Borough Life - Autumn/Winter 2015 (with Video)

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Borough Life Antrim and Newtownabbey Residents’ Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015

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Contents 4

Ballyearl Gym


O’Neill Road Recycling Centre now open! V36 at the Valley


7 8 9 13

Allen Park

Lilian Bland Community Park Save Local Spend Local Street pastors to expand across the new Borough Play it safe this Christmas The Council’s planning service 8 months on… Christmas pull out section Relaxed performance at The Courtyard Theatre Mayor’s charities

14 15 16 19 20

Toddler mornings at Playzone Community Planning Help for community groups Keeping a tag on Christmas spending Your Councillors Dates to remember Have your say

Message from the Mayor Welcome to ‘Borough Life’ the residents’ magazine for Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. We plan to publish ‘Borough Life’ in summer and winter in combination with its sister publications ‘Active Life’ and ‘Cultural Life’, our website and our social media sites, we hope to keep you up to speed with ‘life’ in Antrim and Newtownabbey. Over the next year we will continue to consult with you on many of our services and on our local area plan and community plan. We need your help to shape the future of your new Borough and inside this magazine you can read about some of the community planning work going on and some of the new initiatives to involve more people in the process. Please take time to complete the survey in the back of this issue and have your say. It has been a busy few months since the new Council started on 1 April 2015 and since then I have had the opportunity and honour to meet many of you and see the great work going on in our community. Our new Borough has so much to offer, and with our vibrant and enthusiastic community of businesses, sports clubs, schools, voluntary groups and individuals, I know that we have a very bright future ahead. One of our newest schemes featured here in the magazine is V36, read about it alongside some of the other new developments that will improve services. Your new Council has an ambition to create high quality, well designed services and facilities which can make a real difference to the lives of our residents. We also have a varied events programme for you to enjoy and our special pull out leaflet will give you a taster of what is planned in the run up to Christmas. May I take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy Christmas and to pass on my best wishes for the year ahead. Councillor Thomas Hogg Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

If you have any comments on the magazine please contact: Communication and PR, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Antrim Civic Centre, 50 Stiles Way, Newtownabbey BT41 2UB. T 028 9034 0027 or 028 9034 0046 E comms@antrimandnewtownabbey.

V36 now open!

The magazine is available in alternative formats for those with a disability, please contact us for more information.

The magazine is delivered to postal areas BT29, BT36, BT37, BT39, BT41 and our residents in BT38. If it is not delivered to any of your neighbours living in these areas, please let us know. Printed on FSC and PEFC accredited material. © Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council @ANBorough

Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is committed to continually developing the facilities throughout the Borough. Here are just a few examples of recent investments…

Ballyearl Gym Ballyearl Arts and Leisure Centre recently opened the doors of its new state-of-the-art fitness suite. With great views over the golf driving range, the £200,000 investment has extended and modernised the fitness suite to include a range of cardiovascular and resistance machines as well as functional strength, conditioning and free weights areas. A range of fitness membership options are available including the new five centre membership which includes unlimited access to Ballyearl as well as Antrim Forum, Crumlin, Sixmile and Valley Leisure Centres.

For more information on membership options and prices, contact a Membership Advisor at any of the leisure centres. Contact details can be found on page 19.

Allen Park Work is currently underway at Allen Park Golf Centre in Antrim to transform it into a new multiactivity sports hub.

outdoor 3G pitches suitable for football, rugby and gaelic sports.

Due to open in Summer 2016, the £4.5m investment includes a new full size sports hall, meeting room, changing rooms and a new reception area as well as three

If your club or group is interested in booking any of the new facilities at Allen Park, including the 3G pitches, please register your interest by contacting Allen Park T 028 9442 9001 E allenpark@antrimand

As part of the development, the clubhouse and restaurant will also be refurbished and the existing driving range will be upgraded to include new specialised teaching bays. During construction works there will be full access to the golf course with some restriction to the practice areas and driving range. This exciting project will provide modern facilities for a range of activity clubs and services, which everyone can enjoy.


O’Neill Road Recycling Centre NOW OPEN!

