SE21 January 2024

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Issue 206 - January 2024 In this issue The only Community Magazine for Dulwich Village & West Dulwich Established 2006

What’s On Dulwich Hamlet FC Garden Talk Education News Fitness Tips Pets Corner Dulwich Charity Lunch The Last Word

- P6 - P10 - P12 - P14 - P16 - P20 - P30 - P32

Local Events | News | Community News | Local Businesses | Features |

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Welcome to SE21 Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a lovely festive period and have enjoyed time with your family. As usual I have rounded up all the great events taking place in and around Dulwich. The events pages start on page 6. January is proving to be a busy month for events, so we have a fabulous seven pages of online and in person events happening in and around Dulwich. Please do check any event before turning up to make sure that they are still going ahead. Remember to check out too as many events get added after I have gone to print. You can often find out more details online too. New this month is Malika Tezcan who is a life coach. Malika has written about How to Make Those Resolutions Last on page 26. Last month saw the 22nd Dulwich Charity lunch which I organised to raise much-needed funds for Link Age Southwark. The lunch was very well attended and we raised a fantastic amount for the charity. Please do take a look on pages 30 & 31 to see how we got on. The Last Word goes to Lizzie Summerskill is the Marketing Manager at JAGS Sports Club and Dulwich Festival Find out more on page 32. Until next time.

Angela Angela Burgess Head of All Things Community SE Magazines/Around Dulwich

Contents Welcome ..................................................................... 3 Events Calendar.......................................................... 4 What’s On................................6, 8, 9, 18, 19, 24 & 25 Dulwich Hamlet FC.................................................... 10 Garden Talk ............................................................. 12 Education News....................................................... 14 Fitness Tips............................................................... 16 Pets Corner................................................................ 20


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If you would like to advertise in our next issue, you can download our rates from our website any time. Or if you prefer, give me a call!

Financial Matters ..................................................... 22 How to Make Those Resolutions Last...................... 26 Link Age Southwark Volunteers Needed.................. 28 Children’s Activities.................................................. 28 Dulwich Charity Lunch......................................30 & 31 The Last Word .......................................................... 32 Index ........................................................................ 34

February Deadline - 15 January (please allow an extra two days if design is required) To advertise in SE21 please contact Angela Burgess on 020 8693 9040 or e-mail: for further information. You can download our media pack from our website: Printed by Stephens & George Ltd ©SE Magazines Ltd All rights reserved. No reproduction can be made without permission. “This Publication is manufactured from (ECF) Elemental Chlorine Free pulp; sourced from certified or well managed forests and plantations, printed using vegetable based inks” “The fibres in this paper can be used up to a further seven times in the production of recycled paper. Please recycle this publication when it’s usefulness has been exhausted” Front cover image © SE21 - January 2024 | 3

Events Calendar - January 2024 Monday

1st New Year’s Day



2nd Weekly Online Breathing Class p6. Honor Oak WI, see p6. Dulwich Park Runners see p8. Dulwich Pubs 1860 to 1960 with Ian McInnes, see p6.

9th Weekly Online Breathing Class p6. Dulwich Park Runners see p8.







Goose Green Coffee Mornings, see p8.

BNI Adventures, Networking, see p8.

Zoom Portraiture @ Dulwich Art Group, see p8.

The Thursday Ceilidh see p9.

Lewisham Underwater Hockey, see p9. Live Band Karaoke see p9.




Goose Green Coffee Mornings, see p8.

BNI Adventures, Networking, see p8.

Zoom Portraiture @ Dulwich Art Group, see p8.

The Thursday Ceilidh see p9.

Quiz Night at the EDWI, see p19.

The Music of Ephiphany with Patrick Craig, p24.



Goose Green BNI Adventures, Coffee Mornings, Networking, see p8. see p8. Zoom Portraiture Dulwich Park @ Dulwich Art The Thursday Runners see p8. Group, see p8. Ceilidh see p9. Dulwich U3A Monthly Curator Talk: REBEL: Meeting p25. Designing a Fashion Exhibition p25. Weekly Online Breathing Class p6.

Dulwich WI, see pagen24.




Weekly Online Breathing Class p6.

Goose Green Coffee Mornings, see p8.

Dulwich Park Runners see p8.


Zoom Portraiture @ Dulwich Art Group, see p8.



Weekly Online Breathing Class p6.

Goose Green Coffee Mornings, see p8.

Dulwich Park Runners see p8.

Zoom Portraiture @ Dulwich Art Group, see p8.

25th BNI Adventures, Networking, see p8. Supporting the Dyslexic Learner, see p25. The Thursday Ceilidh see p9.




Lewisham Underwater Hockey, see p9.





parkruns, see p18.

Weekly Horniman Market see p19.

January Sales Indoor Pop-up Market p18. Junior parkruns, see p19. Print Workshop @ Bell House p18.



parkruns, see p18.

Weekly Horniman Market see p19.

January Sales Indoor Pop-up Market p18.

Junior parkruns, see p19. Singaround, p24.




parkruns, see p18.

Weekly Horniman Market see p19.

Lewisham Underwater Hockey, see p9.

Junior parkruns, see p19.




Lewisham Underwater Hockey, see p9.

parkruns, see p18.

Weekly Horniman Market see p19. Junior parkruns, see p19.

Alasdair Roberts, Jacken Elswyth, Nick Granata @ The Ivy House see p25.




