AND.ELI Photo Trips #1

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Riders around the world

PHOTO … Trips
ANDELI ® Bike Travelers Globe
ΒΘΟΓΡΑΥΘΙΟ ΒΘΟΓΡΑΥΘΙΟ:: Ο Ζλίαο Αμρφμόπξςλξο ρξς Υφρίξς και ρηο Γεφργίαο, γεμμήθηκε πριο 20 Λαρρίξς 1962 (ζώδιξ ΘτθύοΟ Ζλίαο Αμρφμόπξςλξο ρξς Υφρίξς και ρηο Γεφργίαο, γεμμήθηκε πριο 20 Λαρρίξς 1962 (ζώδιξ Θτθύο –– Ιριόο) Ιριόο) πρξ μαιεςρήριξπρξ μαιεςρήριξ « «ΔΚΔΜΑ ΔΚΔΜΑ» » πρημ Αθήμα. Έτει άλλα 2 ερερξθαλή αδέλσια ρξμ Αμρώμη και ρξμ Ιώπρα πξς είμαιπρημ Αθήμα. Έτει άλλα 2 ερερξθαλή αδέλσια ρξμ Αμρώμη και ρξμ Ιώπρα πξς είμαι περίπξς 15 τρόμια μεγαλύρερα. Δίμαι παμρρεμέμξο με ρημ Αμαπραπία (Μαράππα) Δεδόρπη και έτξςμ απξκρήπειπερίπξς 15 τρόμια μεγαλύρερα. Δίμαι παμρρεμέμξο με ρημ Αμαπραπία (Μαράππα) Δεδόρπη και έτξςμ απξκρήπει δςξ παιδιά, ρξμ Υώρηδςξ παιδιά, ρξμ Υώρη –– Δημξπθέμη (3 τρξμώμ) και μια αβάπριπρη μπέμπα 2 μημώμ…Δημξπθέμη (3 τρξμώμ) και μια αβάπριπρη μπέμπα 2 μημώμ… Σελείφπε ρημΣελείφπε ρημ « «΢ιβιραμίδειξ ΢ιβιραμίδειξ» » παμ βξηθόο μικρξβιξλξγικώμ εργαπρηρίφμ και πρη πςμέτεια ππξύδαπε για 4 τρόμιαπαμ βξηθόο μικρξβιξλξγικώμ εργαπρηρίφμ και πρη πςμέτεια ππξύδαπε για 4 τρόμια πρα Ι.Α.Σ.Δ.Δ. (μερέπειρα Σ.Δ.Θ.) Φαλκίδαο [καρέτξμραο αμρίπρξιτα ρα πρςτία: Διξίκηπηο Δπιτειρήπεφμ /πρα Ι.Α.Σ.Δ.Δ. (μερέπειρα Σ.Δ.Θ.) Φαλκίδαο [καρέτξμραο αμρίπρξιτα ρα πρςτία: Διξίκηπηο Δπιτειρήπεφμ / Λάρκεριμγκ & Κξγιπρικήο μέπφ ιπξριμίαο (1984)]. ΢ρημ πςμέτεια ςπηρέρηπε ρημ πρραριφρική ρξς θηρείαΛάρκεριμγκ & Κξγιπρικήο μέπφ ιπξριμίαο (1984)]. ΢ρημ πςμέτεια ςπηρέρηπε ρημ πρραριφρική ρξς θηρεία (πρραρό νηράο) ειδικόρηρα Δ.Τ.Π./ Ο.Α.΢.(1985(πρραρό νηράο) ειδικόρηρα Δ.Τ.Π./ Ο.Α.΢.(1985-1987). 1987). Λερά ρημ απόλςπη από ρημ θηρεία, πςμέτιπε ριο ππξςδέο πρημ Α.΢.Ο.Δ.Δ. (Οικξμξμικό παμεπιπρήμιξ Αθημώμ) καιΛερά ρημ απόλςπη από ρημ θηρεία, πςμέτιπε ριο ππξςδέο πρημ Α.΢.Ο.Δ.Δ. (Οικξμξμικό παμεπιπρήμιξ Αθημώμ) και απξσξίρηπε με ειδικόρηρα ΢ραριπρικήοαπξσξίρηπε με ειδικόρηρα ΢ραριπρικήο –– Πληρξσξρικήο. Παράλληλα σξιρξύπε και πρξ ΔΚ.ΙΔ.ΠΑ. παμΠληρξσξρικήο. Παράλληλα σξιρξύπε και πρξ ΔΚ.ΙΔ.ΠΑ. παμ Πρξγραμμαριπρήο Πρξγραμμαριπρήο –– Αμαλςρήο πςπρημάρφμ Ζ/Τ.Αμαλςρήο πςπρημάρφμ Ζ/Τ. Δργάπρηκε για 5 τρόμια πρξ μηταμξγρασικό ρξς Ο.΢.Δ. και πρημ πςμέτεια πρξ Τπξςργείξ Δημξπίαο Σάνεφο απόΔργάπρηκε για 5 τρόμια πρξ μηταμξγρασικό ρξς Ο.΢.Δ. και πρημ πςμέτεια πρξ Τπξςργείξ Δημξπίαο Σάνεφο από όπξς παραιρήθηκε για μα ακξλξςθήπει καριέρα πρξμ ιδιφρικό ρξμέα (Πρξγραμμαριπρήοόπξς παραιρήθηκε για μα ακξλξςθήπει καριέρα πρξμ ιδιφρικό ρξμέα (Πρξγραμμαριπρήο –– Αμαλςρήο Ζ/Τ) … μεΑμαλςρήο Ζ/Τ) … με καλλίρερεο απξδξτέο.καλλίρερεο απξδξτέο. Σημ ίδια επξτή μαζί με ρξμ σίλξ ρξςΣημ ίδια επξτή μαζί με ρξμ σίλξ ρξς Lothar ZeidlerLothar Zeidler εργάπρηκε παμεργάπρηκε παμ DJ DJ πε γμφπράπε γμφπρά clubs clubs εμώ παράλληλα πε ρακράεμώ παράλληλα πε ρακρά τρξμικά διαπρήμαρα ενέπεμπε μξςπική & ρραγξύδια παμ … ραδιξπειραρήο.τρξμικά διαπρήμαρα ενέπεμπε μξςπική & ρραγξύδια παμ … ραδιξπειραρήο. T Tξμ Μξέμβριξ ρξς 1989 άρτιπε μαξμ Μξέμβριξ ρξς 1989 άρτιπε μα εκπέμπει πρξμ αέρα ξ άγμφπρξο ρόρε ραδιξσφμικόο πραθμόο ρηο επξτήο “εκπέμπει πρξμ αέρα ξ άγμφπρξο ρόρε ραδιξσφμικόο πραθμόο ρηο επξτήο “Galaxy 92 FM”.Galaxy 92 FM”. Ζ γμφριμία ρξς με ρξμΖ γμφριμία ρξς με ρξμ ρόρε ιδιξκρήρη Ιώπρα Ορσαμίδη ήραμ καραλςρική και για 3 τρόμια (‟90ρόρε ιδιξκρήρη Ιώπρα Ορσαμίδη ήραμ καραλςρική και για 3 τρόμια (‟90-„92), άρτιπε μα κάμει εκπξμπέο παμ„92), άρτιπε μα κάμει εκπξμπέο παμ ραδιξσφμικόο παραγφγόο.ραδιξσφμικόο παραγφγόο. ΢ρημ πςμέτεια εργάπρηκε για πξλλά τρόμια πε μεγάλεο πξλςεθμικέο εραιρείεο και καρείτε αμρίπρξιτα ριο θέπειο:΢ρημ πςμέτεια εργάπρηκε για πξλλά τρόμια πε μεγάλεο πξλςεθμικέο εραιρείεο και καρείτε αμρίπρξιτα ριο θέπειο: [[Vodafone (Vodafone (πρξχπράμεμξο), Ιφρπόβξλξοπρξχπράμεμξο), Ιφρπόβξλξο –– Dixons (Dixons (πρξχπράμεμξο καρ/ρφμ), όμιλξο Γερμαμόο (πρξχπράμεμξο καρ/ρφμ), όμιλξο Γερμαμόο (Area manager), Multi-Area manager), Multirama (Project Manager), IP Telecom (Commercial Director)].rama (Project Manager), IP Telecom (Commercial Director)]. Από ρξΑπό ρξ 2009 2009 εργάζεραι φοεργάζεραι φο Business Development &Business Development &