The Council has taken another step towards reducing the amount of waste going to landfill with the opening of the new Recycling Centre at O’Neill Road, Newtownabbey. Funded by the DOE Rethink Waste Fund, the new centre will focus on materials being recycled, reused and recovered. The centre will be open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

rethink waste

For more information

T 028 9034 0000 or visit



Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine


The wait is over as the Council’s fantastic new facility V36 is now open to the public. Situated beside the Valley Leisure Centre in Newtownabbey and named after the postcode of the area, this project received £3.58m EU PEACE III funding and has transformed an area of underused open space into an iconic new shared facility. A floodlit 3G pitch suitable for football, rugby and gaelic sports has been created, in addition

to a civic linear park with a performance area for events and a unique ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ themed adventure play area for families. The park also includes areas of open space, paths, public art displays and a picnic area. This new shared space provides an opportunity for local people and visitors from all backgrounds to come together through sport, recreation and artsbased activities and complements the existing leisure and play facilities currently on offer at the Valley Leisure Centre.

For more information or to book the event space or 3G pitch, contact the Valley Leisure Centre T 028 9086 1211 or visit www.antrimandnewtown


Lilian Bland Community Park Situated in the heart of Glengormley, Lilian Bland Community Park has re-opened For more information or to book the facilities, contact Kim Murray T 028 9034 0137 or visit www.antrimandnew

following a recent £600,000 upgrade. In addition to a refurbishment of the existing facilities, Glengormley Pavilion has been redeveloped to include a new reception area and multi-purpose function room suitable for fitness classes,

meetings and birthday parties. Outdoors, a new event space has been created as a venue for a range of community events and the park has also benefitted from some new play equipment and replacement seating.

i Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


The Chair of Glengormley Chamber and Traders’ Association, Iain Patterson commented “We are delighted to support the Spend Local



Now, more than ever, it’s vital that we support our local businesses. By spending local, you’re helping to save businesses in your area and with the exciting deals on offer you can save money too.

Save Local campaign to help local businesses on our doorstep. The scheme will encourage new customers to use local businesses by raising inNEWTOWNABBEY awareness of products and services available, and also reward the loyalty of returning customers.” SPEND

The Council has teamed up with Glengormley Chamber and Traders’ Association to launch the Spend Local, Save Local campaign. The campaign is aimed at encouraging residents to support their local shops by spending locally.


The Spend Local Save Local cards will be delivered to all households in the Glengormley inNEWTOWNABBEY area in early November. The cards will allow residents to avail of various discounts in businesses within the Glengormley area. SPEND

Save Local Spend Local

The Council intends to work with

The future of your town centre Antrim Towns Development Company is currently undertaking a consultation on the future of Antrim Town Centre. This is your opportunity to shape the future of your town. To have your say contact T 028 9023 2524 E


Maeve McGinley, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Iain Patterson, President of Glengormley Chamber of Trade and Commerce and Conor Mulholland, Tramways Quality Butchers.

other Traders’ groups to run the scheme throughout the Borough in the coming months. For more information on Spend Local Save Local or for a list of the businesses that are taking part in the scheme, please visit www.getintoglen


Street pastors to expand across new Borough Newtownabbey Street Pastors are on the lookout for more volunteers to help expand their street patrols across the new Borough. The Street Pastors are a group of local churchgoers nominated by their respective churches, who walk the Borough’s streets on Friday and Saturday nights offering a helping hand to anyone in need of assistance. Each Street Pastor goes through a 50-hour training programme. Around 60 trained Street Pastors actively work in the Newtownabbey area.


Brian Mullan, Treasurer of the group, says; “The Street Pastors engage with the local community, young and old, who ask for help and make sure they get home safe at night. We work to help improve safety in all areas and help reduce anti-social behaviour.” The Street Pastors are funded by the PSNI, the Council and local churches which provide uniforms, equipment and training. They have played a key role in helping to reduce anti-social behaviour by building up relationships

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

with young people and providing diversionary activities for local youths. Plans are now underway to extend it into Ballyclare, Antrim and Crumlin. The organisation is seeking to recruit in these areas.

For more information about volunteering opportunities with the group T 07543 937436 E newtownabbey@streetpastors. or visit www.newtown


Play it safe this Christmas Christmas is a season for children and young people to have fun. New toys are on many wish lists, but they can also be a risk to your child. Here are some tips to help you choose those toys safely.

Purchasing toys

Before play

Purchase toys from a reputable shop or a recognised website.

Check if the manufacturer’s name, registered trade name/ mark and address is provided on the toy.

Look for the CE mark which is required by law on all toys sold within the EU.

During play

Check that younger children, especially those under three, don’t have access to toys intended for use by older children.

Check toys regularly for breakage or damage that could cause injury and dispose of damaged toys.

If a toy requires batteries, change all the batteries at once as mixing old and new batteries can lead to overheating.

