Dragon boat centre

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CONTENT S i t e A n a l y s i s P. 3 - 6

P r o g r a m m i n g a n d O p e r a t i o n P. 7 - 8

M a s t t e r L a y o u t P l a n P. 9 - 1 3

D r a g o n B o a t C e n t r e P. 1 4 - P. 2 3

‘Freedom’ is the scarcest value in human society. Yet “Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” ― Søren Kierkegaard. Although we have such high flexibility in design in this project, unsolved problems and challenges were appearing along the process. One of the core challenges that I have encounter was to provide a balance to the project. Moderation is perhaps another core value in life and in the community. I remembered that my favorite project in associate degree was a project on revitalizing the Bridge Street Market in Sheng Wan, near PMQ. That project was a total opposition with this project, the only freedom in design was choosing to improve a portion of the existing building. Of course, students were always allowed to redesign the whole construction including the structure, however we all knew the ‘hidden rules’ of the brief. Nevertheless, I still found the process of ‘breaking through’ the boundaries provided by the brief interesting and exciting. When accustoming the graduation of the bachelor, I recognized that anxiety driven by freedom just like this project have had put me through. The balance broke ever since I intoxicated freedom. However, Prof. John suggested and guided me through the project. I learn a lot in providing balance since the master layout planning. Prof. John always talks about classic architecture that seemed to have no direct connection to the project. Now I recognized how such understanding towards the classic helped me through the design process. If the basics and roots of the design are not carefully treated, the balance of project will eventually break apart. The following period maybe a short pause on the study, but I am never forgetting this project and the words from Prof. John.


S iI tTeE LAoNcAa Lt Y i oSnI S

Peng Chau 22°16'48.6"N 114°02'27.2"E




History and Culture Neolithic Era

From Song dynasty (960–1279)

Qing dynasty (1644-1912)

Neolithic Era ~ Song dynasty

Qing dynasty (1644-1912)


Natural shelter from hills and two natural sheltered bays provided a work and rest spot. Al s o , th e h i g h q u a l i t y marine ecology benefit the p r o d u c ti o n o f m a ri n e p rodu ct, these resul t the inhabitation of people.

Hoklo (福建人) 1. Temporary resident They lived on Peng Chau during certain seasons to catch fish and shrimp and g o b ack to Fu zh ou du rin g th e o ffseason 2. Fixed occupation Their job is to exca vate coral and dig shellfish from the neighbouring waters.

Shanghai and Zhejiang (上海及淅江) They mainly were involved in the industrial development on the island. Th es e immi gran ts we re a m a j o r co m p o n e n t o f th e industri al managemen t and technicians here.

The sea surrounding Peng Chau has provided a high quality marine ecology for marine life. Therefo re the marine produce is extremely rich. From the early time inhabitants of Peng Chau were tied to the sea. They lived on their ships or next to the ocean and caught fish for a living.

Pe n g C ha u ha d 1 1 l im e ash ki ln factories , the emplo yment offe red to residents could either b e dire ctl y as labour in the ash kiln factory or going to sea to collect the coral and shellfish and gastropods and so on for converting to lime in the furnaces for many many uses.

The 1940s, it was the peak of the Peng Chau industry. Al s o , th e cons tructi on o f steel pipe factories, furniture fa cto ri e s a n d s h i p ya rd s p ro vi di ng a fu ll ra ng e o f employment opportunities for Peng Chau residents.

Tang dynasty (618-907)

From Song dynasty (960–1279)

Tanka (蛋家人)

Hakka (客家人) Immigrant from the Pearl River Delta cities. They were engaged in agriculture and some fishing.

They lived on their ships or next to the ocean and caught fish for a living. Th e s l a n g n am e fo r th e s e people grew from their regular purchase of large quantities of duck e ggs to streng then and improve the fishing nets.

Guang Fujen (廣府人) Im m i g ra n t to s ta r t b u s i n e s s i n Pe n g Chau.They were engaged in the commercial shops and the ash kiln industryand so on.

Fishing & Agriculture

The incline lime ash kiln industry

The peak of industry

Qing dynasty (1644-1912)



Peng Chau is a highly de veloped fishing port as earl y as the Qing D ynasty. Du ring i ts he yd a y as a trade center, more than 200 fishing boats worked in the neighbourhood. P r i n c i p a l s u p p l y s ta t i o n f o r n e i g h b o u ri n g i s l a n d s a n d a prominent supply stopover spot for trading ships.

