June 2012

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Helensburgh & District

HERALD www.helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

Volume 2 #5

& Free l Loca

JUNE 2012


The Best For Bald Hill

By Angela Fagerstrom Wollongong City Council (WCC) Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery has dismissed criticism from the Helensburgh area Neighbourhood Forum (NF1) and their self-funded “We Love Bald Hill” campaign, over the sum of money spent to engage external consultants ARUP to help develop a plan for the Bald Hill Reserve. Mayor Bradbery stated “It is important to use the best consultants to get it right for Bald Hill. After all, if you Love Bald Hill, doesn't it deserve the best? The best does cost sometimes”. Also offering support for the decision to use an external consultancy, Cr Colacino said “I am very happy that the Bald Hill situation is being addressed in a professional and fully transparent manner. The outcomes will be in response to all the submissions received”. Yet, councillors are not united in their support of the decision to engage consultants. Cr Greg Petty expressed his concern over the consultation process, which yielded 112 participants over the three days of workshops and design sessions. “The overall cost was $60,700, so at $542 per reply (excluding responses to the online interactive map), it is an outrageous amount whichever way you look at it.” “The NF1 Bald Hill subcommittee was formed, as it was felt by residents that the

consultants engaged by council (not councillors), did not know the local area and were only giving a small number of people any chance to comment on Bald Hill”, explained NF1 Convenor Mrs Lacelles-Smith. “NF1 is perfectly entitled to put forward its views, but others including visitors, can do so as well” said Mayor Bradbery. “This asset belongs to the city and it is important to get it right.” Chairperson of the Bald Hill subcommittee, Warwick Erwin appears to agree with the Mayor, “The NF1 is seeking input from everyone; volunteers have been regularly handing out surveys on busy weekends at Bald Hill to tourists, tour operators and hang-gliders as well as letterbox dropping the entire 2508 area”. The ARUP/ WCC consultation period wrapped up on May 11. For more information go to www. wollongong.nsw.gov.au The NF1 subcommittee will continue to volunteer their time over the coming week, handing out surveys to visitors at Bald Hill Reserve and the group also plans to hold at least one weekend kiosk outside Bi-Lo (Helensburgh). Survey responses will be accepted until the next Neighbourhood Forum meeting on June 13. To complete a survey online or to find out more go to www.baldhill.com.au

Helensburgh Public School’s 125th Anniversary Celebrations: Page 18 THE



bevanshelensburgh 16 walker street 4294 3699 helensburgh@bevans.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 1



We Have A Winner! Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Sub-editor: Karen Lane Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au ABN: 13 877 135 184

Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Disclaimer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Spotlight on Local Business Youth News Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1-5 34 6-8,16-18,37-38 10 - 14 18 - 19 15 24 - 25 35 26 - 33 38 - 44

In the month of May the Helensburgh and District Herald ran a mother’s day promotion giving people the chance to win a family portrait by award winning photographer Melanie Russell of Unicorn Studios. Congratulations to Cheryl Pearson of Helensburgh who won with her kind sentiments to her daughter, who is also a mum. Her children are her greatest loves, she laughs, she cries and has patience to the end. No she’s not my mother, but my daughter and my friend. The prize has a value of $350. Many thanks to Melanie Russell for kindly donating this prize. Don’t forget - you can surprise mum any time of the year by giving her the gift of a family portrait. For more information go to: www.unicornstudios.com.au

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2 Helensburgh & District Herald



Volunteers - We Applaud You! By Tracey Schroeder Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid Inc. is a not for profit organisation providing services to frail person 65 and over, younger people with a disability and carers Our volunteer team provide the direct service care to the clients on a daily basis and so to show how much we value our team of volunteers, we took the opportunity that Volunteer week presents to hold a volunteer recognition luncheon. The luncheon was held at Panorama House at Bulli tops on Wednesday 16th May. The Luncheon commenced with a Welcome to Country by Elder Dean Kelly followed by the official welcome by Member for Heathcote Mr Lee Evans who spoke about the important role that volunteers play within our community. Volunteers were able to enjoy a scrumptious smorgasbord board including hot and cold dishes, traditional Italian breads, fruits, and seafood, which was all washed down with a cold beer or glass of wine. We finished with a delicious cheesecake for dessert with tea and coffee. Thirty-five volunteers were able to attend on the day. The Theme for this year is “Volunteerseveryone counts” Count me in! This is so true! It doesn’t matter if you are only able to volunteer for 2 hours on the 1st Monday in the month or if you can volunteer three times a week-without everyone doing ‘their bit’ we as an organisation would cease to exist. We recognised volunteers for their individual years of service with certificates of appreciation and recognition. Those volunteers who had served for more than ten, fifteen and twenty years were provided with a small gift in gratitude for their continued service and dedication to NINA. When we counted up the total amount of years of service provided by volunteers it came to an

extraordinary 515 years between them-Now that is commitment to the community! We individually recognised four volunteers who have been volunteering with our organisation for more than 20 years each - Mr Ian Wilkin and

From left: volunteer Eleanor McLeod with member for Heathcote, Lee Evans and fellow volunteer, Yvonne Morgan.

Mrs Edythe Wilkin who have been volunteering for 21 years, Mrs Eleanor McLeod for 21 years and Mrs Yvonne Morgan for 22 years our longest serving volunteer-We applaud you all! Thank you to Casey and the Team at Panorama House for another fantastic event-you guys went out of your way to make sure everything went smoothly on the day. Special thanks to our local business who donated lucky door prizes for the occasion; Al’s Butchery, Sunrise Nursery, Just Cruising-Harley rides, Captain Cook Cruises & Piccadilly Travel and Paper Haven. This little extra surprise was a real treat and acknowledges those who give freely of themselves and their time to help others in need. If you have ever thought about volunteering we would love to hear from you-come and join our fantastic team call Tracey on 4294 1900. Helensburgh & District Herald 3



Strangles By Karen Lane To the lay person, the name STRANGLES sounds more like the name of a clown or dwarf than the name of a highly contagious horse disease. But an equine disease it definitely is, and the way it’s spreading south of Sydney and across the Illawarra is not a laughing matter. Strangles is caused by bacteria and affects the upper respiratory system and lymph nodes of the head in horses, and young horses in particular. The disease is called Strangles as it aptly describes the way sick horses gasp for breath as if they’re being “strangled”. Other symptoms include a running nose, cough, fever, depression, swollen lymph nodes and difficulty with drinking or swallowing. In some cases the lymph nodes may burst. Strangles is highly infectious, and according to the website of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) “rapidly spreads from horse to horse through coughing, or by eating feed or drinking water that has been contaminated by a sick horse. Contaminated grooming utensils, rugs, feed bins, or humans (hands, clothing, etc) can also spread the infection”. Again, to the lay person, this may sound like the horse version of a very bad case of the flu. However, Strangles is a notifiable disease meaning that owners and vets have a legal obligation to report it to the DPI. This is because many countries to which we export horses require proof that the property of origin has been free of Strangles for at least 3 months. In 2010, the DPI’s Horse Health Coordinator Ms Belinda Walker wrote in an article, “There does seem to be an increased level of notification this year, especially in the Illawarra district, but we are unsure whether this truly represents a higher incidence of disease or just a greater awareness amongst vets and horse owners of the need to notify”. This week Ms Walker emailed an update to the Helensburgh & District Herald with the latest information about the disease saying “It does appear there is a lot of Strangles in that area south of Sydney - this may just reflect the high horse density and frequency of events that allow exposure”.

