Let's Go Brochure 2024

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Let’s Go

Out front since way back when

Purposeful. Personal. Proper

The more you spend in business, the more you learn about what people really want from their letting agent. And now we’re into our eighth decade, we’ve learnt a great deal.

The services you appreciate most? We’ve perfected them. The approach you prefer?

We’ve made it part of our culture. It adds up to a partnership that’s all about you. Focusing on what you really want.

From that first handshake above a North London furniture shop in 1946 we’ve made your hopes and dreams the first thing we think about when it comes to letting your property.

We’re unique in the UK in that we’re a lettings agent owned by a charity, and we’ve grown from that first Islington office to over 40 branches throughout the South of England. It’s why you can count on us to look after you and your property needs, properly.

When you’re looking to let, we’re right by your side.

We treat your property let as a journey – and we’re here to guide you, whether you want friendly advice or active support. You can rely on our flexible services and our highly trained people to look after your best interests.

We work to the high standards that you expect, because they’re the same standards we set for ourselves. We make it our business to offer helpful advice that will help you secure a let in the way that works for you.

Ready to see what we it means to be an Andrews landlord? Let us demonstrate how we can tick all your letting boxes.

Welcome to Andrews.

A team you can count on, with ser vice that’s straightfor ward
A team you can count on, with service that’s straightforward

When you’re letting a property, the human touch really helps. At Andrews that starts with simple actions like always calling you back when we say we will. And with late night and weekend opening, we’ll always be here for you in person, too.

When you trust us to let your property, the human touch really helps. At Andrews that starts with simple actions like always calling you back when we say we will. And with weekend opening, we’ll always be here for you, too.

Our people ta ke a professiona l interest in t he deeply persona l process of letting your proper t y. That mea ns attention to ever y last deta il involved in your let. A nd t hose deta ils don’t stop at your front gate.

We’ll look at what’s let nea rby, shif ting school catchments, regiona l investment, lending conditions. New shops, loca l infrastr ucture, community vibe. And all the other critical factors that make a difference.

It’s insig hts like t hese t hat ta ke t he g uesswork out of agreeing a renta l va lue. We a im for t he f ig ure t hat’s just rig ht for rig ht now a nd not a penny less. Because when you’re serious about letting, your renta l va lue needs to be rooted in today’s ma rket.

So when it comes to ma x imising tena nt appea l, we’re streets a head Litera lly. We ma ke it our business to k now what’s happening in your neig hbourhood, day in, day out

Stay in-the-know with our straight-talking service

For some, letting a property is a lifechanging event. For others, it’s an everyday business deal. Whether you have one property or manage a portfolio of properties, you’ll appreciate our honest, straightforward approach.

As part of that, we’re committed to making things simpler. So you can count on us not to to confuse things with unnecessary waffle, break out the bold claims or squirrel away the hidden details.

Service you can trust

When we let your property, we know that we’re representing you. And everything we do—from how we take your photographs, to what we say and how we say it—is done with integrity.

Show them your best side

At Andrews, the best images make our public image

You’l l f i nd ou r photog raphy ref re sh i ng ly d i f ferent too.

A great photo is the f irst step in bringing tenants to your door. So we’re committed to ma king sure your shots rea lly capture the essence of your home, without resor ting to unrea listic f ilters or distor ted angles.

Tell a thousand words of truth

We don’t use sma ll print in our paper work a nd we won’t use specia l effects in our photos. It’s a basic point of honest y t hat tena nts appreciate

Shine a light on your strong points

We’re exper ts at hig hlig hting your proper t y’s best features to best effect. These features could include a ny t hing from t he lig ht t hat f loods in t hroug h a cer ta in w indow to a n origina l a rchitectura l deta il t hat sets your place apa r t.

Give them the wider angle

Photography tells t he stor y of your proper t y.

So we’ll a lso give potentia l tena nts a taste of living in your a rea by show ing t hem t he best bits like pa rks, chi-chi loca l shops, a nd bijou ca fés.

Making the most of your proper ty

Put your place front and centre, with advice from the top

It’s no accident that a proper ty to let with Andrews stands out from the rest of the street. We’ve worked hard to develop a bright and brilliant marketing approach that will catch the attention of a prospective tenant and perhaps even capture their hear t.

