July 2011

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Helensburgh & District

HERALD www.helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

Volume 1 #6

JULY 2011


Third Time Lucky For Walker St The persistence and hard work of local residents opposing the development proposed for 61-63 Walker St Helensburgh (DA2009/1608) appears to have paid off. After hearing submissions from 5 respondents, the applicant and the owner of the development site, the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP) at the June 21 meeting, voted unanimously against the mixed use development for 15 residential units, 2 commercial spaces and 32 basement car spaces. The respondents raised a number of issues including; privacy to neighbouring blocks, increased on-street parking (resulting from tight turning areas in the basement car park), potential for traffic accidents and questionable pedestrian safety as a result of the driveway gradient. The respondents further noted; ‘conflict’ between residential and commercial spaces and the internal amenity for future occupants. The panel also noted in their report, the proposed development would; “set an undesirable precedent for future development at the southern end of Walker Street”.

CSG Debate Continues Page 3

This is a victory for the future character of the Helensburgh shopping precinct with one respondent likening the architectural style of the proposed development reminiscent of ‘1970’s Soviet Russia’. The panel report further recommended that Wollongong City Council introduce changes to allow applications of this nature (located outside of Wollongong city centre) to “undergo a design review process earlier in the application. . . Accordingly, it is recommended that Council consider extending the design panel review process to include all SEPP65 developments”.

Stress Less For Lifeline

We all need a break from stress and on July 22, Lifeline is calling for all Australians to ‘stress less’ for a day. The organisation is encouraging all Australians to make the most of ‘stress down’ day and suggestions include; wearing slippers to work or school, wearing something that just makes you feel good – and of course donating to Lifeline’s 24 hour phone crisis centre. To learn more visit: www.stressdown.org.au

Finally The ‘Burgh Gets A New Loo! Page 9

Your Domain Name: A Business Asset Page 11

Helensburgh Physiotherapy 4294 9990

& Sports Injury Clinic

Helensburgh & District Herald 1



Letter From The Editor

Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au www.OurHelensburgh.com.au ABN: 13 877 135 184 Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Disclamer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport 2 Helensburgh & District Herald

1- 9 16 31 - 33 19 - 21 10 -14 15 29 - 30 20 23 - 29 33 - 36

The Helensburgh and District Herald (HDH) is committed to bringing the community a high quality local news publication. It is with excitement that I bring the July 2011 edition in (partial) colour and I invite all current and potential advertisers to send colour files to the editor. Over the coming weeks the entire printed HDH will make the transition to colour. Unfortunately, as a result of recent reportage and reports of confusion between news entities, it has become necessary to clarify the HDH is not in any way associated with the online news blog ‘Northern Exposure’ or NiO. With the necessary clarifications addressed, I hope you enjoy the July 2011 edition of the HDH.


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CSG Debate Continues

By Angela Fagerstrom On June 23, 2011 the NF.1 (Neighbourhood Forum 1) convened a ‘2508 Town Meeting’ aimed at informing residents the extent of plans for exploratory coal seam gas (CSG) wells in Northern Illawarra and the potential impacts CSG mining may have on the region. Apex Energy NL, who currently hold the exploration licences for the proposed wells, declined the invitation to attend the meeting, citing inappropriate modification of anti-CSG petitions circulating in the region. Speakers at the ‘2508 Town Meeting’ included Natasha Watson of OtfordEco who is credited with releasing to the public the extent of CSG mining interests in the area. Other speakers included; Peter Baker from Peabody Metropolitan Coal Mine, Alan Lindsay, former Executive Director of Caltex (currently a member of SHCAG – South Highlands Coal Action Group), Michael Bullen Chief Executive of Sydney Catchment Authority and Jess Moore from the ‘Stop CSG Illawarra’ group. At the ‘2508 Town Meeting’ Peabody GM, Peter Baker defined the joint venture partnership with Apex as being a necessary safety control with the “overlap” of PEL (petroleum exploration licenses) and ML (mineral exploration license) boundaries. Mr Baker reiterated that Peabody “are coalminers” and are not interested in any business outside mining coal. The meeting provided residents with a clear understanding of what they can expect from the production phase of CSG mining which in his presentation, Alan Lindsay described as being “full scale industrialisation”. In an exclusive interview with Apex CEO Darren Rice, the HDH was given further insight as to why Apex was unable to attend. Mr Rice explained he was in Sydney to address the Apex board in a series of meetings relating to a new CSG drilling technology and was quick to highlight the controversial CSG extraction method known as ‘fraccing’ is simply not likely to work on the “tight” coal found in the Northern Illawarra. The technology known as ‘ZRL’ (zero radius lateral) drilling has taken 10 years to develop in Texas, USA and claims to both reduce the impact on surrounding areas and avoid introduction of

any chemicals not already found in the local geology. Apex believe ZRL drilling could ‘lead the way’ in replacing ‘fraccing’ both in Australia and globally. Despite statements from APEX that fraccing is not a likely option for the 2508 region, Alan Lindsay made it clear in his presentation to the town meeting, that fraccing must NOT be removed from any CSG discussions. In the interview with the HDH, Mr Rice agreed that it would be senseless for any CSG company to dismiss fraccing altogether, but maintains in this instance it is simply “not the right method”. This comes as little reassurance to residents of Darkes Forest who recently held a meeting attended by Apex Chief Operating Officer, Chris Rogers and Corporate Development Officer, Chris Lawrence where it was explained that Apex would likely not be involved in the production phase of mining, with their joint venture partner Ormill Energy, expected to take this on. With groups such as ‘Stop CSG Illawarra’ calling for a moratorium on all forms of CSG mining and a Royal Commission into the CSG industry, it is unlikely that a consensus among community groups, CSG companies and the State Government whose plans for the future, rely heavily on CSG resources, will be reached. Greg Petty, co-convener of NF.1, read an Apex apology in full to the meeting. “It is confusing and a poor reflection on Apex that they did not attend” Mr Petty told the HDH. “Whilst Apex maintain they will not ‘fracc’, they have conveniently to date refused to meet face-to-face with the whole 2508 community to answer the real question: In time, will they on-sell the project and approvals to another company which we will have no control over the drilling process, including the use of ‘fraccing’?” he asked. “We have already seen this with Apex onselling part of the Licence to Ormill Energy who have, to-date failed to meet anyone from the Illawarra” he said. NF.1 plan to organise a further meeting in coming months and are hopeful Apex Energy NL representatives will attend.