Forthcoming Events Further details where available can be found in the News and Events pages 6, 8, 9, 18, 19, 24 & 25. Please read as not all the events can fit on the calendar! 4 | SE21 - January 2024

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SE21 - January 2024 | 5

What's On - January Tuesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 January: Weekly Online Breathing Class

Tuesday 2 January: Honor Oak WI 7.30pm

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Stanstead Lodge Cafe SE23 1DD Honoroak_WI

Join me every Tuesday at 7pm for a 40-minute breathing and relaxation class. Unwind, centre yourself and use the breath to help relax and prepare for a restful evening. Using different breathing techniques that can be incorporated into your day along with a few gentle mat-based stretches and ending with Yoga Nidra a full body guided meditation for deep relaxation. All welcome. No experience is needed. £7 To join please use the link below: meditation-open-level-kerry-flower

Tuesday 2 January: Dulwich Pubs 1860 to 1960 with Ian McInnes

Tuesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 January: Life Drawing & Painting 7pm – 8pm

This is an online drawing & painting session conducted via Zoom. Long pose life painting and drawing. A single pose held for three hours with 5-minute model breaks every 25 minutes. This class will be run by Freya Tate, a wonderful artist with a sharp eye and a playful line. The session will be life model focused but Freya will introduce chaotic elements to challenge you and move your drawing on to higher levels. The Dulwich Art Group & School. 6 | SE21 - January 2024

8pm - 9pm. Before 1860 East Dulwich had two pubs. By the end of the East Dulwich housing boom in the 1880s, there were nearly 20 together with two beer houses and a similar number of beer shops and off-licenses. Pubs were not only for drinking and socialising they were also entertainment, community and sporting centres. Many licensees were interesting characters. as were some of their customers. And, unlike many other parts of London, almost all the buildings are still standing, most still used as pubs - though now run by boutique pub companies rather than large breweries or pub proprietors. Local historian Ian McInnes explores their history in this online talk. Bell House Dulwich, 27 College Road SE21 7BG. Tickets: 8 | @laurastephensid Please visit our website to see our recent projects.

DULWICH - LONDON SE21 - January 2024 | 7

What's On - January Tuesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 January: DPR Social Runs

7:30pm – 8:30pm. Trevor Bailey Clubhouse, Dulwich Common. Fantastic local running club. Social runs every Tuesday 7.30pm at Trevor Bailey Sports Ground on the south circular. Plus runs every Sunday morning; coached sessions on Thursdays; cross country races; competitions; weekends away; frequent social activities. Come along on a Tuesday to try us out! For more information and to enquire go to:

Wednesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 January: Zoom Portraiture @ Dulwich Art Group & School

2pm – 5pm. This is now a hybrid session with 15 artists allowed into the studio and cameras for artists attending through Zoom. Paint a clothed model with a focus on the portrait over two three-hour sessions. We give you a wide view and a closer portrait view so you can work out the framing for yourself. The model will at times be engaged in conversation in order to bring some animation to the face. wednesday-afternoon-zoom-portr 8 | SE21 - January 2024

Wednesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 January: Goose Green Coffee Morning

11am - 12:30pm. Do drop in to the first Goose Green Coffee Morning of 2024. All are welcome to join us for coffee, tea, cake and chat! Location: St John The Evangelist, East Dulwich, 62A East Dulwich Road, Dulwich, SE22 9AT.

Thursdays 4, 11, 18 & 25 January: BNI Adventures

6:30am – 8:30am. Part of the award winning multi-national networking organisation, BNI, Adventurers brings together businesses local to Dulwich with the aim of passing business and keeping money in the local community. Givers gain, and members of Adventurers have excelled at both over the last 12 months. Now back in person this as exciting time for the chapter. Breakfast included. Free parking. Get referrals: boost your business! Please contact Hayley on 07843 989728 for more information. Dulwich & Sydenham Golf Club, Grange Lane, College Road, Dulwich, SE21 7LH. Register at:

What's On - January Thursdays 4, 11, 18 & 25 January: The Thursday Ceilidh at St Barnabas Parish Hall 8pm-10pm. Do you like dancing but don’t want to spend hours learning routines before you can actually dance? Are you single and feel you won’t have a chance to dance without a partner? Do you enjoy dancing but worry about joining a new group and whether it will be right for you? Do you love Ceilidhs? If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions then The Dulwich Dance Club is just right for you. It's warm and friendly and welcoming. The Dulwich Folk Dance Club promotes English country dancing which is very inclusive. It's not line dancing but dancing that has come naturally throughout the centuries. And it has no awkward or difficult, artificial body stances to worry about! You can join in the dancing immediately and as much as you like throughout the evening. This is because all dances are first practiced and then the moves "called” as a reminder while we are dancing to the music. Beginners or experienced, single or partnered, nobody needs to sit out as we all partner each other. It's very satisfying to complete a dance. And making friends is easy. As a bonus, the hall is lovely, spacious and airy, so particularly great in these virus aware times. 4th: Get the New Year off to a fantastic start with our dance caller Philip Barber. 11th: Caller is Les Wallace. 18th: Caller is Sue Hastings 25th: Our caller will be Jane celebrating Burns Night tonight with haggis an' all in an American supper. ULEZ. Please note, the Club’s Hall lies within the Ultra Low Emission Zone but not within the Congestion Charge Zone. ENQUIRIES: John Blase: 020 8693 2873 / Wendy Newall: 07821 089861 / Entrance on door £5 (£4 Club members) St Barnabas Parish Hall. 23 Dulwich Village, Dulwich, SE21 7BT. Entrance to the Hall is in Gilkes Place. Free street parking. Nearest train station is North Dulwich. Bus P4.

Friday 5 January: Live Band Karaoke

7pm -1 1pm. Reckon you've got the swagger of Jagger? Well, this is your moment. Belt out classics from Dolly Parton to Dizzee Rascal, live on stage, backed by a stunning 5-piece band, in front of a supportive crowd. Lyrics are provided on a screen, and our compere will be on stage with you to add those critical BVs or keep things on track... Pick from over 350 tunes from all genres. Sign up to sing at the venue, then keep an eye on the 'up next' screen. See Instagram for a taste of what's in store. The Ivy House, 40 Stuart Road, London SE15 3BE.

