August 2011

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Helensburgh & District


Volume 1 #7


7D Land Development ‘Déjà Vu’ The large number of residents and individuals who opposed residential development at the sites of ‘Lady Carrington Estate’ and the Helensburgh ‘Land Pooling’ area in 2010, are about to experience development submission ‘déjà vu’. In May 2010, Wollongong City Council (WCC) shelved plans on the basis of numerous objections, for zoning changes that would have allowed up to 350 additional homes sites at Helensburgh in areas previously not permitted for residential development. This is due to their high environmental sensitivity, being located at the Hacking River head waters. Council then ruled out any compensation to the land owners deeming them “speculators”. Just last month, on July 5, 2011 WCC approved for community consultation, a voluntary planning agreement (VPA) which will allow for urban development in both the Lady Carrington Estate (South) and Helensburgh Land Pooling Precincts. The same areas in which development has been so hotly contested with; 1988 (over 7,000 submissions), 1994

NINA Officially Opened Page 5

Commission of Inquiry, 2009 Willana Report (over 3,000 submissions) and 2010 Preliminary Report (over 18,500 submissions), a total of over 28,500 submissions. The basis for the VPA is a ‘land swap’ whereby in exchange for development rights, 321 hectares of private land will be dedicated to council for inclusion into Royal National Park. Lady Carrington Estate Director, Bob Hogarth said the proposed arrangement was a win-win scenario stating; “This is a significant environmental concession which should be welcomed by environmentalists and everyone else who cares about flora and fauna in this area”. The proposed urban lands have been the subject of controversy since the mid 1980’s. The ‘creative’ advertising used to entice buyers to the Lady Carrington Estate in 1985 resulted in a breach of the Consumer Protection Act, 1969 [section 32(1) Repealed] and over the years, many warnings have been issued by WCC itself through print media about the future development viability of the land. Continued on page 3

Holy Cross Turns 100 Page 16

Go The Mighty Tigers! Page 39

Helensburgh & District Herald 1



DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ Disclamer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald ABN: 13 877 135 184 Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1- 7 14 8, 11, 19, 34 - 37 21 - 24 9 - 10, 18 15 25- 26 26 27 - 33 38 - 40


Vote 1 PETTY For Mayor |

“With integrity and transparency I will put the community first” For the election of a Ward 1 Councillor, businessman and local resident who is listening and acting on community concerns, Place a 1 in the box above the PETTY name Authorised by Greg Petty, PO Box 92 Helensburgh NSW, 2508

2 Helensburgh & District Herald


NEWS From page 1 There was also deep community disquiet over a process which saw the original Draft Wollongong Local Environment Plan (LEP) changed just four days before the public consultation process closed. The lands went from E2 classification, high level environmental protection, to E3, a zoning that permits significant development, which did not truly represent the old 7d environmentally sensitive classification. The extent of development in this latest proposal differs little from the past proposals which were also met with unprecedented objections. The Willana Report alone cost ratepayers $43,600 and there is little or no evidence to suggest that any of the questions left unanswered, have been satisfied by WCC. Neighbouring Sutherland Shire Council in their submission to Wollongong City Council (on the Draft Review of 7(d) Hacking River Environmental Protection Zone at Helensburgh) raised significant “concern in relation to the future impacts on water quality of the Hacking River, and the integrity and impact on wildlife corridors that connect Royal National Park and northern Wollongong escarpment and water catchment areas. Additional studies (as outlined by the Helensburgh Commission of Inquiry) should be undertaken before any preliminary recommendations are made in relation to the future use of the land. As such a precautionary approach should be undertaken” as submitted by Mark Carlon, Manager; Environmental Planning,

Sutherland Shire Council. To date, no such studies have been conducted. Helensburgh resident Greg Petty, Independent Candidate for WCC Lord Mayor and Ward 1 Councillor, has been campaigning against the rezoning and opposes the outcomes suggested in the recent WCC 7d review. “Everyone in the town has an opinion - it’s time the situation was resolved forever” said Mr Petty. “It’s hard to accept some land pool owners statements that they “only want to be able to build a house to live in” (in the Burgh) when their current residential addresses are waterfront properties at Sylvania, Burraneer Bay, Lugarno, Darook Park and Mona Vale. . . The Administrators were to bring transparency to the decision making process – instead begs the question why, how, and by whom, were the conclusions reached in the face of such strong community submissions numbers”. “We don’t need another submission round to know what the community has already stated in previous submission periods” added Mr Petty. More on 7D lands - Page 6

unhappy computer?


0415 797885 Helensburgh & District Herald 3



Two On-Call Clean Ups Each Year Wollongong City Council now offers each household in the Council area, two free on-call clean up services each year. Each household can now arrange for two kerbside collections per year, between 1 July and 30 June. Each collection can be two cubic metres, which is equal to two metres in length, one metre in width and one metre in height. Cleanup materials must be: • Placed out no earlier than the day before the pre-booked collection service and no later than 6am on the morning of the collection • Tied, wrapped or boxed as neatly as possible • Able to be handled by two people and less than two metres in length • Placed behind the kerb in front of your premises • Placed so the items will not fall on the roadway or obstruct any footpath • If you live in a unit complex, you should liaise with the Body Corporate, Strata Manager or Department of Housing Officer. You can leave mattresses, old televisions, chairs, tyres, clothing, shoes, electrical items, tools, sporting goods and car accessories out for the pick up. To book your clean up service visit Council’s website at or call Council’s Customer Service line on 4227 7111.

Happy Birthday Raya Thai How the time flies! Raya Thai is celebrating their 10th year in Helensburgh this month with a party in the newly renovated restaurant. The celebration to be held on August 24, begins with a buffet dinner and live entertainment by the fabulous David Calazet as ‘Elvis – The King’. There will be lucky door prizes on the night and of course - birthday cake! Bookings are $50.00 per person and seats are limited, so reserve your seat early on 4294 9222 or 4294 9555.


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NINA Shop Front Officially Opened

Northern Illawarra Neighbourhood Aid Inc (NINA) moved to their new Walker Street premises in December 2010 and with all the bright new signage and offices ready, they were officially welcomed into the location with a ceremony on July 19. The celebration of NINA’s past and future commenced with a ‘Welcome to Country’ by Dharawal Elder, Les Bursill OAM. “It was a real honour to have Les give the ‘Welcome to country’ in the native language of the Dharawal people as it was written especially for our opening ceremony,” said NINA General Manager Margaret McGarrell. Member for Heathcote, Lee Evans officially opened the new premises and this was followed by the dedication of a ‘Volunteer Recognition Plaque’ by volunteer representative, Mrs Eleanor McLeod. The new location provides improved access and visibility to better meet the needs of the community. Northern Illawarra Neighbourhood Aid Inc is a not for profit community organisation providing; in home support for frail, aged and

younger people with a disability and their carers, individual and group transport, assistance with shopping, letter writing and bill paying and social activities. To find out more or to become a volunteer, contact; or call 4294 1900. Visit them at 18 Walker St Helensburgh or via the website

Eleanor McLeod at the unveiling of the volunteer recognition plaque

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Helensburgh & District Herald 5

ENVIRONMENT 7D Lands - Changes By Precinct By Natasha Watson, Greens Candidate for WCC Ward 1 Since the early 1950's the greater region of Helensburgh, Otford and Stanwell Tops has been recognised as an essential green wildlife corridor between the Royal National Park, and the Illawarra State Conservation Areas. Over time the F6 freeway, suburban sprawl and a continuous railway fence have heavily fragmented the 'corridor' further, Wildlife and high biodiversity rely on a continuous green canopy for migration, feeding, breeding and a safe haven in the cool valley in times of major parkland bushfires. The Hacking River and its many tributary creeks and springs on the Helensburgh plateau are a major part of the corridor and have a downstream accumulative effect on the National Park and Sutherland's Port Hacking. So unique is this region, that it was granted its own zoning code '7D' to protect the region from further development. The 7d zoning should have translated to the new zoning parameter of 'E2' But unbelievingly, WCC has proposed zoning concessions to influential and affluent developers that will place our beautiful bushland, river, Royal National Park and protected lifestyle in peril. The key changes (to some) of the proposed zoning include: Wilsons Creek Precinct - (primarily the area between Parkes Street and the Freeway) a number of smaller joined lots to zoned E2, but larger adjacent lots E3. As this precinct feeds both the Hacking Catchment and the Woronora catchment, all these lots should be E2, with the clause that existing dwellings can be replaced. Gateway Precinct - (The main entrance to Helensburgh from the corner roundabout of the F6 freeway to Parkes Street). Starting with RU2 - rural landscape southern end to B6 'enterprise' down Parkes Street. Unfortunately, B6 is primarily light industrial, and over time the entrance to Helensburgh could become a chain-mail fenced area of large concrete blocks and bitumen, rather than a warm inviting tourist attraction that should herald the start of the Grand Pacific Drive to the Illawarra.

