Gordy's Toast Volume 2. Issue 1

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Gordy’s Toast Caring—Our Way of Life

Volume 2 | Issue 1 April 10th, 2016

Gordy’s Toast Volume 2 | Issue 1 March Newsletter

Caring—Our Way of Life

Hazen High School “April showers bring May flowers…”

Table of Contents

What is Key Club?....................................................................................4 Greetings from the editor……………………………………........6 Letters from the outgoing board………………….………....……7

Letters from the incoming board………………………...........…12 Letter from outgoing D32 LTG……………………..……….….16 Letter from incoming D32 LTG……………………………...…17 Recap from past events…………………………………….……18 Recap on DCON……………………….................................…….22 Upcoming events……………………………………….……….26 Dragon of the Month………………………………………........28 Contact us……………………………………………….........….29

What is Key Club? Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.

What is Key Club Hazen Key Club is a part of Division 32, which is composed of Hazen, Lindbergh, Kentlake, Kent-Meridian Kentridge, Kentwood, Renton and Tahoma. Division 32 is part of a proud Pacific Northwest district.

Greetings from the Editor Greetings earthlings—I mean, you lovely key-uties! My name is Kira Kusumi and I’m your new 2016-17 Bulletin Editor! This is my first newsletter, so I hope it’s worth your time. I’m so honored and blessed to be acting as one of your Key Club officers and supporting such an impactful and inclusive club. You guys are seriously my second family. I can only hope to be as inspiring and impactful as our outgoing board. I have big shoes to fill, so please don’t hesitate to give me advice or even ask me questions….about ANYTHING! I hope to work well with the new board and GET THINGS DONE! Hope everyone’s spring break was restful and until next month’s newsletter, stay toasty! In love and service, Kira Kusumi

Say goodbye to the outgoing board! Hey Key-uties, I’d like to start by saying thank you all for the wonderful experiences that made the club so enjoyable these past four years. And whether you are continuing to rejoin the club next year or graduating from high school, I hope that you keep a little piece of key club wherever you go. When you’re out volunteering, remember back to all the events we did as a club like the Jingle Bell Run or the Hot Chocolate run and standing out in the freezing cold. When you see someone having a bad day, talk to them, listen to them, and give them a warm smile. Just be caring, inclusive, and lead by example: be all the things that truly embodies a Key Club member. Looking back on my key club journey I realized that it’s not the club that I fell in love with. I liked the people that surrounded the lecture hall every Monday, seeing our toasty family every month, and having the opportunity to go to Seattle to meet the entire PNW district at convention. It’s completely fine if you did not go to every meeting or get the chance to go to DCON, you are not defined by the those things. There goes a South African idiom that says, “A person is a person through other persons. None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, walk, speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human.” In other words, you are defined by people, specifically the people around you and those who come to meet you. If there’s one

thing I want you to take away from being a part of this family is that I hope that all these connections and service events that you have experienced through this club have given you more reasons to spread more positive vibes to the people around you. I am confident to say that the upcoming Key Club year will be taken care of by our dedicated 20162017 board. I have watched several members grow increasingly spirited about Key Club each year, and I believe there is much potential for even more growth for the club with these bright leaders. Needless to say, the immediate past board and alumnae will always be a phone call or message away if you ever need us! Be nice to other people and always keep Key Club in your heart!!!! In Love and Service, Jacquelin Huang Hazen High School Immediate Past President

Say goodbye to the outgoing board! Hey Key Clubbers! Let me start off by saying you are the new generation for Key Club. The new voice, passion, and fire for the upcoming year. You hold potential to opening doors to those around you, and I hope you all take advantage of the power you possess. Key Club isn't about filling up your college application, or even about attending this magical event known as District Convention (DCON). There is so much more, ranging from providing your voluntary service to your community, to building leadership skills with your best intentions. And as an added bonus, you build connections and friendships that truly last a lifetime. I've had the pleasure to walk through all four years of high school having Key Club stand by me. I've stood out in the freezing cold for marathons, wandered the hallways of elementary schools, packed food bundles at a food bank, pushed carts around a community center, and the list goes on. But I didn't stand, wander, pack, or push by myself. I achieved my goals with a friend, and that's the beauty of it all; you are not alone. And as you serve Key Club this upcoming year, I want you to know that there is a companion in that lecture hall who is willing to stand by you and freeze their butt off with you. There is someone who will hold your hand while you run for higher office. There is someone who is willing to listen, whether it is your current friend, a future friend, the 2015-2016 or 20162017 board. Best of all, you have the choice to be that friend for someone else, you have the key to opening one another’s door and helping each other grow as people. I encourage ALL of you toasty dragons to attend service events, club bondings, and DCMs. You will definitely expand your Key Club journey by doing so, and have so much fun along the way. And as for a has-

