June 2011

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Helensburgh & District

HERALD www.helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

Volume 1 #5

June 2011


Locals Join Human Sign To Stop CSG Mining Stanwell Park, Stanwell Tops, Otford, Helensburgh and Darkes Forest were well represented among the more than 3000 people who helped make up a human sign, visible from the sky, which spelled out “stop coal seam gas!” on Sunday the 29th of May at Austinmer Beach. The crowd was made up of families and residents, many of whom have never been involved in environmental action before, a testimony to the interest and concern over coal seam gas mining in the Illawarra. Organised by the ‘Stop-CSG-Illawarra’ group, the crowd of people was orderly directed to spell the anti CSG mining message at 11 am, with major television networks sending a total of three helicopters at noon to film the event. Through the ‘human sign’, the Stop CSG Illawarra Group sent a clear message to the state government, calling for; a moratorium on CSG mining, a Royal Commission into all aspects of CSG mining and a ban on the controversial extraction technique of ‘fracking’.

2508 Town Meeting Page 3

There were some familiar Helensburgh faces making up the ‘dot’ of the human exclamation point. One such familiar face was Greg Petty, causing the Helensburgh and District Herald to ask; should Petty in fact be part of a question mark . . . “Will he run for Mayor?” For more details on the Austinmer event or future meetings of the stop CSG group go to: www.stop-csg-illawarrra.org

Locals form the ‘dot’ in the human exclamation mark

Dark Clouds Over Darkes Forest Page 5

Stanwell Park ‘To The Future” Page 18

Congratulations To Symbio Wildlife Park! Winner of The Zoo and Aquarium Association “Exhibit Award” For Their Sumatran Tiger Exhibit Open 9:30am daily (except xmas day) Lawrence Hargrave Drive (02) 4294 1244

www.symbiozoo.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 1


NEWS Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au www.OurHelensburgh.com.au ABN: 13 877 135 184

Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.


Internet Scammers Hitting 2508 The Nine network’s ‘A current Affair’ (May 17, 2011) presented a story on how scammers, thought to be based in India, are gaining access to your private computing information by posing as “tech support” from recognised companies such as Microsoft. It seems nowhere is safe from the bogus tech support scam, with Warwick Erwin from Stanwell Tops Technical Services reporting several cases in the 2508 area. Warwick warns “Unsolicited ‘support’ calls are most likely a scam, aimed at convincing you to buy security software or services you don’t need, and maybe even stealing information from your PC”. Being asked to ‘subscribe’ using your credit card, to an online service is the method most frequently used by the scammers. In most cases the first point of contact is a phone call posing as a ‘survey’. The personal information obtained in the ‘survey’ is then used in a second phone call to dupe consumers into paying for software to remotely “fix” computers that have no problems. “Unless you have initiated accredited technical support, never use a remote login session such as LogMeIn” Warwick says. If you feel you have been targeted by this or any other internet scam, you can report it to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission via their website: www.scamwatch.gov.au or call 1300 795 995.

HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Disclamer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport 2 Helensburgh & District Herald

1- 7 15 30 - 33 18 - 21 8 -13 14 29 - 30 22 23 - 29 34 - 36

Jane Graves

[B.Sc.(Anatomy), M.Chiropractic)

* Over 17 years experience * University Program Head and Lecturer Located at Helensburgh Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic



Administrators ‘Pave The Way’ For An Elected Council On September 3, 2011, residents of the Illawarra will return to the polls and elect councillors for the first time since they were sacked by Labour three years ago. The number of wards in Wollongong City Council (WCC) will be reduced from six to three and residents will elect four councillors in each ward as well as the mayor. The proposed ward changes are on pubic exhibition until June 14. At the May NF.1 Meeting (Neighbourhood Forum 1) the questions was asked: “What will happen to the planning and strategy being developed by the current administrators” and would it be wasted once the elected councillors take office. When approached for comment about the future of the WCC draft management plan a council spokesperson said “The current Council and the three Administrators are putting in place policies and procedures that all Councils are required to do”. NSW legislation requires all local governments to prepare a new framework and transition to a Community Strategic Plan by June 2012. Wollongong City Council has developed a community engagement strategy which outlines it’s approach to working with the community, business, agencies and different networks including schools and children. “Council has begun its work on engagement through conversations with the Neighbourhood

Forums and listening to advice from the Community Reference Panel,” said Council Administrator, Robert McGregor in a May 24 media release. “The engagement will continue in June with Council asking the community to contribute to their vision of a great city through a promotion called Draw, Write, Snap, Share.” McGregor added. Administrators have also made preparations for the elected council’s arrival, introducing; a revised ‘Code of Conduct for Councillors’, ‘Code of Conduct Complaint Handling’ and ‘Public Access Forum’ Policies which will take effect following the election of the new Council. These codes of conduct include revisions based on recommendations from the Independent Commission Against Corruption; in areas relating to gifts and benefits, and caucus voting by Councillors. “The Administrators have prepared these policies to ensure that an incoming Council has a number of policies that help to the conduct of the Council and the policies will go to improving accountability and transparency,” WCC Administrator, Richard Colley said. A copy of the Strategic Directions 2011 – 2014 plan is available through the WCC website; www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au or call 4227 7111.

2508 TOWN MEETING Organised by WCC Neighbourhood Forum 1

COAL SEAM GAS IN YOUR BACKYARD! WILL OUR WATER BE POLLUTED? WHY ARE WE NOT BEING CONSULTED? WHY IS NO-ONE LISTENING TO OUR CONCERNS? Thursday 23rd June, 2011 6:30pm for 7:00pm Helensburgh Community Centre, Parkes Street, Helensburgh 2508 Enquiries: Greg Petty Co-Convener NF1 0407 473 889

Helensburgh & District Herald 3



Top Ideas Needed For The Burgh' Tip

Stanwell Park Festival of Flight

The lease for the Helensburgh land fill tip off Halls Road expires in 2013 - and Wollongong City Council intends to simply change the landfill disposal to a 'Waste Transfer Station' meaning rubbish will now be dumped in large skip bins to be later transfered to Whytes Gully Depot. This will mean Northern Helensburgh residents will still be subject to heavy trucks and trailers travelling down Parkes St and Halls Rd. Hundreds of people signed The Halls Road Action Group's (HRAG) petition against the new WTS, but they need more help. “The best way to steer WCC to a new 'tip' site, is for our community to provide a list of alternative locations or solutions” stated Natasha Watson of the Otford Protection Society. She asks; “Do you have an idea for a new waste site or better method?” Go to: www.otfordeco.com/HelensburghTip. html for more information, or to easily add a comment or suggestion for the new Waste Transfer Station.