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‘Burgher For Mayor

Draw, Write, Snap, Share

It was exclusively revealed in the last edition of the HDH that Helensburgh resident, Greg Petty may announce his intentions to run for lord Mayor in the upcoming local government elections. Mr Petty’s intentions to run for Mayor were confirmed last week. Mr Petty stood at the NSW State election in March, 2011 for the Seat of Heathcote as an Independent with the endorsement of legendary corruption fighter and former South Coast MP, John Hatton. Mr Petty will continue to campaign against the Coal Seam Gas [CSG] exploration and mining. The technology used has already shown irreversible environmental and human health impacts. He will continue to fight to maintain the previous high environmental standards placed on the Illawarra Escarpment and the environmentally sensitive zoned 7d land area, around Helensburgh and Otford. At the June 2011 Council meeting, Greg submitted a petition to Council, to pass a resolution to protect the environment and community from any downgrading of the area. Mr Petty states; “I will actively work towards implementing and resourcing Precinct Committees so that residents have a direct contribution to where ratepayer money is spent”. For this reason, Greg recently participated in the Community Reference Panel forums held by Council as part of the return to an elected Council. Mr Petty is Co-Convener of Neighbourhood Forum 1 and is a member of the Walker Street Fire and Rescue Community Fire Unit, plus serves on the Roadmarking Industry Association of Australia’s Board of Directors. Pauline Lacelles-Smith, Convener of Neighbourhood Forum 1 and President of Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce, applauds Mr Petty’s decision to stand, “I know Greg has the ability and quality to effectively represent the people as Lord Mayor of Wollongong. Not being a member of any political party means he can be free to make decisions based on listening to and interacting freely with the community and not have to follow political party policies”. For more information go to; www.gregpetty.com.au

Wollongong City Council is seeking creative input from the people that reside in the region asking them to capture the feeling of the city through a competition called; ‘Draw Write Snap Share’. Through this initiative, Council are seeking photos, stories, poems or other expressions of what people love about the city. Kerry Hunt (Manager of Organisational Strategy and Improvement) said the Council is calling on all people to finish the sentence, "I love Wollongong because..." by entering their photo, short story, poem, short film, drawing or painting. “People posting an image or piece of writing can do so through our Facebook site, ‘Draw, Write Snap Share’. We are encouraging people to lodge their piece of artwork on line but they can also send a submission to Council through the mail, or via email to dwss@wollongong.nsw. gov.au, or you can drop your creation in to any branch library or youth centre.” The Community Strategic Plan will be prepared with information from a variety of community engagements such as the ‘Draw Write Snap Share’ competition, community conversations, a survey, exhibitions, and a community summit. The ‘Draw Write Snap Share’ competition will close on August 7 and there will be five weekly prize draws of $200 voucher. Visit Council’s Facebook page; ‘Draw Write Snap Share’ for more information.

4 Helensburgh & District Herald

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Praise For Local Volunteer Fire-fighters NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Assistant Commissioner Keith Harrap has praised Rural Fire Brigades from across the Illawarra on their commitment to their communities. Assistant Commissioner Harrap presented 54 volunteers with Long Service and National medals at an official ceremony held today at the Illawarra Fire Control Centre where he also presented brigades with the keys to nine new Service vehicles. Assistant Commissioner Harrap said the volunteers had selflessly dedicated years to their communities, always on hand to assist with fires and other emergencies. “These volunteers have served the community with distinction in RFS brigades right across the district. “Between them, these 54 men and women have more than 1400 years of experience in the Rural Fire Service. This is a remarkable achievement, with many of the recipients here today dedicating more than 40 years to their local brigades and communities. “I would particularly like to pay tribute to Terry Rogers from the Otford Rural Fire Brigade.

Sadly Terry is being awarded his Long Service medal posthumously, and I would like to thank his daughter Shane and other family members for accepting the accolade on his behalf,” Assistant Commissioner Harrap said. “Like all of the Members being recognised here today, Terry was an inspirational demonstration of the steadfast allegiance of our volunteers that the RFS prides itself on.” Assistant Commissioner Harrap also officially handed over nine bush fire trucks and operational vehicles worth almost two million dollars to the Carrington Falls, Oak Flats, Mount Kembla, Foxground, Dapto and Illawarra Support brigades. “The NSW RFS is committed to ensuring that our volunteers are equipped with the necessary equipment needed in order to go about their duties. These new vehicles are replacing the older style models and will help the volunteers continue their outstanding work in the community. “Whether fighting fires, assisting with flood and storm recovery or attending road accidents, the men and women here today are always on hand when needed, and the Illawarra community should be most proud” he said.

Helensburgh & District Herald 5


NEWS Curtain Call For Bowling Green In a letter to club members, The Helensburgh Workers Sports and Social Club (The Club) Deed Administrator, Ken Whittingham confirmed the first stage of land rezoning to ‘medium density residential’ was approved by Wollongong City Council (WCC) and gazetted on May 6, 2011. The second stage of the Club’s planned financial ‘bail out’ is the subdivision of the rezoned land parcels. In his letter Mr Whittingham provided details of what the club had hoped to achieve, (Annexure A) which was a 4 lot subdivision in which the bowling green would be retained by ‘The Club’. The 4 lot proposal was rejected By WCC as it provided inadequate and potentially unsafe access to the (proposed) lot 4. Sadly, this means the Club administrators had no choice but to revise the plans (Annexure B) to include only 3 lots with the bowling green earmarked for inclusion in the land sale. Club Administrators expect the revised proposal to be approved by council shortly and Annexure B: Three proposed lots

6 Helensburgh & District Herald

June 28: local ladies making the most of the green while they still can

would be sold in one ‘line’ at 6997m2, or in three separate lots (Lot 500 – 2049m2, Lot 501 – 3163m2 and Lot 502 – 1765m2). There was no mention in the body of the letter of the club acquiring 2324 square metres of ‘Crown Land’ for additional car parking or if this had in fact been approved by WCC.


NEWS Watson For Ward 1

Big Enough For The Whole Tribe

Otford resident and environmental campaigner, Natasha Watson is the No 2 candidate on the Greens ticket for Ward 1. in the upcoming Wollongong City Council elections. Natasha Watson, an active resident in the local community and Secretary of the Otford Protection Society, has been organising events to protest against the impacts of coal seam gas mining. Most recently, Ms Watson gave an insightful presentation at the ‘2508 Town Meeting’ explaining how information relating to coal seam gas mining in the Illawarra was being withheld from the community. Natasha joins Lead Candidate and environmentalist Jill Merrin for Ward 1. “I will raise the profile of some of the urgent environmental issues affecting the northern suburbs of Wollongong. In particular, we need to improve the protection of environmentally sensitive lands which form green corridors from the Royal National Park to the Illawarra Escarpment.” Ms Watson said.

On Friday June 24, the Tribe family; Mike, Gail and son James, moved ‘Helensburgh Hardware’ from Walker St, into their newly built store at 193 Parkes St, Helensburgh (next to the smash repairs). This coincided with the launch of their new business brand: ‘Hardware and Building Traders’. The new premises boast a 450 square metre retail space on the top storey and a further 350 square metres in the basement level to house, timber, concrete and other building supplies. “We are excited to bring the area more product variety including outdoor furniture, barbeques and patio heaters” said a smiling Gail “we really want to encourage people to shop locally” she added. Helensburgh Hardware and Building Traders will soon hold a ‘grand opening’ (date TBA) featuring a sausage sizzle, giveaways and face painting for the little ones.

