Positive Ageing Month 2023 - Get Connected

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Ageing Month October 2023 MAKING A DIFFERENCE TO PEOPLE’S LIVES Get Connected

October is Positive Ageing Month!

Positive Ageing Month celebrates the contribution that older people make to the community and our Borough. This booklet highlights a range of events and activities planned throughout the month of October – why not join in?

Come along to one of our FREE Check In, Check Up Health Fairs.

There will be an opportunity to hear about the work of Age Friendly in our Borough, try out arm chair aerobics, hear from a range of local groups during the Rapid Rundown and visit stands hosted by statutory, community and voluntary groups.

Stiles Community Centre

Monday 2 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Ballyclare Town Hall

Wednesday 11 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Mossley Pavilion

Tuesday 17 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Valley Leisure Centre

Thursday 26 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Lillian Bland Pavilion

Friday 6 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Neillsbrook Community Centre

Friday 13 October 2023 10am-12pm

Crumlin Leisure Centre

Thursday 19 October 2023 10.30am-12.30pm

Refreshments available. No registration required. Contact: Kelly Doyle, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

E. envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk T. 028 9034 0160

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Ageing Month – Get Connected

Weekly events running throughout October

Muckamore Friendship Group

Every Monday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Muckamore Friendship Group is a welcoming seniors group that offers an opportunity to meet with others and take part in arts and crafts, day trips, workshops and wellbeing activities

FREE, registration completed in person at MPDA Community Hub.

Location: Muckamore Parish Development Hub, 1A Limetree Avenue, Antrim, BT41 1NP

Contact: Kim Dunne

T. 07539 284961

E. kimdunnempda@outlook.com

The Good Companion’s Club

Every Monday, 10.30am-1pm (2 hours 30 minutes)

Come along and enjoy a weekly tea dance. Open to anyone over 55. Bring your own lunch and enjoy a cuppa and chat together at the end.

£3 per week, no registration required.

Location: Ballyclare Town Hall, The Square, Ballyclare, BT39 9BB

Contact: Margaret Irwin

T. 07711 964116

Bowling and Table Tennis

Every Monday, 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

Open to anyone over 18, come along and enjoy bowling or table tennis together.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church, 91 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9QN

Contact: Nicola Nicholson

T. 028 9085 2120

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Toome Walking Group

Every Monday, 9.45am

Enjoy a walk together and tea afterwards. Facilitated by a trained walk leader.

Location: Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, BT41 3TF

Contact: Una Johnston

T. 07743 575969 / 028 7965 9199

Chair Yoga

Every Monday, 11am

Enjoy a fun filled, gentle exercise session which is beneficial for keeping your joints and body mobile.

Location: Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, BT41 3TF

Contact: Una Johnston

T. 07743 575969 / 028 7965 9199

The Barronettes

Every Monday, 7pm-9pm (2 Hours) Come along and enjoy refreshments and guest speakers.

Location: The Barron Hall, Glengormley, Newtownabbey BT36 7QX

Contact: Cathy Wolff, Community Relations Forum

T. 028 9084 9314

E. crforum@yahoo.co.uk

Templepatrick Walking Group

Every Tuesday, 10am (1 Hour)

Voluntary £1 donation for charity, no registration required but advised to check where the meeting point is, as this may vary from week to week.

Contact: Alan Borland

T. 07789 993941

E. alan.borland.adb@gmail.com

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All Together Café

Every Tuesday and Friday, 10am-3pm (5 Hours)

Drop in café space open for the whole community.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Carnmoney Presbyterian Church, Carnmoney Road, BT36 6JZ

Contact: Neal Brown

T. 07545 349767 E. neal.brown@sky.com

Monkstown Senior Citizens and over 50’s Club

Every Tuesday, 2pm-6pm (4 Hours)

This is an opportunity to enjoy live entertainment and socialise with others. The group holds outings as well as socialising together with other groups.

£3 per week, no registration required.

Location: Monkstown Social Club, 81 Cloyne Crescent, Newtownabbey, BT37 0HH

Contact: Billy Beck

T. 07426 963595

E. William.beck2016@outlook.com

Toomebridge and District Women’s Group

Every Tuesday, 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

Sewing and Embroidery group

£4 per session & bring your own materials.

Location: Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, Antrim, BT41 3TF

Contact: Martha Grant

T. 07562 173693

Ladies ‘Living Well’ Group

Every Tuesday, 11am-1pm, (2 Hours)

Ladies are welcome to attend the living well programme which runs a varied programme throughout the year.

£2 per week, register at group on first day of attending.

Location: Mossley Pavilion, Newtownabbey, BT36 5ND

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

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Men’s Drop In

Every Tuesday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Men are welcome to drop in for a chat and refreshments. An opportunity to meet others. Occasional outings organised.

£2 per week, register at group on first day of attending.

Location: Mossley Pavilion, Newtownabbey, BT36 5ND

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors' Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

Tuesday Lunch Club

Every Tuesday, 10.30am-12.30pm, (2 Hours)

Come along for refreshments, activities and tea and coffee.

£3 per week, no registration required.

Location: Belfast City Mission, Innis Walk, Newtownabbey, BT37 9EZ

Contact: Nicola Nicholson

T. 07714 743204


Every Tuesday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

A knitting and crocheting group open to anyone over 18 years old. No prior experience needed.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Templepatrick Presbyterian Church, 750 Antrim Road, BT39 0AP

Contact: Richard Kerr

T. 07816 837500

Soup Lunch

Every Tuesday (Starting 10 October 2023), confirm times with organiser

Come along for a free soup lunch. Also serving tea, coffee and biscuits.