πξς ράρανε ραέμαμ ρανιδιφρικό ξδηγό πξς ράρανε ρα λιμμάζξμρα μερά ρηο ελλημικήο εκδξρικήο μιζέριαο πρημ

E E--Shop DirectorShop Director πρημ εραιρείαπρημ εραιρεία STEREOPARK S.A.STEREOPARK S.A. Γράσει και μιλάει αρκερά καλά Αγγλικά & Γερμαμικά, εμώ γμφρίζει πε ικαμξπξιηρικό βαθμό (λόγφΓράσει και μιλάει αρκερά καλά Αγγλικά & Γερμαμικά, εμώ γμφρίζει πε ικαμξπξιηρικό βαθμό (λόγφ ρανιδιώμ) Σξύρκικα, Βξςλγάρικα, Θραλικά.ρανιδιώμ) Σξύρκικα, Βξςλγάρικα, Θραλικά. Δίμαι εμεργό μέλξο πε πξλλέο λέπτεο μξρξπικλέραο όπφο: πρημ λέπτηΔίμαι εμεργό μέλξο πε πξλλέο λέπτεο μξρξπικλέραο όπφο: πρημ λέπτη Africa Twin Club (1994),Africa Twin Club (1994), Δλλημική Δλλημική Κέπτη μξρ/ρφμΚέπτη μξρ/ρφμ BMW (1996),BMW (1996), είμαι μέλξο πρξείμαι μέλξο πρξ B.M.W. European Union Clubs (2000),B.M.W. European Union Clubs (2000), μέλξο ΚΔΛΟΣ Αθήμαομέλξο ΚΔΛΟΣ Αθήμαο (1991), μέλξο Κέπτηο Δλλήμφμ περιηγηρώμ (1999).(1991), μέλξο Κέπτηο Δλλήμφμ περιηγηρώμ (1999). Σ Σo 1996o 1996 με επικεσαλήο ρξμ ΢ρέσαμξ Χημέμξ και μαζί με ρξμ Άγγελξ ΢ιμάμη (ΚΘΙΜΟ) και, Γιάμμημε επικεσαλήο ρξμ ΢ρέσαμξ Χημέμξ και μαζί με ρξμ Άγγελξ ΢ιμάμη (ΚΘΙΜΟ) και, Γιάμμη Σεγόπξςλξ (Δλεςθερξρςπία) εργάπρηκαμ για ριο εκδόπειοΣεγόπξςλξ (Δλεςθερξρςπία) εργάπρηκαμ για ριο εκδόπειο ROAD ROAD για ρημ ταρρξγράσηπη, καραγρασή καιγια ρημ ταρρξγράσηπη, καραγρασή και δημιξςργία ρηο πρώρηο έκδξπηο ρξς ρανιδιφρικξύ ξδηγξύδημιξςργία ρηο πρώρηο έκδξπηο ρξς ρανιδιφρικξύ ξδηγξύ « «Αμενερεύμηρη ΙρήρηΑμενερεύμηρη Ιρήρη» (1994» (1994--1996) 1996) πξς πξς πξύληπε πάμφ από 500.000 αμρίρςπα πριο 6 επαμεκδόπειο ρξςπξύληπε πάμφ από 500.000 αμρίρςπα πριο 6 επαμεκδόπειο ρξς- έμαμ ρανιδιφρικό ξδηγό
καρηγξρία αςρή.λιμμάζξμρα μερά ρηο ελλημικήο εκδξρικήο μιζέριαο πρημ καρηγξρία αςρή.Ιαρά καιρξύο παμΙαρά καιρξύο παμ « «Σανιδιφρικόο ΑρθρξγράσξοΣανιδιφρικόο Αρθρξγράσξο –– Δρεςμηρήο ΠεδίξςΔρεςμηρήο Πεδίξς –– ΛξρξΠεριηγηρήο ΛξρξΠεριηγηρήο-΢ςγγρασέαο ΢ςγγρασέαοΥφρξγράσξο Υφρξγράσξο», », έτει δημξπιεύπει αρκερά ρανιδιφρικά άρθρα και έτει δημξπιεύπει καιέτει δημξπιεύπει αρκερά ρανιδιφρικά άρθρα και έτει δημξπιεύπει και « «δαμείπει δαμείπει» » αρκερά αρκερά ρανιδιφρικά κείμεμαρανιδιφρικά κείμεμα- test ridestest rides- και σφρξγρασίεο για ρημ Δλλάδα και ρξ ενφρερικό πε περιξδικά (και σφρξγρασίεο για ρημ Δλλάδα και ρξ ενφρερικό πε περιξδικά (Moto, Moto, 2 2 Σρξτξί Σρξτξί- Rider, 0Rider, 0--300 300 κ.α.) και πε εσημερίδεο (ρα ΜΔΑ, Έθμξο, Δλεςθερξρςπία) ρα ξπξία έτξςμκ.α.) και πε εσημερίδεο (ρα ΜΔΑ, Έθμξο, Δλεςθερξρςπία) ρα ξπξία έτξςμ πςμπεριλάβει πριο ειδικέο εκδόπειο ρξςο (έμθερα) αρκερά γμφπρά ξμόμαρα ρηο ρανιδιφρικήοπςμπεριλάβει πριο ειδικέο εκδόπειο ρξςο (έμθερα) αρκερά γμφπρά ξμόμαρα ρηο ρανιδιφρικήο δημξπιξγρασίαο (Γιάμμηο Μρρεμξγιάμμηο, Ιώπραο Ιαρπίγιαμμηο, Ιφμ/μξο Ληρπάκηο κ.α.).δημξπιξγρασίαο (Γιάμμηο Μρρεμξγιάμμηο, Ιώπραο Ιαρπίγιαμμηο, Ιφμ/μξο Ληρπάκηο κ.α.). Δςπρςτώο πξλλέο σξρέο πρα ρανιδιφρικά ρξς έγιμεΔςπρςτώο πξλλέο σξρέο πρα ρανιδιφρικά ρξς έγιμε Clopywrite (Clopywrite (λξγξκλξπή) και πξλλξί επιρήδειξιλξγξκλξπή) και πξλλξί επιρήδειξι “ξικειξπξιήθηκαμ” ρα άρθρα ρξς.“ξικειξπξιήθηκαμ” ρα άρθρα ρξς.

ρξς δίγλφππξς περιξδικξύ « «Βαθύ ΓαλάζιξΒαθύ Γαλάζιξ» (Free Magazine Travel &» (Free Magazine Travel &

Life Style «Deep Blue»)Life Style «Deep Blue») πε πςμεργαπία με ρξμ ΔΟΣ.πε πςμεργαπία με ρξμ ΔΟΣ.

