAPACITY BUILDING AND ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 2) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver an accredited and non-accredited leadership, personal development & active citizenship programme in each of the 7 DEAs in Antrim and Newtownabbey aimed at building leadership & team work skills, empowering young people to take greater control of their own lives & building their emotional intelligence & coping skills.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Capacity Building and Engagement Programme by Ledcom. Programme Budget £69,555 + additional Resource Allocation Budget of £70,000.




35 groups recruited from across the 7 DEAs within the Borough. 70 facilitated workshops were delivered with a total attendance of 656. 5 groups per DEA came together to learn, share and engage. Fantastic outcomes emerged, with groups embracing the programme and taking it in turn to host workshops and talk about their group, its members and any issues. Connections were made and networking opportunities evolved. The 35 groups received a minimum of 4-5 days individual group mentoring support. Groups were supported to develop area improvement plans, submit and secure funding applications; undertake strategic planning and learn how to handle conflict and manage volunteers. 10 facilitated days of collective participant mentoring and engagement sessions were delivered in each DEA (70 days total). This included a focus on the development and implementation of peace building project(s). A further range of peace building projects were delivered, utilising the Resource Allocation budget (£70,000). The programme achieved engagement in peace building by groups who had not previously engaged, whilst enhancing community capacity to develop and manage a peace building project. Groups developed a greater understanding, awareness and appreciation of the economic, social and peace building value of sharing and the peace dividends that this can bring to achieving sustainable and more cohesive communities.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – CROSS BORDER PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 3B AND C) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Cross Border Exchange and Learning Programme with 100 participants over the contract period building on previous links in Sligo County Council and a new link with Louth County Council based on its Eastern Seaboard location and its common issues to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council area.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of: • A cross border exchange between Elected representatives from both Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Cavan County Council. • A cross border exchange between staff members from both Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Cavan County Council.

OUTPUTS: Elected representatives from both areas took part in a series of face to face workshops and best practice visit across 3 residentials. Members took part in facilitated workshops to discuss and explore areas of commonality, and differences, to expand their understanding of each other and their respective areas. A hoped for international visit was ultimately not possible due to COVID. Members from both organisations reported feeling that strong relationships were being developed and expressed a desire to continue this on into the future. A varied, cross-sectional, cross departmental group of staff from both Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and Cavan County Council took part in a residential visit within Antrim and Newtownabbey. A range of best practice visits to view a variety of council facilities, including the award winning Castle Gardens in Antrim and the Valley Park (V36) which was developed through the Peace III Programme, and further developed under Peace IV with the addition of the Urban Sports Park, Skate 100. Participants explored the approach in each area towards: waste; recycling; leisure; planning; community facilities - parks and community buildings; community safety; the community and voluntary sector; how each council markets itself and the digitisation of services. Staff identified synergies and opportunities for both learning and sharing of best practice and also developed links for engagement under future programmes such as PEACEPLUS; The Shared Island Fund.


This programme was delivered internally by staff within the Community Planning directorate of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. Total budget for both elements: £44,400.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 3A, 4A AND B) SMART OBJECTIVE: 3a - To deliver a Cross Border Exchange and Learning Programme with 100 participants over the contract period building on previous links in Sligo County Council and a new link with Louth County Council based on its Eastern Seaboard location and its common issues to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council area. 4a - To build upon the Peace III Williamite programme, developing the resource pack produced under Peace III and delivering a Williamite Tour programme for a minimum of 36 participants. 4b - To deliver a cultural expression programme with important institutions in the Borough – the Orange Order and Ulster Scots Groups, Uniformed marching bands, GAA and Irish language community – The Key Institutions Programme. The aim of the programme being to increase awareness of heritage and cultural identity and dispel myths associated with participant organisations. This was enabled through capacity building workshops, facilitated dialogue sessions and the implementation of a project resource budget to demonstrate co-operative working. 20 ANTRIM AND NEWTOWNABBEY PEACE IV LOCAL ACTION PLAN

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of an overarching Key Institutions programme, delivered by TIDES Training and Consultancy which delivered activities against each of the 3 programmes detailed above. Programme Budget - 3a: £24,400 / 4a: £21,900 / 4b: £260,850 (Programme 4b included a Resource Allocation budget of £87k).

