Gordy's Toast Volume 3 Issue 2 | May 2017

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GORDY’S TOAST May 2017 Volume 3 | Issue 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Table of Contents 3 What is Key Club? 4 Announcements 5 Message from your editor 6 Message from your president 7 Recap of past events 9 Recap of DCON 13 Dragon of the Month 14 Contact Information

GREETINGS FROM YOUR EDITOR Hey Key Clubbers (how do you feel?!), I don’t know about you guys, but I feel (fine all of the time – okay that’s enough) pretty pumped about my term! No lie though, even the thought of making my first newsletter stressed me out, but it ended up being pretty fun to create. It’ll be just as fun seeing all of your smiling faces both through a lens and in person, volunteering and enjoying yourselves. I’m happy to be serving as your 2017-2018 editor and officer, and I hope none of you ever hesitate to ask me about something, have a chat with me, or even wave when you see me (my face isn’t that scary, right? Plus I’m not even tall). I’m expecting this term to be a great one with all of you amazing Key Clubbers and a great board. Anyways, my first letter’s pretty short and sweet (just like me ahaha but spring break feels even shorter), so don’t miss me too much until next month! In love and service, Sheila Tang


GREETINGS FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Hi everybody, If you don’t already know me at this point, my name is Kevin Le and I’m going to be your upcoming President for the duration of the 2017 - 2018 term! Like I said in the previous newsletter, a big thing for me this year is definitely the idea of unity. I really want our club to feel like a home to you all so I hope to host more bondings through both service projects, like maybe decorating some socks after a meeting, and just normal hang outs, like movie nights! Additionally, I’m also here to be your friend. If you guys ever need a person to talk to or need some advice on anything, please let me know. Sometimes, officers may seem intimidating, but I assure you that we are all people just like you too (I promise you that I am very friendly despite my menacing height). Anyways, I am looking forward to this year with you all! Stay toasty! In love and service, Kevin Le




Thanks to everyone who came out and helped raise $680 for KCCP!!





DCON 2017 As always, DCON was amazing. Sometimes I had laughed so much that my sides cramped like hell, and sometimes my tears were nonstop. After I went to DCON 2016 last year, the people I met, workshops I attended, my PDS (Post-DCON Syndrome), and everything in between had made me totally hyped up for the next DCON. Of course, I wasn’t disappointed. From learning about professional catfishers (is that even what I call him?), hearing a cancer survivor’s story, watching what may have been the greatest pickup line contest in history, and partying with my roommates until 5am, I had so much fun and couldn’t have been happier from that. Not to mention the talent show being so lit I lost my voice from screaming :’). And to wrap the whole weekend up, closing session was a little bittersweet thinking of all the senior Keyclubbers leaving high school soon (but at the same time also still kinda exciting as new officers began their term ?? You go Ashley Villanueva!! District secretary?? YES.) I’m so grateful towards all y’all key clubbers who I’ve been working alongside with for goals like KCCP (and hecka proud that we’ve done a lot like DAMN). Call me lame, but I honestly can’t stress how much I loved seeing so many people coming together to just have fun and celebrate something we all love- service. TL; DR go to DCON next year, you will have lots of fun! And one last thing for Kristin (our new club secretary)… TURN IN YOUR HOURS. Trinity Yang


I 10/10 recommend that everyone goes to DCON!! You get to take embarrassing pics of your friends sleeping, lose your voice yelling chants, and eat free ice cream at the Governor's ball! You can't get any better than that. But in all seriousness, DCON was a one-of-a-kind experience. I heard a lot of good things about DCON from others, but experiencing it myself was amazing. Seeing hundreds of spirited people who were passionate for service was inspiring, and it was so much fun connecting with people I didn't know well. I regret not going earlier, but I'm glad I at least got to experience it once! Andressa Chan