6 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Gills Creek Precinct – (The bushland region behind Binners Poultry then east down Lawrence Hargrave Drive) Much is zoned correctly as E2, but incredibly WCC are proposing the Lot on the corner of Baines Place be permitted for a large restaurant, with no provision for sewerage. Otford North & Central - Another concession to development. A number of lots zoned in the triangular bushland between Lady Wakehurst Drive and Otford Road are appropriate to E2, but Lady Wakehurst Road north of Domville Road to be rezoned to E4, despite the steep gradient, significant bushland, bushfire hazard and opposite the Royal National Parkland. In 2004 the Land and Environment Court inspected the lots and rejected the applicants appeal to develop the conservation land; but now WCC planning are proposing to allow development anyway! Helensburgh Landpooling (HLP) & Lady Carrington Estate South (LCES) – (The areas on the north and south side of the top of Otford Road Helensburgh) LCES, is (seen from the road) the cleared area with trucks and heads down hill into the valley area of Gardeners Creek (Hacking River catchment). HLP – (The bushland to the right that feeds and straddles the start of Herberts Creek). Beneath this area is a deep valley of stunning temperate rainforest, that must be protected from the onslaught of effluent and erosion. Council have included in the review a planning proposal for the two areas (approx 45ha), with the offering that in exchange for allowing housing development of 400+ houses, on what should be E2 zoned land, with no new dwellings at all, the Crown, will receive a donation of approximately 350ha land of the Lady Carrington Estates land. Now to a lay person, that land-swap deal may seem generous, BUT, all that area should be zoned E2 excluding any new development, in order to protect the Hacking River catchment in the valley below that directly feeds the Royal National Park and is the major part of the wildlife habitat corridor. Given the ineffective stormwater traps and ponds that Landcom installed in 2007 and since have had to replace, to create a similar housing estate on the extreme edge of the Helensburgh plateau will place the Hacking catchment in peril. Land swap deals in the Dapto region have also proven, that once built and sold, no money


ENVIRONMENT is allocated for the ongoing regular maintenance and clearing required for such stormwater traps. The Hacking River is Class P1 river, so such maintenance would be essential. Sydney Water have also stipulated in their response to the review, that no budget has been allocated for new development in the 7D region. Our Low Pressure Sewerage pumping station has already failed this year with a major leak of thousands of litres of raw sewerage directly into the Hacking River. More development will increase that risk of recurrence considerably. Jamberoo residents are complaining that their new housing estates sewerage installation will cost each resident $15,000. What could we expect? The region below LCES & HLP is also home to numerous threatened native species, from the Eastern Pygmy possum to Sooty Owls. A housing estate, particularly the spreading McMansion style tracts, create imposing fragmentation of Colorbond fencing, road ways, cars, noise, lights, exotic plants and domestic pets.

Developers, despite their glossy brochures and assurances cannot restrict the long term impact of such elements. Before such a land swap deal can be considered, accepted or rejected, extensive and intensive environmental studies must be carried out by completely impartial and expert consultants, and environmental authorities. For the interim it is best, that both areas remain E2 for a high conservation protection from land clearing and destruction. Once the Department of Planning (likely) approves Wollongong Council's proposals, the plans will go on exhibition. I'll have submission letters for each precinct on line again, with space for additional comments. For information, maps, and the key issues per precinct please see my website - “I am a candidate for the Greens Ward 1, but I keep my otfordeco website impartial and any data collected strictly confidential� Natasha Watson.


Helensburgh & District Herald 7

COMMUNITY NEWS British Pensions In Australia, Also In The Illawarra By Jim Tilley, Hon Chairman British Pensions in Australia If you have worked in Britain for 3 years or more, irrespective of your nationality, then British Pensions in Australia (BPiA) may be able to assist you achieve some extra retirement income from Britain. The service BPiA provides can assist residents in the Northern Illawarra (and Australia wide) who have worked in the UK at sometime, to discover, as they approach pension age, how to access their UK pension for which they contributed. This extra income will be to their benefit when they retire, for even though Centrelink probably takes some of this income from their Australian pension, they are left with at least 50% of what they will be sent from Britain each month. Moreover, even if the wife isn't British, she too will still be entitled to a part UK pension based on her husband's contributions.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD BPiA is a non-profit national association of nearly 11,000 UK pensioner volunteers, we are incorporated in NSW and partnered in an International Consortium with over 25,000 expats from Canadian and South African pensioner associations. The International Consortium's aim and mission is also to achieve an improved (indexed) UK pension income for all recipients of the UK State pension, especially those expats who have worked in the UK and paid into the UK's National Insurance scheme before retiring in Australia, Canada etc. Our political fight is funded by the small annual subs we request of members, $30 for a family and $20 for singles. If you think the BPiA may be able to assist you, please visit their web-sites au & or Phone 1300 308 353. "Fairness is at the heart of everything we do" PM, David Cameron, May 2010

NEIL LYON Solicitor • Conveyancing • Wills • Administration of Deceased Estates • Challenging and Defending Wills • Power of Attorney • Enduring Guardianship • Family Law • Litigation Monique Napper

8 Helensburgh & District Herald

5 Walker Street, Helensburgh PO Box 99 Helensburgh Upstairs above the liquor shop Tel (02) 4294 2076 Fax (02) 4294 2238 Email:

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Laurem’s Beauty Is Having An Overhaul By Carina Herbert Exciting developments are under way at the salon to prepare us for spring and summer which are fast approaching. The first of these changes will be a new name. The salon will undergo re-branding and will be known as “La Belle Boutique” from September. Our regular ladies and gents will know that the waiting area has already had a little facelift and that we now carry a larger selection of Napoleon Perdis products. We are also pleased to announce the return of our Remedial Massage Therapist, Karen Barnett to the salon. Karen is returning after a six month sabbatical and will be in the salon every Tuesday from July 26. Kelly Rodriguez from Longevity Lounge Aesthetics has made Helensburgh her base and will be spending more time at the salon. Many of our regular clients know Kelly, as she has been delivering Laser services at the salon for the past three years. Kelly specializes in laser hair removal and non-surgical facelifts and has been featured many times in Cosmetic Surgery Magazine. Kelly also brings to the salon VelaShape, an innovative fat and cellulite reducing system. This system has widespread acclaim in the United States and has only recently landed on our shores.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Last month, we introduced our teeth whitening system. Beaming White have been delivering excellence in salon administered Teeth Whitening for 15 years and we now have the opportunity to pass on the results here in Helensburgh. Our $89 special is valid only until the end of August. August also sees the arrival of our exciting new massage product! Lava Shell massage has been a salon staple internationally for several years however they are only just emerging on the Australian Market. Using polished Tiger Clam shells from the Philippine Islands filled with a self-activating lava cartridge, the shell heats from the inside out, allowing the heat to be trapped between the body of the client and the hands of the therapist. This in turn keeps the heat consistent throughout the massage. None of our services have been discontinued with the changes and we continue to offer botox, remedial massage, laser treatments and reflexology as well as our beauty services. As always, we aim to provide you with a professional, relaxing experience when you come to see us; so call in for an appointment and get back some “Me Time”.