Fridays 5, 12, 19 & 26 January: Lewisham Underwater Hockey Club

7:30pm – 9pm. Try out underwater hockey at Forest Hill pools every Friday evening. We’re a mixed ability club who play for fun and exercise. Complete beginners welcome - we’ll ease you in gently and have kit you can borrow. See the link to our website to learn more. Location: Forest Hill Pools, Dartmouth Road, SE23 3HZ SE21 - January 2024 | 9


Dulwich Hamlet FC

@DulwichHamletFC @dhstorg | | @DulwichHamletFC

A very Happy New Year from The Hamlet! After the festive fixtures our teams have a jampacked January ahead of them, to propel us into the year. Throughout the month there are a whopping fourteen games for you to enjoy, home and away. For the Men’s side it’s a particularly busy time, with three home matches and three away. At Champion Hill we’ll host Hashtag United on Saturday 6th; then Haringey Borough on Saturday 27th, and Wingate & Finchley under the lights on Tuesday 30th. On the road the Men travel to Chatham Town on New Year’s Day; to Hastings United on Saturday 13th; and to Potters Bar Town on Saturday 20th. For the Women’s First XI, pushing hard to reach the top of the table, still competing in three cup competitions and scoring goals galore, there are home games against Ashford United on Sunday 7th in the League Cup; and against high-flying Dartford on Sunday 14th – a real crunch clash in the league. The Women travel to take on Tottenham Hotspur Academy in the Capital Women’s Cup on Sunday 21st and to Ebbsfleet United on Sunday 28th. If that wasn’t enough, our own high-flying Women’s Reserves are looking to stay top of the pile with home games against Actonians and Ashmount Leigh this month; plus a trip to face 10 | SE21 - January 2024

Fulham in the League Cup and, to complete the fourteen fixtures, to Denham United in the league. To keep up to date with all the fixture news head to or our social media channels. It all adds up to plenty of opportunities to get down to Champion Hill and enjoy what’s on offer, on and off the pitch. Whether you’re never been before or just dipped in, why not make it a resolution to come along and support your local teams. Off the pitch we’re proud of the work the club and its supporters do within our community, including recently collecting winter coats in partnership with Wrap Up London, and supporting the King’s College Hospital Charity and The Albrighton Centre through the Club’s Christmas Appeal. We were also proud to continue to be part of the Rainbow Laces campaign last month, having been the first non-league club to sign up for it nine years ago. There’s always a warm welcome at Champion Hill, great bars indoor and out, and the Supporters’ Trust is on hand on match days to answer any questions you have. You’ll find us in the pink ‘n’ blue Mega Container or Shed behind the goal near the main turnstiles. And if you’re not already a member, why not make another resolution to join the Supporters’ Trust. The Trust is the voice of our fans and works to secure our long-term future at the heart of East Dulwich. To find out more visit or come and have a chat. Forward The Hamlet!

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SE21 - January 2024 | 11

Winter’s Star Performers Garden Talk with Janine Winlaw | Instagram @janinewinlaw Whether it’s attractive bark, shiny berries or a splash of colour, there are lots of plants to add winter interest to your garden….

Beautiful Bark Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Grayswood Ghost’ has brilliant white bark, which glows out in soft wintery light. It’s lovely as a multi-stem and fab underplanted with snowdrops and crocuses. Prunus serrula is another winter showstopper with shiny mahogany bark striped with lenticels. Parrotia persica can be grown as a wonderfully sculptural multi-stemmed tree. On mature trees, the steely grey bark flakes off in patches giving interest and texture in winter. Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple) is a fairly small tree with chestnut bark that peels off to reveal cinnamon coloured wood beneath. Or for a brighter, redder bark, try Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku.’

Fabulous Flowers Clematis cirrhosa ‘Jingle Bells’ has creamy bell-like flowers and evergreen foliage from December. Or for a splash of pinky brown look out for Clematis cirrhosa var. purpurascens ‘Freckles’. Both ideally need a sheltered south-facing wall. Cyclamen coum are delicate hardy cyclamen with tiny pink flowers and silvery leaves (December to March) that make a gorgeous carpet under deciduous shrubs and trees with ferns and snowdrops. Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ flowers as early as December – perfect for those too impatient to wait until spring for their daffs. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’ is a shrub that makes a winter focal point with its delicate golden orange scented thread-like petals on bare stems from Dec and March. Great for bringing into the house for a scented flower display. Winter flowering daphnes such as Daphne odora with its delicate clusters of pale pink flowers will give you a lift on a cold day and Edgeworthia, closely related to daphnes, has clusters of scented yellow flowers on bare stems in winter, for some serious wow factor! Winter-scented viburnum such as V. bodnantense 12 | SE21 - January 2024

and closely-related Viburnum farreri both have clusters of sweet-smelling flowers on bare stems.

Stunning Stems Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ (Dogwood), with its brilliant coral stems in winter makes a wonderful display in a largish group. I also like Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’ which has pretty variegated leaves in summer. Intersperse with gleaming olive stemmed Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ for more impact or underplant with crocus or bright evergreen grasses such as Carex ‘Evergold’. Prune at least some of the stems hard back each year as young stems produce the colour. Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ (contorted hazel) has curling stems and catkins that make a lovely focal point in a winter garden.

Beguiling Berries Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ has clusters of amazing purple/pink berries, which cling to bare branches - bringing a serious wow factor to the garden in winter. Nandina domestica is an upright airy shrub with spectacular clusters of bright red berries in the winter against purplish leaves. Ilex aquifolium ‘J.C.van Tol’ is an almost spineless self-fertile holly so has guaranteed bright red berries on dark into winter - or until the birds get at them! Rosa rugosa roses such as Roseraie de l’Hay are tough useful roses with big red hips into winter. Alternatively R. moyesiii has long orange hips and Rosa glauca is striking with purple grey foliage and red hips – all bringing jolly cheer in the gloomy winter months.


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SE21 - January 2024 | 13

New Beginnings Education News From Alleyn's |

Resolving to Support School Sustainability in the Coming Year


ustainability is becoming an integral part of our daily lives, and it is no surprise that many schools are actively working to integrate sustainability into every aspect of school life. As students become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of our daily choices, schools are striving to align their practices with the principles they teach about reducing negative impacts on the environment. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in reinforcing sustainability practices learned at school. It’s important to discover and support the sustainability programmes and initiatives happening at your child’s school. Here are some practical ideas on how you can actively participate in or drive the eco-friendly initiatives at your school:


Encourage the reuse and recycling of school uniforms within the school community. Participate in uniform drives or clothes swaps organized by the school. Consider donating outgrown uniforms, and if they are worn out, explore options for recycling through school-installed bins, local councils, or stores that accept used clothing for recycling.