Location: Light and Life Church, 50 Ballyclare Road, Glengormley, BT36 5EX

Contact: Robert Cass

E. robertcass@talktalk.net

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Antrim Walking Group

Every Wednesday, 10.15am-11.45am (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

The group encourages adults to get outdoors each week and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and exercise in helping to reduce stress and build friendships. Walking routes vary throughout South Antrim area. There are two walk programmes issued every six months and the group enjoy three social events annually.

FREE, registration upon attendance at group.

Contact: Michael Coote

T. 07880 715143

E. michaelcoote@ymail.com

Breakaway Blues Club

Every Tuesday 1pm-4.30pm (3 Hours 30 Minutes)

The group enjoy light refreshments together followed by line dancing and bingo.

£2 per week, no registration required.

Location: Whitehouse Working Mens Club, 213-215 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9SS

Contact: Joyce Campbell

T. 028 9514 5829

Coffee Morning

Every Wednesday, 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour, 30 Minutes)

Come along for refreshments and a chat.

FREE, no registration needed.

Location: Abbey Presbyterian Church, 99 Monkstown Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0LG

Contact: Church Office

T. 028 9086 5712

Bowling Club

Every Wednesday, 7.30pm-10pm (2 Hours 30 Minutes)

Short mat, indoor bowls open to anyone over 18 years.

FREE, Phone prior to attending.

Location: Templepatrick Presbyterian Church, 750 Antrim Road, BT39 0AP

Contact: Richard Kerr

T. 07816 837500

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Cuppa and A Chat

Every Wednesday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Drop in to meet new people and enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

Location: Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church, 91 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9QN

Contact: Nicola Nicholson

T. 028 9085 2120

Knitting and Crochet

Every Wednesday, 10.30am-12.30pm (2 Hours)

Come along to the knitting and crocheting group and enjoy a cuppa and a chat.

£2 per week, register on first day of attending.

Location: The Barron Hall, Glengormley, BT36 7QX

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors' Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

Antrim Over 50’s Club

Every Wednesday, 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Everyone is welcome to enjoy refreshments together as well as games and a chat.

Location: St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Greystone Road, Antrim

Contact: Jean Wilkinson

T. 028 9446 5696

Knit and Knatter

Every Wednesday, 11am-1pm (2 Hours)

Come along to knit and chat together. Occasional outings also organised.

Location: Listening Ear, Dunanney Centre, 70 Rathmullan Drive, Newtownabbey, BT37 9DQ

Contact: Karen or Jacqueline

E. Karen@listeningear.co.uk

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Global Link

Every Wednesday, 7.30pm-9pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

A social space for those of all ages from different cultures to come together.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church, 91 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9QN

Contact: Nicola Nicholson

T. 02890 852120

Dinner and Activities

Every Thursday, 12pm

Enjoy a lovely 2 course meal together (main course and dessert), followed by a fun activity. Come along and meet new people every week.

£5 per week, registration required.

Location: Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, BT41 3TF

Contact: Una Johnston

T. 07743 575969 / 028 7965 9199

St. Bernard’s Thursday Club

Every Thursday, 11am-1pm (2 Hours)

The club runs various activities including bingo, guest speakers, outings and armchair aerobics. There is tea, coffee and refreshments and an opportunity to build friendship weekly.

£3 per week, no registration required.

Location: St. Bernard’s Parochial Hall, 165 Antrim Road, Glengormley, BT36 6QR

Contact: Hazel Caldwell

T. 028 9050 6244

E. hazelcaldwell@sky.com

Crochet Class

Every Thursday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

If you have a basic knowledge of crochet you are welcome to come along. Tea and coffee served.

£4 per class. Bring your own materials.

Location: Toome House, Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, Co Antrim, BT41 3TF

Contact: Martha Grant

T. 07562 173693

October 2023 | 9

Indoor Bowling

Every Thursday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Indoor bowling in winter, moving outdoors in summer. Open for men and women over 50 years old.

£2 per week, register with group on first day of attending.

Location: Carnmoney Parish Church Hall, Church Road, Glengormley, BT36 6DJ

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

Over 50’s Brunch

Thursday, 12pm-3pm (3 Hours)

Come along and enjoy sandwiches and traybakes together, followed by entertainment and Bingo.

FREE, phone to register.

Location: Monsktown Jubilee Centre, Cashel Drive, Newtownabbey, BT37 0EY

Contact: Clare Patterson

T. 07592 754818

E. communitymonkstown@gmail.com

Please check start date with Claire due to ongoing rennovations at the centre

Friendship Lunch

Every Friday, 11am-1pm (2 Hours)

A lunch and social get together for seniors.

£4.50 per week, no registration required.

Location: Newtownabbey Methodist Mission, 35A Rathcoole Drive, BT37 9AQ

Contact: Stewart McDowell

T. 028 9085 2546

E. stewart.mcdowell@irishmethodist.org

Community Drop In

Every Friday, 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Drop in opens every Friday for refreshments and friendship.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: 1 Donegore Presbyterian Church Hall, Main Street, Doagh, BT39 0DG

Contact: Stephen Simpson

T. 028 9443 2376

E. sam.campbell@irishmethodist.org

Craft Club

Every Friday, 10.30am-12.30pm (2 Hours)

Fun and fellowship as members share different craft ideas like knitting and crochet.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Mossley Methodist Church, Newtownabbey, BT36 5UH

Contact: Reverend Sam

T. 07368 603493

E. sam.campbell@irishmethodist.org

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Coffee Morning

Every Friday,10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Drop in for refreshments and a chat.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Kingsmoss Gospel Hall, 698 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4TP

Contact: Paul McClarity

T. 07917 206714

Soup Lunch

Every Friday, 12.30pm-2pm (1 Hour 30 minutes)

Come along and enjoy a bowl of homemade soup together and a chat.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Abbey Presbyterian Church, 99 Monkstown Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0LG

Contact: Church Office, Abbey Presbyterian Church.

