Issue 7 April 2015

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April 2015

Issue 7

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

5 Sunsuits up for grabs Do Oggi Sunsuits carry the CANSA seal of recognition as excellent protection against UV radiation - Yes or No? E-MAIL ANSWER TO: CLOSTING DATE: 30 April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

April is upon us, for you in the northern hemisphere a time of joyful anticipation for the warmer weather, hope that it kicks in soon. I am definitely not a winter person, but with time I have come to even appreciate the beauty of winter but am still working on trying to enjoy the cold.

I have had the most fantastic interview with Diana Cooper, she will be here in South Africa in September. A perfect start to our Spring which seems a very long way away, but time passes in a wink of an eye. Definitely worth booking a seat via the direct link on the page.

For the Mums with little ones, OGGI Active Wear has sponsored 5 wonderful sunsuits if you can answer the question correctly. Please be reminded that this is NOT only for persons living in South Africa.

Part two on Zimbabwe, a truly beautiful destination into the heart of Africa with the comforts of home.

For all cat lovers, an extra on Ella and her kittens living in Borneo with Stefani Clark who contributes regularly to Aneis de Vida.

Click on the link to view the Inner Power Soul Journey retreat to Brazil with Aneis de Vida, if you have not seen it yet. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Great value for money, and most importantly, you will leave feeling like a new person ready to face any challenges that may present themselves to you.

As per usual some wonderful articles, recipes, gardening tips and photography by Anela within. And not to forget the messages from the Archangel Gabriel, the Rune reading and the message delivered for the month by Master Atenar himself.

Have a wonderful month, a Blessed Easter , if you travelling—be safe, and if there is anything special you would like to share with the world, do send me an e-mail.

Love, light and blessings ~Tilanie~

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April 2015




10 Monthly Calendar 12 Diana Cooper—Interview

16 Diamonds—April Birthstone 19 Zimbabwe—Part 2 28 Who Am I—Beryl Broekman 32 Reclaiming the Wilderness Within—Bea Potgieter 36 Gardening Tips—Andre Duif 39 Hypnotherapist—Gary Watkins 40 What are Memories Made of—Deborah Sutherland 45 Recipe—Rice Patties 47 Aromatherapy—Nicolette Henderson 52 Gifting Ourselves a Larger Story—Stefani Clark 57 Natural Remedy against dry skin 60 Sacred Journey Retreat—Shamanism 65 Rune Reading—Amethyst Moon Dancer 66 Archangel Gabriel Message—Angelic Realm 67 Channelled Message from the Master Atenar 69 Complimentary photos of Ella and her kittens 72 Teen Tarot 73 Zodiac Tarot 74 Trivial Pursuit Game Questions 77 What is Guilt—Lindsey Bertrams 80 Children’s Story—Barnyard Farm with Betsy and Jesty

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April 2015




DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, sponsors, advertisers or publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading information that may be contained herein. The publisher and editor do not promote or endorse any of the products or services advertised in this publication. Advertisers are responsible for their own advertisements. Be sure to consult your medical practitioner before you embark on any self-medication programme. Holistic remedies can be potent. COPYRIGHT: Aneis de Vida is protected under the Copyright Act. All rights reserved. No publication may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. MISSION STATEMENT: Aneis de Vida aims to enlighten, bring hope, love and light to all. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, "Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!" Miraculously, a parking place appeared. Paddy looked up again and said, "Never mind, I found one."

Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and asks the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?" The man said, "I do, Father." The priest said, "Then stand over there against the wall." Then the priest asked the second man, "Do you want to go to heaven?" "Certainly, Father," the man replied.

"Then stand over there against the wall," said the priest. Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and asked, "Do you want to go to heaven?" O'Toole said, "No, I don't Father." The priest said, "I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?"

Patton staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy, Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Kathleen. He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful. Managing not to yell, Patton sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his butt cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Band-Aids and began putting a Band-Aid as best he could on each place he saw blood. He then hid the now almost empty Band-Aid box and shuffled and stumbled his way to bed. In the morning, Patton woke up with searing pain in both his head and butt and Kathleen staring at him from across the room. She said, "You were drunk again last night weren't you?" Patton said, "Why you say such a mean thing?" "Well," Kathleen said, "it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but's all those Band-Aids stuck on the hall mirror.

O'Toole said, "Oh, when I die , yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now."

Aneis de Vida


April 2015



Wednesday Thursday




March 30


1 April






Good Friday

Easter Sunday

Cyprus - National Day 6





South Africa— Family Day


Greece— Orthodox Good Friday

12 Lebanon— Easter Sunday

Isreal—Pesach 13













Brazil— Tiradentes Day

Earth Day



Bulgaria—Easter Monday



Portugal— Freedom Day


1 May

South Africa— Freedom Day

Aneis de Vida

May Day Denmark—Day of Prayer


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Interviewing DIANA COOPER was an absolutely wonderful and uplifting experience. Born in the Himalayas on the day that the first bomb hit London during the 2 nd world war (1940), to a mother who was a nurse and a father who was in the army. Many of you will perhaps know that Diana’s spiritual journey was not one where she knew from a young age that she was in any way or form different. There were no preconceived religious or spiritual ideas that she had grown up with or acquired over time. She was 42 and had just gotten divorced and was feeling as though the world was crumbling around her. Not knowing what to do or which way to turn, she sat down and literally demanded out of desperation – ‘’well if there is anything out there, you have one hour’’. That was when an angel came to her, and she has absolutely no doubt that it was an angel. This angel took her on a tour and they flew over a hall full of people and Diana could see they had rainbow auras. The angel told her that these people were spiritually awake, and that she was to be a spiritual teacher, this came as quite a shock to Diana. The angel delivered her back to her chair exactly one hour later and she knew it to have been an extremely profound experience, but had absolutely no idea what to do with it. Diana then trained to become a hypnotherapist and healer and started seeing clients. Whilst working with her clients she would always see angels around them but did not interact with these angels at the time as she was working with spirit guides. 10 years after her first encounter with the angel, she was lying in the bath asking for some guidance for classes she was giving. The angels appeared again and told her that they wanted her to start telling people about the angels. I had to laugh as I pictured her response of ‘’NO WAY – THANK YOU. People will think I am crazy’’. The words they responded with, burnt right into her very soul. ‘’WHO IS DOING YOUR WORK? IS IT YOUR EGO OR YOUR HIGHER SELF”? Her reaction was a rather meek ‘’OK’’. She emerged out of the bath and sat herself on her bed. Before her appeared 3 angels, delivering all sorts of information which was to be used in her first angel book. And since then has worked with the angels all the time. This was technically not the first book she had written as she had written a few books whilst she was practising as a hypnotherapist. When Diana started her journey into the spiritual world and angels, people were not as open to discovering and learning as they are today. When her first angel book was published and she was invited to an English Breakfast TV show, to talk about her book. They were of course making a lot of fun of Diana, and one of the questions posed to her was ‘’would she have her aura photoAneis de Vida


April 2015

graphed’’? So she asked her angel to step into the photograph, thinking people would be able to see the energy. Well her angel went a step further, over and above the calling or request. Her angel actually imprinted itself onto the photograph. The result was that thousands upon thousands of people starting phoning into the studio causing the entire network to go into meltdown, as they wanted to share their experiences with angels to the world at large. Needless to say she was asked to return to the Breakfast programme the very next day to talk some more on the subject of angels. The public were supportive of what she had to say and indirectly she had provided them with a platform in which to voice their experiences. Experiences that to that very moment many had been too fearful to voice out of fear of ridicule. Some years later she did run into the interviewer of the Breakfast Programme who openly admitted that they were all laughing at Diana and making fun of her and the angels. It is not Diana’s ‘’duty’’ to prove to anyone out there that angels exist as that is not her ‘’job’’, nor is it her task to change how anyone thinks or believes. She is here to share information with those who are receptive to what is being told. Not everyone is on the same path as her, and therefore it does not affect her journey. As we often in a religious aspect hear and speak of hell, I asked Diana what the angels have shared with her regarding this. Her answer is ‘’Hell is about the fear of being separated from God’’. The angels have been clear in the message that we need to focus on the higher energies and not the lower energies, in this way we retain our connection to God. More and more people are in search of spiritual enlightenment, and Diana says that we are always looking but globally we have had such a difficult time since 2012 (Cosmic Moment), and that which has not yet been cleared has had to resurface and be ‘’retested/challenged’’. The eclipse in conjunction with the New Moon and equinox that took place on 20 March 2015 was the ‘’turning of the tide’’. Once again we will be propelled into forward movement and onto the next stage. While talking to Diana we touched on the subject of children. Today children are very high frequency. Many of these souls have not been to earth before, even though they have been taught about earth, but never experienced being here. Compared to let us say 50 years ago we have so much less space and children then were outside running around so much more than today where children spend so much more time in classrooms and inside. Today so many TV programmes are watched, which in turn send-off frequencies, which are not optimal for the young ones. They most definitely are having a much more difficult and challenging time today than all those years ago. We see many more ADHD children, and they are really struggling to cope with the low earthly vibration. These children definitely need to be out in nature more to ground themselves better. On a positive note however, these children have their brains configured for the new technological age we are living in, and through all of this there have been the emergence of the unicorns again. For the greater majority of us, time is never on our side, so a proper meditation session does not seem to feature on a regular basis, if ever. I asked Diana what she would suggest is the easiest way to take 2 minutes in a day (and yes for many of you even that seems more like 2 hours). Her suggestion is to take a deep breath, focus on your breath. As you inhale bring in the Christ cells (light) in through your crown (top of your head) into your body. Diana says by doing this you can literally mediate anywhere – waiting for a bus, waiting in a check-in/out line. She herself is not great at formal meditation although Diana admits it is fantastic to do, but she takes her dog for a walk in the forest every day and relaxes her mind and meditates in this way. Before I ended our conversation, I asked Diana if she had, had any bad experiences with the spirit world. She said that we have been living in the 3rd dimension which means that light also has dark. Easy explanation is for instance, if you are depressed your energy is vibrating at a much lower level than if you were in a happy state. In your depressed state therefore, you will be attracting the lower astral realm, your thoughts and emotions giving way to false information being conveyed to you. Light and bright energies will always manage to block out dark and turmoiled energy. As you will have noticed, Diana will be in South Africa in September. In Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. The links to the website have been added directly onto the page so by following the link you can directly go and book your spot. I know I for one am very excited to be able to meet with Diana in person in September, what an absolutely amazing soul she is.