Each year in early November the Festival of Flight is held in Stanwell Park to celebrate and honour the memory of Sir Lawrence Hargrave. This year it is hoped to make the festival more diverse and interesting, by attracting creative art and kite/flight fanciers to come along. To make this day a success we are looking for people who would be interested in promoting an arts and flight festival. We welcome creative ideas and suggestions to make this day a celebratory occasion. If you would like to contribute to the organisation of this event please contact: Bronwyn at Parkfit@bigpond.com or phone: 0422 414 236

4 Helensburgh & District Herald

Fridge buyback Fridge buyback is an energy saving program that actually pays you to help save the environment and reduce your power bills by giving up your second fridge. Old fridges are one of the biggest energy users in the home, consuming up to three times the energy of new fridges. To find out more and find out if your fridge measures up. Go to: www.fridgebuyback.com.au Or call 1800 708 401



Dark Clouds Over Darkes Forest In February this year BHP Billiton agreed to acquire Chesapeake Energy’s interests in the Fayetteville Shale in Arkansas, one of the largest gas fields in the world.[1] The US company is selling its Arkansas holdings to reduce its debt levels, which will not have been helped by a record $1.09 million fine in May for contaminating drinking water and for an explosion at a storage tank.[2] Chesapeake provides their field agents with a document providing talking points to use when dealing with land owners.[3] The document advises that “ if at all possible” agents should not deliberately mislead landowners. Having said that, it suggests the agents tell landowners that the company interest is in oil exploration rather than gas exploration, noting the increasing public concern around gas mining and hydraulic fracturing or fracking. The document acknowledges that gas mining may contaminate ground water with naturally radioactive water present in gas bearing seams below, and advises

Monique Napper

agents to emphasize this is naturally radioactive material. The document instructs agents not to inform landowners that the contamination is in fact a result of the gas mining process. Agents are encouraged to tell wavering landowners that all of their neighbours have signed agreements with the company, whether or not that is the case. The document confirms the negative impact CSG wells have on the value of surrounding properties. The ABC Four Corner Gas Rush documentary[4] and a recent interview on ABC Radio National[5] suggest that much the same ‘tell the truth if at all possible’ approach is taken by coal seam gas (CSG) companies here in Australia. Through grass roots groups such as Lock the Gate and Stop CSG in the Illawarra, communities are however pushing back.[6] Locally, Apex Energy has recently stepped up its activity at Darkes Forest, where it hopes to increase the number of properties that it can access. Apex needs a signed access agreement with a landowner to legally undertake exploration operations. If the landowner refuses, Apex can appeal to an arbiter and if arbitration fails an access order can be imposed on the landowner. Appeals are possible, so it’s in Apex’s interests to do what they can to convince land owner’s to sign an agreement before going ‘over their heads’. Principal solicitor with the Environment Defenders Office (EDO) Kirsty Ruddock talked about the legal challenges[7] faced by landowners at a CSG and Coal Mining Forum in Sydney on May 16. More than 400 people heard from a range of panellists, including NSW Natural Resources Commissioner Dr John Williams and Ross Dunn, the Queensland Director for the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA).[8] Most of the questions were directed to an uncomfortable Ross Dunn. Asked about the threat posed by a spill or leakage of the contaminated water that is drawn out of coal seams to release methane gas for mining, he suggested the hazard was of no more concern than using pesticides on crops. The audience was unhappy with his assertions that renewable energy alternatives were not capable of baseload and were too expensive to deploy. Audience members pointed to Spain and Germany as examples demonstrating otherwise, Helensburgh & District Herald 5

NEWS and to the Zero Carbon Australia plan which has been endorsed by the likes of Nobel Laureate Prof Peter Doherty, Nick Zenophon, Malcolm Turnbull and many other eminent scientists, engineers and politicians.[9] The prestigious US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), gives some insight of the problem of fugitive methane arising from gas mining.[10] The paper observes “ ... average and maximum methane concentrations in drinking-water wells increased with proximity to the nearest gas well and were ... a potential explosion hazard;” The gas escapes from well casings or, via preexisting or new fissures, from the gas seam once its retaining water is extracted through the well (‘de-watering’). The gas migrates upwards into shallow aquifers or escapes into the open atmosphere. The ABC programme Gas Rush[4] has some unsettling footage of gas leaking from the ground around gas wells in Queensland and the documentary movie Gasland shows methane bubbling freely in streams. Ross Dunn recently conceded “ ... some wells leaking gas were not up to industry standards.”[11] AGL has recently called for higher industry standards and a rewriting of the 1991 on-shore Petroleum Act covering the industry.[12] Ironically, AGL has since been embarrassed by a leak of a mixture of gas and water, possibly fracking fluid, at Camden in NSW on May 26.[13] While blow-outs may be relatively rare, leakage more generally is a problem over which the industry may have little control. On May 22 a major gas blow-out occurred at a coal seam gas well near Dalby west of Brisbane, propelling gas and contaminated water 40 meters in the air for more than a day.[14] The well is operated on farmland by Shell and PetroChina, and farmers are now calling for a ban on CSG mining. Thirteen farming families from the Save Our Darling Downs group had launched legal action in the State Land Court against the company’s environmental licence to operate.[15] Given the thousands of wells already in place in Queensland and the tens of thousands planned, with thousands of kilometers of pipeline, even a small percentage of leaking wells pose both a fire hazard and a significant green house gas emissions problem. [16] Methane is a significantly more potent greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide. As the recently released Climate 6 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Change Commission report makes clear,[17] we need to be at or approaching zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Transitioning to gas fired power stations with a working lifetime of some 20 to 30 years, and possibly longer, is at odds with the emissions cuts needed to avoid dangerous climate change. The NSW government recently announced a 60 day moratorium on exploration licences, barely giving pause in the otherwise relentless expansion of the industry. Current advice is that the moratorium does not include existing project modifications, such as the Apex application to add another bore to its existing set of 15 approved sites in the northern Illawarra.[18]

One of many signs in Darkes Forest

The proposed bore site, AI19, is on Sydney Catchment Authority Special Area land at Darkes Forest.[18(a)] Specifically its in Forest Gully in the Waratah Rivulet catchment, which supplies 30 to 50% of the flow to Woronora Dam, depending on seasonal conditions. A potential fracking site, an accident here could have serious consequences whether or not fracking is used. Coal seam water brought to the surface during CSG mining naturally contains toxins, carcinogenic materials, heavy metals and radionuclides. The SCA and Department of Environment Climate Change and Water appear to be the only government agencies opposed to AI19. A decision is expected sometime in June or July. Water contamination concerns led to the NSW government rejecting the Wallarah 2 coal mine proposal in March this year.[19] The assessment included water samples from local CSG exploration wells, obtained and analysed by the Australian Coal Alliance.[20] Also of concern for the Illawarra, an area already suffering significant