Put your place front and centre, with advice from the top

Timing is everything

It’s no accident that a proper ty to let with Andrews stands out from the rest of the street. We’ve worked hard to develop a bright and brilliant marketing approach that will catch the attention of a prospective tenant and perhaps even capture their hear t.


A s soon as we ta ke on your proper t y, we’ll pick up the phone and get in touch w it h our database of tena nts. Simple? Yes. Effective? Def initely.

Your online edge

Print isn’t dead

Timing is everything

Timing is everything Connect with us

As soon as we take on your property, we’ll pick up the phone and get in touch with our database of tenants. Simple? Yes. Effective? Definitely.

Your online edge

Andrewsonline.co.uk is a big-hitting online proper t y ser vice, wit h over 1.9 million* annua l visits a nd natura lly, we’ll fast-track your proper t y’s deta ils onto our site the second they’re ready. (W hich mea ns they get pride of place on Rightmove too.)

Print isn’t dead

A s soon as we ta ke on your proper t y, we’ll pick up the phone and get in touch w it h our database of tena nts. Simple? Yes. Effective? Def initely.

The proper t y pages of popula r loca l maga zines and newspapers are still in st yle w it h tena nts, so that’s where you’ll f ind us. A nd that’s where you’ll f ind your proper t y.

At Andrews Property Group we understand the importance of creating a genuine bond with potential tenants, and social platforms are the key to achieving just that.

The proper t y pages of popula r loca l maga zines and newspapers are still in st yle w it h tena nts, so that’s where you’ll f ind us. A nd that’s where you’ll f ind your proper t y.


Your online edge

Discover the ease and efficiency at andrewsonline.co.uk, where we draw in over *2 million online visits each year. Your property details take a swift journey onto our site as soon as they’re prepared, securing a prime position not just on our platform but also on popular property portals Rightmove and Zoopla.

We’ll help you ma ke a rea l connection wit h potentia l tena nts on socia l media. Wit h reg ula rly-updated pictures, engaging videos and persuasive proper t y deta ils, our communities on Facebook, T w itter, and YouT ube are thriving.

With regularly updated pictures showcasing our properties, highlighting their features and charm. It’s more than just real estate; it’s an invitation to envision your next home.

Andrewsonline.co.uk is a big-hitting online proper t y ser vice, wit h over 1.9 million* annua l visits a nd natura lly, we’ll fast-track your proper t y’s deta ils onto our site the second they’re ready. (W hich mea ns they get pride of place on Rightmove too.)

*G oog le A na ly t ic s 1 st Ja n-31 st D ec 2 021. For nu mb er of v isit s a nd mobi le fig u re s.

Mobile mastery

Expert advice and market insights


We’ll help you ma ke a rea l connection wit h potentia l tena nts on socia l media. Wit h reg ula rly-updated pictures, engaging videos and persuasive proper t y deta ils, our communities on Facebook, T w itter, and YouT ube are thriving.

By following us @andrewsonline, you not only stay in the loop with the latest updates on available properties, but you also gain insights into the world of estate agency, interior trends, and expert tips for both landlords and tenants.

Why follow us?

1. Early access: Be in the know with newly listed properties, giving you a head start in the competitive market.

Last yea r, over 66% of our web visits were made via mobile devices There’s a ver y good cha nce your tena nt will f ind you on their mobile, so we ma ke sure your place is perfect ly packaged for ha nd-held house-hunting.

Last yea r, over 66% of our web visits were made via mobile devices There’s a ver y good cha nce your tena nt will f ind you on their mobile, so we ma ke sure your place is perfect ly packaged for ha nd-held house-hunting.

At Andrews, we offer a unique blend of expert advice and market insights to guide you through every step of your property journey. Our seasoned professionals bring a wealth of experience and industry knowledge to the table, ensuring that you make informed decisions in a dynamic market. Whether you’re buying, selling, or investing, Andrews Property Group is dedicated to providing unparalleled support and knowledge, empowering you with the tools you need for property success.

Andrews London @LDNAndrews

Join the Andrews mailing list to get regular property market updates and insights, local to your area.

