Individual Submission Boards

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Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Talenthouse : Secret 7" Brief: Design a secret record cover for Elton John’s song ‘Bennie and the Jets’

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Talenthouse : Kleenex Brief: Design a special edition Kleenex Collection Cube box

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Victoria Rawlins Make Up Artist Brief: Design a full identit for VR Make Up Artist including logo, business cards and website design.

Logo & Business Card Design

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Victoria Rawlins Make Up Artist Brief: Design a full identit for VR Make Up Artist including logo, business cards and website design.

Printed & foiled Business Card Designs

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Victoria Rawlins Make Up Artist Brief: Design an identity for VR Make Up Artist including logo, business cards and website.

Website Design

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Hannah Claire Harrison Chant Fashion Design Brief: Design an identity for HCHC Fashion Design, focusing on logo and business cards.

Logo Design

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


Hannah Claire Harrison Chant Fashion Design Brief: Design an identity for HCHC Fashion Design, focusing on logo and business cards.

Printed Business Card Designs

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


EAP fundraising : lego sponsorship Brief: Create a series of images to send to the Lego Foundation with an accompanying letter discussing the possibility of sponsorship.

East African Playgrounds Logo

Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD503 / Design Process 2 / Studio Brief 1 / Individual Practice


EAP fundraising : lego sponsorship Brief: Create a series of images to send to the Lego Foundation with an accompanying letter discussing the possibility of sponsorship.

Lego Playground

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