Advanced English Unit I Portfolio AYOG

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Yessenia Ogaldez 6th Bilingual Secretariat #7

MY LEARNING PROCESS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL COURSE: Language Arts III UNIT: First Academic Unit (January 12- March 13)

TEACHER: Ana Lucia Perez Garcia GRADE: 6th Bilingual / 6th Accounting

UNIT COMPETENCE: Creates business-related documents in a variety of contexts applying vocabulary, grammatical structures, and topics seen throughout the unit while following American Business Guidelines in form and format. ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS ASSESMENT ACTIVITIES DATES PER SCORING CONTROL WEEK Differentiates the usage of verb tenses and various grammatical elements in review worksheets.

Organizes documents and proofread written assignments in a chronological order following rubric, teacher instructions, and editing techniques in the digital portfolio to maintain information which can be readily accessed upon request.

1.     

Grammar: Present tenses Past tenses Future tenses Verb tense application General Review

2. Portfolio (Digital) Pictionary, Summary, and Business Letter examples and templates uploaded to Issuu **Rubric provided

Jan 26 - 30 Feb 9 – 13 Feb 16-20 Feb 23- 27 March 2 -5

/100 /100 /100 /100 /100

Throughout the Unit March 11


Throughout the Unit

/100 /100 /100 /100

Throughout the Unit

/100 /100

Communicates effectively in oral form using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical elements, pronunciation, and fluency.


Produces writings that contain appropriate vocabulary, spelling, organization, content, and coherence..


Retains and extracts information when listening and is able to answer questions related to information extracted upon request.


Listening (2)

Throughout the Unit

/100 /100


Reading (1 online / 3 extensive reading book)

Throughout the Unit

/100 /100 /100

Writing (2)

Unit One Final Test (Theory): Grammatical Elements March 12 Vocabulary Listening and Reading Comprehension NOTE: Dates are subject to change. All students must have this learning printed in their notebook and they must register their grades.

Answers a test integrating acquired knowledge and critical thinking on the situation presented.

7.   

Speaking (4)



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Last week, my parents and I visited Rome. My best friend had a car when she was little. Her boyfriend treated her in an awful way.

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I was learning Mandarin, but I didn’t like it. He was getting in love when I left him. My parents were singing and dancing when they met each other.

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I have never thought about not getting married. She has made several questions about the same thing. You have created a good image of yourself.

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I used to go to the movies when I had a boyfriend. I used to live in France, but I prefer Guatemala. When I was in my old house, I would go out with my neighbors.

I had met too many boys before I met my own cousin. By March, I had sang in front of all my friends. By the time Christmas arrived, I had bought all my presents.

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I had been working when I started my career. He had been playing soccer when he had a kid. We had been eating pizza when we discover we were sick.

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I was going to get my award when I was 15. He knew her wife would be the worst but still got married. My sister was going to sing for my birthday but she did not.


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I get up very tired when I have too much homework. I go to church on Sundays because I enjoy it. My family eats dinner in the big table.

I am doing my best effort this year. They are eating because they celebrate. My mother is cooking because my uncle is coming.

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I have done homework for too many hours. I have done special things for you. She has been dancing since she got promoted.

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Machines work fast. My teacher is good at listening to people. I’m doing English homework.

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My friend loves being in the computer. My father owns a car. I know everything about my nails.

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She plays guitar really well. I feel bad because I made something wrong I don’t hear well that sound.


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I will take a nap because I feel tired. I’m going to visit my grandparents on Saturday. I will help you with your homework.

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I will be singing tomorrow in the party. I am going to be choreographing my friends. She will be listening at his songs in the concert.

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My vacation starts on June 13. The flight arrives at 13:00. When I work there, I eat at 1:00.

I’m doing a cake this afternoon. She’s leaving me to visit her family in December. The taxi is picking me up in a few moments.

When we get to the beach, we will swim for hours. I will carry on the problem when I face it. If I see you again, I will hug you.

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We will have seen a lot of people by the time we get to be in your country for 3 months. By the time I get my grades, I’ll have eaten all my nails. By the end of the day, I’ll have been making a lot of drills.



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Gruel: a drink or thin porridge, made by boiling meal, esp. oatmeal, in water or milk. Orphan: a kid without parents or a place to live. Workhouse: the place poor people worked to have food. Undertaker: the person who buries people.



Altercation: Fight.




Mob: a big crowd of people

Oliver Twist Worksheet Author: Charles Dickens

Setting London, England. It may be considered to have been occurred at the nineteen century because it shows poor and lonely people who had a bad economic situation in Europe at that time. Oliver leaves in a workhouse near a parish and he lived under bad conditions.

Character Description Oliver Twist Oliver was a young boy without someone to take care of him. His mother died when he was born in a workhouse and a parish took care of him after that moment. Then, he went back to the workhouse where he was born and continued having a bad treatment. He spent most of his time sad and suffering for people treated him bad and he had no opportunity to live as a happy little kid. He was obedient and when he decided to do something different, he had a bad experience. He is innocent and surely does not deserve what he passes through.

Retell the story in your own words. First Oliver was born in a workhouse and his mother died. As he was an orphan and nobody could take care of him, he was taken by a parish and did not have good treatment. People in there did not even give him enough food. Because of that, he asked for more gruel and the bad people in charge laughed about him.

Then When he asked for more gruel, people there considered it as something that could not even be possible. As a consequence, they offered people in the streets 5 pounds for the one who would take care of him. Mr. Gamfield was a man who was passing through that place with his donkey and he considered the option of taking care of him. After they deliberated, Mr. Gamfield said that Oliver should go back to the workhouse and did not take him. Mr. Bumble, the man with the white waistcoat and the people in charge decided to put Oliver on the place where they offered him again. ‌




On the other hand, I find really difficult to work without my cell phone because it is small and it has all the tools I need for emergencies; calculator, alarm, pictures, calendar, Internet access, dictionaries, etc. Additionally, I can communicate with everyone. Besides that, I have had an iPod for five years and I love it because I listen to my music without filling all my cellphone’s memory.







A riotous or disorderly crowd of people


A public officer concerned with the administration of law

Stockings One of a pair of close-fitting garments made of knitted yarn to cover the foot and part or all of the leg


Altercation An angry or heated discussion or quarrel; argument

Corpse A dead body, esp. of a human being; cadaver Wrath

Angry, violent, or stern indignation.

Benefactor A person who supports or helps a person, institution, etc.

Gruel A thin cooked cereal made by boiling meal, oatmeal, in water or milk.


A local church.


A parish officer who has various.

Apprentice A person who works for another to learns about him.

Solitary confinement The place to being alone and so for of people.

Handkerchief A small piece of fabric used for wiping the nose, eyes, etc.



Check this if you are interested in learning more about verb tenses:

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