Check the age range and choose toys suitable for the child’s age and abilities.

Read all warnings and follow instructions.

Check toys for sharp edges and small parts that could pose a choking hazard.

Check for magnets on toys which can cause injury if swallowed.

Fix garden toys such as swings over a soft area eg. grass.

Remember the packaging is not part of the toy and should be disposed of safely before a toy is given to a child.

After Play

Encourage children to tidy up after play. Leaving toys lying around can cause accidents, especially on stairs or busy areas of the home.

If you come across a toy that seems unsafe or you feel doesn’t meet the standard it should, don’t buy it.

If you buy any product that you later think is dangerous, act quickly by contacting the Environmental Health team T 028 9034 0160.


Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


The Council’s planning service 8 months on… It has been 8 months since the Council became responsible for the majority of planning functions across the new Council area on 1 April 2015. Planning is all about shaping the future of our Borough and endeavouring to achieve the right development in the right place at the right time. The objective is to create a place where people take pride in their surroundings, where we look after our natural and built heritage and support sustainable growth for future generations. We are seeking to introduce a speedier, simpler and more streamlined process, making it easier for you to access and participate in the planning process. We are working hard to deliver faster and more predictable decisions and we are also keen to ensure there is stronger and more effective planning enforcement on the ground. Almost 400 decisions on planning applications were issued in the first 6 months, including more than 40 decisions taken by the Planning Committee.

Keeping it local The Planning Section has recently been out and about talking to communities to find out how people would like to get more involved in planning issues and how we can all work together to develop the Council’s new Local Development Plan. There will be widespread consultation with local communities, providing businesses, local groups and organisations with a real opportunity to have a say in shaping the look and feel of their local area through the new Plan.

Find out more about planning in the Borough More information about the


preparation of our new Local Development Plan is available on our website at www. uk/planning. The web page will be updated regularly to provide up to date information on the progress of the plan as well as any public consultation events. All planning applications submitted to the Council are advertised weekly in the Antrim Guardian and the Newtownabbey Times. The weekly notices are also available on our website.

Planning Committee Meetings The Planning Committee considers all major development proposals affecting the Borough as well as more contentious or sensitive schemes. There is a Planning Committee Meetings page in the Planning section of the Council’s website. This provides information about the Committee, our meetings and lists the schedule of applications to be presented each month to the Committee for determination about 10 days before the Committee meeting. The full Committee agenda report and the Officer recommendation on each application is then made available 3 working days before the Committee meeting. The minutes of our meetings are also available as well audio recordings, so that you can hear how issues were discussed and how decisions were reached.

Where can I find out more information about planning applications? You can track the progress of all planning applications online using the Public Access tool on the Planning Portal easily

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Kieran O’Connell from Antrim and Newtownabbey Council’s Planning section gives advice to Vivienne Walsh, South Antrim Community Network, Randalstown.

from our website. The Portal provides a detailed description of the proposed development, outlines key stages in the process and contains relevant documentation associated with the proposal, such as plans, maps and drawings, consultation responses, correspondence with the applicant, third party representations as well as planning reports and the final decision, saving you a journey to the local planning office.

Getting in touch Planning Section Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Mossley Mill Carnmoney Road North Newtownabbey BT36 5QA T 0300 123 6677 E planning@antrimand www.antrimandnewtown If you want to discuss a specific planning issue in person with a member of the Planning Section you can do so by arranging an appointment in advance. The meeting can be arranged either in Antrim Civic Centre or Mossley Mill. To arrange an appointment please contact us on the phone number above.

For more information about the Planning Committee meetings and advice on how you can speak at a meeting, please phone T 0300 123 6677 or go to the website and refer to the leaflet ‘How to Get Involved in Planning Committee Meetings’.


4-8pm daily s)



or visit our web

T 028 9448 1338


F admisresieon

For further info rm

(including weeke nd

Saturday 12 to Sunday 20 Dece mber

Share tohfe magic Christme as tim


across the Borough

Adding a touch of

FREE family entertainment. See Willy Wonka & the Oompa-Loompas in their Chocolate Factory - £4 per child (tickets required). Santa and friends arrive at 5.30pm. For further details contact

Lilian Bland Community Park


Saturday 21 November, 2.30pm-6pm

FREE family entertainment, Cool FM roadshow, Children’s prize draw & fireworks finale. Santa and friends arrive at 7pm. For further details contact T 028 9446 3113.