OUTPUTS: 3a – Key Institutions Cross Border Programme 45 participants were recruited, meeting the target, with an additional 4 participants joining the final cross border event. Work was undertaken with North city Community Partnership in Sligo. 2 residentials took place with advance meetings held in both Toome and Sligo. These events enabled exploration of both areas with participants enjoying: Ulster Scots evening at the Barron Hall in Glengormley; a historical tour of the Whitehouse in Whiteabbey with a lively question and answer session and a walking tour of the historical Antrim Castle Gardens. A third cross border residential took place in lieu of small visits, as this enabled more meaningful contact and cross-border / cross-community exploration and was the preferred option of the participants. Participants explored shared history; those from Antrim and Newtownabbey learned from the Northside History Group on how they have developed a diverse community hub, which includes service provision, in their area. Participants also visited a range of world war sites in Enniskillen and Cavan – with the Cavan history museum enabling participants to relive the trench

experience and connect people, place and heritage by exploring the shared and diverse cultural heritage of Cavan and the border regions. 4a – The Williamite Programme A total of 12 participants, meeting target, were recruited, however several were unable to complete for personal reasons. 9 completed the full programme and received facilitator training in the ‘12 weeks in 1690’ programme to enable them to continue with delivery to groups and individuals, beyond the life of the programme, sharing and promoting an understanding of this area of culture and history. Digital resources relating to the Jacobite trail and family tree were created and incorporated into the training. Each participant received a facilitators manual for future use in group facilitation. Delivery took place, by the trained facilitators, to a number of groups alongside a number of site visits at Carrickfergus Castle; Whitehouse; Londonderry; Enniskillen and a Dublin/Boyne trip which also included the National Museum to visit the archaeology department to see the ‘Broighter Hoard’, which has now become a shared symbol of cultural identity in Ireland; and St Patricks Cathedral with facilitator Dave O’Brien. 4b – The Key Institutions Cultural Expression Programme Following extensive delays linked to recruitment issues, the programme achieved recruitment from each of the 3 identified Key Institution groupings including: Orange Order (4 lodges from 1 district), Ulster Scots (2 groups); Uniformed Marching Bands (4 bands); GAA and Irish Language (2 GAA clubs and 1 Irish Language group).

Groups were engaged in co-design and planning for their community engagement projects. Through the ‘Capacity Building and Leadership’ and ‘Understanding Ourselves’ aspects of the programme, groups explored future use of historical and cultural sites for tourism purposes; carried out a ‘hopes and fears’ and training audit to review capacity and identify training needs; participated in a number of shared events delivered at participating groups facilities such as a range of Ulster Scots initiatives including a cookery demonstration, a heritage class, a concert and a heritage tour in the Mournes; attendance of participants at the Féile Lúnasa Family Festival organised by the Crumlin Irish Language group, Ionad Teaghlaigh Ghleann Darach - a historical festival that predates the different faith traditions in Ireland and as such represents the opportunity to reach out to diverse communities and to engage the community in a celebration of culture, tradition and language. Shared learning events initially saw the sharing of strong opinions, however as the discussions continued, with ice-breakers, across a number of sessions, facilitators saw an emerging of wider engagement and understanding. Personal struggles and conflict related trauma were evident. The leadership and cultural identity sessions provided the opportunity to explore the wider cultural impacts of personal identities. The focus on attitudinal work positively impacted on relationship building, creating a wider understanding and context of other cultures and traditions. The identifying of a number of points of common interest enabled a number of ideas to be developed that encouraged cross community contact, examples of common points of interest are: mentoring and leadership within the various organisations; recruitment and retention of new members; building resilience; mental health; and developing sustainability. Groups also explored the impact and contribution that migrant / refugee cultures have on our society, learning about immigration.


Participants took part in their choice of: Vulnerable Adult training; OCN in Contentious Cultural Issues (level 2 accredited training); OCN Level 2 in Citizenship and British Identity which also explored the historical context of Northern Ireland; OCN Level 2 Conflict Resolution and Mediation skills training.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – CAPACITY FOR DIALOGUE WITH CHURCH/FAITH GROUPS (PROGRAMME 5) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver an Interfaith/ Church Programme with circa 40 participants over 3 years aimed at building church connections across 7 DEAs & exploring & widening out the role of church & faith in Peace building.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of – a programme to engage with local churches, developing leaders and identifying and deliver a number of practical projects to enhance churches engagement and impact within local communities. Delivered by Community Dialogue, Budget: £40,000 to include Resource Allocation of £9,000).