4 Helensburgh & District Herald

Ms Walker was keen to emphasise that “Even though Strangles is notifiable, it is not a disease that we quarantine. Of course we would hope that owners would not move infected horses - this is unlikely in the acute phase of the disease, as the horses are quite ill. But recovered horses may remain carriers for some months. This disease is so common that it is likely that there are carriers ‘out there’ at many events that people may visit, and the sensible option is to vaccinate your horse, and use sensible precautions to reduce risk of spread of any disease at all times!” Ms Walker added ‘I suspect that a lot of the angst that develops where neighbours or acquaintances may have Strangles on their property is because (other) people believe that they are breaking quarantine by moving horses. This is not the case”. The DPI’s website outlines precautions to be taken when moving horses including keeping separate drinking and food bowls while away from home, and also stabling “‘away horses”’ in a location some distance from “stay at home” horses on the same property. Apart from the obvious washing of hands it recommends changing your clothing when moving from one location of horses to another. If your horse has Strangles please notify via the link found at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/ livestock For more information see the DPI’s Prime Facts www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/ horses/health/general/strangles



Earth Dreamed A program of exciting new performance works, called “Earth Dreamed”, will be presented at the Bushland Chapel Helensburgh in June and July. “Walk in Beauty” is a stunning new multiform work, exploring music, movement, poetry and imagery. This is a celebration of the earth and humanity, with images of South Australian printmaker Janet Ayliffe, and performance by Branden Christine. She is artistic director of Burn International which performed at the Adelaide Fringe in 2012. “The physical theatre piece, incorporating elastic movement, poetic monologue, dialogue, and voice-over ... an often entrancing physical presence,” Australian Stage “Utterly arresting, can’t-take-your-eyes-off-her amazing." Festival Freak “Stars Falling” is a revised short extract from the acclaimed play “Tales of Kabbarli”. It reveals an unexpected insight into the character of Daisy Bates, the wife of Breaker Morant, who lived among outback tribes for decades. It will be performed by Robina Beard, who is a distinguished Australian entertainer. In 2011 she was awarded OAM, Lifetime Achievement award by Dance Australia, and a seniors’ award. This is a rare opportunity to see a performer and work of this nature. “Impeccable ... an unlikely authentic voice,” Melbourne Times. “Earth Dreamed” continues the series of popular performances at the Chapel in recent years. This is a special opportunity to see first class showcase performances before planned presentations in Sydney and Adelaide. The venue is 94 Parkes Street Helensburgh, the times Friday and Saturday 29 and 30 June, and July 6 and 7, with additional times Sunday July 1 and Thursday July 5. All performances start at 7.30, except Sunday which starts at 5pm. Tickets are $20 and $15 (family 2+2 $40). The program goes for approximately 1 ¾ hours. Seating is limited and bookings are welcome on 0412 787 873, at Helensburgh Newsagency or at http://playscript.

Above: Performer Branden Christine in ‘Earth Dreamed’

Helensburgh & District Herald 5



TAFE Course In Helensburgh

The writers’ group has met three times in the last month with over 20 participants engaging in a variety of shared exercises, discussion, as well as individual writing activity. Karen Lane of Otford , assists with organising the group said, “These sessions are unique in providing insights into aspects of language in the writing process.” The sessions aim to provide a supportive and affordable environment in which people can develop their own voice and skills. “Everyone can do it and benefit from expression, social contact and confidence gained. You just need to be open to other people, different writing styles and sharing your own work.” Karen is excited about a planned youth class, and encourages parents and young people to take advantage of this opportunity for affordable group experience, outside of school, led by experienced teachers and writers Geoffrey Sykes and Elaine Balderston. All sessions are held at the Bushland Chapel, Helensburgh, and new classes will commence soon. Inquiries are welcome from all local residents. Please contact Karen on 0412 787873 Arn-yah@hotmail.com

Are you thinking of returning to work or entering the workplace for the first time? Sutherland College of TAFE are offering a preliminary course for women at Helensburgh Community Centre either Monday or Wednesday mornings. The course will cover such things as job seeking skills, confidence building, setting goals and career planning. This is a free course and will run for 6 weeks for 2 hours each week and children are welcome. For further information please contact Rosemary at the Community Centre on 4294 1290.




Unit 3


Big Garage Sale The Butlers are moving to Melbourne and are leaving a bunch of stuff behind. For SALE – stainless steel fridge, TV unit, ottomans, bookcase, clothing, microwave, toys, miscellaneous kid’s things and loads more. Time: 7am-12 noon Date: Saturday June 9, Address: 2C Vera St, Helensburgh.


House 2




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Helensburgh & District Herald 7



Take A Bow SPAT Stanwell Park Arts Theatre (SPAT) recently thrilled audiences with their latest production; an interactive comedy, drama and who-dunnit all rolled into one. Murder in the House of Horrors was set in the famous Hamilton Museum. Here professor Dirk Carlton (Douglas King), a world famous Egyptologist, presented a lecture as part of the Hamilton Museum lecture series on “Monsters, Murderers and Madmen.” The lecture focused on the Pharaoh Menkaura, who was entombed some 5000 years ago. The characters included zealous members of the press, a disgruntled and rather scary estranged wife, a secret lover, a tightly wound philanthropist and her litigious counterpart, a detective who never lost his cool and a particularly nervous museum clerk to name just a few. For Murder in the House of Horrors SPAT utilized their most recent addition; a data projector, kindly donated by ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) and this added an exciting multimedia component to the performance. SPAT meets on the second Thursday of every month. If you are interested in theatre, singing, drama, film and/or stagecraft or simply enjoy a night out with good company, please come along. For details ring Wayne on 4294 2661.

Detective Sergeant Dan Morrow (Mark Rylander) asks the audience for clues - maybe he should just ask the suspicious looking man (Rod lander) behind him?

Coming Soon – Musical Hall SPAT will be hosting a musical hall performance of ‘Victoriana’ with a pre-show dinner to start at 6.30pm. Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1. For more details contact Wayne on 4294 2661.


8 Helensburgh & District Herald

COMMUNITY NEWS Helensburgh Library Upgrade Wollongong City Council will be undertaking work at Helensburgh library in June to upgrade shelving at this essential community facility. The library will be closed from Thursday 28 June to Saturday 30 June. Library returns chute will remain open during this time and fines will be waived for any returns due during the threedays. This refurbishment will add to the repainting, new carpet and installation of Wi-Fi computer access the Council has completed over the last few years. Council apologises for any inconvenience during this closure period. Council plans to re-open the Library on Monday 2 July 2012 at our usual Helensburgh opening time (for Mondays) of 3pm. To welcome customers back to the new library there will be a random prize offered on Monday 2 July 2012. All library customers can access the other libraries in the city. See our website at http://www. wollongong.nsw.gov.au/library/usingthelibrary/ Pages/branches.aspx for information on library locations and opening times.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD For more information you can visit Council’s website or call Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4227 7111.

Scammer Alert Wollongong City Council has been advised that a person has been making telephone calls to residents in the city claiming to be an officer from Council. The caller advises the resident that a Council officer would be inspecting the yard and gardens of their residence and that all awnings and blinds should be left up. If Council officers contact a citizen, they will always identify themselves and they will also present identification cards when visiting a property. Council advises that all community members who receive contact from a person who claims to be from Council but is unable to provide identification they should contact the NSW Police. For more information on Council officers or inspections, you can call Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4227 7111.

Peabody Metropolitan Coal Community Consultative Centre

Shop 1, 20 – 22 Walker Street (opposite BI-LO) Enquiries: 02 4294 7222

April – June opening times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 4:30pm Second Saturday of every month Other times by appointment

1st Consultation Free ! Helensburgh & District Herald 9



Industry Looks To The ‘Burgh For Training Over the last 10 years, Helensburgh resident Todd Brennan and his local team at Forkpro have been providing industry-specific training for the biggest names in logistics, transport and manufacturing. At the company’s new premises located in the Helensburgh Business Park (HBP), Todd explained how Forkpro has long been “well relied on” for on-site forklift training and accreditation; earthmoving equipment training; elevating work platform and vehicle loading training. However, in more recent years, Forkpro has positioned itself at the forefront of an emerging boom industry known as third party logistics (3PL). “With many large manufacturers downsizing or relocating offshore, a new growth sector is driving demand for our training” said Todd, “companies are choosing to warehouse their good with logistics specialists rather than running their own warehouses”. “Products are bundled together in a single location, and these warehouses are handled by companies who specialise in transportation, cross-docking, inventory management, packaging and freight forwarding. These are the 3PLs which are growing rapidly and so is their need for new staff to be properly trained.” Think of the biggest multinationals across the automotive and supermarket sectors, and chances are a representative from Forkpro was sent on-site to train staff. Todd identified the M7 motorway as a catalyst for the “warehousing frenzy” and as a result, his team often runs courses in Sydney’s south-western suburbs. In a win for the local area, Forkpro also plans to run training courses at their Helensburgh Business Park site. “Our goal is to develop training options for locals so they are not required to travel out of area” explained Todd. “These would be small groups of around four or five people and to begin with, will focus on working at heights training, which is suitable with our business park site’s high roof line.” Forkpro training puts individuals in a strong position to find work. “People are often misled into thinking that a forklift licence is fairly easy to obtain - it’s now actually one of the most gruelling training courses, because nationwide, forklifts are over represented in workplace fatalities and injuries” explained Todd. 10 Helensburgh & District Herald