NORTHERN BREW Home Brew Supplies DIY Beer, Wine Spirits, Beef Jerky Cheese Making, Party Hire Keg System Specialists

341 Princes Hwy, Woonona 02) 4284 6000 Trading Hours: Tues – Friday 9.30 am – 5.30 pm Saturday 9.30 am – 3.00 pm

Email: Web: Helensburgh & District Herald 9

THE TECHNOLOGIST Cyber Bullying – It’s A Crime By the ‘Technologist’ It seems that every week there are news reports of another assault or suicide that is directly connected to what is now called ‘Cyber Bullying’. Our kids are far too important to allow them to be consumed with such a hostile and vile practise. So what is Cyber Bullying and how can we protect our families against these technical tossers? The Australian Government cyber smart web site ( defines Cyber Bullying as: “The use of information and communication technologies to support repeated and deliberate hostile behaviour intended to harm others. It is sometimes used as an extension to other forms of bullying and can result in the target of bullying experiencing social, psychological and academic difficulties.”

10 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD How do we recognise Cyber Bullying? The Australian Communications and Media Association has given some signs and symptoms to look out for, these signs could be used for anyone we know including our children, friends or family members: • Decline in academic performance and social interaction. • Dislike and avoidance of school sometimes resulting in higher absenteeism. • Increased social exclusion and peer rejection. • Falling behind in homework. • Poorer physical health and sleepiness. • Increased negative self-perception. • Becoming withdrawn, appearing depressed or anxious, having mood swings, crying for no apparent reason. • Suicidal thoughts—this should be reported to the administration and the parents/carers immediately for appropriate action. So what can we do about Cyber Bullying? Lifeline ( is an Australian organisation that provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services. • Work together with children to prevent or deal with current cyber bullying and increase their protection. • Talk about how to work together to deal with a child’s experience of cyber bullying. • Encourage kids to come to you if they suspect they are being cyber bullied. Often kids think that they will get into trouble or have their computer or phone taken from them if they report the abuse • Know what your kids are doing online. • Keep computer in a supervised area (i.e. not in the child’s bedroom). • If your child is being cyber bullied, don’t just focus on this, but also look at other issues which may be going on for them which may also require attention. I suggest keeping computers in a common area, become ‘friends’ with your kids on social networking sites and avoid social pages that encourage bullying. For more information on Cyber Bullying, go to:



NINA Fundraiser By Hope Church

Caravãna Sun In The ‘Park’

Hope Church 2508 have arranged lawyers from the city based law firm Armstrong Legal to draft standard legal wills for the residents of Helensburgh for a donation to Northern Illawarra Neighbourhood Aid of $10.00 or more. Daniel Zelli, who is the pastor of Hope Church hopes they will be able to raise more than $2000 for a most worthwhile organization. The details: Time: 9am to 3pm. Date: 20 August, 2011 (Saturday) Place: NINA, 18 Walker Street, Helensburgh (opposite BiLo). Donation: $10 or more per will (would normally cost $300 each). The legal will is a law society precedented standard will that includes the following: • Up to 3 specific gifts of property (if required) • The residue (what is left after specific gifts are made) to up to 10 people • Appointment of a guardian for children (if required) • Appointment of an executor • Standard executor powers It is likely that many people will take up the offer, so to avoid disappointment on the day Hope Church recommends that you register your interest with Lionel Rattenbury on 0404 803 055 or At 6.30pm on August 20, 2011 at the Helensburgh Public School Hall, Hope church will be hosting a special night with Shane Clifton. Shane is an inspirational speaker who will be sharing his story on overcoming adversity after almost becoming a quadriplegic.

Get set for a feel good performance from Caravãna Sun at the Stanwell Park CWA Hall on Saturday August 20, before they head up the east coast on the much anticipated tour, celebrating celebration their new single ‘Feel Better’. Combining the solo experience of frontman Luke Carra with the unquestionable talent and insatiable vigour of his young cohorts Ant Beard on bass, Big Al on drums and percussion and Dan on trumpet. Caravãna Sun are a frenetic fusion of roots, surf, ambient and world musical styles. From the gypsy culture of southern France to the mystery of Ord River in the Northern Territory, the earthy collective take adoring audiences on a soul moving, body invigorating journey through the world’s cultures. Their live shows are laden with dance worthy boppy/reggae grooves and down to earth soulful lyrics that will have you feeling better in no time. Start: 7pm 20 August, 2011, Tickets $15 at the venue.

Reminder: The next Helensburgh Village Market is Sunday August 14


Caravãna Sun: Ant Beard, Big Al and Luke Carra Helensburgh & District Herald 11

SURVEY RESULTS: PART 1 Helensburgh Futures Survey Results: Part 1 The Helensburgh Futures survey distributed in May 2011 received an excellent response rate of 18 per cent. The survey was distributed to Helensburgh households by Kiri Yapp, an honours student in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong. The aim of the survey was to explore environmental concerns of Helensburgh households, and their understandings of climate change, carbon and coal. Kiri thanks all 288 households that returned a completed survey. After an introduction to who completed the survey, this article is structured into two parts. Part 1 explores if Helensburgh residents disagree about climate change. Part 2 examines if respondents disagree about the future of coal. Who completed the survey? Slightly more women (57.2%), than men (42.8%) completed the survey. The respondent age profile is older than the 2006 Australian Census data, with the average age of respondents

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD approximately 50 years of age. This older sample distribution can be attributed to the survey being completed by household decision makers. The survey captured the social diversity of Helensburgh across the categories of employment, education and household structures. Nearly eight percent of respondents currently have a household member employed in the mining industry and 26.5% of respondents have had family members in the mining industry in the past, in Helensburgh or elsewhere. The great majority of respondents were owner-occupiers, at 92.4%. The period of residence in Helensburgh ranged from as short as four months, to as long as 91 years. However, reflecting the stability of the Helensburgh population, most households (70.1%) reported living in Helensburgh for more than 10 years. Part 1: Do Helensburgh residents disagree about climate change? Overall, the survey results suggest respondents are familiar with arguments that position humans as integral to the process of climate change. Following conventional environmental science,

Figure 1: Personal impacts of climate change as listed by Helensburgh residents. 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

SURVEY RESULTS: PART 1 79.6% of respondents understand climate change as an outcome of both natural processes and human activity. There is a high level of concern amongst respondents about climate change, with the majority (74.9%) of respondents either ‘quite concerned’ or ‘very concerned’ about climate change. Only a minority either do not believe in climate change (3.2%), or believe it is entirely a natural phenomenon (7%). These results are in line with similar surveys in Australia and the United Kingdom. Though the survey results suggest that the majority of Helensburgh respondents agree with conventional climate change science, respondents disagreed how a changing climate would impact them. Just under 70% of respondents noted that a changing climate is impacting, or will impact them personally. Of these, the most commonly listed personal impacts (66.7%) referred to changes in the weather (one respondent listed, for example, “Temperature extremes – particularly long hot periods”) or adverse weather events (“more frequent and intense bushfires”).

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The results shown in Figure 1 suggest Helensburgh residents disagree on the personal impacts of climate change, with some understanding the implications in terms of global weather patterns, others thinking about changes to employment (“farming and primary industries not doing as well”) and the cost of living (“increasing energy and food costs”) and yet others concerned about the physical environment around them (“loss of wildlife and habitat is bad for future generations”). These different understandings of the personal impacts of climate change may go some way toward explaining disagreements surrounding climate change policy, given people are more likely to support climate change policies which address their concerns. Part 2: Do Helensburgh residents disagree about coal futures? will be covered in the September 2011 edition of the HDH.