T. 028 9086 5712

Ulster Transport Bowling Club

Open 7 days a week. Indoor short mat bowls runs from September to March and outdoor bowls runs from March to September. The club also provides a social space, open every evening with catering available Thursday until Sunday.

For a registration form contact the bowling club.

Location: Lynda Avenue, Jordanstown, BT37 0NX

Contact: Joel Shannon

T. 028 9086 3331

E. ulstertransportbc@gmail.com

MG Bowling Club

Every Sunday night for practice, 7.15pm-9pm (1 Hour, 45 minutes)

Indoor bowls, open to everyone, male or female.

£2 per night, no registration required.

Location: Moneyglass Community Centre, 10 Loughbeg Road, Toomebridge, BT41 3TN

Contact: Henry Marron

T. 07784 286048

E. henrymarron65@gmail.com

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Antrim Trefoil Guild

Date and times vary monthly.

The Trefoil Guild offers a varied programme with a range of speakers and outings. It is associated with the Girl Guides, however, previous involvement in Girl Guides is not essential.

Annual Fee Applies.

Contact: Jane Kidd

T. 07818 095010

E. janekidd31@gmail.com

Watercolour Painting via Zoom

10.30am-12.30pm (2 Hours)

Sign up to learn how to do watercolour via zoom. Previous knowledge of water colour would be helpful but not essential. Attendee must provide their own resources.

Contact Geraldine to register for the next course.

Location: Online via Zoom

Contact: Geraldine Gallagher

T. 07784 366681 E. gg.design29@gmail.com

12 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Sunday 1 October –

Saturday 7 October 2023

International Older Persons Day

1 October 2023

International Older Persons Day acknowledges the contribution, wisdom and needs of older persons living in our Borough.

Intergenerational Christmas Small Grants Scheme!

Application opens 2 October – 27 October 2023.

'Linking Generations Northern Ireland' are delighted to launch their Age Connected Christmas Small Grants Scheme as part of Positive Ageing Month 2023. They are inviting community groups, schools, care settings, nurseries, housing settings and more to apply for small grants of £125 to bring generations together during the month of December to spread some festive cheer, make connections and enjoy each other's company.

For more information, an application pack, ideas and resources visit the LGNI News page www.linkinggenerationsni.com/news or E. elaine.brownlee@bjf.org.uk

Antrim Retirement Group

Monday 2 October 2023 (1st Monday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

The group meets monthly with a speaker, refreshments and occasional group outings.

Annual fee applies, no registration required.

Location: CFC Hall, Antrim, 2 Lough Road, Antrim, BT41 4DG

Contact: Elizabeth Woosley

T. 07814 624342

Toome and District Senior Citizens Club

Monday 2 October 2023, (Every other Monday evening), 8pm-10pm (2 Hours)

Live entertainment, tea dance and refreshments.

£5 per evening, no registration required.

Location: Gorthill Community Hall, Toomebridge

Contact: Mary Toal

T. 07803 239175

E. marybtoal66@gmail.com

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Coffee and Connect

Monday 2 October 2023, (1st Monday of every month), 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Spend some time connecting with those from the local area. Tea, coffee and scones provided.

FREE (donations welcome), no registration required.

Location: Carnmoney Presbyterian Church, 258 Carnmoney Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6JZ

Contact: Carnmoney Church Office

T. 028 9083 8484 E. info@carnmoney.org

Crumlin United Seniors Club

Lunchtime Hour

Monday 2 October 2023, (1st Monday of every month), 12pm-1.45pm (1 Hour 45 Minutes)

Come along and enjoy a 2 course lunch and hear from a range of guest speakers.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Ballycraigy Congregational Church, Ballycraigy Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4TB

Contact: Adrian Magowan

Enquires: ballycraigy.org.uk/contact

Wednesday 4 October 2023 (Every other Wednesday), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Come along and enjoy bingo, afternoon tea and a quiz together.

£2 per week, no registration required.

Location: Crumlin Football Club, Mill Rd, Crumlin, BT29 4XL

Contact: Maeve Stewart

T. 07759 227034 E. maeve.stewart@yahoo.co.uk

Community Tea Dance

Wednesday 4 October 2023 (1st Wednesday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Weather you dance or not, come along and enjoy a cuppa tea and live entertainment in a relaxed, friendly and enjoyable atmosphere.

Location: The Old Courthouse, Antrim

£3 per session, pay at the door or book online at theoldcourthousetheatre.com/whats-on

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Friendship Circle

Thursday 5 October 2023 (1st Thursday of every month), 2.30pm-4.30pm (2 Hours)

Come along and enjoy various guest speakers, activities and refreshments. Occasional outings also organised.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Templepatrick Presbyterian Church, 750 Antrim Road, BT39 0AP

Contact: Richard Kerr

T. 07816 837500

Ceili Dance

Thursday 5 October 2023, (1st Thursday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Come along and try the fully instructed ceilli dancing. Learn various formations in a relaxed atmosphere at a leisurely pace.