However, with Forkpro, students can feel confident they are getting the best the industry has to offer, as Todd sits on the Standards Australia Committee for powered and industrial trucks. Todd is also on the management committee for the Industrial Truck Association and is a member of the Elevating Work Platform Association. To register your interest in one of Forkpro’s inaugural Helensburgh training courses or to enrol in any course, contact the office on 1300 789 606, email info@forkpro.com.au or visit the website at www.forkpro.com.au

Monique Napper - 0423 491 538 Sharyn Curry - 0435 808 319 Dirk ten Cate – 0413 785 073



Crawchy’s New Home Mel and David Whiteside of Crawchy’s Swim School can now offer their learn to swim classes which range from mum’s and bubs right through to swimming competency in glorious 29 degree waters all year round! With the completion of the new indoor pool located at the Helensburgh Business Park (HBP) on Cemetery Road, the couple now boasts the only council approved and fully insured swim school in the 2508 area. “We have been looking for a suitable indoor pool site for some time now” said Mel, “we are grateful for the help we received from Andy Offord and his team, and finally the pool is a reality.” Crawchy’s will still cater to the bigger kids with the regular swim squads running from the Helensburgh Pool in warmer months, as Mel and David have secured the tender to run classes there for the next three years. The heated pool opened for classes on April 30 and between the hours of 12 – 3pm daily the pool is open for ‘free swim’ rehabilitation sessions for


(limited time)


seniors or those with a sporting injury. “Soon the sitting room will be completed so kids who are waiting can watch TV or play with toys” said Mel, “we wanted to create a boutique environment for our swim school and people can expect an intensive school holiday program in time for the next school holidays.” “In coming months we also plan to run aqua aerobics, likely with one class for an intense workout and another option for a gentle low impact workout” explained Mel. To see the new facility or to enrol your little ones in classes contact Mel on 4294 9999 or visit; Unit 5/ 17 Cemetery Road Helensburgh. All teachers at Crawchy’s Swim School are AustSwim or Swim Australia Qualified.

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From Hollywood To Helensburgh Very few of us are blessed with perfect movie star skin. Whether you are male or female, time, genetics and fate can leave us with less than perfect skin. It may be acne or acne scarring, rosacea, that tattoo with your ex’s name glaring at you, or any one of a host of other skin conditions. For 15 years, Kelly Rodriguez has been a practitioner at the forefront of cosmetology and dermal science both in the US and in Australia. Since 2008, Kelly has been available for skin consultations at her Helensburgh suite located at la belle boutique (formerly Laurem’s Beauty and Day Spa). From here, Kelly has changed the lives of both men and women who have a skin condition which may be impacting their positive self-image, or those who just want to fight the clock without surgery. Longevity Lounge Esthetic’s services include: laser hair removal, medical dermal needling, cosmeceutical skin care, chemical peels, injectable procedures, cellulite reduction, tattoo removal, wrinkle removal, scar revision and vein removal. Kelly is also certified as a trainer/practitioner for Syneron - the number one medical laser manufacturer in the world. Kelly’s passion for her work has also made an impression on husband Mathew Rodriguez who explained, “I became really enthusiastic about Kelly’s work, when I saw the results she was able to achieve for people. Kelly has done a lot of good for a lot of people”.

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Cosmetologist: Kelly Rodriguez

Mathew is now a fully trained practitioner of “VelaShape”, a cellulite reducing, body sculpting procedure. He is also a practitioner of laser tattoo removal. “People are often referred to us before or after cosmetic surgery” said Kelly, “or we are recommended instead of surgery – but in most cases it is word of mouth and personal recommendations that bring people to us”. “To reduce the appearance of a tattoo, it usually takes between 4 and 12 sessions” said Mathew, who is available for consultation every Friday. Kelly’s great skin mantra is “Vitamin serums, antioxidants and sunblock”. She prides herself on the ability to scour the world for unique skincare products. “I don’t buy full skincare ranges, I select bits and pieces that absolutely change lives” she explained. To find out more about the treatments available, visit www.longevitylounge.info, Shop 2/12 Walker Street or contact Kelly on 0400 477 855, Mathew on 0488 048 898.

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Supporting Grieving Children By Alison Rowe – Child & Adult Psychologist Never underestimate the impact that grief and loss can have on children. Quite often children do not have the ability to name or express their feelings because they are not visible or concrete. Therefore, they often express their grief through their behaviour such as separation anxiety, crying, withdrawal, bed-wetting, disinterest in food, or disruptive behaviour at school. There are a few strategies that you can implement to support your grieving child: • When a person dies, tell your child immediately in an open, honest and direct way. • Tell them the facts about death using simple terms and in an age-appropriate way. For example, grandpa has died and will not return as he has stopped breathing, eating, talking and so forth. • Explain why their loved one died and reassure them that it was not as a result of anything they did. • Don’t tell the child anything you cannot believe yourself and do not use metaphors such as Johnny went to sleep. This can be very confusing for children and can lead to unnecessary fears. • Only respond to the questions of the children. Avoid overwhelming them with too much information that may be confusing. • Try not to tell children that everything is fine. This statement does not match the reality of what children are experiencing or observing, which can be confusing. It is better to say things will be fine after a while. • Take time to listen to children. Validate their beliefs and opinions about death. Listening to them respects and validates their opinions and beliefs whilst providing a starting point for further conversations. • Do not hesitate to involve your child in the usual grieving rituals such as attending the funeral or wake. • Resist trying to fix the children’s pain by avoidance or distraction. It is important that children learn how to deal with emotional pain in preparation for adulthood.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD • Give them a range of avenues for expression of their grief by encouraging them to do a drawing, writing a letter, developing a memorial book/box/table, writing poetry, planting a tree or making a garden etc. • Make space for expression and discussion of grief and changes. This can be done by watching children’s videos or reading stories together that include themes of change and loss, and talking about your own experiences of grief. • Be a good role model and express your grief in an open, healthy manner so that children understand that it’s okay for them to do the same. • Maintain routines and standards of discipline as much as possible. This creates a sense of safety and predictability for the child. • If these strategies are not helping your child, consult a local psychologist. Alison has been working as a psychologist for the last eleven years, and previously in a variety of welfare positions. She is passionate about making a positive difference to people’s lives and can be contacted on 0409 602430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au