Market Square


Friday 20 November, 5.45pm-7.45pm

Christmas light switch ons


Saturday 5 December, 9.15am

For further information or to book tickets contact the Box Office T 028 9446 3113.

The Old Courthouse, Antrim


Thursday 3 December, 7.30pm

Admission £3 – includes afternoon tea and entry into Christmas Prize Draw. Tickets available from Ballyclare Town Hall and Mossley Mill from Monday 9 November 2015. For further details contact T 028 9034 0053.

Ballyclare Town Hall


Thursday 3 December, 2pm-5pm

For further information or to

Theatre at The Mill


Tuesday 1 December to Saturday 2 January

For further information or to book tickets contact the Box Office T 028 9034 0202.

Courtyard Theatre


Friday 27 November to Saturday 19 December

Theatre shows

Christmas Events across the Borough

Antrim Forum


Saturday 12 December, 2.30pm

Visit Santa in his grotto and take part in a range of children’s activities including train rides, face painting, mobile farm, balloon modelling and Santa’s adventure activity playground. See Santa arrive by boat along the Six Mile Water River around 6.15pm. Free admission to event and there is £1 per child charge for Santa’s Grotto (small gift included). For further details contact T 028 9446 3113 ext 31376.

Antrim Lough Shore Park


Thursday 10 December, 6pm-8pm

Refreshments provided. All proceeds will be donated to the Mayor’s chosen charities. For further details contact T 028 9446 3113.

Start/Finish Lough Shore Park, Antrim

For further details contact T 028 9034 0053.



Thursday 10 December, 6pm-9pm

For further information or to book tickets contact the Box Office T 028 9446 3113.

The Old Courthouse, Antrim


Thursday 10 to Wednesday 16 December

book tickets contact the Box Office T 028 9034 0202.


Tickets £5 per child. For further details contact T 028 9034 0197.

Merville House, Merville Garden Village


Saturday 19 December 1.30pm, 3pm, 4.30pm, 6pm

For further details contact T 028 9448 1338.

Antrim Castle Gardens


Saturday 12 to Sunday 20 December, 4pm-8pm (including weekends)

For further details contact T 028 9446 4131.

For a full programme of events visit

FREE family entertainment. See Willy Wonka & the Oompa-Loompas in their Chocolate Factory - £4 per child (tickets required). Santa and friends arrive at 5.30pm. For further details contact T 028 9034 0053.

The Square


Saturday 28 November, 2.30pm-6pm

T 028 9034 0053.

Wednesday 2 December N EW DATE 6.30pm CRUMLIN, MAIN STREET


Saturday 28 November 2.30pm-6pm BALLYCLARE, THE SQUARE

Friday 27 November 6.30pm RANDALSTOWN MOORE’S LANE


Christmas light switch ons across the Borough Wednesday 25 November 7pm MALLUSK, PARKMOUNT GREEN

Tuesday 24 November 7pm BURNSIDE, KELBURN PARK

Wednesday 18 November 6.30pm BAWNMORE GREEN Thursday 26 November 11am ABBOT’S CROSS SHOPS


Thursday 19 November 7pm DOAGH, VILLAGE SQUARE Thursday 26 November 2pm NEW MOSSLEY CAR PARK

Friday 27 November 2.30pm TILDARG PRIMARY SCHOOL

Thursday 26 November 7.30pm BALLYROBERT VILLAGE

Friday 20 November 5.45-7.45pm ANTRIM, MARKET SQUARE Saturday 21 November 2.30pm-6pm GLENGORMLEY LILIAN BLAND PARK Tuesday 24 November 11am STRAID, MAIN STREET


Thursday 3 December 7pm TOOME, TOOME HOUSE

Friday 4 December 6pm RATHCOOLE, THE DIAMOND

Friday 4 December 7pm PARKGATE, VILLAGE GREEN



For further details contact T 028 9034 0000 or T 028 9446 3113

For a full programme of events visit

Relaxed performance at The Courtyard Theatre Going to the theatre can be overwhelming and intimidating for many people. This year, as part of our 5th Anniversary celebrations, we are staging a relaxed performance of our Jack and the Beanstalk production on Saturday 12 December at 1pm in The Courtyard Theatre. Our relaxed performance is open to all, but is adapted to accommodate people who may have sensory or learning issues. These can include (but are not limited to) autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing disorders, Down’s syndrome and learning difficulties. The relaxed performance of Jack and the

Beanstalk is suitable for children and adults and will feature adapted lighting and lowered sound levels. Audience members will be free to talk and move around the auditorium if they wish. We also have an open door policy so patrons can make use of the quiet room as they please. Other facilities include ample free car parking, accessible seating, accessible bathroom facilities on all levels and a hearing loop system. Further relaxed performances at our venues will take place next year.