The holiday season can bring new electronic gadgets and devices. Responsibly dispose of old electronic gadgets by participating in e-waste recycling programmes. This is an opportunity to contribute to digital inclusion in your community. Charities such as Community TechAid, have partnered with schools to recycle e-waste, preventing harmful waste from entering landfills and giving new life to unwanted electronics.


Make choices that minimize the environmental impact of food consumption. Check the school’s food program for ideas on healthy and sustainable eating. Emphasise seasonal produce, source 14 | SE21 - January 2024

locally when possible, and incorporate more meat-free options into your meals. Consider adopting sustainable eating habits, participating in Veganuary might be a good place to start.


Encourage or support student gardening initiatives at the school. Many schools have set aside student maintained green spaces or potted gardens. Growing plants not only enhances the school environment but also serves as a hands-on way to teach students about sustainability and the importance of nurturing the natural world and building a connection with where their food comes from.


Stay informed about sustainability initiatives led by the school and actively participate in them. This could involve joining or supporting ecoclubs, volunteering for tree-planting events, or contributing to other projects that demonstrate a commitment to a greener environment. Research consistently shows the growing importance of environmental commitment for young people. Studies indicate that today’s youth are more environmentally conscious than ever, with surveys revealing that a significant percentage of students prioritise sustainability and expect institutions, including schools, to take meaningful action in promoting eco-friendly practices. This underscores the significance of aligning educational institutions with sustainable values to meet the expectations and aspirations of the younger generation.

Christopher Christoforou Sustainability Coordinator, Alleyn’s School


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08/12/2023 SE21 - January 2024 11:41 | 15

Focus on Performance

Fitness tips with Leanne Spencer |

Focus On Performance Not Perfection I’d like to tell you a little story. Some years ago, I went to a show on London’s South Bank called Circa. It’s an acrobatic show and these athletes were doing the most extraordinary things. Balancing on one arm, doing jumps on stilts. I mean, incredible stuff. Sitting there in the audience close to the front row, I had a really clear view of the action. What stood out for me was that despite these people doing the most extraordinary things, their bodies varied quite a bit. Some were tall, some were short, some are incredibly cut. There was lots of muscular definition and others less so, but they were all incredibly strong. All of them were able to do all the stunts and all the tricks. Literally carrying the bodyweight of another, perhaps larger athlete on their shoulders whilst they were standing on one leg.

Performance Over Perfection What stood out for me was what these guys valued was performance over perfection. None of them were striving to get cut abdominals or bulging quadricep muscles. They were only focused on whether they could perform those stunts safely and with some degree of longevity, twice a day, 10 times a week. I wonder how much we, as agile business athletes, value performance over perfection? Are we chasing this notion of perfection and that we need to do everything, we need to appear a certain way, we need to perform a certain way? Or are 16 | SE21 - January 2024

we just focused on doing what we can achieve, for example, on delivering something that is good enough? On making ourselves happy and not worrying so much about external validation.

Seeking Internal Validation, Not External If we were able to make that mind shift into really focusing on performance, not perfection life could be significantly better for ourselves. I invite you to look at that in your own life. If you like, take the Circa analogy, are you looking for a chiselled appearance or are you just focusing on where that body can take you? The journey it can take you on. The experiences you can have with it, the connection you can form. Or are you focused on maybe the aesthetics? You can apply that to any aspect of life, to physical training, to your work, to the connection you have in your social environments, to the hobbies that you do. You can apply it to absolutely everything.

High-Achieving People and Burnout One thing I do know about high-achieving people, we do tend to get very caught up in this notion of perfectionism. And I think it can be a bit of a hiding to nothing and take you down that route to burnout. One of the commonalities of people who have burnout is that they very often described themselves as perfectionists. Let’s call ourselves performance-ists, if you like, I’m focused on what we can do with our minds and our bodies and not so much what they look like.



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What's On - January Saturday 6 & 13 January: January Sales Indoor Pop-Up Market in West Norwood

11am-5pm. It's a New Year and we are excited to be hosting our pop-up market in the heart of West Norwood again. An opportunity for small businesses to come together under one roof to sell old stock. As a trader myself I have so much stock to get rid of. A lovely venue with a great atmosphere and lovely vibes. If you sell art. fashion, pre loved items, children’s wear, jewellery etc please get in touch via email at We are always looking for independent traders to showcase their amazing gems and unique pieces. Please note this is for traders who will be displaying for sale signs and want to get rid of old stock. West Norwood Picturehouse, 1-7 Norwood High Street, Norwood, SE27 9JU.

Saturday 6 January: Print Workshop: Handprint Thank You Cards & A Frameable New Year's Resolutions Print

2pm-5pm. Come start the year in our new Print Room & Bindery using our historic 1880’s Albion printing press and Adana vintage hand presses to create a dozen THANK YOU cards with matching envelopes, using our historic wooden and metal type, to send to all those lovely people who gave you presents PLUS create a frameable inspiring New Year Resolutions print to keep you on track throughout 2024! ALL MATERIALS INCLUDED – NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Bell House Dulwich, 27 College Road, SE21 7BG.

Saturdays 6, 13, 20 & 27 January: Parkrun 9am - 10am Dulwich Parkrun Free, weekly timed 5k run, jog, or walk in Dulwich Park. Every Saturday at 9am promptly starting from Queen Mary’s Gate. Register once and bring your printed barcode (can be used at any parkrun across the world). First-timers briefing at 8.50am.

Peckham Rye Park Run Peckham Rye parkrun is a 3-lap anti clockwise course, entirely on

tarmac is mainly flat and therefore a potential PB course. The start & finish are located close to the Colyton Road entrance of the park. This scenic course takes you over 2 bridges along the pond keeping the black metal fence on your left before turning right running past the bowling green and around the oval gardens. Peckham Rye Park, Colyton Road SE15 4JR /

18 | SE21 - January 2024

What's On - January Sunday 7, 14, 21 & 28 January: Horniman Market

Sundays 7, 14, 21 & 28 January: Junior Parkrun

10am – 3pm. Located on the Bandstand Terrace, you will find stalls selling seasonal fruit and vegetables, artisan bread and cheese, organic meat, and delicious street food.