Helensburgh & District Herald 13

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Senior Pets By Sonia Gregson, Helensburgh Veterinary Clinic Elderly pets have very different medical needs, especially during colder months of the year. Like us, our pets start to slow down as they get older, and various health problems can arise. Everyday activities, like getting out of bed or going for a walk could be a real effort and sometimes very painful, due to conditions such as arthritis. It doesn’t just happen to humans! Dogs and cats are usually more stoic than us and tend to suffer in silence, and these problems can go unnoticed until they are quite advanced, which makes treatment more difficult. Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease where pain and stiffness develops as a result of wear and tear of the joints involved. It can also result from early skeletal problems with joints that are affected over time, or from trauma or injury. Arthritis can affect dogs and cats of all sizes, ages and breeds, although larger dogs such as Labradors, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Cattle dogs and Border Collies are often more prone. One in five dogs suffer from the pain caused by arthritis, with most going undiagnosed due to pet owners’ lack of awareness of the condition. If left untreated, it causes chronic pain, difficulty in movement and a decline in the pet’s quality of life. Dogs and cats aged over seven are at higher risk of being affected although it is a disease affecting all ages. Early diagnosis helps them to cope with the winter when signs of arthritis are increased. ARTHRITIS Pet owners know their dog’s personality and may notice one or more of the following behavioural or physical signs: • Lameness and reluctance to walk or play, particularly when first getting up. • Lagging behind on walks or showing a stiff, stilted gait. • Licking affected joints. • Difficulty in climbing stairs, jumping in the car or onto the lounge. • Change in personality eg. Resisting touch or affection, possible aggressive behaviour. The pain associated with arthritis and the 14 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD stiffness and lameness it causes CAN be overcome. There is no cure for arthritis, but it can be controlled to MINIMISE pain and MAXIMISE mobility and the dog’s quality of life. HOW YOU CAN HELP • Joint problems, which lead to pain, are made worse by EXCESS WEIGHT. Feeding your dog smaller portions of food and cutting out the extras is an economical way to control their weight. There are a number of commercial weight control diets now also available as well as some specifically formulated for joint disease. • Supplement your pet’s diet with fish oils. You can use 1000 mg fish oil capsules at a rate of 1 capsule per 5kg body weight daily. Fish oils are readily available from supermarkets, pharmacies and health stores • Keep your dog COMFORTABLE by providing a warm bed away from draughts and make sure the bed is thick enough to cushion sore joints. A raised stretcher bed with a foam mat can assist. • Regular gentle EXERCISE helps maintain mobility: chasing a ball or catching a Frisbee should be avoided. • Avoid STAIRS where possible. HOW WE CAN HELP Examination, and sometimes radiographs of your dog is often enough to diagnose arthritis and to identify which joints are affected. Appropriate treatment in the form of medication, weight loss, diet and exercise will lessen pain and increase mobility. There are medications we can prescribe that can help with cartilage and joint health to minimize the progression of signs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) formulated for animals are now commonly used for this. Please remember it is extremely dangerous to give arthritis drugs prescribed for people to dogs or cats, as reactions and serious side effects can occur. Pentosan / Cartrophen injections can be given weekly or monthly. Unlike corticosteroids there are minimal side effects. These injections can physically improve the function of all synovial joints. If your pet is reaching old age or isn’t getting about as well as it used to, talk to the vet about the appropriate treatment that can lead to a happier and more active life.

CHEERS & JEERS CHEERS to the lovely lady that found my toddler wandering around the Bi-lo car park and held her hand until I sprinted there in a frenzy. Then she went upstairs to retrieve my abandoned trolly of groceries. Thank you so much!! JEERS To the infamous car hoon with the distinctive voice, tooting and shouting out a person's name as the hoon drove to Stanwell Park. This same jerk has been doing this since 2008!! Supposedly as told to the police as a joke at the request of a work mate who lives in the area. JEERS To another car hoon in a yellow Lotus whose ear splittingly noisy ripped down a local street doing more than double the 50k speed limit! Show consideration to the family orientated speed limit, your friends, neighbours and watch out for kids! CHEERS to SPAT for putting on regular shows, CHEERS also to the team putting on ‘Earth Dreamed’ at the Bushland Chapel.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD JEERS to those motorists who use the area adjacent to the netball facility of Rex Jackson Oval, to have their snacks, but then rubbish the area by leaving their discarded cartons and drink containers. The area has now been cleaned up by a 93 year old disabled pensioner, who is confined to a four wheel scooter. CHEERS to all the fundraising activity that goes on in the region. It Shows a great spirit! JEERS to the cyclists that hog the Old Princes Highway to Waterfall. It’s for motorists, not a bike track. Find a safer place to ride!

CHEERS to the volunteers who have been spending their weekends handing out surveys to visitors at Bald Hill Reserve. If you don’t speak up now - you cannot complain about the end result. We Love Bald Hill!

Helensburgh & District Herald 15



Helensburgh Off-Road Cycle Club (HORCC) Presents - A Night Of Trivia Six cyclists from Helensburgh and Stanwell Park are putting on a fun night of Trivia as part of their ongoing quest to raise funds for cancer. The group comprising Nathan Johnston, Dave Eccles, Tony Tag, Dr Martin Gellatley, Christina Robinson and Narelle Jenkins are entering as a team in The Sunsuper Ride to Conquer Cancer® which benefits the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA. There are many special things about the 200km cycle event to be held later in the year, (more details to come in the July HDH) but none more close to the hearts of locals than Nathan Johnston completing the cycling adventure, as Nathan lost his vision as a youngster. With his team mate Dave Eccles, Nathan will be completing the ride on a tandem bike. This present its own unique challenges but the boys have been putting in the hours training for the best result. The team must reach a target of $15,000 to enter and kicked of their fundraising activities

FUN 4 U HELENSBURGH PTY LTD Kindergarten - Year 6 On site at HPS! Before & After School Care 7 - 9am & 2:30 - 6:30pm Vacation Care 7.30am - 6pm Our centre is Part of the CCM System! PH: 0431 099 608 PH: 0431 199 150 E: annette.potter@bigpond.com P.O. Box 367 Helensburgh 2508 16 Helensburgh & District Herald

Dynamic duo: Nathan Johnston and Dave Eccles.

in May with a monster garage sale held at the Centennial Hotel. The next event is a Trivia night on Friday June 15 from 7pm to be held at the Helensburgh Worker’s Club. This will feature a silent auction with great prizes. Tickets are $20 per head and can be booked by contacting Jodie Williams on 0408 653 499 or carl.jodie@ bigpond.com In the meantime, or as well as attending the trivia night, you can contribute to Nathan’s effort by making a donation in the collection box at the Centennial Hotel.

COMMUNITY NEWS Local Mums Take On The Ultimate Challenge The trip up the hill from Bulgo Beach is a solid workout at the best of times, yet a group of local mums has travelled up and down the hill multiple times in one day, as part of their weekly training program. Stanwell Park residents Bronwyn McGrath, Nicola Rennie, Kelly O’Connor, Michelle Masey, Paula Mattock and Joost Thissen have joined forces with two ladies from Frenchs Forest, to enter two teams in a gruelling 100 km bush trek - to make a difference and raise funds to help overcome poverty and injustice around the world. The ladies are entering Oxfam Trailwalker (Sydney) - an event which will run for 48 hours during August 24 – 26, and which will see 550 teams walk 100 km from the Hawkesbury to the Harbour. The charity Oxfam has been working with communities for more than 50 years, and recognises that simply giving handouts is not the answer. Instead, they aim to provide people with

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD the skills, knowledge and resources to help them create their own solutions to poverty. Each team must commit to raising at least $1,000 to enter and support Oxfam’s work around the world, including Indigenous Australia. “We are hoping that local businesses will get on board” said Nicola. “We have plans to sell sponsorship space on our shirts to show our appreciation for the businesses involved. Along with some great out-of-area exposure, they will be contributing to a really worthwhile cause.” The girls have embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. They have also been seen training along the Coastal Track between Bundeena and Otford, and along the Wodi Wodi Track to Darkes Forest. To contact the girls and secure your place on the team shirts, contact Nicola Rennie at nicola. rennie@bigpond.com. You can also donate to the efforts of the two local contingents at: http:// trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/sydney/. To follow the progress of the ‘Stannie Sisters’ (team 480) or the ‘Stannie Starlets’ (team 481), go to www.trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/sydney/ teams/team-tracker/

www.heritagecellers.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 17






TICKETS $40 EACH* AVAILABLE NOW FROM HELENSBURGH PUBLIC SCHOOL OR SUNRISE NURSERY Enquires 4294 1332 during school hours *Limited Tickets Available

18 Helensburgh & District Herald

YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School By Lucinda Carter Relieving Assistant Principal Helensburgh 125th Celebration Dinner Saturday 21st July, 2012. Tickets are now on sale costing $40 each at the school canteen, school office and Sunrise Nursery for our 125th Anniversary Dinner for the school. The official dinner will be held at Helensburgh Sports and Social club from 6.30pm in the auditorium on Saturday 21st July, 2012. Dinner includes a two course meal and a drink voucher on arrival, light entertainment and guest speakers. Tickets are selling fast. Be sure to reserve your place by purchasing your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Please note that the dinner is for adults only (over 18) as we are in a licensed premises. School Prefects and House Captains. Congratulations to the 2012 Helensburgh PS school leaders who are already doing an outstanding job in their leadership roles around the school. Throughout the year they will represent the school at many functions. So