1998 ριμήθηκε με

1998 ριμήθηκε με πλακέρα από ρημ ρόρε ελλημική

BMW πρημ Δλλάδα ρημπρημ Δλλάδα ρημ Intercar Intercar ΑΔΒΔ ΑΔΒΔ

Γμφπρά ρανιδιφρικά άρθρα ρξς είμαι :Γμφπρά ρανιδιφρικά άρθρα ρξς είμαι : ① ① «150+ «150+ ημέρεο με ρξμ ετθρό μξςημέρεο με ρξμ ετθρό μξς». 3». 3λξγία ρανιδιφρικώμ για Σξςρκίαλξγία ρανιδιφρικώμ για Σξςρκία ② ② « «Σξ παπί ρηο μεγάληο σςγήοΣξ παπί ρηο μεγάληο σςγήο» »- βραβεςμέμξ 4 σξρέοβραβεςμέμξ 4 σξρέο③ ③ « «Σανιδεύξμραο πρημ Δλλάδα με μξρξπικλέραΣανιδεύξμραο πρημ Δλλάδα με μξρξπικλέρα» (4» (4 ρεύτη) ρεύτη) ④ ④ « «Σανιδεύξμραο με μξρξπικλέρα πρημ Μόριξ Αμερική (Παραγξμία)Σανιδεύξμραο με μξρξπικλέρα πρημ Μόριξ Αμερική (Παραγξμία)» » ⑤ ⑤ «20 «20 Λόρξ Λόρξ-Σανίδια πρημ Ιεμρρική ΔςρώπηΣανίδια πρημ Ιεμρρική Δςρώπη», », ⑥ ⑥ « «Από ρημ Γαύδξ πρξ Βόρειξ ΑκρφρήριΑπό ρημ Γαύδξ πρξ Βόρειξ Ακρφρήρι» » κ.α. κ.α. Για 3 τρόμια διερέλεπε Δ/μρηο Υφρξγρασίαο ρξς δίγλφππξς περιξδικξύΓια 3 τρόμια διερέλεπε Δ/μρηο Υφρξγρασίαο
αμριπρξπφπεία ρηοΣξ
πλακέρα από ρημ ρόρε ελλημική αμριπρξπφπεία ρηο BMW
παμ παμ « «ξ καλλίρερξο Έλλημαο ρανιδεςρήο με μξρξπικλέραξ καλλίρερξο Έλλημαο ρανιδεςρήο με μξρξπικλέρα BMW» BMW» για ρξ ρανίδι ρξς με αςρήμ πρημ Μόριξ Αμερικήγια ρξ ρανίδι ρξς με αςρήμ πρημ Μόριξ Αμερική (Παραγξμία (Παραγξμία –– Γη ρξς Πςρόο).Γη ρξς Πςρόο). Όμειρό ρξς, ανιξπξιώμραο ρξ ρεράπριξ ρανιδιφρικό αρτείξ ρξς, είμαι μα δημιξςργήπει έμαΌμειρό ρξς, ανιξπξιώμραο ρξ ρεράπριξ ρανιδιφρικό αρτείξ ρξς, είμαι μα δημιξςργήπει έμα «interactive «interactive ρανιδιφρικό ρανιδιφρικό site» site» πξς μα μπξρεί ξ καθέμαο μα διαλέγει ρξμ πρξξριπμό ρξς και με ξριπμέμεο ερφρήπειο και λένειο κλειδιά μαπξς μα μπξρεί ξ καθέμαο μα διαλέγει ρξμ πρξξριπμό ρξς και με ξριπμέμεο ερφρήπειο και λένειο κλειδιά μα παίρμει πε ηλεκρρξμική ή εκρςπώπιμη μξρσή ρξ αμρίπρξιτξ ρανίδι πραπαίρμει πε ηλεκρρξμική ή εκρςπώπιμη μξρσή ρξ αμρίπρξιτξ ρανίδι πρα « «μέρρα ρξςμέρρα ρξς». ». Δπίπηο θέλει μαΔπίπηο θέλει μα « «εκμεραλλεςρεί εκμεραλλεςρεί» » ρημ ρεράπρια μξςπική πςλλξγή ρξς και μα δημιξςργήπει έμαρημ ρεράπρια μξςπική πςλλξγή ρξς και μα δημιξςργήπει έμα « «διαδραπρικό διαδραπρικό web web radio» radio» με γμφπρξύο και άγμφπρξςο παραγφγξύο, με αμώμςμξςο και επώμςμξςο ήρφεο, με δφρεάμ πρόπβαπη πεμε γμφπρξύο και άγμφπρξςο παραγφγξύο, με αμώμςμξςο και επώμςμξςο ήρφεο, με δφρεάμ πρόπβαπη πε όλξςο με μιαόλξςο με μια ADSL ADSL πύμδεπη, πύμδεπη, Real timeReal time πςμεμρεύνειο, πςμεμρεύνειο, Real Time dj line upReal Time dj line up από δημξσιλήαπό δημξσιλή bar bar και και clubs clubs ρηο Αθήμαο,ρηο Αθήμαο, Ηεππαλξμίκηο αλλά και ρημ ςπόλξιπηο Δλλάδαο. Έμα ραδιόσφμξ πξς θα ρανιδεύει κάθε τρήπρη ρξςΗεππαλξμίκηο αλλά και ρημ ςπόλξιπηο Δλλάδαο. Έμα ραδιόσφμξ πξς θα ρανιδεύει κάθε τρήπρη ρξς internet internet πε πε κάθε γφμία ρηο Δλλάδξο αλλά και όλξς ρξς πλαμήρη.κάθε γφμία ρηο Δλλάδξο αλλά και όλξς ρξς πλαμήρη.

ρξ 2002 και

ρανιδιάρικα ρηο ζφήο μξς. Πξλλέο εικόμεοενξρμήπειο και ειδικόρερα ρξ 2002

πξς ήραμ ρα πιξ ρανιδιάρικα ρηο ζφήο μξς. Πξλλέο εικόμεο πέραπαμ από ρα μάρια μξς: η νακξςπρή αρταία Έσεπξο πρημ Σξςρκία μπερδεύεραι με ρξςο Δελσξύο πρημπέραπαμ από ρα μάρια μξς: η νακξςπρή αρταία Έσεπξο πρημ Σξςρκία μπερδεύεραι με ρξςο Δελσξύο πρημ ΢ρερεά Δλλάδα, ρξ λαμπερό Παρίπι πρημ Γαλλία με ρξ Λόματξ πρημ Γερμαμία , η παμέμξρση

Andeli Andeli ξ.... Αεισεύγφμξ.... Αεισεύγφμ Ζ ζφή είμαι μα ρανιδεύειο. Γι‟ αςρό κι έτφ πάμραΖ ζφή είμαι μα ρανιδεύειο. Γι‟ αςρό κι έτφ πάμρα « «έρξιμεο ριο βαλίρπεο μξςέρξιμεο ριο βαλίρπεο μξς» » και περιμέμφ ρημ επόμεμηκαι περιμέμφ ρημ επόμεμη πρόκληπη. πρόκληπη. Ο πρφρξπόρξο πεζξγράσξο ρηο Δλλημικήο λξγξρετμίαο Αμδρέαο Ιαρκαβίρπαο ταρακρήριζε αςρή ρη διάθεπηΟ πρφρξπόρξο πεζξγράσξο ρηο Δλλημικήο λξγξρετμίαο Αμδρέαο Ιαρκαβίρπαο ταρακρήριζε αςρή ρη διάθεπη με μια ςπέρξτη λένη:με μια ςπέρξτη λένη: « «αεισςγία αεισςγία». ». Σημ τρξμιά πξς πέραπε, έμαο καλόο μξς σίλξο με ρώρηπε πξια ήραμ η καλλίρερη ρανιδιφρική περίξδξοΣημ τρξμιά πξς πέραπε, έμαο καλόο μξς σίλξο με ρώρηπε πξια ήραμ η καλλίρερη ρανιδιφρική περίξδξο ρηο ζφήο μξς.ρηο ζφήο μξς. Λερά από λίγη πκέυη ρξς απάμρηπα όρι ρξ 1998Λερά από λίγη πκέυη ρξς απάμρηπα όρι ρξ 1998 –– 2004 ήραμ η περίξδξο με ριο περιππόρερεο2004 ήραμ η περίξδξο με ριο περιππόρερεο ενξρμήπειο και ειδικόρερα
ρξ 2004 πξς ήραμ ρα πιξ
και ρξ 2004
και΢ρερεά Δλλάδα, ρξ λαμπερό Παρίπι πρημ Γαλλία με ρξ Λόματξ πρημ Γερμαμία , η παμέμξρση και αμενάρρηρη Ιρήρη με ρα κάπρρα ρξς Κξςδξβίκξς πρημ Βαςαρία, η κξιλάδα ρξς Σρέμρξ πρημ Θραλία με ριοαμενάρρηρη Ιρήρη με ρα κάπρρα ρξς Κξςδξβίκξς πρημ Βαςαρία, η κξιλάδα ρξς Σρέμρξ πρημ Θραλία με ριο ξρξπειρέο ρηο Πίμδξς, ξι λίμμεο ρηο κεμρρικήο Αςπρρίαο με ρημ λίμμη Πλαπρήρα πρημ Ηεππαλία, η όμξρσηξρξπειρέο ρηο Πίμδξς, ξι λίμμεο ρηο κεμρρικήο Αςπρρίαο με ρημ λίμμη Πλαπρήρα πρημ Ηεππαλία, η όμξρση Αγία Περρξύπξλη με ρξ Βόρειξ Ακρφρήρι, ξι τώρεο ρηο Βαλρικήο με ρημ Ιρακξβία και ρξ Εάκξπαμε ...Αγία Περρξύπξλη με ρξ Βόρειξ Ακρφρήρι, ξι τώρεο ρηο Βαλρικήο με ρημ Ιρακξβία και ρξ Εάκξπαμε ... ΢ρξμ ύπμξ μξς ακξύφ λένειο πε διασξρερικέο γλώππεο, και σέρμφ πρξ μςαλό μξς καιμξύργιξςο΢ρξμ ύπμξ μξς ακξύφ λένειο πε διασξρερικέο γλώππεο, και σέρμφ πρξ μςαλό μξς καιμξύργιξςο αμθρώπξςο πξς γμώριπα και άκξςπα πξλλέο ρξπικέο μξςπικέο.αμθρώπξςο πξς γμώριπα και άκξςπα πξλλέο ρξπικέο μξςπικέο. « «Α ε ι σ ε ύ γ φ μΑ ε ι σ ε ύ γ φ μ» » λξιπόμ ξ γράσφμ.λξιπόμ ξ γράσφμ. Όμραο παθιαπμέμξο αμαβάρηο γίμξμαι έμαο μξματικόο ρανιδιώρηο με ρξμ μηταμξκίμηρξΌμραο παθιαπμέμξο αμαβάρηο γίμξμαι έμαο μξματικόο ρανιδιώρηο με ρξμ μηταμξκίμηρξ « «βξςκεσάλα βξςκεσάλα» » μξς μξς