Location: The Old Courthouse, Antrim

Hearing Aid User Support

Thursday 5 October 2023, (one session per month), 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

A free walk-in support service providing a range of hearing aid support including; retubing mould-style hearing aids, cleaning open fit hearing aids, supplying batteries for hearing aids and providing information and advice on hearing aids.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Glengormley Methodist Church, 1 Glencairn Drive, Newtownabbey, BT36 5EP

Contact: Iain Irvine (RNID)

T. 07940 160672

E. iain.irvine@rnid.org.uk

£3 per session, pay at the door or book online: theoldcourthousetheatre.com/ ceili-dance

Retro Club

Friday 6 October 2023 (1st Friday of every month), 7.30pm-9pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Fun and friendship involving activities like quizzes and games, treasure hunts, tenpin bowling, cinema trips etc.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Mossley Methodist Church, Newtownabbey, BT36 5UH

Contact: Reverend Sam

T. 07368 603493

E. sam.campbell@irishmethodist.org

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CAMEO – A Caring Friendship Group for Widows

Friday 6 October 2023 (1st Friday of every month) 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

A group for widows of any age to meet together. Starting with a cuppa and a chat then there is an opportunity to share experiences and listen to guest speakers.

Location: The Secret Place, Rashee Road, Ballyclare, BT39 9HJ

Contact: Alison at The Secret Place

T. 028 9335 2170

Bank of Ireland Information Session – Online

Friday 6 October 2023

11am via Teams

Bank of Ireland will be running three presentations during the session. These will cover;

• What is financial wellbeing, statistics, security of financial wellbeing, 5 ingredients for financial wellbeing, support and resources

• Fraud – protecting your finances

• Cost of living – how can I reduce the impact of cost of living, saving tips, support and resources

Access online via Microsoft Teams

Meeting ID: 383 288 270 925

Passcode: Yh2JTS

Ladies Drop In

Friday 6 October 2023 (1st Friday of every month), 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Drop in for refreshments, a chat and to take part in various activities.

Location: The Barron Hall, Glengormley, BT36 7QX

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

Ballyclare Men’s Drop In

Friday 6 October 2023, (1st Friday of every month (Starting November), 10.30am-12pm (1 Hour, 30 Minutes)

An opportunity for men to meet together and enjoy a programme of activities as well as occasional outings.

£2 per week, register at group on first day of attending.

Location: Ballyclare Town Hall, Ballyclare, BT39 9BB

Contact: Robert McQuiston, Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors' Forum

T. 028 9083 8848

E. antrimandnewtownabbeysf@gmail.com

16 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Sunday 8 October –

Saturday 14 October 2023

Ballycraigy Women

Monday 9 October 2023 (2nd Monday of every month), 7.30pm-9pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes).

Ladies of all ages are welcome to come along. There is a guest speaker at each session and refreshments.

Location: Ballycraigy Congregational Church, Ballycraigy Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4TB

Contact: Adrian Magowan

Enquires: ballycraigy.org.uk/contact

Monday Club

Monday 9 October 2023 (1st & 3rd Monday of every month), 2pm-3.30pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

An opportunity for those over 50 to come together and meet others.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Glenabbey Church, Ballycraigy Road, Glengormley, BT36 5ZZ

Contact: John O McIlvenna

T. 07816 969350


Monday 9 October 2023, (2nd Monday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

A group for everyone over 60 to enjoy a varied programme, once a month.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Monkstown Village Centre, 18 Monkstown Village Centre, Newtownabbey, BT37 0HS

Contact: Rosie Donelly

T. 028 9086 0090


Tuesday 10 October 2023, (2nd Tuesday of each month), 11am-1pm (2 Hours)

Evergreens is a group for over 65's that meet monthly. Each meeting has a guest speaker, followed by lunch.

£5 per meeting, no registration required.

Location: All Saints Parish Church, Antrim, BT41 1AE

Contact: Dr Stephen McBride

T. 028 9446 2186

E. archdeacon@connor.anglican.org

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St Patrick’s Tuesday Club

Tuesday 10 October, (2nd Tuesday of each month), 10am-12pm (2 Hours)

Enjoy a short talk from a guest speaker and various outings throughout the year.

Annual fee required, no registration required.

Location: St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, Jordanstown Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0NT

Contact: Margaret Lark

T. 028 9086 8778

Ladies Group

Wednesday 11 October 2023, (2nd Wednesday of every month), 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join. The group has a varied programme of guest speakers and demonstrations e.g. crafts. There are also organised outings.

Location: Kilbride Parish Church

Contact: David Holmes

Enquire: www.kilbrideparishchurch.org/ contact-us

Lunch at ABC

Wednesday 11 October 2023, (2nd Wednesday of every month), times vary – contact prior to attending.

Each meeting starts with a talk, followed by refreshments.

FREE, phone prior to attendance.

Location: Antrim Baptist Church Hall, 3 Greystone Link, Antrim, BT41 1QW

Contact: Angela Mayrs

T. 07790 391558

Online Cost of Living Information Workshop

Wednesday 11 October 2023, 10.30am-12pm (2 Hours)

Join together on zoom to learn about what support is available in your local area as winter approaches.

To register contact Agewell T. 028 2565 8604 or register online at www.meaap.co.uk/costofliving

18 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Carnmoney Community Friendship Club

Wednesday 11 October 2023, (2nd Wednesday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

A club where people come together once a month for friendship, refreshments, activities, trips out and to hear interesting speakers. October's programme will consist of a games day and a talk from Alison Adams from Alzheimer’s Society.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Carnmoney Parish Church Hall, 75 Church Road, Glengormley, Newtownabbey, BT36 6DJ

Contact: Rev Andy Heber

T. 028 9083 6337 E. andy.heber@googlemail.com

Online Energy Efficiency in the Home

Wednesday 11 October 2023, 10am-11.30am (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Join in with National Energy Action and find out about energy efficient heating, lighting and appliances. Also discussed will be; keeping the heat where it is needed, comparing & switching energy suppliers and advice and support available in Northern Ireland.

Booking essential.