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Birth Sign: Aries Planet: Venus Chakra: Crown Anniversary: 30th This crystal encompasses the beauty of each colour of the rainbow when it glitters in the light. There are few who do not wish to own a precious diamond, and often referred to as ‘’a girl’s best friend’’. The name diamond is comes from the ancient Greek word (adamas), meaning, unbreakable, untamed, proper. It is thought that diamonds were first recognised and mined in India over 6000 years ago. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

These crystals have been loved and treasured as religious icons and used as tools for engraving (which also dates back to early human history). Legend will have it that the God of Mines had all the various gems from across the globe brought to him. He took each one and crushed it. And then putting all the crushed pieces together declared ‘’let this be something which combines the beauty of all’’. This is how the diamond was born, pure, hard, glittering and beautiful. Radiating all the colours from the gems that were crushed. Even though the diamond is a gem stone of the winter months (cool or cold), and the colour of ice, it is a crystal of light. It radiates off flashes of fire which is associated with the sun (warmth and heat). The diamond is a spiritual gem symbolising perfection and illumination activating the Crown chakra. It will enhance your inner vision and stimulate creative flow enabling the mind to open to the new and aids in telepathic communications. Diamonds symbolise innocence, purity, love, faithfulness, strength in character and aid in opening up to being more trusting and giving of self. Diamonds amplify energy, absorb thought and emotion and radiate them outward. If you are wanting more positivity flowing toward you, when wearing any form of diamond remember to keep your train of thought positive or you may in actual fact attract back negative energy if you yourself is being negative. These crystals can be used to relieve anxiety, phobias, assist in preventing nightmares and are good to cleanse a room. Diamonds have been known to accelerate the process of kidney stones being ‘’ejected’’ from the kidneys. It is a crystal that is effective in the use of assisting in the removal of waste from the body. Even though diamonds are considered master healers they are best used in conjunction with other crystals which are known to be specific for certain healing of given health issues. The reason being that the diamond has the ability to amplify the energy needed. Diamonds are everyone’s best friend, just make sure you keep your emotions and thoughts in check, to make full use of this very powerful crystal.

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Journeys for the soul. Part 2 Mosi-a-Tunya - The smoke that thunders!

David Livingston Memorial

"No one can imagine the beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England. It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight." ~ David Livingstone ~

HISTORY The Victoria Falls is among the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary and explorer, is believed to have been the first European recorded to view the Victoria Falls in 1855 during his epic 4 year journey from the upper Zambezi to the mouth opening to the Indian Ocean. The indigenous name of Mosi-a-Tunya — literally meaning the 'Smoke that Thunders' It is a World Heritage site although it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, it is claimed to be the largest. The river's annual flood season is February to May with a peak in April. The spray from the falls typically rises to a height of over 400 metres (1,300 ft.), and sometimes even twice as high, and is visible from up to 50 km (30 miles) away. At full moon, a "moonbow" or lunar rainbow can be seen in the spray instead of the usual daylight rainbow. During the flood season, however, it is impossible to see the foot of the falls and most of its face, and the Aneis de Vida


April 2015

walks along the cliff opposite are in a constant shower and shrouded in mist. The ascendance of man in this area goes back approximately 3 million years ago, Iron-using Khoisan hunter-gatherers displaced the Stone Age people who in turn were displaced by other Bantu tribes such as the southern Tonga people known as the Batonga, the Matabele and the Batswana (BOTSWANA). David Livingstone, when he encountered the Batongas en route to discovering the Victoria Falls, was startled by the (then) traditional greeting reserved for eminent visitors. Facing away from the Missionary, they knelt and wiggled their bare buttocks in his direction!

Local myth has it that the Zambezi River has a spirit called Nyami Nyami – this spirit brings water to grow their crops and fish to eat – and so aptly name it “the river of life”. The Zambezi River has a spiritual significance besides being a source of livelihood; their ancestors lived in this place. When they heard the roaring water they would know the ancestors were speaking to them. They would shiver and bow down their heads in respect whenever they got close to the sound of the roar which was mythically believed to give good fortune to the faithful. People come from faraway places just to take a bath in the Zambezi River as it is believed the water cleanses and brings good luck, they will also take water from the Zambezi, to sprinkle around their homesteads to cleanse away any evil spirits. This sacred religious respect accorded by the Batonga to the Zambezi River is due to their belief that their forefather’s spirits guard and continue to exist in the water of the Zambezi River. You will read more about Nyami Nyami our next article. In 1860, Livingstone returned to the area and made a detailed study of the falls with John Kirk. Other early European visitors included Portuguese explorer Serpa Pinto, Czech explorer Emil Holub, who made the first detailed plan of the falls and its surroundings in 1875 (published in 1880), and British artist Thomas Baines, whose paintings are some the earliest visual records of the falls. The falls were seldom visited by other Europeans until the area was opened up by the building of the railway in 1905 by Cecil John Rhodes.

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Lunar by Calvin Bradshaw

Victoria Falls – as a soul journey destination. NOTHING can quite prepare you for your first sight of the falls! To describe the falls in full flood or even mildly in flood is to make the statement “breath taking”, superfluous! On flying into the town, especially on a typical African blue sky day, a cloud hovers over the bush, never dissipating or moving but seemingly tethered. Victoria Falls, named by Livingstone after his Queen Victoria and affectionately known as “the falls”, is a vibrant region quite unlike any other in the southern Africa. It is the meeting place of 4 countries; Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia and their common denominator, all border the best river in the world -The mighty Zambezi .

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April 2015

We refer to the “upper Zambezi” as the area from the source to the falls, the Middle Zambezi from the falls to Kariba and the dam wall, and the Lower Zambezi from the dam wall east to the sea. This beautiful river is flanked by Mopane woodland savannah with smaller pockets of Mjombo and Rhodesian Teak woodland and scrubland savannah. Riverine forest with palm trees lines the banks and islands above the falls. Notably the area's rainforest is nurtured by the spray from the falls and contains plants species rare for the area such as pod mahogany, ebony, ivory palm, wild date palm and a number of creepers and lianas.

On the Zimbabwean side is a the Zambezi National park, this part of the Zambezi is home to vast breeding herds of buffalo and elephant, resident hippo pods and their crocodile neighbours, diverse antelope species and other wildlife. Cruising on the river at sunset or sunrise is the most ideal time of the day to take in the sights and sounds of the river. It’s not uncommon to see elephant swimming across the river to one of the many islands sporting by white soft sandy beaches. Our soul journey venue is none other than the most prestigious hotel built in 1904 directly facing on the falls, The Victoria Falls Hotel. The signature wide sweeping verandas and manicured lawns bear testament to a bygone era of gracious Edwardian splendour. The astonishing force and energy of the Victoria Falls so close by instills a good balance of groundedness and fluidity. Enjoy world class African hospitality, daily yoga sessions around the hotel grounds and in the Africa wilderness, touching the ‘real Africa’ on foot and game viewing vehicles, daily meditations, sumptuous meals, first class guides , community projects with the opportunity to give back, and unrivaled wildlife experiences Typically the day starts with an early morning yoga session followed by an activity which would include breakfast, we are spoilt for choice of activities here where they range from the genteel to highly adventurous, firstly we will walk with our guide down through the rain forest to the falls, Devils’ Cataract where part of the river is compressed into a massive surge of green-white water. Few sights are as awe-inspiring as this. After the tour of the falls, we enjoy lunch at The Victoria Falls Hotel out on the terrace complimented by spectacular views of the gorge and the spray of the falls.

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April 2015

After lunch, depending on the season, we take a siesta or choose an activity such as a tour to meet the local people and tour the village to see what life is like in rural Zimbabwe, or interact with the elephants on a property nearby. In the late afternoon we take a sundowner sunset cruise, watching the banks for many different species of game coming down to drink before night sets in. Islands along the river are dotted with crocodiles and pods of hippos, we may also see herds of elephant and other species drinking along the banks of the Zambezi. Dinners may be at the hotel or at the Boma Restaurant -Traditional African cuisine followed by a drumming session, a fun way to end off the day, or, it is included in one of the many activities on offer. The evenings end with a meditation session.

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April 2015

Activities on offer are: Victoria Falls offers no shortage of interesting and exciting activities to make any visit to this spectacular destination worthwhile. If you feel the need for adventure, this is the adventure capital of Southern Africa - one magnificent adventure centre: - Bungee jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge; - Take a zip line swing across the gorge; - Elephant interaction, if you really must elephant back rides; - Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the mighty Zambezi River with guided canoe trips up river; - Extreme white water rafting in the gorges below; - Enjoy an aerial view with the ‘Flight of Angels’ either by helicopter or micro-light; - Swim on the lip of the falls Devils pool (seasonal) from the Zambian side.

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April 2015

For the less adventurous, appreciate the rich cultural and historical centerpieces of Victoria Falls town: - Take an elegant sunset cruise; - Visit The Wild Horizons Trust a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance and promote environmental conservation in Southern Africa through hands-on wildlife research; management of a wildlife medical care facility and orphanage; the education and empowerment of indigenous resources through active involvement in conservation training and community outreach programs. Meet Sylvester the Cheetah and ambassador for the trust; - Game drives and dinner in the bush in an open 4x4 safari vehicle and enjoy the bountiful diversity of birdlife and untamed wilderness in the Victoria Falls National Park; - Play on the 18 hole Gary Player designed course for a unique round of golf where the animals take full advantage of water hazards and the lush watered fairways and greens; - Take a day trip into Zambia or a day safari to Chobe in Botswana; - Horse riding in the bush; - An eclectic variety of African curios and authentic art is on sale. Whatever you decide to do make sure you consciously breathe in the misty spray, listen‌ and absorb the energy of the ‘roaring thunder’ of the mighty Victoria Falls!

