December 2011

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Helensburgh & District


Volume 1 #11


Council Says ‘No’ To Major Residential In 2508 Few issues ever raised for local Government in the Northern Illawarra could eclipse the 7(d) land debate for intensity and longevity. Since the early 1980s there has been a push to develop around 500 new residential house lots in the Land Pooling area and Lady Carrington Estate (South), despite multiple warnings from Council urging prospective buyers to exercise caution, noting the land was not zoned for residential use. Wollongong City Council (WCC) met on November 28 to vote on whether to progress the recommendations of the previous Administrators for these lands around Helensburgh and Otford, or amend the zoning proposals and recommence a new public exhibition process. The outcome of that meeting was a resounding ‘no’ to large scale residential development for Helensburgh and Otford. Councillor Janice Kershaw noted Helensburgh was a “special place” with Councillors agreeing safety for the town in a bushfire threat was a major concern.

The unanimous Council vote against allowing development on the sections of environmentally sensitive land at Lady Carrington Estate and the Land Pooling precint, will come as a blow to some land owners. A week earlier at a Community Information Session held at the Helensburgh Public School hall, the Councillors listened to affected landowners and residents concerned at the implications a new housing development would have on 1500ha of water catchment land and the adjoining National Park. Heading the speakers list at the Helensburgh Information Session was Sylvania Waters resident Alan O’Toole, who claimed to represent 200 7(d) landowners. Mr O’Toole criticised the development opposition and said conservationists were “hiding” behind a website, describing the efforts to block development as “un-Australian” and “anti-progress”. Continued on page 3

Locals Lead Convoy For Kids Page 7

Carols In The ‘Burgh Page 17 Local Fashion Pages 14 & 15

Helensburgh & District Herald 1



DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ Disclaimer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald ABN: 13 877 135 184 Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1-7 10 - 11 8 - 9, 27, 37 - 39 26 12 - 18 23 28 - 29 online 29 - 36 40 - 44

Property Solutions


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NEWS From page 1 The decision will be welcomed by the National Parks Association (NPA), Secretary Gary Schoer (NSW Branch) who said at the Helensburgh Information Session; “NPA believes that the strongest possible zonation protections for these lands should be maintained, with at least the levels of protection related to lot size and times of purchase that occurred prior to the development of the new LEP.” However, it’s not all good news for conservationists with Labour and Liberal Councillors calling for a section of Walker Street to be zoned IN2 Light Industrial. Local environmentalist Natasha Watson said she was appalled Council would “reward a company that has deliberately cleared high conservation land and flouted planning laws with an industrial zoning!” further adding, “What kind of message does that send to law abiding rate payers and honest developers?” Council has provided recommendations on all 12 precincts in Helensburgh, Otford and Stanwell Tops. All recommendations will form draft Planning Proposals which will be sent to

the Department of Planning and Infrastructure for determination [approval] to go to public exhibition. When Council receives this approval, Council will place the draft Planning Proposals on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. This is likely to occur in early 2012.

Wollongong City Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery addresses the Helensburgh Information Session

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Helensburgh & District Herald 3



Sydney Catchment Authority - Caught Between Rocks And A Hard Place By Gina Krohn The Planning Assessment Commission’s (PAC) recommendation in November for an 11th coal seam gas (CSG) exploration bore (known as AI19) on Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) Special Area land astonished and outraged Illawarra and southern Sydney residents who believe that the Special Area land should remain just that. The new bore is located in the immediate catchment area of the Waratah Rivulet in the Woronora Special Area. Already suffering from the effects of longwall mining, the Waratah Rivulet is an important source of water for the Woronora Reservoir. It supplies up to 50% of the water flowing into the reservoir in dry times and dry times will increase with climate change. The SCA was established by an Act of Parliament in 1998 to be the consent authority for any proposed activity on the key water catchment lands for Greater Sydney and as such, it should be able to veto any proposal it determines has the potential to have adverse impacts on these Special Areas. It seems, however, that NSW legislation and Government policy leave the SCA with no real authority to carry out its statutory role. The Department of Planning recommended that the PAC approve AI19 knowing that the SCA opposed the new bore proposal. At a public PAC meeting in Helensburgh in October, seventeen community representatives spoke against AI19. No one spoke in favour of the new bore. Nonetheless the PAC felt it had no legally viable alternative other than to recommend AI19. That leaves the SCA in a very difficult position, hemmed in by a pro-mining Government and Department of Planning, current NSW legislation and the lingering shadow of the now repealed Part 3A legislation. In a meeting with environmentalists the day after the PAC report on AI19 was released, the SCA made it clear it does not want a Chinchillalike gas field running across the Special Areas. Apex, the Department of Planning and the PAC repeatedly state that AI19 is a simple modification to an exploration project, not a production project. The reality though is that the Apex exploration project is intended to map out a production gas field likely to have some 150 bores, most of which will likely be on SCA Special Area land. If the Government allows 4 Helensburgh & District Herald

AI19 to proceed, as it almost certainly will, it sends a clear signal that it is not concerned about the prospect of a gas field running across Greater Sydney’s catchments. Apex Energy N.L. Managing Director, Darren Rice has said once sampling is completed the boreholes would be cemented from bottom to surface and the sites remediated to their original condition. “Whether they guarantee remediation after the site has been drilled is irrelevant if our water quality is compromised,” said Helensburgh resident Tracey Noonan. “Apex can give all the guarantees they like; I still don’t understand why I can’t walk into the beautiful Special Areas without risking a hefty fine, but the Government thinks it’s acceptable to allow a company to clear bushland for access roads, bring in heavy equipment and drill boreholes in the same areas. It just does not make sense.” Geoscientist Dr Ann Young has cautioned that remediation would be very difficult if not impossible. The PAC did not take into consideration the increasing evidence that cement and steel casing used to plug abandoned wells have a limited lifetime. “A responsible Government committed to acting in the public interest would call an immediate halt to all CSG related activity in the Special Areas. As the Apex is supposed to be an exploration project, it’s hard to see any basis for compensation.” said Peter Turner, spokesperson for the Save Our Water Catchment Area campaign ( ). “Drinking water is a necessity and is far more important to the public than the relatively short term benefits of mining revenues.” In NSW CSG companies do not pay any royalties for the first five years of production. With the AI19 approval, Mr Turner said there is heightened urgency for the community to push back against a Government now clearly determined to allow mining and extraction from any part of NSW. “Coal seam gas mining should not be allowed in our key catchment areas, not now, not ever. Mining means risk taking. The Government should not be allowed to gamble with our precious water.” The SOWCA campaign is an initiative of NISA and is supported by other community groups. Please check the website for details.