Monique Napper

Helensburgh & District Herald 7



Beyond Bulli: The North’s Rich History Former Stanwell Park resident and author; Michael Adams launched his latest historical work called “Beyond Bulli – Northern Illawarra Pre-Railway Pioneers, 1820 – 1888” at a Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce event hosted by Bevans, Thirroul. Mr Adams’ latest book tells the history of the region through the stories of the families who first settled the most rugged northern parts of the Illawarra. Mr Adams has focused on the time prior to the arrival of the railway lines and the accessibility and services the railway brought with it. He has plans to later write more detailing life after the arrival of the railway. While there was a low population in the far north at the time, there was no shortage of interesting and colourful people such as the infamous bushranger, John Paid who Mr Adams describes as “a mean piece of work” and the beautiful wife of Westmacott who eventually deserted him to elope with a sea captain. Naturally Mr Adams makes mention of the “house on the hill” and the ‘parties’ frequented by visiting business men. In an interview with the Helensburgh and District Herald, Mr Adams spoke of the difficulties faced by the pre- railway settlers. Before the Bulli pass was carved into the escarpment, there was a pass further south called ‘Rixon’s Pass, reported to be far worse than the

8 Helensburgh & District Herald

Author and historian: Michael Adams

route which later became Bulli pass. Mr Adams explained that first known report of a wheeled vehicle “not hauled” making it down the pass was in the 1860’s. Prior to this date wheeled vehicles were roped and transported down “tree by tree”. Mr Adams first took to writing about local history in the 1990’s when a group called “Friends of Hillcrest” lobbied to save the home of Lawrence Hargrave. This was followed by the story of Lawrence Hargreave “Wind Beneath His Wings” and “Little Bulli” (AKA Stanwell Park) in 2008. “Beyond Bulli” is a significant contribution to local history and was generously supported by the Helensburgh Historical Society, to whom Mr Adams expressed much gratitude. “This work is a significant contribution to the recorded history of the district and the Helensburgh & District Historical Society was pleased to support its production” said Allan House, President of the Helensburgh Historical Society. Copies of “Beyond Bulli – Northern Illawarra Pre-Railway Pioneers, 1820 – 1888” can be purchased from the Helensburgh Newsagency or through the Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce.



Woronora Dam Grounds Reopened

Helensburgh Gets A New Loo!

Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina Hodgkinson, recently announced that the Woronora Dam recreational area was again open to the public. The grounds were closed to the public for around three months as a precautionary measure when remnants of asbestos were discovered in the grounds in late February. "A full assessment and clean up of the Woronora Dam precinct has now been completed by the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA)," Ms Hodgkinson said. Member for Heathcote, Lee Evans, said it is believed the remnants of asbestos may have come from the original cottages that were built during construction of the dam and demolished some time ago. Mr Evans also said no airborne asbestos was detected during the assessment. The grounds are open 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday. For more information on Woronora Dam please visit: http://www.sca.nsw.gov.au/ recreation/woronora-dam

At long last, Helensburgh will be provided with a new public toilet in the area of Charles Harper Park. Wollongong City Council have allocated a budget and plans will start next year, with the likely location being near the War Memorial. Resident Natasha Watson, who was given the news by Council, said; “Though the lack of a public rest room may seem trivial and humorous to many people, in a town of over 6,000 people of all ages, not to have such 24 hour facilities is a disgrace�. It has also meant for years, Helensburgh CBD has not featured on the route of large tourist bus companies. Clean, open public toilet blocks are a necessity if we wish to draw in visitors to the township. Helensburgh and Otford are the entry and end points of the Grand Pacific Drive down the South coast, and we should be capitalizing on that excellent positioning. WCC will also be upgrading Bald Hill above Stanwell Park in 2012, with new restrooms, a safer, easier car and tourist bus park, and seating - again to entice tourists to our beautiful coast line.

Helensburgh & District Herald 9

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Could Your Dream Home Be Hiding Under The Winter Frost? By Andrew Hedley, Bevans Thirroul This week I would like to let you in on a little trade secret, winter really is the best time to a buy a property! I know what you’re thinking ‘you’re a real estate agent you probably say that every season’, I will admit to the bias but allow me to explain. Winter is traditionally a time of hibernation; most sellers would rather be tucked up in front their heaters watching Dancing With The Stars with a cup of tea and a chocky bickie, as opposed to tending to their gardens or painting their houses readying them for sale, most prefer to wait for Spring/Summer when the property market and the weather heats up. Meaning that sellers who do put their house on the market right now are motivated to sell regardless of the weather. A motivated seller is a buyer’s best friend; their price expectations are realistic, they don’t want unnecessary delays with the sale, they are set and ready to move forward.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Similarly buyers are deterred by the chill, wind and this year’s rain! Most prefer to laze in bed, enjoying a sleep in and reading the paper with a cup tea and a Tim Tam. For you, this means fewer buyers on the prowl, a chance to really see a property yourself rather than catching glimpses over peoples shoulders, and when you are ready to make an offer you can do so without the intense competition. Winter really can be a chance to find a rare gem at an amazing price. The benefit you can’t put a price on, is that having located your rare gem in the winter months, without the stress of intense competition or breaking your budget, you are now well settled into your dream home ready to enjoy every day of the coming summer. All this to say; get your wellies on, throw on that winter coat, enjoy the bracing air, and take full advantage of the winter season.

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10 Helensburgh & District Herald

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Your Domain Name: A Business Asset When starting a new online business or creating an online presence for the first time, registering your domain name is the first step. A domain name is a unique name given for every website. The most common domain name extensions (in order of popularity) are; 1 .COM, 2 Country-code (.COM.AU, .CO.UK, etc.), 3 .NET, 4 .ORG, 5 .BIZ, 6 .INFO, 7 .NAME. What do these extensions mean? COM, COM.AU – Commercial enterprises INFO - Information only related website NET - Companies providing internet related services ORG - Non-profit organizations A well chosen domain name can attract customers towards your website and help in building brand recognition. A ‘good’ domain name will avoid using words like "greatest", "best", or other exaggerated terms, experts agreeing that best practice is to avoid adjectives in the domain name entirely. It is very easy to see online if the domain name that you want for your website is already taken. Your domain name should be easy for your customers to remember and must be related to the kind of business you plan to operate through it. For example, if you plan to sell mobile phones online, choosing the name mobilephonestore. com is better than gadgetstore.com.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD It can also be a good idea to secure alternate versions of your primary domain name as a means to prevent competitors from trying to squeeze in on your name and branding efforts. Securing multiple domain names is a strategy that can be adopted to capture additional traffic, prevent your competitors from securing them, or leave open options for future online expansion. When a regular Top Level Domain (gTLD) name (.com, .net, .org, .biz, etc) has been expired for more than 30 days, it is automatically assigned a ‘redemption status.’ During this period the current registrant still maintains the option to renew the domain from redemption at any time during this 30 day period (with a fee attached). Should a domain name not be recovered during this ‘redemption’ period, it will be struck from the registry and released for sale. If you secure your ‘ideal’ domain name, letting go of it is like not paying the rent on the ‘roof’ over your head - not a practice to be encouraged.

Helensburgh & District Herald 11

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS There’s No Place Like Home After almost four decades of manufacturing fine jewellery from his suite in Sydney’s famous Dymocks building, local resident and Master Jeweller John Powell has moved his workshop to his studio in Helensburgh. Over the years Mr Powell has witnessed many changes in the jewellery industry, some better than others; “The use of CAD (computer aided design) in the manufacture of fine jewellery has resulted in much of the high level expertise of the ‘craft’ being lost” says John.