A free, weekly, timed run for 4–14-year-olds, to get fit, stay healthy and have fun! We run 2km every Sunday morning at 9am, through rain and shine. The course is visible, well-marshalled, and all held on the paths around the sports pitches. Peckham Rye Park, Colyton Road, SE22 0NE.

Peckham Rye - 9am - 9:30am

Brockwell Park - 9am - 9:30am

A free 2km fun run for 4–14-year-olds every Sunday in Brockwell Park. Just register on to get a barcode and meet behind the lido at 8:55 for a briefing. Come rain or shine, Easter, or Christmas we meet every week. Brockwell Park, Dulwich Road SE24 0PA.

If that’s not enough to have you feeling like our overstuffed walrus, we also have regular guest traders specialising in treats such as luxury chocolates, delightful drinks, irresistible cakes, and tasty pickles and preserves. Alongside food stalls, you’ll find body care, clothing, jewellery, design and craft; most are locally produced, ethical and many use environmentally friendly materials, natural and organic ingredients. Horniman Museum, 100 London Road, Forest Hill, SE23 3PQ.

For listings contact:

Wednesday 10 January: Quiz Night at the EDWI 7:30pm – 9:30pm. We are delighted to welcome Peter Hillyard again for our January 2024 Quiz night. Peter is a charming quizmaster and has challenged our brain cells for many years with his quizzes. We are looking forward to start the year with a great quiz night with prizes to be won. The East Dulwich WI welcomes guests to this event, first time guests attend for free, returning guests pay a fee of £5. We welcome new members, member ship for the year April'2023 to March 2024 when joining in January 2024 is £11.50. Please email at: The Castle Pub - Upstairs Function room, 280 Crystal Palace Road, East Dulwich, SE22 9JH. SE21 - January 2024 | 19


New Year New Puppy Pets Corner with Leonie St Clair |


t’s 2024 and many of you will be welcoming a new puppy into your life and looking for tips on the best way forward. First of all, don’t delay, book into a reputable training class as soon as you can. Positive training will help you bond with your pup, establishing clear communication and boundaries. With very young pups focus first on socialisation and housetraining and then separation training- but be sure you know what all these terms mean. The following are just the headlines for the new puppy owner. Ensure you join a good class or have one to one sessions with a qualified trainer. Daily structure. Have a strict daily regime, with short bursts of play, training, feeding and lots of sleep. The habit of switching off and resting should be instilled early and resting pups should be left well alone. A crate or den, with a blanket thrown over to block light and noise, may help create the right conditions for rest. Socialisation. This is all about carefully introducing your pup to ‘life’ and new things, teaching him to accept them without fear. It is not about letting your pup run wild with other dogs in the park, though learning about other dogs is vital. Novel experiences may range from people in sunglasses to children, traffic noise, and even household appliances. A good breeder will start the socialisation process in the nest, but this will be ongoing for the first few years of your new dog’s life. Read up about socialisation and seek advice. Go carefully, don’t overwhelm your pup with new things, give him time to process and adapt. Separation. Young pups have no concept of being alone, this is alien and scary for them. A puppy pen is a great way to start separation training. You’ll teach the pup he cannot shadow you all the time and that you always return even if you disappear for a few seconds. Slowly build up the time your pup is left alone in one part of the house before you venture outside the house. Ensure your pup is sleepy and ready to snooze before separation periods. Leave him with a nice chew or stuffed Kong. First nights. Over those first nights, don’t be tempted to let your pup ‘cry it out’ some pups get through this; others are traumatised. Your pup needs to know he is safe so sleep downstairs near

20 | SE21 - January 2024

his ‘place’ and over time increase the distance you sleep from him, or start him sleeping near your bed and increase that distance as he learns he is a safe. Housetraining. Let your pup out to toilet every two hours from early morning to last thing at night. At this age the undeveloped bladder and brain is still learning to ‘hold’. The more he goes outside, the more he’ll want to go outside. Clean any accidents with an enzymatic cleaner, so he does not mess in the same place again. Limit where he can go in the house, unless you are there to supervise. A puppy pen will help. Chewing. Ensure your pup has lots to chew, this helps with teething, calming and sleep. There are lots of good chews on the market and a decent local pet shop will advise. Pups with nothing to chew will chow down on the first thing to handincluding you and your kids! Playbiting. All pups go through a nippy phase. This is not aggression, it is how they play with each other in the litter, but needle-sharp puppy teeth hurt. Teach your pup early that teeth on human skin or clothing is forbidden- unless ever so gentle. The posh name for this process is bite inhibition. Make sure you learn about it. Any good training class or behaviourist will show you how. On lead exercise. New owners may overestimate how much exercise a pup needs and attempts to tire him with route marches fail, producing an overstimulated, hyper-stressed monster. 5 minutes on the lead, twice a day, for every month of life, is a good rule of thumb. Brain work and interactive play is better than endless free running. In the first few months view walking on lead as training and play as exercise.

