April 2011

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Helensburgh & District

HERALD www.helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

Volume 1 #3

April 2011


Anti-Social Behavior On The Rise

Incidents of anti-social behaviour from local teens are ‘on the rise’ in Helensburgh according to Sergeant Laurie Drury of the Helensburgh Police. Over the past 18 months at the Neighbourhood Forum NF.1 community meetings, residents have been receiving monthly reports of underage drunken youths targeting homes, businesses, sporting facilities and residents. Sergeant Drury noted an overall increase in the number of youths gathering at various local places since the January school holidays had ended. The individuals are reported to be generally between fifteen to twenty years of age and most of the core group are known to be ‘local’ kids, with a small number of youths visiting from out of area. The Helensburgh Police Station is manned during ‘peak’ times, however the nature of some serious incidents can take Police attention away from the emerging youth ‘hot spots’.

Helensburgh Village Markets Are Coming! Page 6

Alcohol-related injuries account for at least 10% and 20% of all injuries in people over 16 to 18 years of age. Alcohol consumption as an adolescent or young adult is also associated with physical injury, risky sexual behaviour, adverse behavioural patterns and academic failure. (National Health and Medical Research Council ‘Australian alcohol guidelines for low-risk drinking’, 2007[draft]). Sadly, binge drinking in young people is on the rise and one teenager a week dies of alcohol abuse. “It is about time parents started to take responsibility for their kids rather than spend many thousands of rate payer's dollars on surveillance equipment and fencing around our sporting facilities, but if this is what it takes to curb this anti-social behaviour, then this avenue will be pursued” stated NF.1 Chairperson, Pauline Lacelles-Smith. Continued on page 2

Twitter And Your Business Page 14

A Blast From The Past! Page 20

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NEWS Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd

Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au ABN: 13 877 135 184

Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Disclamer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport 2 Helensburgh & District Herald

1- 7 12 - 13 29 - 32 20 - 21 8 -11 16 22 28 23 - 28 33 - 36

From page 1 Statistics presented by Prof Ian Hickie (Executive Director of the Brain and Mind Institute), show as many as one in two adults believe it is acceptable to allow underage drinking. “The juveniles are obtaining alcohol somehow and people need to be aware it is a criminal offence to supply alcohol to a minor” added Sergeant Drury, further highlighting the need for parental involvement if the problem of antisocial behaviour in the area is to improve. More statistics from the NSW police: * 51% of alcohol consumed is drunk at levels that pose a risk of short term harm. * In Australia, alcohol is a key factor in the three leading causes of death among adolescents, being unintentional injury, homicide and suicide. * Over one in five (22%) of all hospitalisations of young persons aged 15 to 25 years are alcohol related. * In a 2007 report it found that the total alcohol related activity costs the NSW Police Force (taxpayers) almost 50 million dollars a year.



WCC Waste Transfer Proposal Now In Question

Last Minute DA Change Cause Of Bus Route Issue

In the lead up to the NSW state election the (then) Liberal Candidate, Lee Evans made a pledge to the residents of Helensburgh that he would “take the fight to Wollongong Council to stop their proposal for the construction of a Waste Transfer Station at Helensburgh Tip”. Mr Evans won the seat of Heathcote with a swing of around 22% putting the future of Wollongong City Council’s plan to make the Helensburgh Tip site a waste transfer station in serious doubt. The Member for Heathcote has the support of Brad Hazzard (Minister for Infrastructure and Planning) and Catherine Cusack (Minister for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability) to work with Wollongong City Council and ensure the final location of any waste transfer station is both outside the town centre of Helensburgh and environmentally suitable.

On the 9th of March 2011 the Neighbourhood Forum NF.1 called a special meeting to discuss the poor state of the roads leading to Helensburgh Station and to see if residents were able to offer any workable solutions to the problem. It has been revealed that when the original DA was lodged for the upgrade, access to the station was planned to be by way of three towers – one on the Southern side to obtain access to the overbridge from the car parking and drop-off area (this was built and is over the north-bound rail line), one off the overbridge to provide access to the platform and a third tower on the northern side (not built – was to be over the south-bound rail line) to provide access from Wilson’s Creek Road providing station access for bus commuters, drop-offs and pedestrians; the bus routes would have been unchanged had this third tower eventuated. However, the third tower was not built; this decision was taken without any community consultation with resultant changed bus routes. The NF.1 was informed that the decision not to build the third tower was supported by a recommendation by the Heritage Council. It is difficult to understand why this was an issue as this is NOT the original station and the third tower would have had no greater visual impact than the two towers which were built. The NF.1 Chair, Pauline Smith has just requested all associated paperwork with the station upgrade and is taking the most popular recommendations to a meeting with key stakeholders including Wollongong City Council and their Traffic and Transport Unit Manager, The Transport Construction Authority and Greens Bus Company. The recommendations are as follows: 1. Build the third tower (to Wilson’s Creek Road) for bus/pedestrian access with adequate turning area for the buses with buses using the Parkes Street route. 2. Replace the steps at the southern end and provide an adequate turning area for the buses the buses again using Parkes street. The HDH will be following the outcomes of the stakeholder meeting and keeping affected residents and commuters informed. Helensburgh & District Herald 3



Lock The Gate And Frack The Government By Peter Turner, In February the Helensburgh and District Herald [1] gave advance notice of a Four Corners edition on Coal Seam Gas (CSG) mining that screened on February 21. [2] More ABC and commercial media coverage followed and awareness of the dangers posed by this industry has ‘gone viral’. Thanks in large part to the determined and long-standing efforts of concerned residents Natasha Watson, Greg Petty, Pauline Lacelles-Smith, Warwick Erwin and others, ABC TV news ran a story specifically on the threat to the Illawarra catchment posed by CSG mining and long-wall coal mining.[3] Having been kept entirely in the dark by a government that’s supposed to act in the interest of the community, many are now deeply concerned and outraged by the revelation of the threats posed by CSG mining, both here in the Illawarra and further afield across the state and indeed the nation. For many there is a deep sense of betrayal by a government that would seem to favour mining at the expense of community health and welfare. At this time there is little reason to expect the new government to be any better. With unprecedented speed and conviction, northern Illawarra residents from all walks of life and political persuasion are coming together to push back against the apparently unrestrained intrusions of the mining industry and the seemingly callous indifference to public welfare of revenue-focussed state and local governments. More than a hundred residents attended a Wollongong Climate Action Network (WCAN) organised screening of Gasland at the Thirroul Community Centre on March 5. Led by WCAN member and Socialist Alliance (SA) candidate for the NSW Legislative Council Jess Moore, the meeting agreed to form a community group to oppose CSG in the Illawarra and join the Lock the Gate Alliance. [4,5] A week later, the very well attended first meeting of the ‘Stop CSG in the Illawarra’ group committed itself to an immediate awareness raising campaign. The Helensburgh Lions Club organised a screening of Gasland on Saturday March 19 and the following day, local residents Katie CooperWares and Bronwyn McGrath organised and ran a CSG information meeting at the Stanwell Park CWA Hall. 4 Helensburgh & District Herald

Some 80 concerned residents heard from Independent candidate for Heathcote Greg Petty, Lock The Gate’s, John Thomson and the Greens’ Cate Faerhmann and Phil Smith.

