Serc 2015 newsletter

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Basilei Institute Soror Daisy Dailey, Basilei Institute Chairman, convened the certification class. She stated there were 53 Basilei registered. The Supreme Basileus requested a certification class for chapter Basilei. This was the inaugural class. The meditation was taken from John Maxwell—True leaders create more leaders. The chairman spoke about the three Cs (qualities) of leadership—character, consistency, & competence. Legendary leaders—Listen, Encourage, Affirms, Delegates, Empowers, & Respects.

Puzzle piece We were each given a puzzle piece. Then we had to get with each other and try to fit our piece to another person’s piece. The goal was to fit four pieces together. After we found our matches (or didn’t), the presenters asked what some of the challenges were. The replies were: We did not know what the picture looked like; It was hard to communicate what you were looking for; It was hard trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together because not all fit. The presenter stated that is how it is in chapters. Chapter Basilei need to take care of all of the pieces. Just like a puzzle, it is easy to lose some pieces from time to time. It is critical to have core competencies. Vision—You have to give the puzzle to your chapter members. Do they know what the puzzle looks like? Have you communicated it effectively? Do the people in your chapter know where they fit? Similar pieces of the puzzle were the blue sky, aqua ocean, and green grass. But, not all fit and not all were in the picture. You have to engage them and make sure they feel connected.

Olivia Pope—Putting Out Fires The presenter stated , “All chapters have problems. All chapters have issues. It is alright to complain, but come with a solution, or do not complain.” She suggested giving the End of Year report in the beginning of the year and have the chairmen reporting start early and submit it in November. That way the only report you have to wait on is Standards. other chapter members. She stated we need to have new member orientation at the beginning of the year. One chapter stated they have a new member guide. She stated many chapters communicate by emails, texts, phone.

Basilei Institute Continued Remind me apps, chapter websites, and social media. She stated every chapter needs a newsletter and it needs to be sent out quarterly, if not monthly. Make sure you have a good agenda. Everyone does not go on the agenda. Only those who have had a committee meeting prior to e-board and submits a report go on the agenda. Have the presenters stand. Do the business first, then have fun.

Pearl to Pearl The workshop presenter asked how we were disseminating information to how new members and There was a scenario involving “Susie.” Susie does not attend chapter meeting unless it is time for a vote. Then she has multiple questions and comments. The question was how to handle Soror Susie. One answer was to have the Philacter give her a time limit. The answer by the International Parliamentarian was, “Committee work is done in committee meetings. We are accepting, ratifying, and approving committee work at chapter meeting. The eboard brings the recommendations to the chapter from the committee, therefore you do not need a second.” She also stated the Basileus should know everything that is going to be reported before a Soror goes up to the podium. That is the reason for meeting and submitting a report prior to e-board. She also stated there is no discussion without a motion on the floor. The Parliamentarian was asked how you handle a situation where the committee will not have a committee meeting. She restated committees must meet prior to e-board to go on the agenda. She also reminded us the Basileus appoints all committees and committee chairmen and has the option of removing appointments. She restated there needs to be a training session for committee chairs in December, where it needs to be emphasized that it takes every cog in the wheel to work. Another presenter stated the committee needs to present an itemized budget and just because you have money in your line item does not mean you need to spend it. A question was posed, “What do you do when you have no committee chairmen or committee members?” The response was the chapter then becomes the committee. The workshop was very informative and amazing! The workshop was recorded and is available for listening per request. Respectfully submitted, Soror Angela Jupiter-McCon

Plenary Session #1 Let's Communicate and the Rededicate! The Meditation was led by Soror Velma Lois Jones, 13th South Eastern Regional Director. Her meditation came from James1 and Esther14. Her thoughts to us was that we were called for such a time as this to serve all mankind. The Dais Guests were introduce and we were very proud to have our very own Soror Stephanie Barnes Taylor representing us on the Dais. The Sorors of Cluster 3 gave a wonderful welcome presentation entitled Dancing in the Streets. It was very exciting and it made us want more. Soror Minty Rich Ballard gave us a very warm greeting and Soror Wilma J. Ruffin responded. The Choir Sang a soul stirring song and we were ready to move forward. Soror Mary B. Conner, South Eastern Regional Director convened the session. The First Order of Business was a moment of silent prayer for the 17th Supreme Basileus, Larzette G. Hale. Report of Registration Committee : Registered 3256 Attendance 2289 Rules Committee : The conference will be governed by the bylaws, Standard Operations Procedure, and Robert Rules of Order 11 edition. All of the conference rules are written in the Conference Program and Souvenir Book on pages 26-27. The committee announced that Soror Conner was the leader of the convention. The Password was given. There was one concerned: A Soror mentioned that the buses were an issue. Soror Conner responded by saying the bus issue would be addressed.

