October 2011

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Helensburgh & District

HERALD www.helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

Volume 1 #9



Have Your Say On Bald Hill’s Future

The community consultation period for the Bald Hill Draft Master Plan is drawing to an end, with submissions due Friday October 14, 2011. Wollongong City Council (WCC) Director of Infrastructure and Works, Peter Kofod stated of the proposed project, “Council’s current infrastructure and site furniture has been worn out by its popularity and is in urgent need of a refurbishment.” Mr Kofod added “The current amenities are substandard and disabled access is difficult. Regular parking conflicts occur between buses, cars and motorbikes visiting the site.”

An artist’s impression of the proposed kiosk

However, there is concern among local residents that the scenic vantage point may be adversely affected by the proposed kiosk/ amenity building.


At the September 12 Neighbourhood Forum 1 (NF.1) in Helensburgh, where the plan was launched, Otford resident Ian Hill, spoke out against putting a structure at Bald Hill saying; “The remarkable thing about Bald Hill is its baldness.” The planned improvements, estimated at a cost of around $3 million include; creating designated coach parking, a second footpath on the north western side of Lady Carrington Drive and a kiosk with tourist information facilities and viewing platforms. The proposed kiosk structure, would contain new toilet facilities, an outdoor dining area likely surrounded by ‘interpretative’ outdoor sculptures, celebrating the history of flight at the site. “If they are going to put something out at Bald Hill it should be up where the present toilet block is, that way it would not affect the view from the hill itself and it would still pick up great views from the location - everyone wins!” explained Helensburgh local, Jason Fuller. Council encourages all community members to make a submission. The draft master plan is on exhibition at Helensburgh, Thirroul and Wollongong libraries. Feedback forms are also available from the library exhibition locations and through the council website; www.wollongong. nsw.gov.au


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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au Disclaimer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald www.HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au www.OurHelensburgh.com.au ABN: 13 877 135 184 Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Youth News Spotlight on local business Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1-7 10 - 11 8 - 9, 25 - 27 20 - 22, 24 14 - 20 23 28 - 29 29 30 - 36 37 - 44

Get your business printing home delivered, free of charge, by a local! Theory only - 26.10.11 Prac/theory -30.10.11 Obtain your licence the safe and easy way! NSW Maritime Accredited 2 Helensburgh & District Herald

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61 - 63 Walker St, Subject To Appeal Mr John Issa, the developer of the proposed complex at 61-63 Walker St Helensburgh (DA2009/1608), has lodged an appeal with the Land and Environment Court in respect to Wollongong City Council’s refusal of the development application for a mixed use development comprising, 15 residential units, 2 commercial units and 32 underground car spaces at the site. The developer’s appeal is in contrast to the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel’s (IHAP) recommendations from the June 21 (2011) hearing, where the panel voted unanimously against the mixed use development and Council subsequently recommended the application be refused. The matter appeared before a Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court for a mediation/ conciliation conference at the site of the proposed development on September 15, 2011. The purpose of the conference was to examine the issues in the appeal and see whether amendments or solutions could be presented that may resolve the issues raised. Following the conference, the Court directed the Applicant to provide amended plans and information for Council to examine and subsequently to notify affected residents.

Council: More design changes needed for the 61 - 63 Walker St, Helensburgh plans

Following notification of amended plans, Council will advise the Court and the Applicant of its position. If the matter remains unsolved, it will be listed for hearing. As yet, no date has been set for a full hearing in relation to this matter.

Get The Facts On Coal Seam Gas By Tom Fontaine, CEO Ormil Energy The International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management is providing a course that addresses the formation, production, treatment and management of water associated with coal seam gas operations. The three day course starts on October 19 at CQ University in Brisbane. Details are available at www.icewarm.com.au Don’t believe the gas company, the politicians, the special interest groups, or even the papers, as each have their own agenda. The course is offered by independent experts, and will be an opportunity to ask the important questions. The course is open to anyone at a cost of $2200+GST. Ormil Energy, the operator of the CSG project in the Illawarra, has offered to pay for the course for one or two community members. For more infomation, please contact Tom Fontaine at 0411 610 006. Helensburgh & District Herald 3

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Apex Energy In Breach Of CSG Exploration Licences


Apex Energy has had approval to drill fifteen coal seam gas exploration drill holes in the Northern Illawarra since September 2009. Integral to this are the ‘PELs’ – (Petroleum Exploration Licences) issued by the Department of Primary Industries for the respective sections of land. Given the high volume of protests by residents in the Illawarra, concerned by the risks of CSG drilling to the water catchment and conservation areas, Apex Energy and their joint venture partner, Ormil Energy have been emphatic that they haven’t drilled one coal seam gas well since the first, in Darks Forest (2004). The PELs 444 and 442 over the Illawarra water catchment, both have a condition that a minimum of three gas bore holes must be drilled within the first two years and specify a total minimum expenditure of $4.1million. As of September 12, 2011, the two year period for both PELs came to an end, so effectively, Apex Energy have breached the licence conditions.

Local resident and environmental campaigner Natasha Watson stated; “Aside from the risk to our environment and water, Primary Industries Minister Hodgkinson now has legal justification to revoke the PELs held by Apex Energy in the Illawarra.” “It is obvious that Apex Energy and Ormil Energy are primarily speculator businesses, who sought approval to explore and drill our precious water catchment areas, gain private and government access leases and then plan to eventually on-sell a pre-approved packaged deal to a larger CSG commercial operation. Apex Energy’s 2010 audited financial reports also reveal the company has negative equity and other areas of concern such as a large loan” Ms Watson added. In the interim, Apex Energy have been given conditional approval for their new bore hole (Type 3) AI19 by the Department of Planning, The proposal has now gone to the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) for the final decision. It is possible that PEL 444 can be revoked due to the breaches, meaning the proposed new bore hole would be blocked regardless. Apex Energy Chief Operating Officer, Chris Rogers was given the opportunity to comment on the apparent PEL breaches by the HDH, but did not respond. For more details on the PEL breaches (444 and 442) and maps of the PEL boundaries, please go to: www.otfordeco.com

Need A Tradie? The Helensburgh District Herald will launch the online service directory on October 10, 2011. Reflecting the printed version, each advertiser will have an online ‘business card’ optimised to be easily found on the web. Any business which secures a service directory ad or larger is eligible for this free service for a full calendar year. To find out more contact editor@ helensburghdistrictherald.com.au

4 Helensburgh & District Herald



Local Firefighters Recognised For Their Services After the members Fire Brigade Forum on September 8, local Firefighters Jim Powell and Murray Austin from Fire and Rescue NSW Helensburgh, 325 Station both were awarded medals and clasps for their years of service to the Brigade. Murray received his Australian Fire Brigade Service Medal (AFBM) from Acting Area Commander, Steve Baker and also present was Acting Zone Commander, Brendon Cox. This medal is presented to Firefighters who have given valued service and good conduct after 10 years in the Brigade.

Murray’s two boys were also at their father’s presentation along with members from 325 Helensburgh. Jim Powell who is the new Captain of 325 Helensburgh, was honoured with his second clasps representing 35 years of service to the Brigade and community, by the Acting Area Commander Steve Baker. Mr Baker made special mention of how much the Brigade valued Jim’s long and outstanding service. Jim is now in his 37th year of service with the 325 Helensburgh Brigade. The evening ended with a social BBQ among members and guests at the station.

From left: Tristen, Murray and Reece Austin

Helensburgh & District Herald 5

NEWS Fisheries Research Centre Set To Close Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence is the largest dedicated fisheries research institute within NSW. The centre sits on the shores of Port Hacking at the mouth of Gunnamatta Bay and was established in 1905 as the first fisheries research institute in the southern hemisphere. The NSW Government took over the centre in 1984 and it has been the hub of fisheries research in NSW ever since. After over 105 years of research, the NSW Government has recently announced the closure of the centre as part of its decentralisation policy, with a time frame for closure of 18 months (see http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0003/407757/20110908-Boost-to-RegionalNSW-with-Decentralisation-of-CronullaFisheries-Research-Centre.pdf). The centre includes several key facilities unique to the east coast of Australia, including a large flow-through seawater aquarium. The Aquaria commenced operation as Australia’s first hatchery in 1906 and has been continually updated such that it represents a modern, stateof-the-art animal research facility. In addition, the centre also includes the only fish aging facility and archive in south-eastern Australia, and provides these services to a diverse range of stakeholders including commercial fisheries, Universities and other Governments around Australia.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The centre also houses a dedicated fisheries library (a resource that can never be replaced), and a recently constructed purpose-built fisheries laboratory. The centre is home to a large number of diverse projects aimed at improving sustainability and management of commercial fishing, and improving recreational fishing opportunities for anglers. Such projects include the development of improved fishing methods to increase sustainability, and key projects aimed at enhancing marine fisheries including the construction of artificial reefs, fish stocking research, and the well known ‘Fish Attracting Device’ program. In addition, the centre is home to major projects aimed at determining movement patterns and habitat requirements for iconic species within NSW waters, including bull-sharks, mulloway, flathead and bream. The closure of the centre and relocation of staff will represent a substantial loss to the people of NSW both in terms of scientific expertise and research facilities, especially in the Sutherland Shire and North Wollongong. Many staff at the Centre (which includes over 400 years of experience and 16 PhDs) are not able to relocate to sites outside of Sydney and their expertise may be lost to the NSW Government forever if the closure proceeds. In recent years, $1.5 million dollars of taxpayer’s money has been spent on modernisation of the site; an investment that will be wasted if the site closes. If you wish to retain this valuable public asset and the expertise essential for the future of fisheries within NSW, please visit: http://www.savecronullafisheries.net/index. html.