45 participants recruited against a target of 18. Participants were engaged in a number of management and design meetings and undertook 6 modules of Leadership Training. From this the participants identified 5 practical, community based projects, designed to strengthen the churches involvement within their local communities as well as cementing a tight and cohesive umbrella leadership team across the various churches, which will continue beyond the life of the programme and ensure future collaboration and partnership working to address community needs. The objectives achieved include: linking churches with local community initiative; enabling churches to develop their own cross community initiatives; ensuring that local churches develop partnerships which will have a lasting legacy of inter church co-operation; building relationships and capacity of churches and church groups to work collaboratively in the local community; making churches more relevant to the local community; enhancing peace and reconciliation across the Antrim Newtownabbey area as a result of a greater level of inter church co-operation The projects were: An ‘Umbrella Group’; a constructive forum to deepen relationships and allow the churches to work collaboratively in serving the local community. This groups is now fully constituted. The Great Glengormley Get Together: Engagement through established Community Fund Day - the Churches project provided a physical presence at the event. Leaflets outlining the various practical projects were distributed providing the groups with great opportunity to be at the heart of the community and raise awareness of both the group, the projects and their future ambitions.

Antrim Foodbank: Funding was allocated from the Churches Project to provide environmentally friendly hessian bags to distribute the food and resources for shelving and transport – contributing to a community response to those in most need. GoanServe: an initiative to raise the profile of volunteering both locally and internationally, providing participants with experience in India, enabling them to develop significant skills to utilise within their own communities. Volunteers received leadership development training, equipping them to engage and spearhead volunteering opportunities. Babybank: Churches addressing an identified need to support vulnerable families in the Glengormley area by providing basic items for babies such as nappies and baby wipes. The Babybank model has been successfully implemented to support families across the UK, but there was not one in the Antrim and Newtownabbey area. The Babybank was officially launched at Glengormley Methodist Church. The initiative has been extremely successful, it has been sustained and since been replicated in Antrim and Ballyclare. A Bible Week in Newtownabbey: Church leaders in Newtownabbey were keen to expand their outreach and effectiveness within their local communities and attract more church leaders to become involved. An event was developed that would bring Christians from different churches together and be open to anyone in the local community. One of the top bible teachers in Northern Ireland and a well-known figure, respected by all denominations, Bishop Ken Clark, agreed to speak over 5 evenings: It is hoped to continue this annually and develop further events where the churches work together. This has resulted in: a deepening of relationships; Barriers between the denominations being broken down; local people contributing and using their skills and abilities; greater church involvement and visibility in the local community


In addition the project held a showing of ‘The Quiet Shuffling of Feet’, a film about David Bolton’s personal experience of trauma and his professional responses in the aftermath of both the Enniskillen and Omagh bombs. Both he and the film maker were in attendance to talk about the issues raised.


BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – GROWING UNDERSTANDING PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 6) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Growing Understanding Programme with circa 24 participants aimed at providing support to local groups to build understanding, collaboration, dialogue, integration & connections between BME communities and the wider local community.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Growing Understanding programme by the Institute of Conflict Research, Budget £65,750.


A total of 30 participants were recruited to the programme, against a target of 24, participating in 5 workshops, 6 site visits, an international study visit to Poland and a cross border residential study visit to Dundalk, Co Louth. Content included exploration of: Culture – ourselves and ‘others’; Good Relations, symbols and identity; sectarianism, racism and hate crime; contested spaces; torn from home – workshops exploring themes linked to holocaust, genocide and anti-Semitism. Site visits included a visit to the Guildhall in Derry, working with the Rainbow project and exploring the impact of hate crime and resilience; the creation of a piece of stained glass artwork, entitled ‘Light from Darkness’ to commemorate all of the different people and groups affected by the holocaust, more recent genocides and those who have been displaced – this piece of art is installed at the Synagogue in Belfast and was viewed by the then heir to the throne, Prince Charles on his visit to Belfast in 2019. The group further visited a Holocaust Memorial Day celebration; the Linen Hall Library to view their Burns collection and attend a traditional Burns night supper. An international visit to Krakow in Poland allowed for deeper learning and reflection in relation to hate crime.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME FOR PEACEBUILDING (PROGRAMME 7) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Leadership Programme for Peacebuilding with 20 participants over 3 years for CVS emerging leaders, elected members & those delivering services locally to include mediation and facilitating dialogue training as well as skills around conflict management and negotiation skills on hard issues. Includes international study visit and resource allocations.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Leadership Programme for Peacebuilding, delivered through Co-operation Ireland. Budget - £64,230 (which included a Resource Allocation Budget of £12,500).


The programme also contained an international visit to Paris, which gave participants the opportunity to strengthen relationships with each other on a cross community basis, whilst also further exploring racism and sectarianism but in an international context and looking at how other countries deal with these, achieve integration and acceptance; deal with international tensions and newcomers into their country and exploring the different types of jobs held by white and nonwhite people in Paris and also the higher proportion of non-Europeans in Paris and the backgrounds of those in low paid jobs.