Mayor’s charities

Mayor Alderman Thomas Hogg with Margaret Field (Autism NI) and cast members Jordan Walker and Corrie Earley

For further information contact our Box Office on T 028 9034 0202 or visit www.

For more information on the Mayor’s Charities, please visit www.antrimandnewtownabbey.

This year the Mayor is supporting ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, Autism NI and Cancer Fund for Children.

for soldiers, former soldiers and their families.

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity (formerly the Army Benevolent Fund), assists the wider army family by providing various forms of welfare

Autism NI seeks to ensure that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their carers, have access to appropriate services.

i i

Cancer Fund for Children provides practical, emotional and financial support to children and their families offering support at home, in the community and in hospital.

Toddler mornings at Playzone Every Wednesday and Friday morning, Playzone hosts its very own Parent And Toddler Mornings from 10am to 11.30am. It’s a great way for children to make friends whilst letting the parents socialise too! Snack and refreshments are included. The Eco Toddler Group meet every Thursday from 10am to 11.30am and is suitable for children up to 4 years.

For prices or more information contact the Valley Leisure Centre T 028 9086 1211 or E gayle.millar@antrimand


Playzone has its very own eco garden specifically for the eco toddler group. The garden has home grown vegetables and flowers and is full of recycled items including old wellies transformed into pretty plant pots!

Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


Community Planning On April 1st the power of Community Planning became part of the remit of local government in Northern Ireland. Community Planning is another way of describing working together with others to improve the quality of life of our residents. The agencies which will be involved along with the Council in developing and implementing the Community Plan, deliver services which affect all of us. Whether it is the education of children, the care of the elderly, making healthier choices, protecting our community or growing our local economy – all of these things are important to us as individuals, our families and our communities. Some of the agencies and organisations that are involved include: Tourism NI Invest NI NI Housing Executive Public Health Agency

Northern Health and Social Care Trust Health and Social Care Board (Northern Region) Libraries NI Education Authority NI Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) Sport NI NI Fire and Rescue Service Police Service of Northern Ireland Through Community Planning, we aim to encourage vibrant, thriving and resilient communities. Community Planning will help the Council and its partners to think about its plans for leisure and recreational provision, for open spaces, how we will protect the vulnerable residents of our Borough, how we will promote the creation of employment, how we will develop the skills of our work force and how we can influence infrastructure to help make all this happen.

The most important aspect in community planning is the wellbeing of our citizens – we want to hear from our residents about what they like about where they live and what they would change if they could. We can use this feedback to shape the content of the community plan and the direction of service provision. A number of events will be coming up to share what we have found through research or heard through engagement with residents and we encourage you to come along and share your views. For more information visit www. uk or E communityplanning@ uk or contact Alison Keenan, Community Planning Officer, T 028 9034 0212.


Help for community groups The Council offers advice and support to local community groups through community services and

good relations progammes. We provide information and support on areas such as setting up a new group, new project ideas, support with events, grant aid and fundraising support. The good relations programme aims to develop mutual understanding, respect for cultural traditions and positive cross-community development. It supports key events, including the annual Community Relations and Cultural Awareness Week. The programme offers grant aid assistance and guidance on project funding to groups who work to promote community and/or race relations, address sectarianism and racism.


Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Make sure your community group is registered on the Community Directory to find out about calls for funding and training for your group. If you are not listed it is very simple to register, there are no costs involved and we’ll help you with the process so why not get in touch today!

For further information please contact the Community Development Team on T 028 9446 3113 or 9034 0000 or E communitydevelopment@ uk. Or to view all available grants please visit www.antrim grants


£ £


n o g a t a g g n i n i d p n K ee tma s spe s i r h C Christmas, or at least the run up to it, seems to start earlier every year. The adverts on the television, the decorations in town centres and the late night shopping, all serve to tell us that we need to spend big in order to enjoy ourselves. However, the hangover we can be left with after buying the presents, food and decorations can leave us starting the New Year with a big financial headache. Debt is a fact of life for many people these days but following some simple guidelines can help in the run up to Christmas: Make a list of who you need to buy presents for and set a limit according to your budget on how much you can spend; When you go shopping keep track of what you have spent – that way you will know when your money is low and when you have spent what you budgeted for; Try to avoid going over your budget – shop around for the best deals and try to avoid buying on impulse; If you cannot avoid borrowing make sure you can afford the repayments - avoid credit cards, store cards and doorstep lenders as these can be very expensive.