Ιαι, όπφο πάμρα, όλξι μαο με μια ακαράπτερη περιέργεια

αμαζηράμε μια μέα περιπέρεια πε καιμξύργιξςο ρόπξςο. Ιαι πε όλα αςρά η ςπόπτεπή μξς είμαι μία:ρόπξςο. Ιαι πε όλα αςρά η ςπόπτεπή μξς είμαι μία: Πάμρα θα ρανιδεύξςμε μαζί,

και μξιώθφ ρξμ τρόμξ μξς μα μεγαλώμει, μξιώθφ μα σεύγφ από ρξςο ρέππεριο ρξίτξςο ρηο καθημεριμήο μξς ζφήοκαι μξιώθφ ρξμ τρόμξ μξς μα μεγαλώμει, μξιώθφ μα σεύγφ από ρξςο ρέππεριο ρξίτξςο ρηο καθημεριμήο μξς ζφήο πξς είμαι παμ μα με πμίγξςμ, και γίμξμαι πξλίρηο εμόο μεγαλύρερξς κόπμξς.πξς είμαι παμ μα με πμίγξςμ, και γίμξμαι πξλίρηο εμόο μεγαλύρερξς κόπμξς. ΢ρα ρανίδια μξς βλέπφ με ρα μάρια ξρθάμξιτρά. ΢αμ πειμαπμέμξ πρόμα καραβρξτθίζξςμ ρη γη και ρξμ ξςραμό.΢ρα ρανίδια μξς βλέπφ με ρα μάρια ξρθάμξιτρά. ΢αμ πειμαπμέμξ πρόμα καραβρξτθίζξςμ ρη γη και ρξμ ξςραμό. Έτφ ρημ αίπθηπη όρι ρρώφ ρξμ κόπμξ και όρι τφμεύφ ρα τρώμαρα όπφο τφμεύει καμείο ρξ σαγηρό.Έτφ ρημ αίπθηπη όρι ρρώφ ρξμ κόπμξ και όρι τφμεύφ ρα τρώμαρα όπφο τφμεύει καμείο ρξ σαγηρό. Άλλφπρε δεμ είμαι ρςταίξ όρι παμρξύ πήμερα, π‟ ξλόκληρξ ρξμ κόπμξ, η μεγαλύρερη ράπη ρξς αμθρώπξς ρηοΆλλφπρε δεμ είμαι ρςταίξ όρι παμρξύ πήμερα, π‟ ξλόκληρξ ρξμ κόπμξ, η μεγαλύρερη ράπη ρξς αμθρώπξς ρηο πόληο και η πιξ μεγάλη επιθςμία ρξς είμαι η πραγμαρική αμάγκη για ρα ρανίδια.πόληο και η πιξ μεγάλη επιθςμία ρξς είμαι η πραγμαρική αμάγκη για ρα ρανίδια. Οι άμθρφπξι ρξς 21ξς αιώμα θα είμαι ρανιδιώρεο με όπξιξ ρρόπξ μπξρεί ξ καθέμαο μαοΟι άμθρφπξι ρξς 21ξς αιώμα θα είμαι ρανιδιώρεο με όπξιξ ρρόπξ μπξρεί ξ καθέμαο μαο –– είρε με ρα πόδια, είρε μεείρε με ρα πόδια, είρε με πξδήλαρξ ή μξρξπικλέρα ή με αςρξκίμηρξ ή ρραίμξ, πλξίξ ή αερξπλάμξ …πξδήλαρξ ή μξρξπικλέρα ή με αςρξκίμηρξ ή ρραίμξ, πλξίξ ή αερξπλάμξ … Ιαι, όπφο πάμρα, όλξι μαο με μια ακαράπτερη περιέργεια θα αμαζηράμε μια μέα περιπέρεια πε καιμξύργιξςο
έπρφ μξερά, μέτρι εκεί πξς δεμ σράμει ξ μξςο παο.Πάμρα θα ρανιδεύξςμε μαζί, έπρφ μξερά, μέτρι εκεί πξς δεμ σράμει ξ μξςο παο. Ιαλό Σανίδι,Ιαλό Σανίδι, Αμρφμόπξςλξο ΖλίαοΑμρφμόπξςλξο Ζλίαο –– Αμρέλι Αμρέλι Παραδξπιακόο Παραδξπιακόο « «Ρξμαμρικόο Ρξμαμρικόο» » Σανιδιφρικόο ΑρθξγράσξοΣανιδιφρικόο Αρθξγράσξο –– Υφρξγράσξο Υφρξγράσξο ––Λξρξ ΠεριηγηρήοΛξρξ Περιηγηρήο –– Δρεςμηρήο πεδίξςΔρεςμηρήο πεδίξς ΤΓ. επειδή ρξ άλμπξςμ θα ρξ δξςμ και πρξ ενφρερικό ξι λεζάμρεο είμαι πρα Αγγλικά .ΤΓ. επειδή ρξ άλμπξςμ θα ρξ δξςμ και πρξ ενφρερικό ξι λεζάμρεο είμαι πρα Αγγλικά .
Athens GR (Dimotiko Periptero Haidari) Above & right: Greece, Plastira lake Thessaly. ―Hotel Agnanti‖

North Poland Masurian lakes near Gizycko

The Masurian Lake District or Masurian Lakeland (Polish: Pojezierze Mazurskie; German: Masurische Seenplatte) is a lake district in northeastern Poland (Masuria) containing more than 2,000 lakes. It is currently in the run for being listed into one of the New7Wonders of Nature. It extends roughly 290 km (180 mi) eastwards from the lower Vistula River to the Poland Lithuania border and occupies an area of roughly 52,000 km² (20,000 sq mi). Administratively, the lake district lies within the Warmian Masurian Voivodeship. Small parts of the district lie within the Masovian and Podlaskie Voivodeships. The lakes are well connected by rivers and canals, to form an extensive system of waterways. The whole area has become a prime destination for yachtspeople and canoeists, and is also popular among anglers, hikers, bikers and nature lovers. Many boating enthusiasts come to Masuria for their great freshwater lakes. The area is the most famous lake district in Central Europe and has become a popular vacation destination. The region gets a high number of tourists every year for its beautiful scenery.

Oświęcim, Lesser Poland Voivodeship - German: Auschwitz, Yiddish Oshpitsin ןיציפּשאָ, Romany: Aushvitsa, Osvyenchim, Czech: Osvětim, Slovak: Osvienčim, Russian: Освенцим) is a town in southern Poland, situated 50 kilometres (31 mi) west of Kraków, near the confluence of the rivers Vistula (Wisła) and Soła. Oświęcim lies on the intersection of national road 44 with road 933 and is at the northern extremity of road 948. Oświęcim's old town is located east of the Soła, with the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny) at its centre. The railway station is across the river, in the north west of the town, with the main museum in the west of the town. The Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum is in the village of Brzezinka, to the west of the railway station. The chemical works are located[when?] in the east of the town.

Poland, Auschwitz (Oswiecim)

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a resort town in Bavaria, southern Germany. It is the administrative centre of the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the Oberbayern region, not far from the border with Austria.


Greece - Piraeus, Castella (Trocadero) BMW International
meeting, Garmish -Partenkirchen, Bayern Germany



La Samaritaine was a large department store in Paris, France, located in the First Arrondissement. The nearest metro station is Pont Neuf. It is currently owned by LVMH, a luxury goods maker. Since 2005, the building has been closed for reasons of security and renovation. The store was first opened in 1869

< Austria near to Mondsee

right: On
top of multistore “Samaritaine” Paris France

Greece Crete: Knossos

The Minoan palace near to Heraklion

Down: near to On the road to Grossglockner High Alpine Road Pass, Austria

The Grossglockner High Alpine Road (in German Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße) is a panoramic road in Austria, in the state of Salzburg. It connects the state of Salzburg with the state of Carinthia. It is named after the Großglockner, Austria's highest mountain.

