Welcome to the Summer Edition of ‘News for You’. This edition celebrates one year since our first publication. Thank you to all those who have contributed and supported the newsletter. To celebrate we have another edition bursting with safety messages and activities to improve your health and wellbeing. While many groups take a well-deserved break during this season, I am pleased to offer alternative ways you can stay active in the Borough, alongside a spectacular line up of events for your enjoyment.
Our goal remains to work in partnership to help make Antrim and Newtownabbey a place where people can live full, active, valued and healthy lives.
Following on from the last issue, I recently engaged with over 100 residents during our in-person consultation sessions for the Age Friendly Action Plan. If you were unable to make one of the sessions, there is still an opportunity for you to get involved; all the details are on page 10.
Do not forget to visit our new look webpage where you can ask me a question in the ‘Ask the Age-Friendly Officer’ section.
If you would like to feature an article or advertise an upcoming event in the newsletter get in touch by contacting Environmental Health T. 028 9034 0160 or E. You can also like and follow the ANBorough Facebook for more news on what is happening across the Borough. Contact the Age Friendly Officer for
The Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Park Rangers are based in Antrim Castle Gardens. There is a team of 10 permanent and on-call staff. Their role is to be visible ambassadors for the Borough, looking after the natural heritage of the park, educating visitors as well as interacting with those who visit the park daily to ensure they have a safe and positive experience. ‘News For You’ caught up with our Park Rangers Chris and Andrew to find out more.
What does your job involve?
Every day is different. Throughout the week, we lead a number of tours that vary in distance across Antrim Castle Gardens. These tours differ depending on the needs of the group or individuals. They can cover bird watching, the history of the site, tree identification plus much more. Twice a month, our team runs various workshops. Throughout the year, we are involved in the planning of the larger events that happen in the Borough. These include Enchanted Winter Garden and Garden Show Ireland.
Tell us about the workshops and guided tours.
Throughout summer, a number of workshops including ‘Moths and Butterflies’ and ‘Mad about Mammals’ are taking place. Free individual ranger-led guided historical tours are available every Saturday and Sunday at 2pm and last approximately 1 hour. Groups can book private guided walks. Short (30 minutes – 1 hour) and longer group walks (2 hours) are available to accommodate various walking abilities.
Are the walks accessible?
Yes, Antrim Castle Gardens has flat paths that allow mobility aids to be used throughout the site. Shorter tours are available for those who can only walk short distances and many benches are available to rest along the way.
What is your favourite part of the job?
“I love the workshops, tours and engaging with the public. I enjoy passing on my knowledge which helps people create an appreciation of the local heritage at Antrim Castle Gardens” – Chris, Head Ranger.
“The tours and people’s reactions to the sessions we deliver is so satisfying. I love hearing their feedback about what they have learned and enjoyed” – Andrew, Park Ranger.
To book a tour, workshop, or plan a group visit contact Arts and Culture. T. 0300 123 7788 E. Alternatively, you can visit for a full list of what’s on.
Being active through walking has numerous benefits. Physically, it can improve circulation, bone strength, and mental wellbeing, while also reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Increasing the amount of daily exercise we do can be as easy as walking to nearby places instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the lift, or enjoying regular walks with loved ones.
Joining a walking group is another fantastic option to be more active. These groups are open to people of all abilities and offer a wonderful opportunity to stay active and explore together. In addition, there is the added bonus of enjoying the social aspect of walking in a group setting, which can make the experience even more enjoyable and rewarding.
Walking Group Day Time
Antrim Walking Group Every Wednesday 10.15am
Templepatrick Walking Group Every Tuesday 10am
Newtownabbey Walking to Health Group Every Thursday 10am
East Antrim Rambling Club Every Wednesday (shorter walks) Every Sunday (longer walks) Contact organiser as times may vary
Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors' Forum Men’s Walking Programme Every Wednesday 2pm
T. 07887 15143
T. 07789 993941
T. 07860 699187
Wednesday (Antrim) 9.30am
Simply Strolling (operated by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council) Monday (Newtownabbey) 9.30am
Walks with Nordic walking poles, all instruction provided.
Park Run / Park Walk Every Saturday (Valley Leisure Centre / Antrim Loughshore / Sixmile Park 9.30am
*Please note if you are considering joining a walking group charges may apply and meeting points vary weekly so check with the nominated contact for full details.