My first DCON was an amazing experience for me. I got to learn more on what Key Club is really about and had the opportunity to meet new people from all over the Pacific Northwest who share the one common interest: service. I knew that DCON was going to be one to remember when Nick Phan clogged the toilet on the first night, begging for a plunger from room service at 2 in the morning. Ryan Ung DCON was definitely a trip to remember. It was really interesting to see how big of a club Key Club really was. Before this trip, I didnt think the club was this big but seeing and meeting people from different divisions was a really cool experience. It was also great meeting new people as they were easy to talk to and always full of energy. The worst part of this DCON experience was definitely when Ryan Ung couldn't stop farting in the hotel room oh my lord. Nick Phan

DCON 2017 DCON 2017 to me was a whole new experience in my life. It brought many things that exceeded my expectations and every part of it was great. It was probably one of the best weekends of my life and I don't know anything that will top it (except future DCONs!!!). I was introduced to Key Club when my sister first joined it when she was in high school so that got me interested. My sister had a lot of fun and shared a lot of her memories in the club with me. From all the hype about it and me doing a little more research, I found that Key club was the place for me. Going into Key club I didn't have much experience with anything and I wasn't that motivated. When DCON came I decided to go since it was just a weekend away at Portland and it was just to waste some time. As time went along and with DCON approaching I found myself talking more with people in different schools and districts because of this event. I thought this was cool and that was the extent of it, I was wrong. At Pre CON, I found myself surrounded by people with plenty of energy and love that is too much to express with words. I thought that was DCON, I was wrong again. When DCON actually came by I was so hyped about it and had so much energy in me at the time. When we got there it was a whole new world. 1900 people screaming on the top of their lungs. Never have I heard such a loud noise yet such a loving noise. The days of DCON went by and I loved every second of it, the spirit battles, chants, caucusing, everything. I met so many new friends and met up with people I've only been talking to online. There was so much love and positivity, it was like nothing I've felt before. It’s not something you can describe, it's something you have to experience yourself. Even after DCON you keep these connections with a load of different people. The friendships you make at DCON are priceless and second to nothing. Jordan Tam

This DCON was my FIRST and, unfortunately, LAST DCON I will be attending as a Key Clubber and it has been one to remember. The moment you see all the Key Clubbers from the whole PNW and feel their spirit and energy, it just hits you with a big ball of EXCITEMENT (with a pinch of nervousness)! As you go on through the day, you meet the many different faces and people of Key Club and chant your heart in cheers until you lose your breath/voice (happened to me 4 times tyvm). This paired along with the inspirational speakers and figures that present themselves and the many accomplishments recognized from all around our district, it perplexes me sometimes. Although I have only had the chance to go once, it fills my heart to see, hear, and feel my division do its best and it especially feels amazing to see those in my club do the same. It will be sad leaving the spirit battles and fundraising behind, but I cannot wait to hear about the experience others will have when it is their time or time again to go to DCON. Stay TOASTY everyone! ✌ Zachary Lei DCON is something I will always remember no matter how many times I go to it. The best part was making new friends, seeing old ones again and greeting them with free hugs, and getting very close to our club’s members during the trip. DCON was also very tiring because we got back late and a lot of us had homework to do and many tests after the day we got back, but the experiences you gain from DCON make it worth it. Ricky Phung


DCON 2017


DCON 2017


-NECT WITH US! District Governor: Dmitri Saberi email: governor@pnwkeyclub.org Lieutenant Governor: Tera Chea email: ltg32@pnwkeyclub.org President:








Bulletin Editor:


Club: www.facebook.com/groups/hazenkeyclub Division: www.facebook.com/groups/pnwdivision32 District: www.facebook.com/groups/pnwkeyclub Instagram: www.instagram.com/hazenkeyclub Website: hazenkeyclub.weebly.com YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBlgxQRDHvdRPpZa-OXwNNA Club Advisor: Mrs. Auman samara.auman@rentonschools.us Kiwanian Advisors: Vanessa Chodykin Marge Eastman Area Administrator: Sue Owens

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