It leads with numbered hairpin curves to the Kaiser Franz Josefs Höhe Visitors' Centre, with a panoramic view of the Pasterze Glacier and the Großglockner itself. The road is a toll road, with toll booths at Ferleiten in the direction of Salzburg. Motorists arriving from the south from Carinthia come through Heiligenblut.

On the road to Grossglockner Pass. Right: Grossglockner and
Pasterze glacier viewed
Kaiser Josefs Hohe
Aprilia ATV1000 Caponord
1. Turkey near to Urgup (Kappadokia) Greece. 2. Dimitsana Region of Peloponnesus 3. Borders Greece Turkey Kipoi Bridge 4. Nordcapp Norway

St. Petersburg Russia

The Dome of St. Isaac's cathedral .

Dominates the skyline of St. Petersburg and its gilded cupola can be seen glistening from all over the city. You can climb up the 300 or so steps to the observation walkway at the base of the cathedral’s dome and enjoy the breathtaking views over the city.

The church itself is an architectural marvel.

St. Petersburg Russia

Built by the French-born architect Auguste Montferrand to be the main church of the Russian Empire, the cathedral was under construction for 40 years (1818 1858), and was decorated in the most elaborate way possible.

When you enter the cathedral you pass through one of the porticos note that the columns are made of single pieces of red granite and weight 80 tons (about 177,770 pounds) each. Inside the church many of the icons were created using moaic techniques and the iconostasis (the icon wall that separates the altar from the rest of the church) is decorated with 8 malachite and 2 lapis lazuli columns.

The cathedral, which can accommodate 14,000 worshipers, now serves as a museum and services are held only on significant ecclesiastical holidays.

Location: 1, Isaakievskaia Ploschad.

Open: 11 am to 7 pm. Closed: Wednesdays.

Königssee Bayern Germany

The Königssee is a lake located in the extreme southeast of the German State of Bavaria (Bayern), near the German Austrian Border. Lying near the Bavarian town of Berchtesgaden in the municipality of Schönau am Königsee, just south of the Austrian city Salzburg in the German Alps, the Königssee is the third deepest lake in Germany. The lake was formed by glaciers during the last ice age. It is 7.7 kilometers long and about 1.7 kilometers across at its widest point. Except at its outlet, the Königsseer Ache at the village of Königssee, the lake is surrounded by steeply rising flanks of alpine mountains (2.000 m), including the fabled Watzmann.

Habib Bourguiba (Arabic:

Būrqībah) (August 3, 1903 – April 6, 2000) was a Tunisian statesman and the Founder and First President of the Republic of Tunisia from July 25, 1957 until November 7, 1987. He is often compared to Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk because of the pro-Western reforms enacted during his presidency.

Derinkuyu is a town and district of Nevşehir Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. According to 2000 census, population of the district is 24,631 of which 11,092 live in the town of Derinkuyu.[1][2] The district covers an area of 445 km2 (172 sq mi),[3] and the average elevation is 1,300 m (4,265 ft), with the highest point being Mt. Ertaş at 1,988 m (6,522 ft).

The Sultan Han, on the road between Aksaray and Konya is the largest Seljuk caravanserais in Turkey

Located in Cappadocia, Derinkuyu is notable for its large multi level underground city ) Derinkuyu Underground City), which is a major tourist attraction. The historical region of Cappadocia, where Derinkuyu is situated, contains several historical underground cities, carved out of a unique geological formation, and were largely used by early Christians as hiding places. They are not generally occupied.

Over 200 underground cities at least two levels deep have been discovered in the area between Kayseri and Nevşehir, with around 40 of those having at least three levels.

The troglodyte cities at Derinkuyu and Kaymaklı are two of the best examples of underground dwellings.

Februar 2008. Outside of Bourguiba's mausoleum in Monastir in Tunisian Republic ةيسنوتلاةيروهمجلاalJumhūriyya at-Tūnisiyya
بيبح ةبيقروبabīb
September 2000


near to Salzburg, Austria
February 1998. Sunset at ―the end of World‖ in region of Tierra del Fuego 107 Klm before the Southeast city of world Ushuaia (Patagonia—Argentina)

Star Wars filming location in Tunisia (Sahara Desert)

Near to Ancona Italy

The Hill of Crosses (Lithuanian: Kryžių kalnas (help·info)) is a site of pilgrimage about 12 km north of the city of Šiauliai, (pronounced shoo lay) in northern Lithuania. The exact origins are unknown, but it is considered that the first crosses were placed on the former Jurgaičiai or Domantai hill fort after the 1831 Uprising. Over the centuries, not only crosses, but giant crucifixes, carvings of Lithuanian patriots, statues of the Virgin Mary and thousands of tiny effigies and rosaries have been brought here by Catholic pilgrims. The number of crosses is unknown, but estimates put it at about 55,000 in 1990 and 100,000 in 2006.

Hill of Crosses, Siauliai, Lithuania

Holland (Netherlands)

Holland is a name in common usage given to a region in the western part of the Netherlands. Moreover, the term Holland is frequently used to refer to the whole of the Netherlands. This usage is unofficial and ambiguous but generally accepted.[1] From the 10th century to the 16th century Holland proper was a unified political region, a county ruled by the Count of Holland. By the 17th century, Holland had risen to become a maritime and economic power, dominating the other provinces of the Dutch Republic. Today, the former County of Holland consists of the two Dutch provinces of North Holland and South Holland, which together include the Netherlands' three largest cities: country capital Amsterdam, seat of government, The Hague, and Rotterdam, home of Europe's largest port.

Holland (Netherlands)

Grossglockner Austria

The Grossglockner High Alpine Road (in German Großglockner Hochalpenstraße) is a panoramic road in Austria, in the state of Salzburg. It connects the state of Salzburg with the state of Carinthia. It is named after the Großglockner, Austria's highest mountain.


It leads with numbered hairpin curves to the Kaiser Franz Josefs Höhe Visitors' Centre, with a panoramic view of the Pasterze Glacier and the Großglockner itself. The road is a toll road, with toll booths at Ferleiten in the direction of Salzburg. Motorists arriving from the south from Carinthia come through Heiligenblut.

Grossglockner Austria
North east Poland Masurian lakes

Turkey, Ephesus

Ancient Greek city of Ephesus & theater of Ephesus.

Ephesus (Ancient Greek Ἔφεσος, Turkish Efes) was an ancient Greek city on the west coast of Asia Minor, near present-day Selçuk, Izmir Province, Turkey. It was one of the twelve cities of the Ionian League during the Classical Greek era. In the Roman period, it was for many years the second largest city of the Roman Empire; ranking behind Rome, the empire's capital.

Ephesus had a population of more than 250,000 in the 1st century BC, which also made it the second largest city in the world.[2]

The city was famed for the Temple of Artemis (completed around 550 BCE), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The temple was destroyed in 401 CE by a mob led by St. John Chrysostom.

Emperor Constantine I rebuilt much of the city and erected new public baths. The town was again partially destroyed by an earthquake in 614. The city's importance as a commercial center declined as the harbor was slowly silted up by the Cayster River (Küçük Menderes).

Ephesus was one of the seven churches of Asia that are cited in the Book of Revelation. The Gospel of John may have been written here.[5] It is also the site of a large gladiators' graveyard.

Today's archaeological site lies 3 kilometers southwest of the town of Selçuk, in the Selçuk district of İzmir Province, Turkey. The ruins of Ephesus are a favorite international and local tourist attraction, partly owing to their easy access from Adnan Menderes Airport and via the port of Kuşadası


Blue Mosque Istanbul Turkey

Sultan Ahmed Mosque

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultanahmet Camii; is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1453 to 1923). The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior.

It was built between 1609 and 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Like many other mosques, it also comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrasah and a hospice. While still used as a mosque, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque has also become a popular tourist attraction.

Hagias Sofia Church Constantinople,

Hagia Sophia from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοθία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia) is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its dedication in 360 until 1453, it served as the cathedral of Constantinople except between 1204 and 1261, when it was the cathedral of the Latin empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1934, when it was secularized; it was opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.[1]

Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and to have "changed the history of architecture."[2] It was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years, until the completion of the Seville Cathedral in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 CE on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, and was in fact the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site. (The previous two had both been destroyed by riots.) It was de-

The church contained a large collection of holy relics and featured, among other things, a 15 metre (49 foot) silver iconostasis. It was the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the religious focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years. It was the church in which Cardinal Humbert in 1054 marched up to the altar and excommunicated Michael I Cerularius, which is commonly considered the start of the Great Schism.