Above: Powell at work in his local studio Left: His signature hand piercing work in an emerald and diamond pendant

Mr Powell prides himself on skills such as intricate hand ‘piercing’ and the ability to restore fine antique pieces to their former glory. These skills have seen him manufacture for the likes of Veronica Bunda, whom many in the industry consider the doyenne of fine antiques in Australia. Computer technology has not been all bad for the industry, with John noting that the internet has enabled him to “source fine gems from anywhere in the world- literally”. To make an appointment with John in his local studio or Sydney suite, call 4294 9242 or email john@jpowelljewellery.com 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD A Moment With Danielle By Danielle Lee, Psychic Consultant July: Many Cancerians have been having ideas of late on many different levels and varying topics. The time is now to do some research and find that “food for thought” to put them into action as it will prove a successful outcome. Once you have sprung into action you will quickly see positive results coming to fruition from this. People tend to rest on their laurels during winter, but it is actually the best time to put their ideas into action, (even if this is just putting pen to paper) because once spring comes, the new growth will bud and will be even more fruitful in a faster time span. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up… Never Give Up!!

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SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS What Is A “Living Will?” By Lynda Babister, Babister Legal We’ve all heard the term “Living Will”, but what is it, is it valid, and why should you have one? Another name for a Living Will is an Advance Medical Directive. This document is basically a guideline for your next of kin in circumstances where you cannot make your own decisions. Would your partner or children know exactly how you would want to be treated if you were in a coma, or medically unwell. An Advance Medical Directive (AMD) can include as much or as little detail as you want to put in. Some of the main areas which can be included are whether you want medical intervention such as artificial breathing, intravenous feeding, dialysis, resuscitation, experimental techniques, blood transfusions, medical tests and medication. Other areas which you may want to include may be where you want to live such as in a nursing home or hostel, or at home; what physical care you would like; whether you want people to be with you at all times, or to play music to you. Personal comforts are more important to some people than others. If you are a person who has always had their hair done every month, or gets regular massages, or is particular about cleanliness, then you may want to include this information in your AMD. You can also include information about your spiritual or religious preferences if that is important to you. You can include information about organ donation and your preferences for cremation or burial. In NSW, an Advance Medical Directive is not binding on its own. It is a guideline for your appointed Guardian. When you sign an Appointment of Guardian, you can include a wish that they follow your AMD. An appointed Guardian may not instruct your medical professional to do anything illegal. This means they cannot give instructions for euthanasia, or anything that will hasten your death.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD They also cannot give instructions to provide you with illegal drugs. In circumstances that your AMD doesn’t cover your appointed Guardian may make those decisions for you. Every person is presumed to have the mental capacity to make their own decisions. Your AMD will only have effect once you no longer have that mental capacity. Therefore you are free to revoke or change your AMD at any time, up until it is in force. Unlike a Will or Power of Attorney, your next of kin may act on your behalf in your medical decisions even without an Advance Medical Directive. The benefit of having an AMD is that it gives your next of kin knowledge of exactly what treatment you want in very stressful circumstances. They are not left on their own to ponder what you really want, and they also know what treatment you don’t want. If you would like assistance please contact Lynda Babister at Babister Legal, 4294 3458, or 0418 604 098 or email lynda@babisterlegal. com.au.

Helensburgh & District Herald 13


SPOTLIGHT/ QUIZ Beat The Winter Blues With Bluefit A growing number of locals are bucking the trend for letting yourself ‘go’ during the winter months with Bluefit Helensburgh reporting a 66% increase in members since David and Melinda Whiteside took over management in February this year. Bluefit Helensburgh is part of a franchise of around thirty gyms and swim schools and is owned by local resident, Todd McHardy. The facility boasts a new cardio room, new weight training equipment, a wide variety of group fitness class types and personal trainers to really keep you motivated during the winter months. Gymnastics for kids is always popular and is offered on most days for 2 -12 year olds, with an all boys’ class on Monday afternoons. With all the wet weather we have been having it is worth reminding locals that the (legendary) kids play area ‘Tumble Town’ is still available for crèche, casual visits and party hire. For more information contact Bluefit on: 4294 2253.

The Bakers Dozen Quiz - Questions

1. Describe Lupine. 2. What was James Dean’s middle name? 3. What was the original name for the township of Thirroul? 4. What does the DK in DKNY stand for? 5. What was Madagascar’s former name? 6. In what year did the space shuttle “Challenger” explode? 7. Name the four Gospels from the Bible. 8. Which band had a famous hit during the 1960’s with “Apache” 9. Who is Peter Fitzsimons married to? 10. Name Elvis Presley’s back-up group. 11. Where are the 2012 Olympic Games being held? 12. Name two of the four faces carved into Mount Rushmore, USA. 13. Which international act will be appearing at The Wollongong Entertainment Centre between August 17-21, 2011? Answers on page 18

Legal Will Fundraiser For ‘NINA’ Members of Hope Church 2508, lawyers and staff from Armstrong Legal will volunteer their time to raise money for Northern Illawarra Neighbourhood Aid on August 20, 2011. For a donation of $10.00 or more, people from the Helensburgh community can obtain a standard legal will completed by a registered lawyer. Lionel Rattenbury who is a leader at Hope Church 2508 and a Partner of Armstrong Legal said that the motivation for the fundraiser was "for our church to be a blessing to our community". It is expected that many people may respond to this fundraiser so Lionel would like you to register your interest in advance by emailing him at lr@armstronglegal.com.au or by telephone on 0404 803 055. Further details will be provided in the next edition of the HDH. 14 Helensburgh & District Herald

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CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to the Stanwell Park Public School and all the hard working helpers for putting on such a fantastic fete. ‘Stanwell Park - to the Future’ was ‘out of this world’! JEERS to the man who stole a watch from a local retailer. JEERS to the people responsible for smashing large amounts of glass in Stuart St in the wee hours of June 3, 2011. Lift your game! JEERS to the person who let their dog ‘poop’ in front of the coffee shop/ bakery near Bi-Lo, not cool. CHEERS to all the people who attended the ‘2508 Town meeting’- In particular the speakers and organisers who gave their own time to educate local residents about CSG mining plans for the area. JEERS to plans about CSG mining having to be delivered by concerned residents. Surely it is the Governments job to let us know what they plan to do underneath our homes and land.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD JEERS to the individual posing on Facebook as a person whose name is ‘Helensburgh CheersandJeers’. JEERS to person dumping rubbish inside the fenced off burnt out house in Stuart St. Not only do the neighbouring houses have to look at the burnt out shell of the house - now they have to look at your crap too! CHEERS to the drivers offering assistance to the couple who hit a feral deer on June 28, 2011 near Baines Place. This was traumatic for all involved. Is it time for another cull?