Well Supported: The CSG info meeting, Stanwell Park , March 20 , 2011

Local investigator extraordinaire Natasha Watson joined the panel for a question and answer session lasting close to an hour. John outlined the background to the formation of the Lock The Gate Alliance and highlighted the very public recent arrest in front of a bulldozer of a determined 70 year old great grandmother at a blockade opposing CSG at Tara in Queensland. [6] John pointed out that in NSW it’s easier to get a licence to drill for gas than it is for water. He observed that in the US Dick Chaney introduced exemptions to the US Clean Air and Clean Water acts to facilitate gas mining, however there was no need to do so in NSW as there are no equivalent regulations. Some in the audience gasped when they heard that a 2010 study by industry investors JP Morgan suggested that the environmental impact costs of CSG mining could outweigh any revenue benefit. [7] Late last year Cate Faehrmann succeeded in a petition to have NSW government documents on CSG mining tabled in parliament. These documents revealed that the NSW government understood little of the practices and risks of the CSG industry. The Sydney Catchment Authority appears to have been kept largely in the dark and the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water has had little say in approval processes. Cate pointed out that the pre-election


NEWS commitments from the Labor and Liberal parties to ban BTEX compounds meant little in practice as the so called ‘produced’ water returned to the surface following a ‘frack’ is contaminated by similar chemicals, and other contaminants such has heavy metals and radionuclides, naturally present in the coal seam. Phil Smith echoed a local resident in suggesting that it was time to ‘frack the government’. Greg Petty gave an insightful background to the disturbing efforts by Government and Council to change the zoning of the 2508 area, in order, it would seem, to remove obstacles to CSG mining in the area. The Stanwell meeting organisers have initiated an Illawarra information hub called the Northern Illawarra Sustainability Alliance, NISA, to provide information, meeting and event notices and links to campaigns in the area. The same day in Sydney, more than a thousand people of all ages and backgrounds braved wet weather to attend a colourful and energised "Can't Eat Coal, Can't Drink Gas!" rally organised by the Lock The Gate Alliance. [8] Speakers included effected residents and landholders, miners, and politicians. The ‘Frack Man’ Dayne Pratzky who features in the Four Corners CSG story,

came down from Tara in Queensland to make his unique contribution to the gathering. The former mayor of Gloucester related a meeting with the Director General of Planning who twice replied to her concerns by saying that “where there are resources, we will harvest them”. He advised her to “hose her community down” when it was put to him that Gloucester residents did not want CSG in their area. There was a strong sense of a tide-turning against Government processes that encouraged the mining industry to extract and ship resources and profits overseas, while ignoring community concerns and leaving the very real public health and environmental damage costs to tax payers. As one sign said “Its not just hippies and Greens that care!”. The crowd chanted “enough is enough - lock the gate”, and the Illawarra residents at the Stanwell meeting add to that call “frack the government”. The Lock the Gate Alliance declares “We the people decide!” You can learn more, find out about meetings and join the call to action by contacting admin@otfordeco.com, www. gregpetty.com.au/contact-me/, info@stop-csgillawarra.org and nisa.alert@gmail.com All references available at the HDH website

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Under new Ownership and Management (Formally Gumtrees Preschool) Helensburgh & District Herald 5



The Helensburgh Village Markets are coming! After much hard work Ronda Collins of the Centennial Hotel has set a date for the first Helensburgh village markets. Sunday May 8th will see the monthly markets hosted right in the centre of town. Up to 30 stalls including fresh produce, plants, flowers, childrens & womens clothing, soy & palm wax candles, handmade leather handbags, homewares, jewellery, kids tent & petting farm and much, much more!! Support the Helensburgh Village Markets on the Second Sunday of each month!

If you missed the message on “Change Your Smoke Alarm Battery Day” (April 4) then do so now. This national awareness day aims to highlight the importance of general fire safety and the role smoke alarms play in house fires. Under Australian law, all owners of homes and units are required to install at least one 9V battery-operated smoke alarm designed to last a year or longer. The general principle recommended by NSW fire and rescue is that smoke alarms should be positioned to detect smoke before it reaches sleeping occupants. The sound emitted by the alarm is designed to wake occupants, giving them time to evacuate. Regulations changes introduced from 25 February 2011 mean it’s essential for people to install smoke alarms in caravans, campervans and other moveable dwellings where people sleep. Install smoke alarms in caravans and campervans now! Information Hotline: 1800 151 614

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O’Farrell Could Save ‘2508’ Forever

What is wireless? Is it for me?

By Natasha Watson, Just 10,000 signatures needed to save our wildlife corridor & the future of the Royal National Park, Dharawal, & the Illawarra Escarpment! The green wildlife corridor between the Royal National and our State Conservation areas has been under threat of over-development, pollution, urban sprawl and coal seam gas mining for years. Our iconic Royal National Park, Heathcote, Garawarra, and Dharawal State Conservation areas snuggled in between Sydney and Wollongong are highly valued and loved by residents, tourists and conservationists alike. However, from Otford and Helensburgh to Bulli Tops, developers have been gradually eroding the forested corridor, essential to maintain the biodiversity, food, bushfire refuge and migration for the threatened and valued wildlife of these conservation parklands. Even the clean air we breathe relies on this natural green filter between the cities. Yet Wollongong City Council are still in limbo on the 7d land rezoning and reluctant to refuse large development companies. Our new Premier Barry O’Farrell , as a preelection promise not only stated that he would upgrade the Dharawal State Conservation status to a national park, but that should any NSW campaign collect over 10,000 signatures on any issue it will be raised in Parliament in an urgency motion debate. Even if the Dharawal is elevated in status, its future won’t be assured unless the greens corridors linking it to the to the escarpment and Royal National Park are also preserved. So this is our region’s chance to save this beautiful green corridor from the Royal National Park along the Grand Pacific Drive, down to the Illawarra escarpment and across to Dharawal SCA, ensuring the future of our wildlife, tourism, scenic beauty, clean air and drinking water. So let’s call on the Liberal’s pre-election promises - please sign your name to raise the status of the Dharawal SCA AND increase the conservation status of the bushland wildlife corridors between Helensburgh and the Illawarra escarpment at www.otfordeco.com/ SaveOurNationalParks.html You can also contact me - Natasha Watson for more information on this and other 2508 issues, via Otfordeco.

By Chris Roughsedge, Helensburgh Computers I have noticed there is a lot of confusion regarding wireless technology and, in particular when it relates to internet connectivity. Firstly, there are wireless routers which are designed to connect to your modem and your computer in order to provide wireless connectivity and internet access to other wireless enabled devices that may be located in other parts of the building. These devices can be laptops, printers, iPods, xBox etc. Once these devices have been connected in this way this group of connected devices become what is called a ‘wireless local area network’ or ‘WLAN’ This type of connectivity is quite distinct from Wireless Broadband and this is where a lot of people have become confused and, in some cases, been talked into buying equipment that they don’t necessarily need by ISP’s. These devices can be either a small modem similar to a USB stick that just plugs into a port on your PC to a Wireless Broadband Router. Many ISP’s or Internet service providers are marketing wireless broadband over and above their ADSL services to customers who would be much better off with ADSL. Wireless broadband which relies on the mobile phone tower network for connectivity can be patchy with frequent dropouts depending where you are. I have no doubt this will improve in time but the question you have to ask yourself is do you really need Wireless Broadband? Certainly if you are on the move a lot with your laptop then the Wireless Broadband is a great solution but if you have a desktop machine and perhaps a laptop and these are not used outside the home or office and you have access to ADSL through your landline then a simple WLAN with a decent quality wireless all-in-one router is not only appropriate but more reliable. I have installed many wireless ADSL modem/ routers over the years and I have found, by and large, that most households only require this device to connect to the internet. For more information call 4294 1051 - 0415 797 885 or email chris@helensburgh-computers. com.au

Helensburgh & District Herald 7

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Modern Doggy Etiquette By Karen Bestel, Karens’s Pet Care Service Off-leash dog parks are a wonderful recreational outlet for dogs and we are lucky we have our very own in Helensburgh. The opportunity to run and play with other dogs in a designated area is a valuable tool in their social development. Unfortunately, not every dog park is filled with responsible owners, and as with most things, a few people can ruin the whole experience for most. Make sure you're not one of those by following these basic etiquette tips for “bark parks”. Fully vaccinated dogs Don't bring your unvaccinated dog or puppy in a park full of other dogs. It's just asking for the rapid spread of disease, some that could be fatal, especially to young puppies. The common age to bring them is when the full range of puppy vaccines have been given. Clean up after your dog To not only prevent the unintentional spreading of disease it is inconsiderate to not clean up after your dog. We want to make the

8 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD experience pleasant for all so please ensure you clean up after your dog. Dog Etiquette outside shopping centres If you choose to tie your dog up outside the shops (particularly out the front of Bilo which is always popular!), please consider others when doing this. Children especially are uninhibited when approaching dogs (pets) and can be easily traumatized by the cute but crazy dog that made them very upset. If your dog has a tendency to bark or growl or does not sit politely, then you should never leave your dog unattended or tied up. It is always best to secure them away from the entry of the shop, therefore no daunting experience of having to go close to them without choice for those that are not comfortable with dogs or animals. Good etiquette reflects social responsibility and communal respect. So next time you are out and about with your dog, consider these simple tips, otherwise you could be the next ‘jeers’!! kpetcare@tpg.com.au or 0419 432 482

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Debt And The Family Car By Ray Khalil, Personal Mortgage Advisor As our wealth and household income levels have "generally" boomed over the last 20 years, so have our debt levels. As a result of this debt boom I am becoming increasingly concerned about the lack of understanding people have about the subject. Let me give you a typical example: • A family with a household income of $170.000. • Single income with a stay at home parent and three kids under five. • Two cars and a $400,000 mortgage against a $700,000 house. This family was referred to me by their accountant who became aware that they were struggling to survive. The problem was debt. The family was somehow living on $150 per week for all of their groceries and they were trying to get down to $100 per week? That is five mouths to feed, 21 times a week (breakfast, lunch and dinner). That is about $1 each per meal - sounds like the new two minute noodle diet. The root cause of this problem? A $55,000 urban 4WD with a $55,000 loan that was set up to fully pay out the debt in five years. The repayments were $1,150 per month and the family was about to sell this car (after only one year). This would have locked in a $15,000 depreciation loss and left them with a debt of around $10,000 with nothing to show for it.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD A concept that is drummed into every banker from an early age is that the term of a loan should not exceed the life of the asset it is funding. This family was prepared to keep this 4WD for at least 10 years. They also estimated that it would be worth around $15,000 by 2020. The solution was to set up a $50,000 ($5,000 was already paid off) variable rate home loan to pay out the car loan. The term of the home loan was set up over 30 years but the repayments were set up to pay off the $35,000 ($50,000 - $15,000 end value) in 10 years. The monthly repayments were now $410. A saving of $740 per month. Interestingly, the total interest bill (around $13,900) over the life of the loan is almost the same as the current loan structure because we are only paying off $35,000 and the interest rate is around 2% cheaper than the car loan. There are so many beautiful cars on the road these days. Unfortunately these objects of admiration often come with plenty of expensive debt (and depreciation). Sometimes a little bit of debt advice is all that is required to ease the cash flow pain.

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Think Well, Be Well: Depression- You Are Not Alone

menopause) or having a serious medical illness. However, each person is different. There is a range of treatments that are proven to work such as different psychological treatments or antidepressant medication and every individual needs to use the treatment that is appropriate to their individual needs. With the right treatment most people recover from depression. Sadly, people with depression often feel that no one can help them or don’t see the point of doing anything and therefore find it difficult to take the first step in seeking help. This is why it is extremely important that their family members, friends, work/study colleagues provide help, so do not hesitate to help a person with depression. You can help someone by listening actively to their concerns and not being judgemental; using open ended questions (‘Tell me about...’) and talking about their experiences; indicating you’ve noticed a change in their behaviour; talking openly about depression and assisting them to get information about depression; suggesting they go to see their doctor or a psychologist; assisting in making the appointment; accompanying them to the appointment; following them up after the appointment; encouraging them to exercise, eat well & socialise and ensure you keep in contact. It is extremely unhelpful and detrimental to their wellbeing to avoid them; place pressure on them to ‘snap out of it’ or ‘get their act together’; tell them to stay busy or get out more; assume the problem will go away; or encourage them to wipe out their feelings with drugs or alcohol. Acceptance that you, a loved one, friend or study/work colleague may have depression and seeking help or assisting that person to get help from a local Doctor or Psychologist can save a life. For further information, visit: www.beyondblue.org.au or ring 1300 22 4636

By Alison Rowe, Child & Adult Psychologist I am sure that a majority of you may have read this message on billboards, magnets or leaflets distributed by BeyondBlue, the national depression initiative. Despite their extremely large advertising campaign people often enter into a state of shock when they learn about how common depression is and that it has occurred to them. Approximately one million Australian adults and 160,000 young people live with depression each year. On average one in five females and one in eight males will experience depression in their lifetime. Quite often after a person is diagnosed with depression they become aware of other people that they work, study, live or play with who may also be suffering from it but are hesitant to offer help. Hopefully, this article will broaden your knowledge about depression and increase your ability to help either yourself or others. Depression is an illness that can have serious effects on your physical and mental health and impede your every day functioning. The Australian government has only recently recognised the impact it may have on our future economy. Depression is more than just having a low mood or feeling sad sometimes. Generally, if a person for more than two weeks has felt sad, down or miserable for most of the time or has lost interest or pleasure in most of their usual activities as well as experienced a number of the following symptoms. These include a decrease or increase in weight/ appetite; sleep disturbance; low motivation levels, feeling restless or excessively busy; felt tired or lacking energy; felt worthless or excessively guilty; poor concentration or difficulties thinking or indecisiveness; recurrent thoughts of death, then they may have depression. If untreated these symptoms may continue for weeks or months and if not properly treated depression is highly likely to re-occur. Quite often a combination of factors puts people at risk of depression. Events and situations linked with depression include isolation or loneliness, family conflict, unemployment, drug and alcohol use, changes in the brain chemistry (serotonin/ dopamine levels), having a family member with depression, hormonal changes (childbirth or 10 Helensburgh & District Herald


SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Scratching For Answers? Q. What’s tiny, has no knees, is about the size of a sesame seed, can’t fly - yet is a very formidable foe? A. headlice! Head lice are an insect, they learn to adapt to their environment in order to survive. Head lice do not have wings so they cannot fly and they can't jump because they do not have ‘knees’, yet they seem to move from person to person very quickly. Head lice crawl very fast and require head to head contact for transmission. “The biggest mistake people make is re-treating the hair too quickly, irritation may continue for a few days and this is often interpreted as an unsuccessful treatment or re-infection” says Stuart Ludington of Helensburgh Pharmacy. “A second treatment should NOT be done before seven days” he adds. Some fast facts: Do head lice live in carpets, clothes, hats or sheets? No. Head lice very rarely fall from the head. They require blood to survive. Head lice feed 3-4 times a day and without blood, will dehydrate in 6 hours in a dry climate and 24 hours in a humid climate. An egg requires warmth to hatch and is the reason why they are laid close to the scalp. They don't care if hair is long, short, blonde, brown, washed this morning or last week. As long as they are warm, and have blood to drink, then they are content. (From www.health.vic.gov.au)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


How many players on a soccer team? What is the common name for the plant Doryanthus? What was the name of the ANZAC with the donkey? What is plumbism? What year was the Woodstock festival held? What were the Australian defenders called at Tobruk? In which month & year did Japan bomb Pearl Harbour? Shakespeare’s village of Stratford is on which river? In cricket how many runs is a ‘nelson’? In what month was the 2nd World War over for Australians? How many pieces of silver did Judas get for betraying Jesus? The Taj Mahal in India was built to be what? What were the 49’ers searching for in California? (Answers on page 30)

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Helensburgh & District Herald 11

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, I was lucky enough to be born & raised in Helensburgh & my family has been here for 50 plus years so when I saw the front page of the March issue of the Helensburgh & District Herald, the title read “Where did all the water go?” It obviously got my attention, as I have great memories of playing around this area as a kid whilst growing up & naturally I want the same for my two kids & their mates. Having read through this article I thought that this definitely requires further investigation. So, I contacted the Sydney Catchment Authority to make inquires as to what their knowledge of the low levels of water in the Woronora Dam was all about. I spoke with several people in this organization who explained the SCA web site details on this very matter to me and these professional knowledgeable people had the following to say, backed up with recorded data for all people to view at any time, as well anybody can call this organization to verify these facts. 1. There is a perception that we have had a lot of rain over the last six months or so (excluding 18 to 21.3.11 with heavy rain in the area which will be reflected in updated SCA charts) after a long period of drought, however, the recorded charts prove that we have not had as much as many people would believe in the area of catchment associated with the Woronora Dam, compared to some of the other catchments. The charts show; Rain fall – Inflow into Dam – Dam levels. 2. The catchment size associated with the Woronora Dam is much smaller then a lot of the other Dams in the total Sydney water supply system, therefore the Woronora Dam is fed from a much smaller supply. 3. Due to the massive destructive bush fires we had sweep directly through the Woronora Catchment area back in 2001, the regeneration of the surrounding bush land and ground soils are still having an absorption affect in the area, even 10 years after the event. 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD This is hard to quantify, but it is another factor to consider in relation to the water levels of the Dam. 4. In 2003 the government made it legislation that an environmental flows were to be released from the Dam to aid in the health of the river system down stream. This environmental flow was increased to a higher amount in 2009 to further assist in the health of the river system down stream. 5. The total Sydney water system has the ability to pump water from one Dam to another to meet supply and demand in various areas and this happens when required. 6. I asked the question; “Is there any evidence that the low levels at Woronora Dam were directly caused by mining?” The answer was: “To date; There is no evidence that there has been any significant water loss due to mining activities”. It is the responsibility of the Sydney Catchment Authority to keep a constant vigil on, not only mining activities but all possible variations that may affect water flow into the Dam. After having viewed the facts on the SCA web site and having spoken to the professionals who know what they are talking about, it seems clear that the question “Where did all the water go?” Can be answered! Jason Fuller Helensburgh Dear Mr Fuller, Professionals outside the SCA who also “know what they are talking about” were consulted for the March HDH story. They consider there are some holes in the SCA data. A “hard to quantify” effect from fires a decade ago doesn’t help to satisfy the lack of evidence that water is successfully flowing into the Woronora Dam. On the 4th of March 2011 The SCA was forced to temporarily close Woronora Dam precinct after remnants of asbestos were found in the vicinity of the picnic area. Can manufacturing, industry, Government and people get it wrong? No. . . not possible. Ed.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Beyond all doubt, Dr Helen Caldacott, the great child specialist has proved that atomic power stations are a great way of putting the world’s children in peril. Unlike adults a child’s body is under stress because of its changing and developing body. The Japanese debacle has rattled the world and its isotopes will even blow across the pacific to California on the prevailing wind. Big Business has pushed the atomic thing because of big bucks. This great Australian lady, now 73 is still travelling the world in her fight for children. The Japanese people should have known better after the two atom bombs. She should have won the Nobel prize! Noel Carr. MIR, ASFM. Stanwell Tops

Are You A Crossword Nut? Have you got some clues and questions you would like to submit to the HDH crossword? Contact the Editor: editor@HelensburghDistrictherald.com.au

Correction We apologise for the misprint in the March edition of For Goodness Sake where the statistics for jogging were the same as walking. Please see the corrected statistics below. (Units in minutes) Food Walk 5kph Jog10kph 2 scoops of ice 41 14 Meat Pie 175g 108 37 Chocolate/Cream Biscuit 23 8 Donut Plain 70g 57 20 Lamington 50g 39 13 Cheesecake 60g 45 16 Chocolate Cake 60g 51 18 Mud Cake 100g 80 28 Muffin 60g 39 13 Chocolate 30g 36 13 Chocolate Bar 60g 60 21 Corn Chips 100g 111 39 Potato Crisps 50g 57 20 Hot Chips 150g 68 24 French Fries (med) 75 26 Hamburger Plain 91 32 Pizza – 2 Slices 157 54

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Helensburgh & District Herald 13


SOCIAL MEDIA Effective Use of Twitter For Your Business Twitter is not a novelty in social networking. More and more people sign up for twitter to talk about interesting and not-sointeresting topics. Many twitterers now use this network to find a job! Many others concentrate the content of their tweets to a specific topic, such as design, travel, food, etc. Similarly, many businesses across the world use twitter for various purposes, most of them focusing on building brand awareness, staying in contact with their clients, announcing events about their business and building a community of individuals and organisations they would like to hear from and connect with. So, if you are a business who has just signed up for twitter to expand your current network of contacts (i.e. clients, sponsors, suppliers, similar organisations) but you do not know much about it, try some of these ideas to get started. Setting up your Twitter Account When setting up your account, you might decide to use your business name as your twitter username. However, this may not always be possible, as many usernames have already been taken or your business name might be more than 15 characters (The Twit Limit). Therefore, get creative and choose another name which reflects what you do and/or what you are interested in. Also, don't forget to customize your profile. That includes writing down a small bio, which again is character-limited; upload a profile image (e.g. company logo) and background image, which should be attractive but not overwhelming in terms of colours, as it will usually be displayed as a mosaic all over your twitter profile page. Searching for Followers After setting up a good-looking twitter account, you need to find people to read your tweets; use the search engine to find who is twitting about similar topics. For example, if your tweets are related to architecture, then you would need to type down 'architecture', 'design' or 'construction'. Once you find a few interesting users and follow them, start making tweets including, but 14 Helensburgh & District Herald

not limited to the topics mentioned before. After that, people will gradually start following you; the more interesting and appealing your tweets are, the more people will follow you. Content of Your Tweets: Make tweets about interesting and impacting topics, such as latest news, events or projects, whether related to your business/organisation or not. It is recommended to have a variety of topics when it comes to making tweets, and remember you can only make tweets up to 140 characters, so think about including the URL & direct readers to the main source of information. Also, do not tweet too much about the same topic, particularly if written in the same format and using the same sentences. Twitter users find these spamming messages annoying and it is not attractive for anyone to look at. If you really want to let people know about something, at least change the format of your tweets. Don’t talk too much about yourself! If you are in a party with a lot of people, it is quite annoying if you just talk about yourself and not listen to what others have to say; Twitter is the same. Don’t make tweets solely on things relating your business or what you are interested in, but also ‘listen’ to other tweets, read & comment and retweet them, if they are interesting enough. Take into consideration these useful tips on how to use twitter to expand your network and increase brand awareness.


0413 376 379

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37 40

44 50


55 58 62











28 33

39 43



32 35











18 20










53 56



60 63










ACROSS 1 Frolic 5 Movie award 10 Popular NYC baseball stadium 14 European monetary unit 15 Under, poetically 16 Throw in the air 17 Unfaithful act 19 Talk 20 Kids cereal brand (USA) 21 Burnt color 23 Swipe 26 Recipient 28 Owing 31 X 32 Mother __ 33 Time zone 34 Spun (3 wds.) 37 Vice __ 39 Cotillion 40 V.P.'s boss 42 Lettuce & toppings 45 Poor sport 49 Killed in action

50 Elite Greek infantry member 53 Eat 54 USA Tax agency 55 Lasso 56 Water retention 58 Heatedly 60 Executive 61 Successor 63 Handiness 69 Green Gables dweller 70 Bores 71 Except 72 lily’s bulb 73 Merits 74 Jewel

7 Calorie 8 Adjust 9 Sounds alike 10 Eye infection 11 Money pincher 12 Escudo 13 Question 18 Lube 22 Dam building animal 23 Short-term memory 24 Drink 25 Cease 26 Hold 27 Bolus 29 Ship initials 30 Estimated time of arrival 32 Ii 35 Protection agent (USA) 36 Emotional 38 Clairvoyance 40 Thick corn bread 41 Fear 42 Slide on snow 43 Atmosphere 44 Whipping 45 Distress call 46 Usage 47 Tally 48 Resort hotel 51 Spiraled 52 Lawn grass 56 Conger 57 Giver 59 Dunking biscuit 60 Swear 61 In possession of 62 Vane direction 64 Goof 65 Marsh 66 Flightless bird 67 Sibling 68 Eye infection

DOWN 1 Crimson 2 French “yes” 3 Married woman 4 Bohemian folk dance Solution Page 33 5 Black stone 6 Ocean The HDH crossword is printed under licence Helensburgh & District Herald 15

CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to all the parents and families who helped make the blast from the past fete so wonderful! Extra cheers to the ‘Abba’solutely fabulous lolly ladies. JEERS to the state election candidates who put up posters illegally on power poles and railway fencing. JEERS to the property owner who organised lawn mowing inside a fenced off asbestos ‘hot zone’. What were you thinking! CHEERS to all the volunteers that handed out how to vote cards for all the candidates. JEERS to still having to ask people to move their bags when getting on the South Coast express trains from Helensburgh to Syndey. Your bag is not about to launch into a long work day in Sydney and it did NOT buy a ticket! Move it BEFORE you are asked!


CHEERS to the father of the HDH’s youngest reader for sending in this fabulous photo - Cuteness! More photos of the areas little one please! Got a ‘Cheers or Jeers’ you can’t wait to share - pop it on the HDH Facebook page!

Mothers Day 8th May Why not spoil your Mum or Wife with a package from the Otford Valley Sanctuary Day Spa 3 hours of Pampering $165 (also available 2 hour package $95) Package Includes: 15 min Refreshments on arrival & consultation 15 min Relaxing foot soak with salt scrub 1hr Luxury indulgence facial 45 min Massage 30 min Express manicure 15 min Relaxation time with Refreshments before departing

For Gift Vouchers Call 4294 4748 or 0403 091 338

www.otfordvalleysanctuarydayspa.com.au 16 Helensburgh & District Herald

COFFEE AND QUESTIONS Coffee And Questions: With the election behind us I took a few moments to share coffee and questions with a young Helensburgh resident intent on making a difference in the community. Steven Bragg is in his final year studying a Bachelor of Creative Technologies in Television. Steven has recently joined ‘WYAT’ Wollongong Youth Action Team. Here is what he had to say about WYAT. Ed: WYAT have met only a few times, what do you know so far about the youth council panel ‘WYAT’? Bragg: The youth action team aims to get proactive in the community and represent youths in a positive way. Ed: How many are on the WYAT panel? Bragg: There are approx 20 individuals, a few more young ladies than men and the group is relatively diverse. Ed: What do you personally expect to get out of WYAT? Bragg: I would like to help give my peers a ‘voice’ and work towards empowering other youths to reach productive goals. Ed: How often are they meeting? Bragg: Every two weeks in Wollongong. Ed: What is your interpretation of the group objective? To make the Wollongong Youth Centre (and the other centres in the area including Helensburgh) more attractive to a broader range of youths with a broader range of interests, with some positive adult guidance. What positive things have you seen come out of the work done by the Wollongong Youth Centre? The Wollongong youth centre regularly holds ‘gigs’ and other performing arts. Through this the kids have an outlet and are taught a range of skills such as lighting, using video equipment, instruments, and sound mixing equipment. Ed: Has this had a good effect in Wollongong? Bragg: Definitely, but the key is getting the parents ‘on board’. Ed: Why do you think there is an increasing number of young people on the streets of Helensburgh on Friday and Saturday nights, drinking and damaging property? Bragg: It has become the cultural norm. Most of these kids are from middle class families, its

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD become what the group ‘does’ on Friday and Saturday nights. Ed: kids have always been inclined to have some ‘naughty fun’, what do you see as the main difference between this generation and previous generations? Bragg: The level of aggression is unprecedented. Ed: What do you think can curb the aggression? Bragg: healthy outlets like music, sport and the arts, but also some time spent at home, this could be with their mates playing a gaming console and eating pizza, but parents need to take responsibility for their own kids. Parents need to know where they are and who they are with. Talk to them about the implications of receiving ‘infringements’ drinking in the park or damaging property. It could prevent them from having social privileges like getting a license or registering a car. Good luck with your last year of studies and securing some valuable work experience in TV! If you have a youth issue you would like Steven to take to the WYAT meetings email the editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

Helensburgh & District Herald 17



It’s A Girl

Expressions Of Interest

Kirrilly from Hair 10 and Matt welcomed baby ‘Olivia Grace’ on 15.03.2011 - 7lb 13oz. A new grandaughter for Liz and Rod Fairbairn and Robert and Marianne Ayres. Nanna only needs one more girl to make a netball team!

Local quilters would like to start a quilting club in Helensburgh. Anyone interested please ring Karen 0417 890 110 or please meet us at the Helensburgh Community Centre on Monday 11.04.2011 at 6pm. Days & times to be discussed at this meeting or if you are unable to attend please contact me on the number supplied.

In Memoriam CRABBE, Arthur Magnus 14.04.2000 RIP, Our Prayers and thoughts are with you always. From Kathleen, son Peter, Marion and family, and Daughter Susan, Franco and family. DZOPALIC, Zivota (Dick) Passed away 22nd April 1988. In loving memory of my husband, our father and grandfather. Forever in our thoughts and hearts – sadly missed always. Zorka, Maria, Rick, Helen, Nick and family.

Holy Cross Helensburgh Centenary 1911 – 2011 Holy Cross Catholic Parish is planning events to celebrate its Centenary as a parish during September and November 2011.

Anyone with current or past association with Holy Cross Parish is welcome to take part in the celebrations. You can contact the parish office on 4294 1009 with your email and mailing address to receive details of all events. Keep watching the Parish Website at: www.helensburghcatholic.org.au for updates.

Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about how God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how. HBC is a friendly and laidback Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459. 18 Helensburgh & District Herald



Holy Cross Catholic Parish

Coastlands Church

"Bearing Christ's love to the communities north of Sea Cliff Bridge" We are quietly proud to have been the bearers of Christ’s love to the people residing along the northern tip of the Illawarra from the beginning of European settlement. The first Catholic church was built in 1890 and the primary school was opened in 1900 (by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop herself). This year, 2011, marks the centenary of the establishment of the parish in its own right, the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current Church in Helensburgh, and the opening of the (near) complete rebuilding of Holy Cross Parish School. The community north of the Sea Cliff Bridge is served from two churches: Holy Cross Church, 4 McMillan St, Helensburgh St Bernadette’s Church, Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park Our Sunday worship times are: Saturday evening Vigil Mass – 5.30pm (Helensburgh) Sunday early-morning Mass – 8.00am (Stanwell Park) Sunday mid-morning Mass – 9.30am (Helensburgh) We also have regular weekday times for worship and other activities, information for which is updated weekly in our parish bulletin. The parish office (Cnr Parkes & McMillan Sts) is opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The parish secretary can be contacted on: (tel) 4294 1099, (fax) 4294 9180, (email) helensburgh@parish.woll.catholic.org.au. The school office (Mrs Kerrin Cronin, Principal) can be contacted on: 4294 1588 Our parish website, where more information will be found and details of the centenary celebrations will be posted, is: www.helensburghcatholic.org.au

Coastlands Church face an exciting new adventure. This year Coastlands Church are moving their meeting location to Helensburgh Public School Hall. The hall is an excellent facility, recently built and has plenty of room, has access for all including the disabled, and is in a central location to Helensburgh. For the month of February we will be offering a fresh and encouraging service at 9:30am, with a children's church program for families. We invite you to join us for a service. If you have a question, any pastoral needs or would like somebody to talk to you can contact 02 4294 9596 during the week at anytime. Join Coastlands Church at Helensburgh Public School Hall, 9:30 Sunday morning, Fletcher Street, Helensburgh.

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focussed. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit www.helensburghanglican.org

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church Bushland Chapel, 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. Uniting Church in Australia Sunday 9.30, 1st and 3rd of month, congregational meetings 4th of month, guest speaker and communion. Bushwalks 2pm 4th Sunday - explore your natural district! Performance and other activities see www.helensburgh.net.au/ bushchapelInquiriesincluding use of chapel 4294 8329 or 4294 1695.

Helensburgh & District Herald 19


YOUTH NEWS Holy Cross Fete: A Blast From The Past By Alison Smith Holy Cross Fete “Blast From the Past” should have been renamed “Blast From the South” as extreme weather hit our coast on Saturday morning 19th March. However, it did not deter the volunteers working from 6am to get a fete up and running at the Primary School by 10am. After many months of hard work by a great group of parents and friends we weren’t going to let it dampen our spirits. When the rain eased just before 10am we were particularly happy (well, we had been praying pretty hard!). The theme tied in with the Holy Cross Parish’s Centenary which is coming up in September. Seen at the fete was the ABBAsolutely Great Cakes Stall (and it was), the Pink Ladies from Grease, bad fashion from the 80’s, groovy hippies, a disco, a lovely lady from the 1800’s serving Devonshire Teas, and not to be brushed

Lic 151773C

aside, Hawaiian shirts (yes, we all remember how hot they were right?!). Past students of varying ages turned up in their old school uniforms too - good on you for joining in on the fun! Even the lovely Holy Cross staff bravely submitted their cute baby photos for a guessing competition. The crowd was fantastic; thanks so much for coming and supporting us despite the fact that we had to cancel the rides for safety and financial reasons. Children from the entire 2508 community enjoyed themselves thanks to some old-fashioned games, fairy floss, face painting, treats and good fun things to buy. We hope they created some nice childhood memories. Our new school buildings are fantastic, especially when they provide good cover in the wet! If you would like more information about the school please call the office on 4294 1588. A very big and truly sincere thank you goes to the people who helped us prepare and pull-off a great day. To our many sponsors, especially Laing and Simmons who sponsored the majority of our Chocolate Wheel prizes, thank you. Many local businesses helped us out in many ways and we’d like you to support them as they have supported us. We hope to see you in March next year for another fun and fantastic fete at Holy Cross Primary – and if it’s raining that day you’ll know we’ll be there! Thank you again. Vanessa, Alison and Louise (AKA “VAL” – Fete Coordinators) on behalf of Holy Cross P&F Association.