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR With Thanks A special thank you for the cards, flowers, prayers, love and support following the sudden and sad loss of my husband and father of Cathleen and Carolyn Cowie; Noel Francis Lang, who passed away on Monday, 13 June 2011, aged 74. All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons - Editor. Dear Editor, 4,239 MILLION LITRES of our drinking water were let out for "environmental flows" between the 1st January - 30 June 2011. 71,790 megalitres is the 100% capacity. Current capacity as of end of June 2011 is 32,305.5ML at 45% capacity. So at this level, 4239ML equal's 1/8th of our drinking water let out. That's just from this dam! Michael Bullen, Chief Executive of the Sydney Catchment Authority, at a Community Meeting at Helensburgh, 23 June, admitted to me personally that if 'it wasn't for the "environmental flows", Woronora Dam would be 100% full, BUT it is 45% FULL!' Seems the boffins forgot about natural ongoing ground water, springs, etc. So why not let ALL dams fill to 100%? Have a flat rate, not a percentage let out if flows are actually needed every now and then, cutting out at a 90% dam storage? Don’t let flows out during rain periods when downstream cops as much rain as the dams. Or even during natural drought periods when river beds adapt to evolution. Flows were even released during the drought periods when we had water restrictions! But I guess that wasn’t important enough to tell us! How hard is that Premier Barry O’Farrell? Don’t let us down…. E-MAIL YOUR CONCERNS TO YOUR LOCAL MEMBER TODAY or go to: Alan Bond

14 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Dear Editor, RE “Some interesting facts about Our Local Stonework” July 2011, HDH an important point was overlooked. The bollard at the top of the pillar at Stanwell Tops (bollards are used for tying up ships) was off the original HMAS SYDNEY which was engaged in Australia’s first Naval battle between the German Raider/Cruiser the EMDEN, sinking it on the 9th November, 1914 off the Cocos Islands. Other bollards are at Tanilba Bay and the museum at Huskisson. The bow section of HMAS SYDNEY is at a memorial at Bradleys Head, and one of her guns is in Hyde Park, Sydney. Mark Dodds, Stanwell Tops Dear Editor, As chair of Neighbourhood Forum 1, Pauline Lascelles-Smith (Sic) does not seem entitled to endorse a particular candidate for an election (Herald, July issue). This was done in the state election, and now, in the case of Mr Petty, in the forthcoming council election. The latter was done also as President of the Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce. Were there minuted decisions of meetings of both groups on this announcement? In the charter of NF1, there is a clear requirement for the chair to be “unbiased”. As far as the Council election goes, there are a number of excellent candidates for Mayor. Michael Organ is a past member of Federal Parliament. Jill Merrin has made a substantial contribution to public life, and green matters, for many years. Alice Cartan has been a fine councillor in the past, and Gordon Bradbery is a popular and effective community leader who came within a few hundred votes of winning the Wollongong seat in the last state election. All these candidates have solid experience in public life, and would serve the city, that runs from here to Dapto, well indeed. Geoffrey Sykes

CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to blue fit gym for supplying a fantastic kids party room and being great helpers, when we just had our sons 4th birthday party there. CHEERS to the Ambulance Service. They do a great job in our community and are a great comfort to all who need their help; especially so, the Senior Citizens. Nothing is too much trouble for them and I sincerely thank them for their personal assistance and attention! JEERS to the person who was concerned at the thought a large ethnic family viewed the house for sale next door to him. Please keep your opinions to yourself and especially away from children who do not need to hear your bigotry. CHEERS to the CWA Stanwell Park Branch, who just celebrated their 64th year with a birthday party! Congratulations and thanks for all you do in our community!


Elaine Pugh of the Stanwell Park CWA cuts the birthday cake

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4294 4953 134 Parkes St (Opp Shell Garage) Call now for an appointment. No referral needed

Helensburgh & District Herald 15

IN MEMORIAM / CHURCH NEWS In Memoriam DOWSON, TREVOR 02-08-2005 Our dear son and brother, So sadly missed and forever in our hearts Maurice, Virginia, Peter and Melody. BLACKWELL, NED 15-08-2008 In loving memory of my Husband, Dad, Pop and Great Pop. Every day, in some small way, Memories of you come our way. Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, still loved, and ever dear. Betty and families. BLACKWELL, NED 15-08-2008 In loving memory of our Dad and Pop He worked hard for those he loved, Then left us to remember. Miss you Pop Love Donna, Glenn, Dylan and Ben

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a local, friendly genuine Christian Church. Part of the Australian Christian Network (, Hope Church 2508 provides a local expression tailored to meet our community needs. The church meets 9:30 am every Sunday morning, at Helensburgh Public School. This is an excellent facility, recently built and has plenty of room, disabled access and is in a central location to Helensburgh. We offer a fresh and encouraging family service every Sunday, kids church and an exciting program for our youth every Friday night. We invite you to join us for a service. If you have a question, any pastoral needs or would like somebody to talk to, you can contact Daniel Zelli on 4294 2299 during the week at anytime. Join Hope Church 2508 at Helensburgh Public School Hall, 9:30 am Sunday morning, Fletcher Street, Helensburgh. 16 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Holy Cross: Celebrating 100 Years as a Parish 2011 marks the Centenary of Holy Cross Helensburgh as a parish. In 1911 Holy Cross Helensburgh was established as a Parish. Prior to 1911, it was a part of the Parish of Bulli. The first Parish Priest was Father J Morris and the first Church built in 1890 was located in Parkes Street, on a block near the present Church. From 1896 the Church doubled as a school and was run by Miss Spellman. In 1900 Mother Mary MacKillop visited Helensburgh and the Sisters of Saint Joseph took over the running of the school which was named Holy Cross. In 1954 Holy Cross School moved to new premises in McMillan Street not far from the Church. In 1985 the Church building was moved to the school grounds. In 1986 the present church was built on land in McMillan Street opposite the school. That same year, Pope John Paul II visited Australia and in Canberra celebrated Mass on a sandstone altar crafted for Pope John Paul II’s visit. Half of this altar was later transported to Helensburgh and installed in the new Church building before its official opening. Holy Cross invites all to the following centenary events: Sunday 11 September: 9.30am, Mass to commence the week of celebrations followed by lunch. Wednesday 14 September: 10.00am, ‘Triumph of the Cross’ Mass with Holy Cross school children followed by BYO picnic lunch at the school. Saturday 17 September: 5.30pm, Mass followed by supper. Thursday 1 December: 7.30pm, Mass celebrated by Bishop Peter Ingham. This day isalso the Silver Jubilee of the present Churchsupper after Mass. For further information please contact the Parish office on 4294 1009 or visit our website;

CHURCH NEWS Holy Cross Catholic Parish

"Bearing Christ's love to the communities north of Sea Cliff Bridge" We are quietly proud to have been the bearers of Christ’s love to the people residing along the northern tip of the Illawarra from the beginning of European settlement. The first Catholic church was built in 1890 and the primary school was opened in 1900 (by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop herself). This year, 2011, marks the Centenary of the establishment of the parish in its own right, the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current Church in Helensburgh, and the opening of the (near) complete rebuilding of Holy Cross Parish School. The community north of the Sea Cliff Bridge is served from two churches: Holy Cross Church, 4 McMillan St, Helensburgh. St Bernadette’s Church, Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park. Our Sunday worship times are: Saturday evening Vigil Mass – 5.30pm (Helensburgh) Sunday early-morning Mass – 8.00am (Stanwell Park) Sunday mid-morning Mass – 9.30am (Helensburgh) We also have regular weekday times for worship and other activities, information for which is updated weekly in our parish bulletin. The parish office (Cnr Parkes & McMillan Sts) is opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The parish secretary can be contacted on: (tel) 4294 1099, (fax) 4294 9180, (email) The school office (Mrs Kerrin Cronin, Principal) can be contacted on: 4294 1588 Our parish website, where more information will be found and details of the Centenary celebrations will be posted, is:

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laidback Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church Bushland Chapel, 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. Uniting Church in Australia Sunday 9.30, 1st and 3rd of month, congregational meetings 4th of month, guest speaker and communion. Bushwalks 2pm 4th Sunday - explore your natural district! Performance and other activities see including use of chapel 4294 8329 or 4294 1695. Helensburgh & District Herald 17