Experience the outdoor beauty of your local park. Join our guided Nordic walking group every Thursday evening from 5.30-6.30pm, May through to August. This activity is free, suitable for all fitness levels, and offered in many of our parks.
Venue Date
Meeting Point
Sixmilewater Park, Ballyclare 6, 13, 20 & 27 Jun 2024 Car Park at Mill Road
Antrim Castle Gardens 4, 18 & 25 Jul 2024
Antrim Loughshore 1 Aug 2024
‘The Hound’ statue in the courtyard
Mini beach at the Gateway Centre
King’s Coronation Garden, Hazelbank Park 8 Aug 2024 King’s Coronation Garden entrance
Crumlin Glen 15 Aug 2024 Car Park
Randalstown Viaduct 22 Aug 2024
Antrim Castle Gardens 29 Aug 2024
Entrance to the viaduct on Station Road
‘The Hound’ statue in the courtyard
To register E. angela.ross@ stating which date and location you would be interested in.
Would you like to embrace the digital age and build your confidence navigating the online world? Libraries NI has a range of programmes available for you.
Book a 45 minute session to help with any digital struggles you may have. You will have the opportunity to discuss specific issues in a 1-2-1 session, rather than within a group.
June 2024
- 12pm
your iPad cameras to take and edit photos
free eBooks / eMagazines on your mobile device
Learn how to use the free website, Irish Genealogy to research family history and trace your family tree.
Antrim Library
T. 028 9446 1942
Ballyclare Library
T. 028 9335 2269
Cloughfern Library
T. 028 9085 4789
Crumlin Library
T. 028 9442 3066
Glengormley Library
T. 028 9083 3797
Greystone Library
T. 028 9446 3891
Randalstown Library
T. 028 9447 2725
Rathcoole Library
T. 028 9085 1157
Contact your local library to book your slot.
A tan or sunburn are signs of skin damage and can increase your risk of skin cancer.
Be UV aware and protect your skin. For
While the group is not meeting as normal over summer they are busy with some other events. Visit them at:
Garden Show Ireland, Antrim, 14-16 June 2024
Antrim Horticultural Show, Antrim, 27 July 2024
The normal programme will resume on Thursday 12 September 2024. Contact Marretta for more details. T. 07968 861808
Do you know?
The Shed, Antrim has a new home. You can now visit them at the mobile located behind the Family Caring Centre, Rathenraw.
They are open Monday-Friday, 10am-12pm and Tuesday and Thursday evening, 7pm9pm.
Come along to socialise, make new friends, do crafts and learn new skills. Ladies over 18 years old welcome.
Throughout March and early April, our Age Friendly Officer, Kelly Doyle had the pleasure of meeting with over 100 residents who attended the consultation sessions for the three-year Antrim and Newtownabbey Age Friendly Action Plan. These sessions allowed the draft Age Friendly Action Plan to be reviewed and attendees to provide their feedback, knowledge of best practice and lived experiences to shape the plan.
You can still have your say as the plan is now online and waiting for your feedback. The responses will help determine what is most important for the next three years of making our Borough a better place to grow old.
View the consultation by visiting /age-friendly-consultation
If you have trouble accessing the consultation online, Kelly will be on hand at the local libraries over the next two months to help assist residents who would like to give their feedback: Library Date Time
Rathcoole Tuesday 28 May 10.30 - 11.30am
Glengormley Friday 31 May 1.00 - 2.00pm
Cloughfern Thursday 30 May 2.30 - 3.30pm
Randalstown Tuesday 25 June 1.30 - 2.30pm
Greystone Thursday 27 June 10.30 - 11.30am
Crumlin Friday 28 June 3.00 - 4.00pm
Ballyclare Friday 19 July 10.00 - 11.00am
Antrim Tuesday 23 July 2.00 - 3.00pm
Details for each library can be found on page 7.
Positive Ageing Month coming October 2024. Sign up for regular updates.
E. envhealth@ or T. 028 9034 0160
The Council provides FREE Home Safety Checks to residents over 65 years and to vulnerable adults. The service aims to give tailored safety advice to enable you to live safely in your home. As part of the check, free home safety equipment can be provided, subject to eligibility. Onward referrals can also be made for fire safety checks, assisted bin lifts and floating Support Services. Another referral partner is the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT).