NEWS subsidence damage, are reports that fracking can cause mini-earthquakes.[ 21] Having agreed to buy gas fields from Chesapeake, BHP is now facing a series of class action law suits alleging earthquakes and water, soil and air pollution caused by gas mining.[22] As Apex renews its interest in properties at Darkes Forest, and plans to drill at least two more of its approved bores this year, resident concern and media interest is rising sharply.[23] Apex may need more than talking points of the kind offered by Chesapeake, if its ambitious plans for the northern Illawarra are to succeed. That we know as much as we do about those plans reflects the determined efforts of Otford resident Natasha Watson. Natasha’s Web site provides quick and easy to use e-forms to send messages of concern and objection to relevant State and Federal ministers: http://www.otfordeco.com/ApexEnergy.html http://www.otfordeco.com/WaterBeforeCSG. html All references are listed on the HDH website www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD ‘Safe People, Safe Places’ Wollongong police are warning parents and local schools to be vigilant as reports of school children being approached by ‘strangers’ in the Illawarra region are coming through. One report involves an incident where a man in a black van allegedly attempted to entice a young boy into the van. The boy was able to run to a nearby school and alert staff. The recent incidents have highlighted the need for parents to talk to their children about the ‘safe people, safe places’ message. Detectives have determined that the recent spate of incidents are unrelated. Things to discuss with your children: * Avoid walking on your own and instead walk with other family members, friends or an adult they know when going to and from school. * Walk near busier roads and streets, or use paths where there are lots of other people. * Make sure your parents or another adult you know, is aware of where you are at all times. * Always walk straight home or to the place you are walking to. * Know where safe places are – a shop, service station, police station, library or school. If you are ever frightened, you should go to one of these places and ask them to call the police. * Learn about safe adults you can look for and talk to if you need help – police officers, teachers at school, adults you know and trust. * Don’t talk to people you don’t know and never get into a car with someone you don’t know. *If a car stops on the side of the road and you don’t know the person inside, do not stop. If you can, try to remember what the person looks like, what the car looks like, and what the number plate is. * If you are scared and can use a phone, call 000 and tell them you are scared. ‘Safe people, Safe places’ message from www.police.nsw.gov.au

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 7

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Party With Style Helensburgh District Herald met the girls from ‘Jens Mini Make-Overs’ at the first (and outstanding) Helensburgh Village Market held on Mother’s day. Jen and her business partner Chloe, both hairdressers, took the idea that all little girls LOVE to dress up one step further and have turned “mini make-overs’ into a business. “We specialise in little girls parties which run for two hours and in that time we do age appropriate make-up including the all important face diamante’s, a mini manicure with over 20 fabulous colours to choose from and a super glamorous hair style” said Jen. She added “all party guests take home a homemade hairclip made by miss Chloe, their own jewellery bag with a ring and lip gloss and the birthday girl gets both of these plus a special gift pack containing a bangle, lip gloss and nail polish”. The girls from Jen’s Mini Make Overs’ come prepared with everything they need for the party including music and prizes for games.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD To book ‘Jens mini make-overs’ for your little princess’ party contact Jen on 0416 073 079.

Sienna Lupton, age 4, enjoying an exotic braid by the girls from ‘Jen’s Mini Make-Overs’

8 Helensburgh & District Herald

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS The Technologist: Does A Picture Still Tell Thousand Words? Not that long ago we would go to a park with the kids, a party with our friends or on holidays with family taking along our trusty old film camera and a box of film. We would choose our photographic moments carefully, having a limit of 24 or 36 photos per roll gave each photo value and each photo seemed to be a moment in time. The excitement of racing the photos to the local photo lab and waiting a whole hour for processing was almost painful. Picking up the photos in anticipation of tearing the photos out of their pack and re-living those moments of joy, sadness, romance or even embarrassment. Finally getting the pictures home so we could display them for all to see. It seems these days the access of technology, the ease of taking hundreds or even thousands of photos and the ever shrinking art of photo developing has resulted in less photos actually making it to the printer. Is it the instant access to viewing photos through the camera or on the computer that has reduced our desire to print our photos? Have photos lost that sentimental value? Wouldn’t it be sad if a virus or camera theft meant we lost our most precious moments in life. So how do we get the value, the excitement and the memories back in our life and get those photos on the wall, in the album or on the mantelpiece again? I have checked out three ways we can print our photos; each has its benefits and detriments but you can choose which best fits your lifestyle. DIY printing or using your home printer can be convenient, gives you absolute control over the image (colour, size and quantity) however, seems to be the most costly form of printing photos. Bubble Jet Ink cartridges are pushing $40 - $60, purchasing photo quality paper and the wear and tear on your printer all add up to a lot of money. Online services such as snapfish.com.au are an excellent way to print photos; you have control of image quality, colours, cropping and many other special effects. The photos are printed in bulk so you may get the odd photo that is poorly

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD printed, but an email to the service usually gets a new print on its way. They are economic (as little as 15c) and you can print on just about anything; mugs, key rings even a complete photo book. These services are convenient as all the work can be done at home or work. The photos arrive about three days later in the mail. Instore printing is the third option. It is simple, you have control over all aspects of picture quality and it is instant. In Helensburgh there is an instore printing service at Paper Haven (paperhaven.com.au) located in the arcade next to the Newsagency. They have a Kodak photo printing system. Plug in your memory device, download the images, edit them on the simple to use computer and print… As simple as 1,2,3 & 4. Susan is in store to help you with any troubles you may have, so you don’t have to be a super geek to have great pictures. This is a cheaper option than home printing at just 20c per photo. Happy snapping! Questions or comments:

Your local scrapbooking shop, providing friendly service, regular workshops and a variety of your favourite scrapbooking and papercraft products. A self serve photo kiosk is now available instore. SHOP 5, 123 PARKES ST, HELENSBURGH (at rear of Arcade)

Ph: 4294 4020 www.paperhaven.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 9

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Why Do I Need It In Writing? By Lynda Babister, Babister Legal Why do I need it in writing? This must be one of the most common questions I am ever asked. “I am going into business with my best friend. We have known each other since we were kids.” “My wife and I work together. Why do we need it written down?” “He’s a really nice man. I feel like I can trust him to do the right thing.” “We both know what we are doing.” “It’s been done on a handshake.” Whilst an agreement or business venture is going well, all parties are in agreement, and you probably don’t “need” a written contract. However, as soon as there is a difference of opinion or one of the parties has a different concept plan there can be problems. Setting an agreement out in writing while you are getting along is the best solution. A written agreement can be as comprehensive or detailed as you want it to be. If you are going into a partnership, say opening a shop with your best friend, it is wise to set out a list of who does what. Who is responsible for paying the electricity bill, or buying stock? Who will be in charge of marketing? What do you do if someone gets sick, or wants out? Your partner may assume that you will buy them out, but do you want to, or can you afford to? The details that you need to put into a written agreement vary from situation to situation. Payment terms, control of your trademark and product, employment terms, What is included in a sale, what happens if something goes wrong are all items which should be included. If it does come to a legal dispute, not having a written contract can make things more complicated, and expensive. It is a relatively simple matter to go to your lawyer with a written contract and say “He did not do this.” If the contract is oral, it is no less valid, however it is far more complicated to prove and it will take longer to go through those details with your lawyer. You will then have to make detailed statements, 10 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD proving whether there was agreement on every point, and possibly requiring witnesses to also make statements. All of this increases the costs of a legal dispute. It is far better to spend a few thousand dollars in the beginning, getting it right, than spend tens of thousands later trying to sort it out. Any business agreement can and should be reduced to writing. It makes running the business simpler, and easier. It can also smooth the waters, and possibly save a friendship if something goes wrong. If you would like assistance please contact Lynda Babister at Babister Legal, 4294 3458, or 0418 604 098 or email lynda@babisterlegal. com.au.