Property Solutions Retaining Walls Pergolas Decking Paving Landscaping Complete Makeovers Call Daniel:

0422 503 193 Lic: 151773C

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD far this year they have represented at school assemblies, the dawn service for ANZAC Day, Cross Country Carnival, leadership days, ANZAC school service and PSSA sport. They are proud leaders and wonderful role models for the rest of the school. School Captains: Chase.C and Ellouise.P, Prefects: Brodie.M, Tyra.T, Matthew.L, Bijou.F, Tommy.U and Jamie.F. House Captains: Lochlan.M, Natasha.F, Izak.T, Hayley.S, Reece.B, Alysha.W, Isaac.G and Elizabeth.D House Vice Captains: George.W, Jade.S, Alex.W, Claire.L, Nathan.F, Paige.W, Hendrik.V and Kelsey.I. Easter Hat Parade What a perfect day, the sun was shining and so were the faces of the students and visitors. K-2 delighted us with an amazing selection of beautiful Easter hat of all shapes and sizes. The library was filled with wonderful art and from students in years 3-6. Everyone had a great day. Library Monitors 2012 Congratulations to the hard working group of students from Year 5 who have been chosen to be Library Monitors for 2012. They will assist Mr McQueen and others students at lunchtimes with the running of the library. This year’s Library Monitors are; Brendenn.B, Amy.L, Molly.B, Daisy.S, Byron.H, Emily.A, Lara.D, Taylah.D, Taylor.T, Ella.S, Jade.R and Isabelle.J.

Helensburgh Car Services

4294 2930 • Tune & Service • E Safety Checks • All Makes & Models • LPG Rego Checks • Blue Slips

Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor) 187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508 Helensburgh & District Herald 19



Holy Cross Happenings

Thank you Helensburgh for your support! Holy Cross participated in the Coles Sports for Schools program. The program encourages active, healthy lifestyles for Australian kids. Thanks to the generous support of our local community our school was able to purchase a range of sports equipment including cricket bats, balls of many sizes, oz-tag gear, finishing flags and sporting bags to carry from game to game. The students were extremely excited when they opened all the boxes. One student said, “Wow, this feels like Christmas!� Holy Cross would like to thank the parents, friends and parishioners of Holy Cross and the Helensburgh community for their support.

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes St Helensburgh

Before And After School Care Rushing to get your children to and from school? Why not leave them with our caring staff! We care for children from Helensburgh, Stanwell Park & Otford Schools.

Before School Care from 7.00 a.m. After School Care 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. Morning & Afternoon healthy snacks High Quality Accredited service Registered for Fee Relief

Phone: 0433 803 377 Email: kcoosh@kidscare.com.au PO Box 251 Helensburgh, NSW, 2508



20 1 2 3

19 Leasing Unit 2 Mezzanine

18 17 16

4 5

15 14 13

6 7 8

12 11 10 9

Helensburgh & District Herald 21



Policeman, Prosecutor, Lawyer, Businessman....Pastor A big welcome to the new pastors of Hope Church 2508: Lionel and Briga Rattenbury. Lionel and Briga bring with them a wealth of life experience, as well as unstoppable enthusiasm and passion for serving God and the community. They have been married for twenty-four years and have three daughters. They have been Helensburgh residents for the past seventeen years. Lionel served in the police force for thirteen years, both on the front line and as a police prosecutor attending court every day. During his time as a prosecutor, Lionel dealt with in excess of five thousand matters of varying degree, including murder. After leaving the police, Lionel then established what grew to be a highly successful private law firm in Sydney, employing fifty staff including twenty-eight lawyers. The firm won the prestigious “Sydney’s Business of the Year Award for Professional, Business & Financial Services” in both 2010 and 2011. At the height of the firm’s success, Lionel left law to follow a call to be the new pastor of Hope Church 2508. When asked their reason for the decision, Lionel said “We love God and the people of Helensburgh. We want to make a difference in the lives of people in our area”. Lionel believes strongly in making the Bible easy to understand and apply to everyday life. At Easter this year, he presented compelling evidence for Jesus’ resurrection in a mock courtroom setting with “The Case for the Resurrection”. Both Lionel and Briga have a down-to-earth, approachable manner and are concerned with meeting the needs within our community. Briga holds a specialised ministry certificate in pastoral care. She has been trained in chaplaincy and has a keen interest in assisting people in emergency and disaster response. Lionel and Briga are available for enquiries, support and pastoral care needs. They can be contacted on 4294 2299 or 0404 803 055. 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

Hope Church 2508’s new Pastor: Lionel Rattenbury and wife Briga Rattenbury



In Memoriam

Holy Cross Catholic Parish

WILLIAMS, Heather 22-6-2004 In loving memory of my wife, loved Mother and Grandmother. Always in our thoughts, sadly missed by the family.

You are welcome to come and celebrate Jesus’ love for us at Holy Cross Helensburgh and St Bernadette’s Stanwell Park. Weekend Mass Times Helensburgh: Saturday Vigil – 5:30pm. Sunday – 9.30am. Stanwell Park: Sunday – 8am. Confessions: Saturday – 5pm (Helensburgh). Weekday Masses - Helensburgh 9:15 Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Catholic Women’s League – Caring for others. Meet monthly. St. Vincent de Paul Society – Outreach to people in need. Meets monthly. For more information please phone Parish Priest Fr. Bede North or Kerrie on 4294 1009.

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit www.helensburghanglican.org

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a family church made up of genuine and committed people of all ages, driven by the belief that God is real and we can relate to Him on a daily basis. It is a place where people can find the acceptance and friendship that comes from being a part of a large family, creating a positive impact in the lives of the people in our community. We believe that God will bring hope, wholeness and healing to all who will cry out to Him. We aim to be the kind of church described in the Bible through relevant teaching, meaningful worship, sincere friendships, prayer, missions, compassion and care for others. You are most welcome to join us at our new church building at 6/17 Cemetery Rd, Helensburgh at 9.30am each Sunday. For any enquiries or assistance please ring Pastors Lionel or Briga Rattenbury on 0404 803 055.

Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laid back Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. A place for friendly, progressive inquiry into faith and modern life. 2nd and 4th Sundays at 9.30 am, 3rd Sunday at 6pm. Artistic, media, community, meditation, book club environmental and bushwalk events See http://bushlandchapel.net.au or 42686748 Minister available for weddings, funerals, blessing. Chapel and rooms available for use. Helensburgh & District Herald 23

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 FOR SALE: Lounge suite, L shape, 5 & a half seater with sofa bed. Very good condition, $450. ONO. Chest of drawers 1.2 (4’) wide, 10 drawers, NOT pineboard. $150. ONO. Phone Mark on 0400 305 471. FOR SALE: 1 x pine tall boy exc cond, 1 x pine bed side table exc cond $25, 1 x cot + mattress, near new cond $50 – Call 4294 2925 TO LET: Furnished room in spacious house. Located in Helensburgh, quiet, close to shops and bus stop. $200 per week inc elec. Pref female, available immediately. Call Belinda 0418 863 917 ENGLISH TUTORING: Experienced English Teacher and HSC English Marker call Iskra 0410344423 FLORIST: Wedding flowers, centrepieces, arrangements, gift baskets, presentation bouquets. Call Julie 0418265230. Photos available. MATHS AND PHYSICS TUTORING: in Helensburgh by experienced high school teacher. Call Naomi on 0429 083 533. FORMAL OR WEDDING PHOTOS DISAPPOINTING? Fly away hair? Acne? Distracting objects or background. Let “Touch Me Up” do all your photo editing needs. Phone Tracey 4294 8303 or visit “touchmeup.com.au” DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH since 2006 offering heated hydrobath, grooming and clipping services. Phone Robyn on 0428 829 788. Try our new Mobile Hydrobath service Phone Greg 0458 829 999. MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-12 noon. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Crystal 0425 374 402 HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. occitania. holiday@gmail.com 24 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD CELEBRANT: Personalised Wedding Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies and Vow Renewal Ceremonies. Verheti Cruickshank Mobile 0401 227 665. MUSIC FOR MINIS: A fun music class for children up to the age of 5. Tuesday mornings at 9.30am at the bandstand in Charles Harper Park weather-permitting and in the Helensburgh Scout Hall if raining. $10 per child ($15 for two children). Contact Malika on 0432 922 895. TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. Phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. www.aussiefarmers.com.au ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced. Hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Call Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. LAWN MAGIC *Lawn Care *Weed Control *Hedge Trimming *Waste Removal *Gutter Cleaning *Water Blasting *Garden Mulching *Planting of Plants *General Maintenance. FULLY INSURED, FREE QUOTE, CALL KYLE 0433 772 443 ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au