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Grief By Alison Rowe – Child & Adult Psychologist Grief is a natural and normal response to any type of significant loss. The common cause of grief is the death of a loved one, however when large changes occur in a person’s life this can also lead to grief. Common examples include changes in your relationship, job, role, health, separation from family and friends or miscarriage or even infertility. Grief can vary for each individual person in terms of the length and severity of each experience. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Common grief responses can include shock, feeling numb, disbelief, confusion, anger, yearning for what has been lost, guilt, a sense of isolation and fear at facing the future. Grief may affect your thinking, cause difficulties sleeping and result in physical symptoms. Grief is like a journey with many pathways including ups and downs. The pain cannot be alleviated quickly but here are some suggestions about how to get through some of the difficult times. Ensure that you stay connected with friends and family to reduce your sense of isolation and allow people to help you. Share your memories and stories with them about your loved one or loss and access support groups. Stay healthy by eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, keeping the use of drugs and alcohol to a minimum and getting a good night’s sleep. Manage stress by allowing people to help you with daily chores and commitments, use relaxation techniques, meditate, use distractions and participating in enjoyable activities such as getting a massage or using aromatherapy. Maintaining a continuing bond with your loved one can be very helpful and comforting. This can be done by developing rituals that are meaningful to you. For example, light a candle, listen to music, plant a tree, designate a special place to think about them. Create a memorial by doing or making something to honour your loved one. Express your thoughts and feelings by keeping a diary or journal about your memories, writing a poem or letter, drawing, painting and collecting photographs. Read about other people’s experiences of grief or if it is helpful draw on religious and spiritual beliefs. 18 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD If possible, try to defer making major decisions for six to twelve months that cannot be reversed such as disposing of their belongings. A person experiencing grief needs support. You can help a person who is experiencing grief and loss by making yourself available to listen in a non-judgemental and accepting way to what the person says about what they are going through and memories of their loved one. Allow for moments of silence and reflection. Support the person by talking about everyday things. Avoid the use of clichés such as 'Think of all the good times', 'You can always have another child' or ‘Get over it’. Offer practical and emotional support by helping them to do their chores, cooking meals or offering to look after their children. Remember that grief may take years to work through. Acknowledge anniversaries and dates of significance for the bereaved person. If the person feels stuck encourage them to seek professional help. It is important that you are always aware of your personal limits and make this clear to the grieving person. Although grief can be very painful, most people (80-85%) find that with the support of their family and friends and their own resources, they gradually find ways to learn to live with their loss, and they do not need to seek professional help. However, sometimes the circumstances of the death may have been particularly distressing, such as a traumatic or sudden death, or there may be circumstances in your life which make your grief particularly acute or complicated. You should consider seeking professional help if you do not have people who can listen to you and care for you. If you are unable to perform daily tasks, such as working or caring for your children or yourself. Your personal relationships are being seriously affected. You have persistent thoughts of harm to yourself or anyone else or persistently over-use alcohol or other drugs to cope with your grief. Get no enjoyment from any aspect of life, have no energy or drive and are avoiding people. Experience panic attacks or other serious symptoms of anxiety or depression. See your local Psychologist for professional help.


CLUB NEWS Helensburgh Daytime VIEW Club At our “Christmas in July” meeting and delicious lunch, the Speaker was our own Mary Bozzo with her delightful poetry. Thank you Mary. Our special visitor, Angela, was most welcome. In June, Val Edwards from “Bark Busters”, gave us an entertaining and informative talk about doggy behaviour. The Company was established in Wollongong in 1989 and now has 450 franchises in 10 countries, including the U.S. and Europe. Please note that “Hairspray” at the Lyric has changed to 15 October, not 29th as previously stated, payment by 16 August, travel by bus. Places on Port Hacking Cruise 18 October, are still available. Bookings for “Annie” now open for 17 March 2012 at Lyric, pay by 6 January. A further outing is to Sutherland Entertainment Centre to see “A Chorus Line”, 24 September, 1pm, Show only, own transport, pay by 9 September. Car-pooling possible. Please phone Chris 4294 1103 for all details.

The delightful Mary Bozzo

Our Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, and the next Meeting is at Centennial Hotel 16 August, 11am for 11:15 start, when we hope to have as our speaker Harry Mitchell from the Aerial Patrol, and ex-member of the Band “The Tornadoes”. Please phone Virginia 4294 1312, for new lunch bookings or cancellations by Wednesday prior to the Meeting. Visitors welcome.


Tigers & Thistles all the best for the upcoming finals series.


Wishes the Helensburgh


(limited time)


Call Carl today

0421-463-644 For all your business printing, design & marketing needs - deal with a local Call James Baker on 02 4228 8411

40 Halls Rd, Helensburgh. Fax: 02 4294 3132

e. Helensburgh & District Herald 19



Vote Petty for ‘Fraccs’ sake!

Vote 1 PETTY For Mayor |

“With integrity and transparency I will put the community first” Dedicated to preserving the natural qualities of the Northern Illawarra and the Escarpment, Greg Petty has been tireless in his efforts to halt dangerous coal seam gas mining (CSG) and similarly working to preserve the sensitive head waters of the Hacking River. Mr Petty will represent the interests of the people in the whole Local Government Area, with transparency and the economic acumen the local government area has been calling for.

For the election of a Ward 1 Councillor, businessman and local resident who is listening and acting on community concerns, Place a 1 in the box above the PETTY name Remember to bring advertisement to the polling booth on Sep 3, 2011 Authorised by Greg Petty, PO Box 92 Helensburgh NSW, 2508

20 Helensburgh & District Herald

YOUTH NEWS The Difference A Week Can Make! By Sheree Host, SCKC Director In the recent July school holidays 33 children in years 3-6 created some priceless memories as part of Southern Cross Kids Camp. Southern Cross Kids Camps exist to bring a voice of advocacy in support of children who have been traumatised through abuse, neglect and abandonment within Australia. Southern Cross Kids Camps is best understood through a story. Alison had a great week at camp. She enjoyed the activities and although reserved shared with her buddy how lonely she felt at times in her foster home. She had good foster parents and the fact that her older sister was with her had been a bonus, but she often wondered about her own parents. She had been in foster care for several years and her early childhood was a blur. As the children climbed on board the bus for the journey back at the end of camp, her buddy handed Alison her photo album. As Alison looked at the front cover, she saw a smiling photo of herself at camp. In wonderment she turned the’s me!’s me with my

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD buddy!…me at the beach..She turned shining eyes on her buddy “These are the first photos of me that I have! My sister has one of her, but there’s nothing of me. Now I have a whole book! Thank you! With over 50,000 substantiated cases of child abuse IN AUSTRALIA which could be 5 times as high in reality *Australian Childhood Foundation & Child Abuse Prevention research at Monash Uni; the need can be paralysing and yet the commitment of SCKC is that all will be done to ‘Make a Difference in the Heart of a Child’. One of the most significant days of the 5 day camp is The Birthday Party, which is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the children’s birthdays and indeed, them! It is with much appreciation that I would like to sincerely thank the Helensburgh and District News for their community grant which made this incredible celebration possible! Please check out if you would like further information.

Passion, Persistence, Integrity Knowledge & Team Work

LJ Hooker has a unique set of values that set us apart from every other real estate agency

Call now to see why “nobody does it better” 4294 9800 Julie Humphries 0405 128 070 1/114a Parkes St, Helensburgh Helensburgh & District Herald 21

YOUTH NEWS To The Future Fete A Great Success By Keith Tomlinson, Principal Stanwell Park Public School Congratulations to the students, parents, staff and community members who supported our fete and worked tirelessly to make this event a fundraising success. Months and months of careful planning, collecting, sorting and organising raised over $25,000 for our school. The fete day on Saturday 25th June dawned clear and sunny with a very light breeze – perfect weather for the large number of people who attended. Children (and adults) enjoyed the all day rides and the stalls were fantastic. There was a huge amount of goods past and present; pre-loved clothing, books and toys, the biggest range of cakes ever, as well as a huge selection of plants, gift boxes, gourmet and organic food. There were also many activity stalls such as face painting, kids art and craft, lucky dip, hang gliding, Enviroworld, Futureworld and the bottle stall. The Art Gallery and auction was a new addition to our Fete and a huge fundraising success. Advertisement

22 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Wonderful prizes were donated for the chocolate wheel and raffle. Special thanks to our major prize sponsor Stanwell Tops Technical Services. Perhaps the hardest jobs were undertaken by volunteers who coordinated and manned the stalls without a break and the parents who worked in the office all day handling and preparing the takings for banking. These people do not get to enjoy all aspects of the fete as visitors do and their efforts are most certainly applauded and appreciated. Many thanks to our wonderful teachers who prepared fantastic displays of students’ work in the year 6 classroom and rearranged their rooms to accommodate fete activities. Finally to our very hard-working fete committee and stall coordinators who worked so hard under the outstanding direction of Bronwyn McGrath and Mardi Allen, thank you for your countless hours and efforts. Of course, the end result of all this hard work is that the students will benefit from the funds raised in the purchase of additional resources and many programs can now be extended due to your wonderful efforts.