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33rd ‘Santa Lolly Run’ For Fire Station 325

By Jim Powell, Captain of Station 325 Helensburgh Fire Station 325 will be holding their 33rd ‘Santa Lolly Run’ on Saturday December 17, 2011. Santa and his helpers are going to join the crew of 325 Station on the fire engine leaving the Fire Station at 8.45am. The first stage will cover the top end of town then they will work their way to the bottom end of town, finishing at Stanwell Tops at approx. 2.30pm. We ask parents to supervise their children by obeying the road safety rules and keeping a safe distance from the moving Fire Engine at all times. Whilst we are very conscious that children are drawn to the activity we find their enthusiasm of chasing the vehicle while in motion a dangerous activity. Station 325 officers and crew, together with Santa and his helpers wish you all a very happy Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year! 6 Helensburgh & District Herald

L to R: Warwick Erwin, Luke Thwaite, Ros Thomas, Santa, John Merritt, Greg Petty (2010)



Locals Lead the Convoy For Kids Sunday November 20 marked the 7th annual ‘i98 FM Camp Quality Convoy for Kids’ and Blackwell Bros bid their way to the front of the pack, donating a massive $18,000 to the worthy cause. This year in particular it was personal journey for the family business as on November 8, Mitchell Airey, a lifelong family friend of the Blackwell family passed away from leukaemia. Mitchell was 15 years old and had bravely battled the disease for four years. A spokesperson for the company described the loss of their friend as “nothing short of tragic.” Consequently, Blackwell Bros are dedicating this year’s Convoy to Mitchell and his family, who have contributed over $1,000 to the company’s total donation. A vast number of motorbikes and trucks converged on Westcliff Colliery (Appin) at 6.30 am and after a sizzling breakfast the bikes left Appin at around 8.15am, followed by the Convoy

of trucks from 8.30am. After passing thousands of waving admirers, the Convoy met in Albion Park for an afternoon of festivities. Last year the Convoy raised $540,000 and that figure is expected to be topped by this years efforts for Camp Quality Illawarra, and that makes a BIG difference to the lives of the kids and their families in the Illawarra dealing with cancer. Earlier that same month, the company supported the fundraising efforts of Helensburgh Community Pre School by putting in a large corporate order for their annual Cancer Council sunscreen fundraiser. Many of the Blackwell Bros employees work in the sun all day, so the company was happy to help a local preschool while at the same time, extending the cancer awareness message to all their workers. Below: Paige, Nathan and Tegan Blackwell about to lead the Convoy

Helensburgh & District Herald 7


A Cat That Talks? Puss in Boots, the famous trouble-shooting talking cat, is helping his new friend Dick Twittington get to the London Olympics. They start their journey at Krapplewnats Training Camp only to find that the other athletes have been meeting with some nasty accidents. There’s something sly afoot here… who’s at the bottom of all these terrible goings-on? Can Puss and Dick save the day and get to London? Or will they suffer the same fate as the other athletes and find themselves off on a stretcher? To find out the answer to these and many other silly questions, come to SPAT’s (Stanwell Park

8 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Arts Theatre) annual Christmas pantomime. A whole bunch of fun for the family, Puss in Boots – an Olympic Tale, is to be staged at Stanwell Park CWA Hall, 1 The Drive, Stanwell Park. The dates are (Saturday, 3 December at 2pm) Friday, 9 December at 7.30pm, Saturday 10 December at 7.30 and Sunday, 11 December at 4pm. A talented and enthusiastic cast working with director Mark Rylander has been rehearsing for months. Production is in the capable hands of Cameron Campbell, Wayne Turner and Rebecca Barrow. The script was especially written for SPAT by Cameron Sharp. SPAT is proud of its tradition of fostering talent, and providing a worthwhile activity for the district’s young and not-so-young people. Ticket prices — adults: $15, students and concession:$10, family (2 adults, 3 children): $45. They can be booked by phoning 4294 4060. See SPAT’s website for more info, See you there!

COMMUNITY NEWS 3 O’clock Sunset With Frejya We are about to farewell one of our home grown musicians for a brief time. Frejya Garbett of Otford has been accepted into the Berkeley College of Music in the USA, a school associated with anyone from Duke Ellington to John Mayer. Before she goes we are happy to announce that Frejya will be playing for us all one more time at the CWA Hall in Stanwell Park on Saturday December 17. Freyja will perform with two outfits she has been in recently - “3 O’clock Sunset” and “Southerly Change.” “3 O’clock Sunset” are a band out of the northern suburbs of Wollongong drawing on a range of influences, with a jazz blues rock fusion that can go anywhere from mellow ballads through jazz grooves to driving anthems. These guys bring an enthusiasm and energy that is infectious and invigorating. “Southerly Change” are one of the fastest evolving bands on the South Coast of NSW. Their versatility and music aesthetic is derived from the drummer’s training in Ghana, the keys

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD and sax players’ jazz background, the heavy blues influence of the harmonica, and the simple and subtle guitar and lyrical melodies of the band’s singer-songwriter Ben Fowler. Together they create a richly textured and dynamic musical experience. The show will be a great way to get into the party feel of the Christmas festive season so come down and give Frejya the send off she deserves on Saturday December 17. And bring ya dancin shoes!

Lions Club Wishing Tree Helensburgh Lions Club is hoping to fill lots of empty space under its Wishing Tree in the foyer of the Workers’ Club from December 1 to December 21. Recipients for our gifts will again be the Wollongong Women’s Shelters, and the Salvation Army. This year we will also be providing a small number of gifts to the Burmese refugee community in Wollongong. z Thank you in advance for your wonderful generosity and Season’s Greetings to you and yours.

Helensburgh & District Herald 9

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons - Editor. Dear Editor, My Tribute to Mitchell Airey: Mitchell was a truly remarkable boy, he was a legend. Going back four years when Mitchell was first diagnosed with leukaemia he was optimistic he was going to beat it. He went through chemo without any complaints. Not long after this I was diagnosed with high grade liposarcoma (a very rare and very aggressive cancer) of the right forearm, and due to the fact that I also have Parkinson disease, I was informed I would need to have chemo for 72 hours continuously to avoid being sick (and hopefully would keep the medications down). It was Mitchell who compared the different treatment methods and explained to me that the one I was on would cause me to lose my hair while the one he was on at the time would not send him bald. Mitchell was a caring, loving, remarkable boy, who always helped others, hoping to ease their concerns about their problems and the procedures, yet when asked “how are you Mitch” he would always smile and say “I’m OK”. You will be greatly missed and never forgotten. You have made a huge difference to so many people. You were my HERO. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love Meryl

10 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Dear Editor, About 25 years ago, the Illawarra Mercury carried front headlines about Wollongong City Council warning people against land sales in the Helensburgh district that were not zoned residential. The land still is not. But people still did buy non-residential zoned land. Their choice. No one forced them. But there are still people who attended the called by Council community meeting at Helensburgh on November 22, about opening up this land, known as the 7(d) Hacking River Protected Environment Catchment, a definite non-residential area. I was one of the speakers there. I stated I had no conflict of interest, nor was I a consultant paid for by any individual or group. I lived in Stanwell Tops. I was a film producer. I then said I had set a precedent for other speakers to state their position, etc. Some did. But most did not. One of the speakers spoke for development but neglected to say he was a local real estate agent. To me, and a lot of other people, this is a conflict of interest. But he should have stated his position. As a matter of fact, 7(d) landowners were from Sylvania Waters, Blacktown, Penshurst, mainly from outside the district. One, who is a good jousting comment writer with me online over the 7(d) even said he travelled down from Newcastle. Nice of him. He’s always been evasive online to his actual address when questioned. Some land owners stated they owned the land for 40 years. Bought for the family. But one really does wonder why they didn’t build on it then, instead of hard done places like Sylvania Waters, Cronulla and so on. I also asked why they didn’t actually buy a property in the Helensburgh footprint if they like the place so much. No one answered. Yet they maintained they wanted to raise their families in Helensburgh and really believed that their families wanted to live, work and snuff it in Helensburgh. Unfortunately some people also were named by a speaker as being apparently part of the cause of the 7(d) concerns. Not really in the best of taste but still heard by the 200 or so there.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Another land owner stated that with trees removed and houses built, this would prevent bushfires. We’ll all remember he said that. There was a deal thrown into the mixture of some land promised to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. However, it seemed to have slipped the mind of the speaker to say it was offered also back in 1994 and it was turned down by the authorities. There has been ample opportunity to offer this free land since then and it makes you wonder why it hasn’t been snatched up the NPWS to be added to the Royal National Park with the donor appearing to be very generous. This does make one ask the big question, if the donor wants to offer this, why did they buy it in the first place? Alan Bond, Stanwell Tops

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD A Thought To Our Local Council By Mary Bozzo Hey Mr Council man, what do you do when someone says “Hi mate, where is the loo?” Hang your head, feel ashamed, mumble Pub or the Club, They say “can’t do that mate – got two kids, ones a bub.” The ‘Gongs fixing the Mall up, once again. All we get up here is the wind and the rain. And the kiosk at Bald Hill – that’s this years ‘no brainer’ its been said it would look like a twin ships container. Oh come on Mr Council Man, please don’t be funny. At least try to give the ‘Burgh one decent dunny!