CLASSIFIEDS STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *Based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *All classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) www.stanwellpark.net. au/taichiyogapilates WORMS: Composting/Fishing, quality fresh worms in a 250gm pack (1200 to 2400 worms) $29.00, call Bill 4294 2864, 0429 942 864 PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Wendy 0403 397 751. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies. Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 NUTRIMETICS: Shopping/pampering in your home, for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising call Jenelle 4294 2864, 0407 038 799 MINI CAR MADNESS: mobile slot car track, great for kids parties or young at heart, fetes, fundraisers, school hols fun and corporate. Ages 5-12 years. Great rates ph 4294 3494 or 0414 943 494 JASMINE SKY: Busy? Tired? Never have time for yourself? Why don’t you treat yourself to a relaxing 30min Ion Spa Foot Detox or a Reiki Treatment. Call Lee-Anne to book an Appointment Ph 4294 8882 or 0407 166 259. HELENSBURGH PLAYGROUP: In the Hall at Helensburgh Community Centre. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00am – 12.00noon Lots of toys, games and craft suitable for all ages. For further information please contact Rosemary at the Community Centre on 4294 1290. CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD SUSAN’S JUST DANCE: Helensburgh.. Jazz/Tap/Hiphop..Great teachers..latest music.. latest moves...no pressure..great fun..3yrs to adult..boys only hiphop crew...concert each year Suth Ent Centre...call Susan for 2012 registration 4294 8366 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or avf3@hotmail.com ILLAWARRA NANNIES - CHILDCARE SERVICES: Connecting carers with local families across the Illawarra. Services include school holiday care, babysitting, before & after school care, nanny share and more. ph: 0426 148 888 www.illawarranannies.com.au TUTORING K-6: Final year B Teach/ B Arts $35 per/hr I will come to you if preferred. Contact Kate: h: 4294 2127 m: 0412 962 075


Lee Evans

Member for Heathcote

Contact Lee Phone: (02) 9548 0144 Fax: (02) 9548 5639 Email: heathcote@parliament.nsw.gov.au Web: leeevansheathcote.com.au Authorised by Lee Evans MP.

Helensburgh & District Herald 25



MARK JONES BUILDER • New Homes • First Floor Additions • Decks & Pergolas

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Rojo’s Riding 4 U! Walker Street, Helensburgh • riding tuition • beginners to intermediate • ponies supplied

Robyn Johnson 0411 147 643


Helensburgh Car Services Tune & Service • E Safety Checks • All Makes & Models •Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor)

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187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508

Pickering Constructions P/L New homes, renovations, decks and pergolas

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26 Helensburgh & District Herald


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To advertise contact: editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 27





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Kristy Klean Pty Ltd All commercial and domestic cleaning

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To advertise contact: editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au 28 Helensburgh & District Herald





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Helensburgh & District Herald 29



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0418 603 009 Are you interested in advertising? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au 30 Helensburgh & District Herald


SERVICE DIRECTORY Geoff Barlow Dental Prosthetist


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Call Vitaley

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0418 262 925 PET CARE SERVICES Feeding, Walking & Other Services Available

Call Karen 0419 432 482


Dog Washing, Grooming & Clipping Phone Robyn: 0428 829 788


Mobile Hydrobath Service Phone Greg: 0458 829 999 Barkin Beauty Canine Clippery

Appointments now available in local studio Quality Handmade Jewellery, Repairs or Sydney & Restorations Ph: 02 4294 9242 CBD Suite

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PO Box 57 Helensburgh

Helensburgh & District Herald 31




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Andrew Stein

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32 Helensburgh & District Herald


If you want to get yourself in print; text book, novel, poetry, non fiction or children’s stories.....CALL US Anno Domini 2000 Pty Ltd - 16 YEARS IN BUSINESS Richard Paine, 91 The Crescent, Helensburgh 2508 ad2000book@bigpond.com Ph: 4294 8452 Mob: 0417 294 563 Fax: 4294 3963



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Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

Helensburgh & District Herald 33

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, I was in Helensburgh near the newsagency recently, during some heavy rain. I noticed that the water running down the gutter was a light shade of black, not muddy, and could only assume that it was run-off from coal dust that had settled around the area from the passing trucks. Their load may be covered, but it doesn't seem like it is wet down enough, if at all, to stop the dust, which no doubt, people are breathing. Why can't the contents of these trucks, tailings I am told, go by rail like the rest of the coal? Mark Dodds

All ages & stages

Writing classes

From the complete beginner up to the award winner! Our adult classes will be continuing Coming soon: youth classes - for a much needed out-of-school boost. Find your own writing voice while discovering features of language not normally covered in writing classes share your work with others! Led by experienced writers and teachers

Venue: Bushland Chapel Helensburgh. Inquiries to Karen Lane 0412 787 873 or Arn-yah@hotmail.com

34 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Dear Editor, Very few Australian businesses make it past the first 12 months let alone two or three generations. One such local business has survived and continues to provide the isolated community of Helensburgh and its surrounding suburbs with sand/cement/soils/gravel/fill and other materials essential to the building/maintenance and renovations for the houses we all call ‘home’. This same business provides an impressive recycling aspect to their business. Reusing bricks/concrete/tiles and other building materials which are re-used in the building and construction industries as well road works and other industries. This is a big positive for local business in this day and age, when recycling is such an important part of sustainable living - which we all need to strive for as much as possible. But for some reason, the self appointed Green Police of Helensburgh and surrounding suburbs only approve of a recycling plant if it is located somewhere else. The community of Helensburgh and surrounding areas should offer support and encouragement to an essential business that has provided much for the 2508 area over the years, not only in the services and materials that they provide, but also the near 40 plus jobs they create - many of whom are locally employed. To recycle - space is required, if the recycling was made to stop, the materials that would have been recycled will likely go to land fill, or could end up being dumped in the bush illegally. This local business should be supported by the community. Jason Fuller


By Danielle Lee You have been too heavy and too down to earth of late. It is time to spread your wings and fly again. Take on some new hobbies that let you spread your wings or go back to an old one (or two) that you felt calm, serene and happy doing. By looking after yourself you will be able to reconnect with others you have felt somewhat disconnected from. This will also improve your working life.



13 JUNE: Neighbourhood Forum 1 meets at the Helensburgh Community Centre 7pm. 15 JUNE: Helensburgh off road cycle club presents a night of trivia. 7pm for 7.30 start at the Helensburgh Workers Club Cost: $20 per head. Bookings: Jodie Williams Carl.jodie@ bigpond.com 0408 653 499 17 JUNE: The Rai Thistle Trio + Support – Big Erle @ Coalcliff Surf Club. 1pm to 5pm Pre-sales = $15: 00 + booking fee $1.90 www.gobookem.com Or at the door = $20.00 As the capacity is limited we recommend you purchase tickets in advance. 19 JUNE: VIEW club excursion luncheon, Bundeena. 17 JULY: VIEW club xmas in July luncheon, Centennial Hotel. 21 AUGUST: VIEW club luncheon, Centennial Hotel. 15 SEPTEMBER: Helensburgh Public School Fete. 26 OCTOBER: Helensburgh Public School Art and Craft Fair

Helensburgh & District Herald 35



Come And Enjoy ‘Lunch In The Plaza’ Grab some lunch and head to Civic Plaza over the next five Wednesdays and listen to some live tunes, socialise and enjoy the Arts Precinct as part of Wollongong City Council’s Lunch at the Plaza. Council is inviting all workers and the wider community to take a lunch break outside over the next five Wednesdays and enjoy free live performances at Civic Plaza., off Burelli Street, Wollongong. Lunch at the Plaza will run from Wednesday 30 May to 27 June 2012, showcasing local original acts including roots, blues, jazz, folk, acoustic and world music, and circus entertainment. Manager of Community, Cultural and Library Services Jenny Thompson said Lunch at the Plaza is designed to encourage workers and the community to take ownership of the Civic Plaza. “We think the Civic Plaza has all the ingredients of an active space with a great social atmosphere,” Ms Thompson said.