23 participants recruited against a target of 20. Participants took part in a course to address racism and sectarianism by covering: an overview of community based issues locally; problem solving and decision making; cross community workshops and mediation and dialogue learning.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – SPORTS ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 8A) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Sports, Arts & Recreation Engagement Programme over 3 years with circa 230 participants aimed at widening participation rates across different communities in Non-traditional activities thus building relationships locally and addressing the challenges of sectarianism, racism and prejudice, and improving team work skills, leadership skills and self confidence among participants.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Sports Engagement Programme through Blu Zebra and Sport Changes Life. Budget £161,135.




A total of 113 young people completed the programme (against a target of 105) with 183 in total engaging with the programme. 8 programmes were delivered, against a target of 7, with 94 participants completing an OCN Level one in Good Relations and Sport Certificate – the remainder did not wish to complete the OCN. 557 mentoring hours were delivered and all sessions were supported by a Sport Changes Lives coach, a specialist sports coach and one or two victory scholars. Delivery was provided across a variety of council facilities to raise awareness of different areas of the borough as well as educating young people about what is available locally – this included local sports clubs, Ulster University, local halls and community associations; council sporting facilities, community centres etc. The groups took part in trips to various sporting and community attractions – throughout sport was used as a medium for peacebuilding, uniting and inspiring young people through challenging their thinking around good relations and peace. Young people have expressed new friendships, a greater sense of belonging to their area/ club/ sport; an increase in their individual confidence and resilience and their health and well-being.

BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – ARTS ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 8B) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Sports, Arts & Recreation Engagement Programme over 3 years with circa 230 participants aimed at widening participation rates across different communities in Non-traditional activities thus building relationships locally and addressing the challenges of sectarianism, racism and prejudice, and improving team work skills, leadership skills and self confidence among participants.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of an Arts Engagement Programme, delivered by Artsekta. Programme Budget: £84,051.60 (which included a Resource Allocation Budget of £17,500).


Members from the Indian community engaged in craft work and extended an invitation to Glengormley Methodist Church to join them; work with a Syrian refugee group saw them develop a visual arts exhibition; young people from Rathenraw Youth Scheme explored identity using portraiture and inspiration from folk art around the world, completing OCN training; children from Gaelscoil & Naiscoil Ghleann Darach designed and painted a wall mural celebrating the diversity of cultures around the world, inspired by animals associated with different nations and interwoven with celtic patterns. Newtownabbey Arts and Cultural Network focused on creative media and film making, producing 2 short pieces (a ‘docu’ film and a music video); Whiteabbey Community Centre worked with a theatre practitioner, developing a short piece of theatre. This programme completed all of its required outputs with a programme underspend of £10,695.46.


A total of 119 participants were recruited against a target of 105, from 6 diverse groups from across the Borough including those representing young people; over 50’s; Irish language; women and the BME community. 7 arts engagement programmes, each lasting 12 weeks were delivered to the participants, alongside mentoring support sessions. Participants were able to complete an accredited qualification in Arts and Good Relations, as well as an arts exhibition / celebration events.


BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONS – RECREATION PROGRAMME (PROGRAMME 8C) SMART OBJECTIVE: To deliver a Sports, Arts & Recreation Engagement Programme over 3 years with circa 230 participants aimed at widening participation rates across different communities in non-traditional activities thus building relationships locally and addressing the challenges of sectarianism, racism and prejudice, and improving team work skills, leadership skills and self confidence among participants.

DELIVERY: The SMART objective was achieved through delivery of a Recreation Engagement Programme by Wheelworks Ltd. Budget: £87,750 (which included a Resource Allocation Budget of £17,500).


7 groups from across the Borough were recruited to the programme, with a total participant number of 105, meeting the required target of 105. All participants completed Good Relations and Civic Leadership training. Each of the groups focussed on different aspects to develop and strengthen relationships within their own communities using a range of recreation options, this ranged from a cross community football cup which also included a number of people with disabilities; a digital art project; activities to focus on mental health and provide support. Several groups activities were affected by the COVID pandemic with planned events having to be cancelled. Some groups amended their delivery and were able to move to online meetings, for others this was not suitable due to their chosen activity, therefore they waited until conditions permitted their preferred delivery options. All participants achieved the required meaningful cross community contact hours, however an overall programme finale event was unable to take place due to the government restrictions in place at that time.


Resource Allocation Projects delivered directly in local communities



Children and Young People engaged through development programmes


Programmes delivered through the Antrim and Newtownabbey Peace IV Programme





This initiative has been funded by the EU’s PEACE IV Programme managed by the SEUPB

For further information on any of the programmes delivered through the Antrim and Newtownabbey Peace IV Local Action Plan please contact the: Antrim and Newtownabbey Peace Team Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Mossley Mill Carnmoney Road North Newtownabbey BT36 5QA Email: Tel: 028 9034 0000

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