Lee Evans

Member for Heathcote

Contact Lee Phone: (02) 9548 0144 Fax: (02) 9548 5639 Email: Web:

Shop 10/123 Parkes Street, Helensburgh

4294 4443

Melody Innes - Principal & Licensed Real Estate Agent, dedicated to providing her personal commitment to the local area with the same honest and reliable service for all your real estate needs. If you are looking to sell, buy or rent your property then call Melody on 0410 405 008 or 4294 4443 for a no obligation consultation.

Authorised by Lee Evans MP.

Helensburgh & District Herald 11

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS The Issues Our Children Face By Terri Ayliffe of Zeality As our children grow, they go through many changes, physically, psychologically and emotionally. Adolescence is a period when young people question everything while they attempt to define their identity, their values, interests and relationships. Manoeuvring successfully through this part of life is not always easy for our young people and it can be a worrying time for us as parents. It is in all our interest that our children grow into happy, functional adults and it is all our responsibility to support them and to provide them with every opportunity to succeed. To do this however, we need to understand the issues our children face. While the world our children are growing up in is the same as the one we were born into, the influences on their development are significantly different. Our children are faced with unprecedented concerns like climate change, terrorism and the rapid advancement of technology to name but a few. The way in which we help our young people understand these issues is paramount to their development. The climate change issue and the social and economic problems that are associated with it will unfortunately be the burden of our children. To assist them we must be conscious of imparting information regarding the state of the planet in a positive way and support them to find proactive solutions. If we deliver this message in a way that incites fear we are in danger of breeding a sense of hopelessness. This will leave our children inactive and incapable of dealing with the challenges that will face them in the future. Terrorism is an issue which has been born of intolerance. The means of eradicating it is through the acceptance of differences. Our children are in a good position to solve this issue as they are exposed to, and participate in a global community via the Internet. We as parents can assist them by encouraging them to understand the similarities rather then the difference all cultures share. Perhaps of greatest significant issue is the rate of technological advancement. Our children exist in a world where they have instant access to information, can often obtain instant gratification and have access to digital media which not only allows them to consume content, it also allows 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD them to produce it. The problems they may experience on line are similar to issues that exist in our society. Cyber bullying, undesirable influences and inappropriate social content issues exist both on and off line and just as we encourage our children to make sensible choices in society so we must educate them on the pitfalls of social media. To assist our children to grow into capable and happy individuals we, as a community, need to empower our young to make sound decisions and to build their own lives, enable and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. We must work to build their resilience so they are equipped to navigate life’s challenges and we must instil in them that they have the capability to achieve, and we must provide them with a safe and supportive community in which to grow. The community is vital to our children, as a collective it should exhibit standards of behaviour, be able to nurture each child and correct wrongful behaviour. It should function as a village where all of us raise every child and where every child feels supported by the village.

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Stanwell Park Auction Saturday 3rd December at 12.30pm on site 9 The Drive

bed 3 | bath 2 | car 3 | land size 455m2

• Well constructed from brick, and fastidiously maintained inside and out • You will appreciate the design as it effortlessly flows from one split level to the next • The floors are fantastically finished in tiles & luxurious tones of mixed Australian hardwood • Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning ensures your comfort all year round • Take advantage of Stanwell Park’s relaxed yet cosmopolitan lifestyle Contact: Kane Downie 0409 969 032 [e]

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14 Helensburgh & District Herald




Stockist details over page, photos by Melanie Russell, Helensburgh & District Herald 15



Local Fashion: Stockist Details

Christmas decorations and giftware: Sunrise Nursery, 193 Princes Hwy Helensburgh Ph 4294 1307 Jewellery: Stylists own Geoffrey - I thank you kindly for your hospitality. A huge thank you to our two exquisite models, Jess and Tori.

Photos: Melanie Russell - Unicorn Studios Ph 0418 257 680 Clothing: All from Freez, 43 Walker St Helensburgh Ph 4294 4017 Shoes and bags: All from It’s a Shoe Thing, Shop 9B Walker Street, Helensburgh Ph 4294 9293 Make-up: Professional film, fashion and photographic make-up by Paula Mattock Ph 0418 566 217 Hair: By Jo Trigg from hey Beautiful Hair Salon 14a Walker Street, Helensburgh. Ph 4294 1985 Location: Wagon Wheels Country Retreat 20 – 24 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Stanwell Tops. Ph 4294 2449 or 0419 429 458

Shopping Locally This Christmas What lady would not appreciate a gift certificate for a cut, trim, foils, manicure etc? For him we have, magazine subscriptions or if he is an adventurer – why not say ‘I love you’ by suggesting he jump off Bald Hill (skydiving)? Gran could have a Woman’s Weekly subscription from Helensburgh Newsagency or an exotic plant from Sunrise Nursery. For the kids, perhaps an account at the local Credit Union with money to bank for next year’s holiday! Yes plenty of great toys, shoe vouchers, wine or dinner at the local eateries. Come on now, think outside the square and keep the money HERE!

Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes St Helensburgh

Before And After School Care Rushing to get your children to and from school? Why not leave them with our caring staff! We care for children from Helensburgh, Stanwell Park & Otford Schools.

Before School Care from 7.00 a.m. After School Care 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. Morning & Afternoon healthy snacks High Quality Accredited service Registered for Fee Relief

Phone: 0433 803 377 Email: PO Box 251 Helensburgh, NSW, 2508 16 Helensburgh & District Herald



Pets And The Summer Season

On a more serious note, tick season has begun. The season runs from spring through to autumn. Generally, the worst time for tick paralysis is in spring and early summer. Identifying ticks is not easy, there are symptoms to watch out for including weakness in the hind legs. If this is not identified early then the weakness will move to the front limbs and then the throat. Dogs will develop a gurgling, choking cough and are unable to bark properly. This is caused by paralysis of the throat, which in turn causes the dangerous effect of saliva being retained in the windpipe. Cats will have loss of appetite, vomiting or dry retching, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing and breathing. Ensure you take any of the above symptoms seriously and get your pet to a Vet, as ticks can be fatal if not detected early. If you are struggling for time and your pet or its area is in need of a spring-clean, then Karen’s Pet Care Service can happily assist! Also a BIG reminder, with Christmas just around the corner - it’s now time to arrange your holiday pet care. Our pets are part of the family and we want the very best care for them. Have one of our caring, trustworthy staff visit your home and care for your pet, they will be settled and less likely to fret by staying in their familiar surroundings. Karen’s Pet Care Service is an affordable, reliable service best for your pet. I look forward to meeting and assisting you with your pet(s). Karen’s Pet Care Service 0419 432 482 also your Biopet Organic Food Distributor. or’s Pet Care Service

Spring is over and summer is now here, but it’s never too late to get motivated and perform the spring-clean! Be inspired by the warmer weather and give your pets and their homes the springclean they are needing! Just one day of eating, sleeping, pooping and playing can be enough to produce millions of microbes which can cause disease. To fight off invisible bugs be sure to clean not only the kennel/pet area itself but everything inside: toys, food bowls and bedding. Felines are extremely thorough when it comes to their grooming routine. They spend hours each day cleaning their faces, filing their nails and maintaining their coats. However, your regular grooming helps to stimulate circulation and minimise hairballs in the stomach by removing loose hairs. No matter what your breed or mix of dog, shedding/moulting is normal and particularly common for this time of year. It’s important during this time to give your dog a regular bath and groom. It is very common for frequent scratching while moulting.