To register visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/energy-efficiency-in-the-home-in-northernireland-tickets-684994566187

Contact: Nichola MacDougall

E. nichola.macdougall@nea.org.uk

October 2023 | 19

Antrim Floral Art Group – 45th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday 12 October 2023, (2nd Thursday of every month), 7.30pm-9.30pm (2 Hours)

The group are celebrating their 45th Anniversary on 12 October. This will be an opportunity to enjoy the skills of a floral demonstrator, socialise together and celebrate Antrim Floral Art Group. This programme includes talks, demonstrations, workshops and opportunities to link with other floral groups to learn and share skills.

Cost for Floral Demonstration on 12th October 2023 is £10 (light refreshments included).

Location: Greystone Methodist Church Hall, 25 Greystone Road, Antrim, BT41 1HJ

Contact: Maretta Coleman

T. 07968 861808 E. marettacoleman@gmail.com

AccessAble is here to take the chance out of going out and give you the accessibility information you need to work out if a place is going to be accessible for you.

Within the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough, we have had a number of Accessibility Audits carried out by AccessAble on facilities and services to create online Accessibility Guides. Use AccessAble to find wheelchair friendly venues or check out disabled access and facilities complete with pictures.

You can check out the facts, and explore the details, before you leave home or on the move using our app and website www.accessable.co.uk

If you would like to learn more about the AccessAble website and app

T. 0300 123 4568 E. ellen.boyd@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

20 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Sunday 15 October –

Saturday 21 October 2023

Pension Advice Service –Online Session

Tuesday 17 October 2023, 11am-12pm (1 Hour)

A webinar offering pension advice. The session will comprise of a presentation via Microsoft Teams, allowing for questions. It will include a general overview of pensions, state pension, options for retirement and potential scams.

Access online via Microsoft Teams

Meeting ID: 392 141 323 32

Passcode: kebr25

Health and Wellness Drop In

Wednesday 18 October 2023, 10am-1pm (1 Hour)

Come along for a free health check and advice on keeping well.

Location: Larne Market Yard

Contact: Agewell

T. 028 2565 8604

E. connectnorth.mea@meaap.co.uk

Community Friendship Club

Wednesday 18 October 2023, (3rd Wednesday of each month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Chat, refreshments and fellowship with guest speakers.

Location: 1st Donegore Presbyterian Church Hall, Main Street, Parkgate, BT39 0DG

Contact: Stephen Simpson

T. 028 9443 2376


Wednesday 18 October 2023, (3rd Wednesday of every month), 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

A men’s group who welcome speakers on various topics and organise outings. Open to all ages.

Location: Kilbride Parish Church, Kilbride Road, Doagh, Ballyclare, BT39 0QA

Contact: David Holmes

Enquire: www.kilbrideparishchurch.org/ contact-us

October 2023 | 21

Coffee Morning

Thursday 19 October 2023, (3rd Thursday of every month), 9.30am-11.30am (2 Hours)

Drop in for tea, coffee and a chat!

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Ballycraigy Congregational Church, 2 Ballyvesey Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4SY

Contact: Adrian Magowan

Enquiries: ballycraigy.org.uk/contact

Kilbride Fellowship Programme

Friday 20 October 2023, (3rd Friday of each month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Monthly meetings with various speakers and afternoon tea.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Kilbride Presbyterian Church Hall, Ballyclare, BT39 0SD

Contact: Ann Wilson

T. 07754 662582

E. halftownann@hotmail.com

Allstate Cyber Safety Training Session – Online

Thursday 19 October 2023

10.30am via Zoom

Learn to navigate the internet with Allstate Cyber Safety for Older adults. The interactive training covers common online scams, fraud protection and cyber security awareness, including password protection and privacy setting

To register

E. allstatecybersafety@allstate.com

Sing for Victory Workshop with Karen Diamond

Friday 20 October 2023, 2pm-3pm (1 Hour)

Look back at life in the past and sing along to songs from the 1940s with live piano by Music Therapist, Karen Diamond. Music has the power to unlock memories and participants are encouraged to reminisce in this dementia friendly workshop.

Number are limited to 15 participants, booking essential.

To register

E. outreach@niwarmemorial.org

T. 028 9032 0392 Option 3

22 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Sunday 22 October –

Saturday 31 October 2023

Move More, Live More –Regional Online Taster Session

Monday 23 October 2023, 2pm-3pm (1 Hour)

This is a regional online Zoom session to promote fall prevention messages and inform individuals of how they can access the six week Move More, Live More programme.

To access the Zoom link E. move-more@ageni.org

Community Tea Dance

Wednesday 25 October 2023 (4th Wednesday of every month), 2pm-4pm (2 Hours)

Whether you dance or not, come along and enjoy a cup of tea in a relaxed, friendly and enjoyable environment with live entertainment.

Location: Ballyclare Town Hall

£3 per session, pay at the door or book online theatreatthemill.com/whats-on

Belfast Blitz Cathedral Quarter Walking Tour

Tuesday 24 October 2023, 2pm-3.30pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

During this walking tour of Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter, join staff from the Northern Ireland War Memorial to uncover the history and impact of the Belfast Blitz in 1941. Look at photos from the era and compare them to how the streets look today. Perfect for any history enthusiasts.

Numbers are limited to 20 participants, booking essential.

To register

E. outreach@niwarmemorial.org

T. 028 9032 0392 Option 3

October 2023 | 23

Hoarding Support Group

Thursday 26 October 2023, (4th Thursday of every month), 11am-12pm (1 Hour)

The peer support group is open to anyone who experiences issues with hoarding. It provides an opportunity for people to come together and chat in a non-judgemental forum.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Lillian Bland Pavilion, Glengormley, Ballyclare Road, Glengormley, Newtownabbey, BT36 5EX

Contact: James O’Kane

T. 028 9034 0160 E. envhealth@ antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

Massereene University of the Third Age (U3A)

Friday 27 October 2023, (4th Friday of every month), 11am.