YOUTH NEWS IT’S ON AGAIN, AND THEY’RE RACING! By Holy Cross P&F Association. It is time to mark the date for the annual Holy Cross Parents & Friends Association Golf Day and Dinner. This year the two events are on Friday October 28. For those who would like to catch a round of golf the day begins at 7am with breakfast at Boomerang Golf Club. Tee off is at 8am where teams will play a four ‘man’ Ambrose competition with a range of prizes and raffles. Depending on numbers lunch will also be provided for a gold coin donation. The cost will be around $30-35 for the day, including the brekkie. According to reports from the previous two years, the food is worth the cost alone, being quite scrumptious and plentiful! After a spot of golf head home to refresh for the dinner dance later that same evening. The theme is Melbourne Cup so dress up with your hats, fascinators and good ‘get-up’. A delicious 3-course meal will be provided at Panorama House including a 4-hour drinks package and entertainment (including 2508’s

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD own Sam Baker!). Return bus transfers are also included in the $75pp package with designated pick up/drop off points for convenience and safety. As an added unplanned bonus, especially the trip home, many attendees spontaneously provide some hilarious on-bus entertainment! The Dinner is such an easy night out – close to home, supporting a great local school and local businesses and also a fantastic opportunity for adult friends to get together. Look out for more information in school newsletters, on the Holy Cross Parish School website, in local newspapers/websites, on the school sign on Parkes Street and from friends and family of Holy Cross. It doesn’t matter where you live or what school your kids go to, everyone is welcome. A predominantly social event with some fundraising on the side – lots of great raffles and auction items. Last year we had a signed pink guitar from Pink, a signed framed photo of Kelly Slater, and a wonderful ANZAC photo, amongst other great items. Please contact the school on 4294 1588 or email us at to book your table or for more information. First to book their table of 10 will receive a prize (TBA). So mark the date for a great local day and/ or night out - Friday 28th October…attend one event or both. Remember, your friends and family are most welcome to come along!

Helensburgh & District Herald 23

YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School News By Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal. Kindergarten enrolments for 2012: It is time to enrol for Kindergarten 2012. Please come to the school after 10am any day if you need more information. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from au/gotoschool/enrolment/parentsinfo.php Sandpit Renovation: The new buildings in the school have been completed and it is time to rejuvenate the top oval. Mr Hendry, our general assistant, has begun to renovate the sandpit. He will be removing all of the old sand building a small retaining wall around its perimeter and a fitted cover will keep the sand clean in the future. Our junior students are very excited about having a rejuvenated sandpit area to play in. Money raised from the walkathon will be used to fund this project. School Fence: As you are all aware the new boundary fence has now been completed. We are currently in the process of reviewing our lockdown and evacuation procedures, taking

24 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD into consideration the adjustments that now need to be made. Following consultation with the Department of Education and Training we will need to begin locking the back gates during school hours. We understand that many of our volunteer parent’s park in that vicinity and that this will cause inconvenience but all access will now need to be done through the front gate. The back fences will be locked at 9:15 am and reopened at 2:40 in the afternoon. Children and parents will still be able access the school for dropping off in the morning and collection in the afternoon. Sydney East Area Cross Country: It was wet, windy, cold and very muddy at the Sydney East Area Cross Country Carnival, held at Miranda Park. The following students represented our school at Engadine Zone - Beau W, Krystal B-T, Kathryn C, Jarrod C, Lochlan McP, Brianna K, Thomas K and Harry C. They all performed brilliantly on the day. Three will now go on to represent Sydney East Area at the NSW PSSA State Cross Country Carnival at Eastern Creek on Friday, 22nd July - Harry - 6th place, Tom - 3rd place and Krystal - 6th place. It was also great to see many Helensburgh Public School ex-students perform so well on the day too. It was indeed an honour to witness our students do so well. Congratulations for all your hard work. Grandparents’ Day 2011: Every year the school holds a very successful and wellsupported Grandparents’ Day when children invite their grandparents to visit the school. This year it is on Tuesday, 9th August. The day will begin at 9.30am with morning tea, followed by a concert at 10.00am and then an opportunity to visit the classrooms. Grandparents can also stay to have lunch with their grandchildren. The same performance for parents is scheduled in Education Week for Open day on Thursday, 4th August. Parents are asked to attend this performance rather than the one scheduled for grandparent’s day. Special friends are invited to attend if grandparents are unavailable. Illawarra Festival Choir 2011: The Illawarra Festival choir will be performing on Wednesday, 4th August at Wollongong Town Hall as part of Helensburgh Public School Education Week celebrations.

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. BUSINESS CARDS $98 500 Cards Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. 0403 397 751 LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220. BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652 NUTRIMETICS $10 LIPPIES for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising or pampering, call Jenelle 4294-2864 or 0407 038 799

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *all classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) au/taichiyogapilates DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Monique 0425 320 597. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 THIS ODD LI’L SHOP Great range of products including hand-made candles and soaps using environmentally friendly ingredients, sterling silver jewellery, crystals and gemstones, hand-painted artwork, hand-knitted items and more. For enquiries, please ring Jenni 0438 741 964 MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122 Helensburgh & District Herald 25

CLASSIFIEDS / BLUEGUM DIARY TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 LAWN MAGIC *lawn care & edges * Weed control *Hedge Trimming * Waste Removal * Gutter Cleaning * Water Blasting * Garden Mulching *Planting of plants * Watering Gardens . Fully Insured .Pensioner Discount, Free Quote ASK KYLE!!! Phone 04333772443 REDUCE YOUR OVERHEADS! WANTED: Office space to sub-let in Helensburgh. Only requirement is one clean, private room with electricity. Call Daniel 0409 065 500.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD FOR SALE: 2 seater leather lounge. Excellent condition, (Tan) CRAFT ITEMS, Printing machine with inks. Paper guillotine, Candle wicks, 3HP Router with the bits, retro mirror 0410 307 043. WAX’D CANDLES: soy melts, palm wax pillar candles, soy wax jars, all made with high quality essential & fragrant oils. The palm wax is endorsed by WWF (world wide fund for nature) & Ecosoya (soy wax) is biodegradable, free from pesticides, herbicides and contains no GM materials. Casual in home parties available.

Local Youtube Channel Local resident Alan Bond has produced a lot of videos on our area over the years from controversial developments, Woronora Dam low levels to parodies about politics. He says his most popular video is on the old Helensburgh Train Tunnel, which he has called Ghost Tunnel. It has had well over 30,000 hits and a mix of comments from around the world. His videos can be viewed on his Youtube Channel at:

Blue Gum Diary 16 AUGUST

VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel


1st Helensburgh Scouts Trivia Night


RAYA THAI -10th Birthday Celebration with David Calazet, 7pm - Bookings essential, 4294 9222


Otford Public School Fete 9 am - 2 pm (Sat) Save the Date!


VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel


VIEW - No Meeting (Hacking River Cruise)


VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel


Holy Cross Golf Day & Dinner. Save the date!