Reminder: The next Helensburgh Village Market is on Sunday July 10

Helensburgh & District Herald 15

LETTERS/ IN MEMORIAM All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, It was interesting and concerning to hear at length the Clifton Hotel matter discussed at the June 21, IHAP Council meeting. The decision that followed would not be reassuring for Clifton residents. The thoughtful and deeply felt talks from residents were moving, and the potential parking issues would seem a concern for everyone in the area including Stanwell Park and Helensburgh residents, indeed anyone using the Coast Road. If the hotel is to re-open based on existing usage, there does not seem to be any reason why it should have additional parking, patronage or conditions than it had in the past. It is a pity this matter could not have been raised in the northern suburbs such that wider debate could have taken place. Geoffrey Sykes

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD In Memoriam ROBERT JAMES STOKES 26.07.1949 30.07.1995. May the winds of love blow softly, and whisper so you can hear, that we love you, and remember you, and will forever hold you near. How could we forget someone, who left us so much to remember!!!!! From your loving family, and all those who knew and loved you.

Legendary SLSC Member Passes Away Con Asmussen, MBE passed away on the afternoon of Saturday, June 25, 2011 at the age of 96. Con gained his Bronze Medallion in 1940, was Secretary-Treasurer of the Club from 1946 to 1970 and President of NSW State Centre from 1966 -1978. Con’s funeral will be held at Ballina on Friday July 1. A Memorial Service to celebrate Con’s life will be held at Helensburgh-Stanwell Park Surf Club on Sunday 24 July, following the Annual General Meeting. Tentative start time is 2.00pm. All members and friends are invited to attend.

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Thank You Community spirit was at the forefront once again after my recent fall in Helensburgh. To the Watts Family, Ambulance crew and other unknown bystanders, please accept my sincere thanks for your physical and emotional support.

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

CHURCH NEWS Holy Cross Catholic Parish

"Bearing Christ's love to the communities north of Sea Cliff Bridge" We are quietly proud to have been the bearers of Christ’s love to the people residing along the northern tip of the Illawarra from the beginning of European settlement. The first Catholic church was built in 1890 and the primary school was opened in 1900 (by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop herself). This year, 2011, marks the centenary of the establishment of the parish in its own right, the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current Church in Helensburgh, and the opening of the (near) complete rebuilding of Holy Cross Parish School. The community north of the Sea Cliff Bridge is served from two churches: Holy Cross Church, 4 McMillan St, Helensburgh St Bernadette’s Church, Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park Our Sunday worship times are: Saturday evening Vigil Mass – 5.30pm (Helensburgh) Sunday early-morning Mass – 8.00am (Stanwell Park) Sunday mid-morning Mass – 9.30am (Helensburgh) We also have regular weekday times for worship and other activities, information for which is updated weekly in our parish bulletin. The parish office (Cnr Parkes & McMillan Sts) is opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The parish secretary can be contacted on: (tel) 4294 1099, (fax) 4294 9180, (email) helensburgh@parish.woll.catholic.org.au. The school office (Mrs Kerrin Cronin, Principal) can be contacted on: 4294 1588 Our parish website, where more information will be found and details of the centenary celebrations will be posted, is: www.helensburghcatholic.org.au

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about how God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laidback Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit www.helensburghanglican.org

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church Bushland Chapel, 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. Uniting Church in Australia Sunday 9.30, 1st and 3rd of month, congregational meetings 4th of month, guest speaker and communion. Bushwalks 2pm 4th Sunday - explore your natural district! Performance and other activities see www.helensburgh.net.au/bushchapelInquiries including use of chapel 4294 8329 or 4294 1695. Helensburgh & District Herald 17

CHURCH NEWS Teaching Against The Odds Sid Moir, a resident of Helensburgh for over 30 years; retired as Deputy Principal of Inaburra School and accepted the role of inaugural Headmaster of the Katoke Lweru Secondary School in Tanzania, a new initiative of the Katoke Trust (based in the Sutherland Shire.)

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD poverty cycle in which most Tanzanians find themselves entrenched. To hear Sid and Marilyn Moir speak, book your place at the one course breakfast. Sat 30 July 2011, 7.30am (concludes by 9am) Venue: Anglican Church Hall, 77 Parkes St Helensburgh. Cost $5 per head (one course hot breakfast). Please indicate your planned attendance by phone to Carol Lobb 4294 1656 or email to rlobb@bigpond.net.au This activity is an initiative of the Anglican Church “Over 50’s Men’s Bible Study”

The Bakers Dozen Quiz - Answers From page 14

Marilyn and Sid Moir

Come and hear Sid and his wife, Marilyn, speak of their joys and pains, including catching malaria and hospitalisations, in the process of undertaking their important work. Sid and Marilyn met while studying at Sydney University. After marrying in 1973, both taught as secondary teachers; Sid in Maths, Marilyn in Music. Both were on the inaugural staff of Inaburra School when it commenced in 1982. Marilyn left teaching to raise their six children and eventually established a private music studio, whilst Sid continued at Inaburra for 27 years where in time he took on the role of Deputy Principal and Head of Secondary School. Their life had been predictable and stable centring around their family, church and local community of Helensburgh / Stanwell Park where they had lived since 1975; that is, until they answered God’s call to uproot and live and work in Katoke, a remote and poverty-stricken corner of Tanzania, Africa, on the shores of Lake Victoria, in order to be the founding headmaster of Katoke-Lweru Secondary School. Hear the remarkable story of this school and the 320 students who now enjoy an education which will be their opportunity to escape the 18 Helensburgh & District Herald

1. Wolf like, 2. Byron, 3. Robbinsville (until 1891), 4. Donna Karan, 5. Malagasy (Republic), 6. 1986, 7. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, 8. The Shadows, 9. Lisa Wilkinson, 10. The Jordanairs, 11. London, 12. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt & Abraham Lincoln, 13. Cirque Du Soleil – ‘Saltimbanco’.


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YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School By Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal Cross Country: Congratulations to all Helensburgh Public School runners, winners of A division, second in B division and overall Engadine PSSA Cross Country Champions. We had many students representing Engadine PSSA at the Area Cross Country Carnival on Wednesday 15th June at Miranda Park. We also had 4 age champions, Krystal B– T 8/9 Girls, Brianna K 11 yr Girls, Tom K 11 yr Boys and Harry C 12/13 yr Boys. Beau W placed 3rd in his age group, Jarod C and Lochlan McP 4th and Kathryn C placed 6th. Peer Support Information: Peer support is an anti-bullying program that has been running at HPS for term 2 and is lead by our year 6 students. Children have reviewed the bullying triangle and have been taught that bullying affects everyone in the school, not just the person being bullied. Everyone in our school has the right to feel safe and there are lots of ways children can help to build a positive school environment. The children have looked at 3 responses to situations; anxious, angry and assertive and have discussed which would be the most helpful for them. The lessons will conclude at the end of term 2 and have proven to be very successful. Debating: Last month our debating team participated in its first round of competition in the Premier’s Debating Challenge. They competed against Wollongong Public School, in the HPS Library, and were presented with the difficult task of convincing the audience that “Students should be punished if they don’t report bullying”. Each member of the team presented a very convincing argument and it was with absolute pleasure that I was able to be a member of the audience. Lucy, Grace, Maeve and Laura all represented our school with pride and at the end of the day were declared the victors. Well done girls! Wollongong Hawks "HOOPS" PROGRAM” Year 2 are currently developing their basic sport skills as part of their Physical Education program. On Friday 3rd June, Year 2 and 2/3C participated in the free "Hoops Program" run by the Wollongong Hawks Basketball team. Matt Flinn (Assistant Coach), Daniel Jackson and Tyson Demos (players) from the Hawks ran the session.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The children had the opportunity to learn some basic basketball skills such as dribbling as well as having a go at the more difficult moves such as dribbling the ball through their legs and spinning the ball on their finger (Harlem Globetrotter style!). The children appeared to thoroughly enjoy the session. At the completion of the session, all the participants received a free Junior Hawk’s lunchbox. Student Representative Council: The SRC has registered our school to support the cancer charity CanTeen by collecting old mobile phones. The phones will be recycled to raise funds for cancer research. The school benefits by gaining rewards according to the number of phones we collect. As few as 65 phones will get our school a SONY camera and 450 phones could earn us an interactive whiteboard! The phone collection bin will be located in the office foyer. If anyone in the community would like to make a donation it would be very much appreciated. Thank you. HPS Walkathon 4th May, 2011: Thank you to all the students who participated in our walkathon. You have done a wonderful job raising much appreciated funds for our school. We raised just under $10,000 for new school resources. Thank you to the Helensburgh community who were so generous with their donations. Sports equipment given to the school as a result of the Coles’ dockets promotion. Thank you to parents and all community members who participated from everyone at HPS.