U3A hosts a monthly meeting with presentations and guest speakers. They also have a number of interest groups that run throughout the month, including Bridge group and fine dining. You are welcome to attend the monthly meeting to find out more about the various interest groups.

Annual membership applies, no registration required.

Location: Antrim Library, 10 Railway Street, Antrim, BT41 4AE

Contact: Hilary Beckett

T. 07748 061552

Menopause Café

Friday 27 October 2023, (Last Friday of every month), 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

A peer support group for ladies journeying through menopause providing an opportunity to share experiences with like-minded women. Each session will have a guest speaker.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Puccini’s Café Bistro, 2 Hightown Road, Glengormley, BT36 7UA

Contact: Cathy Davey

T. 07703 733259

E. cathy@ambest.life

J.O.Y (Just Older Youth)

Saturday 28 October 2023, (4th Saturday of every month), 4.30pm-6.30pm (2 Hours)

A monthly women’s group for all ages. They meet for various activities, invite speakers along and always have food and a short devotional.

FREE (donations welcome to cover refreshments), no registration required.

Location: Carnmoney Parish Church, 75 Church Road, Glengormley, Newtownabbey, BT36 6DJ

Contact: Lynne Heber

T. 07787 803343

E. lynneheber@gmail.com

24 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Lunch at 1

Sunday 29 October 2023, (last Sunday of every month), 1pm-2.30pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Lunch at 1 is for those living alone to come along and enjoy lunch and a chat with others.

FREE, registration required for catering purposes by phoning the church office.

Location: Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church, 91 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9QN

Contact: Nicola Nicholson

T. 028 9085 2120

Ballyclare Reformed Presbyterian Church Friendship Group

Tuesday 31 October 2023, (Last Tuesday of each month), 11am-1pm (2 Hours)

Come along for a talk / presentation and lunch together.

FREE, no registration required.

Location: Ballyclare Reformed Presbyterian Church, 18 Ballycorr Road, BT39 9DD

Contact: Nathan Hawthorne

T. 028 9335 2689 E. ballyclarerpc@gmail.com

October 2023 | 25


The Shed, Antrim

Every Monday and Friday 10am-12pm and Tuesday Night; 7pm-9pm (2 Hours)

The Shed is for ladies over 18 years old. It has a varied programme including arts and crafts, growing tips and information talks.

Annual Membership and £1 per week. No registration required.

Location: Chimney Corner Football Club, Antrim, BT41 4NA

Contact: Roisin McGarry

T. 07754 741158

E. ladies@theshedantrim.org

Newtownabbey Men’s Shed

Monday-Friday, 9am-1.30pm (Men only) Wednesday-Thursday 2pm-4.30pm (Women Only)

A safe place for anyone over 18 years old to enjoy company and activities including craft and woodwork.

Monthly fee: £15 for men’s sessions / £5 for women’s sessions

Location: The Ferguson Centre, Unit 1C, Manse Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6RW

Contact: Sam Higgins (Membership Secretary)

T. 028 9538 1384

E. admin@newtownabbeymensshed.org.uk

26 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Crumlin Men’s Shed

Monday-Saturday, 10am-3pm

Open to men over 18 years old. Come along to their recently renovated building and enjoy an opportunity to connect with others and enjoy a range of activities including woodwork and home improvements.

Membership fee applies

Location: 3 Glenavy Road, Crumlin, BT29 4LA

Contact: Paul

T. 07808 079164

E. crumlinmenshed@gmail.com

Randal Community Shed

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10am-1pm

Come along and meet others. Enjoy a cuppa and participate in various activities including woodwork, growing tips and gardening.

Membership fee applies.

Location: 104A Main Street, Randalstown, BT41 3BB

Contact: Rodney Smith

T. 07729 745743

E. rodneysmith01@btinternet.com

October 2023 | 27

Community Advice Antrim and Newtownabbey

Do you need help or support in the current cost of living crisis?

Community Advice offer independent and quality advice from its two main offices as well as providing outreach sessions across the Borough.

Antrim Office

Monday 9am-4pm

Tuesday 9am-7pm

Wednesday 9am-1pm

Thursday 9am-4pm

Friday 9am-2.30pm

Farranshane House, 1 Ballygore Road, BT41 2RN

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Newtownabbey Office

Monday 9am-4pm

Tuesday 9am-7pm

Wednesday 9am-1pm

Thursday 9am-4pm

Friday 9am-2.30pm

Dunanney Centre, Rathmullan Drive, Newtownabbey, BT37 9DQ

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

28 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Outreach Sessions

Crumlin Outreach Session

Every Thursday, 2-4pm

Crumlin Credit Union, 54 Main Street Crumlin, BT29 4UR

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Ballyclare Outreach Session

Every Thursday, 2-5pm

Ballyclare Presbyterian Church, 2 Foundry Lane, Ballyclare, BT39 9BQ

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Glengormley Outreach Session

Every Tuesday, 1pm-5pm

Barron Hall, Glengormley, BT36 7QX

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Randalstown Outreach Session

Every Monday, 1.30pm-4.30pm

The Arches/Randalstown Arches Association, Arches Lane, Main Street, BT41 3AB

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Toome Outreach Session

Every Monday, 9.30am-12.30pm

Toome House, 55 Main Street, Toomebridge, BT41 3TF

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

Bawnmore Outreach Session

Every Tuesday, 9am-12pm

Mill Green Youth Centre, 19A Newtown Gardens, Newtownabbey, BT36 7BX

T. 028 9590 6505

E. advice@advicean.com

October 2023 | 29

Libraries NI

What is on in your local library?