been like me, I will miss what is now my past Key Club career. As of March 20th, the 20152016 Key Club Board retired in the room of the Washington State Convention Center, with pride, humility, and tears (lots of it). This experience was bittersweet for us, but we were surrounded by so much love, support, and fresh faces who were ready to step up and continue the legacy. Seeing the spirit from these faces, I almost wished it didn't have to end here. It is time for me to move forward, however, and all I can do is wish this generation of Key Clubbers the absolute best and nothing short of a perfect term. Let me end this note with a farewell--and I wish the best of luck in all of your future endeavors. Peace out Key Club, PNW District, and Division 32, it's been my greatest honor to have served you. In love, caring, and service, Crystal Tam Hazen High School Immediate Past Vice-President

Say goodbye to the outgoing board! These past 4 years in Key Club have honestly been the best part of my high school experience. If I had not become so involved in Key Club, I probably would not have enjoyed high school as much and be the person I am today. I would never take for granted any memory or moment I have spent with this remarkable organization. It has been such an amazing journey through every service event, DCM, rally, and DCON I have been to. I still remember the time when I went to my first meeting my freshman year with all the events being listed on a piece of paper below a document camera rather than a PowerPoint. Everything was very old school but I immediately became attached to this club from the start when I heard about their passion for service. From then on, I went to just about every single meeting and became so obsessed about wanting to help the community in any way I could. I’ll always remember all the memories I’ve been able to build from these past 4 years. From wrapping presents at KeyBank, to helping set up a carnival for kids at YMCA, to holding the dragon at DCON, to cold days during runs, and even fundraising over $2,500 for Nepal. The list goes on and on from everything I’ve experienced from this club. I’ve had such an amazing privilege of serving as Club Secretary and it’s definitely been a thrilling ride. For as much as I’ve dreaded the 5th of every month of doing those tedious secretary reports, it always reminded me of everything we’ve done so far throughout the year. We’ve accomplished so much together as a team and I could not be more proud to be a part of this club specifically. I would have never imagined we would receive an award from DCON let alone three. It is hard to believe that it is all coming to an end now. It makes me so sad to see I am leaving such an amazing organization who has given me so much to be grateful for. Most of all, I am grateful to have spent the best year in Key Club with some of the most remarkable people. This year has honestly been the best and I am so glad to have met so many new members and to have watched several members grow so committed to this club. I am going to definitely miss all the experiences I have shared with my extended family. They can always make me smile even after a bad day. We care so much about each other and they have given me the greatest gift of all, the feeling of a true home. A place I can go to where I feel accepted and valued no matter

who I am. I wish I could see what they will accomplish in the future and where life takes them. We’ve only known each other for such a short amount of time but I am thankful for all the good times we have shared. Thank you so much making this Key Club year the best. To the current officers, I want you guys to remember to have patience and passion. You guys are going to argue a ton over your ideas, and I mean a lot, but I want you guys to remember to hear each other and come up with solutions together. You guys are all brilliant and I know you will be able to overcome that frustration. Most importantly, don’t forget passion. Even when things get difficult remember why you are doing all of this and the impact you will leave on your members. I have faith that you guys will bring this club to greater heights. My advice to any of you guys who are still going to be in Key Club next year and the following years is that you take the chance to become more involved and go out of your way to meet new people. There are so many individuals who are willing to make this club an incredible experience just for you. Give them the chance to let you see what it’s all about. There have been so many people who have always said they regret not joining sooner. I promise you that once you take the opportunity to become more involved it will truly be a journey that you will never forget. In Love and Service, Andy Luu Hazen High School Immediate Past Secretary