Sporting equipment: the result of all the shopping dockets (and netball hoops not shown). Helensburgh & District Herald 19

BLUEGUM DIARY / YOUTH NEWS Blue Gum Diary 10 JULY - Helensburgh Village Markets outside the Centennnial Hotel 19 JULY - VIEW “Christmas In July” Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel 16 AUGUST - VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel 19 SEPTEMBER - VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel 18 OCTOBER - No VIEW Club Meeting (Hacking River Cruise) 28 OCTOBER - Holy Cross Golf Day & Dinner. Save the date!

20 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Stanwell Park ‘To the Future’: Out Of This World! What a fantastic day the organisers of the Stanwell Park Public School fete provided us! The July HDH went to print just days after the fete, so exhausted fete organisers were unable to ‘gather their thoughts’ and submit written ‘thank yous’ to all the helpers and sponsors in time. Please be assured that the organisers and school are very grateful for the turnout, support and weather on the day! Stay tuned for more in the August HDH.



Holy Cross Happenings

Got A Hecs/Help Debt?

By Kerrin Cronin, Principal BUONGIORNO! Learning languages has many benefits. In a recent paper entitled ‘Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Languages’ the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) states, “Learning Languages uniquely broadens students’ horizons to include the personal, social and employment opportunities presented by an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.” (January 2011)

If you or one of your children have an accumulated higher education debt a reduction to the bonus applied to voluntary payments introduced by the ATO after January 1, 2012, may affect you. After December 31, 2011, the bonus applied to voluntary payments over $500 will be reduced from 10% to 5%. The bonus system will continue to be applied only on the value of the payment made, not the outstanding debt. If you have over $500 to put toward your HECS/HELP debt, get in before the December 31 deadline to make the most of your money. For more information go to: www.ato.gov.au/higheredloans There is also a reduction in the bonus applied to up-front student contribution payments. To read more on these changes, go to: www.goingtouni.gov.au

Pizza lad

At Holy Cross Catholic Primary school Italian is part of our Languages Program. Recently we celebrated National Italian Day. This day is an occasion to unite Italians around the world. Italians celebrate their National Day in many ways including picnics, family gatherings, street fairs and community events. No matter how they celebrate one thing is for sure, there will be plenty of food! This was certainly the case at our Holy Cross Italian Day. Students and staff came to school dressed up in the colours of the Italian flag or as a famous Italian. We shared pizza and our Stage 3 students performed “Ten Little Italians” (sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”) at our school assembly. Highlights of the day included the wood-fired pizza, dancing to Italian music and experiencing aspects of the Italian culture. One of our students summed up the day perfectly with this comment, “I hope we do this again. It was an unforgettable day!” Ciao! Helensburgh & District Herald 21



Interesting Facts About Our Local Stonework By Mark Dodds, Stanwell Tops Have you ever noticed some of the more distinctive stone work designs that are displayed around the area but didn’t know their origin? Interestingly, many of the ideas for the designs originated from the one creative source – Henry Halloran (born 9 August 1869, died 22 October 1953) - a Property Developer, Auctioneer, Surveyor, Local Government Engineer, Architect and Vice President of the Town Planning Association of NSW. What we today know as ‘Wagon Wheels’ weas used by Henry as his headquarters and he was responsible for the stonework decorating the residence there. Henry was also heavily involved in the erection of the monument to Lawrence Hargrave on Bald Hill including donating the land on which it stands. Henry was responsible for many of the stone structures in and around Stanwell Tops which have been constructed from local materials. Henry sketched the designs and William H. Powe built them around the depression years of the thirties. Henry designed the entrance pillar at Stanwell Tops, with metal wings bearing the words “Stanwell Tops” on the left wing and “Pleasure Park” on the right. At the top of the Pillar at Stanwell Tops it features a ships bollard which Henry’s son Warren said is inspired by the HMAS ‘Sydney’. The bollard’s origins add historical and military significance to this pillar which is regarded as a War Memorial and where Anzac Day Services are held. Some of Henry’s earliest projects were designed to attract tourists and the Stanwell Tops pleasure grounds included a cricket ground, walks, lookouts, weekend accommodation, a dance hall, kiosk, mineral and swimming pool and stone benches. The Princess Marina walk from Stanwell Tops to Kelly’s and Gills falls and beyond, also have many examples of this stonework with look outs, benches, the lovers seat looking into the valley with heart shapes in the back of this alcove. It must have been laborious work to cart the stone, cement and other materials to construct them but the depression saw many people desperate for work. 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

Familiar Sight: Stanwell Tops ‘Pleasure Grounds’

Many of Henry’s ideas about gardens and how their features interact with villages and other urban lifestyles, were far ahead of his time. For example, his first subdivision design at Seaforth in 1906 pre-dates by six years a similar theme seen in Walter Burley Griffin’s prize winning design for Canberra. In the Stanwell Tops park named after him, this design can also be seen with the Park encircled by residential blocks rather than streets laid out in squares. At Stanwell Park, Henry had hopes of a future marine resort, with subdivision plans including a large Hotel, but this never happened. It’s probable that the Stanwell Park Motel company was one of his many companies and this may be the reason there is (or was) a covenant on the properties around Stanwell Tops that state that “any building erected on this land may not be used as a Hotel or for related purposes or for the exhibition of moving pictures”. Knowing this, maybe I’ll have to sell the TV! Information for this article has been sourced from the publication “Henry F. Halloran in Port Stephens the legacy.” by Yvonne Fraser, and speaking with Warren Halloran.