Why not have a look at some of the new properties we have up on our website

2. Insider information: Gain access to expert advice, market trends, and the latest innovations in the property industry.

3. Expert network: Connect with a wealth of experienced estate agent industry professionals on our LinkedIn page. Join a thriving community where insights are shared, experiences are discussed, and aspirations in the estate agency sector are cultivated. Follow us on LinkedIn for industry expertise from seasoned professionals in the field.

Why not have a look at some of the new properties we have up on our website to brighten your day andrewsonline.co.uk

At Andrews Property Group, we’re not just about homes; we’re about creating a dynamic and engaging community. Follow us, and let’s start your exciting property journey together!

Connect with us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop.

* Google Analytics 1st Jan-31st Dec 2023.

Services to suit

Whether you’re an experienced landlord managing a number of properties full-time or a first-time landlord, we offer three levels of service to suit your needs. All of these can be tailored to give you what you want.

Our most popular service. If you don’t live near your property, or don’t have the time to deal with issues, such as finding suitable tenants, collecting rent and arranging maintenance, this service is for you.

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Full Management Rent collection

• These invoices will be forwarded onto you for your records. All relevant details of your property will be communicated to you to make sure that you are kept in the loop and know what is happening at all times.

If you’d like to sit back and simply enjoy the financial perks of being a landlord, our full management service is the one for you. We’ll find your tenants, collect the rent, chase late payments and arrange for any repairs. Essentially, we’ll do everything and ensure your let is well looked after, giving you more time to do… well, anything you want. There’s a reason this is our most popular package.

What can I expect from this package:

• For starters we will market your property both on and offline and utilise our extensive tenant list to help make the perfect pairing.

• We will arrange and attend viewings and interviews to ensure the tenant is suitable.

• Once a tenant is found, our efficient and easy referencing system will ensure a quick move in.

• We will take care of setting up monthly standing orders, chasing late payments and pursuing guarantors and ensuring that rent is collected and cleared quickly every month.

• We will act as your tenant’s point of contact for the duration of their tenancy for all property management issues, and we will make sure that all problems are sorted quickly and efficiently. Any problems faced by the tenant will be taken care of promptly, and we will arrange estimates and organise repairs by reputable local contractors.

Make your monthly payday a walk in the park. Our Rent Collection Service not only finds a tenant for your home, but also takes care of the rent collection, so all you need to do is maintain the property, and enjoy the payday.

If you’re happy to deal with any property maintenance issues that might arise and sort out suitable contractors, but don’t want to find tenants and collect rent, this is the service for you.

What can I expect from this package:

• Collect standing order rent payments and forward promptly to your bank by BACS

• Send monthly statement of your account

• Forward copies of your statements to your accountant and/or solicitor

• Chase any late payment, pursue guarantors and keep you fully informed

If you don’t live near your property, or don’t have the time to deal with issues such as finding suitable tenants, collecting rent and arranging maintenance, this service is for you.

Under this ‘F ull Ma nagement’ ser vice we w ill ta ke ca re of ever y t hing you ca n just sit back and enjoy the income your proper t y generates In addition to the Let Only and Rent Collection ser vices above, we will:

If you are an experienced landlord but don’t want to go to the trouble of finding a tenant and setting up the tenancy, this is the service for you. This is our least popular service and we would recommend it to very experienced previous landlord only.

At a glance

Property assessment

Statutory safety regu ations guidance

Match property with applicants

Promote through our webs te and property porta s

Interview and assess prospect ve tenants

Arrange viewings and accompany f requ red

Negotiate tenancy

Check cred t and references of tenants

Coordinate start, end and any extension of tenancy*

rent and deposit, & organise payments

Hold tenant’s deposit in bonded client’s accounts

Deal with the return of the deposit f held by us

Collect standing order rent payments and forward

Send monthly statements of your account

Forward copies of statements as requested

Chase late payments, pursue guarantors

Act as contact for all property management issues

Arrange estimates and organise repa rs

Forward contractors’ invoices for your records

Draw up a Tenancy Agreement

Prepare a professional inventory

Inspect every three months and supply report

Arrange annua gas and electrical safety testing

Carry out the check in/check out

Statutory housing and safety regulations guidance

Ensure comp iance with mm gration Act

Arrange an EPC

Register depos t

Annual statutory tax return for non-resident andlords

• act as your tena nt’s contact for a ll proper t y ma nagement issues

• resolve a ll problems quick ly a nd eff icient ly

• prompt ly a rra nge estimates a nd orga nise repa irs by reputable loca l contractors