SMS For Your Copy If you or someone you know is not regularly getting their copy of the Helensburgh & District Herald a new SMS service is being introduced. Simply SMS the address of the home which missed out to: 0409 065 500 and a copy within the 2508 will be delivered within 48 hours. Don’t forget extra copies can also be picked up from Helensburgh Newsagency, the Helensburgh Post Office and now the Otford Pantry. 6 Helensburgh & District Herald

NEWS Northern Illawarra Chamber Of Commerce After a very successful 2010 – 2011 year at the Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce (NICC), including the; “A Grand On Us” promotion, the “Mix at Six” business networking meetings, the State Election Candidates Q & A session and the Wollongong City Council Mayoral Candidate Q & A session. The NICC held its AGM on the September 6 where members reflected on the past years success and discussed the 12 months ahead. The 2011 – 2012 executive committee was also elected. The new Committee is made up of 7 local business owners from a variety of backgrounds. Pauline Lacelles – Smith (Otford Pantry) is President, Quentin Field (Ezy Pool Services) is Vice President & Media Officer, Andrew Sheath (Jim’s Bookkeeping) is Treasurer, Greg Watts (Helensburgh Post Office) is Membership Officer, Ray Khalil (Smartline Mortgage Brokers) is Meetings Officer, Ronda Collins (Centennial Hotel) is Minutes Secretary and

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Glenn Lacelles – Smith is Secretary. The NICC is a great source of business to business networking. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month. Membership is open to all business owners and is just $125 per year. Further information is available at nicc.net.au.

NISA Screening: ‘The Vanishing Of The Bees’ “An essential documentary…If you like eating, see this film.” Channel 4 Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon has brought beekeepers to crisis in an industry responsible for producing apples, broccoli, watermelon, onions, cherries and a hundred other fruits and vegetables. Commercial honeybee operations pollinate crops that make up one out of every three bites of food on our tables. Screening at The Bushland Chapel on Thursday, 13 October. Refreshments at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. $5 cover charge.

Helensburgh & District Herald 7

COMMUNITY NEWS A Few Hours - Just One Day A Month Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid Inc (NINA) is asking residents of 2508: Can you give a few hours, for one day in each month, to help deliver ‘meals on wheels’? There is a core group of dedicated volunteers who keep ‘meals on wheels’ running smoothly, but more volunteers are needed to help ease the pressure on the existing group. “Even our volunteers need respite” said NINA Manager Margaret McGarrell.

From left: Rod Oxley is shown the ‘ropes’ with NINA Inc Volunteer, Rowland Jones

‘Meals on wheels’ is an essential community service, helping those with mobility loss, a disability or illness, to have a nutritious meal and some friendly interaction. Meals coordinator, Melodee White explained “For some of our clients the volunteers might be the only people they see all day.” Volunteers are given training in manual handling, food safety practises and basic occupational health and safety. NINA pride themselves on providing pre-prepared meals which are as fresh as possible and recognise the volunteers play an important role in identifying hazards, relaying important information to the NINA staff and very importantly, sharing some time for a chat and share company while they clients have a meal. If you can contribute one day a month to the NINA four week roster, have a car and the desire to make someone’s day brighter, please contact NINA Inc on 4294 1900 or email: reception@ nina.org.au 8 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD 2508 Australian Of The Year For 2012 The Committee for the “2508 Australian of the Year” (2012) have booked the use of the Helensburgh Workers, Sports and Social Club on Saturday January 21, 2012 for the presentations and Sunday January 22, for the Aussie BBQ and Australia Day events. More information will be given over the next few months on when tickets will be available and the program of events is released. Our selection team is now waiting for all of your nominations for the “2508 Australian of the Year” Awards. There are several categories open for nominations and we would like to fill them all! The following six categories are: 1) Australian of the Year; 2) Senior of the Year; 3) Young Person of the Year (under 25); 4) Sports Person of the Year (Junior and Senior); 5) School Academic of the Year (Primary School boy and girl); 6) Volunteer of the Year. Nominations are open to anyone living in the post code 2508 and forms are available at the Stanwell Park Corner Store, Helensburgh Newsagency, Helensburgh Pharmacy, Hair 10 Hair Design, Helensburgh Workers Sports and Social Club or by contacting Marjorie (Midge) Palmer, President 2508 Australian of the Year Committee on 4294 3083. Hurry and get those nomination forms in before the closing date at the end of November!

COMMUNITY NEWS Local Artist Jackie Dee Needs Our Vote Helensburgh singer/songwriter Jackie Dee, has been selected as just one of six finalists in the ‘People’s Choice’ category of the AIADA awards (AIADA stands for; Australian Independent Artist Development Awards). “I really did need to pinch myself when I was announced as a finalist along with artists I hold in such high esteem” said Jackie. The AIADA ‘people’s choice’ award is determined solely on voting via the internet. Voters must register some details before casting their vote and Jackie urges locals not to be “put off” by this process as it is necessary to ensure fairness in the voting system. The winner of the people’s choice award will receive 10 thousand dollars prize money and if successful Jackie says she will use this to fulfil her “dream” to record her first full album in 2012. Voting closes 12 noon on October 15 - show your support for one of our very own artists and vote at www.totalcountry.com and click AIADA for details on how to vote.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD First Home Buyers Need To Act Fast By Ian Pepper, Penguin Financial The budget handed down recently by the NSW Government has some frightening news for first home buyers. The exemption on stamp duty for existing dwellings purchased by first home buyers has been exempt from stamp duty for many years. A complete exemption applied for properties purchased for $500,000 or less and a concessional exemption applied for properties purchased between $500,000 and $600,000. However from January 1, 2012 this exemption will be lifted, meaning; stamp duty of up to $22,000 could be payable by first home buyers! The exemption is to remain for first home buyers purchasing newly constructed dwellings or properties designed, but not yet built. This exemption is also available to current or previous property owners and not just first home buyers. To be eligible for the exemption the value of vacant land being purchased must not exceed $400,000 and for new homes it must not exceed $600,000. These changes will be a significant blow to first home buyers in the northern suburbs of Wollongong where we have limited supply of vacant land or newly constructed properties. So - the message for first home buyers is; if you were thinking of purchasing your first home in the next year or so, consider doing it now to take advantage of the stamp duty concessions currently available.

Call or email to order: 0403 397 751 People’s Choice Finalist in the AIADA Awards Local Artist Jackie Dee

wendy@flamefishdesigns.com.au www.flamefishdesigns.com.au Helensburgh & District Herald 9

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons - Editor. Dear Editor, $3 million dollars is planned to be spent on the Bald Hill Plan of Management by Wollongong City Council. Currently a Draft on exhibition. Apparently determined before the new Mayor and Councillors were elected, this will be quite a test for them. The residents who attended the recent Helensburgh Neighbourhood Forum 1 where it was unveiled, sat there ‘gob smacked’ in disbelief at what they were hearing. Here we go again, with Bulli Tops Gateway Mark 2 or locally known as the Battle of Bald Hill! 3 million ‘bucks’ to stick a building that you will see when you first drive out of the Royal National Park in the middle of the world renown view ! Some welcome for visitors. The building, a kiosk that resembles all the charm of two sea cargo containers with a roof over the table area, will serve food that has been prepared somewhere else. The toilets, all four of them, will have entries on the outer sides of the building. For food customers, there will be a whole six tables with four chairs each of which will go in and out each day like the tide. So much security will be required that it will be worth more than the building and it will not stop vandals or the cars that race through the parking area at night. There will be modifications to car park with the building reducing car spaces. Buses, motor homes, battle ships or big vehicles will be parked next to the site, blocking the view of anyone coming out, an interesting extra thrill for visitors. Across the road on the western side will be a footpath that starts nowhere and finishes nowhere further up the road. The point of this footpath, (that according to locals, no one will ever use) is simply to have it there. It’s akin to saying Uluru needs a building on top and a cable car.