1st Plenary Session Continued Chapter Roll Call - The only response accepted in the Plenary session was present. Sorors were not allowed to do any special responses when their chapter name was called. The Agenda was approved by common consent. Officers were ratified. Special Presentation Soror Connor made a special appointment - The Soror of the day was Soror Ola B. Hudson. She has remained actively involved since her initiation into Alpha Psi in 1949 (66 years) . Soror Conner recognized Kappa Lambda Omega Chapter. The minutes were adopted and Soror Conner gave the State of the Region. The Regional recognized sorors who are serving internationally from our region.

Rededication was lead by Soror Mattelia B. Gr ays. Due to time challenges, the International Committee Reports (Program, Membership, Standards, and Constitution ) were moved to the next Plenary session.

Second Plenary Session The mediation was done by Soror Nancy G. Sewell and the Greetings were given by Soror Cynthia J Finch. Soror Gwendolyn Sharp introduced our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson. Soror Wilson stated this administration will be based on accountability and transparency. We are experiencing a seamless transition and good business continuity.

State of the Sorority Members of the Sorority adopted the new programs and began to with through the programs with urgency. They were ready to launch the programs and serve their community. She reviewed the 5 targets and she reviewed the MIP process. She has implemented a Risk Management Task force, offering reinstatement training, graduate advisor training and hired an interior redesign group to redecorate the corporate office. A request for proposals was offered for sorors to do this work, they updated the website, completed end of year reports, and offered a grant to chapters who completed their reports on time. She talked about the new bylaws and Standard Operations Procedures manuals that are available. She said that we are up to date on the Taxes for 2007 -2009. She encourage the Sorors to watch the AKA Brand and to use the right symbols. She is inviting all of the undergraduates to a session in Atlanta to make sure they understand the importance of following protocol and the hazing policy by removing unethical behavior from the MIP process. She also talked about the Leadership Development Program entitled, Launch New Dimensions of Leadership: The 4D approach. We were also given a written report from the Supreme Basileus. Continued International Reports from the first Plenary Session: Programs: We viewed a video for Launching New Dimensions of Service and they shared that they have awarded 3499 backpack since Jan. HBCU's have received- $2000.00, they gave seasonal wraps, Act of Green 1908 each year. Global UN and Africare Awards: TZO won two awards - Childhood hunger & Seasonal wraps

Second Plenary Session Continued Membership ReportChanges to Membership Requirements: MIP - 85% retention rate Consumer - Background Check only Electronic - On-line forms environmental - electronic sig, phase two is electronic payment Revised timelines checklists Revised forms regional conference workshops 49,170 MIP surveys 52% completed Survey by Region 3189 Come to workshops at Regionals and at the Leadership Conference MIP then Mentoring. International Standards committee Report Evaluate Ensure - investigation Training I-Team E- Team STAR chapters min 60% Resource Guide 1 above average or a 2 3 not satisfactory and needs improvement evaluated Workshop tomorrow Soror Nelson shared 3 goals for the International Constitution Committee: International Constitution Committee Goals Goal #1 Increased transparency, Goal #2 Innovation and Governance Goal #3 Constitution amendment process. Protocol: Soror Lachell Vaughn - How to get away with Perfect Protocol She advised everyone to become familiar with the newly revised Protocol Manual. She talked about the appropriate titles to be used when addressing the officers at the Regional and National level. She urged us to use appropriate titles in the public. Use the guide as resource. Sisterly Relations - Soror Ernest Code of Conduct - I am you, you are me and we are one. She urged us to do things for our sisters.