The next Helensburgh Village Market is on Sunday June 12th See you there!

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If you’re suffering pain from a sports or work injury, need rehabilitation, cast, massage, acupuncture or other Physio services... Then put yourself in the expert care of Bill La Palombara and his team – the ONLY qualified Sports Physiotherapist in Helensburgh

4294 4953 134 Parkes St (Opp Shell Garage) Call now for an appointment. No referral needed

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS A Simple Principle: If It’s Not Working Do Something Different! By Alison Rowe, Child & Adult Psychologist I know that this sounds like common sense and a very simplistic principle and recommendation to forward to clients in therapy. However, it is one of the main philosophical assumptions of Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Quite often we become “stuck” in the same patterns of behaviour. This can occur across all types of relationships. For example, with our partners; children; peers; work colleagues and even with our own self identity. I am definitely guilty of this and I am sure that most of you can think of a pattern of behaviour that you have become so entrenched in doing that it has become a habit in your everyday life. These entrenched patterns of behaviour are evident in “comfort eating”. Every time you feel heightened levels of stress, you increase your intake of high fat and sugar food items. Due to the fact that these foods only produce short term bursts of energy and we feel guilty about eating such food, we continue to consume more to boost energy levels and reduce our negative feelings and it becomes a vicious cycle of behaviour. It is evident within the typical female versus male relationship. The female complains that the male is untidy and never participates in cleaning chores, whereas the male complains about her nagging all the time. Quite often I also observe repeated patterns of behaviour with parents trying to manage teenage rebellious behaviour. The stricter the parents are the more rebellious the teenage child becomes as they assert their need for independence. It only takes a minor change of one part of a system to elicit a major change in the whole system similar to that of an engine in a car or an ingredient in a cake. A relationship at home, school or work will not improve unless one individual is willing to change their behaviour. Most of us get stuck in the “fight” or “flight” reaction. It is important to take a step back to take an objective perspective. Stop and observe if you use the automatic defend-withdraw-attack communication patterns that are focussed on winning and losing with others. Improve the relationship by trying new patterns of behaviour and learned responses that offer a way to resolve problems by which both parties can win.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD It is important that we change habit reactions into thoughtful responses. Quite often I encourage my clients to write down how they normally respond when they get “stuck” in the same patterns of behaviour in a problematic situation. Then with my guidance encourage them to write how they are going to behave differently, role play this in a counselling session, encourage them to practise at home and then to apply the new behaviour in real life situations. Showing approval and appreciation of the little things people do to meet your needs promotes continued success but when you find things to criticize you ensure disaster. For example, instead of condemning a person by complaining, blaming or criticizing them, respond with kindness by agreeing with them to a certain degree, using compliments, understanding the reason for their use of intimidation and use humour to defuse the situation. See your local Psychologist for advice on changing your patterns of behaviour.

Helensburgh & District Herald 11



Playtime For Pets

The Bakers Dozen Quiz - Questions

A bit of ‘alone time’ is fine for any pet, but if you’re coming home to a house that is ransacked chances are it is trying to say it is less than thrilled you’ve left it alone for the past 9 or so hours! If only our pets could talk. Karen of Karen’s Pet Care Service says “while some dogs like having time out, others will let you know being alone is distressing them through their behavior.” “Young and active dogs particularly get lonely which is why my service can be a wonderful way to break that boredom and lonely feeling” Karen adds. Karen’s Pet Care Service is now offering a doggy day care service too, “The walking and day care service are also great for those with just not enough time to walk their dog. We also go and have plays with pets unable to walk or visit dogs at their home during the day to brighten up their day too” said Karen. A great tip is to also socialize your dog with a friend’s dog while you enjoy a barbeque, or take them for a run down one of our many local dog friendly beaches! Karen’s Pet Care Service is a great option for holiday makers; your pet gets to stay in it’s own environment or have a sleep over with one of our animal loving families. For more information contact Karen’s Pet Care Service 0419 432 482 or kpetcare@tpg.com.au

1. In which Australian state would you find the town of Inverloch? 2. What are the names of the two main characters from the May Gibbs books? 3. Who fiddled while Rome burned? 4. In what year was Face-Book launched? 5. What is a group of kangaroos called? 6. Which NRL team will Wayne Bennett coach in 2012? 7. Who pioneered assembly-line production? 8. What is the fourth estate? 9. What is the “Devil’s” number? 10. Which mountain peak is reputed to be higher than Everest? 11. What is the largest organ in the human body? 12. In what year did the freeway by-pass Helensburgh? 13. What is the 15th wedding anniversary designated? Answers on page 22

NORTHERN BREW Home Brew Supplies DIY Beer, Wine Spirits, Beef Jerky Cheese Making, Party Hire Keg System Specialists

341 Princes Hwy, Woonona 02) 4284 6000 Trading Hours: Tues – Friday 9.30 am – 5.30 pm Saturday 9.30 am – 3.00 pm

Email: info@northernbrew.com.au Web: www.northernbrew.com.au 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Career Change Maze By Sally-Anne Blanshard, Nourish Coaching Group Changing career can be like navigating a maze. You are not sure which direction to take and you feel like you are running out of time. It doesn’t have to be like this. You can gain control, plan your route and have success. You just need to allocate some time to…think. With career coaching my clients often say “I hate my job – I have always wanted to be a ........... ” (fill with your dream job). They have no idea whether they can do the job and they just let it pass them by without really exploring their options. Applying some thought and logic to your career change dilemma will help you finally work out what it is you want to do and how you are going to get there. Here are a few of the many steps you can take when working out what you want to do. What’s really going on for you right now? What makes you unhappy in your current role/ sector? Why do you want to leave your job/ company?

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Identify your motivations for change. What are your values and core principles. Understanding yourself more will assist you in understanding the cause for change. What grabs you? What jobs excite you? What makes you curious? This list can be as abstract as you like – get creative! What type of people have these jobs? What are their qualifications or backgrounds. Get connected: Talk to people who are in the jobs you like. Volunteer your time to learn more about their business or industry. Consider having a mentor – someone who can help you get connected to other like minded people in that industry. 3 P’s: Planning, Preparation and Performance You have to have a plan and the bullet points above will help you with your plan. You need time to prepare your career change. This will not happen overnight. You should get comfortable with meeting new people and being ‘interview ready’ at all times. And you need to perform. I refer to this as ‘switching it on’ with my career coaching clients. You need to be positive and ensure that you persist with your quest for change. It will happen. It just may take a little time. For more information contact Sally-Anne Blanshard; info@nourishcoaching.com.au www.nourishcoaching.com.au


193 Parkes St, Helensburgh

Open 7 days

Helensburgh & District Herald 13

CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to the man who rendered assistance to a lady after she had a serious fall in front of the post office Saturday night before mother’s day, staying with her until the ambulance came even though he was dressed up to attend a function which he attended covered in blood; the family are very grateful. JEERS for there being no lighting in front of the post office at night very dark and uneven grounds. CHEERS the paramedics who came out to attend to my 8 week old daughter over Easter. She was having trouble breathing with a cold and cough and he went that extra mile and brought me back his own Humidifier to put in her room. Legend! CHEERS to the kind lady in Shannon Drive who found my puppy who’d escaped my yard, and took him to the vet, greatly appreciated.

