Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Shiyi WANG
(940476) Dan Parker + Studio 6
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
According to Zeara - Polo, a diagram is “ a tool that describes relationships and prescribes performances in space�. Diagrams act as organisational tools to communicate ideas. The diagram is a reductive graphic device that instead highlights sparial, temporal or abstract aspects of an idea, it is a mediator between physical construct and concepts on an organisational level. A symbol is a formal representation of a dynamic object. Signs and symbols usurally used to communiating static conceptswhile diagrams can better cover spacial concepts and denote dynamic features. They are used to draw relationship between multiples concepts and form and represent abstract forms.
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Image A
Image b Image A and B is the site view of Burnham Pavilion, which can be identified from top view(Image C)-top is north, bottom is south, left is west and right is east. Refercence of Image: Burnham Pavilion by Zaha Hadid Architects |Dezeen, 2009. https://www.dezeen. com/2009/08/24/burnham-pavilionby-zaha-hadid-architects-2/
Image c While looking at the thrid Image C, which is the top view of Burnham Pavilion, it can be calculated that there are 24 main struction lines to support it. Then put the 4 site view in the correct position around the top view. Outline some main points and curve them together one by one, you wil get 24 pefect cures of this building with openning entrence. Then loft these curves together and adjust them.
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.
Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use.
Hertzberger pointed out that design should not over specify function fot risk of reducing range of possible usage. Spaces should be designed to be flexible in order to lend themselves to a wider range of uses over time. The precedent study is used as a public pavilion for multiple reasons. Just as the picture shows, there are two entrences in Burnham Pavilion and it provide an interesting place for passer-by to interact with and explore. Inside Burnham Pavilion, videos about the building itself and techological movies are playing in different time. Hadid’s pavilion is one of two commissioned to celebrate the centenary of the Burnham Plan, which set out a blueprint for urban design in the city. The pavilion is composed of an intricate bent-aluminum structure, with each element shaped and welded in order to create its unique curvilinear form. Burnham Pavilion’s outisde lightd is also an abstract sense for public.
Week Two Isometric
N.E Isometric view. A temporary pavilion designed and erected in Chicago’s Millennium Park as part of the Burnham Plan celebrations – reflecting the Chicago’s long tradition for embracing cutting edge architecture. Seeing as the curvature and constrcture are the main feature of the pavilion that is composed
of an intricate bent-aluminum structure, with each element shaped and welded in order to create its unique curvilinear form. This N.E isometric view is chose because it can show out the two entrence and emphasize curvature of curves. In addition, this view can also display the openning gaps on the top. During this modelling process, I understand that the circulation of the pavilion decide people’s movements and traces, which allows them move more freely in a norrow space. The pacilion shows a careful consideration between the proportion of walls and opening. EN
When I try to make this model, I realised that threshold design of a space really effect the circulation. People can go though from both entrence or come back to the entrence which they come in. The precedent study let me learn the diagram and how the design of threshold related to the circulation.
Week Two
entrance entrance
Insert title of your Diagram This diagram shows a brief human trace in an perspective view of Burnham Pavilion, which shows that the threshold design will decide people’s movements and traces. Shearing direction show the possible movements happens inside the building.
The red shearing direction show the entrance and how does the circulation relate to threshold.
Appendix Process
PICTURE1 Use WEST view and South view build W.S direction structure. Putting top view on the floor and lay out all main points about one curve. As long as there is no hiding place in one curve, such as the first small circul, all the points can be layed out on one site view. Then, turn the page to top view and move those points either up or right(points made from front should move up, points made from right should maove left). Curving these points together, you will get a prefect tracing line.
Use EAST view and NORTH view build N.E direction structure. Similiarly to the last step but turn all pages to 180 degree to make sure the right and front view are in the correct position.
Appendix Process
PICTURE 3 While lay out all curves, just as the orange and red lines show, I use bule lines to make some adjustment
PICTURE 5 Show out all lines and make final adjustment
PICTURE 4 I use purple lines to make the top opening space, then project them on the surface and split the gaps out
Appendix Process
Lighting the basic structure pictures and check if the model is in correct poistion or not.
Lighting up points and check each lines.