Antrim Library

10 Railway Street, Antrim, BT41 4AE

T. 028 9446 1942

E. antrim.library@librariesni.org.uk

Tea and Newspapers

Every Thursday – 10am-11am

Knit and Natter

Every Friday – 2pm-3pm

Crime Reading Group

1st Tuesday of each month – 6.30-7.30pm

Adult Reading Group

3rd Tuesday of each month – 6.30-7.30pm

Creative Writing Group

4th Tuesday of each month – 6.30-7.30pm

Cloughfern Library

2A Kings Crescent, Newtownabbey, BT37 0DH

T. 028 9085 4789

E. cloughfern.library@librariesni.org.uk

Tea and Newspapers

Every Tuesday – 11am-1pm

Adult Arts Group

1st Saturday of the month – 11am-1pm

Visually Impaired Reading Group

1st Thursday of every month – 4pm

Ballyclare Library

School Street, Ballyclare, BT39 9BE

T. 028 9335 2269

E. ballyclare.library@librariesni.org.uk

Ballyclare Scribblers Creative Writing Group

Every Tuesday – 12.30pm-2.30pm

Knit and Natter

Every Tuesday – 6.30pm-8pm

Tea and Newspapers

Every Friday – 10am-12pm

Cryptic Corner

Every Friday – 10am-12pm

Mindful Colouring

Every Friday – 10am-12pm

Ballyclare Bookmarks Adult Reading Group

Last Tuesday of each month – 6.30-8pm

Friday Morning Reading Group

3rd Friday of each month – 11am-12pm

Crumlin Library

Orchard Road, Crumlin, BT29 4SD

T. 028 9442 3066

E. crumlin.library@librariesni.org.uk

Tea and Newspapers

Every Friday – 4pm-4pm

30 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected

Glengormley Library

40 Carnmoney Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6HP

T. 028 9083 3797

E. glengormley.library@librariesni.org.uk

Cryptic Corner

Every Tuesday – 10am-12pm

Mindful Colouring

Every Wednesday – 10am-12pm

Knit and Natter

Every Wednesday – 2pm-3.30pm

Tea and Newspapers

Every Friday – 10am-12pm

Adult Reading Group

Last Thursday of each month – 11am-12pm

Greystone Library

Greystone Road, Antrim, BT41 1JW

T. 028 9446 3891

E. greystone.library@librariesni.org.uk

Tea and Newspapers

Every Tuesday and Thursday – 10.30-11.30am

Knit and Natter

Every Wednesday – 10.30am-12pm

Rathcoole Library

2 Rosslea Way, Newtownabbey, BT37 9BZ

T. 028 9085 1157

E. rathcoole.library@librariesni.org.uk

Knit and Natter

Every Monday – 10am-12pm

Tea and Newspapers

Every Tuesday – 10am-12pm

Cryptic Corner

Every Wednesday

Mindful Colouring

Every Thursday – 10am-12pm

Coole Gardening

Randalstown Library

34 New Street, Randalstown, BT41 3AF

T. 028 9447 2725

E. randalstown.library@librariesni.org.uk

Knit and Natter

Every Tuesday – 1.30-2.30pm

Walking Group*

Every Wednesday – 5.15-3.15pm

Tea and Newspapers

Every Friday – 11am-12pm

Please contact the branch for dates and details on gardening talks and workshops.

Adult Reading Group

1st Wednesday of each month – 11am-12pm

October 2023 | 31
*Booking Essential

Improve your digital skills with Libraries NI

Become more tech-savvy with Libraries NI vast range of digital skills programmes.

1-2-1 E-Clinic

Book a 45 minute session to help with any digital struggles you may have. You will have the opportunity to discuss specific issues in a 1-2-1 session, rather than within a group.

Introduction to the iPad

A basic introduction to the iPad. If you have an iPad or are thinking of getting one and want to learn how to use it, then this is for you!

32 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected
Library Branch Day Date Time Glengormley Wednesday 04/10/23 1-5pm Rathcoole Wednesday 11/10/23 10am-5pm Ballyclare Monday 16/10/23 10am-5pm Antrim Wednesday 25/10/23 10am-1pm Randalstown Tuesday 31/10/23 3-5pm Glengormley Wednesday 01/11/23 10am-12pm 1-5pm Rathcoole Wednesday 08/11/23 10am-5pm Ballyclare Monday 20/11/23 10am-5pm Crumlin Tuesday 21/11/23 10am-1pm Randalstown Tuesday 28/11/23 3-5pm Greystone Wednesday 29/11/23 2-5pm
Library Branch Day Date Time Glengormley Tuesday 17/10/23 10am-12pm

Handmade Marketplace

Join us and learn how to sell your handmade items online.

Money Saving

Learn some tips and tricks on how to save money.

Shopping Online

Join us for a session to learn the basics of shopping securely online.

eBooks and eMagazines

Find out how to access free eBooks and eMagazines on your mobile device.

Booking is essential. To book contact the relevant Library. Contact details for the libraries can be found on pages 30-31.

October 2023 | 33
Library Branch Day Date Time Crumlin Wednesday 18/10/23 2-4pm Cloughfern Thursday 26/10/23 2-4pm
Library Branch Day Date Time Greystone Wednesday 25/10/23 2-4pm Library Branch Day Date Time Antrim Wednesday 29/11/23 10am-12pm Library Branch Day Date Time Glengormley Wednesday 01/11/23 10am-12pm

LEisure Classes

MORE Cardio

Cardio classes include a variety of movements and exercises to get the heart rate pumping.