The Home Safety Officer has been working in partnership with the NHSCT to refer
households, following a home safety check, for the fitting of minor adaptations. This may include external grab rails, external handrails or second handrails for the stairs. Those who are owner/occupiers or living in private rented properties* with a current need based on reduced mobility can be referred to the service. Receiving a referral through this pathway results in a shorter wait for adaptations with equipment being fitted in approximately 20 working days. For cases that are more complex a referral to the local Community Occupational Therapy Team will be made for a more detailed assessment.
For safety tips or to 'Ask the Home Safety Officer’ a question visit
* Excludes NIHE and Housing Association Tenants. Private Landlords will need to give their consent prior to adaptations being fitted.
Outdoor swimming is becoming more popular. While it is beneficial to our health, it is important to take care in the water. The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue service has provided some top tips:
• Swim on a lifeguarded beach and always stay between the red and yellow flags
• Be aware that the water may be deeper than you think and debris can cause you to become tangled
• Check the conditions of the water; do not exceed your own ability
• On entry to the water, take a moment to acclimatise to the temperature
• Where possible, go with others for support
• Bring a fully charged phone in case you need to call for help
• Do not go into the water if you have consumed alcohol.
If you fall into DEEP water, try these steps:
• Fight the instinct to panic or swim, lie on your back and float
• Lie back, keep your airways clear, push your stomach up, extend your limbs, move your hands and feet to keep you afloat
• Try to control your breathing, call or shout for help and if possible, try to make your way towards safety.
To access the full ‘Seasonal Safety’ series or read more about Water Safety, visit
When taking food outdoors, the time between preparing dishes and eating them can be longer than normal, especially if you pack up your picnic in the morning to eat it later in the afternoon.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that food should not be left out for longer than two hours; this is something to consider when planning picnics this summer.
All perishable foods including cooked meats, quiches, mayonnaise, coleslaw, potato salad and dairy products should be kept cool. Here are five easy tips to keep your food safe from harmful bacteria:
1. Rinse fresh fruit (including those with skins) and vegetables under running tap water before packing them in a cool box.
2. Keep cold food cold. Leave the food in the fridge until just before you leave, and then put it into a cool box straight away with ice or frozen gel packs. Keep the cool box away from direct sunlight. Cold food should be stored below 5ºC to prevent bacterial growth.
3. Organise your cool box. Pack drinks in one cool box and perishable foods in another. If using frozen packs (frozen drinks work as well) distribute them throughout the cool box, not just at the bottom.
4. Keep your cool box closed. Once at the picnic site, limiting the amount of times you open the cool box will help keep the contents colder for longer. Leave the food inside the cool box until it is ready to eat.
5. Pack away your picnic. Once you have served it, dishes should not sit out for longer than two hours, or one hour if it is hot outside. As always with any leftovers, if in doubt throw it out.
6. Birds, insects and other animals can all carry food poisoning bacteria. Germs can also spread from dirty hands, utensils and surfaces. Pack a cover for the picnic table so you don’t have to set food directly on it and don’t allow any food to touch the ground.
For more details on picnic safety, visit any of the following websites:
Enjoying a barbecue with family or friends is a great way to stay connected but take care to avoid food poisoning as an unwanted guest. Warmer weather combined with outdoor cooking can provide the perfect conditions for bacteria to grow. Here are some steps to consider when having a barbecue:
Safe Preparation
• Wash your hands, utensils, and surfaces before starting
• Clean down your barbecue
• Keep food covered and chilled until you are ready to cook it
• Plan in advance and defrost any frozen food overnight in the fridge.
Safe Practices
• Store raw meat separately from ready to eat
• Use different utensils (tongs, spoons etc.), plates and chopping boards for raw, cooked and ready to eat foods such as salads and coleslaws
• Wash your hands after touching raw meat and before handling any ready to eat foods.
• When using a charcoal barbecue make sure the coals are hot enough before you start cooking. They should be glowing red with a grey, powdery surface
• Cook meat in the oven first and then finish it on the barbecue to save time and ensure it is fully cooked
• Turn your meat regularly and move it around to ensure it is cooked evenly
• Try to keep raw meat and cooked meat away from each other on the barbecue
• Ensure meat is steaming hot throughout, with no pink bits visible and that juices run clear before serving. All meat should be cooked to 75ºC.