Since the in trodu ction o f Bri tish mud, there is a mass production of mud in Hon g Kong , so tha t the industry of kiln business is blowed. In 1 9 3 8 , L i u H o n g s h e n g , co ns tru cted th e l a rg es t ma tch factory in the east and the north of Pe n g C h a u . Wh i ch p ro vi d e a maximum employment of 2000.

The match industry is eliminated due to the appear of lighter and the in cline o f the Sou theas t Asian homemade match factory. The match factory finally closed in the late 70s.

Trade center

The incline of match industry

The decline of match industry

Peng Chau preserves high diversity of almost everything. The cohesion of nature and culture is fascinating to me as a new visitor. I would like the visitors coming to the site can also enjoy such a rich sense of culture, history and nature.




2. Acitivities and paper art inside temple

坪洲天后誕 Peng Chau Tin Hau Festiv al, Luna Year, March 23rd

towards Tai Li Island

Intangible Cultural Heritage 非物質文化遺產

ngible Cultural Heritage 非物質文化遺產 1

1. Baili (拜禮)



Oral traditions and expressions: age 非物質文化遺產

E.g. Wai Tau/Se dialect 圍頭話/畬話, Zuk Zi


E.g. Naamjam 如南音, Taoist music 道教音樂,

Social practices, rituals and f estive events


E.g. Praying Mantis Boxing 螳螂拳, Dim Dang Baak Fu (White Tiger) ritual 祭白虎儀式, Social practices, rituals and f estive (lantern-lighting) ritualevents 點燈, Jyu Laan Festival 盂蘭勝 E.g. Naamjam 如南音,fishermen’s Taoist music 道教音樂, ballads 鹹水歌,unicorn dance 麒麟 i Tau/Se dialect 圍頭話/畬話, Zukfishermen’s Zi dialect 客家話 and dialect 漁民話 E.g. Praying Mantis會,Boxing 螳螂拳, Dang Beat the Petty Dim Person ritual 打小人, Tin Hau Baak Fu (White Tiger) 祭白虎儀式, 舞ritual and puppetry 木偶戲 竹枝詞, Hoklo dialect 鶴佬話, Hakka (lantern-lighting) ritual 點燈, Jyu Laan Festival 盆菜, PunFestival C oi and盂蘭勝 Jiao festivals 太平清醮 fishermen’s ballads 鹹水歌,unicorn dance 麒麟 客家話 and fishermen’s dialect 漁民話 會, Beat the Petty Person ritual 打小人, Tin Hau 舞 and puppetry 木偶戲 Festival 盆菜, Pun C oi and Jiao festivals 太平清醮

raditions and expressions: ingarts poetry 竹枝詞, Hoklo dialect 鶴佬話, Perform Hakka




Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

Knowledg e andHeritag practices e concerning Intangible Cultural 非物質文化遺產 E.g. traditional Chinese medicine production中藥製作,

Traditional craftsmanship

E.g. bamboo steamer making 蒸籠製作, dried

Traditional craftsmanship fruit production 涼果醃製, dragon and phoenix

nature Dit Daa (bone-setting)跌打, knowledge of traditional Performing arts and the universe Social practices, rituals and f estive fruitevents production 涼果醃製, dragon and phoenix

E.g. bamboo steamerwoodcarving making 蒸籠製作, dried 龍鳯木雕,



fishing skills 捕魚技藝, cured meat production

E.g.如南音, traditional Chinese medicine production中藥製作, Taoist music E.g. Naamjam 道教音樂, Chinese medicine傳統中醫藥, Gwai Ling Gou (turtle E.g. Praying Mantis Boxing 螳螂拳, woodcarving Dim Dang 龍鳯木雕, dyeing 染布工藝, 臘味傳統製作工藝, seal cutting 篆刻 and rattanDit Daa (bone-setting)跌打, knowledge of traditional Baak Fu (White Tiger) ritual 祭白虎儀式, essence jelly)龜苓膏, wine-infusing浸酒, fishermen’s (lantern-lighting) ritual 點燈, Jyu Laan Festival fishing盂蘭勝 skills 捕魚技藝,woven cured objects meat production 籐編器物 medicine傳統中醫藥, Lingthe Gou (turtleand the nature 漁民有 fishermen’sChinese ballads 鹹水歌,unicorn dance Gwai 麒麟 knowledge about universe 會, Beat the Petty Person ritual 打小人, Tin Hau 臘味傳統製作工藝, seal cutting 篆刻 and rattan坪洲中元建醮 Peng Chau Ghost Festiv al 舞 and puppetry 木偶戲 essence jelly)龜苓膏, 關自然界和宇宙的知識等 wine-infusing浸酒, fishermen’s Festival 盆菜, Pun C oi and Jiao festivals 太平清醮 woven objects 籐編器物 knowledge about the universe and the nature 漁民有