26 Helensburgh & District Herald



MARK JONES BUILDER • New Homes • First Floor Additions • Decks & Pergolas

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Helensburgh & District Herald 27





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28 Helensburgh & District Herald

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Helensburgh & District Herald 29






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30 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Are you interested in advertising? Contact the Editor Helensburgh & District Herald 31



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32 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Bring Happiness To Pango Village Preschool By Carolyn & Paul Blanksby During a holiday in Vanuatu after our daughter’s wedding, we visited Pango Village Preschool on the island of Efate. This preschool, for 0-6 year olds, teaches and cares for sixty children. The preschools teacher, Mara, is a Ni-Vanuatu grandmother, has donated her house to accommodate these beautiful children, takes no wages for all her work and is also training her daughter to teach. Unlike preschools in Helensburgh or throughout Australia, Pango Village preschool receives no government assistance. The centre runs on a small contribution from the children’s parents, if they are able, but this is waived if the ongoing attendance of the child at school enables the parents to keep working. We are asking the generous people of Helensburgh and beyond to donate any spare school supplies to our own collection and we will arrange for the supplies to be delivered directly into the Preschools care. To find out how you can help, call Carolyn 0411 041 832 (after hours) or email:

Helensburgh & District Herald 33

CLUB NEWS WAVES 2508 Profile of Kevin Kennedy: Kevin is one of the six Vietnam Veterans to help set up WAVES 2508 and is currently involved in setting up a Web site for the organization. I was born in rural Victoria in 1944, the eldest child and only son in a family of four children. I joined the RAAF at the age of 19 and in March 1964 I was sent by train from Melbourne to Forrest Hill (Wagga Wagga) for recruit training. Half way through the recruit training course the venue was changed to Edinburgh SA. The longest trip that I had ever been on to this point was the train trip from Melbourne to Wagga and so it was very exciting to drive from Wagga Wagga to Adelaide. After returning to Forest Hills later that same year for further training, I was posted to No 1 AFTS (Advance Flying Training School) at RAAF Base, Pearce WA in 1965. The aircraft at Pearce were twin seat Vampire jet trainers and also the DC3 transport. I remained at AFTS until March 1966 when I was posted back to Forest Hills for further technical training. In August that year I was posted to No 5 Squadron at RAAF Base, Fairbairn (ACT). I arrived in the middle of a snow storm and I remember that someone was skiing around the snow covered oval behind an old Hillman Minx fitted with chains, much to the enjoyment of the drinkers in the nearby airmen’s club. No.5 squadron had recently returned from active service during the Malay emergency. The squadron was equipped with Iroquois Helicopters. The sister squadron, 9 squadron, had just commenced active service in South Vietnam and so No 5 squadron was running a frantic training programme to be in a position to replace the No 9 squadron personnel over the following 12 months. In May 1967 my turn came and I flew off to join 9 squadron at Vung Tau South Vietnam. During my year aboard we lost some aircraft, some to enemy fire and some to mechanical failure. Two of these aircraft we managed to recover from the bush and get them back to our base. Over several months we combined the two wrecks and managed to rebuild one Iroquois Helicopter and get it back flying. A2-1019. Defence Department were surprised when this aircraft appeared on official reports as they had written the old aircraft off and replace it with a new one. 34 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD I am proud to say that this aircraft is now on display at the War Memorial in Canberra. After returning to Australia in May 1968 and spending leave time with my family in Victoria I returned to No. 5 squadron at RAAF Fairbairn Canberra. Training for tasks in Vietnam was ongoing and rather relentless. Exercise after exercise together with the usual emergency tasks. Flood relief , search and rescue etc. In September 1969 I left for Lae PNG, to carry out a build up exercise (operation Puk Puk) with a Special Air Service squadron who were about to be sent to Vietnam. A few weeks into the exercise we were called out to help with an influenza epidemic which had broken out in the highlands. On return to Australia in late 1969 I decided not to stay with the RAAF. I was about to be married and I was always away. Less than two years later I joined an American Helicopter company (NUH) in Singapore and for much of the 1970s’ spent two weeks away in Indonesia, Sri Lanka etc working, returning to Singapore for a week off and then going back to the bush. Our main employment was support for oil drilling and logging. I loved every minute of it but by this time Leonie and I had two small children who were growing up not really knowing the rest of our family members so we decided to return to Australia. I joined Department of Defence and stayed with the aviation side. In 1990 I moved to a German engineering company as technical manager and after eleven years started my own company, eventually retiring in 2009.

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CLUB NEWS Helensburgh & District Historical Society Open Day for History Week: Sunday 4 September, 10 am to 3 pm. Old Mine Doctors’ Surgery: 78 Parkes Street, Helensburgh (corner Parkes and Junction Streets) The Surgery was originally located in Robertson Street and moved to its current location in 2001. On display will be details of the surgery as used by Dr. Cox plus lots of photos and information about Helensburgh's history. For more information ring Allan on 4294 1829 or visit our website www.historichelensburgh. We will also have Michael Adam’s latest book ‘ Beyond Bulli – Northern Illawarra Pre Railway Pioneers, 1820 – 1888’ for sale for $20.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Ode To The Northern Illawarra Pioneers By Michael Adams We remember those coming to pioneer, Their hearts full of hope, but tinged with some fear. No roads or rail to help them get here, Rewards were so small, the effort so dear. South Illawarra was taken and gone, Lush flats of grassland where cattle could run. The North beckoned some with coal to be won Or timber to strip, until it was done. The natives came lightly into the North, Access and food dictating its worth. Fading as Europeans spread forth, Deprived of a culture, deprived of the earth. At first only fit for a bushranger lair, For none would bother to look for them there. A terrain where only the brave would dare, Others considered, but could not care. Leeches and mozzies, and cliffs barred the way, Access was hard for foot, horse and dray. Clinging mainly to slopes wherever they may, Only the hardy survived the long stay. Eccentrics, the famous, would come and would go, Investors with dreams, but nothing to show. Selectors would bring there a new, hopeful flow, Their needs within means, their pace sure if slow. The cliffs gleamed with coal invitingly. Jetties were built, and battered by sea, The terrain undermined prosperity. Mines were tried, but sank into history. For those whose needs and desires were not great The eventual gains were well worth the wait. They eked and they scrimped, not tempting fate The rail would burst through, new fortune await.

Helensburgh & District Herald 35

CLUB NEWS Fellowship of First Fleeters By Betty Warn Continuing Joseph Smith’s Story of the NEPTUNE: On the ship he wondered if there would be any of them left by the time they got to Botany Bay; then one morning, word went around that land was in sight. Some seamen came down to Joe’s compartment saying, “Get up my lads, there’s work to be done; you’re to help get those poor sick convicts on deck. Be quick about it now.” “Is it Botany Bay Mr Rogers?” asked Joe. “Sydney; they call this place Sydney, New South Wales. A fine place it is too, you’ll see it when you get on deck” the seaman replied. There were so many sick, so many of them hardly able to move, that it was a struggle for the boys to get them through the hatch-ways. Joe blinked in the sunshine when he stood on the deck for the first time since the ship had anchored. The air was cold and crisp, but very clear. The deck was covered from one end to the other with sick and dying men. Some of them were covered in sores, some ashen faced, hollow

36 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD eyed, skin stretched across their cheek bones. Some were delirious, others inert. The boy turned his eyes to the shore. The first thing he noticed was the trees; he’d never seen so many of them in his life. They were everywhere, all over the hills and right down to the water in most places. They were a dusky green and some were huge. There were little white beaches and the water was blue and clean. “Not like the Thames” he thought. The boats from the NEPTUNE were landing and he saw people standing by the wharf; Officers in blue coats along with a Parson. A few convicts had already landed and the officers were looking at them, shaking their heads while the Parson wrung his hands. One of these convicts looked dead. “Poor fellow” thought Joe, “to come all this way for that!” Suddenly, he felt a blow to the side of his head and he looked up to see Ellerington the Chief Mate, glaring down at him. “Get below” he shouted, “there’s plenty more of these miserable buggers for you to carry up.” (To be concluded in next issue)

COMMUNITY NEWS/ HOROSCOPES A Moment With Danielle Lee Leo: The spring brings in new abundance at work and fullness to all areas of your life. Remain centred in times of strife and confusion should they arise and you will find solutions and the perseverance to tackle the challenge at hand. It is time to get moving again, although this time there will be balance. Never give up on your dreams, never give up on your wants just NEVER give up and the world will always be a happy place where you can feel content.