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April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Ask yourself this question. Should I be who I am or should I be the person someone else wants me to be? This is your starting point. You have to first discover whether your search for yourself is important to you or not. You might think that this is a no-brainer. Of course you want to know who you are. Of course you want to know what makes you tick. Of course you want to know what your soul purpose is. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Really? Then why do you not know all these things all ready? Is it because you think you are too young to look? Is it because you think you haven’t got time and will put it off for later? Is it because you don’t have the money to find the person who will give you your answer? Or is it perhaps that you are not really that interested. After all, society has already supplied you with a blueprint for living. The media expounds everyday what your life should look like, what you should look like, what your family should look like. Experts from every field under the sun know and say they know what is good for you. And guess what? You think, since they are shouting so forcefully and loudly that a) they must know what they are talking about and b) they’ve tried it themselves and it works.

So, you think, why try to reinvent the wheel. Let me follow the common blueprint and I will be happy just like everyone else. And if that is your choice, then own it. You have the right to live your own life according to your own choice, And no one has the right to command you do otherwise. Just know that your actions come from a place of choice, not blind acceptance.

However, for some this is not enough. And either they have been looking, are still looking Or are seriously starting to look. And if this is the case, then you need all the help you can get Since finding who you are takes courage, Strength of character to question everything And risking all your own known world including lovers, relatives and Long-term friendships. The truth of the matter is that as you look for yourself, you will change. You will see things differently. What mattered to you before will now maybe matter less or maybe matter more. You will have to sometimes let go of beliefs that have been part of you your whole life. And more often than not you will have to turn around and say to yourself: “How on earth could I have believed this or that?” And your usual dinnertime conversation will confound the people you usually eat with. Some will be intrigued and some will be unsettled. And you may indeed find that you will need to sit at another table because everyone is getting put off their meals due to stress.

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April 2015

So it is a given, that in this search for yourself you will find change. And as all your ideas change and new ones come up it is also possible that you will become very confused feeling as if you are drowning in a sea of information that you are desperately trying to verify but have no way of doing so. And people will think you are superficial because you keep changing your ideas. Where once you were so convinced of something, you now have to backtrack and expound the polar opposite. And just maybe you will want to give up but you wont be able to because going back to where you were in the beginning is so not you anymore and you have burnt far too many bridges along the way.

So it is uncomfortable to say the least and it may seem you keep finding more questions than answers.

It is at these times that you need to remember to all intents and purposes you only have this one life. It is also no guarantee how long it will last and you may never find who you really are or what your real soul purpose is. And you have to be okay with that. After all you are only a small piece in the universe and there are limits to the resources at your disposal for finding answers to universally profound questions. At least you will have honoured your own existence by trying.

Do not be discouraged. Search to the best of your ability to find who you really are. The answer must be out there otherwise there would not be the question. And understand, there is a different answer for each being. Therefore do not expect that another’s answer will definitely be your answer. Finding your own voice is a sacred quest. And singing your own song in the world is a vital thread in the tapestry of the world. Only your tonality can add that unique colour and radiance to the existence of all that is. Therefore, do not lose heart. Seek yourself so that you can be who you truly are in the world, And others can enjoy your unique light And in seeing you being as you are, they can have the courage also to seek the real self within them. [“Who am I?” is the is the missing puzzle piece in the equation of life. It is the last piece of the jigsaw and without its answer the puzzle cannot be completed. We have to search for it to make sense of our existence and give ourselves the satisfaction of knowing that we have not lived our lives in vain. Trying to find the missing piece sparks a journey that takes us to places we could never have conceived of going before and our experiences along the way become profound, rich and meaningful. And we find, that as we get closer to finding the answer, we also become more aware of the unique beings that surround us and we begin to find an appreciation for the diversity and contrast of others points of view. In the quest we not only liberate ourselves from the restrictions of conventions. We also liberate those around us because in accepting what we find out about ourselves, we are able to accept what we find in others.]

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April 2015



April 2015

At the Edge of a New Wilderness A poem by Bea Potgieter Š 29 November 2014

Here seemingly out of reach Here absent from illusory touch Sensed behind visible screens Sensed between invisible seams Here There Everywhere signs and flickers of remembrance fragrant silhouetted incense filling the unguarded spaces The Spirit of Divinity loyal faithful servant beckons at the familiar boundaries tugs at the frayed fringes gently clears an opening at the edge of a new wilderness calling to the explorers of the landscape of consciousness to walk the hills and valleys of Soul itself Š

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Wilderness Places are considered to be spaces in Nature that is untouched and unspoilt by humans. It is where Nature and Animals co-exist in harmony, living according to their natural and spontaneous rhythms and order. Wilderness for me is also the raw space for engagement, experience, entrancement, expansion and enlargement of soul. It is the places which allows for authentic being and expression. I see it as the touchpoint between the seen and the unseen, between the soul and place, between the physical and spiritual. “We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Life in the Woods So what do I mean by reclaiming the wilderness within. Well, we only have to look towards wilderness places for inspiration. If we look at a lioness, a tigress, a leopard, any animal free in their natural, wild habitat, the wild is visible in the look in their eyes. It is the knowing of being powerful, of being free, nothing is forced; everything is natural, a vehicle for spontaneous flow of energy. The lioness just knows who she is, she does not question that. Although her power doesn’t go unchallenged, it is never questioned. “The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask.” ― Nancy Wynne Newhall It is this very essence that some humans find frightening and therefore wish to exert control over it, taming it. Somehow over time we have lost the wonderful state of living in harmony with all the parts of ourselves, let alone live in harmony with others, nature and the wild. We control, dominate, suppress, deny, distract, avoid, depress and dissociate so much of that which is natural and wild, within and without. “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” ― John Muir But there is always a stirring, a deep sense of knowing that we are more, that there is more to be discovered. The part of our soul that gets dominated and controlled by the demands and expectations of society is always knocking on the door of consciousness. We don’t always want to open the door to the wild side out of fear of disapproval, rejection etc. But if we are to lead a more purposeful, authentic life we have to let it loose, let it play and allow it to express itself on its own terms. “Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block Aneis de Vida


April 2015

authentic being and expression. I see it as the touchpoint between the seen and the unseen, between the soul and place, between the physical and spiritual. “We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Life in the Woods So what do I mean by reclaiming the wilderness within. Well, we only have to look towards wilderness places for inspiration. If we look at a lioness, a tigress, a leopard, any animal free in their natural, wild habitat, the wild is visible in the look in their eyes. It is the knowing of being powerful, of being free, nothing is forced; everything is natural, a vehicle for spontaneous flow of energy. The lioness just knows who she is, she does not question that. Although her power doesn’t go unchallenged, it is never questioned. “The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask.” ― Nancy Wynne Newhall It is this very essence that some humans find frightening and therefore wish to exert control over it, taming it. Somehow over time we have lost the wonderful state of living in harmony with all the parts of ourselves, let alone live in harmony with others, nature and the wild. We control, dominate, suppress, deny, distract, avoid, depress and dissociate so much of that which is natural and wild, within and without. “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” ― John Muir But there is always a stirring, a deep sense of knowing that we are more, that there is more to be discovered. The part of our soul that gets dominated and controlled by the demands and expectations of society is always knocking on the door of consciousness. We don’t always want to open the door to the wild side out of fear of disapproval, rejection etc. But if we are to lead a more purposeful, authentic life we have to let it loose, let it play and allow it to express itself on its own terms. “Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life. It is made up of divine paradox. To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.” ― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman

Reclaiming the wilderness within doesn’t mean you will discard all other aspects of yourself, all that is real will remain and hopefully all that is false will disintegrate. Being wild is also not a permission to destroy or destruct or prey on others. Linda Kohanov Aneis de Vida


April 2015

the author of The Tao of Equus says: “Human beings carry the wisdom of both predator and prey. True empowerment depends on finding a balance between the two. Cultivating the strength of your “inner lion” without letting it run amok, is tricky. If you don’t have enough lion, people will walk all over you, and you’ll lack the conviction and focus to follow your dreams. If you have too much lion, you’ll lose the sensitivity that nurtures relationship and creativity.” Reclaiming the wilderness is no easy task, but here are a few guidelines: Acknowledge your interconnectedness with nature, by spending time in nature (in wilderness areas if you can). By watching and just being with animals (even domesticated) they teach us about our own wildness and help us connect more deeply with nature, with ancestral and intuitive wisdom, with a more authentic and creative approach to life; Allow yourself to dream wildly, without judgment; Cultivate your imagination; Confront and release past traumas to reclaim power that was taken from you; Challenge old patterns, beliefs and systems that wants to keep you disempowered; Set boundaries; Cultivate intuition; Explore the paradox of power and vulnerability, passion, gentleness, freedom and partnership – embodied in wild animals; Ian McCallum in his book: Ecological Intelligence. Rediscovering ourselves in nature: ‘(o)ur task is to acknowledge the “beast”, at the same time learning how to harness its vitality, its emotion and its raw power with an intelligence that knows how to say yes and no to it.’ Find the balance between logic and emotion, assertion and submission, roaring and purring, giving and receiving, self-care and care of others, dancing and being still, talking and listening. “To be in touch with wilderness is to have stepped past the proud cattle of the field and wandered far from the twinkles of the Inn's fire. To have sensed something sublime in the life/death/life movement of the seasons, to know that contained in you is the knowledge to pull the sword from the stone and to live well in fierce woods in deep winter. Wilderness is a form of sophistication, because it carries within it true knowledge of our place in the world. It doesn't exclude civilization but prowls through it, knowing when to attend to the needs of the committee and when to drink from a moonlit lake. It will wear a suit and tie when it has to, but refuses to trim its talons or whiskers. Its sensing nature is not afraid of emotion: the old stories are full of grief forests and triumphant returns, banquets and bridges of thorns. Myth tells us that the full gamut of feeling is to be experienced. Wilderness is the capacity to go into joy, sorrow, and anger fully and stay there for as long as needed, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Sometimes, as Lorca says, it means 'get down on all fours for twenty centuries and eat the grasses of the cemetaries.' Wilderness carries sobriety as well as exuberance, and has allowed loss to mark its face.” ― Martin Shaw

Most importantly reclaiming the wilderness is about honouring what is wild, free and authentic. “Honoring yourself is not about pampering yourself. And it’s not about turning your back on those who need you. The issues surrounding giving and receiving are deeper. Much deeper. By honoring yourself, you are respecting, appreciating, and giving birth to your best self so you can give creatively— and abundantly—in ways that honor others." —Patricia Spadaro in Honor Yourself

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April 2015


Andre Duif Here we are - April. Another month into 2015. In the Northern hemisphere I am sure you are looking forward to spring, and us down under, can feel a slight autumn chill in the early morning and evening air. The change in season is a good thing because like everything in life be that human or animal, our plants need time to rest, to develop new growth or flowers for the next season. They need to shed their blankets to prepare for the next season of providing shade, and coolness, for a tired ‘’gardener’’ or a spot for some deep thinking time. I guess it’s as if our gardens need a bit of a holiday as well. Talking about holidays, it is already Easter. Unbelievable! Many South Africans are planning on going away for their Easter holiday break, to the coast or the Kruger Park, which is also a very popular Easter destination. A few things have to get done in the month April to prime the garden for the winter ahead.