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Helensburgh & District Herald 23





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26 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Helensburgh & District Herald 27




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Community Classifieds


ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au BUSINESS CARDS $98 500 Cards Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. Wendy@FlameFishDesigns.com.au 0403 397 751 LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220. BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email kpetcare@tpg.com.au FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652 NUTRIMETICS $10 LIPPIES for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising or pampering, call Jenelle 4294-2864 or 0407 038 799 WAX’D CANDLES: soy melts, palm wax pillar candles, soy wax jars, all made with high quality essential & fragrant oils. The palm wax is endorsed by WWF (world wide fund for nature) & Ecosoya (soy wax) is biodegradable, free from pesticides, herbicides and contains no GM materials. Casual in home parties available. Helensburgh & District Herald 29

CLASSIFIEDS STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *all classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) www.stanwellpark.net. au/taichiyogapilates DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Monique 0425 320 597. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or avf3@hotmail.com GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 THIS ODD LI’L SHOP Great range of products including hand-made candles and soaps using environmentally friendly ingredients, sterling silver jewellery, crystals and gemstones, hand-painted artwork, hand-knitted items and more. For enquiries, please ring Jenni 0438 741 964 MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122 30 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD FOR SALE: Double Bunks or convert to two Single Beds, complete with mattresses and lots of extras. Hardly used, Good condition. $300 ONO Call Mark 0400 305 471. FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. www.aussiefarmers.com.au ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 LAWN MAGIC *lawn care & edges * Weed control *Hedge Trimming * Waste Removal * Gutter Cleaning * Water Blasting * Garden Mulching *Planting of plants * Watering Gardens . Fully Insured .Pensioner Discount, Free Quote ASK KYLE!!! Phone 04333772443

CLUB NEWS WAVES 2508 By Brian Taylor, Vice President Warren Shearer is the 3rd Vietnam Veteran to help set up WAVES 2508. Warren was the eldest of six children whose father died when he was 18 from a war related disease. This gave Warren an insight to the needs of veterans & in particular War widows. Warren was another ‘Nasho’ called up in 1967. He was relieving with the DMR at Broken Hill when his medical was required. He unfortunately went to the local Mine’s Doctor who told him he was too fat & the army regime was what he needed. Alas! he went to Kapooka in Feb 1968 and began his 2 year stint. After rookie training

Warren Shearer at ‘Hat Ditch’- October 1969

he knew his luck was still in when he was posted to infantry training. “How many lotteries can I win?” he thought. He won another one when he was posted to 4pl, B Coy 5RAR (the Tiger Battalion). He had the ocean cruise on the luxury liner HMAS Sydney and landed at Vung Tau in Feb 1969. As a rifleman in a section he was a scout, No 2 on the Gun, Tail end Charlie and once carried the gun after a cordon & search of a village. Unfortunately for the usual gunner, the ABC had a camera crew on hand & Warren was seen on National TV for a 1/4 of a second. The Gunner never let that weapon out of his hands again. The normal enjoyment of the infantryman during their tour of duty included scenic trips to the mountains, jungles, beaches etc. for meetings

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD with their dear friends the Vietcong. These meetings usually resulted in very heated debate. Occasionally they would meet the odd Chinese or North Vietnamese soldier for even more heated discussions. Of course during these times they were often chauffeured around in a limousine like APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) with one notable driver being Normie Rowe. In June, 1969, when they were supposed to have a couple of days off – R & C this was called, a tank was hit up the road in a village called Binh Ba. B Coy was eventually called into the battle which raged for a couple of days. It ended up as one of the most comprehensive victories by Australian soldiers in Vietnam. Life continued in the same light until December when it was time to come home. Whilst the offer from the army to stay was tempting (he could stay with the Battalion until Feb 1970 and then have another 2 years 9 months in the army) he decided to return home and resume his civilian job. He worked for the DMR/RTA for 33 years becoming Director of Corporate Services & Director Northern Region. During this time he joined the Army Reserve engineers where he taught infantry tactics and mine warfare. Warren is a ‘blow-in’ to Helensburgh having only lived in the Burgh for 17 years. He did however marry a girl who has lived here all her life; Teresa Cipriani or Teri as she is known. Warren currently holds the position of Treasurer with WAVES 2508 and is responsible for organising the excursions for the War widows & Veterans throughout the year.

unhappy computer?


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Fellowship of First Fleeters – South Coast Chapter

Helensburgh Daytime VIEW Club

By Betty Warn [From “The Second Fleet” by Michael Flynn] The following interview was given to Caroline Chisholm by a former convict boy. “Mrs Chisholm, I arrived in this colony fifty six years since, it was Governor Phillip’s time and I was 14 years old or there abouts. But it is not a tale for a lady to hear.” Caroline Chisholm said, “Tell me Mr Smith, tell me.” July 3rd, 1790 Joseph Smith was sixteen. It was a cold night and he huddled closer to the other boys. They had settled down for the night on a layer of rushes spread out under a huge tree. No gaol, no house, no bed no blanket; nothin’, he thought; anything was better than that ship. “Stinkin’ filthy ship”, he muttered, and the thought of it made him shudder. The days, weeks and months, most of the time chained up below deck. A few dim lamps burning less than half of the day. The clink and rattle of irons as the ship pitched and tossed, salt water washing down the hatches; and the stench! He never quite got used to the stench. Then there was the coughing and wheezing. The sores, the pus, the blood, the dying and the fear. The boys were all afraid, because they knew it wasn’t just the older ones who were dying. But most of all, more than anything else, there was the hunger. As the voyage wore on, as the monotony grew worse, as he grew thinner, he tried not to think of food, but it was no use; and what they got was never enough. Every bone and sinew in his growing body ached and called out for more. Sometimes when he was collecting for his mess (food for the day) the seaman Jack Rogers would slip him a bit of bread or cheese. Once Jack gave him a lump of sugar. He smiled for the rest of that day, recalling that rich sweet taste, as the lump dissolved in his mouth. But most of the time he was hungry, more hungry than he ever remembered being in London. He’d felt hunger there sometimes, but never for this long. To be continued in next issue of the HDH

What is VIEW? The initials stand for Voice, Interest and Education of Women. As a valued part of The Smith Family, VIEW members initiate fundraising to help disadvantaged children transform their lives through education. Our members volunteer their time to make library bags and rugs, donate school stationery packs for these students, and also donate toys and books to The Smith Family for disadvantaged children at Christmas time. Our Club has been praised for its hard work and ongoing support for these programs, and we welcome our new members. The simple formula for VIEW is, have a meal in pleasant company each month, hear a guest speaker, or one of our own, and have an exchange of ideas. We enjoy great outings to a variety of entertainments. An outing to look forward to is a matinee performance of “Hairspray” at the Lyric, Star City, 29 October. Book and pay by 16 August. Please phone Chris 42941103 for details. Places are still available on the Hacking River Cruise 18 October. The next meeting will be 19 July, “Christmas In July”, 11am for 11:15am start, at the Centennial Hotel. Please call Virginia 42941312 for new reservations or cancellations by the Wednesday before the meeting. Visitors welcome.

