Sipi Falls - Kapchorwa - Uganda
The concept of the practical element is to create a brand identity for a tourism location in Uganda to use design to attempt to make an identity for Crows Nest, a tourism accommodation business in Sipi Falls, Uganda, which is sympathetic to both the Ugandan national identity and the tourist’s authentic cultural experience.
Crows Nest Rebrand Proposal Concept
The brand logo incorporates a combination of modern Western style typography and iconic Ugandan imagery. The symbolism of the crested crane, the Ugandan national bird, tied with the block san serif type creates a convergence between the sense of touristic discovery and traditional Ugandan values. The two merge seemlessly together to epitomise the relationship between Crows Nest and the tourist.
As the crane is said to symbolise the friendly, gentle and peaceloving characteristics of the Ugandan people, this is a perfect emblem to use for the warm and hospitable Crows Nest.
The Ugandan flag colours (red, black and yellow) are employed throughout the brand aesthetics to constantly subconsciously bring in the Ugandan national identity.
Crows Nest Visual Location Research
These images show how the brand aesthetics would merge in with the surroundings of Crows Nest to create an identity which is sympathetic to both the location and its the culture of inhabitants and the tourist.
Crows Nest Rebrand Proposal Book
The rebrand proposal booklet ties the theory into practice by explaining and clarifying how the theory discussed in the written Context of Practice element can be applied to an actual tourism location in Uganda.
The book also uses a SWOT analysis to explain the impact a rebrand like this would have on Crows Nest in terms of both the business opportunities and the experience a tourist will have there.
The book covers the topics of the theory, the brand identity and aesthetics, the applications of the brand and products that can be used to support the brand.
The book has also been produced in the Crows Nest brand style and has been bound by hand stitching to replicate techniques that would be used in Uganda.
Hand painted signage reflects and replicates Ugandan design and production methods and allows the Crows Nest brand to be applied to another substrate. This hand painted style addes another element to the general brand aesthetics of Crows Nest and merges seemlessly into the the architecture and layout of the premises.
Crows Nest Hand Painted Signage
The promotional aspects draw the customer in, and as tourism accommodation services in Uganda are usually discovered by the tourist through word of mouth or from adverts in other tourism locations, this ties Crows Nest into being a part of an overall Ugandan experience.
Crows Nest Promotion
The printed ephemera such as receipts allow the customer to further interact with the brand than simply visiting Crows Nest. These all make the brand more memorable and this is a very important aspect in tourism theory as people visit other countries and cultures for the memories they will leave with.
Crows Nest Printed Ephemera
Homepage & first point of contact
Crows Nest Website
A web presence is something which Crows Nest, like many other Ugandan tourism businesses, does not have. A website, particularly in this contemporary Western style, is not something that would be considered authentically Ugandan but when talking about sympathetic
design, it is necessary to also consider the tourist and how they would interact with the brand. The website is not aimed at the locals and therefore needs no real references to Ugandan production techniques, but instead has to persuade the tourist to consider Crows Nest.
Visitor Information Page
Crows Nest Website
Contact Crows Nest Page
Photograph Gallery Page
One of the impressive things about the location of Crows Nest is the views around the area of Sipi Falls and the fact tourists visit to explore the scenery. Having a gallery page on the website will increase interest in the business as it gives the potential tourist a glimse into wht they would see and what they could do whilst visiting Crows Nest.
Crows Nest Website