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April 2015

Soft plants like the Durantha, "Sheena’s gold" need to be covered with "frost cover" especially on the Highveld region of Mpumalanga, Gauteng, The Free state, Northern Cape and any high lying areas that get frost. Hydrangeas, and grass like plants can be cut right down to the ground, approximately 10cm high, for winter. Any old summer seedlings can be removed from the garden and a good scattering of compost and Superphosphate can be worked into the flower beds in preparation for winter seedlings. Aaaah winter seedlings, it makes my heart jump at the thought. Pansies, in many form, shape and colour. Primulas, in frivolous pink, burgundy, cheery white, and wine red. Not to forget, the ever faithful Cineraria which is amongst my favourite winter seedlings. They just brighten any dreary corner to bring a bit of winter cheer. Spring bulbs can be planted this month as well, and in my case, a little bottle of wild poppy seeds which I collected in Europe 11 years ago, will be sown randomly amongst the flowerbeds and any open patch. They always prove to be such happy chappies in any garden, and such a welcome splash of poppy red madness as it were. Here is a tip for those avid gardeners that like an INSTANT show in their gardens. This is what I do. The Flower bed gets prepared with compost and fertilizers. Let the flower beds rest for a week or two. (I only do this after the summer season, to give the soil a bit of a rest as well). In the meantime go and buy your favourite seedling trays and pot your seedlings three per pot and let them grow, strong and healthy in the pots. When they are ready, just plant the entire pot, with good drainage of course, in the garden. Not only do you not disturb the roots but you have an instant show, and your garden looks as if it has been growing for months. Do the same for spring and summer plants. This way your garden will always have a show, and you can just replace your existing cavities with the new fully grown seedlings. Oh yes, I also cut all my Amaryllis leaves right to just above the bulb for their winter rest. Too those of you enjoying an early spring, go out, walk barefoot, and earth yourselves. Turn your faces to the sun, and smile. For us going into winter. Make Gluhwein, light a fire, read a book, or in my case , I got gifted an adult "no stress colour therapy" colouring book from a dear cousin of mine in the Netherlands, so guess what I will be doing this autumn, going into winter. Remember my golden rule. If you go away, please have someone look after your garden when you are away. Like our family, friends and pets, our gardens need TLC too. May I wish you and yours a blessed Easter. Be safe and kind to one another, and never forget to live, to laugh, and to love. Andre.

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April 2015

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April 2015

Gary Watkins Hypnosis Practitioner—also via SKYPE E-Mail: I was born and raised in the Transvaal (now Gauteng) and attended Christian Brother’s College (St Brendans) in Springs, South Africa. Although raised as a Catholic (my parents were not strict adherents) I did not subscribe to the doctrines and always felt there was another path for me. Clarity on this is a work in progress. Like many other boys I was conscripted into the SADF and did my National Service in Cape Town with the Anti Air Craft unit there. I was also called up for camps and border duty, the latter which taught me a great deal about patience , self discipline and how to interact with different people under trying circumstances. It also served my sense of irony and humour.

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I studied part time towards a chemical qualification but relinquished to pursue a career in sales, firstly with analytical laboratory equipment and then into the industrial chemical industry. It was the latter which brought me down to KZN in 1994 as sales manager for a Jhb based Company.

I had for a while though been feeling the “pull “of working in a healing and / or counseling environment. I worked as a Life Line Counselor and also studied Touch for Health Kinesiology, as well as Reiki. Eventually, circumstances in my working life or career became untenable for me and I resigned my job, with encouragement from my partner at the time. This leap of faith then led me to hypnosis in early 2008 (I had attended a two workshop in 2005 which had interested me greatly). I was introduced to SAMHA (South African Modern Hypnotherapy Academy) and met John Dutton. As fate would have it there was a lady who was due to go overseas and wanted to do the course at that time as well, so John agreed to work with the two of us. This became what I love to do. Then I had my own training course accredited with the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council) in the UK. I generally train small groups of students and also one on one. It is an area I intend to focus on more in 2015. I am a member of the Hypnosis Guild of South Africa, and in our regular meetings I have met Tom Budge who has also heightened my belief in the power of this powerful modality, and I have learnt a lot from Tom. I deal with most areas where people have challenges or issues although I do not generally deal with addictions. Often I find there is a searching for deeper meaning (purpose) that my clients have underlying and what they wish me to assist them with. I do work with Past Life Regression Therapy and have many clients who gain healing insights into their lives. This work is only undertaken after a thorough discussion with my client on the reasons they wish to experience this. I also facilitate a meditation group and am often asked to address people at local spiritual sanctuaries. Sport is a love of mine and when I was younger played hockey and soccer (as well as the indoor versions). I ran the Comrades Marathon in 1993 and just missed finishing in time in the 1994 race. This I believe was a great learning experience for me. Lucy my soul mutt shares my life and I have a great love for animals. Hobbies and passions are reading, writing poetry and listening to a wide range of music, although blues rock, blues and anything with meaningful lyrics and passion are my favourite. I live and work in Hillcrest Kwazulu Natal, however I do assist clients via Skype. Please feel free to contact me for skype sessions. I find compassion, empathy, a sense of humour as well as a straight forward approach has served me well in my work. Looking forward to speaking with you. Gary Aneis de Vida


April 2015



Deborah Sutherland

Easter, brings fond memories of early childhood. Art activities at school centered around baby chicks, bunnies and egg decoration. Whilst the art activities came to life so did it get the imagination geared up for the anticipation of what was to come, holidays and chocolate.

The true ritual of Easter took place on my Grandparents farm. At the break of dawn on Easter morning all the Grandchildren would be sitting patiently outside waiting for our Grandfather to finish in the dairy. He was a stern man and if we indicated to him our impatience, it prolonged the Easter egg hunt. Finally the moment arrived when our fathers’ would pile us children into the bakkie (pick-up van) and take us on a trip to the farm lands.

At that time of the morning it was like entering fairy land. The early morning mists would be rising, creating a mystical haze over the vegetation. Sun beams would be caught in the weeping willow trees sending glistening rainbows into the air. The dew drops would drip from the spider webs like diamonds. The most exciting moments would come when we would watch the rabbits bounding across the fields and even more exciting was if we were to see a duiker (small buck). Our fathers brought this ritual to life by encouraging us to look further afield‌ to the beauty and magic of nature.

By this time, the excitement was beyond the imagination. Who had seen what animal first and the chatter could be heard all the way back on our journey to the farmhouse. Now the Easter Egg hunt was ours to hunt and forage in the gardens around the home. The exclamations and joyous sounds could be heard as each child found their treasures. A basket full of carefully chosen chocolates in varying shapes, sizes and colours to delight us through the holidays.

When I look back on those early childhood memories, what always stands out for me was how our Grandparents and parents acknowledged nature first and then the bounty of nature. There was deep appreciation for what we had been given. Nothing was taken for granted. And so it is with a deep sense of sadness that I experienced whilst researching the meaning of chocolate some 40 years later. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

The exploitation of traditional cacao farmers will bring a global shortage of cacao. Aging trees yielding fewer pods, plant disease, inconsistent rains, the arduous process of harvesting the cacao bean, farmers are losing hope and turning their cacao plantations into rubber tree plantations.

The message is loud and clear. Where China has an annual consumption of 100g of chocolate per person and the UK consumption is 8kg’s per person, we need to review our beliefs about “treats”.

Is our enjoyment at the expense of another?

Is the source- namely the farmers- being acknowledged by the correct value of their product?

Less is more. A concept that we need to embrace if we are to support not only ourselves but the well- being of our planet.

How can we help?

Rediscover the specialness of chocolate and don’t take it for granted

Be prepared to pay more for chocolate

Stop supporting cheap manufacturers of chocolate

Support chocolatier’s that specialize in pure chocolate thus reducing the quantity you consume. For anyone trying to eat a bar of 70% chocolate, will know it is almost impossible to consume the whole bar.

Substitute chocolate in cakes and other chocolate treats with carob

What all of these changes show us is that the time has come to consider everything and everyone, be it the earth, human, animal or plant. The contribution it makes to our world. The value it gives us and the meaning it brings into our lives. When we can do this for ourselves, the ripple effects will reverberate around and around our beautiful earth.