If you get into financial difficulties or find you have overspent follow these tips: Don’t panic and don’t ignore the problem – it can seem tempting to ignore bills and threatening letters but they won’t go away; Avoid borrowing further to try and pay off existing debt – this may lead to more problems in the long run; Talk to your creditors – don’t just stop payments without explaining why. They can sometimes be more understanding than you might expect; Work out priority debts, for example, rent and utility debts – pay these first. Don’t fall into the trap of paying whoever shouts loudest first; Work out a budget that covers all your income and essential outgoings. Only offer to pay off debts at a rate you can afford. Article by Pat Hutchinson MBE Citizens Advice District Manager

Get free, confidential and independent advice from your nearest Citizens Advice (see below) or visit www.

£ £

Citizens Advice Newtownabbey T 028 9085 2271 Citizens Advice Antrim T 028 9442 8176

£ £

Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015





Antrim Threemilewater Airport

Your Councillors

Macedon Glengormley Urban

Airport District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Aldergrove, Clady, Crumlin, Mallusk and Templepatrick and consists of 5 members.






T 07803 535094 E thomas.burns@ antrimandnewtown

T 07533 353610 E annemarie.logue@ antrimandnewtown

T 07825 374019 E matthew.magill@ antrimandnewtown

T 07587 657120 E paul.michael@ antrimandnewtown

T 07860 590614 E mervyn.rea@ antrimandnewtown


Antrim District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Antrim Centre, Fountain Hill, Greystone, Springfarm, Steeple and Stiles and consists of 6 members.

NIGEL KELLS DUP T 07825 418774 E nigel.kells@antrim andnewtownabbey.



T 07545 992615 T 07827 276840 E neil.kelly@antrimand E roisin.lynch@ antrimandnewtown



T 07471 147666 E jim.montgomery@ antrimandnewtown

T 07436 582180 E john.smyth@ antrimandnewtown

T 07713 864953 E drew.ritchie@ antrimandnewtown

Ballyclare District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyclare East, Ballyclare West, Ballynure, Ballyrobert and Doagh and consists of 5 members.






T 07925 740395 E david.arthurs@ antrimandnewtown

T 07789 208142 E jim.bingham@ antrimandnewtown

T 07912 028945 E mandy.girvan@ antrimandnewtown

T 07895 208006 E tim.girvan@ antrimandnewtown

T 07792 477050 E vera.mcwilliam@ antrimandnewtown

Key abbreviations DUP - Democratic Unionist Party SDLP - Social Democratic and Labour Party UUP - Ulster Unionist Party TUV - Traditional Unionist Voice


Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Dunsilly District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Cranfield, Parkgate, Randalstown, Shilvodan and Toome and consists of 5 members.






T 07825 409722
 E trevor.beatty@ antrimandnewtown

T 07803 132601 E linda.clarke@ antrimandnewtown

T 07871 229810 E henry.cushinan@ antrimandnewtown

T 07702 710517 E brian.duffin@ antrimandnewtown

T 07423 457376 E roderick.swann@ antrimandnewtown

Glengormley Urban Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyhenry, Burnthill, Carnmoney, Collinbridge, Glebe, Glengormley and Hightown and consists of 7 members. DEPUTY MAYOR




T 07749 083538 E audrey.ball@ antrimandnew

T 07788 871189 E john.blair@ antrimandnew

T 07971 538685 E phillip.brett@ antrimandnew





T 07740 063726 E mark.cosgrove @antrimandnew

T 07827 818500
 E michael.goodman @antrimandnew

T 07827 936498 E michael.maguire @antrimandnew

T 07789 208157 E noreen.mcclelland @antrimandnew

Macedon District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Abbey, Carnmoney Hill, O’Neill, Rathcoole, Valley and Whitehouse and consists of 6 members. MAYOR







T 07789 208144 E william.decourcy@ antrimandnew

T 07803 186008 E paul.hamill@antrim andnewtownabbey.

T 07792 891572 E thomas.hogg@ antrimandnew

T 07475 033363 E david.hollis@ antrimandnew

T 07803 598637 E john.scott@ antrimandnew

T 07799 866876 E billy.webb@ antrimandnew

mbe jp

Threemilewater District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyduff, Fairview, Jordanstown, Monkstown, Mossley and Rostulla and consists of 6 members.