wledge and practices concerning Social practices, rituals and f estive events

Traditional craftsmanship


Praying Mantis Boxing 螳螂拳, Dim Dang re and the E.g. universe Oral traditionsritual and點燈, expressions: (lantern-lighting) Jyu Laan Festival 盂蘭勝

raditional Chinese medicine production中藥製作, e 麒麟 Waithe Tau/Se 圍頭話/畬話, Zuk ZiTin Hau 會,E.g. ritual 打小人, Beat Pettydialect Person aa (bone-setting)跌打, knowledge of traditional poetry盆菜, Hakka 竹枝詞, Hoklo dialect Festival festivals Pun C oi and Jiao鶴佬話, 太平清醮 se medicine傳統中醫藥, Gwai Ling Gou (turtle dialect 客家話 and fishermen’s dialect 漁民話 ce jelly)龜苓膏, wine-infusing浸酒, fishermen’s

Traditional edge about the universe and the craftsmanship nature 漁民有


3. Lion dance through the island

E.g. bamboo steamer making 蒸籠製作, dried

Perform ingarts 涼果醃製, dragon and phoenix fruit production

E.g. Naamjam 如南音, Taoist music 道教音樂, woodcarving 龍鳯木雕, dyeing 染布工藝, Baak Fu (White Tiger) ritual 祭白虎儀式, fishing skills 捕魚技藝, cured meat production fishermen’s ballads 鹹水歌,unicorn dance 麒麟 臘味傳統製作工藝, seal cutting 篆刻 and rattan舞 and puppetry 木偶戲 woven objects 籐編器物

E.g. bamboo steamer making 蒸籠製作, dried

Knowledg e and practices concerning fruit production 涼果醃製, dragon and phoenix woodcarving



nature染布工藝, and the universe

fishing skills 捕魚技藝, cured meat production E.g. traditional Chinese medicine production中藥製作, 臘味傳統製作工藝, seal cutting 篆刻 and rattanDit Daa (bone-setting)跌打, knowledge of traditional woven objects 籐編器物 Chinese medicine傳統中醫藥, Gwai Ling Gou (turtle essence jelly)龜苓膏, wine-infusing浸酒, fishermen’s knowledge about the universe and the nature 漁民有 關自然界和宇宙的知識等

Luna Year, July 12th-15th

towards Tai Li Island

3b.Salvation of souls(超 度亡魂) 12th

Social practices, rituals and f estive events E.g.


Mantis Boxing

7. Lion dance through the island 15th

螳螂拳, Dim Dang

(lantern-lighting) ritual 點燈, Jyu Laan Festival 盂蘭勝 會, Beat the Petty Person ritual 打小人, Tin Hau Festival 盆菜, Pun C oi and Jiao festivals 太平清醮

1.Temporary Tai Chi Taoist altar (臨時太極道壇) 11th onwards

Traditional craftsmanship

E.g. bamboo steamer making 蒸籠製作, dried





fruit production 涼果醃製, dragon and phoenix woodcarving




fishing skills 捕魚技藝, cured meat production 臘味傳統製作工藝, seal cutting 篆刻 and rattan-

6. Tall bun tower (高大包塔) 14th

woven objects 籐編器物

3a. To put egg to the paper drago n bo at (把雞蛋放落紙紥龍舟) 12th

5. Lion dance from Tung Wan to Altar(舞獅引領) 12th

2. Scuplture of ghost king (鬼王像) 12th

Operation The SOHO Park strives to arouse public concern on the cultural and environmental conservation through diverse and interactive ways. The Park will organize regular exhibitions and workshops on traditional local culture. Peng Chau inhabitants will be trained as cultural tour-guides to lead community tours in Peng Chau. Young artists who are interested inheriting and promoting traditional local handicraft art with their innovations are welcome to join. We will launch the "Community Classroom� to bring a breakthrough to the traditional top-down and vocational skills-based learning approach. We will invite some traditional craftsmen as instructors to pass on the culture and craft skills of the old community. We will cooperate with different partners to host a wide variety of community cultural activities including: 1) public exhibitions 2) community-guided tours 3) arts and culture promotion activities 4) workshops 5) record and publishing 6) research on community histories and cultures + so as to help the public develop more in-depth discussions on the community and cultural conservation topics.