In Good Health Always Deborah

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April 2015

Raw Chocolate Mousse Cake By Deborah Sutherland (Sproutit)

The base

3 c Macadamia Nuts, soaked for 2 hours (or in-season nuts of your choice) ¼ cup honey or maple syrup ¼ c coconut oil ½ tsp Himalayan rock salt 1 tsp Vanilla extract or vanilla pod- 2 It is quite fun to add in ½ cup of cacao nibs

Method In a food processor grind the nuts until fine. Add balance of ingredients. Mix well

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April 2015

Topping 1

4 cups pitted dates- soaked in warm water until soft ½ cup Chia seeds 1 ½ C coconut oil in liquid form 1 C cocoa 1 tsp Vanilla extract or vanilla pod- 2

Method Blend the dates and chia seeds with a little of the date juice until creamy- go the extra length to get it perfectly blended. Add in the coconut oil and keep blending. By this stage, depending on your blender, you may want to remove the date mixture from the blender and place in a bowl before mixing in the cacao powder and vanilla. Pour over the base and place the cake in the fridge to set for a couple of hours.

Topping 2

Pure Cacao Chocolate

In a double boiler- melt 1 cup of coconut oil and ¼ cup cocoa-butter Add in 1 heaped desert spoon of Honey Optional- rose water- peppermint extract, orange peel, vanilla extract

Blend well and pour over Chocolate Mousse Cake. Refrigerate until set (This cake can also be frozen and kept for when needed)

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April 2015

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April 2015

Serves: 5 (9-10 patties) Bring to a boil & simmer until all water is absorbed:

1 cup white or brown basmati (rinsed 3 times) 3 cups water

Make sure rice is cooked and sticky. Set aside. Saute until onions are golden:

In a bowl, mix: 2 tablespoons fresh parsley 1 teaspoon dried dill weed 1 teaspoons salt 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, roasted Add: sauteed vegetables cooked rice Mix well and make into patties. Place patties on oiled baking tray and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until golden and crisp.

2 tablespoons canola or sunflower oil 1 cup onions, minced 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

Add and saute for 3 minutes

1 1/2 cups mushrooms, sliced Set aside.

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April 2015

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April 2015

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April 2015

AROMATHERAPY OILS Aromatherapy oils have become part of our daily lives as many people use them for a variety of things from mouth washes, douches and oil burners to medicines and skincare. We don’t even realise that essential oils are often included in familiar products. For instance, many burn creams contain lavender and many anti-bug products include citronella. Whether we are aware of this or not, essential oils have made a great impact on our lives and will continue to do so for centuries.

Why are essential oils so effective? Smell is a very powerful sense and can awaken our oldest memories from times long forgotten. The mind links smell to memories and emotion. That is simply the way the human brain is wired. There is a long scientific explanation for this. If you would like to do further research, this phenomenon is called sensory memory. This research suggests that it is even possible for smell to bring about positive thoughts and experiences or heal buried emotions so that inner development can take place.

Herbology is the research which suggests that plants have different effects on the human body. Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, and by extracting the oils, a much more potent and concentrated form of the plant is available. Bach flower remedies are a perfect example of plants being used to heal emotional disturbances, while most other herbal medicines treat physical ailments.

Ease of use. Topical application or inhalation are the most popular methods of using essential oils and both these methods are very easy and have little toxicity for the body as compared to taking medication. Oils are readily absorbed by the skin and make their way into the

blood stream within a few minutes.

Caring for essential oils Keep in mind that essential oils are highly volatile, within a few days they can evaporate if not stored/sealed properly. An amber glass bottle is best for keeping out UV rays which can spoil the oils. They also react with plastic containers, so always keep them in glass and also keep them cool and dry.

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April 2015

Safety with essential oils

Tea tree oil must NEVER be ingested, it is highly toxic and a tea spoon of the oil is enough to kill a person. Never use too much tea tree oil on anything. In this case, less is better. Aroma oils are also highly toxic to cats and birds, do NOT put the oils near them or burn them in the same room as your animals. Many oils are phototoxic (react with sunlight on skin and cause pigmentation). A common group of phototoxic oils are the citrus family and even Arnica, just to name a few. Certain oils can actually aggravate fatigue by sedating a person, for example, Clary sage. Clary sage is a very interesting oil. If combined with alcohol it increases narcotic effects, and also leeches iron out of the body, causing uterine contractions which can result in miscarriage if someone is pregnant. Certain oils can cause miscarriages via uterine contractions, a few are: cinnamon leaf, german and roman chamomile (1 st trimester only), cedarwood and clove. If you have grass allergies then certain oils must be avoided. An example of this is lemongrass. I trust this information will assist the reader to make informed choices when it comes to aromatic oils. Always make sure that you are being treated by someone who is qualified in this field.

References: Battaglia, S. 1995. The complete guide to aromatherapy. The perfect potion, Australia, 467pp. Gattfosse, R.M. 1993 Gattefosse aromatheray. C.W. Daniel, U.K., 239pp Lawless, J 1997 The complete illuatrated guide to aromatherapy: a practical approach to essential oils for health and well-being. Element press, U.K. 224pp.

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April 2015

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April 2015

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April 2015

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April 2015

My life has taken a really lovely turn in the last couple of weeks in that the number of cats in my life grew overnight from one to four! I adopted a lovely cat here in Mukah and named her Ella. I should rather say she adopted me, jumping into my arms quite unexpectedly as I came walking past her hide-out in a palm grove. She was just a small little mite and the nearest vet is 3 hours’ drive away, so I thought I had some time to get her spayed. When I came back from the December holidays, I noticed she was a little rounder and thought that the lady who took care of her had been extra generous with the treats. In any case, two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being the doula at the birth of her babies. She alerted me immediately when the process started and I followed her upstairs where she made herself at home in the box I had prepared for her. I was really relieved about that as I imagined her having her litter outside somewhere and me searching for them. I have clear memories from my youth, searching the garden at night, with my mother holding a candle, because the cat had hidden her babies away. This has been an extraordinary process to watch, how they have developed even in this short time. Their looks are really miles apart, and they also have very different temperaments. The first-born, Atlas, is a bit fluffy and forgetful, and needed help finding his mum’s nipple, while the second one, a tabby called Hobbs, is very boyish and knows what he wants and needs in life. His paws are almost twice the size of the other two, and so is his belly. The last one, a little ginger named Simba, is the smallest, but he practically jumped out of his mother, rearing to go. His eyes have opened first and he was also the first one to discover that he was in an enclosed space and should work on an escape route.

Their eyes have just opened in the last few days and I wondered how this must feel from a human being’s point of view. You are conscious of living your life within certain parameters, because that is what you know. Imagine if there were a whole reality that we are not aware of because our senses are just not developed enough. What if it was possible to develop our senses further and have our eyes truly open, have our sixth sense fully developed? Imagine how that would broaden our perspectives. This reminds me of a powerful prayer from the Bible, prayed by a man called Jabez. It has been a resting place in my life for many years and only comprises of one verse. There are different translations, but this one resonates with me the most. ‘Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, so that I may do no harm.’ And God granted his request.” (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).

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April 2015

Here Jabez asks God directly to “enlarge his territory”. I believe this can mean in any way, in any sense of the word. My own territory has been expanded in that I have experienced first-hand so much of the world that I never expected to. I would say that my territory has also been expanded inwards, as I realised that the answers to life’s questions are not to be found somewhere on the road, but in my own heart. When I pray for enlarging my territory, I pray that my eyes be opened like those of the kittens, into a whole new conscious way of living. Our modern lives are so rushed, we do not take time to really look and appreciate, and we perceive only what serves our purpose. Rarely do we lift our heads and train our eyes on the far horison or on the people around us in the supermarket. In my life here in Borneo, I have learnt to slow down a lot. I have found myself being more aware and sensitive to the souls around me. I have always been a relatively aware person, but I am finding that as I make conscious decisions not to rush, to switch on my intuition, my life seems to expand. Expansion is a concept that I really like a lot, it implies allowing myself to become big, for my aura to swell out, and also for the ability to see the big picture, rise above the calamity. Since I wrote about letting go last month, I have been thinking a lot about it, and that the ability to expand in a situation that is challenging, calls for forgiveness and letting go. The morning I heard of my mother’s violent death, was a Sunday morning like any other. My grandmother left a message on the answering machine. I thought she was calling to congratulate me on my engagement! When I received the news, it was as if time stood still. It was unfathomable. I got into the bath and tried to pray. In that moment, I felt the warmness of the water and an incredible sense of becoming larger, almost as though I was leaving my physical body. I saw the picture from above. I saw that according to divine timing, my mother was needed in another plane. I saw that the children who took her life, were agents, and had their own lives to live and lessons to learn. This flash vision that came to me in the form of cartoon pictures, gave me the strength to forgive and let go. I grieved, yes, I grieved for years, but I never blamed and I never hated and I can only say that I am sincerely grateful for that, it was a true gift. Now, when I am in a really difficult situation, and feel as though I am being wronged in some way, hurt by another human being, I open my eyes, tuck my ego away and allow my perception to expand slowly, until I am able to get a higher and wider perspective. I love this quote from a piece called Forgiveness by David Whyte, ’To forgive is to put oneself in a larger gravitational field of experience than the one that first seem to hurt us. We re-imagine ourselves in the light of our maturity and we re-imagine the past in the light of our new identity, we allow ourselves to be gifted by a story larger than the story that first hurt us and left us bereft.’ As Easter draws near, I like to take the broad view of this profound spiritual festival. For me it is a reminder to meditate on expansion and forgiveness, and to allow the Christ consciousness to pervade my life, allowing me to live with full awareness, to gift myself an ever expanding story.

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April 2015

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April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

There is nothing more irritating than having dry skin which is itchy and sore. Winter air saps smooth silky skin. And add to the discomfort - cold air touching warm skin. Of course there are other factors such as nutritional deficiencies and genes. Here are some home remedies to help ward off the dry skin this winter, and help with the overall well-being of your skin. OLIVE OIL Contains antioxidants and fatty acids which are extremely good for your skin. About half an hour to an hour before going into the shower or bath, rub some olive oil onto your hands, legs and body and massage in lightly. MILK Contains anti-inflammatory properties that sooth and help rid the skin of dry and itchy patches. Every second day, using a facecloth, dip the facecloth into the milk and dab onto the affected dry itchy patches. With a clean facecloth and luke-warm water wash off the milk after about five minutes. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

HONEY Is one of the best products for various ailments. For dry skin it is considered as a natural moisturiser and contains many antioxidant qualities, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Before having a bath or shower rub honey all over your body and leave for a good 10 minutes. To have optimum satisfaction, do this on a daily basis. COCONUT OIL Excellent for the treatment of dry skin as it has plenty of fatty acids which seal in any loss of moisture to the skin. Before going to bed at night rub in a good amount of luke-warm coconut oil over your body and leave it on overnight, have your usual bath or shower in the morning. For optimum results do this on a daily basis.