“The free, live performances are a way of energising the Civic Plaza by luring workers and visitors in the city centre to adopt the public space as a meeting spot for lunch or coffee. “Its location between Wollongong City Gallery, Illawarra Performing Arts Centre, Wollongong City Library and local cafes also creates opportunities for the Civic Plaza to become the creative arts precinct for the city centre,” Jenny Thompson said. “I urge people to get involved and come down and check out the live performances every Wednesday from 12noon to 2pm over the next five weeks.” Lunch in the Plaza performances are free and everyone is welcome.

Lunch At The Plaza Program Wednesday lunchtimes 12noon to 2pm Wednesday, 6 June Big Erle - Roots, Blues, Folk Heidi Hoops - Circus Wednesday, 13 June Carlos Amaro - Paraguayan Harp Benny James - Acoustic Ambient The Merchants - Folk, Blues, Jazz Wednesday, 20 June Genevieve Chadwick - Blues, Roots & Rock Circus Monoxide - Circus Nick Rheinberger - Acoustic Caberet Wednesday, 27 June Money Killed Johnny - Psychedelic Jazz with World, Blues and Roots Circus Monoxide - Circus Glamma Rays - Retro Vocal Quartet For more information you can visit Council’s website or call Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4227 7111.

WAVES Raffle Winners Winners of the WAVES Mothers Day Raffle, drawn Saturday 12th May 1st Prize. Green D91, 2nd Green D37, 3rd Black F28. All Prizes claimed. Thanks to all who participated - Graham (Midge) WAVES President 36 Helensburgh & District Herald

CLUB NEWS HELENSBURGH VIEW CLUB On May 15 the Helensburgh Daytime View Club celebrated its 21st Birthday with a luncheon at the historical Centennial Hotel. What a wonderful luncheon the ladies had with visitors from our sister club in Nowra, special guests Gwen Wilton, Zone Councillor for NB02 (Highlands Zone), Thirroul VIEW Club President, Christine Wright and other members of Thirroul. We were entertained by Jackie Dee and friend Tracy who are some of our local talent. Thank you Jackie and Tracy for entertaining us with such lovely music and singing. This was a special day for two VIEW Club members who received their 10 and 20 year membership badges, presented by Zone Councillor, Gwen Wilton. Lin Sinclair received her 10 year badge, and Pauline her daughter accepted the badge on her behalf as Lin is not well at the moment. Lin had been a valued member of VIEW Club acting as our Treasurer for many years. Eleanor McLeod received her 20 year badge which tells you she has been a member of the VIEW Club for many years; Eleanor has worked

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD tirelessly over this period of time holding many rolls from President to Delegate which she did very professionally in the promotion of the values of VIEW. Congratulations to both Lin and Eleanor. Our next VIEW Club luncheon is an excursion to the Bundeena RSL. We have arranged a bus to pick up at the Centennial Hotel at 11.00am on June 19. We only have a couple of seats left so if you wish to join us for our excursion to the Bundeena RSL please let us know asap. We still have bookings available for “Officer and a Gentleman” on August 22(Lyric Theatre) and “Legally Blonde” October 20 (Lyric Theatre). Buses have been arranged for both these shows leaving from the Centennial Hotel, Helensburgh. Please contact Chris to arrange a booking 4294 1103 asap as booking close early. July luncheon is our “Christmas in July” celebrations on July 17 and this is always a fun day for all. No one leaves without a gift from our “Secret Santa Bag” and our lunch has all the Christmas trimmings. Visitors are welcome, for bookings please contact Nerida 0429 004 298 by the Wednesday July 11.

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CLUB NEWS / SPORT Fellowship of First Fleeters South Coast Chapter On Saturday 12th May, the above Chapter held the annual luncheon, to celebrate the anniversary of the leaving of England of the First Fleet. This is an important date, because it marks the very beginning of a momentous voyage, never before attempted. Due to Arthur Phillip's wonderful management, very few people died and most arrived in a healthy state. The venue for our celebration was Dapto Leagues Club, where we enjoyed an outstanding lunch, with wonderful service. A local trio SWAY, provided our entertainment and this also was most enjoyable. They harmonised beautifully and sang songs very suitable for our age group. After "grace", the proceedings opened with the "loyal toast" and then a toast to "our first fleet ancestors". Both verses of our national anthem were sung with great gusto. All present agreed it was an enjoyable occasion.

38 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD "To Live On In The Hearts And Minds Of Descendants Is Never To Die" - Our next meeting on 5th June (10am) at the Ribbonwood Centre, Dapto. All enquiries, phone Betty Warn, 4294 27 35.

Sunday Social Golf Club By Vicki “the hair” Little Cruising Sydney Harbour on our day of golf, I did give the guys a thought (only for a few minutes). It was such a gas winter’s day, plus I was eating, drinking and with good company. I’m sure the boys missed us girls ha ha. I was led to believe that the day was a very competitive game, with the top three placing on five countbacks to win (that’s golf talk). I know my husband was one of those who dipped out (not happy, Jan!) but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. But on a brighter note, I heard that our Tony “Pres” Gersback took out the Joe Doherty Cup. He has always admired that cup and wanted his name on it. Congratulations! You can tick that off your bucket list! In 1st place last month was Tony “Pres” Gersback winning a $40 grog voucher, a pewter mug and a $75 voucher for Al’s Gourmet Meats; he was on a roll. Dennis Green took 2nd place, winning a $50 voucher for Heritage Cellars. Also, Trev Chipper won a $25 game at Boomerang Public Golf Course. We had 29 starters which is great! We had another new starter in David Morris who is a local. Don’t forget girls - if you would like to come along and help us flog the boys in our next game, it is on 3rd June, 7:30 am at Royal Boomerang. The Confused Golfer: the right way to play golf is to go up and hit the bloody thing.



2012 Helensburgh Hawks Presentation The Helensburgh Hawks Amateur Swim Club held its annual presentation on the 6th May 2012 at the Helensburgh Workers Club. Special guests included life members, past club presidents and Legendary Swim Coach Dick Caine coach to Olympians such as Michelle Ford, Janelle Elford and marathon swimmer Susie Maroney. Dick is also father to Danielle Field and Grandfather to Hawks swimmer Talia Field. The presentation was a complete success, many awards were given out including championship swims, points score and club person of the year. Although too many to list notable recipients were Alexander Dodd, Bowen Willebrands, Talia Field, Jeff Barter and all the senior swimmers who helped during the 2011 – 2012 season. Swim club has now closed for the winter but will commence again when the Helensburgh Swimming pool reopens later in the year.

Swim Club nights are held on Monday evenings, all swimming levels from beginner to Olympians are welcome. For more info check out the website www.helensburghhawks.com.au

Dance Academy Dance and drama classes in our purpose built studio! Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary & Hip Hop. Tiny Tots to Adults, all ages are catered for. Our Showgroup performs on stage! Contact Fleur on 0448 425 594 fleurdelisdance@hotmail.com Dance Studio located at, 26C Walker Street ~ Entry from Club Lane ~ Helensburgh, NSW 2508 Private lessons available. All ages and levels welcome.