• Cover and cool cooked foods quickly at room temperature and place in a fridge or cool bag within 2 hours
• Consume any leftovers from the barbecue within 48 hours
• Only reheat food once, making sure it is steaming hot before serving.
Eating healthy and staying hydrated is crucial at every age. As you get older, your body and daily routine may change. It is still important to stay hydrated to avoid confusion, headaches, dizziness and weakness. You should aim to have six to eight glasses of fluid per day.
How can you keep hydrated?
• Keep a bottle of water with you and sip throughout the day
• Eat foods high in water e.g. tomatoes, watermelon, pineapple
• Make sure the cup being used to drink is appropriate for the person e.g. if they need two handles to help them drink
• Tea, coffee and fruit juice can aid hydration but water should be the main source
• When taking medication, drink a whole glass of water instead of just a few sips.
If you struggle to get enough hydration through drinking, why not try the recipe below, which is high in water content.
Shopping list:
2 cups (300g) watermelon, diced
1 medium cucumber, spiralized or diced
1/4 cup (30g) sweet basil, chopped
1/4 cup (60ml) 100% coconut water
1 teaspoon honey
Pinch of salt
In a large bowl, toss together watermelon, cucumber, basil, coconut water, honey and salt. Chill for 15 minutes before serving.
Copyright: myfitnesspal:
As summer gets underway and we enjoy longer days, many people use this extra time to declutter their houses. Why not take advantage of the increased opening hours at our recycling centres, which come into effect from 1 April 2024. By bringing unwanted items to your local household recycling centre, you are doing your part to ensure a more sustainable future. Any items placed in a skip or container are stripped for usable parts and materials. These will then be reused, repurposed and recycled accordingly, diverting as much waste from landfill as possible. As a Council, we currently have the highest levels of recycling out of all the Councils in Northern Ireland and this is thanks to the efforts of all the residents in our Borough. Let us continue working together to build a cleaner and greener future for our Borough!
Summer hours apply from 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.
Note: All Recycling Centres will be closed on Friday 12 July.
If you are unable to bring larger items to your local household recycling centre, you may be able to avail of the bulky waste collection service. This is a free service and enables residents to make a request for up to three items to be collected from their property. The items will be collected within 10 working days. They are taken to a household recycling centre to be disposed of responsibly. For online booking, further details and a list of items that can be collected, visit our website for more information.
If you aren’t able to access the website, contact our friendly business support team on 028 9034 0056, who will be happy to provide more information about the bulky waste service and arrange a collection.
Accessing the right support is important for our health and wellbeing but sometimes it can be difficult to know what services are available.
Connect North can support anyone over 18 years old living in the Borough to access help with social factors such as work, money, housing, loneliness and challenges with long term conditions.
The dedicated link worker, Melanie, can help connect you to the right help and support to address your needs. The service has been designed and developed with their service users.
As well as connecting you to services, a directory of services called ‘Population Plus’ has been created to help you locate groups, activities and services in the local area. It can be accessed by visiting
If you are reading this and are part of a group you can raise your profile by adding your details to the directory.
For further information, contact Melanie. T. 07814 196820 E.
Hourglass, previously known as Action on Elder Abuse, is a charity working across the United Kingdom to end the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people. The charity influences, challenges and educates society as well as working in partnership to bring real and positive change. Hourglass can be contacted in many ways including their 24/7 helpline, text help, email, live chat and community response.
Abrupt changes to wills
Unexplained withdrawals of large sums of money
Unpaid bills or overdue rent, when someone else is supposed to be paying the bills
Disappearance of funds or valuable possessions
Lack of amenities that the person should usually be able to afford
At this time of year, Community Advice Antrim and Newtownabbey (CAAN) receives many enquiries about help with the cost of rates. There are allowances and benefits to help those of state pension age pay their rates. You may be entitled to help with your rates through the Housing Benefit and Rate Relief, Lone Pensioner Allowance or Disabled Person’s Allowance Schemes.
If you are of state pension age, you can apply for Housing Benefit and Rate Relief to help pay the rent and rates on your home. It applies to both homeowners and tenants. Your income and household circumstances are required as part of the application to determine how much help you may get.
If you are a homeowner, you must be an owner-occupier and not have capital over £50k. If you are a tenant, you must be liable for paying the rent or rates on a property you live in as your main home.