T 07711 135267 E fraser.agnew@ antrimandnew

T 07917 543674 E william.ball@ antrimandnew

T 07974 826165 E pamela.barr@ antrimandnew

T 07595 978690 E tom.campbell@ antrimandnew

T 07515 854858 E ben.kelso@ antrimandnew

T 07713 946038 E stephen.ross@ antrimandnew

Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


Other useful numbers Contacts for services which the Council is NOT responsible for:

Animal welfare Animal welfare is now dealt with under The Welfare of Animals Act (NI) 2011 and covers incidents of neglect and cruelty to animals. The responsibilities for dealing with complaints regarding domestic animals (pets) and horses/ponies is provided on a shared service basis involving groups of Councils. The Animal Welfare Officers, who investigate and enforce the provisions of the 2011 Act, are based in the Mid and East Antrim Council area. If you have any concerns or complaints regarding animal welfare, contact the Animal Welfare Officers on T 028 2563 3134.


Rural Development funding GROW South Antrim has been allocated £2.61m of funding to distribute to small businesses and communities in the rural areas of our Council. The funding comes through the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 which is part funded by the European Union and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and will be distributed by GROW with support from Council officers. The strategy for the funding is now being finalised and it is hoped that the first application calls will be launched in early 2016. If you have a project idea please get in touch for further details on T 028 9448 1311 or E emma.stubbs@antrimand



Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Animal Welfare

028 2563 3134

Bryson Energy

0800 142 2865

Bus and Rail queries (Translink)

028 9066 6630

Education Authority

028 2565 3333

Electoral Office

0800 4320 712

Electricity Faults & Emergencies (Airtricity & Power NI) (24 hours)

03457 643 643

Gas Emergency Response (24 hours) (Firmus Energy & Phoenix Gas)

0800 002 001

Housing Executive Main Number (including grass cutting & graffiti) Repairs Line Housing Benefit

03448 920 900 03448 920 901 03448 920 902

Land Registry

0300 200 7803

Mapping (Land & Property Services)

0300 200 7804

Northern Health & Social Care Trust

028 9442 4000

Pest Control - Consult Phone Directory Rates (Property Rating & Valuation)

0300 200 7801

TransportNI (previously Roads Service) Antrim office

028 9442 6500

Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti

028 9046 3250

Cut roadside trees and grass verges

028 9054 0540

Fallen trees

0300 200 7891

Flooding roadway, footpath and blocked road gullies (24 hours)

028 9025 3000

Road repairs Street lighting Traffic Hotline Winter salting (24 hours)

0300 200 7893 0300 200 7899 0845 712 3321 0300 200 7893

Social Security Agency Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices: Benefits Freephone Employment Service

0800 022 4250 0300 200 7822

Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT)

0800 023 2023

Voting (Electoral Office)

0800 432 0712

Water Waterline

03457 440088

Report your property is flooded or flooding (Flooding Incident Line) (24 hours)

0300 200 0100

Flooding - Council owned property

028 9446 3113

Burst watermains and blocked sewers (Northern Ireland Water) (24 hours)

0345 744 0088

Overflowing rivers and watercourses (Rivers Agency)

028 9260 6100

Water pollution in watercourse (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)

0800 807 060

Dates to remember Mon 30 May

Mon 2 May

Fri 1 Apr

Thu 31 Mar

Wed 30 Mar

Tue 29 Mar

Mon 28 Mar

Sun 27 Mar

Sat 26 Mar

Fri 25 Mar

Thu 17 Mar

Fri 8 Jan

Thu 7 Jan

Wed 6 Jan

Tue 5 Jan

Mon 4 Jan

Sun 3 Jan

Sat 2 Jan

Fri 1 Jan

Thu 31 Dec

Wed 30 Dec

Tue 29 Dec

Mon 28 Dec

Sun 27 Dec

Sat 26 Dec

Fri 25 Dec

Thu 24 Dec

The Council’s holiday arrangements:


028 9446 3113


028 9034 0000

3 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7

Allen Park

028 9442 9001

F 7 F 3 3 3 3 F F 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Antrim Forum

028 9446 4131


028 9084 8287


028 9445 2733

7 7 F 7 7 7 3 7 F 7



028 9334 1818


028 9086 1211

7 7 7 7 7

7 3 7 3 3

F F F F 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 7 F F F F 7 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 F 7