10 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD I told the well meaning Council reps that If they want a building, put it up near the old lookout toilets and jazz those toilets up. It would be out of the way. But in the end I told them, they should save three million dollars and just maintain what is there. Don't ruin the view! No one seemed to disagree with me, and others echoed similar thoughts. WHAT A WASTE OF RATEPAYERS MONEY! There’s not even public toilets in Helensburgh yet. (Should we mention kerb and guttering… anywhere?) There will be affected food service businesses all the way down Lawrence Hargrave Drive whose main business is catering to the tourist day trippers. Let them get their snacks from the Bald Hill caravan, a local institution, but don't keep them there longer. Tourists are there maybe 10 - 20 mins max. People cry out for tourism in the ‘Gong and will come up against an obstacle at Bald Hill. Surely you would think the hang gliders pilots wouldn't agree to have this building in their way, but they were consulted and not all are ratepayers. They wanted the old toilet block for storage, hopefully for a decent rent return to ratepayers. When submissions were originally requested, I suggested there should be a Heritage Listing on Bald Hill. There is no mention of this in the Council’s draft plan. It has been requested, what happened to that suggestion? Illawarrians, don’t let Council waste our money...again. Alan Bond, Stanwell Tops Dear Editor, I awoke this morning with a couple of names in my head - people who I have had an association with over the years as a volunteer. That got me thinking of how important each and every person I have come in contact with, in and around the environs of Helensburgh, has been to me. The person I am today, is the result of the influence all these people have had while helping others during their time volunteering for a community group or institution.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Physical Culture, Playgroup, Otford School P&C, the Community Centre and Helensburgh Cricket Club are just a few groups I have been involved in. A thank you at the end of a term serving on a committee is important, but too often that’s the end. So to each and every person who has touched my life through volunteering, I thank you. You are a remarkable bunch of people with a personal commitment which is highly valued by society but never thanked enough. Committees have taken me far afield, but it has been the influence of the local community that has cemented the pride I feel for helping others. I would also like to thank the businesses within town for all your incredible support to so many organizations. Fundraising is crucial to any group and we would be lost without you. Once more, a very heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. To any person thinking of volunteering, but worried you may not have the confidence, please consider. All voluntary groups welcome any help offered and are very grateful for the hand. Sincerely, Di Piggott

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD A Moment With Danielle By Danielle Lee, Psychic Consultant LIBRA: Libra it’s time to break the rules. It’s ok to step outside your own square and enjoy some time in play and cheekiness. Loose the sarcasm and just be yourself and you will find that you will have a more charismatic allure with people in general. Spring is definitely in the air and the birds are singing the bees are humming, so why shouldn’t you?

Do you have a story you want to share? Contact the Editor Editor@HelensburghDistrictHerald.com.au

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Helensburgh & District Herald 11

NOTICES / CHURCH NEWS Engagement The families of Chris Lee and Angela Drysdale would like to congratulate them on their engagement and wish them a wonderful life together.

Many Thanks To our friends and family for the love and support during the passing of Rodgine Davison 17th August 2011, after a brave battle with illness, once a resident of Helensburgh and Stanwell Park. Wife to Thomas (Rip) Davison, Mother to Troy and Shayne Poole, the best ever Nana to Carly, Matthew, Mackenzie, Dylan and Tye. She will always be in our hearts and memories. Love Troy and family

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Anglican Parish Breakfast At 77 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. Sat 29 October 2011 7.30am concludes by 9.00am Speaker: Peter Kell Recently Retired CEO of Anglicare “Christian Care: ‘let us not grow weary in doing good.”

With Thanks The family and partner of Edna Darke would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and phone calls received for the sad passing of our dear Mother, Sister, Nan, Aunt and loving partner of Bruce. Remembered with love. Dean, Jean, Denis, Bruce and families.

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a local, friendly genuine Christian Church. Part of the Australian Christian Network (www.acc.org.au), Hope Church 2508 provides a local expression tailored to meet our community needs. The church meets 9:30 am every Sunday morning, at Helensburgh Public School. This is an excellent facility, recently built and has plenty of room, disabled access and is in a central location to Helensburgh. We offer a fresh and encouraging family service every Sunday, kids church and an exciting program for our youth every Friday night. We invite you to join us for a service. If you have a question, any pastoral needs or would like somebody to talk to, you can contact Daniel Zelli on 4294 2299 during the week at anytime. Join Hope Church 2508 at Helensburgh Public School Hall, 9:30 am Sunday morning, Fletcher Street, Helensburgh. 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

Guest Speaker: Peter Kell Recently Retired CEO of Anglicare

Peter, formerly a lawyer of “Kell’s Lawyers” Wollongong accepted the position of CEO Anglicare six years ago and retired from that role on 30th June this year. Peter Kell, a member of St Michaels Cathedral Congregation Wollongong, kindly accepted the invitation to speak at this breakfast immediately nominating the above title. Peter, an articulate thoughtful speaker, is uniquely qualified to inform his hearers on this challenging subject. Join us for breakfast, Christian fellowship and learning. Cost $5 per head covers your hot breakfast. Men, women and students welcome. Please register by October 27 by phoning 4294 1656 or by emailing rlobb@bigpond.net.au An activity of the “Over 50s Men’s Bible Study,” wives and helpers.

CHURCH NEWS Holy Cross Catholic Parish

"Bearing Christ's love to the communities north of Sea Cliff Bridge" We are quietly proud to have been the bearers of Christ’s love to the people residing along the northern tip of the Illawarra from the beginning of European settlement. The first Catholic church was built in 1890 and the primary school was opened in 1900 (by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop herself). This year, 2011, marks the Centenary of the establishment of the parish in its own right, the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current Church in Helensburgh, and the opening of the (near) complete rebuilding of Holy Cross Parish School. The community north of the Sea Cliff Bridge is served from two churches: Holy Cross Church, 4 McMillan St, Helensburgh. St Bernadette’s Church, Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park. Our Sunday worship times are: Saturday evening Vigil Mass – 5.30pm (Helensburgh) Sunday early-morning Mass – 8.00am (Stanwell Park) Sunday mid-morning Mass – 9.30am (Helensburgh) We also have regular weekday times for worship and other activities, information for which is updated weekly in our parish bulletin. The parish office (Cnr Parkes & McMillan Sts) is opened Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The parish secretary can be contacted on: (tel) 4294 1099, (fax) 4294 9180, (email) helensburgh@parish.woll.catholic.org.au. The school office (Mrs Kerrin Cronin, Principal) can be contacted on: 4294 1588 Our parish website, where more information will be found and details of the Centenary celebrations will be posted, is: www.helensburghcatholic.org.au

Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laid back Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit www.helensburghanglican.org

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel Uniting Church of Australia Meets at 94 Parkes Street Helensburgh, Sundays at 9.30AM 1st and 3rd of month group meetings – study and quiet time. 4th Sunday of the month, Rev Len Cliff leads Monthly bushwalks. A place for friendly progressive inquiry into faith and contemporary life For more info including chapel use: http://bushlandchapel.net or 42686748.

Helensburgh & District Herald 13

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Boating Season is Here! By Markus Muller, Director of Australian Boating College (Southern NSW) Spring has sprung and Summer is around the corner – and that means it’s time to go boating. If your boat has been laid up since last summer, now is the time to give it the once over, check all systems, service the outboard, check the battery is OK (you should’ve had it on trickle charge during Winter) and check all your safety equipment is in tip top condition; are your flares out of date? is your fire extinguisher in the ‘red’ zone? etc. It’s probably not a bad idea to also inspect and grease the trailer wheel hubs. You need to do these things so that you have hassle free boating, which means more fun, but most importantly it means you will have a safe vessel that will not let you down when you are 5 nautical miles offshore with a stiff westerly blowing! It is of course, a legal requirement to maintain your vessel in good order. It is also important to review maritime legislative requirements (and there have been a few changes in the last 12 months) to not only

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Call Daniel 0422 503 193 14 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD comply with the law but again more importantly, so that you, your family and friends are always safe out on the water! Having the correct safety equipment on board isn’t so you don’t get fined, it’s there to keep you safe, help you if you get into trouble and give you and your passengers peace of mind. Remember, if you’re not safe you will not be having fun! OK, so some of the new legal requirements: you now must have a water proof torch (that floats) at all times, not just night time; in vessels under 4.8m long you must now wear the appropriate lifejacket (PFD) when boating alone, at night, in open waters (offshore), on alpine waters and for all children under 12 years old. On longer vessels, children under 12 must wear lifejackets when in an open area of the vessel. For more details go to the NSW Maritime website or give Markus and Amber a call. For all your Boat and/or Jet Ski Licence requirements (remember, your children can obtain their licence from 12 years of age) give us a call on 1300 889 321 at Australian Boating College here in the ‘Burgh. As a professional skipper and owner of Australian Boating College, Sailing Instructor, Hang Gliding Instructor for 10 years and someone who has sailed yachts all over the world, my message is always ‘safety, safety, safety’! If you think and act safely on the water, you can relax and have more fun! Getting fined for not having the correct safety equipment is a hassle; capsizing and floating off towards New Zealand is more of a hassle – wouldn’t you say? Enjoy your boating this Summer...