Say goodbye to the outgoing board! Hey Lovely Key Clubbers, First, I would like to thank for another awesome year in key club. It is an honor, and privilege for me to serve as treasurer of Hazen Key Club 2015-2016. This year has been an amazing experience for me working along with the board members and YOU, members! Members are what really made the club! It is because of YOU we took home 3 awards from DCON. It is because of YOU, I have learned many more things. You are all hardworking members that inspire me to work hard. The reason I joined Key Club is because of YOU. It is a club where I feel I belong and everyone is a family member. I hope our club will continue grow and everyone becomes a big family. I look forward to every Mondays so I can see your lovely faces, and we cheer together! I hope wherever you end up after graduate, you will keep key club in your heart and treasure it. If you are returning next year, continue to build the memories and make memorable experiences. Once you leave, you will start to miss it. I will definitely miss all the volunteer events where you stand in the cold to handout chocolate, and cheer on the runners at marathons. Also the DCMs, and all the club meetings. Remember to make every moment counts! Now that I am leaving, I am certainly bitter sweet. I am bitter because I have to leave an amazing club and graduate. I am super happy because I know that the club is in good hands for next year. I believe that the board members will make key club an awesome experience for everyone. I hope that YOU, members will continue to support key club and build

memories. Even though the alumnae and I are leaving, we will continue to support you guys! Give us a call, text, message, email, snapchat, etc., if you need anything! Hey KEY CLUBBERS, HOW DO YOU FEEL!!?? I FEEL GOOD! OH I FEEL SO GOOD! In love and service, Yena Nguyen Hazen High School Immediate Past Treasurer

Say goodbye to the outgoing board! Hey Key Clubbers!

Northwest. Our club has I write this letter for the accomplished so much and it’s all thanks to you guys! And a last time as Hazen’s Bulletin Editor and as the first time as little good luck to our new the immediate past editor. It’s innies! I know that we will leave the club’s future in good hands! been a tremendous honor to have served on the board. I am And thank you Kira for making very grateful for the past three this amazing newsletter, you’ve made me proud! years to have joined this incredible organization and to Until next time we meet, have made so many new friends little Kiwanians. and family members along the way. Even in the end I encourage every single one of In Love and Service, our members to step out of Andy Ly their boundaries and to get Hazen High School involved. Immediate Past Bulletin Editor Key Club is an organization dedicated to service, however we are also a family. And for the seniors, even though we will be going our separate paths, we will forever cherish the memories of Key Club. From my first newsletter my goal was to connect our club and to leave a legacy from our high school to the Pacific

Your new 2016-17 board say hello! Hey key-uties!

My name is Ashley and I am so excited to serve as your 2016-2017 President! I hope to make this year as successful as that time Meredith Grey had a non-fatality streak. Some of my goals are to encourage divisional involvement as well as club interaction and to raise as much money possible for our soon-to-be-chosen service project in addition to the district project. Having Key Club in my life makes it so that I FEEL FINE ALL THE TIME (not even a PNW KC thing but CNH is pretty close)!! I can’t wait to get to meet and know all of you so feel free to shoot me a message if you have a question or if you need someone to go on a teriyaki run with smile emoticon In Love and Service (and Toast), Ashley Vo Hazen High School Club President

Your new 2016-17 board say hello! Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Tommy Huynh and I am your 20152016 Key Club Secretary. I am excited to meet all of you guys on an individual level. My goal this year is to get a record amount of new members. I will try my best at keeping track of all your volunteer hours and being on top of things that are going on in Key Club. Let’s work hard at improving our school and community this year. Don’t be afraid to contact me whether it is through social media or in person.

In Love and Service, Tommy Huynh Hazen High School Club Secretary

Your new 2016-17 board say hello! Hello, hello clubbers! My name is Brittney, but you can call me tonight (or anytime). I will always be there for you while I serve as the 2016-2017 treasurer. I wish to make this year a year you will not forget. A few of my goals are to do more fundraisers and collect dues as quickly as possible. Although my intro is already cheesy, key club is actually a KEY club. I have unlocked so many doors, expanding my view on how I perceive the world. I cannot wait to see each of you grow as I see you at least once a week at our meetings. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk, just message me! Stay toasty, Brittney Do Hazen High School Club Treasurer

