Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Brief #1 Produce a publication of design context relating to my own personal and professional practice.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Brief, Deliverables & Concept
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Brief -
Concept -
Produce a publication of design context relating to my own personal and professional practice.
For the design context publication, I decided to look at the area of design which has had the biggest impact on initial decision to pursue a career in design, and my development up till now. Scandinavia has been an integral part of my upbringing and has therefore influenced me as a designer too. Although the Scandinavian influence may not always seem obvious throughout my work, I find Scandinavian design a constant source of inspiration and motivation towards my own
Deliverables A printed, perfect bound publication packaged in a box containing five A5 cards.
Design Context Publication
work, and I try to bring in Scandinavian ideas into my practice. Design Scandinavia is a publication of twenty case studies which are all some of my favourite pieces of Scandinavian graphic design and which I refer back to for inspiration regularly. The box that the publication is packaged in also contains 5 A5 cards of quotes and my own opinions on different elements of Scandinavian design.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Background & Collecting Content
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Background Finding a particular piece of design from a studio in Copenhagen whilst at the beginning of my Foundation in Art & Design year is one of the main reasons I chose to pursue graphic design as a career path. At the age of 13, my family and I moved from England to Denmark so the most influential years of my life so far have been spent in a country rich with design and cultural history.
Design Context Publication
Research & Collecting Content My aim after completing my degree is to move back to Copenhagen to get a design job and therefore compiling this collection of different Scandinavian design case studies has helped me to gain more of an understanding of exactly how I want to approach working within Scandinavia.
The content of the book came from an extensive list I have of Scandinavian designers and studios, which I picked case studies out of. After narrowing it down to just twenty examples, I ordered them randomly before compiling all of the content for each case study. The content was sourced directly from each designer or studio’s website, and in the book it has been kept
exactly how it is presented on their websites, even though this means some of them are not in English. This was an important part of the process for me as I have been looking into how to present myself to design studios in Scandinavia, and therefore decided that any content I collected had to be kept exactly how they presented it themselves.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Contextual Research & Examples of Content
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Contextual research The style of the book came once I had sourced all of the content for each case study. These examples above are all from case studies within the book, but they all also influenced the design and layout of how each case study was presented.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Publication Packaging & Design
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Packaging for book & cards I made the book and cards seperately as I wanted the book to simply be the case studies and I wanted the connection to myself as a designer and my own practice to appear through the cards which also introduce and explain the book. I then had to find a packaging solution to contain all of these elements together. This came in the form of a slim box which has been produced in the same
style as the book, with a clean white outside and the title ‘Design Scandinavia’ added to the front in matt white vinyl. This kept the aesthetic across all three elements of the publication.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Publication Cards
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Information cards Alongside the book of case studies, I made five A5 sized information cards which connect the case studies and Scandinavian design to my own practice. They have been produced in the same style and layout as the book, where the back of each card contains my own personal opinions of Scandinavian design and how it connects to me, side by side with quotes relating to each of the four topics covered on the cards.
The front of each card (minus the introduction card) contain another more case studies all by designers or studios which feature within the book. The four cards other than the introduction card are ‘The Influence of Scandinavian Design’, ‘The Scandinavian Design Aesthetic’, ‘Branding & Identity in Scandinavia’ and ‘Exploring Scandinavia’s Design Talent’.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Printed Publication
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Printed publication The perfect bound publication has been printed A5 size, with a matt white front cover, and the title ‘Design Scandinavia’ has been applied in matt white vinyl.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014
Printed Publication
Brief #1 - Design Scandinavia
Design Context Publication
Printed Publication The simple clean white and grey layout and aesthetic lets the work stand out and speak for itself, and also aims to replicate the ideas of Scandinavian minimalism.
Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014