Helensburgh To Flourish The Flourish remedial massage clinic is now open in Helensburgh. An experienced remedial therapist, clinic owner iShbel Compaganoni specialises in musculoskeletal pain management and has worked alongside one of Australia’s most respected chiropractors and on a referral basis from local GPs and physiotherapists. The Flourish remedial massage clinic can assist clients with: • Neck, back, shoulder, hip pain • Headaches and migraines • Anxiety, stress, depression & insomnia • Arthritis, tendonitis, joint pain • Relief from cramp, spasm and muscle soreness • Sports performance enhancement and injury management • Pre and post natal care “I pride myself on being able to give my clients treatments that are effective not only in relieving physical pain, but that also achieve a deeply relaxed state of mind” said iShbel.

Your local scrapbooking shop, providing friendly service, regular workshops and a variety of your favourite scrapbooking and papercraft products. A self serve photo kiosk is now available instore. SHOP 5, 123 PARKES ST, HELENSBURGH (at rear of Arcade)

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iShbel Compaganoni

“My clients often report that at the end of a treatment they feel better able to cope with whatever challenges they face in their lives. This is because the body and emotions are so intertwined – you can’t work on one without affecting the other.” “Flourish means to grow well, be healthy and to thrive. My aim is to support the local community by providing exceptional remedial massage as a vital part of attaining good health and wellbeing.” Through clinical practice and ongoing study, iShbel has developed a passion for the field of natural health therapies. She holds diplomas in remedial massage (with sports & myofascial massage) and Thai massage and is currently studying nutritional medicine and naturopathy. Flourish was previously operating from Stanwell Park before iShbel moved to the ‘Burgh with her husband Tom and baby daughter Iona. The Flourish remedial massage clinic is run from a private studio on The Crescent, close to Helensburgh train station. Appointments can be made on weekday mornings and weekends including Sundays. To make an appointment, purchase a gift voucher or find out more information call iShbel on 0449 518 110. Health fund rebates are provided for every treatment. Helensburgh & District Herald 15

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS ‘Party On’ With Symbio Symbio Zoo has created a new outdoor entertaining area at the front of the main foyer, especially for hosting parties. The inaugural party for lucky birthday girl ‘Ella’ (aged 4) from Caringbah featured ‘close encounters’ with Mia the koala and some of her lucky guests were able to bottle feed a little Joey. The party facility is the brainchild of Matt Radnidge, Symbio Wildlife Park Manager. At the launch party Matt explained “We are able to customise the animal ‘close encounters’ for each group, with everything from crocodiles to the more ‘cuddly’ looking animals.” The packages will also cater for corporate events, Christmas parties and special interest groups. “We wanted to create an environment where mum and dad can just ‘turn up’ and everything is taken care of” said Symbio Director John Radnidge. Details of the packages can be found on the Symbio website at: www.symbiozoo.com.au

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD To enquire about sharing your next special event with a crocodile or a koala (to name just a few) contact Symbio Zoo on 4294 1244 or email guestservices@symbiozoo.com.au

‘Pirate’ Angus (age 4) enjoys a cuddle with Mia the koala at the new Symbio party area

16 Helensburgh & District Herald



Helensburgh & District Herald 17

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Networking - Critical Business Skills By Sally-Anne Blanshard, Nourish Coaching Did you know? Networking counts for 87% of business in the marketplace There are two types of people in the worldthose you know and those you don’t know YET! To get the most out of any networking opportunity, you should be organised, interesting and engaging. Here’s an overview of how to prepare and get the best out of your investment of networking time. Get organised - There are a few things you need to do before attending a networking event : * Make sure you have up to date business cards. If you are running low, or your details have changed, now is the time to order new ones. * Prepare a 5-10 second introduction about your organisation, your job and yourself. Practise this so it sounds natural and interesting. * Prepare a couple of ice-breakers (make sure you read the local newspaper or watch the news) * Dress casually, but professionally – you never get a second chance at a first impression.

18 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD * Once you’ve arrived at the event, you should check out the complete attendee list and note people or businesses who you’d like to have a conversation with. One in four strangers you meet at networking events will become prospects, clients or referees Engage - During the event, seek out people you find interesting and introduce yourself. People like to meet new people, but most feel awkward about starting a conversation. So, be active – don’t wait for someone to approach you. Try not to act like a shark…out to catch their victim! * Act like the host not the guest…it works! Introduce other people, welcome others into your group. * Always ask open-ended questions – the ones that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. * If you exchange business cards, capture on the back what you discussed, and any other things that will make you remember this person. * Circulate – set yourself a goal for how many people you want to meet. If yuou are investing $50 and your time try and get a return. Remember that quality is better than quantity. Don’t race around just to meet your ‘numbers’ and hand our business cards for the sake of it. * Sit at a table where you don’t know anyone. If you are there with people you know, don’t sit together, you can sit and chat together any other day of the week. * Talk with the speakers that you have an interest in. Don’t be shy. Most speakers like the acknowledgement of an interest in their topic. Follow up - After the event: * Send a follow-up email to the people you connected with. * Reiterate what you found interesting about what they had to say and send on any relevant links or articles you may have discussed. * If appropriate, offer to catch up in a face-toface meeting. * Think of your ‘new’ network as a series of connections which can link you to other people. When developing your business referencing a ‘common friend or associate’ is very powerful. Treat networking events as a bank account, the more you can invest in time and effort to meet and connect with people, the more you can withdraw at a later date.



Helensburgh & District Herald 19



Sugar And Spice And All Things Nice

Otford Public School

Darkes Forest resident, Phuong Ralphs has just launched her gourmet cake making business called, ‘Little Lily Cakes’. Some locals will already be familiar with Phuong’s work, as she recently made the Raya Thai’s stunning 10th birthday cake. “I have been making cakes for around seven years and my friends and family suggested they were so good I should make them for sale” said Phuong. Phuong has also refined her skills over the last 12 months, mastering the art of making delicate edible flowers from sugar. Phuong can make birthday cakes, wedding cakes, gourmet cupcakes and is now taking orders for deluxe Christmas cakes. Depending on your requirements, Phuong can take orders five days prior to delivery and can deliver to your home in the 2508 area. Specialty cakes start from around $60 and gourmet cupcakes start at $30 per dozen. Gluten free also available. For more information contact Phuong Ralphs on 0421 390 442 or littlelily12@hotmail.com

What an outstanding Spring fair the organisers of the Otford Public School ‘Artisan’ fair provided us, it was a big event for our smaller local school! The (exhausted) fete organisers were unable to ‘gather their thoughts’ and submit written ‘thank yous’ to all the helpers and sponsors in time for this edition. Please be assured that the organisers and school are very grateful for the turnout, support and weather on the day! Some wonderful photographs captured all the fun and excitement, stay tuned for more in the November HDH.

Special Offer For HDH Readers

ymbio! S o t n i g Sprin

Outstanding local cake making, Phuong Ralphs displays her skills

20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Present this ad to receive 20% off entry For up to 2 adults & 2 children One use per family, valid until 1.12.11



Helensburgh Students Go Green Thanks To Mine Grants Students at four Wollondilly and Helensburgh schools are learning about bush tucker, regenerating native bushland and building fish ponds and lizard lounges with the help of the region’s mining industry. St Helen’s Park Public School and Thirlmere Public School in Wollondilly and Helensburgh Public School and Holy Cross Catholic Primary School have received a total of $3,000 from local miners BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal, Peabody Energy and Xstrata Coal. These ‘EnviroSmart’ grants help teachers and their students develop these projects which, while on a much smaller scale, are based on the environmental management plans in place at all local mining operations. NSW Minerals Council Deputy CEO Sue-Ern Tan said that the EnviroSmart program inspires school children to think about the environment and look after their local school grounds. “EnviroSmart promotes sustainable environmental practices and challenges students

to think carefully about the impact they have on their local environment,” Ms Tan said. “The mining industry is stepping up to the challenge of reducing its environmental impacts. We’re also encouraging these students to think about how they can do the same in their own schoolyards.” “Whether it’s at mine sites, at home or in our schools, we can all manage and minimise our impacts on the environment for everyone’s benefit.” School environmental projects in the local area include: • Helensburgh Public School will revegetate surrounding bushland corridors and introduce bushland environmental sustainability lessons. • Holy Cross Catholic Primary School will install two fish ponds and create a “luxury lizard lounge”, to be maintained by senior students.