In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks and Sultan Mehmed II ordered the building to be converted into a mosque.[4] The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels were removed, and many of the mosaics were eventually plastered over. The Islamic features such as the mihrab, the minbar, and the four minarets outside were added over the course of its history under the Ottomans. It remained as a mosque until 1935, when it was converted into a museum by the Republic of Turkey.

For almost 500 years the principal mosque of Istanbul, Hagia Sophia served as a model for many of the Ottoman mosques such as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul), the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque, and the Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque.

Although it is sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia, as though it were named after a saint named Sophia (sophia being the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom), the full name in Greek is

Church of the Holy Wisdom of God, the church being dedicated to Jesus Christ, in Eastern Orthodox theology, the Holy Wisdom of God.

Ναόρ ηῆρ Ἁγίαρ ηοῦ Θεοῦ Σοθίαρ,



Istanbul Turkey
Borders Greece—Turkey
Europabrücke, or Europe's bridge, is a 777 metres (2,549 ft) long bridge spanning the 657 metres (2,156 ft) Wipp valley just south of Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria. Europabrücke


Europabrücke, or Europe's bridge, is a 777 metres (2,549 ft) long bridge spanning the 657 metres (2,156 ft) Wipp valley just south of Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria.

The A13 Brenner Autobahn (and European route E45) passes over this bridge, above the Sill River, forming part of the main route from western Austria to Italy via South Tirol across the Alps.

It is also part of the main route between southeastern Germany and northern Italy.

The longest span between pillars is 198 metres (650 ft). Built between 1959 and 1963, it was once Europe's highest bridge, standing 190 metres (620 ft) high above the ground.

The Millau Viaduct took over this title on 14 December 2004.

Passo dello Stelvio

The "Three languages peak" (Dreisprachenspitze) above the pass is so named because this is where the Italian, German and Romansh languages meet. The road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley (Vinschgau) and Meran. The most important mountain range next to the Stilfser Joch is the Ortler Alps. Adjacent to the pass road there is a large summer skiing area. Important mountains nearby include Ortler, Monte Livrio, Monte Scorluzzo and Monte Zebrù.

The Passo dello Stelvio (Italian: Passo dello Stelvio; German: Stilfser Joch), located in Italy, at 2757 m (9045 feet) is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, slightly below the Col de l'Iseran (2770 m, 9088 feet). The Cîme de la Bonette (2802m, 9192 feet) is not a proper pass but merely a loop with start and end only metres apart at the Col de la Bonette (2715 m). It is located in the Italian Alps north of Bormio in the province of Sondrio and south of Stilfs in the province of Bolzano Bozen, some 75 km (47 mi) from Bolzano, close to the Swiss border, as the Umbrail Pass joins the Stilfser Joch's southern ramp nearby.

Passo dello Stelvio


Stilfser Joch
bend 2, 3 and 4 of a total of 48 bends of the eastward Stilfserjoch drive-up, South Tyrol
The Stilfser Joch is an Alpine pass connecting South Tyrol with Lombardy Stilfser Joch, South Tyrol
Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße Opening times - Grossglockner High Alpine Road Beginning of May until 15 June: 6 am - 8 pm 16 June until 15 September: 5 am 9.3 pm 16 September until end of October: 6 am - 7.30 pm


Europabrücke, or Europe's bridge, is a 777 metres (2,549 ft) long bridge spanning the 657 metres (2,156 ft) Wipp valley just south of Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria.

Berlin Brandenburg Gate

Helsinki Panorama & Cathedral of Helsinki,

Helsinki or Helsinki or Helsingfors

Helsinki is the capital and largest city in Finland. It is in the southern part of Finland, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, by the Baltic Sea. The population of the city of Helsinki is 584,420 (31 March 2010), making it the most populous municipality in Finland by a wide margin. Helsinki is located some 400 kilometres (250 mi) east of Stockholm, Sweden, 300 kilometres (190 mi) west of St. Petersburg, Russia and 80 kilometres (50 mi) north of Tallinn, Estonia.

Helsinki has close connections with these three cities. Helsinki is spread across a number of bays and peninsulas and over a number of islands. The inner city area occupies a southern peninsula, which is rarely referred to by its actual name Vironniemi.

Population density in certain parts of Helsinki's inner city area is very high, reaching 16,494 inhabitants per square kilometer (42,719/ sq mi) in the district of Kallio, but as a whole Helsinki's population density of 3,050 inhabitants per square kilometer (7,899/sq mi) ranks it as quite sparsely populated in comparison to other European capital cities

The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany. It is located west of the city center at the junction of Unter den Linden and Ebertstraße, immediately west of the Pariser Platz. It is the only remaining gate of a series through which one formerly entered Berlin. One block to the north stands the Reichstag building. The gate is the monumental entry to Unter den Linden, the renowned boulevard of linden trees which formerly led directly to the city palace of the Prussian monarchs. It was commissioned by King Frederick William II of Prussia as a sign of peace and built by Carl Gotthard Langhans from 1788 to 1791. The Brandenburg Gate was restored from 2000 to 2002 by the Stiftung Denkmalschutz Berlin (Berlin Monument Conservation Foundation). Today, it is considered one of Europe's most famous landmarks.

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of
of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica (French: Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, pronounced [sakʁe kœʁ]), is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, Paris
Paris, Seine river

The Sümela Monastery (Greek: Μονή Σοςμελά, Turkish: Sümela Manastırı) stands at the foot of a steep cliff facing the Altındere valley in the region of Maçka in Trabzon Province, Turkey. Lying at an altitude of approximately 1200 metres, it is a major tourist attraction of Altındere National Park. Founded in the year 386 AD during the reign of the Emperor Theodosius I (375 395),[1] legend has it that two priests undertook the founding of the monastery on the site after having discovered a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary in a cave on the mountain.

Μονή Σουμελά,


a popular

Nemrut Dağı Tümülüsü Mili Park, Adiyaman Turkey Mount Nemrut Nemrut or Nemrud (Armenian: Նեմռութսար) (Turkish: 'Nemrut Dağı') is a 2,134 m (7,001 ft) high mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues is erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the first century BCE The mountain lies 40 km (25 mi) north of Kahta, near Adıyaman. In 62 BC, King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene built on the mountain top a tomb sanctuary flanked by huge statues (8 9 m/26 30 ft high) of himself, two lions, two eagles and various Greek, and Armenian gods, such as Hercules Vahagn, Zeus Aramazd or Oromasdes (associated with the Iranic god Ahura Mazda), Tyche, and Apollo Mithras. These statues were once seated, with names of each god inscribed on them. The heads of the statues have at some stage been removed from their bodies, and they are now scattered throughout the site. In 1987, Mount Nemrut was made a World heritage site by UNESCO. Tourists typically visit Nemrut during June through August. The nearby town
Adıyaman is
place for car and bus trips to the site, and one can also travel from there by helicopter. There are also overnight tours running out of Malatya.
Nemrut Dagi, Turkey

Zakopane, Southern Poland

Zakopane is a town in southern Poland with some 28,000 inhabitants (2004), situated in Lesser Poland Province since 1999 (in 1975 98, it was part of Nowy Sącz Province). The town, a place of Góral culture and informally known as "the winter capital of Poland," lies in the southern part of the Podhale region at the foot of the Tatra Mountains, the only alpine mountain range in the Carpathian Mountains. Zakopane is located in southern Poland near the Slovak border. It can be reached by train or bus from Krakow, which is about two and a half hours away.

Zakopane, Southern Poland

Zakopane lies in a large valley between the Tatra Mountains and Gubałówka Hill. It is the most important Polish center of mountaineering and skiing, and is visited annually by some three million tourists. The most important alpine skiing locations are Kasprowy Wierch, Nosal and Gubałówka Hill.

Zakopane has the highest elevation (800 1,000 m) of any town in Poland. The central point of the town is at the junction of Krupówki and Kościuszko Streets.

