Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Shiyi WANG
(940479) Dan Parker + Studio 6
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three different forms of fabrication techiniques discussed in the reading are subtractive, additive and formative. These are all examples of 3D modelling; formative involves shaping heat-softened materials into a mold; additive is building up of a shape in layers, for example 3D printing; and subtractive involves removing parts of a whole through shaving down and surface, such as Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication. This technology has the potential to create shapes that are incredibly accurate, as well as being easily modified to create many different itertions at the same price, leading to mass customization.
Week Three Surface Creation
The process of scripting the surfaces in Rhino through Grasshopper was very involved, but also rewarding and useful. I found the way that it is adjustable throughout the design process makes producton of iterations and different designs very easy and streamlined. I try to create two surfaces that they look similar but actrually different and symmetrical with each other. It looks like that the two surfaces are twins with a little bit differences. Moreover, I also tried two surfaces which have a curved surfaces but it can be separeted out with straight lines. I really want to show out the special way of how curved surfaces link to the striaight lines but it was difficult to fibd out the two forms. 1. The process of programming the surface in grsshopper. 2. iteration. 3. iteration. 4. Final iteration
Week Four
Panels & Waffle
When I creating these two surfaces, I try to use both 2D and 3D sections to show out the curves and shadows. I was three different modules to make up the two surfces. The front surface has two types of modules, one is pyramid and another is divided into two pards, which are one pyramid with a trustum of a pyramid. The back suface is made by one module, which is half pyramid with half 2D surface. Both of the holes and the 2D surfaces provide dappled light into the interior of the structure.
My waffle structure are all made by striaight lines but they formed together, they are two curved surfaces. There are 8 layers of horizontal structures and 10 layers of vertical waffle structures in both left and right side. The very front two vertical waffle structure are at the edge of the horizontials, so I don’t use them when I making the physical module.
Week Four Laser Cutting
To create a laser cut file means to unroll all the 2D and 3D panels, lay them out for laser cut. There are many rules that I learned from this process and I also made many mistakes. First, not all of the sections can be unrolled together, which will create many overlapping faces. Thus, select suitable sections to unroll together and remenber to add numbers or symbols to distinguish. Second, remember to join sections together to make sure your unroll faces are linked with eath other. My module sections are complex, so how to divide them as suitable parts that overlapping problem won’t happen while unroll them is a big problem for for me.
Week Four Laser Cutting
Week Five
The main concept used in this task is geometric and hence the platonic octahedron is the shape used throughout the design. By trying out different point attractor, and playing with the scale of both larger and smaller shape, the final design is created and booleaned out from the cube. Lastly and most improtantly, the boolean shape is boolean again in different angles to obtain the desired final outcome which is to achieve 1/8 of the cube volume. 1. Iteration 1 with regular shape and scale.
2. Randomly arranged polygon.
3. Iteration 2 with chosen shape
4. Final iteration
Week Five Isometric
This isometric is a section of the boolean soild before being subtracted into 1/8 of the volume of the cube to be 3D printed. The main concept fot the final 3D print soild is to create a shelter-liked structure. It has given the void with clearly defined edges due to its structural form. It creates openings in order to give the light passes through the interior volume. The different levels of concavity that created by the point attractor effect also give a visually interesting. Before cut out the chosen section from the cube, the interior shapes and loctation has been changed several times. The point attractor distribution method is used in Grasshopper for both grid mainpulation and shape transformation with the same value id reference point.
Week Six
Task 01
[60,150,150] [45,0,150] [30,0,150] [0,150,150]
[60,0,150] [0,0,150]
[16,7,0] [60,150,0] [Index Selection]
[Index Selection]
[Index Selection]
[45,0,0] [Index Selection]
Point attraction
Task 01 Matrix The final surfaces are selected to develop as they are verial and complex shapes and forms to create a complex but interesting pattern for the panels. Panels are arranged on the regular grid but with diffferent attractor points to show how the sections interacte with curves. The three different modules show out both complexity and simplisty.
Week Six Task 02
1.4 [34.6,79.5,124]
[34.6,4.6,124] [111.53,136,22]
[180,145.832,-150] [117,88,104]
[111.5,158.6,0.13] [246,146,-150]
Task 02 Matrix The task 2 3D model is designed with an interior diamond shape and pyrmaid outlook, which looks full but has lots of blank space in the middle. The grid has been matipulated in the same value of reference point with the shape transformation. Moreover, different type of shapes also used to create the interior world, such as circles.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views