AVOCADO Rich in fatty acids and vitamins and packed with antioxidants. Mash up avocado and rub onto the skin, leave for minimum of 10 minutes and rinse off with luke-warm water. Avos are well known for face-masks but this therapy should not be done more than twice a week.

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April 2015

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April 2015


SHAMANISM is a word that many do not understand, what exactly does it mean?

Lou - Let’s begin by setting a mutual understanding that there are as many countless definitions to words and terms as there are individual beliefs about any given subject. Some things have universally common definitions that most humans share collectively, like how we define sleep, hunger or thirst. Others are defined in more subjectively personal ways like love, spirituality or sexuality. Sexuality can be seen as sacred and beautiful; sinful and dirty; only for procreation; or exclusively for the one you love. There are so many endless definitions about sexuality twisting and contorting it from its natural state and form that it has become a very confusing and difficult subject to clearly define or understand.

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Similarly, shamanism is riddled with a myriad of definitions and misconceptions from being a flakey new-age mind-controlling cult to a path of personal spiritual enlightenment to the dark esoteric arts of animistic trance journeying, witchcraft, superstition and devil worship. Here’s the surprising thing, all of these definitions are true if you believe them to be so. Since everything you perceive and understand in life is subjective to you through your own filters and perception of reality, then how you choose to define something becomes your truth until you decide to change your perspective and belief about it. The only person who can change it, is you and it will only happen when you are ready. To try to define shamanism is impossible. Therefore my goal is not to get you to change your mind but more to share my own perspective and experience of it with the hope of perhaps dispelling some of the general misconceptions about shamanism. Let me begin by saying that shamanism is not a religion, spiritual path or dogmatic practise. Shamanism is something that is lived. I live it, you live it. In fact we are all living it. The original meaning of the word shaman refers to “someone who knows”. In its most rudimentary form, shamanism is about the knowing and understanding of the origins of life and the energy in everything that exists in all facets and all configurations throughout time, space and dimension. You could say shamanism is the ancient precursor to quantum physics, science, mathematics and human psychology. It is the continual hunger and thirst for knowledge, truth, understanding, self-awareness and wisdom. Since we are all seeking to “know” then we are all shamans. This is the true premise behind shamanism. The pursuit of this understanding is driven from the same basic questions our first ancestors pondered as we do. “Who am I?”; “Why am I here?”; “Where did I come from?”; “What is my purpose?”

The answers to these questions have led humanity from all cultures to formulate many beliefs, philosophies and religions, which in turn have led many to blindly believe something to be true without testing or proving it through personal life experience. This keeps you separate, ignorant and isolated from the truth you seek. You end up lazily watching life go by as if it were on a TV screen, living vicariously through the experiences, beliefs and concepts of others. You must dare to actively stalk out your own answers by repeatedly challenging what you know and believe in, especially about what you know about yourself and what you

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are truly capable of. The more you question your reality and what you understand about it, the more you are actively engaging with shamanism. Initially this requires effort, training and practise, especially learning to stay present and observe yourself in how you relate, react and respond to situations in each moment. This requires adopting the warrior’s attitude in order to battle the inner demons of distractions, excuses and fears. Although the work is yours to do there will be times that assistance and guidance from a teacher or guide is needed to develop effective strategies and techniques to better deal with the challenges. They will also offer other perspectives, clarity and wisdom to help you discover your authentic self as you travel along your sacred journey.

What in your experience would someone glean from being a part of shamanic rituals/traditions?

Lou – The guidance and support of a teacher or guide will provide you with tools, knowledge, skills and techniques to equip and empower you to break through all obstacles and challenges that prevent you from finding the answers to those four fundamental questions. The so called shamanic rituals, traditions, teachings and ceremonies are time tested and proven tools designed to work on many levels including psychologically, emotionally and physically. They help you eliminate unhealthy patterns and behaviours so you can make the necessary changes that return you to wholeness as a sacred human. A true shamanic teacher or guide knows that you cannot find your answers from a book, watching a movie or following any dogmatic faith. They can only be answered through personal life experience and awareness. The teacher has travelled along a similar road, having overcome their own challenges. They use the wisdom gained to guide you along your journey. Their most important quality is their understanding that they cannot heal you or fix you in any way shape or form. You must do your own work and fight through your own battles making your own changes. Whenever you block or restrict yourself from dealing with a challenge you are facing, it builds up and over prolonged periods of time creates discomfort and dis-ease in the body. This will eventually become toxic leading to ignorance, pain, sickness, illness and disease. The energy used in productive or positive patterns is healthy and promotes pleasure, growth, healing and knowledge. The process and transition in moving from the former to the latter is what is known as personal healing, which can be seen as the act of letting go of any unproductive behaviours and beliefs in order to gain more health, wholeness and wellbeing. This doesn’t mean you will win every battle or you will always be willing to stand up to every challenge. There will be many failures, mishaps and frustrations along the way. Beating yourself up and believing you are dysfunctional will only breed self-pity leading to stagnation, despair and depression. Shamanism holds the understanding that in every given moment every human being is doing the best they can with what they have. You are no different and your teacher or guide will reflect this to you as well. Who you are as you read this, is the product of everything you have done, felt and experienced in your life. Who you will become after you have read this is yet unknown because you haven’t experienced it yet. Who you desire to become can only manifest by facing and healing the pain of your past and letting go of limitations. Shamanism provides the way to freeing up this precious energy and healing yourself so you can start living the kind of life you have always dreamt of.

Where did your journey with Shamanism start and why Laurel?

Laurel – Before Shamanism, I had established a reputation of excellence in my field of education, I was respected for my expertise and ran a successful business. I enjoyed what I did and felt rewarded by the learning and growth of my students and the parents who sought my advice, but there was something missing – I couldn’t put my finger on it but somehow I felt unfulfilled. This dissonance began manifesting as a general sense of dis – ease in my physical body. I was often tired, I was addicted to food and in rare moments of self honesty, I realised I had a fairly negative relationship with myself to the point of having very low selfesteem. I noticed similar things in many of the people in my life at that time, both socially and professionally and so I began to study alternative ways of accessing more health and harmony. It took years of experience and several qualifications in holistic healing before I found what I was looking for. It came in the simplest and most complex word, Shamanism.

I have been enthralled by the magick that Shamanism has brought to my life ever since I flew to Cape Town to attend an Awareness Workshop that Lou was running years ago. I remember one of the first things he said to us that weekend “Don’t believe a Aneis de Vida


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word of what I say. Suspend all disbelief for a time and just listen – or don’t. Test it out for yourself – or don’t. Whether you do or you don’t doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is to be receptive to opportunity and know that you are always at choice. You are the one who has to live with the consequences.” It was one of the many teachings I took from that weekend and it touched me so deeply that I started to question all the things that I had taken for granted; how I created my life, how much freedom I had exercised in my decisions thus far and how I would choose to be in relationship from them onwards. I put it to the test at every opportunity and found myself making some deeply satisfying changes to my reality. The understanding that I alone am responsible for the way I choose to live my life still shapes the choices and decisions I make today.

That weekend was the first time I witnessed a Traditional Sacred Medicine Pipe Ceremony and it was in this circle of strangers that I learned to open my heart and truly listen to myself. As I held that Medicine Pipe up, stated my intent and released my prayer to Great Spirit through the smoke of the tobacco I knew that I had found what I had been looking for and that I was ready to commit myself to a way of living that spoke to my heart, mind, body, spirit and soul.

I immersed myself in the circular teachings of the Medicine Wheel, they made sense to me like nothing I had ever encountered before. I started applying this new understanding of the world and everything in it with friends, in the classroom and in sessions with clients. It made sense to them too and empowered them to make productive changes, no matter how small. The more I tried it, the more it worked.

It has been many years of learning, healing, growing, sharing and teaching. The journey has been exciting, terrifying, gratifying and challenging beyond measure. We have loved and laughed, cried and lost, we have fallen down and bruised ourselves and got right back up again. We wake up every morning in gratitude as we engage with this ancient Shamanic wisdom. We access our wholeness, we celebrate life and we open our hearts as we share unconditional love. This is the beauty of Shamanism.

When did Sacred Journeys start and what do you offer Laurel?

Laurel – I always reflect on Sacred Journeys as the birthing and parenting of a dream child from a great love story, both a part of us and yet also an entity unto itself. We shared a deep passion for the journey we call life and a deep respect for everyone’s Sacred Journey of life. The shamanic approach to life is that all things are equal and deserve respect, including the plants, animals, minerals and humans. This has been our foundation, from which we have built our relationship, our life and our dream of Sacred Journeys. Lou and I continue to stay committed to “being of service” to self, life and others and through the birth of Sacred Journeys, now in its fifth year of growth, we uphold these ideals. It is our vision that Beauty, Knowledge, Power and Freedom prosper within all human beings. It is because of this that many have found a home away from home, a sanctuary, a safe haven where deep healing can be found, where each individual is celebrated and has the freedom to step into leadership of their own lives as they pursue greater levels of excellence. This is the process of “becoming the shaman of your own life”. Our approach is holistic, it identifies you as a WHOLE person which includes your emotional fluidity, physical health, mental clarity, spiritual determination and your harmonious connection to all life. We incorporate a blend of foundational teachings, experiential learning, personal healing, sweat lodges and ceremonial components to give you an integrative approach to total wellbeing.

The Retreat Centre offers comfy accommodation, communal kitchen and a large teaching space where we hold regular Gatherings, Sweat Lodges and Seasonal Ceremonies. The unique Medicine Wheel Gardens lovingly wrap themselves around the Centre and invite you to step into nature’s embrace so you can gain deeper levels of understanding and wisdom of your inner truth. You may wish to pop over for the afternoon or stay a few days on a Personal Retreat; wandering the land, finding seclusion and reconnection with nature and yourself.