(limited time)


Mr Damien Hodge (Environment & Community Coordinator, Peabody Metropolitan Colliery), Ms Kerrin Cronin (Principal, Holy Cross) And Holy Cross students

Call Carl today

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e. bellashuttersandblinds@gmail.com Helensburgh & District Herald 21



Street Art Combines With 100 Years Of Guiding !

By Heather Fisher You may have noticed the wonderfully decorated garden pot located outside Bi-Lo celebrating 100 years of World Guiding in 2010. Helensburgh Girl Guides, under the creative supervision of Leader, Jenelle McWilliam, have designed and decorated this pot that has been donated to the town by Bi-Lo. The beautiful mosaic work has been painstakingly accomplished and will stand as a lasting reminder of guiding in our area, as well as being an attractive work of street art for the town. Girl Guides have been part of the Helensburgh community for many years, providing valuable life and leadership skills to local girls, many of whom are now young women with children of their own. Guiding provides terrific personal challenges, skill and leadership development, as well as fun for all girls. Units consist of Brownies (7-10), and Guides (11-15 years). Older girls who are keen to develop their outdoor skills of lightweight camping, caving, abseiling etc. can go on to Ranger guides until they are 18. Women over 18 years of age are welcome to become guide leaders. International, as well as national and state opportunities abound for girls and women in guiding. 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

Helensburgh Guides are particularly skilled at water activities – we go canoeing and kayaking often at Bindaree, our boat shed on the Woronora River. In October each year, we join Guides and Scouts at a weekend camp at Kurnell for the Regional Boree/Regatta. We have the makings of our own raft which we lash together on the beach then race for the coveted trophy (which we have won more than once!) There are currently some places available in our Junior and Senior units and we are also seeking women who might be interested in becoming unit helpers or guide leaders – no prior experience or knowledge of guiding is needed as full training is provided. The unit would not exist without these terrific women giving of their time and experience to the girls, so please consider joining us. Helensburgh Guides will have a stall at the Lions Club Fair on Saturday October 29, and will also be fundraising with the Gingerbread Houses and Christmas Trees in December. Look out for flyers on these events and drop into our stall at the Fair to find out more. Orders for the Gingerbread House kits, or information about Guides in Helensburgh can be found via District Leader, Heather Fisher on 4294 3289 or email heatherblue99@hotmail.com



CHEERS to Isabella from Otford road, who is also a pupil of Heathcote High, for going to the effort of finding the owner of a mobile phone found on the afternoon train. A big thank you! It was very much appreciated. JEERS to the developer who called out an objector’s name at an IHAP (Independent Hearing Assessment Panel) after the resident entered the meeting to try and embarrass them, only to be put in their place by the IHAP Chairperson and ended up embarrassing themselves. CHEERS to the person who found my filled-out banking slip and cheque I had dropped on voting day. They later handed it in. Thanks! JEERS to residents in Stanwell Tops having to pay a ‘storm water levy’ for the last few years, but not receiving any storm water services, especially around Henry Halloran Park!


From the ‘Helensburgh Coalminer’. Well done to all our local sport teams! What a great year. JEERS to the teenagers that trashed the CWA Hall at Stanwell Park after their party, later kicking in walls and smashing windows. Thanks to those idiots, the cost to honorable people wanting to use the hall may have to increase. CHEERS to the Helensburgh beautification project. The roundabout looks so nice this spring! CHEERS to Aaron Calver our local Soccer star who was selected to represent Australia for the ‘Joeys’ in the Asian Cup Qualifiers, Well done!

Edmond Makhlouf Pty Ltd T/A



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Ph: 4294 1045 Helensburgh & District Herald 23

YOUTH NEWS Helensburgh Public School By Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal It is time to enrol for Kindergarten 2012. Our Kinder Orientation Program begins on Friday 21st October 2011. For more information contact the school on 4294 1332 or 4294 1050. Enrolment forms can also be downloaded from http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/gotoschool/ enrolment/index.php In October we will send out a letter to all who are enrolled with further information. Stage 2 and 2/3 C excursion to Wattamolla 1/9/11 Class 2/3C and stage 2 visited Wattamolla in Royal National Park as part of their Aboriginal Studies of places in our local area. The children enjoyed face painting, bush walking, bug catching in the lagoon, Aboriginal story telling and learning about bush tucker and native animals. A wonderful day was had by all and some children wrote a recount of their experiences. One such recount was written by Chelsea G in year 3. The Royal National Park ,Wattamolla. On Thursday 2/3C went on an excursion to Wattamolla. We learnt all about the Aboriginal people. First we looked at the animals that live in the National Park. Then we went into the bush where we saw birds flying from tree to tree. One of the

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD leaders blew a bird whistle and the birds talked back to it. It was really funny. Next we went on the big rock at Wattamolla and looked over the edge to the sea. We drew a picture of the gigantic rock and the beautiful blue sea. After that we went back to the camp site and got on the bus to go back to school. We played handball and went home. We had a lovely excursion. Class 1K and University student visits By Narelle King, Relieving Assistant Principal 1K was fortunate to have two visits from Wollongong University students who are studying, “Children’s Literature in the Early Primary Years”. On the first visit by the university students the children in 1K had written first drafts in their story writing. The children shared their stories with the university students who then gave them ideas about ways that they could improve upon them. For example, perhaps they could have improved on the names of the characters or stimulated some more ideas on how to create better illustrations. The children then showed the university students their progress. They worked together and finally published stories into a hand made book. The second visit by the university students involved everyone sharing published stories with each other. The children enjoyed talking to the students and listening to them. It was a real success for the children in 1K who thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the university students. It was also a wonderful experience because the children’s story writing skills improved immensely. Thank you to Jessica Mantei from Wollongong University for bringing her students and also to Kim Restante for helping to organise this. Finally, a big thank you to the students for all their hard work. Well done! Left: Class 1K and students from University of Wollongong

24 Helensburgh & District Herald

CLUB NEWS Helensburgh Daytime View Club At our August View Club luncheon we farewelled our long time member Lyn Negal who moved to Tasmania. One of the View Club’s activities was knitting for the premi-babies and Lyn did some beautiful knitting which was so appreciated. We will miss Lyn at our luncheons and wish her well. Helensburgh View Club’s September luncheon was enjoyed by all with Kerrie Payne chairing our Trivia Quiz morning. The members enjoyed lots of laughs with lots bonus prizes for our Trivia winners. The View Club members enjoyed the performance of “A Chorus Line” at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre and a special thank you must go to Chris for organizing these excursions. With regret we have to inform anyone that had booked with us for “Hairspray” that the show has been cancelled for the third time of re-booking. Our next excursion is in October, a luncheon on the “Tom Thumb” while cruising the Port Hacking. We are now taking bookings for “Annie” on the 17 March 1012 at the Lyric.

1st Consultation Free !

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD For enquiries please ring Chris 42941103. There is no View Club luncheon on the 18th October due to our excursion on the Port Hacking River. Our next Luncheon is on the 15th of November where we will have a guest speaker and bookings or cancellations for our luncheon can be made to Virginia (4294 1312) by the 9th of November 2011. All visitors are welcome to join us at the Centennial Hotel, Helensburgh at 11.00am.

Stanwell Park U3A Stanwell Park U3A recently celebrated their 6th birthday with a luncheon prepared by local Ethiopian Refugees now settled in Wollongong. We were fortunate to eat traditional Ethiopian food, lamb stew, a delicious cabbage dish, rice, a special vegetarian dish, fascinating bread, and a coffee ceremony. This was preceded by a session of our favourite poems including Henry Lawson, Kipling and some Haikus. If you think you would like the diverse range of topics, friendly people, magnificent setting at Hargrave House, wonderful healing music each week or you have something to share, then you are very welcome to join us. Next term begins on Monday October 10 at 9.30am. Here is the program: Mon.10 Oct: Matthew Flinders Betty Warn Mon.17 Oct: Go Back Home(DVD) Geoffrey Reid Mon.24: Oct Mrs Carey’s Concert Harry Slip Mon.31: Oct Alms Houses in Ancient Hospitals in England John Durban Mon.7: Nov Seven Wonders of the World Virginia Cawsey Mon.14: Nov Actor Gulpilil Geoffrey Reid Mon.21: Nov Trying to understand the Israeli/Palestine Situation David Goss (Former Ambassador to Israel) Mon.28: Nov Secret Lives of the Great Composers Jenny Lee-Robins Wed. 30: Nov Xmas Party Thirroul Every Monday at 11am we enjoy a wonderful program of musical highlights as well. We accept visitors on a casual basis to join us any time. For further information please contact Jenny Lee-Robins on 4294 3475. Helensburgh & District Herald 25