MORE Strength

If your goal is to improve your strength and balance, to help prevent falls, then this is the class for you.

MORE Mind & Body

Combine body movement, mental focus and controlled breathing to improve strength, balance, flexibility and overall health.



34 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected
Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Wednesday 10-10.45am Sixmile Monday and Thursday 9.30-10.30am Valley Monday and Wednesday 10.30-11.30am
Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Tuesday 6.45-7.45pm Wednesday 10.45-11.45am Thursday 10.45-11.45am, 6.45-7.45pm and 8-9pm Friday 5.45-6.45pm Ballyearl Monday 7-8pm Tuesday 10.30-11.30am and 7.30-8.30pm Wednesday 6-7pm and 7.15-8.15pm Thursday 6-7pm Friday 10-11am Crumlin Monday 8-9pm Thursday 10-11am Sixmile Tuesday 12-1pm
6.45-7.45pm Wednesday 7-8am Thursday 7-8pm
8.15-9.15pm Friday 11.30-12.30pm Valley Monday 10-11am and 11.15am-12.15pm Tuesday 6-7pm and 7.30-8.30pm Wednesday 10-11am and 11.15am-12.15pm Friday 10-11am Sunday 11.30am-12.30pm

Aqua Fit

Steady and Strong

October 2023 | 35 Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Monday 8-8.45pm Tuesday 11.15am-12pm Sixmile Thursday 8-8.45pm Valley Tuesday and Thursday 11.30am-12.15pm
Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Monday 7.30-8.30pm Tuesday and Thursday 10.30-11.15am Thursday 7.30-8.30pm Saturday 9.30-10.30am Crumlin Monday 9.30-10.15am Wednesday 7.45-8.30pm Sixmile Tuesday 9.30-10.30am Wednesday 7-7.45pm Valley Monday 7.45-8.45pm Tuesday 8.15-9.15pm Wednesday 9.30-10.30am and 8.15-9.15pm Thursday 7.45-8.45pm Saturday 10-11am and 11.30am-12.30pm Zumba Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Wednesday 1-2pm Ballyearl Tuesday 9.15-10.15am Crumlin Tuesday 10.15-11.15am

Live Long

For more information or to book any of these classes, contact the MORE team E. more@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk T. 0300 123 1580

36 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Monday 10.30am-12.30pm Ballyearl Friday 11am-1pm Crumlin Friday 9.30-11.30am Sixmile Monday 10.45-12.15pm Thursday 10.45am-12.15pm Valley Tuesday 10.30am-12.30pm
Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum Monday 11am-12pm and 5.30-6.30pm Tuesday 11am-12pm Wednesday 7-8pm and 8.15-9.15pm Friday 10.45-11.45am Sunday 10.30-11.30am Ballyearl Tuesday 9.15-10.15am Wednesday 11.30am-12.30pm Valley Monday 6-7pm and 7.15-8.15pm Tuesday 5.30-6.30pm Wednesday 6.45-7.45pm Thursday 8-9pm

Movement for your Mind

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council are now offering exercise sessions to support mental health.

These classes provide light to medium group-based exercise that can help to improve physical and mental well-being.

Ballyearl Leisure Centre: Mondays, 6-7pm

Valley Leisure Centre: Tuesdays, 6-7pm

Crumlin Leisure Centre: Tuesdays, 6-7pm

Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress, so why not take advantage of this fantastic opportunity?

Book in advance online, the classes are free for members.


October 2023 | 37

Nordic Walking

Join us while we explore some of our wonderful parks as we learn about the health benefits of Nordic Walking.

Nordic walking reduces pressure on your joints with the poles providing propulsion, making you feel lighter on your feet.

Nordic walking is suitable for all abilities and poles will be provided on the day.

Each guided walk will include information and training on the use of Nordic Poles.

To register your interest E. angela.ross@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk stating what date and location you would be interested in.

Threemilewater Park

Thursday 14 September 12-1pm

Thursday 19 October 12-1pm

Meeting Point: Car Park at Doagh Road

Crumlin Glen

Thursday 5 October 12-1pm

Meeting Point: Car park off the Mill Road, beside the Natural Play area

Sixmilewater Park

Thursday 28 September 12-1pm

Meeting Point: Car Park at Mill Road

Antrim Castle Gardens

Thursday 12 October 12-1pm

Meeting Point: Courtyard at Castle Gardens, beside the Hound statue

38 | Positive Ageing Month – Get Connected
October 2023 | 39 antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk/forgetmenotes ANBorough
10.30am - 12noon

Useful Phone Numbers

This booklet is available upon request in a range of alternative formats.

Alternative formats may include Easy Read, Braille, large print, audio formats (CD, mp3 or DAISY) or minority languages to meet the needs of those for whom English is not their first language.

If you want to learn more about this or have any requirements, contact Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Customer Accessibility and Inclusion Officer Ellen Boyd E. ellen.boyd@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Offices 028 9043 0000 Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors Forum 028 9083 8848 Antrim and Newtownabbey Age Friendly Officer 028 9034 0160 Northern Ireland Housing Executive 0344 892 0900 Age NI Advice Service 0808 808 7575 Action Fraud 0300 123 2040 Dalriada Urgent Care 028 2566 3500 Northern Ireland Water 0345 744 0088 NI Direct 0300 200 7899 Northern Ireland Electricity 0345 764 3643 Police non-emergency number 101 Bus and Rail Enquiries (Translink) 028 9066 6630 Road Repairs (Including Potholes), Department for Infrastructure 0300 200 7893 Street Lighting, Department for Infrastructure 0300 200 7899 Community Advice, Antrim and Newtownabbey 028 9590 6505

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