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Ph: 0407 236 630 or 4294 8898 Helensburgh & District Herald 17

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Christmas Cheer! By Alison Rowe, Child & Adult Psychologist This Christmas why not try to do something different? Don’t spend endless hours trying to find parking and dodging the crowds at the shopping centres to purchase gifts for friends and family that they probably don’t need and may not ever use. Don’t add further debts to your credit cards or create more pollution and waste. Don’t stress yourself out by worrying whether or not you purchased the perfect gift for your loved ones. Take a stance against materialism and make this world a better place. Spread some Christmas cheer. The greatest present that you can give to someone else is to create more happiness in their lives. This can be achieved by performing a few simple tasks. Showing a little bit of kindness: Kindness can be expressed in many different ways. A few words to let a person know you care or they are in your thoughts. Making a card, cooking some

FUN 4 U HELENSBURGH PTY LTD Kindergarten - Year 6 On site at HPS! Before & After School Care 7 - 9am & 2:30 - 6:30pm Vacation Care 7.30am - 6pm Our centre is Part of the CCM System! PH: 0431 099 608 PH: 0431 199 150 E: P.O. Box 367 Helensburgh 2508 18 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD goodies, a phone call, running an errand, visiting people, a child’s drawing are all inexpensive gestures but remind people that they are special. Simple things in life can have a powerful meaning for others. Suggest to friends and family that instead of giving presents, you would like to donate money to their charity of choice. Do volunteer work for the less fortunate by delivering Christmas hampers, visiting a local nursing home, working at a homeless person’s shelter or delivering meals to the poor. Invite lonely people or those who do not have family close by to partake in your celebrations to brighten up their day. “You can’t substitute material things for love or gentleness or for tenderness.” Spending quality time with the people we love: This can mean so much more than a present. Quite often we are so busy with our own lives we rarely stop to actually spend quality time with others. Devote some time to actively listening to a person’s concerns, worries or hardships. Do not hesitate to forward verbal praise, admiration for their courage, focus on their strengths and let them know why you respect or love them. Remind them about their achievements for the year and what makes them so special. Show empathy towards others and be patient with them. “Invest in the human family. Invest in people. Build a little community of those you love and who love you.” Two very simple concepts, that require very little time, energy or money to fulfil. However, either one may make a significant difference to a person’s life. In return you will also be happy. “Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to the community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” With that thought in mind may you all have a safe and meaningful Christmas and New Year! Alison has been working as a Psychologist for the last ten years and previously in a variety of welfare positions. She is passionate about making a positive difference to people’s lives and can be contacted on 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg. All quotes taken from an inspirational book: Mitch Albom: “Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson.”

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Fire Hazard Reduction: Take Charge

Blackwell Bros is holding a Bush Care Day on Saturday December 10 at 12 noon. The company noted that with so much recent rain and the usual spring growth, some of the weeds were getting out of control, “We own 50 acres of E3 bushland and we understand the importance of ongoing land maintenance” said Adam Blackwell. “We also intend to plant some native trees and ensure that the creek associated with the property is kept in pristine order” said Operations Manager Jess Hill, adding “It’s also the time of year where we need to do some fire hazard reduction by way of slashing and clearing fallen trees and other debris.” Blackwell Bros encouraged all landowners to consider taking bush fire hazard reduction steps in the coming weeks. To find out how you can best prepare your property for the bush fire season, go to www.rfs.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Nourishing News Sally-Anne Blanshard from Nourish Coaching recently ran two Career Clinics in the local area specifically; Helensburgh and Thirroul. The morning sessions were booked out with a waiting room of candidates looking for treatment with their career dilemmas. "I wanted it to be OK for people to ask for help. And they did! As expected I worked with a range of clients and am delighted to have supported them in their quest for a new job." Sal would also like to extend her thanks to the NINA office in Helensburgh and Thirroul Library who were happy to operate on a Saturday to make the event possible. If you missed your chance to have a chat with Sal you can email her: or like on Facebook: nourish coaching

Helensburgh & District Herald 19


HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Steven BENNETT, 25/12/83 - 12/11/03 We miss your smile and your laugh, we miss the way you made us smile and laugh, we miss your voice and we miss your jokes, we miss your hugs and your 'I dunno' shrugs, we miss your thoughtfulness and compassion, we miss you sleeping in and being grumpy, we miss your dance moves and the way you hogged the computer and the bathroom, we even miss your messy room and dirty socks. We miss everything about you. We miss you so much. You are always in our thoughts and hearts. Love always Mum and all your family

Congratulations to Joy and Colin Wallis on achieving their Diamond Wedding Anniversary (3/11/2011). They celebrated with close friends and relatives at their daughter Bronwyn’s’ house. Joys’ sister and Matron of Honour, June flew down from Queensland for the occasion and the day was enjoyed by all who attended. We hope that good health sees them through many more years together! Love and best wishes Bronwyn, Rod, Scott and Blake.

Engagements Nigel and Sue Arthur are very pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter Cherie, to Yarran McGeachie, eldest son of Harle and Shani McGeachie of Helensburgh. Love and congratulations to them both! We wish you every blessing for your future together.

In Memoriam Caroline ROSS, 24/12/09 In loving memory of our Mum and Nana Your life was a blessing Your memory a treasure You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure Glenn, Donna, Dylan and Ben.

20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Peter Graham TOWNSEND 13/12/93 Pete, Christmas is coming again and without you it is always a sad time. There was so much happiness when the kids were young and you were here with us. I love those boys so much as I see you in each of them and they miss you. They miss the good times with you, like the footy with a meat pie and a beer. I love you so much, Pete. You left a hole in my heart that will never heal. Loved and missed forever, Mum, Rob, Jeanette, Suzanne, Terry, Gay, Amanda, Adam, Brook, Nathan and Ele. Your grandchildren, Oliver and Lockie, you would love those beautiful kids. Marie Townsend

Call Terri

CHURCH NEWS Christmas At Holy Cross Catholic Parish Helensburgh Monday, 12th December – 7:30pm. • 2nd Rite of Reconciliation (Confession) Tuesday, 13 December – 9:15am • Anointing of the Sick at Helensburgh (during Mass) Tuesday, 13 December – 7:30pm • 2nd Rite of Reconciliation at Thirroul Saturday 24th December – 6:30pm. • Christmas Eve Mass for children (With Christmas Pageant) Sunday 25th December – Christmas Day • Mass at Stanwell Park – 8am. • Mass at Helensburgh – 9:30am. All welcome to celebrate this beautiful Feast of the birth of Jesus. May God’s peace surround you and your family this Christmas, and may God bless you in the New Year of 2012.

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

Slashing & clearing work Large area mowing


Cheap rates for local work

Ph 0429 043 295

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laid back Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church of Australia Meets at 94 Parkes Street Helensburgh, Sundays at 9.30AM 1st and 3rd of month group meetings – study and quiet time. 4th Sunday of the month, Rev Len Cliff leads Monthly bush walks. A place for friendly progressive inquiry into faith and contemporary life For more info including chapel use: or 42686748.