Ratepayers who are aged 70 or over and live alone may be entitled to 20% off their rates. Tenants and homeowners are eligible for the non-means tested Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA).
If you are eligible, you can make an application at any time during the rating year. If you are over 70 and do not live alone you may still be entitled to Lone Pensioner Allowance if you:
• Live with a carer who is not your spouse or partner
• Provide care for someone who lives with you who is not your spouse or partner
• Live with anyone who is under the age of 18
• Live with someone who has a severe mental impairment including your spouse or partner.
Some ratepayers may be able to get a 25% discount on their rates by applying for DPA. This allowance is not means tested. To apply, you do not need to provide information about your income and savings. The allowance is for any household where:
• A person with a disability lives
• The property has been adapted internally or has additional facilities added to suit the disabled person's needs.
There must be a clear link between how the property has been adapted and the person's disability. For more information, including how to apply, visit
It is always worthwhile to get advice before applying for help with your rates bill. Community Advice Antrim and Newtownabbey (CAAN) provides advice that is free, independent, confidential and impartial to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
T. 028 9590 6505 or visit their website on for details of your local service.
Have you ever considered spending a few hours of your time volunteering in a charity shop? Giving up a little bit of your time to volunteer in your local NI Hospice shop can be very rewarding. You will have fun, meet new people, learn new skills and build your confidence, all while making a difference to local patients and their families in your community.
A current volunteer had this to say:
“I had retired from the Civil Service and having worked for so many years I felt at a loss. Fortunately, I bumped into a friend who was already a volunteer and she convinced me to sign up. From that day on, I have not looked back. I’ve made so many good friends and had so many laughs; it’s like a new lease of life!”
There are 24 Hospice shops in Northern Ireland, four of which are located in the Borough of Antrim and Newtownabbey: Abbots Cross, Glengormley, Ballyclare and Antrim. There are always tasks to be done in a busy shop, whether that is helping to operate the till, keeping the shop floor tidy or sorting out donations in the storeroom. Roles are matched to suit you and previous retail experience is not necessary. Just come along and give it a go!
If you would like to find out more, or apply to be a retail volunteer, the Hospice Retail team would be delighted to hear from you.
E. or T. 028 9078 1836 for a friendly chat with the Retail Volunteer Co-ordinator. Further information can be found at
A grant of up to £1,000 is available to constituted community, voluntary and charitable groups for initial set up costs and insurance. In addition, this funding can be used to deliver a small activity within the community. To find out more about the Small Seeding Activity and/or Insurance Community Grant, visit
Providing support for NHS hearing aid users in Antrim
RNID in Partnership with Department of Health are holding a free walk in Support Service where we can:
• Re-tube mould style hearing aids
• Clean Open-Fit style hearing aids
• Change and supply RIC wax filters
• Supply hearing aid batteries
• Advise on getting the best from your hearing aids
• Advice on equipment
• Provide information on deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus
• Signpost to other services
Hearing Checks are available by appointment only. Please call Iain on 07940 160672
NOTE: Hearing Check only suitable if you have never had a hearing test or it has been over 10 years since last test
Glengormley Methodist Church, 19 Glencairn Drive, BT36 5EP
1st Thursday each month
6 Jun, 4 Jul, 1 Aug, 5 Sep, 3 Oct, 7 Nov, 5 Dec
10am - 12pm
07940 160672
Ballyclare Town Hall, The Square, Ballyclare, BT39 9BB
Last Thursday each month
27 Jun, 25 Jul, 29 Aug, 26 Sep, 31 Oct, 28 Nov, NONE Dec
10am - 12pm
Eyre Studio, Antrim Castle Gardens, Randalstown Road, Antrim, Bt41 4HL
2nd Tuesday each month
11 Jun, 9 Jul, 13 Aug, 10 Sep, 8 Oct, 12 Nov, 10 Dec 10am - 12pm
Contact: Iain Irvine - RNID Near You Co-Ordinator - NHSCT
Chatty benches are located across the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough. They provide a place for people to come together and enjoy a chat and can be found at the locations below.
Antrim Castle Gardens | Castle Mall Antrim | Hazelbank Park Lilian Bland Park | Crumlin Glen | Sixmilewater Park
For further information and updates follow on Facebook at or E.
Residents and visitors can enjoy the latest state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and leisure experiences at each of our five centres. We have activities that suit all ages, abilities and interests.