CLUB NEWS Helensburgh Toastmasters Toastmasters is an International club divided into small sections that meet regularly to assist in talking to groups of people and also assists in Leadership Skills. The group also can assist you in making speeches at functions, like your child’s 21st birthday party or Wedding. The Helensburgh Toastmasters meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7.00pm at the Helensburgh Workers Club in the main auditorium. You are welcome to come along and just listen in if you like. Therefore, if you job involves talking to groups of people and you want to improve your skills in delivering your message, then come along and watch some excellent public speakers in action. After you become a member (fee is a few dollars a fortnight) you are supplied with a Leadership and Communications Booklet which assists you in reaching you goals. For further information, visit the Toastmasters website on www.toastmasters.org.au where you can view promotional videos or email Steven at woononahotwater@bigpond.com

Passion, Persistence, Integrity Knowledge & Team Work

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Fellowship of First Fleeters South Coast Chapter By Betty Warn On August 2nd the Chapter celebrated it’s 10th Birthday and also “Winter Warm Day”. Ten tables covered with white tablecloths and decorated with fresh flowers were occupied by the 45 people present. For lunch we had a choice of seven homecooked soups served with crusty bread. Desert was a choice of sticky date and walnut pudding or fruit crumble, topped with custard or ice cream. A DVD of the last 10 years compiled by Bob Rickards played throughout the day. A very large birthday cake suitably decorated , was cut by Jon Fearon; Chapter and Liason Officer. Six foundation members were present and all marvelled at how quickly 10 years had passed. Jean Mortimer is compiling a book on those years, to be completed in 2012. What a great day! It was wonderful to look back on past excursions and meetings. My own thoughts were of the companionship and friendships I have enjoyed over the years. For this I can only offer a sincere “Thank You”. Why not come and join us? Enquiries, please phone Betty Warn. 4294 2735.

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CLUB NEWS WAVES 2508 NEWS Waves would like to thank everyone for the support given to our Fathers Day raffle. The winners were: 1st M Fletcher, 2nd P Fagerstrom, 3rd M Blackwell. All prizes have been claimed. Parcels are still being sent to our troops in Afghanistan. In excess of 100 parcels have been sent so far and from all reports these parcels are welcomed by the troops.

Travis Whitten, recently returned from Afghanistan, is pictured thanking Veteran and WAVES member Bill (Comet) Trayhurn for the parcels he received while on his tour of duty.

We have now completed the profiles on the Vietnam Veterans that formed WAVES, we now present profiles on some of our members that served in World War 11. This month we feature Pat MacRae, a former member of the RAAF who served during World War II. Pat moved to Helensburgh in 2008, two years after the death of his wife of 54 years, Laureen. He made the decision to move here to be closer to his three daughters and their families. He began his work life at age 15 with City Council as a clerk in 1940 and with the expectation that World War II would involve Australia for an extended period; Pat joined the Air Training Corps in 1941 at the ripe old age of 16, with an ambition to enlist for flying duties with the RAAF.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD At the age of 18 he began armed services life having been accepted as an aircrew trainee. After many months of intense training he qualified as a wireless operator – air gunner or W.A.G.s; as they were known. It should be recognised that this position within the aeroplane was without a doubt extremely dangerous. The crew of four airman consisted of Pilot, Navigator – Bomb aimer, and two W.A.G.s, who protected the aeroplane from attack by enemy aircraft. Pat was posted to No8 Beaufort Bomber Squadron, where he carried out operational duties in the Pacific Zone. His crew took part in over 100 Bombing raids and several antisubmarine patrols. They also gave support to the 6th Division A.I.F. landings, in co-operation with Royal Australian Navy ships, at both New Britain and Wewak (New Guinea). Following his demobilisation from the Air Force he made a career within Local Government Administration for 48 years. Pat welcomed the formation of WAVES 2508 and is enthusiastic about its constitution to assist with service entitlements, participate in local social enterprises for its members and to provide continuing support for our servicemen and women in Afghanistan.

Is Yours The Best Home-Made Jam, Pickle Or Spread? Enter The Helensburgh Lion’s Club ‘Home Grown’ competition to find out if your secret recipe really is the best in Helensburgh. Your home-made jams, pickles and spreads will be sampled and judged by a very discerning public! Entry forms will be available from October 1, from Bryan Millar at his raffle table and outside the Post Office. Each entry is only $1 and this is to be included with your form and jam, pickle or spread and delivered to Bede Parkes at 83 Parkes St Helensburgh by Wednesday October 26. While there is no celebrity cooking contract for our winner, we’re sure you will be happy to bask in the glory and title of ‘Helensburgh Home Grown Champion’ See you at the Fair!

Helensburgh & District Herald 27

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 ALISON ROWE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: Local child & adult psychologist performs assessments, counselling, behaviour management, parenting skills, lifestyle coaching, legal & workers compensation reports, education and training. Medicare & health fund rebates available. Contact Alison 0409 602 430 or alisonrowe@tpg.com.au HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. occitania.holiday@gmail.com 500 BUSINESS CARDS $98: Designed and Delivered. Local Print, Web and Logo Designer. Flame Fish Designs 0403 397 751 facebook. com/flamefishdesigns LAWNMOW: A reliable short back and sides lawn tidy. Whippersnip; catching or mulching lawns, etc. One off or regular. Free Quotes! Burgh local resident. Est. 2001. PH. Alan 4231 4019 or 0429 030 220. BIOPET ORGANIC DOG FOOD Adult – 4 x 1.25kg $24.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Puppy – 6 x 1.25kg $38.90 or ($7.30 per bag) Vegan – 6 x 1.25kg $34.90 or ($6.90 per bag) Adult – 8kg bag $26.90, Puppy – 8kg bag $28.90 When you spend over $50.00 on an order receive a box of bones complimentary!! Free delivery - call Karen’s Pet Care 0419 432 482 or email kpetcare@tpg.com.au FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-11.30am. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Tara 0416 006 122

28 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD FLOURISH REMEDIAL MASSAGE CLINIC: By appointment, weekday mornings and weekends (Inc Sundays)40 mins: $50 1 hour $70 1.5hrs: $100 Health fund rebates. Call iShbel on 0449 518 110 ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED: GOING OVERSEAS FOR CHRISTMAS? Accommodation required for December and January for Scottish grandparents. Ideal for someone going overseas - place, pets and plants looked after. Happy to pay reasonable contribution to rent and expenses. Call iSh on 0449518110. TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. Phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. www.aussiefarmers.com.au ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 LAWN MAGIC *lawn care & edges * Weed control *Hedge Trimming * Waste Removal * Gutter Cleaning * Water Blasting * Garden Mulching *Planting of plants * Watering Gardens . Fully Insured .Pensioner Discount, Free Quote ASK KYLE!!! Phone 04333772443 CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652. CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced. Hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Call Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FOR SALE: WASHING MACHINE, HOOVER Boss 2305L, 7kg $50 call 4294 2864 or 0407 038 799. FOR SALE: SKI JACKET, New, “The North Face”, Large, red outer, black internal zip off jacket, $100, call 4294 2864 or 0407 038 799.


CLASSIFIEDS / BLUEGUM DIARY STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *Based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *all classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) www.stanwellpark.net. au/taichiyogapilates DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH offering heated hydrobath, grooming and full clipping services since 2006. Phone Robyn for appointment 0428 829 788. PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Wendy 0403 397 751. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies. Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919

MINI CAR MADNESS: mobile slot car track, great for kids parties or young at heart, fetes, fundraisers, school hols fun and corporate. Ages 5-12 years. Great rates ph 4294 3494 or 0414 943 494 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Ask me how you can have FREE books of your choice! Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or avf3@hotmail.com GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 THIS ODD LI’L SHOP Great range of products including hand-made candles and soaps using environmentally friendly ingredients, sterling silver jewellery, crystals and gemstones, hand-painted artwork, hand-knitted items and more. For enquiries, please ring Jenni 0438 741 964

Blue Gum Diary 8-9 OCTOBER - Scarborough Art Show, Scarborough Public School, 10am - 4pm 9 OCTOBER - Helensburgh Village Market 13 OCTOBER - Helensburgh Community Centre Inc AGM, 1.30pm in the Meeting Room of the Community Centre. 18 OCTOBER - VIEW - No Meeting (Hacking River Cruise) 28 OCTOBER - Holy Cross Golf Day and Dinner 29 OCTOBER - Lions Club Fair, Charles Harper Park Helensburgh, 10am ‘Grand Opening’ 4pm, ‘The Grand Parade’. 13 NOVEMBER - Stanwell Park Festival of Flight, 9am - 5pm 15 NOVEMBER - VIEW Meeting and Lunch, 11am, Centennial Hotel 19 NOVEMBER - Holy Cross Street Stall Helensburgh & District Herald 29



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Helensburgh & District Herald 35