Obligation Free Quotes • • • • • • • •

Retaining Walls Pergolas Decking Water Features Paving Landscaping Concreting Complete Yard Makeovers

Call Daniel 0422 503 193 20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Who had more fun at the Holy Cross Fete? The kids or the grown-ups?

YOUTH NEWS Holy Cross wishes to thank the following businesses for their support: A Little Beauty, Australia Post, Aussie Farmers Direct, Al’s Gourmet Meats, Aussie Pooch Mobile, Australian Museum, Bad Influence Cafe, Bi-Lo Helensburgh, Binners, Bluefit Health Club, Catholic Development Fund, Captain Cook Cruises, Centennial Heritage Cellars, Centennial Hotel, Chegwidden Solicitors, Cronulla and National Park Ferry Cruises, Cronulla Cinema Centre, Daniel Hopper Photography, Darkes Forest Riding Ranch, Dean Cox, Dudley Lai – Dental, Dr Christopher and Loanne Geddes, Dr Martin Gellatley, Essential Surf and Skate, Event Cinemas, Freez, The Fish Mine, Flowers Of Helensburgh, Glenbernie Orchards, Greenwoods Smash Repairs, Harvey Norman, Helensburgh Butchery, Helensburgh Car Services, Helensburgh District Herald, Helensburgh Family Practice, Helensburgh Guardian Chemist, Helensburgh Hardware, Helensburgh Historical Society, Helensburgh Hot Bread Shop, Helensburgh Mowers and More, Helensburgh Newsagency, Helensburgh Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic, Helensburgh Pictorial News, Helensburgh Soils Filling Supplies and Earth Moving, Helensburgh Public School, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC, Helensburgh Smash Repairs, Helensburgh Take Away, Helensburgh Tigers, Helensburgh Veterinary Clinic, House Warehouse, Illawarra Country Club Public Golf Course, Illawarra Credit Union, Illawarra Fly Tree Top Walk, It’s a Shoe Thing, Just Cruisin’ Harley Davidson Tours, Kmart Figtree, Kmart Sylvania, Laurems Beauty and Day Spa, Laing and Simmons, Little Cherub Clothing Co, LJ Hooker Helensburgh, Neil Lyon Solicitor, NRMA Helensburgh, Paper Haven, Park Life Cafe, Pegs Pieces Kirrawee, Piccadilly Travel Service, Pizzas With Muscle, R&R Cafe, Ray White Helensburgh, Raya Thai Restaurant, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Neil Lyon Solicitor, Northern Exposure / NIO, Sara Lee Bakery, Shell Helensburgh, Shellharbour City Council Nursery, Stanwell Park Beach Kiosk, Sunrise Nursery, Symbio Wildlife Park, The Palms Cafe, Target, Taronga Zoo, and the Western Plains Zoo.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Public School Historic Walk around Helensburgh By Narelle King Relieving Assistant Principal Children from Helensburgh Public School have very been busy learning about our historic local area. Children in year 1 were very excited to be learning about the history of buildings and landmarks that they see every day and have learnt all about the beginnings of Helensburgh and its surrounding areas. On Wednesday, 2nd March a group of Year 1 students, teachers and many parent helpers from Helensburgh Public School embarked on their historic walk around Helensburgh. We began at the school where the history dates back to 1887 when the first weatherboard structure was built. The children learnt that the existing brick structure where they toil away their hours today, was built in 1890.

Helensburgh Student, Alysia Williams

We moved from the school to Charles Harper Park for a fruit break and of course back to school again. On the way stopping to look at and learn about many historic sites like the old buildings that once served as the Post Office and Police Station, the many churches and various other places of interest in the town centre. We heard about the beginnings of the Camp Creek settlement and how the miners used the area. Who could forget Dr Cox and the famous Old Mine Surgery? It was a great day and well worth the walk! Helensburgh & District Herald 21

CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au BUSINESS CARDS $98 500 Cards Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. Wendy@FlameFishDesigns.com.au 0403 397 751 BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email kpetcare@tpg.com.au FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. phone John on 0466 340 280. LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220. FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. WAX’D CANDLES: soy melts, palm wax pillar candles, soy wax jars, all made with high quality essential & fragrant oils. The palm wax is endorsed by WWF (world wide fund for nature) & Ecosoya (soy wax) is biodegradable, free from pesticides, herbicides and contains no GM materials. Casual in home parties available. Call Donna 0414 751 416 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *all classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) www.stanwellpark.net. au/taichiyogapilates DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Monique 0425 320 597. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or avf3@hotmail.com TO RENT: One Bedroom Granny Flat Otford. Good sized bedroom, kitchen, dining area and lounge. Electricity, water and WiFi internet included. Lovely bush outlook. Near train station, Stanwell Park beach. $250/week. Available early April. Call 0406 375 739 GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122



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Helensburgh & District Herald 23



Dog washing, grooming & clipping Salon in Helensburgh since 2006

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24 Helensburgh & District Herald





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Helensburgh & District Herald 25



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Helensburgh & District Herald 27



Domestic Services 19 APRIL

VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel


Lions Club Easter Egg Scramble in Charles Harper Park.


Jackie Dee, playing at Sydney howground, Sydney Olympic Park, “The Graze Stage”.


0419 482 889

Fast reliable and friendly service * Window Cleaning - sills, screens & frames. * Gutter Cleaning * Roof Cleaning (water blasting) * House washing (soft wash with extension pole including gutters,eaves and walls)


HURRY -THE SERVICE DIRECTORY IS ALMOST FULL Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

Jamme Constructions AVAILABLE FOR HIRE 10 Tonne Truck 10m Reach, 1.2T Call Jammu Fagerstrom

0418 968 913 28 Helensburgh & District Herald

ABN: 61 001 666 182

‘Save the Frogs Day’


Helensburgh Village Markets!

22 MAY

WAVES 2508 members meeting,


Stanwell Park School Fete

AROUND THE SHORES Around The Shores: The Mighty Mulloway By Poseidon’s attaché As promised in the January instalment of Around the Shores, this month we will reveal some interesting biological facts about one of the most sought after recreational fish species around Sydney, mulloway. Mulloway are large predator that inhabit estuaries and coastal waters from southern Queensland to South Australia and Western Australia. The species also inhabits the Arabian Sea, the Western Indian Ocean off South Africa, and the north-western Pacific Ocean from Hong Kong around the southern Korean Peninsula, to the coast of south-eastern Japan. Mulloway are frequently caught off the beaches in the Royal National Park, and in most of the estuaries around Sydney. The scientific name for the species is Argyrosomus japonicus, and historically it has been known as kob (in South Africa), croaker or jewfish. The name ‘jewfish’ is thought to have originated as a result of the large ‘jewels’ present in the head of the species, and ‘jewel’-fish abbreviated over time. These jewels in the head of mulloway are actually bones called otoliths, or earstones, and are extremely large relative to other species. There are six otoliths present in each fish, although only two are large enough to be easily dissected by an angler, and they play a very important role in the behaviour and ecology of mulloway. The otoliths sit suspended inside a fluid-filled sac, and in mulloway they are essential for both hearing, and sensing speed, acceleration, and orientation in the water. As the fish swims, turns, speeds up or slows down, the suspended otoliths also move and brush against tiny hairs, which in turn provide a signal to the brain of the fish so it can control its movement as desired. Similarly, the otoliths also detect sound waves as they travel in the water. The sound wave is thought to be transmitted to the fluid-filled sac containing the otolith, through the swim-bladder of the mulloway, and a signal passes to the brain using a similar process to that described above. So why do mulloway need to hear? Mulloway are known as a ‘soniferous’ fish species, meaning they actively communicate through sound for a variety of purposes. One of the most important functions of sound in mulloway is in reproduction.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Mulloway make sounds to communicate with each other by vibrating their large swim bladder using special ‘sonic muscles’, and have the ability to produce individual calls (see http:// www.australiangeographic.com.au/journal/ scientists-eavesdropping-on-fish-sounds-.htm to hear what these calls sound like). In fact, male and female mulloway make different types of calls, so fish of the opposite sex can be located for spawning. Calls from mulloway are frequently heard in the hatchery environment around dusk; however, some anglers have claimed they can hear the sounds in estuaries and this helps them determine when mulloway are active and more likely to be captured. Next time you are out on the water and you hear a strange croak, chances are there might be a large mulloway close by.