• for wa rd contractors invoices for your records and pay from your account

If you select this service, we will get your property let and your tenancy up and running and then hand it over to you. You are responsible for the rent collection, renewing of all safety certificates before they expire and property maintenance both emergency, and routine.

We don’t blow our own trumpet. We let others do it for us

The Andrews philosophy is all about making life easier for you. What gets us up in the morning isn’t “doing property” - but doing property right

Don’t just take it from us how good we are, here’s what some recent landlords have had to say;

“The efficiency and friendliness combined made renting out our flat a good experience... Subsequent issues have been dealt with by the team positively and quickly.”

“We have just let a property in Orpington and have found the whole experience very straight forward. This is our first experience of property letting and Andrews Estate Agents, as a whole, have been extremely helpful and informative with the whole procedure. Thankyou.”

“Great service from Andrews. All the people we have dealt with at the Streatham branch have been very professional. We’d recommend them.”

Your reassurance? Our reputation

We've worked hard to get where we are, and we've picked up some very flattering national awards along the way. Awards are great for letting us know we’re on the right track, but maintaining standards and doing the right thing by you—our customer—is what keeps us keen.

A sense of community: our social conscience

It might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about letting agents. But a big part of our philosophy involves philanthropy. Social ventures play a big part in what we’re all about.


We’re owned by a charitable trust and a large slice of our profits goes to causes that tackle big issues like housing related poverty. It’s not just the money that we provide – we make plans, take action, we put ourselves out there.

We’re owned by charitable trusts and a large slice of our profits goes to causes that tackle big issues in our communities and overseas, like education, employment and shelter. And it’s not just money we provide—we make plans, we take action, we put ourselves out there.

The methods vary. It could be providing valuable support and places to live for young people when they leave care. Or funding trailblazing projects for those with dementia. Whatever works. And whatever’s needed.

The methods vary. It could be valuable support and places to live for young people who have been under the threat of homelessness or funding trailblazing projects that do things a bit differently. Whatever works, whatever is needed!

We’ve been responsible for some amazing initiatives, developed some incredible charities. And we’re not just in it for the short term, but for as long as we’re around. It’s fundamental. So, when you choose us, you’re becoming a part of something far, far bigger.

We've been responsible for some amazing initiatives, developed some incredible charities. And we're not just in it for the short term, but for as long as we're around. It's fundamental. So, when you choose us, you're becoming a part of something far, far bigger.

Who’d have thought it?

Who'd have thought it?

Head to Andrewscharitabletrust.org.uk

Head to Andrewscharitabletrust.org.uk

We think you’ll like what you’ll see.

We think you'll like what you 'll see.

£10million contributed to over 180 good causes, funding social enterprises and innovative charitable enterprises
In the last six years we have made a contribution of £3 million to fund social enterprises and innovative charitable enterprises. Andrews Property Group In the last 10 years, we have contribution of £10 million to fund social enterprises and innovative charitable enterprises.

In 2016 Establish was set up as a unique collaboration between ACT (Andrews Charitable Trust) & Andrews. The purpose is to provide quality, safe and affordable housing for young people vulnerable to homelessness and poverty. Each tenant has the support of local youth services, in embarking on their career and becoming independent.

ACT funds the houses, and finds great local partners, Andrews Property Group does the housing management and tenancy liaison. We encourage all staff to get involved including: volunteering, fundraising and providing lettings advice, even becoming mentors to help young people get into work.

We aim to provide 50 homes within 50 years and in 2023 already celebrated 50 young people supported.

"Establish is a visionary project, something quite special. We're delighted to be working with ACT moving forward to support vulnerable young people."

Dom Wood 1625 Independent People, one of our youth charities that partner with us in the Establish programme

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