Treasuring Our Golden Past: Serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast from 1965-2015 This year, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Zeta Omega Chapter celebrated a milestone, 50 years of Service Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. In 1964, Mississippi was the poorest state in the nation. 86% of all non-white families lived below the national poverty line. Over 50 years since Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was founded, African Americans were still invisible in Mississippi. But, the climate was changing. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. And on August 31, 1964, Biloxi's public schools were integrated through freedom-of-choice desegregation. It was the first act of desegregation in Mississippi. These life – altering events gave our 14 tenacious, zealous, optimistic charter members the courage to invite Soror Reva Allman, the South Eastern Regional Director at that time, to the Officers’ Club on Keesler Air Force Base, in effort to seek guidance as how to start a graduate chapter on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. On May 15, 1965, Theta Zeta Omega was chartered.
For 50 years, the women of Theta Zeta Omega Chapter have pooled their time, talents, and resources to help improve the quality of life along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. With reverence of our legacy, respect for our heritage, compassion for our community, and a solid vision for future success; we will continue to be committed to Launching New Dimensions of Service. On December 13, 2015, Immediate Past Basileus, Soror Schermonique Taylor passed the TZO Leadership Gavel to Basileus Angela Jupiter –McCon. The following officers were installed: President- Angela JupiterMcCon, Vice President- Ja'Leasa Walden, Secretary- Anika Bush, Assistant Secretary- Alchar Jackson, Correspondence Secretary-Angela Campbell, Treasurer- Barbara Irvin, Assistant Treasurer- Viria May, Financial Secretary- Carmen Walters, Assistant Financial Secretary- Bonnie Washington, Chapter Hostess- Betty Merhundrew , Nominating Chairman- Stephanie Barnes Taylor, Membership Chairman- Bridgette Parks, Sisterly Relations Chairman-Betty Merhundrew, Sargent-at-Arms- Carolyn Jennings, Parliamentarian - Margaret Bush, Historian- Lauren Alsgood, and Ivy Leaf Reporter- Sade Reese.
Fifty years and counting. We are a lighthouse in the stormy seas for others to find their way. We are Alpha Kappa Alpha women. Alpha means the beginning, the first. Always remember from whence we came. Always remember to focus on the beauty, the heart, and the soul of sisterhood and Theta Zeta Omega Chapter. Thank you for serving the Lord, the community, Theta Zeta Omega, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.