Third Plenary Session Madam Supreme Basileus reminded us to try to encourage sorors to attend the undergraduate summit, graduate risk management program is important to take advantage of before something happens. She also talked about a new chapter in Dubai. Soror Doty asked the question, “What lessons have we learned?� Job is the example , he was patient, strong, walked in forgiveness. We have to care for each other , work hard with each other, C4 times more. Always exhibit the fruit of the spirit, what lessons have we learned. Galatians 5:22 (KJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Undergraduate Activities Soror Jitoria Jones Undergraduate activities coordinator - July 2014 meeting in Chicago, worked on Launching new Dimensions, theme - own it launching new dimensions, introduce new logo, truth or myth , they encouraged undergraduates to attend the leadership seminar, short bios on persons running for office, they are doing everything to get other involve by using social media, webinars to meet other sorors from the region etc. they were able to ask questions etc. December leadership fellows, 2016, training, mentoring volunteerism, internship, UAC Basilei conference calls were held, open dialog related to undergraduate , new webpage, endowments are available, follow them on line, Financial Report Sor or Tonisha Fr anklin She held 8 conference calls with the committee. She shared that AKA has 9 funds using fund accounting General Fund is unrestricted, the other funds are restricted. Received a clean audit. 31mill fund balance 27,mil, rev 26mil, expenses 25, mil, income 1.5 mil. the sorority is financially sound. All tax liability have been paid. Ragland Associates, Chapters are now tied to AKA so if you have issues with taxes, the Chapter will work on your behalf if you are following all of the processes and procedures. Regionally: 75 chapters filed their reports. It is very important that all reports are filed accurately and timely. Auditor ask for more information. Chapters have given the information. Southeastern turned in everything. International Connection Committee - Sorors take action focus on civil rights and the like to become a united force for change, 24 month program that is focus on civil social and justice - Action advocate, communicate, train, Influence, Organize, Network, Be the Voice - the voter awareness program, 26,559, south eastern 2000 new voters 468 rides to the polls.

Third Plenary Session Continued AKA Day family strengthening, social justice we will focus on these two targets. Leadership Seminar - Chicago July 16-19 2015, Regional conference, voter rights, need to educate and inform students, nursing homes, jury duty, Technology Report Electronic Surveys Microsoft grant 365 licenses are available AKA App Launched in Boule download the new App Paperless 2015 Expo Logic Real Time reports Private information is so important, hardware, software skilled staff, strategic plan and write your goals, tracking, reporting, evaluating, getting quick results, using bar codes, scanning those codes when folks enter the class so There were several Resolutions Made and passed. Time and place - upcoming conferences: Mobile, Birmingham, Montgomery, Mississippi, East Tenn. Registration State Undergrad Grad AL 802 149 MS 559 715 TN 1330 Gen. 88 other 55 61 delegates 435 437 2500 registered 2053 attendance Regional Service 25,940 items given 922 back packs Philacter - 509.75 - 510.00 late fees collected and given to EAF and Mary B Conner Scholarship

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Carmen Walters

Programs Programs are the heart of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Launching New Dimensions Service will be the target focus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority during this administration with ASCEND being the signature program. During the program workshop, Soror Pamela Bright thoroughly explained the goals and expectations of sorors and chapters as it relates to the LNDS programs. Below are the target areas and goals of sorority members as it relates to each. Target I: Educational Enrichment Members will engage in the sorority’s signature youth enrichment program, ASCEND with efforts designed to motivate, engage and assist high school students in reaching their maximum potential. ASCEND will focus on Achievement, Self-Awareness, Communication, Engagement, Networ king and Developmental Skills. Students in the ASCEND Program will have an opportunity to receive academic enrichment and life skills training to support their journey to college or vocational employment. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will promote the learning process by providing substantial support to students through AKA One Million Backpacks. Members will donate and distribute one million backpacks and related school supplies to students over the four year period. Support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) will be a priority as Alpha Kappa Alpha launches a national campaign, Think HBCU to highlight HBCUs and their contribution to the sorority and society. Through education, engagement and advocacy, HBCUs will be showcased as critical venue for moving students to and through college. Target II: Health Promotion Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will promote health awareness in three areas: Alzheimer's Disease, Stroke and Mental Illness. The Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiver Support Program will generate awareness and support for Alzheimer's programming and research. Alzheimer's disease is one of the fastest growing health challenges among African Americans. Stroke and Heart Disease Awareness will remain a focus area as Alpha Kappa Alpha launches a major stroke prevention awareness campaign with emphasis on hypertension management, diet and exercise. Mental Health will be highlighted as members bring attention to the mental illness among diverse populations with low utilization of mental health services.

Programs Continued Target III: Family Strengthening Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Family Strengthening Programs will target critical issues facing many families, including lack of food, shelter and financial means. Community based Childhood Hunger Initiatives will be launched in partnership with local agencies, food banks and community pantries. The Family Seasonal Wraps Program will be offered as the sorority sponsors a major initiative to collect and donate hats, gloves, socks, scarves, coats, sweaters and other seasonal wraps for families in need.