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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD JEERS to the hoon that came out of a local business, and did burnouts down the Princes Highway for 50 metres, lost control and slammed into a parked vehicle by the side of the road with the occupant in it. JEERS to the people responsible for the theft from cars parked at the colliery while the workers were underground. SHAME ON YOU! CHEERS to the hard working individual trying to save lives by lobbying for suicide prevention and awareness signs at Bald Hill. Keep up the good work! CHEERS to the VIEW club turning twenty. Happpy Birthday! CHEERS to the Helensburgh Baptist Church for the work done in the Grounds of the Community Preschool. CHEERS to the two community members who have both dedicated over 2 decades of service to the 2508 community by being members of our retained fire brigade under the NSW Fire Brigade both willing to rise to the position of Captain. Congratulations Don Hope and Les Kiddle on your retirement. Your willingness to put your own lives on the line for the community is more than appreciated. Thank you!

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LETTERS/ NOTICES All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, We would like to say thank you to the splendid eight men and their machines who cleared the bush from around our home. These folks came from the southern area bush fire mitigation unit. They removed most of the bushfire threat. Thank goodness Noel Carr, Darkes Forest

Congratulations Love and best wishes to Margaret and Les Reese who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on the 13th of May. Love from; Karen, Roger, Matt, Mitch and Brayden.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD In Memoriam SELLAR, Irene (Nan) 13.6.1983 In loving memory or our mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Always loved and remembered. WILLIAMS, Heather. 22.6.2004 In loving memory of my wife; loved mother and grandmother. Always in our thoughts, sadly missed by the family.

Thank You A big thank you to so many residents who lodged objections to the proposed additional Apex gas borehole in Darkes Forest. Natasha Watson, states that 853 email objections were lodged with the Dep of Planning via her website www.otfordeco.com The new major project plans are still under assessment, but such a resident backlash and formal objections from the Sydney Catchment Authority should go a long way to blocking drilling for gas in our drinking water catchment.

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Reputation and Results... LJ Hooker goes above & beyond your expectations in all we do. Call now to see why “nobody does it better” 4294 9800 Julie Humphries 0405 128 070 1/114a Parkes St, Helensburgh www.ljhooker.com.au/helensburgh Helensburgh & District Herald 15



Coastlands Church is re-launched as Hope Church 2508 Coastlands Church, the Helenburgh Church which has played a significant role in the community for the last 25 years is re-positioning itself to be of even greater benefit, with closer connections and more engagement with the Helensburgh area. The church, which is best known for running the not-for-profit fitness centre over the last ten years, is re-launching itself as Hope Church 2508. Local Pastor Daniel Zelli says, "Hope is such a positive word and presents such a great message. It really communicates what we can best offer our community.” “We liked the name Coastlands because it depicted the beautiful area in which we live. However, our new name, Hope Church 2508 reflects a strong connection with our local community, and also highlights what we believe in because of Jesus". Hope Church 2508 has wasted no time in engaging with its community. Partnering with Illawarra Chamber of Commerce, the church took on the job of repainting the entrance signs at the roundabout of our beautiful town. With 15 volunteers, a crisp Saturday morning and a bit of paint, our entrance signs were beautifully restored.

Hope Church 2508 is part of a network of modern churches springing up all over Australia, called Australian Christian Churches. The network is best known for the Hillsong Church in Sydney. (See www.acc.org.au) The new Hope Church is particularly grateful to Helensburgh Public School for the use of their modern facilities. The church meets every Sunday at 9:30 am. One of the church’s major commitments is working amongst the youth in the local area. Using the community bus supplied by Illawarra Neighborhood Aid every Friday night, local youth are encouraged to join an exciting event of over 150 youth at ShireLive in Sutherland (another of the churches in the network). The environment is a positive, encouraging place with a strong message of hope and purpose. So impressed is the pastor with the positive impact it’s having on local youth that he and his wife willingly bus the kids around every Friday night with a view to helping and encouraging them. Watch this space as Hope Church 2508 embraces its new future. More information can be obtained by contacting Daniel Zelli on 4294 2299.

Hope Church Youth Group painting the signs which greet visitors to the area 16 Helensburgh & District Herald

CHURCH NEWS Holy Cross Catholic Parish

"Bearing Christ's love to the communities north of Sea Cliff Bridge" We are quietly proud to have been the bearers of Christ’s love to the people residing along the northern tip of the Illawarra from the beginning of European settlement. The first Catholic church was built in 1890 and the primary school was opened in 1900 (by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop herself). This year, 2011, marks the centenary of the establishment of the parish in its own right, the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current Church in Helensburgh, and the opening of the (near) complete rebuilding of Holy Cross Parish School. The community north of the Sea Cliff Bridge is served from two churches: Holy Cross Church, 4 McMillan St, Helensburgh St Bernadette’s Church, Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park Our Sunday worship times are: Saturday evening Vigil Mass – 5.30pm (Helensburgh) Sunday early-morning Mass – 8.00am (Stanwell Park) Sunday mid-morning Mass – 9.30am (Helensburgh) We also have regular weekday times for worship and other activities, information for which is updated weekly in our parish bulletin. The parish office (Cnr Parkes & McMillan Sts) is opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The parish secretary can be contacted on: (tel) 4294 1099, (fax) 4294 9180, (email) helensburgh@parish.woll.catholic.org.au. The school office (Mrs Kerrin Cronin, Principal) can be contacted on: 4294 1588 Our parish website, where more information will be found and details of the centenary celebrations will be posted, is: www.helensburghcatholic.org.au

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about how God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laidback Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit www.helensburghanglican.org

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church Bushland Chapel, 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. Uniting Church in Australia Sunday 9.30, 1st and 3rd of month, congregational meetings 4th of month, guest speaker and communion. Bushwalks 2pm 4th Sunday - explore your natural district! Performance and other activities see www.helensburgh.net.au/bushchapelInquiries including use of chapel 4294 8329 or 4294 1695. Helensburgh & District Herald 17



