6th Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges-Presentations

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6th Creative Classroom Group Unconference Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

Annual Theme: Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

?  Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent  Weather patterns are changing  Sea levels are rising  Weather events are becoming more extreme  Greenhouse gas emissions are now at their highest levels in history

Because today’s students could:  experience the effects of climate change as the adults of tomorrow  make environmentally conscious choices developing new attitudes  develop their competencies in science, technology, and engineering with dedicated to the topic projects  use creativity, critical thinking & problem solving to work collaboratively  transform ideas on the planet’s protection into action  build their entrepreneurship competences


Group campaign 1. What is Climate change for you?

video in your own language Send a 10 seconds video in your own language

2. How do we know that Climate is changing? Why does it mater that Climate is changing? Â

Forum discussion after the new world status https://groups.etwinning.net/7624/forum/77029/thread/1255295

Group campaign

Teachers role https://talkwall.uio.no/#/wall?id=5e4ecf2c9107d69f8439b033

Engage your students

? ? ? e l o r s t n e d u t S Engage your students

e m o h t a e v i Cr ea t

e m o h t a e v i Cr ea t


e l p m a x

 SDG: Goal 13: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-change/  National Geographic resource library: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/climate-change/  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: https://www.ipcc.ch/  Ipcce: Global warming: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/  eTwinning Campaign: https://live.etwinning.net/campaigns/2020/climatechange

r l C e a o t i v o e a h t s c c h s o o l t a e v i t a Cre Recycling Reducing plastic

Sustainable nutrition

Climate Change

Unconference CLIMATE CHANGE Switching to eco-logical thinking

A project for a better planet 28/03 /2020 Vincenza Leone eTwinning Ambassador Italy

Taking care of the world sharing and comparing October – December: ice-breaking activities! 1. 2.

Students introduce themselves and their school Discuss about Netiquette and create some infographics 3. Create an Ecological Advent Calendar 4. Logo construction

January – February: Eco-logical Magazine Collaboration between the students: Editorial board 1. Chief editor 2. Editors


March-April-May: Parallel sections

Strengths -

Collaboration of students in international teams Respect of rules in team working Interaction with the local community Dialogue on environmental issues through comparison

Critical Issues Timing: - Different school calendar - Difficult organization of synchronous events

Thank you for your attention Vincenza Leone

Presentation Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO By Najoua Slatnia

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

eTwinning Plus Project


Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Project Presentation

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

eTwinning plus Project:


The project treats the topic of Surrealism in a multidisciplinary way.

Work in 5 mixed international groups

Different investigations, interdisciplinay activities

Online presentations and use of ICT

Final collaborative products Timelines, Dadaist Poems, Surrealist Zoo Golden Ratio, music and dance, etc .


Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Project Presentation 7 Schools


4 Countries: 8 Teachers 155 Students

Spain @ Tunisia @ Ukraine @ Bulgaria




Project: sÜRreÂLíST

IES Etxebarri BHI (Etxebarri) Spain  Grombalia secondary school. ( Nabeul) Tunisia  Oleksandria school, 9. Ukraine  IES Leopoldo Queipo (Melilla) Spain  IBB Miguel de Cervantes. Bulgary  IES Julio Caro Baroja (Pamplona) Spain  IES Melchor de Macanaz (Hellín) Spain

8 Teachers

 Amaya Alonso Cabria  Najoua Slatnia  Olena Baluba J osé Antonio Sánchez Ojeda  Irina Alamanova  Aurea Garde  Ana Abárzuza  Rogelio Martínez del Oro

Bulgary Project Languages: Spanish @ Engish

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Project: sÜRreÂLíST



Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Presentation


Tools: Genially - Forum Twinspace – Google drawings Artsteps – Issuu

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Surrealist Zoo As part of the eTwinning Plus project "sÜRreÂLíST" the participants dealt with the theme of Climate Change from a Surrealist perspective. Students, in 5 mixed multinational groups, created together a Surrealist Zoo with animals that are adapted to Climate Change and to an extreme environmental conditions. New surrealist species were created in a creative surrealist way.

https://www.artsteps.com/embed/5 e2081a1baf4ec34c6807f6d/

Online Surrealist Zoo Guide

https://issuu.com/najouaslatnia/docs/o nline_surealist_zoo_guide

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Process

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

5 Mixed International Groups HOW THE ANIMALS WOULD BE ADAPTED?

Each mixed group worked on an extreme environmental condition: sÜ: Poles defrost Rr: Deserts and high temperatures eÂ: Coastal flooding Lí : Mass hurricanes in the tropics ST: Continuous fires New surrealist species were created Scientific name

Reflection – Discussion - Collaboration – Creation

How climate change can lead to the creation of new species?

