Brief 10 wpp

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Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Level: 6

Module Title: Extended Practice

Module Code: OUGD603

Brief Title:

Module Leader/Tutors: Amber Smith,


Andy Lodge, Simon Harrison, Phil M

(Collaboration with Alex Goddard, Creative Advertising)

Module Credits: 60

Weighting of Brief within Module: 100%

Context (from D&AD brief) Change habits, change the world. Do something about climate change. With a United Nations Summit on Climate Change approaching in September 2014 and a global climate agreement due to be signed in 2015, it is vital to mobilise people at all levels to drown out the vested interests and bring governments to the UN table to agree to legislation that limits carbon emissions. We need to put a price on emissions and reduce the demand for fossil fuels. The climate change issue is no longer just a scientific, environmental, or sustainability problem. It’s a communications problem.

Brief or Tasks Create a campaign that not only makes people accept we have a problem but persuades them to do something about it. The campaign will need to elicit action and the idea must work across at least three different media.

Preparation/Research suggestions Considerations: Make it present tense, personal and so that it can endure. Research into current climate change campaigns to discover what does and does not work.

Evidence – for this project students should submit A campaign across the appropriate media D&AD submission boards for the entry

Briefing: Monday 30/09/2013

Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2014

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