The Live Long programme aims to provide a range of social and physical activities for participants in order to improve both mental and social fitness, as well as physical health.
Leisure Centre Day(s) Time Antrim Forum
This programme will run throughout summer, but some classes may be cancelled due to the summer scheme running across the leisure centres.
Would you like to improve your strength and balance? Then this class is for you.
Beginner classes will finish at the end of June and recommence in September.
For full information and the criteria, please contact the MORE Team
E. T. 0300 123 1580
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is now offering exercise sessions to support mental health.
These classes provide light to medium group-based exercise that can help to improve physical and mental wellbeing.
Antrim Forum Leisure Centre: Monday, 12.30–1.30pm
Ballyearl Leisure Centre: Monday, 6–7pm
Valley Leisure Centre: Tuesday, 6–7pm
Crumlin Leisure Centre: Tuesday, 6–7pm
Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress, so why not take advantage of this fantastic opportunity?
Book in advance online – the classes are free for members.
Mon 22 – Fri 26 July incl. // Various Locations
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council will host the Girls Junior and Girls Premier Cup matches across the Borough.
Every Sun 21 Jul - 25 Aug // 2 - 4pm // Various Locations
A free programme showcasing the talents of contemporary artists and local bands whilst giving all the family the perfect excuse to enjoy a long lazy summer Sunday in either Antrim Castle Gardens, Sixmilewater Park, Ballyclare, Jordanstown Loughshore Park.
Sat 15 Jun // 7.30pm // The Old Courthouse
The Belfast Ma is back with her brand-new show Mother of the Groom. Age Guidance: 15yrs+ Contains some strong language.
Wed 19 Jun // 7.45pm // Theatre at The Mill
Back by popular demand the hugely successful Summer Country Show returns for another night of toe-tapping magic and a stellar line-up that Nashville would be proud off. Appearing on the show will be six of Irelands top stars including Gerry Guthrie, Shawn Cuddy, Ritchie Remo, Stephen Smyth, Joe Moore and Owen Mac.
Fri 9 Aug // 8pm // Courtyard Theatre
Sam and Sarah, a once happy couple that are now sadly finding themselves drifting apart. Their love and connection, previously so strong, has now started to fade. Their unresolved issues, fading laughs, and near constant arguing has torn them and their relationship apart.
Sat 17 Aug // 2.00pm and 7.45pm // Theatre at The Mill
The world’s best-loved musical is back and it’s coming to the Theatre at The Mill. The talented students from Uplift return for another smash hit show!
Fri 23 Aug // 5.45pm // Theatre at The Mill
A time-tumbling trip back to the era that taste forgot - the super duper 1970s! Get ready for hits from Smokie and Bay City Rollers performed by The Sensational 70s Superstars band. With their tongues firmly in cheek, they’ll take you back to the days of Ford Capris and MK 3 Cortinas.
Sat 7 Sept // 10am - 5pm // Theatre at The Mill
Spinning Yarns festival returns to Theatre at The Mill this September with a one-day programme packed full of woolly goodness!
A member of our Culture team can help you with bookings and enquiries. They are available:
Monday – Friday, 9am–5pm Saturday and Sunday, 10am–5pm
The customer hub will also operate on the evenings of theatre shows and events. T. 0300 123 7788 or E.
Booking can also be made online: Theatre at The Mill:
The Courtyard Theatre:
The Old Courthouse Theatre:
Saturday 22 June
10am – 5pm
Jordanstown Loughshore Park
Additional family fun and entertainment at Hazelbank Park
For details and tickets visit antrimandnewtownabbey
1. What gets bigger the more that is taken away? __________
2. Coal in my belly, steel on my feet. When I get hot it’s time to eat. What am I? __________
3. I’m a letter of the alphabet and I’m the biggest thing on the planet. What am I? __________
4. What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish? __________
5. What type of cheese is made backward? __________
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Offices 028 9034 0000
Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors’ Forums
Antrim and Newtownabbey Age Friendly Officer
9083 8848
9034 0160
This magazine is available upon request in a range of alternative formats.
Alternative formats may include Easy Read, Braille, large print, audio formats (CD, mp3 or DAISY) or minority languages to meet the needs of those for whom English is not their first language.
If you want to learn more about this or have any requirements, please contact Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Customer Accessibility and Inclusion Officer Ellen Boyd E.