Besøg københavn brand guidelines2

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brand guidelines

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Name change

Besøg København Name change The current official tourism brand for the city of Copenhagen is shown on their website and print collateral in English, but which it is also adaptable to the language of diffrent visitors. In some ways, this detracts from the tourists experience of Copenhagen so the new rebrand sees the

name being changed into Danish. The majority of tourists aim to learn a few words and phrases in the language of the country they are visiting and as Danish is only spoken by a small number of people world wide, it is one of the things that tourists get to experience when in Copenhagen.


The name change from ‘Visit Copenhagen’ to ‘Besøg København’ is a way of connecting with visitors and gives the tourist amusement as they attempt to perfect the pronounciation.

logo design Logo design As the name change is an attempt to make the tourist have more of a connection with Copenhagen, the logo design also reflects this. The new push for branding Copenhagen to tourists is to get them to experience the city how the locals know it, and to have all of the different tourist businesses across the city run together smoothly so that tourists can explore Copenhagen while feeling like they are integrated into the population of Copenhagen. The logo design takes the two ‘Ø’s from the name as this is a letter used regularly within the Danish language and merges it into a pair of glasses, through which a tourist can see Copenhagen ‘through the eyes of a local’.The tagline for the brand ‘Welcome to the happiest country in the world’ ties into the logo with the suggestion that tourists are able to see through the glasses at what makes Denmark the happiest country and experience it for themselves as a ‘temporary local’.


logo variations

Variation 1. The first variation of the logo appears as simply the shape with no text below. This variation can be used in any instance that it is not necessary to have the brand name included. Use of this variation is at the discretion of the designer but is only acceptable if there is absolutely no need for the brand name.

Variation 2. The second variation with the name in English is for use in small amounts when it is necessary to have the logo appear in English. A way around using this logo variation is to use the official logo with an extra text translation below. This logo variation, however, can be used where an extra text translation is not appropriate.


logo spacings When working within the Besøg København brand, there must be at least a certain spacing around the logo before other elements are added. This spacing is comprised of a the height of the logo image reduced to 50%. As seen to the left, this applies on both variants of the logo. The exception to this, as seen below, is when using the main logo where text is being added below the logo text, the spacing is reduced to at least 25% pf the logo image height.


improper uses of logo The examples to the left show how the logo cannot be used. It must always be used in the official landscape orientation, and this applies to all of the logo variations. The logo must also not be used with the type placed above the logo shape.


colour scheme The Besøg København brand uses a large colour scheme for different applications. The simple grey tones are used across official stationary and where appropriate on other applications. The colour combinations can be used across any of the digital or print substrates connected to the brand but 5 of the colours have specific uses. Purple is used across the wayfinding, pink represents activities for tourists, orange is used for recommendations from locals, turquoise is used for the virtual tour guide and trip planner and green is used for directions and transportation information. The red, dark blue and yellow can be applied throughout other areas of the brand where appropriate.