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Massage Therapy Myofasical Dry Needling Trigger Point Therapy

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Girl’s Lives Transformed Roslyn Sherratt admits if you’d asked her or younger sister, Bec, what Girls’ Brigade was or where it would take them when they joined back in 1995, that the answer today would be extremely different. As Girls they’ve earned the highest National and International Awards, attended State and National Camps & taught numerous girls from 2508 various crafts, games and songs in the 10 years since becoming leaders. “Girls’ Brigade changed my life. Leaders encouraged me to do things I believed I couldn’t while offering me a place where I felt I belonged which really meant a lot to me,” said Roslyn, who this year took over as Captain of the local group. While celebrating 15 years since moving from the Stanwell Tops Conference Center to the Helensburgh Anglican Church the two leaders are looking forward to returning ‘the Tops’ in January 2012 when NSW hosts the National Camp (called a Fonomarae) in “our own backyard”. Both girls admit there have been many great times and equally as many challenges, but are still optimistic about the future of the Girls’ Brigade in our area. All girls are encouraged to come join in any time, GB meets Tuesdays 6:30-8pm in the Anglican Church Hall.

U3A Term 3, 2011 Mondays at “Hillcrest”, 15 Railway Ave, Stanwell Park 9.30 – 12 noon.


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8th August – Hipatia Part I (Harry & Gelinda Slip & DVD) 15th August – Hipatia Part II (Harry & Gelinda Slip & DVD) 22nd August – Human Rights and Anti- discrimination (Gerardo de Liseo) 5th September – Some of our favourite poems and haikus (Jenny Lee-Robbins) 12th September – Colosseum (DVD) For further information please contact Jenny Lee-Robbins 4294 3475.

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Helensburgh & District Herald 37

SPORT Helensburgh Women’s Bowling Club By Beatrice Gallagher Our ladies meet at the Workers Club each Tuesday morning at 9.30am. Lenore Bartlem, our Secretary, can be contacted on 4294 1472 if you would like more information. 21 June: It was our 56th Birthday and we had almost 50 visitors accept our invitation to celebrate with us at our party including the President and members of the Illawarra District Women’s Bowls executive. Our ladies under President Shirley Cassidy had worked hard setting up the tables and the area looked a picture as Shirley welcomed our visitors. Keeping up with tradition, the Helensburgh ladies infamous morning tea was enjoyed by all before adjourning to the green. It was a bit cool with a blustery wind as we started off with a spider, won by one of our visitors – a trend that seemed to continue throughout the day! The Aussie flag flying with the district flag also hoisted made you feel very proud. With our greenkeeper, Matt, away on competition, our thanks go to Greg and Paul for the green preparation. We played our bowls in great friendship and then happily adjourned to the club for pre lunch drinks with our teams – bowling ladies are never short of a word or two..or three. The bistro looked after our lunch requirements before President Shirley officially welcomed the District and all the club representatives including Paul Keyes and Kevin Rhodes from Helensburgh Men’s Bowling Club. It was good to see Shirley Barnett come along and Esther Baker was missed on the day due to illness. The Tiramisu birthday cake organised by Wendy Britten was in great demand. Shirley’s choice of gifts for the “pick of the card” prizes, were first class and all winners were more than pleased with them. Unfortunately, we did not have too much luck here with only Rhonda Christie and Janet Smith claiming a prize, the remainder going to visitors. We fared even worse in the raffles, winning nothing! All in all in was a very successful birthday party and it is most pleasing to have visitors be so complimentary when coming to our club. 28 June: The Bentick Cup was played today. It was a tough tussle but finally the winning team were Rhonda Christie and Robyn Single 38 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD with runners up Vi West and Wendy Britten. Congratulations girls! The daily raffle went to June Killham and Carol Dixon took home the vegies. 5 July: Is winter never going to end??? Although no rain today we did have the winds to contend with. A few of us decided the inside of the club was a better place to be but some were made of “sterner stuff”... In a singles game Judith Starkey had a win, runner up was Robyn Smith. Jenny Mason & Elaine Smith won in a pairs game with Robyn Single & Janet Smith as runners up – all the girls deserve a medal today!!! Rhonda Christie won the daily raffle and Jenny Mason won the vegies. 12 July: What a wonderful day! Great to see the sun shining and it was a fitting day to welcome back Joan Gardner to the green after her fractured arm has kept her sidelined for the past 22 weeks. The Minors Final competition was played and congratulations are in order who played a mammoth 42 ends – Elaine Smith held on to win but was pushed by Judith Starky all the way. Competition continued with Rhonda Christie winning and Janet Smith r/up in one game and Carol Dixon winning and Vi West r/up in the second game. Well played ladies! Our social triples team of Joan Gardner, Lenore Bartlem, Wendy Britten took the winning title, with ru/ups Jenny Mason, Lenore Bartlem, Robyn Single. Joan won the daily raffle (it was a crocheted rug donated by Robyn Single – a much coveted prize) and Vi won the vegies.



Helensburgh Tigers R.L.F.C.

With rain playing havoc with all sports, the Senior Tigers are heading to the Finals with all five teams. CUB Cup in 3rd grade are sitting on fourth spot, Womens are undefeated, way out in front, 18s are running in 2nd spot, with Reserve Grade leading their comp. First grade has been going great, considering the drain of players to the Illawarra, with Steve McCallum, Eamon Hillen, Capt Wade Humphries, Grant Smith and Jason Raper playing throughout the Country Championships. Out of this, Steve and Eamon went on to represent NSW Country and defeated QLD Country in Coonabarrabran, with Steve Hitower McCallum, voted Man of the Match.These boys would look good in a Souths jumper. Firsts are currently sitting in 2nd spot and with a few games to go, we hope as a Club to take out the Senior Club Championship.

With our upcoming 100 Year Centenary Night coming quick, keep 24th September free. A big night being organized by Bobo White, will be held at the Workers Sports and Social Club. Hopefully, many old, and not so old players, coaches, managers, supporters and their families will be there. All are welcome. Good luck to all the Tigers teams in the Semis, with the GF at WIN Stadium on September the 4th. Thanks to Peabody Energies Metropolitan Collieries, our Major Sponsors for many many years. Without them, this town would not have a team, let alone 5 in the Finals. Go the Mighty Tigers!

Girl Power: The HRLFC Womens League remain undefeated Helensburgh & District Herald 39


SPORT Sunday Social Golf Club

your name on that marker and some little bugger comes from behind and wipes you out – Its all the fun of the game. A little quote from the confused golfer; “Some golfers fantasize about playing in a foursome with Arnold Palm, Jack Nicklaus and Sam Sneed. The way I hit, I’d play in a foursome with Helen Keller, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder”

By Vicki ‘the hair’ Little We say goodbye to a golf buddy; Frank Snee was a member of our little club who passed away after a long battle with cancer on July 3, aged 74 years. What a nice gentleman and his eyelashes were the envy of every girl. He loved his golf and I think it was special he played with his son, Steve. Our thoughts are with the Snee family; Steve, Kim, Teagan, Grant and his wife Audrey. Your life we honour, your departure we accept, your memory we cherish. Happy golfing Frank. Our July 3 game was the 1st round of the championships with Craig ‘Kung Fu’ Nicholl taking out first place, AGAIN. He’ll be opening a shop soon with all the prizes he’s won lately, Andrew Carter came second winning a Black & Decker wet and dry vacuum, Mark ‘Chooky’ O’Connor was third, and brought home some beautiful photo frames. We also have little challenges along the way, for example; the ‘strike it lucky’ money hole has to be reached within a metre of the pin radius which is a task on its own! Then finally, you get

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