Fiscal Responsibility Programs will be initiated as members work with partner organizations and families to help increase their understanding of budgeting, basic financial planning and benefits of home ownership. Target IV: Environmental Ownership Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will implement high impact programs to provide healthy environments and improve the quality of life in the underserved communities. The AKA 1908 Playground Project will be launched to ensure children have safe and inviting places to play. Sorority members will restore and renew 1,908 existing community and school playgrounds with its Restore, Refresh and Renew Projectâ„ .

Through its Acts of Green Program members will promote environmental sustainability by encouraging recycling, litter prevention and waste management through daily green efforts in local communities. Target V: Global Impact Sorority members will implement the UNA-USA Global Classrooms Project to prepare today's youth for an increasingly global and complex society. Alpha Kappa Alpha members will work in partnership with the UNA-USA (United Nations Association) to expand under standing of the UN, its mission and focus. A biennial Intergenerational Model U.N. Conference will be convened. Through its renewed Africare partnership, Alpha Kappa Alpha Chapters will implement youth hunger initiatives on the continent of Africa.

Programs Continued Community Impact Days Alpha Kappa Alpha members will implement International Community Service Days annually to highlight the organization’s collective impact in program target areas:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January 19, 2015)  Pink Goes Red for Heart Health Day (February 6, 2015)  1908 Playgrounds Mobilization Day (May 16, 2015)  The Longest Day™ Alzheimer’s Support Activities (June 21, 2015)  Mental Health Awareness Day (July)  Childhood Hunger Awareness Day (October) Community Impact days must be done on the time and date assigned in order to get recognition for participating. To ensure participation, chapters must plan ahead for local chapter activities as it relates to Community Impact days. A test was given to participates “What’s your LNDS IQ” based on our understanding of programs and how to execute the programs, Theta Zeta Omega scored a score of 27, we are labeled as a LNDS Superior Chapter, 30 was the highest score. From the workshop I learned that we are off to a great start as it relates to programs. Most chapters have not launched their ASCEND program, so I am extremely proud of us for being ambitious and ready to serve. Also for our chapter size, we are to donate a annually at least 36 backpacks. As of regional conference we have contributed 54 backpacks to communities. The programs and ASCEND workshop were really informative and motivating. WE ARE OFF TO A GREAT START!

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Ja’Leasa Walden

Membership‌It’s All About You: Strengthening AKA Through Meaningful Intake Process The main points discussed during the Membership workshop included: Sponsor and 3 Co-Sponsor per prospective candidate Guide to Sponsorship Form and Verification of Active Status must be completed 24 consecutive months of active status needed to sponsor a prospective candidate Lead Sponsor must complete/submit appropriate documentation of prospective candidate Co-Sponsors only write letters Prospective Candidates must have a Certified Letter or Embossed Transcript from a college/university It must be determined that 85% of your chapter has to be retained before conducting MIP. The presenter also reviewed directives for conducting an undergraduate MIP. No handouts of any kind were given out. Respectfully submitted,

Soror Angela T. Campbell

Sisterly Relations Workshop Our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson is very passionate when it comes to sisterly relations. She has requested that during her administration each chapter shall establish a Sisterly Relations Committee. The committee will function as a stand alone committee, independent of the Membership Committee. The Sisterly Relations Committee Shall: Encourage all members to model the behavior of integrity, civility, respect and care at the chapter, regional and international levels. Plan and implement activities that will foster and support the core values established in our sisterly relations program and “Soror Code of Ethics” Plan activities in support of the suggested monthly themes on the Sisterly Relations Calendar. Sisterly Relations play a major role in strengthening the bonds that unite Alpha Kappa Alphas Sorors. Each of us must make it a personal goal to foster sisterly relations by “Nurturing our Ivy.” The cornerstone of this Administration is that each soror take a personal oath to promote unity and friendship within the premier sorority founded by African American Women. Respectfully submitted,

Soror Betty Merhundrew

The technology workshop focused on ways to enhance and use technology in the chapter. There are many different and cost effective ways to use technology in the chapter: online survey, electronic invitations, activity sign up, group texting, electronic advertisement and teleconference. In the members only section of the website you can add secure document scanning, online shopping, dues and other payment, attendance tracking and badge scanning. The Basileus should approve everything that is posted on the website and social media websites. There are many apps that can be used for chapter business and the chapter will need to see which option is cost effective. The attendance tracker is a new way to track attendance for chapter meeting instead of having the chapter members sign in. My attendance tracker will allow you to create and assign a barcode to each sorors and then they can be scanned in for attendance. The chapter should also have a “green team� who will be assigned to work to help the chapter go green.