C : 59 M : 72 Y : 19 K:2

C : 21 M : 75 Y : 17 K:0

C:0 M : 80 Y : 83 K:0

C:0 M : 52 Y : 77 K:0

# 7B5C8E

# C76190

# F15B3C

# F7924E

R : 123 G : 92 B : 142

R : 199 G : 97 B : 144

R : 241 G : 91 B : 60

R : 247 G : 146 B : 78

C : 35 :3 Y : 92 K:0

C:7 M:5 Y : 66 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K : 90

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K : 30

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:5

C : 84 M : 66 Y : 12 K:1

C : 68 M:0 Y : 29 K:0

# 414042


# F1F2F2

# 3D619D

# 34BEBF

# B2CC46

# F0E277

R : 65 G : 64 B : 66

R : 188 G : 190 B : 190

R : 241 G : 242 B : 242

R : 61 G : 97 B : 157

R : 52 G : 190 B : 191

R : 178 G : 204 B : 70

R : 240 G : 226 B : 119



proper colour scheme uses There are two types of colour combinations within the official Besøg København official colour scheme which are acceptable for use across all printed and digital products. These are shown to the left with the logo as an example. The first combination sees one colour being combined with the 5% grey tone where text, logos or icons can be used within one colour across the grey background, or where the text, logo or icons appear in grey on a block colour background. The second combination which is acceptable is similar to the first but where a second colour is introduced. However, this is only allowed when using the block colour option, and in this case, the logo shape must always appear in 5% grey. Text may be used on different background colours but as with the logo, the icons may only be used within the first combination of one block colour and 5% grey. If it is necessary to use an icon on a block colour background where the text is in a different colour, the icon must be in 5% grey. The icons, as explained on page 11, each have a specific primary colour for their usage, however as long as it fits within the proper colour scheme uses, these can be adapted at the discretion of the designer depending on their positioning.


improper colour scheme uses There are two types of colour combinations within the official Besøg København official colour scheme which are acceptable for use across all printed and digital products. Examples of how the colour combinations cannot be used can be seen on the left. As stated with the proper colour scheme uses, a combination of a block colour background and text in a different colour is acceptable. However, using the logo shape or icons in a 3rd colour is not acceptable. Two colours for the logo/icons and text may also not be used even if on a background of 30% or 5% grey. As seen in the proper oolour scheme uses, this is only acceptable when the logo/ icons appear in the 5% grey on a block colour background. Text in one colour may only appear on a block colour background of another colour if it is legible and is at the discretion of the designer.


typography Helvetica Neue Regular

The Besøg København brand uses the bold and light variants of CODE typeface for titles and the regular, light, thin and ultralight variants of Helvetica Neue across the body copy. The choice of which variant is used for titles or body copy depends on the size and usage and is at the discretion of the designer.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ,.?/+=*&^%@! Helvetica Neue Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ,.?/+=*&^%@!

code bold Helvetica Neue Thin


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890 ,.?/+=*&^%@!

CODE Light

Helvetica Neue UltraLight ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ,.?/+=*&^%@!


use of images

The Besøg København brand allows for the use of images and photographs within all printed and digital materials. Full colour images are preferred within the brand digital products and the logo can be applied across the images in colours which complement the image.

Greyscale images may be used if they are being used with a large logo over lay or if the designer deems greyscale to be more appropriate than full colour or a colour overlay image.


Greyscale images with a full colour overlay are used regularly throughout the brand promotional materials but the same rules of proper colour scheme use also apply here.

Icons - groups There are 4 official sets of icons used across the Besøg København brand which can appear on both digital and print products. The colour coded icons appearing on the left are the main group icons for each set, which can be used mixed in with the others (shown across pages 12-15) although they are mainly used on their own. These icons contain the ‘Ø’ shape as seen in the logo design to tie them back into the Besøg København brand, and therefore they can be used with or without the official logo. The first set, which primarily is used in a combination of pink and 5% grey, is for the tourist attractions seen around the city. The second set, which primarily is used in a combination of orange and 5% grey, is for the necessities that locals and other tourists recommend to each other. The third set, which primarily is used in a combination of green and 5% grey, is for giving tourists directions and transportation information. The fourth set, which primarily is used in a combination of turquoise and 5% grey, is for things relating to the virtual tour guide and trip planner.


Icons - See & Do


Icons - recommendations


Icons - transportation


Icons - tour guide


wayfinding There are two different types of wayfinding within the Besøg København brand. The first type is the virtual wayfinding which appears throughout the tour guide app and on other digital applications. This wayfinding may also appear throughout print applications if deemed necessary. This first wayfinding type contains the iconography associated with the brand and is used within the colour coded scheme to make it more universally recognisable.

The second type of wayfinding is the print advertisements which tourists are able to scan for directions using the official app. These print wayfinding elements are always printed in with the official purple as the background and the text is in a combination of 5% and 30% greys. The text on these types of wayfinding always appears at a 70˚ angle, with the exception of the logo which follows the proper logo usage rules.


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