Your new 2016-17 board say hello! Hi there Key Clubbers, You feel good, right? As one of your new officers, it’s part of my job to make sure all of ya’ll stay feeling good this year! I can’t wait to see what this new Key Club term will bring! We’re going to make so many great new memories together! You guys are truly a second family to me and I want everyone to feel included, I want everyone to feel like they each have their own chair at the family dinner table. Don’t ever hesitate to come up to me or any of the other officers to talk to us about anything, greet us, or give us hugs! Until next month’s newsletter… Stay toasty as ever, Kira Kusumi Hazen High School Club Editor

A few words from your retiring Division 32 Lieutenant Governor Dear Dragons! I cannot believe how far we have come and how amazing we all are. It breaks my heart to admit that my term is over, but I know that wherever I may be, I will continue to serve. Serve my home, school, and community, as I take what I have learned in Key club and expand it to the world around me. Key club is not just an organization, but a way of life. And I thank this division for being part of my Journey. "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love". As I reflected on the past year, I realized that to me my goals was not to only get those awards or the spirit stick. But to do the small things to get there and genuinely do what we do because we love key club and serving others. I wanted to create an environment where Division 32 was united and open hearted to one another. Every time new members come to a DCM and meet so many wonderful people who make them feel welcome, makes me feel like division 32 is not like any other division. We have servant leadership, caring, and all the core values that make us who we are. I cannot be any more proud of every single officer, key clubber, and dragon. In Love and Service, Kim Anh Tran Division 32 Immediate Past LTG

A few words from your new Division 32 Lieutenant Governor Hello my fellow dragons! My name is Ashley Villanueva and I’m the new Lieutenant Governor of Division 32. I’m currently a sophomore at Kentlake HS and prior to becoming elected, I was Vice President of my home club. I’m so thrilled to see what you all do within your club. I know you all have the greatest potential to make a big difference in your community through service projects, fundraisers, and even little gestures that can make someone’s day. Even though this is only my second year in Key Club, this organization has truly made a significant impact in my life for the better. I’m so thankful to even have the opportunity to be a member, let alone Lt. G of this toasty division. This is going to be an exciting journey to take on, but with all of you by my side, it’s going to be even better. Please contact me if you ever need anything, whether it be related to Key Club or not because I am just a small member taking on this big world, one service project at a time. In Caring and Service, Ashley Villanueva Division 32 Lieutenant Governor

Recap from Past Events Skate to Eliminate Fun night out with sister divisions in the Washington area! We gathered at Sno-King and part of the skating fees went to the Eliminate project to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) worldwide. It’s safe to say that this bonding was a successful and memorable night on the ice!

Mulching There was a mulching volunteering event held at Kent Parks where a bunch of Key Clubbers assembled to help out and do yard work. Although there was a lot of digging around in the dirt involved, we still managed to make a good time out of it!

Recap from Past Events Thank you to all the Key Clubbers who willingly or forcefully woke up early during their breaks to attend the Kiwanis meetings held at Renton Technical College. They’re held every Thursday at 7:27 AM, so come out sometime to get to know the Kiwanians that support our Key Clubs!

Some of us even went out to Kent to attend their Kiwanis meetings, as well!

Recap from Past Events As a post-DCON bonding, Division 32 decided to take it to Rattlesnake Mountain where we hiked our way to the top and celebrated our victory with‌lots of pictures. It was nice to get outdoors and live life on the edge, literally.

Recap from Past Events The Pura Vida bracelets was a great success! Thanks to you key-uties, we managed to sell all of them. You helped raise money for these three great causes!

How was your DCON experience? “DCON was a great experience! I met and got closer to so many people. Although much of the time was spent running around and crying, I am glad to have attended. Although it cost $200 to go, the experience was definitely priceless! From having three hour sleeps to endless spirit battles and not being able to say "it's lit", I wouldn't trade that weekend for all the teriyaki in the world. Ok. Maybe I would, but you get the point.” –Ashley Vo