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SPORT I Want To Lose Weight And Tone Up …But By Elaine Bolton As a Personal Trainer, I’ve heard them all – excuses that is! But telling my clients what to do, even how to do it, doesn’t help much in the initial stages of changing their behaviour. However, lots of people have lost weight and kept it off, previous coach potatoes have run marathons, and seniors have found themselves fitter than when they were forty. So how did they do it? Here is a process I use with my clients, based on a method by psychologist Dr. Michael Pantalon. The first thing is to realise it is entirely up to you. You don’t have to eat vegetables, exercise every day or get eight hours sleep each night. The choice is yours. Goals based on other peoples wants are rarely successful in any case and we’re even more unlikely to change our behaviour if our freedom to choose is threatened – we all dislike being told what to do! So can I ask - Why do you want to lose weight/ tone up/etc. (insert your own goal here)? – and why would that be important to you? You can then assess your motivation to make the changes necessary to achieve your goal. How ready are you to change - on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means “not ready at all” and 10 mean “totally ready”? If you picked a number higher than 1, why didn’t you pick a lower number? It seems that at least some part of you wants to take action. What’s that part about? Now, imagine that we could wave a magic wand and the change just happened, no cost, no effort, it just magically happened! What would the positive outcomes be? Why are these outcomes important to you? You can delve deeper here by asking yourself this same question to each answer you give. For example, “I would like to lose weight so I can run faster. I would like to run faster so I can enjoy competing in triathlons. I want to compete in triathlons because it will give me an immense sense of satisfaction to do something I never thought I would be able to do” What’s the next step, if any? Just one small baby step will take you on the path to achieving your goals. For more information contact Elaine on 0417 679 639 or physicalpursuit@bigpond.com.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Zumba At The Park Want to whip yourself into shape before stepping out on the sand this summer? Why not try Zumba?.. You may not be blessed with J-Lo’s bootylicious backside, but that’s no hindrance to getting out of your Snuggy and onto the Zumba dancefloor. Zumba is a high-energy combination of hypnotic Latin-American music and easy to follow dance moves. Suitable for people of all fitness levels, Zumba has proven to be effective in helping you slim down and tone up. Before participants know it, they’re getting fit and their energy levels are soaring! “I have had clients lose up to 11kg in a few months through Zumba alone,” says local Zumba instructor Ashleigh Keep, “it’s just a really fun and easy way to lose weight - it doesn’t even feel like you’re doing exercise!” Trained in dance for 18 years, Ashleigh teaches Zumba in Stanwell Park. “I love the way you feel after stepping out of a class, you feel so much better about yourself and know you have had a great workout.” So, if you want to shed some unwanted winter kilos before summer or just increase your fitness levels overall, come and join Ashleigh’s Zumba class at Stanwell Park. For all enquiries, please call Ash on 0422 712 430. Where: Stanwell Park Surf Club (upstairs) Beach Road, Stanwell Park (at the very end of the street) When: every Wednesday 7-8pm

Helensburgh & District Herald 37

SPORT HELENSBURGH WOMEN’S BOWLS By Joan Gardner for Beatrice Gallagher Just a few snippets from last month’s news. 19 July: Queen of the Green today was won by Rhonda Christie with r/up Carol Dixon. Paul Smith took some lovely photos of us in our new shirts. We really look the part out on the green. Thanks to Judith Starky for organising our new uniform and to Paul for taking and developing the photos. 22 July: Our social organiser, Robyn Single has done it again! The Christmas in July function held at the club for the lady bowlers and their partners was a great success. Robyn kept us entertained with trivia questions and guessing games. Carol Dixon won the champagne donated by Violet and George Jardine took home the lolly jar from the guessing competition. Unfortunately, Lenore is still guessing just where he hid them. Thanks Robyn a fabulous night was had by all! A letter of thanks was received from the Helensburgh Rural Fire Brigade acknowledging a donation of $200.00 from the Ladies Bowling Club. 16 August: The day started out warm and sunny but as usual, we had cloud cover and a few drops of rain, however nothing can dampen our spirits. Queen of the Green was again won by Rhonda Christie with Joan Gardner r/up, a very enjoyable game. Nominated pairs another close game with Wendy and Carol the victors, r/up Lenore and Helen. Social games were played by our remaining members. 22 August: Seven of our ladies ventured to Towradgi Bowling Club for Gala Day. It was raining when we left the ‘Burgh but as usual it was fine when we arrived at Towradgi. Towradgi have three greens and 15 rinks were taken up on the day with triples games (90 players). It was a great day, full of fun and friendship. Lunch was luscious. Thanks to Lenore, Wendy, Judith, Violet, Robyn Single, Roma and Joan for representing our Club. 23 August: Quite a nice day to play bowls for a change. Raining when we arrived but once the weather fined up it was great, although the green was very heavy at the start. Nominated pairs was won by Judith Starky and Roma Henham with runners up Shirley Cassidy and Rhonda Christie. The remainder of the members played social games. 38 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD It was great to see Robyn Smith surface to come and join us for lunch. Nice to see your smile. 30 August: We are gradually working our way through the nominated pairs with another round played with the lead changing once again and Robyn Single and Violet West the victors and Judith Starky and Roma Henham r/ up. 1st September: Five of our members played at Corrimal for “Pink” day for cancer research and although they did not come away prize winners, all had a lovely time, playing 3 ends of 10 games changing teams as they went. Helensburgh Worker’s Sports and Social Club is the venue where our lady bowlers meet at 9.30am each Tuesday. Lots of fun and companionship as well as “fresh” air and sunshine is enjoyed by all. Why not come along and join us, you will be most welcome. There are plenty of bowls available if you would just like to see if you enjoy this great sport. Please contact our Secretary, Lenore Bartlam on 42 94 1472 for further information.


SPORT SUNDAY GOLF By Vicki ‘The Hair’ Little Golf, golf and golf! In the last few months we've been playing twice a month. I bet you wives are impressed, especially playing on Father's Day. Well planned boys! I must admit it has been most enjoyable. The days are slowly getting warmer, so we're not freezing, "you know what" off! Flicking through a golf magazine I noticed an attachment to put on your golf club, it measures your stroke type, the impact angle and tempo. Goodness, what will they think of next. How technical everything is getting. Golf's hard enough without all that garbage, apart from looking like an idiot. Maybe we could get one for a prize, ha ha! Our Father's Day was special, as we had Blake O'Connor, "Chucky's" son, join us for the game. Maybe next year we can get more sons and fathers to come, I think it would be great. The winner was Jammu Fagerstrom, making his day. Trev Chipper came 2nd and Craig "Kung Fu" Nicholl coming 3rd; all winning a little extra

Father's Day pressy. On Sept 18 we played a game called "Criers & Whiners", and boy, I was the biggest whiner going; what a dumb game in my opinion! Chucky O'Connor wasn't whinging, taking out 1st place and Ned "hit me with a golf ball" Campbell, 2nd. Dave Flewin came 3rd. Those boys of course loved the game. As well as all that going on we are still into our Championships. Good luck everyone. The confused golfer quote: "A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work" LOL - Vicki "the hair" Little.

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www.stop-csg-illawarra.org Helensburgh & District Herald 39

SPORT Helensburgh Tigers RLFC Well what a season for the Mighty Helensburgh Tigers, 2 Premierships a Grand Finalist, Finalist and Major Semi Finalist, meaning all 5 Senior teams played in the Illawarra Carlton League Finals Series in our Centenary Year. From the executive committee, to the coaching staff, managers, trainers, water runners, ballboys and girls, and especially the players, you have all done your local town proud. The supporters who (as always) came out in force this year and especially during the Finals series, watched their Club march into 2nd place on the Club Championship, second only to Wests. With the girls kicking off the GF celebrations, beating last year’s undefeated Champions, University. Our Inaugural Women’s team had a huge win 48-10, well done to all involved! The 18’s were unfortunate to lose Captain Toby Dent and Halfback, Harrison Day coming into the Semis and that made it very tough. Going down to Shellharbour in the first semi, they took on a “new” Thirroul Butchers, and just when we thought we were starting to get into the game, several mistakes, cost us. Once again, season ending injuries, at the business end of the year, did not help, however the boys can be proud of their efforts and they never stopped giving it their all. Well done boys! Regis had a great year and were crowned Minor Premiers. Heading in to the GF qualifier, again injuries throughout the Club, saw them take on Thirroul and unfortunately were defeated. With a second chance against Wests a titanic battle ensued. Once again, it wasn’t to be. Congratulations to the Regis, they stuck together through thick and thin and again the Club thanks you and are proud of you. With 1st Grade having had a mammoth season, a plethora of Illawarra representatives, supplying the Captain of the Illawarra side, Wade Humphries, we headed into the first GF qualifier against the Paul McGregor coached ‘West Devils’. The benchmark team of the year; Wests, had a slow start to the year and came home firing. Going down, the signs were there and we knew we could match it with them. Playing Thirroul in the Final, all that were there, witnessed one epic battle. Thirroul played their best football and came at the Tigers all day. Coming down to the final 40 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD minutes of the game and a score line of 22 all, field goal attempts were flying everywhere. When the final whistle sounded, both team’s supporters were both apprehensive and excited at the golden point. As it went into Golden point extra time and the Tigers headed towards the ‘Butchers’ try line, Eamon Hillen positioned himself. Wade Humphries feigned to pass, selling the markers a huge dummy and potted the winning field goal to take the boys into the GF. The huge Tigers crowd, stood as one and roared their loudest! With ‘VB Cup’ earlier, beating Shellharbour, to take on 3rd Grade Champions, Port Kembla in the GF, a huge crowd was assured. Bernie’s boys, being backed up by several u18’s played very strong footy and the Port players and supporters knew they would be in for a tough GF. Grand final day, and the buses were being loaded. With Wests having won the 18s, our VB Cup ran out to take on Port. In a fantastic effort, the boys stunned the Blacks, who were not allowed to get in to the game.