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Process

Activity presentation by Genially

https://view.genial.ly/5e300eb46bbd27220c403566/presentation-climate-change-c ambio-climatico

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Forums in order to agree the New Surrealist animals

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Process

Project: sÜRreÂLíST


Through Google Drawings

https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1mKTAWSK9UJwOC6x_3yp6_-9 tNpBcDCbMUVmAKTsxsQs/edit

https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1zSwVDM3zIGi772VoQlTiIpB_PJdY b-vo1UCBthViPkM/edit

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Process

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

12 New Surrealist Animals

We name each specie with a Scientific name

New surrealist species were created With a Scientific names

sÜ: Poles defrost 1. Pinguin cauda 2. Ursus vespertillioalis Rr: Deserts and high temperatures 1. Serpentes escorpiones 2. Camelus equus eÂ: Coastal flooding 1. Platypus tigris 2. Chiroptera canis 3. Anura testudines Lí: Mass hurricanes in the tropics 1. Regem maris 2. Savannah reptilium ST:Continuous fires 1. Leonis draconis 2. Sirenis squalus 3. Koala verus

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Process


Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Final Product online Surrealist Zoo Online Surrealist Zoo

Online Surrealist Zoo Guide

Tool: Issuu

Tool: Artsteps



Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Final Product online Surrealist Zoo 12 New Surrealist Animals

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Final Product online Surrealist Zoo 12 New Surrealist Animals

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo « It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. » Charles Darwin eTwinning Plus Project

sÜRreÂLíST By Najoua Slatnia

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Creative Classroom Group Unconference on Climate Change & Environmental Challenges 28 March 2020

Climate Change: Surrealist ZOO

Climate Change: Surrealist Zoo Thank you Gracias ‫شكرا‬

Project: sÜRreÂLíST

Najoua Slatnia

eTwinning Ambassador najouansl@gmail.com eTwinning Plus Project


Cultivate your future‌3 eTwinning cases a) Bees(y) b) Mr Bean Mrs Lentil and their tiny peas celebrate the IYP2016 c) A tree for Europe

Athanasia Zafeiropoulou ICT and Physics teacher, 4th Junior High School of Petroupolis, Greece




-Planting herbs that bees love in our schools’ gardens -Collaboration with experts in Agricultural University and in 2 Greek Environmental Awareness Centers -Working in the National School Network about Bees -Voting in AVAAZ for Europe to ban neonicotinoids just before the crucial vote in May 2019 -Working with ENO network on Bees Day planting a fruit tree in the school yard and art contest -Expo at our school and creation of leaflets that were shared to our local community to raise awareness on bees and sustainability -Letter to Town’s Council vice president that is responsible for Town’s Parks with ideas that could help bees

b) Mr Bean Mrs Lentil and their tiny peas celebrate the IYP 2016 38 active teachers worldwide (Europe, Asia, Africa, South America) -29 European QL -1st National Prize in Tunisia -1st Global Junior Challenge in category “ICT for Environmental Sustainability” Rome 2017


«Studenti provenienti da America, Asia, Africa ed Europa hanno migliorato le loro competenze scientifiche, culturali e linguistiche grazie ad uno studio innovativo sulle diverse tipologie dei legumi. Un progetto innovativo sullo studio dell’agricoltura, la salute e la biodiversità con un forte impatto sulla sostenibilità ambientale e i cambiamenti climatici.»

Key Messages The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): pulses-2016 ďƒ Axes for the activities Pulses are highly nutritious Pulses are economically accessible and contribute to food security at all levels Pulses have important health benefits Pulses foster sustainable agriculture and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation Pulses promote biodiversity Official website: http://iyp2016.org/

All the activities were organized in order to make the 309 students, interact and collaborate to publish common productions.