Helensburgh & District Herald 21



Community Works Together Northern Illawarra Neighbourhood Aid Inc (NINA) General Manager, Margaret McGarrell recently paused for a moment to thank leaders of Hope Church 2508, for their efforts in coordinating a fundraiser held in August. Lionel Rattenbury, one of the members of Hope Church 2508, is also partner at Sydney Law firm ‘Armstrong Legal’. Using this connection, Hope Church 2508 initiated a fundraiser by writing legal wills for a small donation to NINA - and a great day was had by all! NINA provided the facility while the staff from Armstrong Legal volunteered their time, along with several keen legal students from University of NSW Wales and the congregation from Hope Church 2508. To keep the volunteers and customers happy there was a sausage sizzle with sausages donated by Kevin and the boys from Helensburgh Butchery. This community cooperation made the event a complete success and over $1,300 was raised. NINA relies solely on Government funding and Margaret was delighted to receive additional funds, “we can really make a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable people in our community. The generous donation was used to provide a high tea celebrating National Meals on Wheels day for the clients that receive Meals on Wheels and those who are socially isolated” said Margaret. “One family member of a client advised us that through her mother receiving Meals on Wheels, this gave her the encouragement to attend the high tea which she enjoyed and has now commenced attending the Day-Care program, it has totally changed her life and she is now more socially active.” Pastor Daniel Zelli said of the event, “it is amazing what we can do when we all work together.”

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

NINA General Manager, Margaret McGarrell with Lionel Rattenbury and Pastor Daniel Zelli

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a local, friendly genuine Christian Church. Part of the Australian Christian Network (, Hope Church 2508 provides a local expression tailored to meet our community needs. The church meets 9:30 am every Sunday morning, at Helensburgh Public School. This is an excellent facility, recently built and has plenty of room, disabled access and is in a central location to Helensburgh. We offer a fresh and encouraging family service every Sunday, kids church and an exciting program for our youth every Friday night. We invite you to join us for a service. If you have a question, any pastoral needs or would like somebody to talk to, you can contact Daniel Zelli on 4294 2299 during the week at anytime. Join Hope Church 2508 at Helensburgh Public School Hall, 9:30 am Sunday morning, Fletcher Street, Helensburgh.

CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to the St George nurse and her husband who gave me a lift home from Helensburgh railway station after catching the late train from the city on the November 11, much appreciated. JEERS To whoever is desecrating graves in Helensburgh Cemetery. Flowers removed from graves and scattered around the ground, live plants pulled from pots and destroyed. I can only hope that something like this does not happen to you. You may be morons but I wouldn’t wish this sad feeling on anyone - Have a heart and be constructive not destructive! JEERS To the stupid fool who smashed my windscreen, in the ‘Burgh, with a large water bomb. I’m a Senior Pensioner with heart problems and no other means of transport. Luckily I was not in the car at the time. As a teenager you can’t be named, but we know who you are and what you are; a stupid, rude, idiot.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD JEERS to the lady who drives the White 4WD - SLOW DOWN! You nearly ran into me on that narrow bridge at Otford. Lucky I hate that bridge and was going slow, you certainly weren’t! JEERS To the Posties who drop elastic bands. I picked up six bands yesterday in the space of a few hundred metres at Coalcliff. Birds and lizards get tangled in them, ever heard of the words littering or recycling? Get your act together Postie! CHEERS and thank you to Phuong Ralphs of Little Lily Cakes for the very nice 21st Birthday cake. The decorations, all hand made were awesome. We are looking forward to the Christmas cake. JEERS to the person with a white Subaru spotted taking soil out of the National Park at Otford on 7/11/2011. If everyone did this we wouldn’t have a National Park!

Helensburgh & District Herald 23



Giving Cold Storage The Cold Shoulder There is a new organic fruit and vegetable home delivery service being offered in the Northern Illawarra: Northern Illawarra Organics. The brainchild behind the business is Coledale resident, Louisa Crisp, who was inspired to share the same high quality organic fruit and vegetables she came in contact with while her husband worked as ‘head juicer’ with leading organic juice brand, Parkers.

“Some of the products being marketed as ‘organic’ come from as far as Thailand and the USA and they can have different certification standards to those in Australia” said Louisa. “What we offer is different to merely marketing a product as organic - this is the real deal!” she added. The produce Louisa offers is selected from local growers only and is delivered the same day with no cold storage. Using the family’s juicing knowledge, Louisa also offers hand squeezed and sieved vegetable juices on request. For genuine certified organic fruit, vegetables, eggs, bread and milk all packaged with minimal, recyclable packaging visit Northern Illawarra Organics at email or call Louisa on 0432 081 454.

0449 518 110 By appointment only:

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Please note: offer only valid until 31st December 2011 and only one per person.

Remedial Massage can assist with neck, back, shoulder, hip pain; headaches & migraines; anxiety, stress, depression & insomnia; arthritis, tendonitis, joint pain; relief from cramp, spasm & muscle soreness; sports performance enhancement & injury management; pre and post natal care. Health fund receipts provided **HICAPS onsite processing coming soon** Credit card & EFTPOS facility. Gift vouchers available. ‘Like’ to receive news and more special offers.

24 Helensburgh & District Herald


1. Detox Blanshard, 2. Exercise more Coaching 3. Earn more After a

Sally-Anne Nourish

warm and relaxing summer the thought of returning to work can be a daunting one. Make the New Year a time to invest in a new approach to your career. Get healthy and detox. Remove the toxic things in your workplace and job and see your career shine:
 People – avoid the water filter gossip and negative chatter. This idle chatter only enhances the negativity and you end up taking on from others. 
 Get comfy with the word “NO!”
– Learn to push back and say no if your workload does not permit any more things to add to your to do list.
 Exercise more. Get your career moving in the direction you want: Study -What courses can you do to enhance your performance at work? Being able to show interest in furthering your professional development will enhance your opportunities for the future. Who knows, your employer may even have a policy in place that funds a relevant course. Personal Development –Look into a local community college course or short courses run in the area. Learning something new on a personal level will not only give you immense satisfaction and make work more enjoyable, it will also give you something else to talk about. Speak up – Start asking for what you want in your career. If you want to manage people, start showing that you have potential by nurturing junior staff and being of assistance to your Manager. If you are looking for additional responsibilities be proactive and put your hand up for any projects you can get involved in. Earn more money. Earn more responsibility and in turn that into more dollars:
 Promotion – Getting to grips with how you get a promotion will give you a head start in what you need to do to get ahead this year. Start to plan what you need to do and how you may approach a promotion. Maybe your appraisal meeting is the right environment to start suggesting how you would like to advance your career.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD If that meeting is not for a while catch up with your Manager and talk through your thoughts and ask what you need to do in order to advance early. This will also help you craft your professional development plan. Salary –Be aware of what you and your skills are worth and ensure your salary is on track. Perhaps some may need an adjustment, others preferring a pay rise to maintain motivation in their roles. You can access salary surveys from most specialist and generalist recruiters and also get a feel for how much your kind of role will be paying by looking for a similar role on job board websites and newspapers. Talk to your employer and negotiate up. Remember – aim high and be prepared to compromise or settle on a realistic figure. Redesign your resume – You never know when you may get a call from a head-hunter, recruiter or a mate that knows of a job going. Having your resume up to date will give you a head start for any new opportunities presented to you. Make sure that you are adding and updating your resume throughout the year with any new courses you have attended, achievements and new responsibilities. Sally-Anne Blanshard is the Director of Nourish Coaching. She specialises in helping people make positive progress in all aspects of their life, career and business. facebook – Nourish Coaching



Guttering & Leafguards ert Exp f o ! Ro airs Rep

Call Andrew Stein

0414 892 601 Helensburgh & District Herald 25

YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School News By Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal Helensburgh Public School 125 Year Celebrations. Next year is a significant year in the school’s historical calendar as it marks 125 years since the school first opened its doors to the Helensburgh community. Planning has already begun for this important event from 13-16th September, 2012. If you would like to support the P&C in its organisation it would be welcomed. If there is anyone in the community who would like to assist the school by loaning old photographs, memorabilia or anything of historical significance it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to parents and friends of HPS Helensburgh Public School is busy preparing for the end of the year. Many events are scheduled and all staff are busy preparing reports and classes for 2012. Please check our calendar and website for upcoming events and notices in the Helensburgh Highlights. http://www.