32 Helensburgh & District Herald


SPORT Sunday Social Golf Club By Vicki ‘the hair’ Little Oh the serenity. . . till someone two fairways away smacks a ball which implants itself into our new players head! Jed Campbell, your initiation is complete you are a member now and have a scar to prove it. Well done! Also ‘Dancin’ Pete Sullivan, copped a ball into the back of his leg; he’ll dance no more. We had our final in matchplay between J. P and Daryl Chipper who won the day! (the word is out that Daryl was the better sledger). Johnny Brunton bet Rob O’Connor even after the 3rd Hole - John’s buggy had a bit of a blow out, which was a bit of a disadvantage. The Grand Final is played in July. Golf was kind to Lance ‘Eagle’ Delehunt who had to hire a truck to take all his prizes home. I bet Marg loved you, especially winning the foot massager. Craig ‘Kung Fu’ Nicoll came 2nd and Mel would have been lovin’ him, winning a foot warmer. What is it about feet this month? Goose was 3rd winning Photo Frames, Oh goodsomething to hang on the wall.

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Our little club couldn’t run smoothly without some people helping out doing jobs, like feeding us, getting in the grog (very important), buying prizes, doing the books and so on. Oh, I forgot doing the newsletter. Ha! Ha! Thank you to everyone for your help. A little quote from the confused Golfer: “The great thing about starting golf in our forties is that you can start golf in our forties. You can start other things in your forties but generally your wife makes you stop them, as Bill Clinton found out”.

SMS For Your Copy If you or someone you know is not regularly getting their copy of the Helensburgh & District Herald a new SMS service is being introduced from the July 2011 edition onward. Simply SMS the address of the home which missed out to: 0409 065 500 and a copy will be delivered within 48 hours. Don’t forget extra copies can also be picked up from Helensburgh Newsagency and the Helensburgh Post Office.

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SPORT Helensburgh Women’s Bowling Club By Beatrice Gallagher Our social group of lady bowlers are more than happy to welcome anyone interested in having a go! It’s a great way to have some moderate exercise and enjoy the friendship of our club. Secretary Lenore Bartlem can be contacted on 4294 1472 to answer any enquiries – or you may like to come along any Tuesday after 9.30am at the club in Boomerang Street . 24 May: The final of our Major Competition was played today. Vi West played at her very best in her win over r/up Carol Dixon. Congratulations to both ladies on their game. With a few of our members away, the social pairs game was played with Shirley Cassidy and Wendy Britten combining to win, with r/up Robyn smith and Lenore Bartlem. To make up for her loss of the majors, Carol proceeded to win both the daily prize and the vegies!! 31 May: Many of us were back from holidays and looking forward to a game of bowls but were thwarted by the torrential rain on the day! At one time the green was at least 6-8 inches under water. So it was back to carpet bowls. Rhonda has been replaced as Queen of Carpet Bowls with Carol Dixon winning today and Rhonda having to settle for r/up. And of course it was a great time to catch up for a chat about our holidays. Lenore Bartlem took home the daily prize and Carol Dixon the vegies (again!). Thanks to Robyn Single who, in Judith Starkys absence, provided our sandwiches. We are all hoping for better weather next week. 7 June: AGM was held today. Before the elections began Shirley Cassidy thanked her office bearers and all the ladies for their friendship and assistance throughout the year. Members were very pleased to re elect Shirley Cassidy as President, Lenore Bartlem as Secretary, Wendy Britten as Treasurer. Other positions include June McCotter & Judith Starky: Vice Presidents, Rhonda Christie: Bowls Organiser, Catering & Social: Robyn Single. Lenore Bartlem made the most important presentation of the day, presenting Shirley Cassidy with NSW Bowls Life Membership. Many years supporting the bowling fraternity and our club culminated in this wonderful award today Congratulations Shirley!!

34 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Although the day was freezing cold with an icy wind we showed what true bowlers were made of – going out on the green after the meeting for a social game. Robyn Smith & Vi West won with Elaine Smith and Judith Starky r/up, Janet Smith, Beatrice Gallagher, Wendy Britten won with June Killham, Lenore Bartlem and Shirley Cassidy r/up. Then it was back inside for lunch with a drink or two. The daily prize went home with Carol Dixon and the Vegies were won by Lenore Bartlem. 14 June: Not the rain again!!!!! Back to carpet bowls...Helen Haynes became Queen today – in great form after her OS travelling!!! Judith Starky won the vegies and Vi West the daily prize. This gave us some time to discuss the Ladies Bowls Birthday Party next week. All preparations are well in hand and we look forward to fine weather for our visiting guests. Carol Dixon would like to extend her thanks to the Men’s Bowling Club #6 Pennant team for their great cooperation and friendship during the games she spent marking .



Stanwell Park Sea Eels By Amy Ruse, Real Winter Swimming - 12 June 2011 After weeks of great autumn weather the winter weather arrived last Sunday, 12 June 2011 and we got a real winter swimming day. At 16 Deg C in the pool and about 13 Deg C out of the pool, the rain and breeze didn't help. Anyway we had 30 plus swimmers in the pool and we all left smiling and enjoying our swim. Bring-A-Friend Day - 19 June 2011 In perfect sunlight and 14.8 degree water, seven friends turned up to support the Sea Eels. After some competitive swimming, Karl Weber winning the final with friend Matthew McDonald posting the fastest time of the day and Zoe Marshall taking out the young ones final it was back to Coalcliff Surf Club for soup, a BBQ and some well earned drinks on their glorious sun drenched verandah with newly updated stainless servery unit.

Sea Eels Club President, Peter Macdonald hands Coalcliff SLSC Captain, Rob Deacon the donation

Sea Eels made a donation of $300 to Coalcliff Club Captain Rob Deacon for purchase of rescue equipment. Stanwell Park SLSC also received a $300 donation.

Quartered Cap Here To Stay After a recent national SLSA review to evaluate the functionality of the ‘Quartered Cap’ in frontline lifesaving operations, John Restuccia, (Director of Lifesaving/ Surf Life Saving New South Wales) announced the cap was here to stay. In a statement to members Mr Restuccia said “As part of this review members were asked to individually complete a SLSA online survey and (the) States have provided feedback to the SLSA Lifesaving Standing Committee based on the feedbacks from their branches/clubs”. Mr Restuccia added “The results of the review have overwhelmingly indicated that the membership feel that the Quartered Cap is important to retain as ‘frontline’ patrol uniform”. The National Lifesaving Standing Committee considered the data and voted to keep the ‘Quartered Cap’ as a mandatory piece of the lifesaving uniform that shall be worn at all times whilst on patrol.

Helensburgh & District Herald 35


SPORT Helensburgh Tigers Cricket Club Attention all new and returning junior cricket players 6 To 16 years. Registration for the Helensburgh Junior Cricket Club 2011/12 season will be conducted at the Helensburgh Community Centre ‘youth room’ on: Saturday 6th August 1pm - 3pm Wednesday 10th August 5pm - 7pm Saturday 13th August 1pm - 3pm

GIRLS WELCOME! For all enquires please contact Julie Munn on 4294 3694 or Di Piggott on 4294 1980 (after 3pm).

Get your team’s news in colour! Contact the Editor: Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

36 Helensburgh & District Herald

Helensburgh Junior Rugby League Football Club Congratulations on 150 games! Aaron Wilkinson Mitchell Baillie Congratulations on 100 Games! Brodie Anders Shea Innes Tim Horan Brandon Ryman Taz Gilmour Jesse Cobb Lachlan Corbett Adam Dee Trent Ireland Well done!

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