“An amazing experience from DCON was getting closer to the people from my home club. Not only was I able to become brothers with 3 other guys that I roomed with, but I was able to interact and get closer with those that I haven't really talked to. In specific, it was the group dinner, lunch, hangouts and now a group chat. That same group continues to talk now. As a result I've gotten closer with many people from Hazen and I can only get closer with them from here on out.” – Diego Betancourt “This is my 4th year attending DCON and honestly Opening Session with the Meet and Greet has always been my favorite experience at DCON. Every time I take my first few steps into the convention I always get this amazing vibe from every single Key Clubber. The ambitious spirit is truly marvelous and offers such a welcoming environment. The best part is seeing the reaction from my club members going to DCON for the first time. They absolutely don’t know what to expect but once they get there all they can do is become immersed in the vibrant spirit and proudly cheer for our division. There are some members I wouldn’t really expect to be doing spirit chants but of course, every person steps out of there comfort zone and does the chants with the most energy, and I mean everyone. Then you have all these amazing guest speakers voicing their opinion on what it means to serve the community as a whole. It makes me so proud to see all of these members begin to understand the meaning of servant leadership, form a stronger connection to Key Club, and become a different person within just after just a few hours. I’m definitely going to miss being a part of all those spirit battles and listening to the stories of how people fought through their adversities.” –Andy Luu

How was your DCON experience? “District Convention 2015. These are definitely not words that I would have thought would have a significant impact on my life or even change my perspective on what I previously thought about Key Club as a whole. I was wrong. DCON showed me that it’s okay to step out of your comfort zone and not feel like you’re being judged. DCON taught me to be expressive of my thoughts and contribute my ideas to strengthen myself and others as leaders. Most importantly, DCON 2015 showed me that together, we as 2,000+ high-schoolers, can all make a huge impact on our community. District Convention 2016. After PDS from DCON 2015, you already know that I was counting down the days till the next DCON. But never did I begin to believe that I was going to be installed as the next Lieutenant Governor of Division 32 as a sophomore at my second DCON. Attending this DCON was a new experience because I was not only attending as a member, but teaming up with the District Board to ensure that your DCON experience ran smoothly. Although I could not spend the entirety of my time with my home club or division, I know for a fact that each of our members had an amazing weekend; whether it was their first time in a spirit battle, or the last time attending a pick-up lines workshop. During closing session, it was such a great feeling to see Division 32 so involved; winning each and every one of those awards, winning the spirit stick, and representing in the talent show. During Kim’s retirement, I understand that it may not be as big of an impact on some, but for me, it was a bittersweet moment. While she was walking on stage, I couldn’t help but have flashbacks of all of her DCMs, all of her divisional events that I was fortunate enough to attend. One year ago, I would have never expected to be in her place for the new Key Club year. But it was happening. Standing backstage with all the other incoming Lt. G’s, I was nervous and excited. When the announcer called my name and I walked across that stage with 2,000 pairs of eyes watching me, I didn’t know what to think besides “Don’t trip, don’t fall!” One thing I did know: my division was behind me with every step. Hearing all 100+ of D32 dragons cheering for me, it took a lot for me not to cry, trip, and fall onstage. I made it though and I can’t wait to start this new chapter of my life with my fellow dragons. My DCON story could go on, but I think I’ll just end here. I’d just like to say thank you to all members, officers, faculty advisors, and Kiwanians for supporting this organization to help build us into better servant leaders.” –Ashley Villanueva

Hazen also won not 1, not 2, but 3 awards at DCON!

Upcoming DCM When: Saturday, April 23rd, 1-3 PM Where: Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park What: Play icebreakers and get closer to our fellow Key Clubbers through fun bonding time!

Upcoming Fundraiser!

Do you have a pair of gently used shoes that you no longer wear? Or maybe you copped those YEEZY BOOST 350s, but then you realize that they don’t fit your feet and you aren't in the mood to sell them at some sneaker head fest. We have the solution for you! THE KIWANIS AND KEY CLUBS IN DIVISION 32 NEED YOUR HELP TO BE ABLE TO FUND SEATTLE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL SO THEY CAN FIND A CURE FOR PEDIATRIC CANCER.

Dragon of the Month goes to‌

Who will be the April Dragon?

Contact us! District Governor: Juliet Yu julietyu.pnwgov@gmail.com Lieutenant Governor: Ashley Villanueva ashleyvillanueva.ltg32@gmail.com

President: Ashleyvokc@gmail.com Secretary: Tommyhuynh1213@gmail.com Treasurer: bdokeyclub@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: kckusumi@gmail.com

http://www.facebook.com/groups/108633445864774/ Join us on Facebook for updates http://www.facebook.com/groups/pnwdivision32/ For divisional updates and news

Our Club Advisor: Ms. Ryan Our Kiwanian Advisors: Marge Eastman Vanessa Chodykin Our Area Administrator: Sue Owens

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