Shamanic Retreats are lovingly created to reconnect you with your body and mind, heart and spirit as they provide you with healing, connection to your inner intent, access to different levels of consciousness and heightened states of awareness. Shamanic Aneis de Vida


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Retreats are created to suit your individual needs, we structure your Retreat to provide you with the guidance and support to achieve your intended goals and help you integrate healing and growth for yourself.

Monthly Community (Women and Men) Sweat Lodges and Women’s Sweat Lodges are a unique and beautiful experience that helps to maintain and sustain health and well-being on all levels. To participate in a Sweat Lodge is an act of purification and rejuvenation, it loosens and frees up the energy that no longer serves us and brings balance to our mind, body and spirit, like shaking a tree and allowing the dead leaves to fall away.

The Art of Living Clean is an intensive 10 Day Experiential Programme that will change your life. It is designed to deal with dysfunctional patterns & behaviours within the human psyche. If not dealt with, these behaviours create neural pathways or memory programs in the brain that can lead to unproductive patterns and addictions. We guide you through a progressive process, peeling away the layers in order to identify the underlying CAUSE and take the steps to overcome and change the patterns of behaviour that created the misalignment in the first place.

The Art of Shamanic Healing opens the way to ancient knowledge and techniques handed down over many countless centuries. Together we explore the multi-faceted luminosity of a Human Being in all its beauty and complexity. You will be introduced to the teachings of the Healing Paradigm, learn about the different types of Shamanic tools that can be used to bring the body back into balance with firsthand experience using healing crystals, healing fans and gourds, drumming and singing.

The Couples Retreat explores The Art of Relationships with all its rewards & challenges. Successful relationships don’t just magically happen, they involve ongoing effort, a mutual respect, open-hearted communication and a willingness to heal whatever isn’t working. Engage in the life changing process as we explore the complex dynamics of relationships, learn to find greater health and fulfillment and enrich the bond of love.

If something in this article has touched your heart in any way, Lou and Laurel encourage you to contact them and go and experience the magick of Shamanism for yourself. You are the creator of your own Sacred Journey, make the most of it.

Lou & Laurel 082 571 3306

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Clean out negative karmic connections this month...Break down and release back into the universe negative thoughts and feelings that hold you back. Self-destructive patterns can be found through focus and meditation, so be sure to take lots of time out to be by yourself. Face the chaos and confusion to find the answers you need to move forward. But move forward, don't dwell on those negative thoughts. Find them and release them!! Then find what fulfils you and do more of that this month. Happiness is achievable if you remain focused on the peace you want, rather than hold onto rigid thought patterns. ~ Amethyst Moon Dancer )O(~

For a personalised reading contact Amethyst Moon Dancer on: Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Greetings dear children of the Light, it is I Gabriel (pronounced Gab-rye-el).

All of thee are doing well, working through and with thee energies the Lord Saint Michael spoke to thee off. Remember dear ones this emotional turmoil shalt pass, as the seasons come and go, so will this turbulence. The key is to continue forward each and everyday. Even when thine energies are low and despondency reigns in thine being, do not fall by the wayside, you are to great a soul for this. Take steps forward towards your goals and dreams, not matter how small, each and every human day.

In the coming human months, I Gabriel and legions of Light, ask each and everyone of thee to send Mother Earth, Gaia as she is known, thine love, prayers and healing. Much turbulence and turmoils rumble beneath the surface of thee Earth and her oceans which shalt break free to be released in what may seem very turbulent ways, yet this is for balance and equilibrium to be restored after centuries of abuse. Mother Earth weeps at the disregard humanity has for her soils, vegetation, nature and animal kingdoms. Her light is fading and she needeth the love, prayers and healing of humanity to stand strong again and bring peace, balance and harmony to every corner and nation upon thee Earth again.

We also ask of thee all to send love and healing to thee Animal Kingdom. The cruelty and disregard for these sentient beings who carry with them only true divine love and light brings us all to our knees in sorrow. I, Gabriel, trumpet in an URGENT call to thee all, BE THE VOICE for these precious ones, do not turn thine heads away in shame and horror and cast the cruelty seen from thine hearts and minds. Stand and be their voice, do not allow cruelty any longer. When enough souls stand in unity against this abuse, change will come.

Unto thee all, I bestow great love and a warrior essence to thee all from thee Almighty God, I am thee Archangel Gabriel.

For a personalised reading and information on costs you can send an e-mail to:

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Messages from the Master, are channelled conversations with Atenar, a Master Healer, Spirit Guide, personal Gate Keeper, Soul Mate ,Best Friend and Advisor I greet you all and thank you for allowing me to stand with you in the circle of light . My wish is for you to read, absorb what is meant for you and help the circle grow and shine with more light. Timing is everything. I want to talk about Universal timing, as the days rush past and new seasons are coming about autumn to winter and winter to spring where you may be, there is a perfect timing for everything, as so in your daily lives. Getting upset when things are not done when you ask, or when you expect, whether by spirit world or humans is someth7ng humans never really understand. What you need to do when irritated, angry, upset, is know, it will happen (or not) depending on many issues. First are you asking for one thing but really hoping for a lot more, which is dominant in your mind? Second, are you asking but not really expecting. Third, are you waiting on someone else to make things happen? Aneis de Vida


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So many details go into what is needed to achieve the end result for the best interest of all concerned. So basically look around you and know something is happening in the background to make things happen in perfect timing, you may not see what or when that perfect timing is, but know it to be true, it will happen when everything is in alignment for the best outcome. This message alone has been started and stopped many times over the last few days, with many interruptions and happenings in between. Life happens, and other things took precedence like having to make a trip, making other people’s lives shine brighter because of our existence for that moment in time, as our paths crossed theirs. So many impatient people who have crossed our path worried about the eventual outcome of what they needed to achieve, and yet, we had the answers they were seeking and shone light into their lives, while we waited for our time , all is good, all happens for a good reason, remember this message as you go about your days ahead. In love and light ATENAR

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April 2015

Sharing some photos of Ella and her kittens that Stefani Clark wrote about in her contribution this month.

Photography by Sophia Roberts

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Photography by Sophia Roberts

Photography by Sophia Roberts

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Your desires fully manifest as the flowers begin to bloom. The answer to your question will come about during the months of spring. Before that you will benefit from the blessings that your wishes have already attracted. Do not give up on your faith and give your worries to the fairies as they can see behind the scenes—that which is obscured to you, and they will make sure your wishes come true. Be open to new beginnings and dive in with a fresh start.

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

In the month of April, choose your battles wisely. There is strength in adversity, take courage and learn as you go.

Perhaps you need to take a closer look at your plans, make sure they are right for you. There does seem to be more going on behind the scene than meets the eye.

There may be a temporary standstill but do not worry. You have planted the seeds well and all is going to work out as you have wished.

You seem to be searching for something more meaningful in your life. And there is a strong desire to move on. Make your plans now.

Life is magical and you have all the resources at hand to take that leap and manifest that which you wish for.

April brings unexpected opportunities to your door. Follow your dreams, and keep your faith and positive attitude. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

This month seems to bring you contentment, and a happy home life. You have or soon will complete your immediate project successfully.

Have the courage to believe in yourself, don’t doubt what you are capable of and most importantly, do not give up.

Accept help when it is offered. You are burning the candle at both ends. There could be stress related health issues and you need to bring your life back into balance.

Are you thinking of doing charity work? April brings the ideal opportunity. Open your heart to all that which is around you.

Be yourself. This is vitally important for this month. There could be a temporary standstill but look at the positive in your life and make your plans.

Be aware of the pitfalls that conflict with others may bring. You seem to have competing goals and you need to pay attention to details.

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12. WHAT RIVER FLOWS THROUGH ROME? 13. HOW MANY DAYS ARE THEIR IN LENT? 14. WHAT IS JANUARYS’BIRTHSTONE? 15. WHAT WEIGHS 5500 BILLION, BILLION TONS? 16. WHICH CITY FELL TO THE WOODEN HORSE? 17. WHAT IS THE PSALM NUMBER OF ‘’THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD”? 18. WHAT MAMMAL CAN NOT JUMP? 19. WHAT IS THE ZODIACAL SYMBOL FOR SAGITTARIUS? 20. HOW MANY NAILS IN A STANDARD HORSE SHOE? 21. WHERE IS BRITAINS LARGEST BELL? 22. WHICH IS THE ONLY HOST COUNTRY NOT TO WIN GOLD AT ITS OWN SUMMER OLYMPICS? 23. WHAT IS THE PRIMARY COLOUR WITH THE SHORTEST NAME? 24. WHAT DOES THE WORLD ‘’POLLO’’ ON A MENU IN ROME MEAN? 25. WHO WAS THE GREEK GODDESS OF LOVE? Answers: 1. Amsterdam, 2. Quinto, 3. Tortoise, 4. Rome, 5. Andes, 6. Right, 7. Mars, 8. Teddy Bear, 9. 5ft 10, 10. Lake Victoria, 11. Black, Green, Red, 12. Tiger, 13. 40, 14. Garnet, 15. Earth, 16. Troy, 1 7. Psalm 23, 18. Elephant, 19. Archer, 20. 8, 21. St Pauls Cathedral, 22. Canada, 23. Red, 24. Chicken, 25. Aphrodite

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April 2015

Wikipedia defines guilt as follows: Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse. Here is an excerpt from a published post in Enlightened Living in 2008 by Michael J Formica Guilt is an attachment to judgment. So, who's judging you? Mom? Dad? Sister Mary Ignatius? That is a question that, in the postmodern world at least, is right up there with ‘Who am I?" and "Why are we here"? A good friend of mine is fond of saying, "My tribe (she was raised Jewish) invented guilt, your tribe (I was raised Roman Catholic) perfected it." Well, with the punishing Jehovah and the Holy See, respectively, looking over your shoulder at every turn, what would you expect? And let's not forget the redoubtable Allah ("One among you who knows Allah best is the one who fears Him most..." - Muhammed). So what's the deal? Western culture is founded primarily upon an Abrahamic (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) ethic. One of the primary tenets of each of these traditions is that if you didn't start out having done something wrong, you are gearing up to do something wrong, or you have already done something wrong and you're going to get punished for it. Here, we find the genesis of guilt. Guilt is first and foremost an emotion and therefore an internal state of feeling. Aneis de Vida


April 2015

The majority of people feel guilt about something or another at some point in their lives. Each person’s conscience defines the amount of guilt felt or absorbed for that which he or she has wronged another person. There are those who sensitive guilty feelings or emotions, and others who may have no feelings of guilt no matter what harm may have been inflicted. There are 5 types of guilt criteria. -

Guilt for something which you did. This is probably the most likely reason for guilt and surrounds what harm you caused others be that physical or psychological. You could have broken your own ethics code, either by saying or doing something which you were determined never to do. It is the correct emotion to feel guilt when you have done something which is wrong.