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

Helensburgh & District Herald 29



CWA Mothers Day Market

Helensburgh Toastmasters

By Elaine Pugh Stanwell Park CWA will be holding their annual Pre Mothers Day Market on Sunday 17th April next at their Hall, 15 The Drive Stanwell Park 10am to 4pm. To book your stall phone Elaine 4294 1257 or Janette 4294 4367. Cost $25. We usually have a wide variety of goods, refreshments are available and it is a good place to meet old friends and make new ones. Hope to see you there!

Do you wish you could feel m ore confident when speaking to a group? Do you want to improve your communication skills? Would you like to be a more effective listener? You should try Toastmasters! Helensburgh Toastmasters are a small group who meet to practice and improve our speaking and listening skills and our self confidence. We always have a good time and lots of laughs, whilst working on developing our communication skills. Some people join us for a short while to prepare for a specific event while others stay for longer, continuing to improve. Toastmasters teaches you more effective communication, listening and leadership skills in a relaxed and fun environment. There is no pressure to speak, so why not come along to one of our meetings to see what we do. We meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the auditorium at the Helensburgh Workers Club. For enquiries call Cathy on 0419 686 292 or email cvlowder@hotmail.com.

‘THE BAKER’S DOZEN’ - ANSWERS From page 11 1. Eleven 2. Gymea lilly 3. Simpson 4. Lead poisoning 5. 1969 6. The Rats of Tobruk 7. 7 December 1941 8. The Avon River 9. 111 10. 14 August 1945 when Japan surrendered. (Note: Germany surrendered on 8/9 May) 11. 30 12. A tomb 13. Gold If we get it wrong at any time, let us know and we will gladly update our database.

30 Helensburgh & District Herald

CLUB NEWS Fellowship of the first fleeters South coast chapter Reverend Richard Johnson was appointed Chaplain to the First Fleet on October 24th 1786. He was given a copy of the bible and a book of common prayer. These books are in the care of St Phillips Church Sydney. The church also has the set of communion silver plates presented in 1803 by King George the third. The communion plates were inscribed; “For use in the chapel at His Majesty’s settlement in Sydney”. On August 25th 1793, Reverend Johnson opened a Chapel he had built with his own money and labour. This chapel was burnt down on October 1st, 1798. It was thought convicts were responsible because they were “required” to attend Church. The first stone of St Phillip’s Church was consecrated on March 27th, 1856. The 223rd Anniversary of the first Christian service held in the colony on February 3rd, 1788 was celebrated on February 6th, 2011. Members of the fellowship attended. Any enquiries please contact Betty Warn 4294 2735.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Daytime VIEW Club VIEW Club members and friends enjoyed “Jersey Boys” thanks to Chris. For enquiries about future outings please phone her on 4294 1103. The 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day on 6th March was celebrated by many countries, and will be continued throughout the year by VIEW Clubs of Australia in recognition of generations of women, main topic being “Women in Leadership.” At our March meeting our past President and Committee member, Eleanor McLeod, was presented with a potted Begonia and a Certificate Of Thanks on her retirement from duty after 19 years. She has represented the Club as a Delegate to Conferences, and important local events. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to her for such long service. Our Club enjoys meeting socially, sharing a meal together, and new members are most welcome. Next meeting is 19th April, 2011 at 11am for 11:15am start, and the theme is ”Back To School.” Members may talk for five minutes on their school experiences, bring photos, and/or wear their old uniforms, if appropriate. Please phone Virginia, 4294 1312. for bookings or cancellations, by the Wednesday before the meeting. The meeting on 17th May is our 20th Birthday (Party Time), with lots of prizes and raffles. Keep the date.

Helensburgh & District Herald 31

CLUB NEWS Combined Probus Club Of Helensburgh And District Inc. By Joan Gardner At our February meeting Helensburgh Probus Club celebrated seven years since its formation. The club has come a long way since then but we are still indebted to those who had the foresight to form such a wonderful club which truly gives the semi-retired and retired members such a variety of activities for FUN, FRIENDSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. The AGM was held at the March meeting with 73 of our 96 members attending. Incoming President is Beatrice Gallagher, Vice President Jim Hill with Secretary Jan Maxwell and Treasurer Mark Henderson's positions remaining unchanged. Our Membership Offficer once again is Brian Jackson and all enquiries re: joining Probus should be directed to him on 9548 6992. Currently we have four vacancies and no waiting list. In March we enjoyed a guided tour of the Terricotta Warriors at the Art Gallery followed by lunch at the NSW Leagues Club.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Also a guided tour of the State Theatre and once again for all our "mouths" a great lunch at NSW Bowling Club. Our bowls and golf days continue to entertain members as well as giving them some exercise. Each month we have a "foot and mouth" walk to various venues (foots walking - mouths joining us for lunch - it is marvellous how many new and varied cafes and restaurants we find). We also enjoy Wine and Dine outings and concerts incorporating both local and Sydney shows. Probus meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Worker's Sports and Social Club at 10am for 10.30am start. Enjoy interesting and informative speakers, peruse the numerous lists of outings on the table and take part in the book and DVD swaps. If you think this sounds like a club you would like to belong to give Brian a ring. You can also look us up on our website. www.probus.helensburgh.net.au. This website is generously supplied to us free of charge by Scott Smith.

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Trans fats found in microwave popcorn, packaged biscuits, cakes, pastry and margarine can lead to heart attack; sodium nitrate gives packaged meats (such as bacon, ham, salami) their colour and is linked to cancer, Olestra the fat used in ‘light’ chips stops the body absorbing nutrients; and Diacetyl found in microwave popcorn and anything butter flavoured is linked to lung disease. Artificial colours such as blue 1, yellow 5 and 6, Red 3 and 40 “have clearly been shown to induce cancer” (US Food and Drug Administration 1985) and are linked to a host of behavioural For Goodness Sake problems and allergic reactions in children. By Bronwyn McGrath, The golden rule is the more natural the food My father was recently diagnosed with cancer the healthier it is for us. And you don’t have to and acting on the advice of his oncologist he has cook everything from scratch, packaged food purified his diet, avoiding ‘artificial flavours, companies are getting the message. Read the colours and preservatives’. Additives are added label and make an informed choice. to food and drinks to enhance taste, appearance, But what about the hidden additives not even and shelf life. But they are also killing us. “Acceptable levels” of poison is not OK and we the food manufacturer knows about? Recently cannot ignore the real risk they pose to our health the category A human carcinogen Benzene was found in cow’s milk in Queensland. Studies and the health of our kids. have linked Benzene to the malignant disease So let’s tackle artificial additives. Steer clear of leukemia. Benzene can naturally occur near a MSG found in soy sauce, potato chips and most coal seam and be released into the water by the packaged foods, MSG worsens asthma, causes ‘fraccing’ process used in coal seam gas mining. headaches and increases weight gain; saccharine Another example is strawberries which are and aspartame found in diet drinks is proven to among the most heavily sprayed with cancercause cancer in rats. causing chemicals. It is not a simple matter of washing them thoroughly as Californian strawberry farmers spray Methyl Iodide Solution: into the soil. R O M P O S C A R S H E A Don’t ignore this information as being just an over-dramatisation. In today’s E U R O N E A T H T O S S chemical-laden world keep informed! Read D I S L O Y A L T Y Y A C K labels, and buy organic where you can. K I X U M B E R If the ingredient list reads like a science experiment it will do harm. S T E A L D O N E E D U E Don’t be fooled by the fast food T E N T E R E S A E S T chains either - visit www.naturalnews. M A D E A W E B V E R S A com/022194.html and read “Surprise ingredients in fast food” which takes a look P R O M P R E S at what’s really on the menu at the major S A L A D S O U R P U S S chains. K I A E V Z O N E S U P Good health to you and your family! I R S N O O S E E D E M A H O T L Y C E O H E I R U S E F U L N E S S A N N E T I R E S O M I T S E G O E A R N S R U B Y Helensburgh & District Herald 33