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Anika Bush Morgan

The Strategic Plan workshop focused on writing the chapter strategic plan. The guiding principals on the strategic plan are: Sisterhood Unity High ethical standards Character Respect Communication High scholastic achievement Leadership Education Health Family Arts Technology Economics The key components for the strategic plan are: mission statement vision statement guiding principles strategic goals action plan follow up The strategic plan committee will need to identify the committee, review the mission statement and objective, SWOT analysis/PEST analysis, review the results, SMART goals, define strategies and monitor, review and adjust the plan . The plan is due December 2015. Respectfully submitted,

Soror Anika Bush Morgan

Poised & Polished: Launching New Dimensions of Protocol The following points were discussed in the Protocol workshop: Every chapter should have a Protocol Committee and the Protocol Chairman is appointed by the Chapter Basileus. Chapters should use The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol...Protocol, decent & in order keeps us sound. Pre-planning should be done before each event. Review of Protocol by Protocol Committee should be done regularly. The Local Protocol Committee should ensure that all committees are running programs and/or events in order. Meetings structured in protocol and make Sorors feel comfortable. Protocol is a working committee. AKA Photos...Social Media (Read Guidelines) Check on Esthetics and Privacy (take off badges) No pictures may be taken during Rituals or of ritual materials. Consider Order of Rank for all pictures...just because you were a former Basileus does not mean you should stand front and center... TZO needs a Protocol Committee. For Formal Event Pictures, the Event Chairman, Protocol Chairman and Photographer should meet prior to event. In this manner, the following can be determined: What portions of program will be photographed

Inform the participants when pictures will be taken so that everyone has an opportunity to be included. It's awful to have attended an event all day and NOT to be pictured. Review Program and Schedule, as well as Ritual Setup The Parliamentarian should be the Basileus' right hand. Directly from the mouth of the Supreme Basileus regarding her vision, as well as the AntiBasileus: Programs, Sisterly Relations and Protocol were the most Significant to us! We have a Friendly and Approachable Administration. Correct & rude don't mix!

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Angela T. Campbell

Stroll Out Step Out

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Angela T. Campbell

Awards Gala

And the Regional Award Goes To……. The Ester Rigsby Membership Award was presented to our very own, Soror Bridgette Parks. Soror Bridgette compiled a very craft and creative scrapbook for Regional conference. If you have yet to see this scrapbook, please get with Soror Bridgette. We also received Certificates of Achievement for participating in The Pre -Launch of Launching New Dimensions of Service. Respectfully submitted,

Soror Ja’Leasa Walden

Ecumenical Services: POWER Doing real life today: P: Pursue the Destiny 1. Refuel your heart daily, this keeps your pearls shinny, it frees you and strengthens you for the journey, persistent passionately in pursuit of purpose. 2. Learn to rejoice throughout the day 3. 2nd Timothy, love power, and a sound mind,

O: Oh how I love Jesus, because he first loved me. Optimism - Hopefulness or confidence about the future, faith in God's Power if we are going to serve effectively in his power. Hebrews 11:1 He is the creator of all. Obedience - Compliance with an order, submit, surrender to God's authority to his will for our lives. He has never forsaken us, it will lead to a place of peace. God chose me to love and to serve. Opportunity - A set of circumstances, the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. We must keep our principles and standards high, don't give in to the world around us, quiet resolve, not in aggression, have a graceful stride. W: Worthy - of the task and the challenge Willing - to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable, sacrifice some of our wants and expect nothing in return Wisdom - Proverbs Chapter 2, God gives wisdom, not age or time. Be wise enough to know we need to be quiet and hear, for a just man falls 7 times but gets up. E: Romans 12:2 Evolution - There must be an evolution in you way of thinking in order to have a revolution in you life Empowerment - I must be empowered by God to make a change, I think therefore I am. Engagement - I need to know the word of God, a relationship, love, spend time with him, prayer time, quiet tie, meditation time, emotional commitment. R: Readiness with resilient power : face life challenges without being broken not bitter, run the race with power. 1. Resilient Power - is praying power, a preparation for the journey, God prepares us for everything on our life. 2. Connecting Power - We must stay attached to the vine, connected to each other 3. Sustaining Power - show up, speak up, step up and stand up Let the difficult times bring you closer to God!

Respectfully submitted,

Soror Carmen Walters

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Zeta Omega Chapter P.O. Box 1575 Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Zeta Omega Chapter P.O. Box 1575 Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Theta Zeta Omega Chapter P.O. Box 1575 Ocean Springs, MS 39564

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