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 7 3 3

3 3 7 7

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3 7 3

3 3 7 3

THEATRES Courtyard Theatre

028 9034 0202

Old Courthouse

028 9446 3113

Theatre at The Mill

028 9034 0202

7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7

or visit or

FACILITIES Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House

028 9448 1338

3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ballyclare Town Hall

028 9034 0137

3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 7 7 7

Flax Gallery & Museum at The Mill

028 9034 0129

3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 7 7

Pogues Entry

028 944 81338

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Sentry Hill Historic House

028 9083 2363

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 3 3 3 7 7 3 F F


028 9034 0129

3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

COMMUNITY CENTRES Contact details for Community Centres are available online


3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 F F 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 F 7 F 3 3 3 3 3 3

REFUSE COLLECTION See the local press or visit nearer the time for details. Please remember to leave your bin out for 7am on collection day at normal collection point. 028 9034 0057/56 or check your bin collection day at

RECYCLING CENTRES Open Winter (November-March) Mon-Sat 9am-6pm Craigmore (Randalstown)

028 9447 3813

3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


028 9442 3640

Newpark (Antrim)

028 9442 8107

3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Open Winter (October-March) Mon-Sun 9am-5pm Bruslee

028 9034 0056/57 3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Open Winter (October-March) Mon-Sat 9am-5pm O’Neill Road

028 9034 0056/57 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

We are open as normal all other bank and public holidays.

3 Open as normal F For opening times and collection changes see the website 7 CLOSED Borough Life Autumn/Winter 2015


ey have you r say su rv

Prize draw

The Council’s Corporate Plan sets out our vision for our Borough ‘to be a prosperous place, inspired by our people and driven by ambition.’ We want your ‘place’ to be somewhere that you are proud to live in and we want to keep engaging with you to make this happen. If you are a resident please take a few minutes to complete the survey which will give us feedback to make our Borough a better place.

All responses received will be entered into a FREE PRIZE DRAW for £200 worth of vouchers to use at Council facilities including sports facilities, theatres, museums and restaurants.

Please return it to: Freepost RTLJ-KAZB-ERRS, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Customer Services, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey BT36 5QA. Alternatively, complete the survey online at

General waste collection One of the Council’s key priorities is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycle as much as possible because it helps protect our environment and it reduces the cost of waste disposed. How satisfied are you with the Council’s general waste collection service? Fortnightly black bin collection (general waste) Collection of bulky waste items from your house free of charge* (within 10 working days) Online bin collection day checker * For the list of items which can be collected free of charge see the Council website.

Do you have any comments or suggestions on the general waste collection service?

Recyclable waste How satisfied are you with the Council’s recyclable waste service? Antrim fortnightly collection of blue bin Newtownabbey weekly collection of kerbie box/wheelie boxes Fortnightly bin collection of brown bin (food and green waste) Brown food waste caddy to dispose of food waste Red tag to request more food waste liners (attach this to the handle of your brown bin on your collection day)

What would encourage/help you to reduce your waste and recycle more?


Very Satisfied

Fairly Satisfied

Neither Satisfied Nor Dis-Satisfied

Fairly Dis-Satisfied

Very Dis-Satisfied

Do Not Use

Cut out and post back to the FREEPOST address provided.

ey have you r say su rv Street cleansing The Council aims to keep the streets of Antrim and Newtownabbey clean and tidy. How satisfied are you with the following ways the Council does this? How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of the roads and streets in your area? Please state the area you live in How satisfied are you with the provision of litter bins across the Borough? How satisfied are you that litter bins are well maintained and emptied regularly in your area?

What else can be done to keep Antrim and Newtownabbey’s streets cleaner?

and finally‌ Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with all services provided by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council? Overall satisfaction

Do you have any other comments you would like to make regarding the area in which you live, or the future delivery of services provided by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council?

Prize draw Simply complete the survey and your details below. Cut the pages out of the magazine and post to: Freepost RTLJ-KAZB-ERRS, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Customer Services, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey, BT36 5QA. Closing date to receive completed entries is Monday 21 December 2015. Name Address Postcode Daytime telephone number Email

Thank you for completing this survey For competition rules please visit or these can be posted on request, please T 028 9034 0034.

e h t e r a h S of magic Christme as tim Saturday 12 to Sunday 20 Dece mber

4-8pm daily

Free admission

(including week ends) For further info rmation

T 028 9448 1338

or visit our web site


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