Stanwell Park Public School Quick! Fire up the time machine and zoom down to Stanwell Park Public School for its innovative To the Future Fete on Saturday 25 June between 10am and 3pm. Local imaginations are running wild as students, parents, teachers and the community draw on the youngest residents, Generation Z, for inspiration on what our lives could look like in another fifty years. The result will be a colourful and inventive collection of ideas and fun that will be showcased through interesting stalls and lively activities for everyone. Interactive displays and sci-fi exhibitions from Future World will showcase the latest eco technology and all-day rides include alien skirmish, rocket games, giant dragster slides and pirate swings for the older kids plus ponies, jeeps, planes and trains for the young ones. Recline on cushions in our five metre high teepee and learn how we can create a sustainable future to protect our planet and its precious life-giving resources. At Enviro-World see environmental and indigenous films, displays about our local wildlife and try your hand at recycled arts and crafts. Sustainability and recycling are the main themes of the fete and you will find a wonderful retro bargain in the extensive range of good quality brand clothing, household goods, books and bric-a-brac. Enjoy additive and preservativefree home made cakes, biscuits, slices, jams, chutneys and pickles and our organic produce stall is packed with pesticide-free goodies. You also have the chance to win thousands of dollars worth of amazing prizes including 5-star accommodation, paintings by well known local artists, hair and beauty treatments, full year gym memberships and much more at the great Rocket Wheel and Intergalactic Raffle. When all the festivities have you craving some nourishment try the delicious wild, mild or spicy Australasian curries ‘our meat pies of the future’ all made with authentic ingredients, no bottles and jars of sauces, or enjoy a classic ‘never-outof-style’ sample from the BBQ chefs. Throughout the day you can retreat to the Café at the End of the Universe for great coffee and cake and listen to our all-day program of live music by some of our renowned local performers.

18 Helensburgh & District Herald

Yr 6 teacher Mrs Bedwell wth School Principal, Keith Tomlinson in their movie inspired costumes

Come and see the future at the Stanwell Park Public School To the Future fete, in Stanwell Ave, just off Lawrence Hargrave Drive, on Saturday 25 June, 10am-3pm. For more information call 0422 414 236

Some ‘mad scientists’ at mufti day: Now where did we park the Delorean?



Helensburgh & District Herald 19

YOUTH NEWS Holy Cross Happenings ‘A change is as good as a holiday’ the old adage decrees. Change has been the order of the day for Holy Cross Catholic Primary School this year. Holy Cross has a new school Principal, Mrs Kerrin Cronin, a new Assistant Principal, Mrs Celia Elphick, a new school secretary, Mrs Dianne Bartholomeusz and brand new facilities including a new library, new classrooms, canteen, a refurbished administration block and new additions to the playground.

The official blessing and opening ceremony: From Left: Fr Peter Comensoli, Bishop Peter Ingham, Mrs Kerrin Cronin Principal and Ms Sharon Bird, Federal Member for Cunningham.

Holy Cross has had many opportunities of late to “show off” our new school. Recently we hosted the official blessing and opening ceremony of our new facilities. The Most Rev Bishop Peter Ingham and local MP Ms Sharon Bird attended the ceremony and enjoyed a tour of the new buildings hosted by the school leaders. An impressive afternoon tea was provided by our friendly Parent and Friends Association. The school celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a liturgy in the church followed by an invitation to parents and carers, parishioners of Holy Cross and members from the Helensburgh community to visit the classrooms and view students and teachers at work enjoying the opportunities these fantastic learning environments offer. Community spirit was alive and well as students and visitors relaxed on the lawn and shared a picnic lunch and a chance to meet the staff of Holy Cross. 20 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Check out the school sign as you drive down Parkes St for coming events at Holy Cross or visit our website at: www.hchdow.catholic.edu.au

YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School By Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal Helensburgh Public School Fundraisers: Walkathon On Wednesday 4th May, Helensburgh Public school held its first fundraising walkathon. Children gained sponsors for each lap that they walked and raised money to buy much needed equipment for the school.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD children were invited to purchase a gift to make their mum’s day extra special. Thank you to the P&C parents who assisted with the Mother’s Day Stall last week, especially Therese Merchant and Susan Richards who coordinated the event. The children really enjoyed buying their “surprise” gifts. We hope that all our mums and grandmothers had a very enjoyable, relaxing day and we thank you for supporting this special event. SRC Fundraiser Following the tragic events experienced in Japan, the SRC organised a fundraising event for Wednesday, 6th April. Everyone wore mufti clothes and the $557.00 raised was sent to support the enormous rebuilding program that will take place in Japan in the near future. Thank you to all students who participated to help the people of Japan. Coles Sport for Schools Program Last year parents and friends collected lots of Coles’ vouchers for the school. We would like to thank the community of Helensburgh for your wonderful support and let you know that the new sports equipment has now all arrived. It is being unpacked, labelled and organised. We were able to get a variety of things. Some will be used in the playground as well as for class lessons. Some items included a sand/water tray for kindergarten, two new large outdoor basketball rings and some balls for the children to play with.

It was a lovely, sunny, Autumn day where the children walked a designated course around the school. The students thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors whilst at the same time improving their fitness. Many parents donated their time to ensure that it was a success and enjoyed by us all! To all the families who found sponsors to support their child's efforts on the day a big thank you. The fundraising was excellent with all students trying to earn the individual book prize or the class party for their class. Mother’s Day Stall On Thursday 5th May Helensburgh Public School held its annual Mother’s Day stall. All Helensburgh & District Herald 21



Coledale Rockpool Refurbishment Blue Gum Diary 7 JUNE - Helensburgh Cricket Club AGM at the Helensburgh Workers, Sports and Social Club at 7pm. 7 JUNE - Fellowship of the First Fleeters. The Ribbonwood centre, Dapto. 11 JUNE - Holy Cross Street Stall. 12 JUNE - Helensburgh Village Market, outside the Centennial Hotel. 21 JUNE - VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel. 23 JUNE - 6.30pm, TOWN Meeting at the Helensburgh Community Centre. 25 JUNE - Stanwell Park School Fete 19 JULY - VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel.

Did you miss the HDH deadline?


On Monday the 23rd of May Wollongong City Council began work on the Coledale rock pool refurbishment. The works include complete replacement of the rock pool floor, repair to cracked and damaged walls and new stairs. The pool will be closed for about 12 weeks while the work is completed and regular winter swimmers are encouraged to use the nearby tidal pools at Scarborough or Austinmer during this time.

The Bakers Dozen Quiz - Answers From page 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Victoria Snuggle Pot & Cuddle Pie Nero 2004 Mob Newcastle Knights Henry Ford The Press 666 K2 The Skin 1996 Crystal

Our Helensburgh .com.au angela@OurHelensburgh.com.au

A free community website with weekly news posts for your club, sporting group, business or event www.OurHelensburgh.com.au is a part of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd ABN: 13 877 135 184

22 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Helensburgh & District Herald 27




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28 Helensburgh & District Herald


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FIRE WOOD MIXED HARDWOOD FREE local delivery Bill & Stuart McWilliam 0429 942 864 4294 2864 CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au BUSINESS CARDS $98 500 Cards Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. Wendy@FlameFishDesigns.com.au 0403 397 751 LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email kpetcare@tpg.com.au FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652 NUTRIMETICS $10 LIPPIES for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising or pampering, call Jenelle 4294-2864 or 0407 038 799 WAX’D CANDLES: soy melts, palm wax pillar candles, soy wax jars, all made with high quality essential & fragrant oils. The palm wax is endorsed by WWF (world wide fund for nature) & Ecosoya (soy wax) is biodegradable, free from pesticides, herbicides and contains no GM materials. Casual in home parties available. Call Donna 0414 751 416 STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *all classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) www.stanwellpark.net. au/taichiyogapilates DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Monique 0425 320 597.