Helensburgh & District Herald 39


Run Your Butt Off? By Elaine Bolton As a Personal Trainer I’m often asked what the best exercise for weight loss is. I love running and know it helps with keeping my weight under control and just generally makes me feel good. You can burn more calories per minute running than walking and so don’t need to spend as long exercising to burn off the same number of calories. You also need very little in the way of equipment or time to prepare in order to get going with your workout. So why don’t I usually suggest running for clients wanting to lose weight? It used to be thought that if you did enough endurance training, burning hundreds of calories a day that you didn’t use to burn, that weight loss would follow. I can tell you from personal experience it doesn’t work like that. As I wrote in my diary a few days before completing my first Ironman triathlon “(During the course of my training) I’ve learnt a lot about myself, how much I really do like my training and the great challenges it can bring. I also learnt that it’s not a great way to lose weight – I had dreamt of kilo’s falling off but not one has disappeared!” I had been training twice a day, 7 days a week, racking up around 20 hours of training a week and I certainly had a bit of spare fat! Your body adapts to endurance exercise by becoming more efficient. That means less calories used which is further reduced following weight loss. This means you need to eat less. The only problem is, all that exercise makes you hungry and tired. You feel hungry because your carbohydrate (carb) reserves have been depleted. Those who are overweight tend to burn a higher percentage of calories from carbs which them more hungry following exercise than their leaner counterparts who burn a higher percentage of calories from fat. So endurance training can work for those that are already lean but is not so good for those that want to lose weight. The first thing to remember is that your body won’t change without consistent hard work. If you aren’t out of breath at least some of the time you aren’t really working hard enough. This hard work is especially important as we get older. The more muscle mass you have the less the decline in fitness and function you get as you age. High intensity weight training, preferably carried out three times a week will help build 40 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD muscle and assist with fat loss. While the hard work is necessary, this doesn’t mean that you should push through and complete a workout when something is hurting. If it hurts while you’re doing it, stop doing it. It also doesn’t mean that you have to completely beat the ---out of yourself every time you train. However, some discomfort and soreness a day or two after a workout can be expected especially when new to lifting weights. Just be sure to allow adequate recovery time between workouts to allow the body to adapt. It is still necessary to run as part of your training if you want to participate in events that include running, like distance running events or triathlons. However, this should be thought of as your sports specific training and not the means by which you lose weight or achieve your best health. Get fit to run rather than running to get fit. We run high intensity weight training sessions at various times, called Total Body, at Mind the Gap. And for those who still want to run, you can join our free running group on Saturdays at 4pm. Details of the classes and running group can be found on our website www. mindthegapyogafitness.com. Elaine Bolton is an experienced Personal Trainer, CrossFit Instructor & Triathlon Coach at Mind the Gap Yoga & Fitness. She can be contacted at 0417 679 639 or email: physicalpursuit@bigpond.com


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Yoga For Teens

Mind The Gap Yoga and Fitness Studio now offers a yoga class especially for teenagers, taught by Amber from Yoga with Amber. It started this month and so far has been very successful. We know that yoga is good for all of us regardless of age. We should all be doing yoga for our wellbeing, but there are some specific reasons why yoga can be so good for teenagers or kids starting high school. Yoga helps with flexibility and strength. It works on lengthening (for example, tight hamstrings from sport) and helps create good posture. But practising yoga gives teens something they don’t get from sport. With sport, they may be getting a good physical workout, but their energy and attention is focused outward. In yoga, we train them to focus their energy internally. One of the things that can easily be overlooked with practising yoga is the effect that the controlled way of breathing has on the mind. After practising yoga for even a short time you leave the class feeling calm and more centred.

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This is perfect for teenagers. There are a lot of pressures at high school: homework, exams and generally just fitting in at a vulnerable age. One student said “I feel really happy when I leave here, and when I get home I can focus on my homework better, and I’m a lot more relaxed”. Yoga can help teach teenagers to “switch off”. Amber has been teaching yoga in primary schools and high schools for the last 5 years. She concentrates her teen class on body awareness and stress reduction. Amber says “There’s something very profound about watching a group of teenagers relax completely and restfully in final relaxation pose for a full five to ten minutes at the end of each class”. Classes are on Wednesday 5 -5.45 pm. $10. Bookings are essential. To book, either email Amber via www.yogawithamber.com.au or call Amber on 0403 959334. Amber also teaches adult, Mums N Bubs, and kids classes.

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By Eileen Crowe, Helensburgh Tennis Club President Tennis Club AGM was held in the Clubhouse prior to official opening and Open Day. The committee members were reelected with Basil Crowe being nominated for Life Membership. Basil has been helping tirelessly as the Mr fix-it for the club for over 25 years and this is a well deserved nomination. The day was also attended by Damien Hodge, Environment and Community Coordinator of Metropolitan Colliery and Life member Bob Griffith. The upgraded centre was officially opened by Sharon Bird MP and Lee Evans MP. The total cost of our upgraded centre is over $110,000 for court resurfacing, lighting and fence upgrading, as well as new equipment. Because of Federal and State government grants and contributions from Metropolitan Colliery towards our storage area and fencing this has been achieved.

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42 Helensburgh & District Herald

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Club Treasurer Basil Crowe, Lee Evans Member for Heathcote Eileen Crowe and junior member Harry McCutcheon

Other contributors over the past 12 years towards our fundraising were; Helensburgh News, Miners Association, Sada P/L (Metropolitan washery) and Helensburgh Worker’s Club. We had a few players try out the courts before the rain came and finished the day off with a sausage sizzle and cuppa. Courts in Park Ave, two synthetic grass and one hard court and in Old Station Rd, one loam court. We are the only Tennis Club in our area that offers all three surfaces. As part of our Official Opening celebrations we are offering 20% discount on half year membership. Must join or rejoin by 30th June 2012. Fees will now be Junior (under 19) $20. Adult $40. Family (2 adults & up to 3 children) $80 This entitles members to use courts for free any day if court available and half price court hire under lights. If taking a non member a visitor fee is payable. For further information contact Eileen Crowe on 4294 2673 or Tennis Mob 0401 350 348



Stanwell Park Sea Eels - Winter Swimmers By Karl Weber, 2012 is going to be a busy season with socially competitive visits to Cronulla RSL Swimming Club and Bulli Club (Sea Lions). We are excited and honoured to be hosting the 2012 South Coast Winter Swimming Championships which will be held at Wollongong's Continental Pool and later at Bulli Workers Club. Illawarra clubs competing in this day of aquatic fun, include the Coledale Rock Oysters, the Austinmer Otters, the Bellambi Bluebottles and the Wollongong Whales. For the 2012 season, we have 43 swimmers; children to 'mature' competitors. We are a charity focussed, socially minded team of active men and women who enjoy swimming during the winter months; our home pool is fed by the ocean, thus the water maintains a respectable temperature all year round. We have a lighthearted, handicapped, pointscore system, each Sunday at Coalcliff pool starting at 9am for the kids and 9.30 for the adults. Each morning of competition is followed by steaming mugs of home-made soup and

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Below: Glorious winter’s day in the water

maybe a constitution strengthening ale for the seniors. We have long term associations, supporting the Helensburgh-Stanwell Park and Coalcliff Surf Clubs, our main charity is the CRAM Foundation.http://www.cram.org.au/ All are welcome if you can swim 50m freestyle, unaided. Slower swimmers are encouraged by the handicapped timing system.

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Cricket Season Wrap-Up By Tim Lloyd The 2011-12 Illawarra Cricket season has become the most successful season in the Helensburgh Cricket club’s 27 year history. The first-grade side excelled this season taking out their maiden premiership winning the oneday cricket title. The team’s strength was also demonstrated by winning the minor premiership and making their first ever two-day ‘decider’ despite losing the game to Balgownie. The hard work by committee members and players over the past two seasons has really paid off. Overall, everyone in the 1st grade squad performed well all season with different players ‘chipping in’ each week to contribute to the team’s success. Standouts were Ben Marciante (350 runs and 33 wickets) and Steve Blissenden (320 runs and 29 wickets) both of whom were among the top run scorers and wicket-takers in the Illawarra competition. Both Christian Lewis with 96 runs and Josh Piper on 98 came agonisingly close to maiden centuries.

Luke Faulkiner took his first 1st grade sixwicket haul. Ryan Morris came into the team mid-way through the season and really impressed with the gloves and bat. While the Northridge brothers, Sam and Andrew, were always safe in the slips cordon. Local Boy Mitch McCrae stood out at ‘rep level’ this season and was selected for the NSW Country Colts Team becoming only the third Helensburgh player to be awarded this honour. The club would like to thank everyone who helped contribute to such a successful season especially major sponsors including The Workers Club, Helensburgh Butchery, Coral Air, Ray White, Shell Service Station and The Centennial Hotel.

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