Portitsa gorge and bridge

The Portitsa gorge and the village of Spileo are linked only by dirt road. You cannot traverse the gorge; however, it is worth you while to get to its entrance hence the name ―Portitsa‖ (little gate, in Greek) to see an old stone bridge and vertical steep rocks that make the natural scenery even more beautiful. The region is really breathtaking.

stone bridge "Portitsa" - Grevena

Kivotos Village, Grevena Greece

Paris, France

village of Anavatos, Chios

Anavatos is a Byzantine tower village that is found in the central region of Chios. It is quite impressive due to the fact that it plunges into a large granite rock at the top of the cliff. Although it is a deserted village, it still preserves its history, a sensation often encountered by visitors when wondering through its stone paved streets. The Greek War of Independence (1821) and the Massacre of 1822 describe an important chapter in the island’s history and are directly associated with Anavatos. The Church of the Taxiarchis (the Archangel) is still preserved. It is the only building which stills stands out amidst this living ghost town. Not far from the wall’s gate, there is an overbearing structure which protrudes amongst the buildings along the east side. It is the so called ―three-story‖ building, consisting of an olive oil press, school and water reservoir and the Church of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary). Anavatos, with its tower like houses, arches and steep cobbled roads, emphasizes the force of nature and accentuates the supremacy of the heavens.

front of
Historical old village of Anavatos, Chios Island Greece With my motorcycle BMW F650 R, in front of Monastery of Varlaam (Big Meteoro) near to Kastraki village (Trikala region, Thessaly Greece) The bridge over Portaikos River near to city of Pili (Trikala Region, Thessaly

Zelve Open Air Museum Cappadocia Turkey

The Zelve Open Air Museum, a strong contender for favorite place status which once housed one of the largest communities in the region is an amazing cave town, honeycombed with dwellings, religious and secular chambers. Zelve is situated about 10 km out from Goreme on the Avanos road. Here, the Christians and Moslems lived together in perfect harmony, until 1924. Then Christians had to leave the Valley because of the exchange of minorities between Greece and Turkey, and the Muslims were forced to evacuate the Valley in the 50’s when life became dangerous due to risk of erosion. They left the site to set up a modern village, a little further on, to which they gave the name Yeni Zelve (New Zelve).

Disneyland Park (Paris)

Disneyland Park (French: Parc Disneyland) is a theme park which is part of Disneyland Paris. Operated by Euro Disney S.C.A., it is one of two theme parks in the resort complex just outside of Paris, in the new town of Marne-la-Vallée, France.

The park is based on a concept pioneered by Walt Disney at Disneyland in California and further employed at the Magic Kingdom in Florida and Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. Occupying 566,560 m² (140 acres), Disneyland Park is the largest Disney park based on the original in California.

The park opened as Euro Disneyland on 12 April 1992. In 2009, Disneyland Park was the fourth most visited theme park in the World, and the most visited in Europe with 12,740,000 visitors: an increase of 0.4% since 2008.[1] Disneyland Park (Paris) detail from main entrance

If you come to visit Paris, don't skip the traditional Seine river cruise. Since the Middle Ages, the Parisian people have embellished the Seine river banks. The result is one of the best urban landscapes in the world.

Many of Paris most famous monuments are on the Seine river banks, including Notre-Dame, the Louvre and the Eiffel towerThe Seine is lined with beautiful quays and crossed by many old bridges. You will specially notice the oldest one, the Pont Neuf, built in 1607, and the romantic pedestrian Passerelle des Arts

Mouches – Seine river Paris France

Tour Eiffel, Paris France

The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel, is a 19th century iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris that has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The Eiffel Tower, which is the tallest building in Paris, [10] is the single most visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair. The tower stands 324 m (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. It was the tallest man made structure in the world from its completion until 1930, when it was eclipsed by the Chrysler Building in New York City. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France, behind the Millau Viaduct, completed in 2004. The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend either on stair or lift to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by lift. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants. The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.

Paris Seine River


Kaprun lakes

Kaprun is a small alpine village in the district of Zell am See in the state of Salzburg, Austria. At the foot of the Kitzsteinhorn Glacier, it is a year round sports centre, with a population of 2,903 (2001).

The town is also known for its power plant, construction of which began during World War II and was finished after the war.

One of the dams for the power plant bears an inscription: ERP Erbaut mit Marshallplan hilfe (ERP (European Recovery Program) built with help from the Marshall Plan). In 2000, it was the site of the Kaprun disaster, in which 155 skiers lost their lives in a tunnel fire.

A new spa/pool complex is planned and once built in 2010 it claimed that it will be the largest in Austria.

Plovdiv (Bulgarian: Пловдив) is the second-largest city in Bulgaria with a population of 380,683.[1] Plovdiv's history spans some 6,000 years, with traces of a Neolithic settlement dating to roughly 4000 BC.[2] It is the administrative center of Plovdiv Province in southern Bulgaria and three municipalities (Plovdiv, Maritsa and Rodopi) and Bulgaria's Yuzhen tsentralen planning region (NUTS II), as well as the largest and most important city in Northern Thrace and the wider international historical region of Thrace. The city is an important economic, transport, cultural and educational center.[3]

Known in the West for most of its history by the Greek name Philippopolis, it was originally a Thracian settlement before becoming a major Roman city. In the Middle Ages, it retained its strategic regional importance, changing hands between the Byzantine and Bulgarian Empires. It came under Ottoman rule in the 14th century. In 1878, Plovdiv was made the capital of the autonomous Ottoman region of Eastern Rumelia; in 1885, it became part of Bulgaria with the unification of that region and the Principality of Bulgaria.

Plovdiv is situated in the southern part of the Plovdiv Plain on the two banks of the Maritsa River. The city has historically developed on seven syenite hills, some of which are 250 m (820.21 ft) high.

Because of these seven hills, Plovdiv is often referred to in Bulgaria as "The City of the Seven Hills".

Plovdiv is host to economic and cultural events such as the International Fair Plovdiv, the international theatrical festival "A scene on a crossroad", the TV festival "The golden chest". There are

Up: Plovdiv (Пловдив) Philippopolis, Bulgaria.

Right: The Regional Ethnographic Museum of Plovdiv.

Down: Panorama of the city

The Ural Mountains (Russian: Ура́льские го́ры, Uralskiye gory) (also known as the Urals) are a mountain range that runs roughly north south through western Russia. They are usually considered the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

In Greco Roman antiquity, Pliny the Elder thought that the Urals correspond to the Riphean Mountains mentioned by various authors. They are also known as the Great Stone Belt in Russian history and folklore. According to one explanation, the word Ural is of Turkic origin and means a stone belt.

The Urals extend 2,498 km (1,552 mi) from the Kazakh steppes along the northern border of Kazakhstan to the coast of the Arctic ocean. Vaygach Island and the island of Novaya Zemlya form a further continuation of the chain. Geographically this range marks the northern part of the border between the continents of Europe and Asia. Its highest peak is Mount Narodnaya (Poznurr, 1,895 m, 6,217 ft). Erosion has exposed considerable mineral wealth in the Urals, including gems such as topaz and beryl. The Virgin Komi Forests in the northern Urals are recognized as a World Heritage site. Geographers have divided the Urals into five regions: South, Middle, North, Subarctic and Arctic. The tree line drops from 1,400 meters (4,593 ft) to sea level as one progresses north. Sections of the south and middle regions are completely forested.

Murmansk. Near to Ural Mountains, Siberia, Western Russia

Olsztyn has been the capital of the Warmian Masurian Voivodeship since 1999. It was previously in the Olsztyn Voivodeship (and in other units in 1945 75 and 1975 98). Located in the north east part of Poland in the "Thousands Lakes Area"

The city is situated in a lake region of forests and plains. There are 15 lakes inside the administrative bounds of the city (13 with areas greater than 1 ha). The overall area of lakes in Olsztyn is about 725 ha, which constitutes 8.25 % of the total city area.

Near to Murmansk (

Western Russia

Murmansk (Му́рманск) is a city and seaport in the extreme north west part of Russia, on the Kola Bay, 12 kilometres (7 mi) from the Barents Sea on the northern shore of the Kola Peninsula, not far from Russia's borders with Norway and Finland. Murmansk is the administrative centre of Murmansk Oblast. The port remains ice free year round due to the warm North Atlantic drift ocean current and is an important fishing and shipping port. Its satellite, Severomorsk, is an important navy base for the Russian Navy. It is home port to Atomflot, the world's only fleet of nuclear powered icebreakers. Despite its rapidly declining population, Murmansk remains the largest city north of the Arctic Circle. Population: 336,137. The port of Murmansk is the headquarters of Sevmorput the administration of Russian Arctic maritime transport and is also home port to most Russian Nuclear icebreakers. Murmansk is linked by the Murmansk Railway to St Petersburg and is also linked to the rest of Russia by the M18 Kola Motorway. Murmansk Airport provides air links to Moscow and St Petersburg. Murmansk is set to be the Russian terminus of the Arctic Bridge (or Arctic Sea Bridge), a sea route linking it to the Canadian port of Churchill, Manitoba. The passage has not been fully tested for commercial shipping yet but Russia has shown interest in it. It is believed that, once developed (along with the Northwest Passage), the bridge will serve as major trade route between Europe and Asia.