Helensburgh & District Herald 29

CLASSIFIEDS/ CLUB NEWS SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or avf3@hotmail.com GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 THIS ODD LI’L SHOP Great range of products including hand-made candles and soaps using environmentally friendly ingredients, stirling silver jewellery, crystals and gemstones, hand-painted artwork, hand-knitted items and more. For enquiries, please ring Jenni 0438 741 964 MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. www.aussiefarmers.com.au ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 LAWN MAGIC *lawn care & edges * Weed control *Hedge Trimming * Waste Removal * Gutter Cleaning * Water Blasting * Garden Mulching *Planting of plants * Watering Gardens . Fully Insured .Pensioner Discount, Free Quote ASK KYLE!!! Phone 04333772443 30 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Join ‘OWN’ By Margaret Ward Are you a woman over 50 who is looking for a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. The Older Women’s Network Sutherland Wellness is offering a range of affordable selfpaced activities including Tai Chi, Strengthening Exercises, Meditation, Feldenkrais, Dance and Performance as well as educational and social activities in a supportive environment which allows women to make informed choices regarding their own wellbeing. Classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays at the Pensioners Centre, 749 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland come along and join us. OWN is a not for profit organisation encouraging pro active health care for women. For more information Call Pat on 9526 5746 or Margaret on 4294 1997 or 0431 036 127.


CLUB NEWS Fellowship Of The First Fleeters – South Coast Chapter On Saturday the 14th May, the South Coast Chapter celebrated the departure from England of the first fleet. The fleet sailed from Portsmouth on May 13th 1787 and arrived in Sydney January 25th 1788. January 26th was then proclaimed Australia Day. A little of the History: John Robinson sculpted the ‘Bonds of Friendship’. The bonds of friendship is a chain with only two links, locked so tightly together the links are inseparable, thus able to withstand all the pressures of life.

This led to the bonds of friendship being used by the Britain Australia Society to mark the site from which the first settlers left Portsmouth in England before arriving in Sydney cove. This is the reason Portsmouth and Sydney are declared ‘sister cities’. Every year the South Coast Chapter has a luncheon at the Dapto Leagues club to celebrate the anniversary of this special event. Our guest speaker this year was Lorraine Neate. Lorraine has written several books on the history of the South Coast. Our next meeting will be held on June 7th at the Ribbonwood centre, Dapto. Any enquiries, please contact Betty Warn on 4294 2735.

CWA Due to increased demand for the Stanwell Park Annual Festival of Flight, stall holders for this Festival on Sunday November 13th are requested to contact Lin Sinclair on 4294 1750 to reserve a place.

Lic 151773C

Obligation Free Quotes • • • • • • • •

Retaining Walls Pergolas Decking Water Features Paving Landscaping Concreting Complete Yard Makeovers

Call Daniel 0422 503 193 Helensburgh & District Herald 31



Helensburgh Toastmasters

Helensburgh Daytime VIEW Club

Helensburgh Toastmasters is a friendly group of people who joined to help with their public speaking and meet new people. Many of our people have improved their skills so much that they have hosted conferences, gained promotions and even competed in competitions or simply made an impressive toast at a family function. Toastmasters not only teach public speaking but effective listening skills which can be invaluable in life in an environment that is relaxed and friendly. The speeches are very entertaining and you always have a good night. There is no pressure to speak but if you choose you can. You are supplied with a work book to record your progress which you do at your own rate. We meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the auditorium at the Helensburgh Workers Club. For enquiries call Cathy on 0419 686 292 or Amanda on 0428 654 770 or email cvlowder@hotmail.com. Hope to see you there!

On 17 May, VIEW celebrated 20 years in Helensburgh with a Birthday Meeting and lunch at the Centennial Hotel. Thank you Kerrie for the delicious Birthday Cake. The theme for the day was “Hot Pink” with raffles and Lucky Door prizes. Our President, Jenny, welcomed our National and Zone Councillors, new members and many visitors, also the Speaker who was our own local author, Dianne Blacklock who has had 8 books published. Congratulations to 3 of our members, June Perry, Chris Hendry and Helen Richardson, who were presented with their 20year Membership Badges. In 2009/10 VIEW members nationwide have helped over 32,000 students with assistance through The Smith Family “Learning for Life” program. Also “VIEW provides support and friendship for women throughout communities nationally”, as quoted in the VIEW magazine, and at Helensburgh we endeavour to follow these principles. Thanks to Eleanor, who again represented VIEW on ANZAC Day at the Helensburgh War Memorial Dawn Service, and at the Stanwell Tops Memorial Service later in the morning. Bookings for our 18 October Cruise on the Hacking River are still being taken by Chris, 42941103, but numbers are limited. Our next meeting is 21 June, at 11am for 11:15am start, and visitors are most welcome. Please phone Virginia, 42941312, by Wednesday prior to the meeting, for new bookings or cancellations.

32 Helensburgh & District Herald

CLUB NEWS WAVES 2508 By Brian Taylor, Vice President In this profile we have a 20 year old soldier, Brian Taylor: I was born and still reside in Helensburgh. I was in the last year of my Panel beating apprenticeship when I won the conscription lottery. My number dropped in November 1968 for National Service, so on January 13th 1969 it was off to Wagga for 3 months basic training at the Kapooka army base. At the end of the 3 months I was assigned to a battalion for further training, I was lucky enough to get into the 8th battalion know as the"Grey Eight" stationed at Enoggera Queensland, it was here we were to be trained for jungle warfare around Cunungra and Townsville. In November 1969 we shipped to Vietnam on the H.M.A.S. Sydney National Service. Personnel were expected to be ready for war after 10 months training but we found the jungles in Australia much more friendly than the jungles of Vietnam however, the Grey Eight battalion had previously served in Korea so we had experienced soldiers to assist us.