Hi, I’m Tommy Rooney, owner of T Rooney Heating Limited, a family run gas and heating company. I was born and raised in Dulwich and have worked in the local area within the gas industry for over 10 years. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

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08/12/2023 SE21 - January 202411:38 | 21

Financial Matters

With David Frederick FCCA | Marcus Bishop Associates |

Side Hustles New Measures 2024


he upheaval that will be experienced by UK digital platforms and the respective users for their side hustle from 1st January 2024, according to HMRC, “ a new measure and does not amend any current law.” The big question is what is the new measure and whom will it affect? Let’s address this in reverse order. HMRC has reported, this measure will affect digital platforms in the UK that facilitate the provision of services or the sale of goods by UK or other taxpayers. The measure will also affect UK taxpayers, including individuals and companies, who provide services or sell goods on digital platforms. Digital platforms include apps and websites which facilitate the provision of goods and services such as the provision of taxi and private hire services, food delivery services, freelance work and the letting of short-term accommodation. A selection of the side hustles that may find they are affected by the measures are the following: • food delivery workers using apps; • those using digital marketplaces like Etsy to sell items; • users of platforms like Fiverr; • landlords offering short-term lets via Airbnb; and • private hire drivers using Uber and/or other apps. The new measure from 1st January 2024, is UK platforms will have to collect and verify specific information of their users, collate and report it to enable the seller to be identified and matched with data HMRC holds. They will have to identify the residency of the seller and the jurisdiction in which a property is located. Data, including bank account information if the platform holds that information, will be collected and provided to HMRC. Whilst collectively these may seem major new measures, the identity of clients and their residency is a common requirement for many

22 | SE21 - January 2024

businesses offering professional services. Therefore, HMRC are seeking to align online and off-line business transactions. However, the significant shift is the sharing of bank information of platform sellers. It is no surprise that HMRC provides the following explanation. “Customer experience for these sellers is expected to improve as they will receive a copy of the information that has been submitted to a tax authority. This should help them to declare the right income and may make complying with their tax obligations easier.” At present if your side hustle is below £1,000 per fiscal year, that income is deemed as a taxfree trading allowance. The application of this new measure may well capture some sellers below £1,000pa. However, for other side hustlers the new measure may just be beneficial as you will have conformation of your annual side hustle income without the uncertainty of what did I earn last year. Anyone concerned about HMRC and their bank account, this is not new and HMRC can already gain access if so desired. So perhaps 2024, may be the opportunity for an increasing number of taxpayers to fully comply with their tax obligation. Despite all the perceived merits for this new measure, it begs the question, is the pursuance of side hustlers the biggest fish in the pond for HMRC to improve their income tax collection? If HMRC believes it is, one may question, how will their specialist team of 24 experts handle all the income reported from digital platforms? HMRC is investing £39.9 million to crack down on individuals who fail to report their side hustle income accurately. It will be interesting to learn of the results after key milestones, year one, year three and year five; and an assessment of whether taxpayers are getting a respectful business rate of return on HMRC investment. Nevertheless, in the meantime all side hustlers not yet registered with HMRC, you may find it easier to just register in advance rather than convince yourself your income will be below £1,000pa. Many in the past have played this form of Russian roulette and found that they have come to a painful end after several years.

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SE21 - January 2024 | 23

What's On - January Thursday 11 January: The Music of Epiphany – Gifts & Stars with Patrick Craig

8pm - 9pm. Epiphany is a feast of abundance and transformations, set in the very dead of winter. There is much wonderful music to illustrate this; the lecture will feature works by Palestrina, Byrd, Mendelssohn and Britten. It will plunder the worlds of art and poetry to portray this rich array of stars, camels and gold. As well as focusing on the visit of the Wise Men and the extravagant gifts they bring, the lecture considers Jesus’ baptism and his first miracle at the Wedding at Cana. TS Eliot’s beloved poem The Journey of the Magi leads us to reflect on the dreams and journeys that also feature in St Matthew’s gospel. Lecturer: Patrick Craig James Allen's Girls' School Sixth Form Centre, Green Dale, Dulwich, SE22 8TG. The programme lectures can be found on:

Monday 15 January: Dulwich WI Monthly Meeting

7:30pm – 9:30pm. Launched in 2018, the Dulwich WI is a supportive and stimulating group for women of all ages and backgrounds. We meet once a month at 57 North Cross Road, SE22 9ET. We would love to meet you and look forward to welcoming you to our group. Kix Bar + Kitchen, 57 North Cross Road, East Dulwich, SE22 9ET. More information:

Sunday 14 January: The Goose is Out! Singaround at The Ivy House 7pm - 10:30pm If you like singing, come to our Singaround! It consists of people – or sometimes small groups of people – taking it in turns to sing a song. We welcome listeners too! Our Singarounds are very informal and participative. We don't use the stage and we don't use mics. You can sing whatever you like - any genre, any language. You don't have to be a "good singer" - just wanting to sing is good enough for us. Everybody is welcome, including those who have never sung in front of other people before. £5 on the door (cash or BACS only, sorry). The Ivy House, 40 Stuart Road, London SE15 3BE 24 | SE21 - January 2024

What's On - January Tuesday 16th January: U3A Dulwich Monthly Meeting 2pm for 2.15pm. Sam Taylor of the London Wildlife Trust will speak on Sydenham Hill Wood and its history (postponed from 27 June 2023). Herne Hill Baptist Church, Half Moon Lane, Herne Hill, SE24 9HU.

Wednesday, 17 January:

Curator Talk: REBEL: Designing a Fashion Exhibition 7pm-8pm

REBEL: 30 Years of London Fashion is a landmark exhibition at the Design Museum in Kensington, closing on 11 February 2024. Developed in collaboration with the British Fashion Council (BFC), it celebrates the 30th anniversary of the BFC’s NEWGEN programme, an initiative that supports the best emerging fashion design talent. The show features nearly 100 innovative fashion looks from ground-breaking debut and early collections, many of which have entered pop-culture history, and launched global design careers. About the Speaker: Rebecca Lewin, Senior Curator at the Design Museum, will discuss the development of the exhibition, from discovering Björk’s infamous swan dress to researching club posters from the 90s. Tickets are £5 per person. Book tickets on: Bell House Dulwich, 27 College Road, SE21 7BG

Thursday 25 January: Supporting the Dyslexic Learner: Diagnosis & Access 11am – 12:30pm. Children with dyslexia may learn differently from you. We will cover how to recognise different learning profiles, multisensory learning, age-appropriate reading matter and tools, note taking, mind mapping, making numeracy more visual and how to gather evidence that a child needs help and support. Book tickets on Bell House Dulwich, 27 College Road, SE24 9HB

Friday 26 January: Alasdair Roberts, Jacken Elswyth, Nick Granata

7pm – 11pm. Innovative singer, songwriter and guitarist Alasdair Roberts makes a welcome return to the Goose. Expect a mix of his own evocative songs and fresh interpretations of traditional songs and ballads. Jacken Elswyth investigates drone, ambience and improvisation on her banjo. Nick Granata is a multiinstrumentalist with a dramatic and elegant singing style. £15 advance, £17 on the door (if still available. Cash or BACS only). For lots more information about the artists, the evening and the Goose, and to buy tickets, please see our website The Ivy House, 40 Stuart Rd, Nunhead SE15 3BE.

For listings contact: SE21 - January 2024 | 25

How To Make Those Resolutions Last Creating Enduring Change January, just like September, has always been a time associated with fresh starts and new beginnings. Change is hard for everyone- we are hard wired to keep doing the same things even if this isn’t always good for us. With up to 80% of new year resolutions failing here are some tips to create sustainable change.

Set Achievable Milestones The key to setting achievable goals is making them small and manageable. It’s still so dark and cold, so go easy on yourself: nature chooses to hibernate now for good reason! We want to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zone or routine, but still do something we can stick to. You’ll feel pleased when you reach the first milestone and more likely to build on this. Lasting change is made up of lots of small stages rather than anything dramatic. Rather than taking out a new gym membership, say “I’ll start to walk more or run round the block.” Instead of abstaining from alcohol completely could you try for a couple of days mid-week. Rather than embarking on a drastic diet, add some more vegetables and reduce some processed foods.

Hacks To Change Habits Have a think about what will make your goals easier to achieve. Leave your yoga matt out somewhere you need to step over it so it’s harder to avoid stretching for 10 minutes. If you want to be more conscious with your phone use leave your phone in the other room while you watch TV or sleep and remove notifications from your home screen. Support is hugely important – can you enlist a friend to take on a challenge with you, or at least share your intention with someone close? Keeping track in some way helps us to see what we have achieved so far. Celebrate every win: feeling good about ourselves increases motivation.

We Can Make Time For The Things That Really Matter Time is often quoted as the biggest barrier to making positive changes, but it can be very illuminating to check in on the screen time in your 26 | SE21 - January 2024

phone settings. Bear in mind 15 mins is enough to do a quick fitness routine on You Tube or read a few pages of a book.

Progress Over Perfection Remember it’s important to practice selfcompassion when things don’t go according to plan. Sticking to habits means getting back on track when you inevitably come off course, and remembering a little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing. If you can’t do what you planned, then do something to keep what you are trying to build alive. If you didn’t meditate for 20 minutes in the morning, try 3 minutes of deep breathing in the evening. Plan for obstacles: if you can’t do your work out because the kids are ill, take a 15 min walk instead. Aim for 80-90% success rate rather than 100%. We don’t have control in life, but we do have the choice to make small changes that we can build on to move our lives in a positive direction. Malika Tezcan, Life Coach

Come & try our range of beautiful pianos Playing piano is fun for all the family! Also helps your child get ahead at school. Pianolobby is in SE London & we are experts in matching people to their ideal upright piano. Please call Julian on 020 3645 3930 or email: |

Creative Design & Craftmanship

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SE21 - January 2024 | 27

Volunteer Drivers Needed


or 30 years, Link Age Southwark has eased loneliness and reduced social isolation for local older people and those living with a diagnosis of dementia. Today, they urgently need more volunteer drivers like Mark. Every Thursday, he collects four older women, from very different backgrounds, driving them to and from singing sessions run by the charity. “I enjoy listening to them chat when I’m driving them. Hearing about their lives and families is fascinating – they may have limited mobility now, but one of them told me that at 18 she’d been a long jump champion! They seem to really appreciate the interaction – they’ll ask about my sons, my dogs – it’s lovely to just be me. I retired last year from a very highpressure career where I was constantly ‘on call’. I wanted to explore other aspects of what I can bring to the world. Link Age Southwark needed drivers. I have a roomy car, and it was an opportunity to give my

brain a rest, whilst hopefully making a difference. Being a volunteer driver makes me feel good: you’re taking time – listening and being there for others.” To find out more about becoming a Link Age Southwark volunteer, contact 020 8299 2623; or visit:

BabyBallet The award winning movement to music, dance & singing programme for boys and girls from 6 months upwards run with a fun, safe and caring environment. Classes in Dulwich. Call Stephanie 07809 148348 |

Boppin Bunnies Interactive Music class for under 5’s led by professional musicians. Monday mornings 9:30am, 10:15am & 11am. Punk Me Up Ceramics Cafe. 34 East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AX

HartBeeps Mondays at Christ Church, 263 Barry Road, East Dulwich, SE22 0JT. Mondays 10am Happy House, 11.15am Baby Beeps & 12.30pm Baby Bells..

Little Superhero Training Practice your Superhero moves! Discover Superhero fun facts! Any Little Heroes, Boys and Girls aged 2 - 5, Come along for a FREE taster session. Mondays & Fridays (term time only) St Barnabas Parish Hall, 23 Dulwich Village, SE21 7BT. Contact Lucy 07813 791757 | 28 | SE21 - January 2024

Lucy Sparkles Outstanding music, drama and dance classes and parties for young children. Fun classes where children engage with singing, movement and live music whilst enhancing learning through developing physical, emotional and intellectual skills. Tues, Weds & Fri classes for different age groups/themes. | 07929 784 719

Mini Athletics (SE London) Winning the gold medal for children’s sports classes! Start your child’s fantastic journey in athletic development, designed for toddlers up to children of 7 years old. All through a fun play-based format. To try us out, contact Sam: 07811787153 |

Sunday Spot Free, artist-led workshops for families at South London Gallery, 65-67 Peckham Road SE5, on the last Sunday of every month. For children aged 5–12 years with their parents & carers. Pre-booking advisable.


get fit, have fun, meet people


Would you like access to top-class activities without the commitment and up front cost of membership? Re gist With the Activity Access Card, you can pay-as-you-go for Spin Classes, Exercise Classes er to and Racket Sports at Dulwich College Sports Club tria day l s for a Registration free of charge with this advert wi m FR See our website for enrolment details and T&C’s. EE SE21 - January 2024 | 29


The Dulwich Charity Lunch

The Dulwich Charity Lunch, held in December last year, raised a fabulous £2,400 for Link Age Southwark. The lunch, now in its 22nd year, is held every December and is a fantastic way for local businessmen and women to meet up and get into the festive spirit. We were back at The Lordship where they kindly closed the pub for the event. 61 locals got together and had a great Christmas party. The organisers enjoyed great support from local businesses who donated prizes for the raffle and came along and enjoyed the day.