Мурманск). Siberia,

Africa twin Club Hotel “LEVENDIS” Kammena Vourla

Towers of
in Vathia’s abandoned
Lakonia Peloponnesus, Greece
Vathia’s abandoned village. Lakonia Peloponnesus, Greece
Towers of Mani in

Vathia , is the most representative traditional village of Mani, an invaluable treasure of valuable cultural heritage in tracing back to the identity of Mani.

Dense traditional Towers perched on the top of a hill lure you to call on this monument of Mani, along narrow and weedy paths with stone-built edifices on each side. Ravines all around, the rough landscape of Mani and in the background the picturesque bays of southern Mani.

in Vathia
Munich, BMW Main Building & Museum
GREAT DESIGN: BMW Welt with its double cone and the company's "four-cylinder" headquaters in the background
Balos NW Creta, Greece
St. Petersburg Russia
My marriage day

Paris France

Paris is the capital and largest city of France.

It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île de France region (or Paris Region, French: Région parisienne).

The city of Paris, within its administrative limits largely unchanged since 1860, has an estimated population of 2,203,817 (January 2006) but the Paris aire urbaine (or metropolitan area) has a population of 11,769,433 (January 2006), and is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe.

Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The Paris region receives 45 million tourists annually, 60% of whom are foreign visitors. The city and region contain numerous iconic landmarks, world famous institutions and popular parks.

Paris is located in the north-bending arc of the river Seine and includes two islands, the Île Saint Louis and the larger Île de la Cité, which form the oldest part of the city. Overall, the city is relatively flat, and the lowest elevation is 35 m (115 ft) above sea level. Paris has several prominent hills, of which the highest is Montmartre at 130 m (427 ft).

Paris, excluding the outlying parks of Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes, covers an oval measuring 86.928 km2 (34 sq mi) in area. The city's last major annexation of outlying territories in 1860 not only gave it its modern form but created the twenty clockwise-spiralling arrondissements (municipal boroughs). From the 1860 area of 78 km2 (30 sq mi), the city limits were expanded marginally to 86.9 km2 (34 sq mi) in the 1920s. In 1929, the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes forest parks were officially annexed to the city, bringing its area to the present 105.39 km2 (41 sq mi).

Tower Bridge of London

Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England, over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London.

The bridge consists of two towers which are tied together at the upper level by means of two horizontal walkways which are designed to withstand the horizontal forces exerted by the suspended sections of the bridge on the landward sides of the towers. The vertical component of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions of the two walkways are carried by the two robust towers. The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower. Its present colour dates from 1977 when it was painted red, white and blue for the Queen's Silver Jubilee. Originally it was painted a chocolate brown colour.

Tower Bridge is sometimes mistakenly referred to as London Bridge, which is actually the next bridge upstream. A popular urban legend is that in 1968, Robert McCulloch, the purchaser of the old London Bridge that was later shipped to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, believed that he was in fact buying Tower Bridge. This was denied by McCulloch himself and has been debunked by Ivan Luckin, the seller of the bridge.

The nearest London Underground station is Tower Hill on the Circle and District Lines, and the nearest Docklands Light Railway station is Tower Gateway.

Tour Eiffel, Paris France

The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel, is a 19th century iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris that has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The Eiffel Tower, which is the tallest building in Paris, [10] is the single most visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair.

The tower stands 324 m (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81 story building. It was the tallest man made structure in the world from its completion until 1930, when it was eclipsed by the Chrysler Building in New York City. The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.

Warszawa, Poland

Warsaw (Warszawa) is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River roughly 360 kilometers (224 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometers (186 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population as of June 2009 was estimated at 1,711,466, and the Warsaw metropolitan area at approximately 2,785,000.

The city area is 516.9 square kilometers (199.6 sq mi), with an agglomeration of 6,100.43 square kilometers (2,355.4 sq mi) (Warsaw Metro Area – Obszar Metropolitalny Warszawy). Warsaw is the 9th largest city in the European Union by population. Warsaw is one of the Alpha Cities.

Warsaw is also known as the "phoenix city", as it recovered from extensive damage during World War II, being rebuilt with the effort of Polish citizens. Warsaw has given its name to the Warsaw Confederation, Warsaw Pact, the Duchy of Warsaw, Warsaw Convention, Treaty of Warsaw and the Warsaw Uprising.

Warszawa, Poland

Vathia . View from the castle
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και εζείρ

επέλεξα οπιζμένα αξιοθέαηα πος ίζυρ θα ζςνανηήζεηε όηαν θα ζαρ δοθεί η εςκαιπία να

Travelstories: 169.html Skype name: andeli_biketravelergloberiders Windows live Andeli: E-mails: / / / My Travel stories (Trips): trip to Istanbul: ΣΚ Νότια Ιταλία: Ταξίδι στην Φιλανδία: user name andelakos Σχετικά links από ταξιδιωτικά του Ηλία Αντωνόπουλου: (ctrl key + click mouse to open links) Α Ν Τ Ι E Π Ι Λ Ο Γ Ο Υ Αγαπηηοί θίλοι, μόλιρ «ηαξιδέταηε» με αςηή ηην ειδική ηλεκηπονική έκδοζη πος δημιοςπγήθηκε ειδικά για εζάρ και μέζα από αςηέρ ηιρ ηλεκηπονικέρ θυηογπαθικέρ ηαξιδιυηικέρ ζελίδερ και από ηoν θυηογπαθικό θακό μος πεπιπλανηθήκαηε κοιηώνηαρ ηιρ θυηογπαθίερ μος ζσεδόν ζε όλο ηον κόζμο. Η αγάπη για ηην θύζη με κινηηήπια δύναμη ηην μοηοζικλέηα, αποηελεί εδώ και εικοζιπένηε σπόνια μια ακούπαζηη πποζπάθεια να καηαγπαθούν ηα πιο πολλά από ηα ζημανηικά γεγονόηα πος έγιναν ζηην παηπίδα μαρ αλλά και ζηην εςπύηεπη πεπιοσή ηηρ Μεζογείος ηηρ Εςπώπηρ ηηρ Αζίαρ ηηρ Αμεπικήρ και ηηρ Αθπικήρ. Απκεηά δείγμαηα ηηρ δοςλειάρ μος έσοςν θιλοξενηθεί ήδη από ηο 1992, ζηα πεπιζζόηεπα γνυζηά πεπιοδικά και εθημεπίδερ (Ταξιδεύονηαρ, ΜΟΤΟ, RIDER, ΕΝΑ, Τασςδπόμορ, ΜΟΤΟ Τπίηη, 0-300, 2 Τποσοί, Ελεςθεποηςπία, Τα Νέα, ΓΕΩ ηηρ Ελεςθεποηςπίαρ …) αλλά και ζε ειδικέρ εκδόζειρ λεζσών μοηοζικλέηαρ (ΛΕ.ΜΟΤ, Africa Twin Club, Ελληνική Λέζση Μοηοζικλεηιζηών BMW, Έλληνερ Πεπιηγηηέρ …. ) και ζηο διαδίκηςο. Με ηην ηλεκηπονική έκδοζη πος έσεηε ζηα σέπια ζαρ θα ανακαλύτεηε όμοπθερ εικόνερ και διαδπομέρ από γνυζηέρ «άγνυζηερ» γυνιέρ ηος κόζμος. Σε αςηή ηην έκδοζη
μια ολιγοήμεπη πεπιπλάνηζή ζε κάποιο από αςηά ηα μέπη. Η πεπιπλάνηζη μέζα από ηιρ θυηογπαθίερ μος ίζυρ να γίνει μια αθήγηζη πος θα ηην μεηαθέπεηε ζηοςρ θίλοςρ ζος. Σίγοςπα όλα αςηά πος αποηςπυθήκαν μέζα από ηον θυηογπαθικό θακό μος θα μείνοςν για πάνηα μέζα ζηο μςαλό ζαρ.

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