What is proposed to change about bin collections in Antrim & Newtownabbey? At present Council staff collect the Black Bins in Newtownabbey and the Brown Bins in Antrim. It is proposed that in the future these collections will be done by an external contractor. Our customers are reassured that everything else remains the same, including bin collection days.
Why is the Council proposing this change? What are the benefits? After the merge of Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Councils in 2015, the Council has been reviewing services and staffing structures. Over the past 2 years, through service and staffing structure changes, the Council has made savings of approximately ÂŁ1.9M p.a. through voluntary severance. This has helped the Council to deliver to ratepayers a rates reduction and rates freeze, for the last 3 consecutive years. The Council is now reviewing the bin collection service because 29 staff from the Waste Management section applied for voluntary severance. These voluntary severance applications are being considered using the same approach applied to all other staff severance requests. Importantly, the Council agreed it would make service and staffing changes on the basis that there would be no compulsory redundancies or TUPE transfers to the private sector.
Will there be less frequent bin collections? No. The frequency of the bin collection service would remain the same.
Will there be a charge for the bin collection service? No. There would be no additional charges for your bin collection service. The Council would manage the new contractor within clear contractual terms.
When will a decision be made about this? A consultation exercise is currently underway with staff and Trade Unions. This will close on 30 September 2017, and a report will be made to the Council in October 2017.
Who do I contact if I have any other questions? Please contact our Head of Waste Services, Michael Laverty T. 02894 463113 E. michael.laverty@ antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk