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Andrea Brandão
Andrea Brandão is a visual and undisciplinary artist living and working between Brussels and Lisbon. Working in the expanded fields of visual arts, performance, cinema, and more, Andrea’s research explores notions of sleep, rest, and drifting in relation to participatory experiences facilitated by scores and assisted at times by audio-visual elements, seeking to test the limits of definition and realisation of the work. She is interested in interweaving writing, camera-ing, meditating, and dreaming. She was born in Portugal and started travelling at a very young age. She holds a B.A. in Industrial Design from University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Architecture (2000) and has completed the Advanced Course in Visual Arts of Ar.Co – Centro de Arte e Comunicaçāo Visual, attended Studies of body and movement at c.e.m. – Centro em movimento, in Lisbon and holds a Post-Graduation in advanced performance and scenography studies of https://apass.be/ in Brussels. My research does not have technical or formal borders. The research is what determines its materialization. All my works are composed of several parts, that somehow come together to form a presentation. Things are not self-contained, but rather composed of a multitude of parts. It's always the same gesture, a continuous gesture from the first to that that remains to happen. My working process is characterized by its relational quality and is permeable to the events that happen during the creative process. I have noticed that this notion has complexified, perhaps due to my multidisciplinary training and/or part of my curiosity on the mystery of Life and the structures of World. https://www.andreabrandao.com