The guilty feeling when you wanted to do something but did not do it. It will not help you to beat yourself up over something which can no longer be changed or undone. If you are feeling guilty of having wanted to do something which perhaps never even took place (more in the manner of committing an offence) you remained on the moral high ground, and therefore your reasoning guilt may best be discussed with someone who is trained in assisting you clear your negative thought patterns toward yourself for even thinking along the lines of which you did.


Feeling guilty over something which you THINK you have done. Cognitive theories on emotions tell us that most of our unhappiness is due to our own irrational thought patterns. Be aware that before you accuse yourself of having done something ‘’wrong’’, make sure you actually did and that it is not a preconceived notion on your part.


‘’I have not done enough’’ is often the most soul destroying as it plays out in your subconscious, meaning you re-play all the events or times you could have done something differently or aided more. This feeling of guilt will tire you out and with fatigue comes more guilt and more sleepless nights.


You feel you have succeeded where someone else has not. The guilt of having survived a traumatic situation when the other person did not.

Life cannot be lived guilt-free but it can be kept in manageable boundaries. Interestingly enough guilt can help you gain a greater understanding of yourself. However, if not harnessed guilt can become a destructive emotion, eroding you of your own selfworth and focusing on the ‘’what if’’, and time cannot be turned back, it can only be taken forward. Use guilt to build yourself up not destroy yourself.

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Last month when we left Betsy with the ‘gang’ (the goats and geese), they had wandered back down the slope. After seeing the Beagles & hearing about the rescues. They had so much information to process. What was their future?

Soon as it was daylight, Betsy and Jetsy set off to collect the ‘gang’ together (Hippy, Skippy, Hoppy, Jumpy and Bumpy, Winky, Binky, Windy and Bunky) Betsy got them all shushed, said “ let us go find Mrs Jen and ask her “ so off they waddled, trotted and skipped.

They stopped to say hello to the Chickens. Then they stopped off to watch the tractor ploughing the field, guessing what was going to be planted.

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Then they stopped off at the dam to watch the Monkeys cavort and play. As the Monkeys were wild, they didn’t want to frighten them, so hid behind the trees and bushes to watch them. After a while they realised the day was passing very quickly. So off they set again to see Mrs Jen.

Coming up to the back door, the lovely aroma of fresh bread baking in the oven wafted out over them, making them all very hungry. So each of them put their best smiles on as they approached the back door. Mrs Jen was busy kneading some dough for the next batch of loaves. Looking up she smiled so broadly, so happy to see the ‘children’ of the Barnyard at her door.

Mrs Jen quickly danced over to the loaves that had already cooled. Mrs Jen said “come on in, make yourselves at home” so Betsy and the ‘gang’ entered the kitchen, being careful not to stand on each other’s ‘feet’.

Mrs Jen quickly cut up a few loaves into bite size chunks for the ‘gang’. They each took gently, making sure they didn’t spill crumbs onto the spotless floor. Hoppy and Bumpy made a terrible mess which Mrs Jen quickly swept up. Mrs Jen went to the refrigerator taking out loads of fruit and vegetables. With the speed of a top chef she quickly cut everything up laying it out on a big tray. Mrs Jen called the ‘gang’ outside to get into the fresh air as the kitchen was very hot indeed.

“Now, my Little Darlings” Mrs Jen said “To what do I owe this pleasurable visit”? As she could see they were all very anxious about something. Mrs Jen watched them eat the food nicely, when they were finished eating, lifted the tray up onto the table.

Betsy finally plucked up the courage and asked “We saw all those people with their cars, talking a lot. Are we safe”? Then Betsy quickly ducked behind Jetsy as she was afraid of the answer.

Mrs Jen looked at each one slowly, nodding and smiling at them. Mrs Jen then drew in a long breath. Held it for a few seconds. Slowly Mrs Jen let her breath out and said “You do know that your parents and your grandparents were all rescues”. Mrs Jen paused. Then Mrs Jen asked the ‘gang’, “Do you understand what the word rescue means”? You see, “Rescued Animals regardless of what breed they are, breed as in Piglets, Goats, Geese, Chickens, Dogs, Primates those being of the Ape Family” means saved and they will be safe. Safe to live in their forever homes till the Good Lord takes them home to Heaven. Heaven is where all good people and Animals go. The rescued Animals that we cannot look after here at the Barnyard, are taken to Sanctuaries and Shelters where they are cared for till they can go back to their original homes. Some come from India, others from Africa, some from the USA or even as far afield as the Jungles of the World”.

Mrs Jen could see the ‘gang’ were settling down and were paying very close attention. “The Beagle dogs you saw, who are not looking too healthy. They will be moved to a Veterinary Hospital where they will be cared for with all the love and devotion possible. Once they are well again, they will go onto forever homes. Humans, or people like me and Farmer Ben will care for them, love them and feed them good nourishing food. Speaking of food, would you like some more”? The ‘gang’ were so excited when they heard the word MORE, they started making a huge ruckus – noise. Mrs Jen got up, with the ‘gang’ following her, and went back into the kitchen. First Mrs Jen checked on the breads to see if they were nearly ready. She then went to the fridge, getting taking out more fruit and vegetables. Mrs Jen rinsed the big tray, then neatly placed all the cut up fruits and vegetables onto it. Then Mrs Jen cut up some more bread. Taking the tray outside, Mrs Jen got a huge tub from the side of the kitchen, filling that up at the tap, she placed it where each one of the ‘gang’ could have a fresh drink of water.

Betsy not only had a full tummy, but a heart full of gladness. Mrs Jen is the best Human in the whole world. Off the ‘gang’ went looking for mischief at the Barnyard.

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April 2015

Why Choose the Dogmatters Natural Raw Food Diet? Alleviates itchy skin conditions Stabilizes weight Increased mobility in arthritic dogs Reduces tartar build-up and improves breath Significantly reduces stool volume and odour An all-round strengthened immune system More environmentally friendly Contact Barbara who will assist you with any questions you may have.

Barbara de Souza KZN Distributor E-Mail: Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Mazarat Rescue Kennels in Waterfall Durban South Africa. The history of Mazarat started nearly 40 years ago when Anne Carkeek originally built the kennels to board her own dogs and those of visiting friends. Not until quite recently did rescued cats and dogs make a major feature at Mazarat. It is now about 2 years since Roy Fox too over the running and managing of Mazarat Rescue Kennels. When he started there, the running costs exceeded the income due to various factors. He was well aware that there were several rescue organisations who did not have their own kennelling facilities and made them the offer of kennelling on their behalf at the lowest possible rate. This was killing two birds with one stone so to speak. Helping them, and in the same breath generating albeit a very small income for Mazarat. Through word of mouth, it became known that Mazarat was willing to assist at a low cost in looking after animals. The down side to this was that those who fell on hard times also brought their animals to Roy/Mazarat promising to pay as and when they could. Unfortunately more often than not they vanished off the face of the earth leaving Roy to find new homes for those in his care and also no payment for the costs incurred. Mazarat Rescue Kennels is making a name for itself in the Upper Highway area of Kwazulu Natal. It is known for being a NO KILL shelter, striving to make each animals life as comfortable and loving as possible whilst in their care. For Roy himself, even though he is always emotionally attached to each animal there, the mere fact that, that individual animal has at last found a forever home, is enough to make the heartache turn to joy.

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April 2015

Buddha means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened One’. Siddhartha Gautama was a Prince, heir to the throne. He married at 16, yet despite all this, he felt trapped amidst the luxury and opulence. He realised that life is subject to old age and death. He also realised that worldly possessions cannot bring the ultimate happiness that people crave. Siddhartha renounced all his worldly possessions, unprecedented in history. Leaving with just the robe he had on, taking refuge in caves and the forest, on his search for the truth.

Six years he lived this way, fasting, spending time in meditation, torturing his body to free his mind. The path to self-enlightenment.

The Buddha became the embodiment of all the virtues that he preached. He had a successful ministry for 45 years. Buddha translated all is words into actions. He felt that religion was not a contractual agreement between a divinity and man, rather a way to enlightenment.

Buddha means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened One’. Siddhartha Gautama was a Prince, heir to the throne. He married at 16, yet despite all this, he felt trapped amidst the luxury and opulence. He realised that life is subject to old age and death. He also realised that worldly possessions cannot bring the ultimate happiness that people crave. Siddhartha renounced all his worldly possessions, unprecedented in history. Leaving with just the robe he had on, taking refuge in caves and the forest, on his search for the truth.

Six years he lived this way, fasting, spending time in meditation, torturing his body to free his mind. The path to self-enlightenment.

The Buddha became the embodiment of all the virtues that he preached. He had a successful ministry for 45 years. Buddha translated all his words into actions. He felt that religion was not a contractual agreement between a divinity and man, rather a way to enlightenment.

The Eightfold Path consists of the following 8 factors Right speech Sila

Right action


Right Livelihood

Right effort Samadhi

Right mindfulness

Mental Culture

Right concentration

Right understanding Paħħa Aneis de Vida

Wisdom 94

April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

Aneis de Vida


April 2015

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