SPORT HELENSBURGH WOMEN’S BOWLING CLUB By Beatrice Gallagher Ladies of Helensburgh – come along and have a go at lawn bowls. This friendly social group can be found at the club in Boomerang St, Tuesdays after 9.30am. Want more details?? Call Lenore Bartlem 4294 1472. We are all aware of the work the Men’s Bowling Club have put into the green this year and now through their continued hard work, the water tank and shed are in place. Congratulations to the men involved! We would like to make special mention and to extend our thanks to Lisa and Chris, employees of the club, for looking after the ladies each week making sure our tea/coffee and jugs of water are ready at the beginning of the day and our cappuccino, latte and weak black coffees are just right at the end of our day, all done with a cheerful smile. Judith Starky has been working hard on getting our shirts on the go and we have now decided on the colours and design so for us the hard work is over! Thanks to Judith for her efforts on this project. She also provides great sandwiches for our lunches, making her a most valued and appreciated member of the club. Robyn Single, Vi West, Rhonda Christie and Judith Starky played away at Bulli last month and managed to come home with a host of prizes including a bowls bag won by Robyn. Helensburgh is always made very welcome when visiting other clubs. 1st Mar: Our Minors comp winner today was Robyn Smith with r/up Roma Henham. Consistency winner was Wendy Britten and r/up Elaine Smith. Our social team of Jenny Mason, Carol Dixon, Vi West, Robyn Single won with June Killham, June McCotter, Robyn Single, Lenore Bartlem r/up. Robyn Single could not lose today- playing on both teams!! The daily raffle went to Elaine and the vegies to Judith. 8th Mar: In the majors Beatrice Gallagher had a win with r/up Robyn Single; Vi West had a win with June Killham r/up. Consistency winner was Carol Dixon with r/ up Judith Starky. Our social triples winners were Jenny Mason, Lenore Bartlem, June McCotter and r/up Helen Haynes, Elaine Smith, Robyn Smith. June McC took home the daily raffle and Wendy the vegies. It was a celebratory day today with a very special birthday for Jenny Mason. 34 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Robyn Single, our great social secretary, arranged for the Birthday Tiara to be on hand for Jenny to wear on the day and decorated with balloons. We also enjoyed some wonderful birthday cake after lunch and the rest of the club enjoyed??? our Happy Birthday singing. Robyn presented Jenny with a lovely bunch of flowers on behalf of the ladies and Jenny expressed her thanks and appreciation of the warm welcome she has received since recently joining the club. June McCotter as our stand in President conducted our monthly meeting. Rhonda reported all competitions well under way. Robyn Single has confirmed details for our social days- a visit to the races in April and our Christmas in July at the club. 15th Mar: Fortunately the forecast rain stayed away and we were able to enjoy our games under good conditions, a little sun, a little cloud and a little breeze. Our Queen of the Green this month was Vi West with Lenore Bartlem r/up. Consistency winner was Rhonda Christie with ever improving Robyn Single r/up. The great competition game of the day was the majors where Carol Dixon playing with steely determination came from behind to win over Roma Henham in the last couple of ends. Wonderful bowls from both ladies! Judith Starky won the social singles and Elaine Smith was r/up. The daily raffle was won by Roma (maybe a consolation prize) and Judith the vegie box (again). Congratulations to the Christie family on the birth of their new grandson Luke. Glad to hear mum and bub both doing well.


193 Parkes St, Helensburgh

Open 7 days

SPORT Helensburgh - Stanwell Park SLSC By Daniel Robberds, After our most successful Nippers State in some years, the pressure was on our Masters and our Seniors to deliver some more great results for the red, white and blue at the NSW Masters/Open Championships at Kingscliff. Our Masters were up first and and Team Captain Sue Bell made sure she got the weekend off to a flying start, claiming GOLD in the 3539yrs Female Surf Race and Board Race. A huge effort by Sue and we are sure she will bring home some more gold in a few weeks at the national titles in Kurrawa. Sue later teamed up with Mel Whiteside to claim bronze in the 35-39yrs Female Board Rescue. This was a mighty effort by our girls who both had busy programs and Sue had also sustained an injury earlier in the day and could barely walk. We wish the girls the best of luck at ‘Aussies’ 2011 as they try to defend their title!!! On the beach Mel Whiteside added another medal to her ever-growing collection claiming 2nd place in the 35-39yrs Female 2km Run with teammate and friendly rival Sue Bell claiming 3rd place. Up on the sprint track we were also represented well with Jo Trigg claiming 6th place in the 40-44yrs Female Sprint as well as the 4044yrs Female Flags. Well done! Ian Manley, a new member to our club earlier claimed bronze in the 30-34yrs Male Champion Lifesaver. It is great to see our new members doing so well! Our Masters numbers were down a little this season so to finish 25th overall was a great effort. We wish them all the best next weekend as they face the best in Australia and I am sure they will do us proud! Thank you also to our Masters competitors, on behalf of the senior competitors, for their support during the Open section of the carnival. It was great to have such LOUD support! The pressure was now most certainly on our senior team with both the Juniors and Masters claiming some amazing results....and boy, they didn't disappoint! The highlight of the carnival came in the last two events of the beach program - the Open Male and Female Flags. Helensburgh/ Stanwell Park competitors Blake Drysdale and Laura Humphries made history for our club when they both took out their respective events - Laura being our first ever NSW Open Female

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Flags Champion and Blake joining the likes of past winners such as Steine Lofts, Damien Cook and of course Simon Harris. Well done to both of you! We can now also lay claim to having a State Champion in the 2km Run event, with Chris Doran claiming GOLD in the U/17 Male 2km Run. This is Chris' first season competing and he is definitely a big medal hope for us at Aussies in a couple of weeks. Other great results included our U/15 Female Beach Relay team of Tara Anders, Kaitlin Mott, Sian Foster and Liz Astill all collecting thier first State medals as they took out silver. This was followed up with another silver from our U/17 Female Beach Relay team of Alana Humphries, Sarah Bell, Tara Shewan and Emma Tonegato. A great effort by our little club! Other medalists who deserve speical mention include Blake Drysdale (Silver - U/19 Male Flags), Daniel Robberds (Silver - Open Male Flags), Emma Tonegato (Bronze - U/17 Female Flags) and Tara Johnson (Bronze - Open Female Champion Lifesaver). These amazing results helped our seniors achieve 20th place overall with only 18 competitors! Thank you to everyone who supported our competitors over the two weeks of competition. We put the bigger clubs like Manly, Cronulla and Wanda to shame with our raucous cheers and constant support. We are so lucky to be part of a club with such a healthy team spirit. A big thank you must also go to Andrew Bell and Mark Thompson for their tireless efforts officiating on the beach.

Helensburgh & District Herald 35


SPORT Sunday Social Golf Club

Scramble for your eggs!

By Vicki ‘The Hair’ Little Inspirational – is what you call people that participate in a sport like golf with a disability! We are fortunate to have a gentleman in our club proving to all of us that anyone can play golf. He can swear and curse just like the rest of us, even though sometimes I think he is a bit hard on himself. If your heart is in it – then go for it! March the 6th was the ‘Joe Doherty Mug’ award and a surprised Marree ‘ozzy ozzy ozzy oi oi oi’ won the day. She will get her name on the beautiful mug, going down in history! Rob O’Connor came 2nd, Travis Chipper was 3rd. It was the first round of match play with either smiles or frowns from the guys. So winners – get ready for the next round, plus a little fun game called ‘Lone Ranger’. Why don’t you come along and give it a go!

Saturday, 23rd April will see the Helensburgh Lions Club host its third fabulous Easter Scramble in Charles Harper Park, so make sure you’re free between 9am and 11.30am, for a morning full of food, fun and magic! Join us from 9am for breakfast, bacon and eggs, sausages or pancakes with fresh fruit salad. Buy a raffle ticket for some chocolatey prizes and then enjoy a free magic show with Joey Presto. When the magic tricks end, the Scramble begins! To Scramble, we need eggs, so please bring along some eggs for the Easter basket so there is plenty to go around! There will be two sessions, the first for children under five, the second for children six and over. Remember the Scramble rules: - No pushing or shoving - No taking other people’s eggs, and - Absolutely, NO bags or buckets! You will be asked to leave the Scramble if you collect eggs in anything other than your hands. Let’s follow the Scramble rules and everyone will have the chance to have fun and chomp on chocolate at the Scramble!



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Mobile: 0417 277 287 36 Helensburgh & District Herald

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