1st Consultation Free ! 26 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The staff and students of Helensburgh Public School would like extend their wishes to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy and safe festive season. We would like to extend our gratitude to all parents and friends that have assisted the school in some way. We really appreciate your support. It has meant that we have been able to give the students a better education and prepare them well for the future. To all our parents and friends we hope you enjoy the holidays and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. School resumes on Monday January 30 2012, for students from year 1-6. Kindergarten students have special Best Start enrolment times. Parent’s that have not yet enrolled their child for Kindergarten in 2012 at Helensburgh Public School need to do so ASAP. Please contact the school office on 4294 1332 or 4294 1050. As the year comes to a close there are many special dates that you need to add to your diary. 12th December Kindergarten 2012 meet the teacher’s day. 13th December Presentation Day. 14th December Year 6 farewell. 16th December last day of term 4. We look forward to meeting many new parents in the New Year. We wish our year 6 students and their families the very best for future years to come and a smooth and happy transition to High School. Good Luck to you all!

CLUB NEWS Fellowship of First Fleeters By Betty Warn With Christmas fast approaching, my thoughts went back to how Christmas would have been celebrated in 1789. The Colony had been settled in January 1788 but by 1789 conditions had deteriorated. Food was very scarce and rationing was severe. The flagship SIRIUS had already been dispatched to South Africa to bring back a load of flour, grain and whatever could be fitted into the ship. Within months of the First Fleet’s arrival at Sydney Cove, Governor Philip had become anxious about provisions. By 1789 the shortage was serious and already rations had been reduced. The situation was to grow worse. By 1790 the ration was so low that convicts were put to work in the mornings only. Thefts of food were seriously punished and sentences of 300 lashes were common. Imagine the joy of the Colony when SIRIUS sailed through the Heads, fully laden with food.

NEIL LYON Solicitor

Darkes Forest Asks For Help With the approval of the 16th Coal Seam Gas exploration drill hole by the Planning Assessment Commission, Darkes Forest residents are in need of assistance from specialists as they prepare for a possible legal challenge to the approval. Any experts in their respective fields that are willing to assist on a pro-bono basis in preparation or attending court as an expert witness are asked to email or write to Help Darkes Forest PO Box 155, Helensburgh 2508.



(limited time)

5 Walker Street, Helensburgh PO Box 99 Helensburgh Upstairs above the liquor shop Tel (02) 4294 2076 Fax (02) 4294 2238 Email:

In June 1790 the LADY JULIANA arrived with news of the pending arrival of the Second Fleet. This did not turn out to be good news, but at least the Colony knew they had not been forgotten by Britain. That first Christmas would have been a time of hunger and deprivation. We should be so thankful for the wonderful conditions we enjoy today. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the Fellowship of First Fleeters. Any enquiries, please phone Betty Warn on 4294 2735.


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e. Helensburgh & District Herald 27

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 OFFICE TO RENT: Helensburgh, self contained new paint new carpet Enquire 0418 162 999 MATHS AND PHYSICS TUTORING: in Helensburgh by experienced high school teacher. Call Naomi on 0429 083533. FORMAL OR WEDDING PHOTOS DISAPPOINTING? Fly away hair? Acne? Distracting objects or background. Let “Touch Me Up” do all your photo editing needs. Phone Tracey 42948303 or visit “” ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. occitania. 500 BUSINESS CARDS $98: Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. Flame Fish Designs 0403 397 751 facebook. com/flamefishdesigns LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220. BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email 28 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER: Available for Weddings, Family sessions and Celebrations or local adverting. Family photos make wonderful Christmas gift. Book your session now to avoid disappointment. Ph Terri on 0431 488 914 or email FLOURISH REMEDIAL MASSAGE CLINIC: By appointment, weekday mornings and weekends (Inc Sundays)40 mins: $50 1 hour $70 1.5hrs: $100 Health fund rebates. Call iShbel on 0449 518 110 TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. Phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652. CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced. Hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Call Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122 LAWN MAGIC *Lawn Care *Weed Control *Hedge Trimming *Waste Removal *Gutter Cleaning *Water Blasting *Garden Mulching *Planting of Plants *General Maintenance. FULLY INSURED, FREE QUOTE, CALL KYLE 0433 772 443



STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *Based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *All classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) au/taichiyogapilates WORMS: Composting/Fishing, quality fresh worms in a 250gm pack (1200 to 2400 worms) $29.00, call Bill 4294 2864, 0429 942 864 PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Wendy 0403 397 751. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies. Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 NUTRIMETICS: Christmas shopping/ pampering in your home, for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising call Jenelle 4294 2864, 0407 038 799 MINI CAR MADNESS: mobile slot car track, great for kids parties or young at heart, fetes, fundraisers, school hols fun and corporate. Ages 5-12 years. Great rates ph 4294 3494 or 0414 943 494 DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. THIS ODD LI’L SHOP Great range of products including hand-made candles and soaps using environmentally friendly ingredients, sterling silver jewellery, crystals and gemstones, hand-painted artwork, hand-knitted items and more. For enquiries, please ring Jenni 0438 741 964

USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Rojo’s Riding 4 U! Walker Street, Helensburgh • riding tuition • beginners to intermediate • ponies supplied

Robyn Johnson 0411 147 643 AUTOMOTIVE

Helensburgh Car Services Tune & Service • E Safety Checks • All Makes & Models •Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor)

4294 2930

187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508

Helensburgh & District Herald 29




MARK JONES BUILDER • New Homes • First Floor Additions • Decks & Pergolas

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CARPENTER Specialising in Decks, Pergolas, Renovations, Gyprock & Plastering, Maintenance, Ins. Work.

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Helensburgh & District Herald 31



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32 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Helensburgh & District Herald 33




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*with a paying adult



Little Lily Cakes home delivery to the 2508 area

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Phone: 0417 822 232 Helensburgh & District Herald 35



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Festival of Flight 2011

Helensburgh Toastmasters

By Carol Pugh, President CWA Stanwell Park Branch It may not have been very sunny but at least it didn't rain on our parade! Sunday November 13 turned out to be an excellent day for the Festival of Flight held on Stanwell Park reserve.