Timetable 3



-Hung Sing Ye's Birt hday

-Tin Hau Fes t ival

-K am Fa {Lady Golden Flow er} Fes t ival

-Dragon Boat Fes t ival -Lung M o's {Dragon M ot her} Birt hday






-Seven Elder Sis t ers Festival -Tinn Hau I s land Parade

-M oon Fes t ival









Product online sell

Product online sell

Product online sell

Product online sell

Product online sell



Art lecture Workshop (Student)

Art class (Trandition)

Art lecture Workshop (Student)

Workshop (Public)

Art lecture Workshop (Student)

Workshop (Public)

Co-operating by: Centre for Community Cultural Development

Founding by: The Robert H.N. Ho Family FoundationGrants Programme


Draft Massing and Circulation Layout


The heart of lime industry in Peng Chau- Shing Lee Limeklin Factory is located at the center of the site. A gentle slope is rising towards the hiking track at 16000mp.












The first intention is to consider the zig-zag circulation provided by the site context. Visitors must pass by the remain of limekiln factory in order to access the whole site. The master plan pays special attention in preserving the zig-zag circulation.

f i g u r e

g r o u n d

n a t u r a l

In order to provide a welcoming contact with the sea, the small beach at south-east corner is greatly enlarged to provide circulation and appreciation of the sea closely to visitors.

l a n d s c a p e

p u b l i c

t o

p r i v a t e


Master Layout

Master Layout Plan


Section 1:200

I n d i v i d u a l

D e s i g n


The general circulation is created as a zigzag path with easy access of the entire site. 5 major blocks of buildings are the node of turning point and activities. The southerneast corner provides the most unique circulation of the mater layout plan. It is acted as the highlight of the whole journey to the site.

Draft Progress

The primary massing suggested to provide a penetration that do not block any view towards the sea nor towards the master plan. Also it provide the best location for water activities as it is stretching into the sea.

Th e n e x t s t a g e d e t a i l l y d i v i d e d t h e building into two zone: public and private interpreting the circulation and program; outdoor and indoor qualities of the project. With assistance of the public circulation and attraction towards the sea, the dragon boat factory is the main program that can promote traditional arts and craftmanship.

The form is modiflied in the final stage

The slanted columns are changed to straight colonnade

Programming Circulation is expressed in public(white) and private(hatched): visitors and artists. Artists are coming from the east side of the site avoiding major circulation of the visitors that are going up the slope.

Circulation : Visitors Artists

Program: Workshop Studio Dragonboat Factory Lecture Hall (Not inside the building)

Co-working space: When there is no workshop, it can serve as a meeting area for the dragonboat factory.


G/F in 1:200 The project aims to bring visitors by the natural immersion to the site along the coast rather than a bold, eye-catching construction. Hence, the ground floor provides majorit y of covered public space for visitors to enjoy the sea view and dragon boat/rowing activities. Only the factory is more solid and private for visitors to explore after watching the rowing activities at the shore.

1/F in 1:200 The first floor provides an indoor environment to let visitors and artist to meet up in workshops after enjoying the observatory deck. Private access is provided in linking the residential zone and other workshops at the eastern part of the master layout plan. Although the factory is hidden from the main circulation from the main view, the visitors can easily enter the factory to appreciate artist s' work inside the factory.


Spital Requirements S

































V i e w To w a r d s I n n e r B e a c h


V i e w To w a r d s O b s e r v a t o r y D e c k

T e c t o n i c S







o f A

M a t e r i a l s i





25 mm Steel Cladding wood finishing screeding reinforced concrete corrugated metal sheet steel I- beam 150 mm Steel Column with Copper Finishing

25 mm Wood Finishing



2017 City University of Hong Kong Instructor: Prof. John Cheng Student: Kong Andy Padraig

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