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SPORT They went on to win the game comfortably and bring home the Trophy. Ryan Haran was named player of the match, with top efforts right across the park. Luke Thorpe McGuire was awesome, with Adam ‘Doey’ Doherty, pulling off some massive hits, well lead by Gavin Lennon and evergreen Steven Laws. With Wests winning reserve grade, our firsts took on the might of the Illawarra in Wests. A couple of mistakes on our line from the kick off and Wests extended their lead. Hitting back again, it seemed just as we would get close, they would cross for another. The boys, as they have done all year, did our Club and our area proud. Playing against such a strong team with a Leagues Club backing their strength, Wests took out 3 of the 4 GF, but they didn’t get it all their own way in 1sts. Helensburgh can be more than proud of what they have achieved this year. We are an area, where we do the best with what we have. As the last few years have proven, money doesn’t mean everything. The player roster that the Club has produced, through that backs to the wall, never say die attitude, continues to grow.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The Committee and the workers of the Club are to be congratulated for creating an atmosphere that draws players from ‘all over’ to play here. Wade Humphries, is also a huge part of this. His knowledge and the way he passes it on to his chargers is fantastic! Ian Donelly was also of great assistance, lifting the likes of local Steve ‘hi tower’ McCallum to play up to his full potential. Brent Sherwin also passed on his years of experience and that is invaluable to our young halves in the Club. So we are in good stead for 2012. Our year is far from over, with the Clubs Presentation on Sunday October 9, to be now held at the Workers Club at 2pm onwards, all are welcome to fill the auditorium and enjoy the afternoon. The 100 year Centenary celebrations will continue with the big night out having to be moved to the 11/11/11, again at the Workers Club. Tickets will be $45 and can be bought at The Centennial Hotel or call Steve Rolfe on 0418 758 099. Go the Tigers!

Helensburgh & District Herald 41



Helensburgh Touch Football News Helensburgh Touch will be commencing its season in October. It is not to late to register your self individually or a team of 12 players, just come along to Rex Jackson Oval on a Wednesday after 6 pm and see Tony or Wrecker or call Andy on 0411 352 830 The competition concludes in February where the four divisional Grand Finals and Games Day will be played Last Season’s Grand Final Results: A Grade - Magpies 4 def Warriors 3 A Grade was a very tight affair with the scores locked at 3 all at full time. The game recommenced with a player dropping off every 2 minutes into extra time. A flash of brilliance by Magpies play-maker Grant Smith put the veteran Ray Murray into a big gap and with his blistering speed he was unstoppable as he grounded the ball, the Magpies went up as one. The Warriors played well, but missed the services of Eamon Hillen who was on St George duty that day. Some of the players tried to unsettle the ref, season campaigner Tony Van Zyl, but he had none of it as he was escorted off the field. B Grade Steve Winners side, The Dancing Wombats proved too strong for The Crushers winning 5 tries to 2. The Wombats just had too much class for the mighty Crushers who were the perennial winners of A Grade for many seasons. The game was refereed by astute league man, Steve Gilmore. C Grade Blackmortons and The Grubs were locked up at one all at half time, but the pressure was on big time on the Grubs. Their Captain/Coach, Brouke McLachlan was the “jinx” as he has never played in a winning grand final game and the curse continues as his team went down 4 tries to 2 in the decider. The boys were devastated but they vowed to back up next season. Josh Overall’s Blackmortons were the better team on the day and deserved the win. The Game was refereed faultlessly by Ray “The Flash” Murray. D Grade There was a murder on this day as Struggle Town 15, flogged The Pub team 5. Pub team spokesman, Chris Fleming said the best thing about the game was; “the breaks they made … one at half time and the other at full time.” 42 Helensburgh & District Herald

Struggle Town were best served by Ash and Royce Clark and old rusty steeler Trevor Kissell, not far behind them was Michael Thompson. The game was refereed by legend Tony Joshland. The Touch Committee headed by Wrecker (Warren De Clouet) kept a sharp eye on this game and came up with the recommendation that this year when the grading’s are done “we reward Struggle Town for their end of season performance in our own special way”. The Handicap points score were won by Greg Gaffney team – the EPODS, and the wooden spoon was won by The Gold Members: ‘Two Hips’.

Monique Napper - 0423 491 538 Sharyn Curry - 0435 808 319 Tom Trewin - 0433 382 027



Helensburgh Student In Australian Boys Hockey Team Helensburgh resident and Smiths Hill High student, Paul Counsell has recently been named in the Australian All Schools Boys Hockey team to tour Europe in March 2012. Paul was selected after representing NSW All Schools at the National All Schools Championship held at Newcastle in August. The All Schools team is selected from players from public and independent high schools from around Australia. There are 7 players from NSW in the team, 5 from Queensland and 3 from VIC and 1 from SA. Paul started playing hockey when he was at Helensburgh Primary and has been a regular in Illawarra and NSW hockey teams for the past 5 years. Paul is a member of the NSW Institute of Sport (NSWIS) Emerging Talent Squad as well Illawarra Sports Academy Hockey program. His first State representative team was the NSW PSSA team while in year 6 at Helensburgh Primary. Since then he has gone on to represent NSW Hockey at Under 13 and 15 age groups, winning National Championships.

Local International Hockey Talent, Paul Counsell

He has been selected in the NSW Hockey under 18 squad for 2012. Paul also represents NSW at indoor hockey. Being part of these representative teams, has given Paul opportunity to travel to Adelaide, Launceston and Bunbury over recent years, but the Europe trip will obviously be the highlight so far. Paul plays Under 17 and 1st Grade for Fairy Meadow in the strong Illawarra competition and for UTS in the Sydney Premier league. The Europe trip with the Australian team will run over 2 weeks and will visit France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands. There will be 7 test matches played. One against France, and two each against German, Belgium and Dutch Under 18 teams. While overseas they will get to take in some of the historical aspects of the region, with day tours in Paris, Cologne as well as battlefield visits around the Somme and Flanders. The tour is being co-ordinated by School Sport Australia, with travel arrangement being made by local Helensburgh travel company, Wanderers Australia Helensburgh & District Herald 43


SPORT Seacliff Hockey Club

Small circles, and pushes only, no hitting , slapping or jinking and no short corners. If you give away a breach in the circle, you are sent to the penalty box for 2 minutes! Then long corner after the breach for an ice hockey style POWER PLAY! 30 minute games, 14 minute halves, 2 minutes for half time (shin pads and mouth guard are required). Costs for this year are $35 for players who were registered with Hockey NSW during winter competition and if you did not play winter hockey then the fee schedule is: Under 9s $47.50, U18s $53.00 and seniors $70.60 (This is to cover HNSW registration and insurance as well as court hire costs). Individuals are encouraged to apply as we try to make all teams similar in standard and put you in a team with players from your area, so you can car pool etc. For more information and how to register, contact us via email on info@seacliffhockey.com. au or visit the website at www.seacliffhockey. com.au Enquiries: Kiralie Allan – Secretary Ph 0403 927 977

Are you interested in playing hockey but not sure where to start? Consider playing in our social summer competition for a friendly introduction to the sport and our club. Seacliff Hockey Club will be conducting a social summer competition at the Helensburgh Tennis and Hockey Centre, Helensburgh. The competition is designed for everyone to have fun, keep fit in the ‘off season’, play with your friends and encourage people who don’t play hockey to come and have a go! The competition will commence in early October and run for approximately 8 weeks (depending on numbers). Matches are of 30 minute duration (2 x 14 min. halves with 2 mins. for half time) and are played on the sand turf pitches at Helensburgh tennis courts. Depending on interest, we hope to have both a junior and senior competition. Rules are simple: 6 a side, no goalie, two males per team allowed on the field at any time maximum, the rest of the team are females.

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