30 | SE21 - January 2024

Dulwich Charity Lunch 2023

A BIG THANK YOU TO: AA Graphics, Alcander, Amphlett Lissimore, ArtDog, The Clipper, Daint Interiors, Destress Digital, Dulwich Reflexology, Fish Needs Water, Franklins Pub, Glade Financial, Greg Horton, Harvey & Wheeler, Hello Social, The Illusioneer, Kix Bar & Kitchen, The Little Clipper, The Lordship Pub, Mac Support, Poetic Endings, Portrayed Photography, Romeo Jones, Roy Brooks, SE Magazines, Sartoria Lab, The Soul Nurturer, Stephen Shillito Design, Suzanne James Catering, Therapy, Tidylicious, Toni Horton, Village Blinds, the ED Women’s Institute, and Yoga with Michele.

SE21 - January 2024 | 31

The Last Word with Lizzie Summerskill Coffee or tea? I’m slightly biased but I’d opt for an oat flat white at Copper Beech Café next to JAGS Sports Club…

Where’s your favourite place to walk? I have two dogs so I walk a lot in this area. I absolutely love Dulwich Park – the best days are when it’s pouring with rain and the only other people you’ll see are dog walkers and runners. I also think Nunhead Cemetery is such a gem. There’s some speculation about whether Jack the Ripper could be buried there, and I recently found the grave in question…

When I want to relax...

Lizzie Summerskill is the Marketing Manager at JAGS Sports Club and Dulwich Festival. An avid fan of art and community, she volunteers at Dulwich Picture Gallery, has run youth groups for Southwark Woodcraft Folk, chaired the PTA at Bessemer Grange and set up Play Out on her road.

How long have you lived in the area? I moved to the area from Portsmouth with a group of friends and my boyfriend (now husband) in 2002, hoping for better things! I didn’t ever expect to still be here 22 years later, with a 15- and 11-year-old, but feel so deeply rooted, I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

The one thing you couldn’t do without? One of the main reasons I could never leave London is that I’m an art addict and love food from all over the world.

Do you know your neighbours? Yes! We have a road WhatsApp, which sprung up just before Covid and is always being used for recommendations, lending and borrowing. My neighbours are my extended pantry!

What is your favourite place to eat? I absolutely love Forza Win in Peckham. Best views of London, relaxed atmosphere and extremely delicious food. 32 | SE21 - January 2024

At JAGS, I have access to brilliant classes and facilities and have found exercise to be the best antidote to my busy mind. During the Covid period, my brother and I started exploring London by bike on Sunday mornings, before most people get up. We found so many brilliant bike trails and have loved early morning visits to Brick Lane, Hyde Park, Richmond Park, Regents Park, Regents Canal and several outdoor swimming spots across London, including London Fields, Charlton Lido and Beckenham Place Park. I’m not sure you can beat Brockwell Lido for outside swimming, though, (and JAGS, of course, has the best indoor pool!).

The book I’m reading at the moment.. This year at Dulwich Festival, I saw so many interesting talks with authors. Since then, I’ve really enjoyed reading Calub Azumah Nelson’s book ‘Small Worlds’ and Will Gompertz ‘See what you’re missing’. I recently finished an MA in History of Art and was very excited to read Kay Hessels ‘The Story of Art Without Men’, a long-overdue perspective!

My perfect holiday.. We were lucky enough to experience our perfect holiday this year when we visited Japan. We travelled to Hakone, Tokyo, Osaka, Naoshima and Kyoto and it was just the most wonderful experience, which I’ll cherish forever more. Last year, we travelled by train up to Scotland on the Caledonian Sleeper and visited an island called Eilean Shona. We were completely off grid for a week, and it was the most refreshing holiday I’ve ever had!

Visit our school set in the heart of Dulwich at our upcoming open morning

Whole School Open Morning Tuesday 23 January 2024 Find out more and book at Dulwich, London, SE21 8HZ SE21 - January 2024 | 33

Index of Advertisers AIMS Accountants for Business ................................13 Alleyn’s Junior School: Open Events..........................21 Alleyn’s School: Open Events.....................................27 Ayrton Windows & Doors.............................................2 Bespoke Windows .....................................................29 The Dovetail Joint ......................................................27 Dulwich Carpet Company .........................................35 Dulwich College The Sports Club...............................29 Elly Allen Curtains & Blinds.......................................17 Extra Mile Atheletes...................................................15 Healthy Taliz: Physio for Dogs....................................27 Herne Hill School..........................................................5 Home Instead Senior Care ....................................Back JAGS Sports Club ........................................................11 Laura Stephens Interior Design....................................7

Mac Support ..............................................................23 Malika Tezcan Coaching.............................................11 Mandarin Chinese Tuition, Charles Collins................13 Mac Support ..............................................................23 Malika Tezcan Coaching.............................................11 Mandarin Chinese Tuition, Charles Collins................11 Mills Mediation..........................................................15 Pianolobby..................................................................27 Right at Home: Trusted Care & Companionship........23 Rightio Plumbers........................................................23 Robert Cox French Polishing......................................21 Rosemead Prepatory School: Open Morning.............33 SS PC Repairs ............................................................11 T Rooney Heating.......................................................21 Tessa Parkikian Garden Design .................................13

If you contact any of our advertisers, please do say you saw them in SE21. Thank you!

Next Issue - February | Copy Deadline - 15 January

If you would like to advertise in our next issue (or SE22 and SE23), you can download our rates from our website or just get in touch with Angela on 020 8693 9040. 34 | SE21 - January 2024

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