Toastmasters is an International Club divided into small sections that meet regularly to assist in addressing groups of people and also assists with leadership skills. The group also can assist you in making speeches at functions, like your child’s 21st birthday party or a wedding. The Helensburgh Toastmasters meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7.00pm at the Helensburgh Workers Club in the main auditorium. You are welcome to come along and just listen in if you like. If your job involves talking to groups of people and you want to improve your skills in delivering your message, then come along and watch some excellent public speakers in action. After you become a member (fee is a few dollars a fortnight) you are supplied with a Leadership and Communications booklet which assists you in reaching your goals. For further information, visit the Toastmasters International website on where you can view promotional videos and a lot more or email Steven at woononahotwater@bigpond. com

This is the major fund raising event of the year for the Stanwell Park Branch of the Country Women's Association (CWA). It celebrates Stanwell Park's connection with the development of flight through Lawrence Hargraves and is made possible with the support of Wollongong City Council and the local community. With over sixty stalls, fun rides, a variety of excellent music, displays and activities it was a day for all the family to enjoy. This year the event featured a flyover by the super constellation ‘Connie’, courtesy of the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society at Albion Park, thanks must go to Rob Deacon and team for organising this wonderful display. There were two raffles drawn that fitted well with the theme of the day. The CWA raffle prize of an experience on the flight simulator at Darling Harbour went to S. Moriarty of Helensburgh. Thank you to Brenda Petty for donating this prize. The "Name a Star" prize went to Eileen Field of Berowra. The proceeds from this raffle were donated to the CWA by Angela Fagerstrom and the Helensburgh Herald. Many thanks to all those who worked over the months prior to the festival and on the day to make it such a huge success.

Just south of the Parkes street And Old Princes Hwy Intersection Helensburgh & District Herald 37



U3A Stanwell Park

Helensburgh Daytime View Club

Last term we enjoyed some wonderful speakers and topics to prompt the brain to extend beyond the mundane, from human rights matters to the seven Greek wonders of the ancient world. More on that next year as we only tackled three. I have only just learnt recently that U3A doesn't have an age limit on its members or visitors, but you do need to be out of the workforce permanently or a part time worker. We will go into recess from Monday December 5 until we return on Monday February 6, 2012. All talks begin at 9.30am and 11am each Monday at Hillcrest House, 1A Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park - enter UPA village and go up the hill to the left. The following talks promise to also be of interest. Former history teacher Virginia always gives an informed presentation, Academic Pauline is presently studying capital punishment, Astrologer Jenny gives insights into our personalities, Betty's ancestor was on the floating brothel that came to Australia back in the early days of the colony and I'm sure some of our locals will have some interesting historical facts on our area. So don't miss it and of course our wonderful music program presented by music man Geoffrey Reid. TERM 1, 2012 February 6: Travels from Cancun to Canada - Des Majors February 13: More of Seven Wonders of the Ancient Greek World - Virginia Cawsey February 20: Capital Punishment in NSW from 1912 to 1939 - Pauline Curby February 27: The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living, Using Basic Astrology - Jenny Lee-Robins March 5: The Floating Brothel - Betty Warn March 12: The Adventures of the English Language (DVD) March 19: Local History Project - Combined Effort of Locals For further information phone Jenny LeeRobins on 4294 3475.

Helensburgh VIEW Club is continuing to sponsor a Primary School child through the Smith Family “Learning for Life” Program, as well as providing donations of gifts for Christmas, to be distributed where needed. Our excursions, theatre parties, the sale of books, home baking and other goods at our meetings, help our fund raising, and also we enjoy good companionship, with lunch every month. At our meeting on 15 November, our speaker was Lyn Watkins OAM, of Mission Australia, with her enthralling stories of how Mission Australia is able to aid the homeless and disadvantaged people in our society. They have, amongst other programs, a remarkable system of re-cycling which raises funds to provide shelter and care, as well as providing employment for those finding difficulty in joining the labour force in the Illawarra. Bookings close soon for “Love Never Dies” on Saturday 18 February 2012, at the Capitol Theatre, and “Annie”, Saturday 17 March 2012, at the Lyric Theatre Star City, but are still open for an “Officer and Gentleman” on Wednesday 22 August 2012 at the Lyric. For all enquiries please phone Chris 4294 1103. For new bookings or cancellations, please phone Virginia 4294 1312, by midday Friday 2 December 2011. There will be no meeting in January, and the first meeting for 2012 will be on 21 February.

The Bluegum Diary will be back in February 2012 38 Helensburgh & District Herald


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CLUB NEWS WAVES 2508 The year of 2011 is drawing to a close after a busy year of bus outings to various destinations for our members and carers plus lots of fund. Fundraising enables the committee to give our members as much social interaction as Mr Bert Russell possible and allows the support of our troops in Afghanistan by sending food and toiletry parcels. To date we have sent 150 parcels and have had positive feedback in the way of letters and personal thanks from those soldiers and their families. Approximately 30 parcels will be sent in time for Christmas, giving the troops such things as Christmas cakes, puddings and lots of Christmas-type snacks and sweets. If you know of anyone with any affiliation within the 2508 area please let our President know on 4294 2518 so we can send parcels to them in the New Year. WAVES would like to thank the Centennial Hotel Staff and Patrons for their support with our raffles. PROFILE: Herbert Charles Russell (Bert) Veteran and Member of WAVES Bert was born in west Maitland on October 8, 1918. From there he moved to Balmain to live with an Aunt. Bert was very fond of horses and the outdoor life so he moved to Cooma to work as a jackaroo. However due to the cold and a lack of jillaroos he decided to move on and join the army at the ripe old age of 21. He joined up on October 26, 1939 and was posted with 6 Division at Ingleburn. After three months training, his division left Australia in January 1940 on the first convoy ship the S.S. Orcades bound for Palestine. After months of heavy desert training, the division was moved to Egypt for more training. They were then moved on to Libya and ordered to dig in. This meant, dig foxholes in the desert for their protection against attack. It was here that they came under attack from German and Italian planes, so they were ordered to cross open desert to attack Badia. It was in this conflict that Bert was wounded in the leg. He was transferred to the Regimental Aid Post to have

wounds treated. Whilst laid up, Bert received a visit from Sir Thomas Blayney and was surprised to be told that he was being sent home. While Bert was being put on the hospital ship back to Australia, his division was sent to Syria. On arrival home, the Royal Easter Show was in progress, so the wounded troops were put into the back of trucks and paraded around the Sydney Showground. Bert was discharged from the army on January 30, 1942. From jackaroo and soldier, Bert’s life took a complete turnaround; he had become friends with another wounded soldier and was invited to work with him at the ABC, “What would I know about music? I am a jackaroo,” said Bert. However, he took up the offer and he soon became the manager and organiser of classical music concerts including the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. He travelled all over NSW and the ACT and went on to England and Europe organising some thirty or more concerts. Herbert Russell can be recognised as the distinguished gentleman coming up from Robinson Street on his motorised scooter.

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SPORT Cope With Christmas By Elaine Bolton I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas. I want to let my hair down a bit, eat lots of indulgent foods and have time to do fun things with the kids, but I hate the fact that I invariably gain weight and lose fitness. I then spend the first few weeks of the New Year regretting my lack of discipline. There have been a couple of years when I have remained disciplined, not missed a workout and even managed to lose weight, when I’ve had a big endurance event that I was training for. However, I inevitably ended up feeling like I’d missed out on important time with family and friends. So how do we find the middle ground? Here are a few strategies that can be useful at a time of year when many of us might not want to spend too much time or energy worrying over every detail of our eating and fitness regimes. 1) Appropriate use of sugary and starchy carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten at every meal (including snacks) and are the main source of carbohydrates. Simple sugars including fruit juice, table sugar, muffins, ice cream etc. should be eaten rarely if trying to lose weight and only immediately after exercise if trying to gain muscle Starchy foods such as rice, potatoes, bread and pasta should be eaten soon after exercise (within 1-2 hours if trying to lose weight) but not at other times unless preparing for a long endurance event eg. marathon.