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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD I served with the assault pioneers as a forward scout and my duties included: building fire support bases, clearing rubber trees with Det Cord and detonators for construction of Helipads, assisting engineers to clear mines and booby traps, Plus the regular patrols of the jungle. At times I went into tunnels with only a hand gun and torch to make sure the tunnels were not occupied. ( I recently returned to Vietnam after 40years and even though the tunnels had been widened I got stuck, maybe because I also have widened) My brother David was also a national serviceman and served with 6 RAR in the battle of Long Tan with Graham Oldfield's brother Kevan. Fortunately he came through unscathed physically but the mental strain was evident. He passed away several years ago from cancer. You may recall in our last profile that the fresh food disappeared before the next National Servicemen arrived. One cannot blame the raiders of that fridge as for 12 months all they got was powdered everything. I know because I was on the same diet. After serving 12 months around Vung Tau Vietnam the H.M.A.S. Sydney was there to bring me home and I was discharged in Brisbane. I returned to my panel beating job and worked at that trade for 26 years before joining the NRMA as a loss assessor for 16 years. I am now retired and currently serve as Vice President of WAVES 2508. (Our motto, Still on active service in the community) WAVES 2508 would like to thank Bi-Lo, The Pharmacy, Binners Farm and all members who donated to the Mothers Day raffle and stall. It was a huge success. Winners in the raffle were: 1st Heather Smith. 2nd Anita Braz, 3rd Dianne Powell. Once again thanks to all who continue to support WAVES 2508.

Helensburgh Cricket Club Helensburgh Cricket Club is holding their AGM on Thurday 7th July, 7pm at the Helensburgh Workers, Sports and Social Club. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

Helensburgh & District Herald 33

FOR GOODNESS SAKE For Goodness Sake By Bronwyn McGrath We know that maintaining a healthy body and mind is the key to living a happy life. So why do we lack the motivation to follow through? The way we feel about ourselves; our selfbelief, dictates our actions. I have come to realise that it is very hard to eat well and exercise regularly if you don’t feel good about yourself first. If you are unhappy and not enjoying life then you are not likely to suddenly find the fun in life by taking up exercise or improving your diet. Feeling good about yourself is the essential first step to actually wanting to eat better and exercise. But, “Hang on!”, I hear you say, “How can I feel good about myself if I am overweight and have a bad diet?” This is where the human need for self-esteem and respect for self comes


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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD into play. For many of us, these are not concepts that we practice consciously; we sacrifice ourselves for our jobs, our kids and our family – everything else comes ahead of our own wellbeing…if we let it. But really, are we doing the right thing by our family and friends by neglecting ourselves to the point that we break down? We have to break the cycle. One recommendation is to help those around you. Be an active participant in the vibrant community you live in and you will have a greater feeling of wellbeing and a new perspective. Community participation can be as simple as buying locally or getting involved in a local event. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our local shopkeepers for greeting us with recognition rather than the blank detachment we receive in a department store. I would also like to thank all those community minded people who support local action groups, local events and fund raising activities. Giving back to the community we live in is a wonderful way of feeling good about yourself.

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SPORT Helensburgh Women’s Bowling Club By Beatrice Gallagher, If there are any ladies out there wishing to join a social group while enjoying some moderate exercise, joining our band of bowlers might just be what you are looking for! Our secretary Lenore Bartlem can be contacted on 4294 1472 to answer any enquiries. Thanks to the Men’s Bowling Club for organising the bowls day on Anzac Day for both men and lady bowlers – a day enjoyed by all and congratulations to the winning pair, Denny Haynes and Kerry Gardner. Thanks also to Denny for the flashy yellow waste bins on each rink and the ladies really appreciate the attractive “designer” numbers on the drink stands. 3 May: Due to heavy rain, the green was closed and we were back to indoor Carpet Bowls. Rhonda Christie is becoming the Queen of Carpet Bowls, taking out the tournament! She also managed to take home the vegies with the daily raffle going to Carol Dixon. Thanks to Robyn Single for scoring on the day! We all miss our bowls during the inclement weather but it’s amazing how nobody seems to be at a loss using the time in happy chit chat! 10 May: The Kelly-Coffee Trophy Friendship Day. This trophy was first established in 1973 and has been played each year between our club and Bankstown. Our dear friends from Bankstown were made most welcome and the ladies supplied a lovely morning tea with June McCotters cream poufs once again a great success! The weather was sunny but the wind was a little bitey..we had a great fun day on the green, with Helensburgh taking the day 3-2. Judith Starky once again excelled with her sandwiches for lunch. June McCotter won the daily raffle, Roma Henham won the beautiful hand crocheted rug, made and donated by Robyn Single, Elaine Smith won the glasses and Janet from Bankstown won the vegies. We were starting to feel a little embarrassed when the first 4 winners from the cards went to Helensburgh but felt a little better when the final 2 went to our visitors. After an enjoyable day we waved off our visitors wishing them (and the trophy) a safe trip home . Many thanks to all the ladies who set up the tables and worked hard to ensure the day was a success and to the two ‘Robyns’ who excelled at being tea ladies!!

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD 17 May: Wow!!! Summer weather back today and what great bowls on the green! President Shirley Cassidy and Rhonda Christie played Queen of the Green today and what a wonderful battle it was. Proving true the old adage that you never give up, Rhonda was wayeeeeeee behind but with her great determination managed to wear Shirley down to win this game over 36 ends. Wonderful display of bowls and congratulations to both ladies! In the major semi final Vi West had a good win with r/up Beatrice Gallagher. Vi will now go on to play Carol Dixon in the final. Judith Starky was the winner of the minor semi final and Robyn Smith r/up. Judith will play Elaine Smith in the final. Triples team Carol Dixon, June Killham, Janet Smith had a draw against Elaine Smith, June McCotter, Robyn Single. There was much laughter from that end of the green as these ladies played their game. Daily raffle won by Judith Starky and the vegies went to Vi West. To the girls off to Norfolk Island – have a great time and happy shopping!

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Helensburgh & District Herald 35


SPORT Sunday Social Golf Club By Vicki ‘the hair’ Little Galoshes were in order for our day of golf after the week of rain. It made it very interesting, great if you are into mud baths – good for the complexion apparently. Craig ‘Kung-Fu’ Nicholl must have loved it, coming first and being a new member did very well. Greg Crisp came second and Rob ‘photographer’ Jones third. They were on my team and they must have used all my ‘golf power’. Ha! We have a big final in June for matchplay between John ‘out of rehab’ Petsalis VS Daryl Copperfield and Rob O’Connor VS John Brunton – Good Luck! Sometimes we come across a new age male who makes a donation for our wellbeing. Thank you Jammu! Our strike it lucky hole is currently $152 which is always a bit of a mission for the day. Its never too late to come and join us, if you are interested check out our website; www. sundaygolfclub.com and we also have photos on the web.

The Helensburgh Sunday Social Golf Club has been in operation now for well over forty years and has a curent active member base of fifty plus players, (male and female) with handicaps ranging from as low as 7 right up to the PGA max of 36. We are all about fun, playing with friends and getting in some fresh air and exercise. We play the first Sunday of every month at the Royal Boomerang Golf Course on the Old Princes Highway, Madden Plains with a tee time of 8am. We play different events and throw in in the odd extra game here and there. We wrap up June with a little quote from the confused golfer; “golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at it”.

CALLING ALL SPORTS TEAMS THE HDH WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! Contact the Editor: Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

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