Helensburgh Car Services

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An exercise recovery drink (containing sugars and protein) can be used during exercise if trying to lose weight, or during and after exercise if trying to gain muscle. 2) Make exercise count with short intense training sessions Great improvements can be seen in both aerobic and anaerobic fitness (longer duration and sprinting types of fitness), as well as fat loss, just by carrying out short bursts of high intensity exercise. The total time taken for this kind of workout is also less than some traditional workouts, so it’s easy to fit in at busy times of year. The exact intensity and length of each interval will be dependent on current fitness and familiarity with the exercise being carried out. As a guide, intervals for cardiovascular exercise such as running and cycling should be 1-4 mins each at the hardest intensity that can be maintained for the whole interval. The recovery time in between should be either the same as, or half as much time as the work interval (i.e. 1:1 or 1:0.5). The number of intervals you complete can be increased over a few weeks, starting with a number where all work intervals can be completed at a good intensity. Don’t forget a warm up before the intervals and cool down afterwards. Weight training is usually carried out as sets with rest periods in between so as long as the weight is relatively heavy and the workout is made up mainly of exercises that use many muscle groups (eg. Squats, Bench and Shoulder Presses, Deadlifts, Pull-ups), this kind of training will also have similar benefits. 3) Break the Rules 10% of the time Plan to break your dietary rules 10% of the time! Use these meals as a source of pleasure not stress and plan them when you want to enjoy whatever food is on offer. However, don’t pig out completely. I’m sure you already know eating meals 3-4x your normal size isn’t the way to optimum health. Remember, 10% is only 3 or 4 imperfect meals or snacks a week if you eat 5 times a day. Have a great Christmas. Elaine Bolton is co-owner of Mind the Gap Yoga and Fitness with Amber Muller. She has been a Personal Trainer for over 10 years and can be contacted at or on 0417 679 639.



Boaties Season Off To Good Start By Mark Lea, Boat Captain Helensburgh Stanwell Park Surf Club boat rowers have had a great start to their season winning two divisions at their last carnival and having four crews making the finals in the first two carnivals of the year. In the first carnival of the year - round 1 of the South Coast Boat Series held at Woonona - they had four crews competing. The two junior u/19 crews were unlucky to miss out on the final. The reserve grade and u/23 woman’s crew both made the final with the girls doing the best placing second. The carnival was held in solid 4-5 ft surf with the occasional bigger set and proved very testing for everyone. The next carnival was the Garie Dash held at Horderns Beach, Bundeena. The u/23 girls, the u/19 junior blue and u/19 junior red crews travelled over to compete against some of the Sydney-based crews as well as some from the South Coast.

The girls rowed well improving with each race and came away with three wins from their three rounds and then won the final ahead of Coogee and North Cronulla. These girls have only formed recently and have the potential to become one of the crews to beat, as they improve with each session together. The junior blue surprised everyone by also winning their three rounds and then also won the final ahead of Coogee and North Cronulla to give the boys their first taste of victory. The junior red crew also showed what they are capable of by rowing well and making the final, where they finished sixth. Both of these junior crews are made up of 16 year olds and race bigger, older, more experienced rowers in the u/19 division; these results are a reward for the hard work and effort they have put in over the last three months at training. The junior blue crew was also awarded the Monty Mutt Trophy for the best crew at the carnival. Continued over page

Helensburgh & District Herald 41

SPORT / HOROSCOPES From page 41 Helensburgh Stanwell Park has currently five crews training in the water. This is the most crews the club has had for a while and it’s been sometime since they had a junior crew, let alone two junior crews. Most of the crews started training around the end of July as we had a lot of new rowers who needed time to learn how to row. These results are a great effort since the crews have still been concentrating on endurance work at training, and haven’t yet started to do any short sprint training. The Boat Section would like to thank the support of their sponsors Peabody, Tri Clark Brothers, SADA, Walter Mining, Bucyrus, The Harp Hotel in Wollongong and Ausgrid for the help with developing these young crews. Without the help of these sponsors and other donations it would be impossible to compete against the bigger clubs. Anyone else wanting to help support these local crews is encouraged to contact either Club President Carl Williams on 0416 237 518 or Boat Captain Mark Lea on 0411 537 331.

42 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD A Moment With Danielle By Danielle Lee, Psychic Consultant Sagittarius: There is a fire in your belly that wants to explode. Instead of getting it out of your system, you are hanging on to it and it is starting to stew. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, so that you can move on. I feel you’re scared to say something, as you do not wish to hurt or humiliate anyone, but it is coming to a point where you will just blurt out your issue if you do not say it. Do not let the pressure build any more. Just do it and you will feel that burning inside you will ease with cool reflection.

SPORT An Inspirational Person On Our Doorstep By Paul Smith We often pay to read books, watch movies or see guest speakers to provide us with the inspiration we need to get more from our lives. Sometimes we forget to have a look around the local community to see inspiring examples on our doorstep. Such an example lives here in Helensburgh. He is local blind resident, Nathan JOHNSTON, who is well known around the town as a good bloke with a genuine love of life. Even if you don’t know Nathan, you have probably noticed him walking around town with his guide stick and dog. His quick 15 minute walks often take over an hour, after he stops and has a chat with the many locals he has come to know. Anyway, Nathan has taken on more challenges in his 26 years than some people do in a lifetime. Such challenges include surfing, completing the Coalcliff to Stanwell Park swim nine times as well as riding his tandem bike long distances. But perhaps his most recent challenge has been his best yet - that was the completion of the Sydney Half Marathon on September 18.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Nathan completed this run under the guidance of a couple of local has-beens in a time of just over two hours, beating home more than half the field. But it wasn’t just the run on the day. Nathan spent over three months training for the event, running three times a week along the road leading to Woronora Dam as well as regular slow jogs up and down the notorious Otford Hills. Nathan didn’t want to make a big song and dance about his efforts. To him it is just another notch in the belt and he is looking for his next challenge. But I thought his efforts might be worth a mention to the local community. Here we have a young man, who has had some decent obstacles placed in his path. Nathan has only known one way to confront these obstacles and that is headon. I haven’t known Nathan that long but long enough to know that he tackles these obstacles with two strengths: first is a commitment to a goal and the next is determination to achieve that goal. All of us, young and old, could learn a lot about life from Nathan, even if it is just those two strengths: commitment and determination. Next time you see Nathan walking the streets, stop and say hello. While you might get caught chatting for a bit, you might actually find a little of that inspiration that we are all looking for, right on your doorstep. I know I did.

Helensburgh & District Herald 43


SPORT Sunday Social Golf

points, scored a sandwich press, Craig "Kung Fu" Nicholl added a pop-corn maker to the shop he's going to open with all his prizes. It’s nearly the end of our golfing year with the last game held on December 4, with a "party, party, party" afterwards. Families were welcome to join us to eat, drink and be merry; and watch the show starring Tony Gersbach and have a good laugh. The confused golfer: Hitting the ball correctly is the most sophisticated and complex manoeuvre in all of sports, with the possible exception of eating a hot dog without getting mustard on your shirt!

By Vicki "The Hair" Little Nothing like being in it to win it! We had our major golf raffle, we thank everyone who bought a ticket and sold them. The lucky winners were Johnny Brunsden, he won a great golf bag. The mini bar fridge went to Bruce "Soccerball" Richardson, to keep his wine or whatever cool. The box of wine was snuffled up by Tony English, whom I'm sure will like that little drop of red. We finally got to have our Norm and Brenda Bell Plate final. It was played between Johnny Brunsden and Daryl Chipperfield. Daryl has a big smile on his dial, you can see it on our website, and I must say, Normy makes a great coleslaw. Our day on the course was hot and sweaty, my face was the colour of my shirt, pink! Daryl Chipper did well on 40 points (burglar) which made him the winner of the day, taking home a Ronson food processor. Rob O'Connor with 36

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