- Card Games based on special designed food cards in languages that partners could use - Collaborative e-book with recipes

Planting / Growing pulses domestic

or /and from exchanges among partners

Freestyle activities

Art, culture, traditions, coding, games

Dissemination to local community

c) A tree for Europe

(more than 200 eTwinning schools plant a tree the same day!)

https://twinspace.etwinning.net/87522/pages/page/617000 https://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/en/osos-project/tree-europe-855467


Let’s create roots to celebrate Europe Day Our Manifesto

The symbolism of the tree, inexhaustible and deeply rooted in people's thoughts, combines myths and religious beliefs, traditions and philosophical quests. Believing that environmental issues and sustainable development linked to culture inextricably, we are participate in the “Trees for Europe” eTwinning initiative action to raise awareness of all the bonds among the people of Europe and to offer an example of α good practice in a coordinated activity that shows our interactions and interdependence both in natural and in cultural terms. We believe that

all European countries are branches of the same tree, we share the same story,

share the responsibility of cultivating life so that we have the right to share the joy of “life’s juices”. and it is fair and natural to

The purpose is to understand that each branch is important and the tree must be able to hold them ALL without breaking, showing resiliance to the winds and the adversities of each season . This is also an initiative that enforces the request of the younger European generations to live in blooming, livable

and sustainable world.

In a nutshell, with the “Trees for Europe” initiative in which we participate among 200 schools in Europe, we want to celebrate Europe Day on 9 May with an action, that not only benefits the environment and raises awareness on the protection of our common natural and cultural European roots, but also -we hope- motivates the school and the local community just 2 weeks before the European elections, to think about our common future as European citizens, as branches of the same tree… 4th Junior High School of Petroupoli, Greece 06 May, 2019

People have the power





Thank you for your patience! ď Š

I’m in LOVE with the green Earth Croatia, Tunisia, Romania and Italy Founders: Imen Taktak -Mariapia Borghesan https://twinspace.etwinning.net/ 70029/home

Project overview Because Nature is our treasure, we want to think green and go green to keep this world clean. The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. So, Let's save together our environment by practicing some activities with our students to make them feel responsable that our environment is a heritage and our legacy that we all have inherited.

Our Earth is Our Home

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Choosing a logo; How to keep our school environment clean and nice; Antipollution campaign; Bee day; Exchanging plants; Working with international teams and producing materials.

5 international teams: 1. Pollution types 2. Plastic pollution 3. Air pollution 4. Land pollution 5. Water pollution

⚫ ⚫

Creating and receiving handcrafted cards; Creating online cards with coding Live events Forums

Radio Social media Schools website Conferences , seminars ⚫ Newsletter ⚫ Communities ⚫ Dissemination events ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

Final products

Thank you for you attention

Eco Spelling Book: ecologicaleducational-creative project Snježana Kovačević, School librarian Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia Creative Classroom Unconference, 28 of March 2020

About Eco Spelling Book A project from the National Program for Education for Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship ( 2017-2020) ď‚— a trilingual eco spelling book: in Croatian, English and German-

ecological sayings made by pupils for each letter of Croatian alphabet

ď‚— Primary school Zlatar Bistrica: eTwinning school and international eco


Project aims          

adopting initial reading and writing developing environmental awareness developing basic life competencies encouraging creativity and creative thinking communication in native and foreign languages learning letters/alphabet developing oral and written expression applying the observed to the artwork developing critical thinking work in teams, collaboration

Cross-curricular linking and integration  school library, Croatian language, English language, German language, Art, skills, Sustainable development, Human rights, Democracy, Children's rights…  used documents: Croatian Constitution, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Declaration of Human Rights, Law on Environmental Protection  different sources of knowledge: children's magazines, books, encyclopedias, online sources…

Sustainability of the project  through local/school projects, eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects  online eco spelling book: https://issuu.com/ekoeko_zlatarbistrica/d ocs/ekoslovarica.pptx  as part of the Erasmus+ KA229 projects School Permaculture Garden and Learning Outside-Vivid Exploration  school projects: School Traditional Garden and Outdoor classroom  printed Ekoslovarica-Eco spelling Book in November 2019.

Ecological sayings designed by pupils P- Posadi stablo! Plant a tree! Pflanze einen Baum! T- Televizorima nije mjesto u šumi TVs don’t belong in the forests Fernseher gehören nicht in den wald I- I ja sam ekolog! I am also an ecologist Ich bin auch ein Ökologe

Thank you! knjiznica.zlatarbistrica@gmail.com

Cristina Mato Spain #eTwinningtree




https://sites.google.com/view/etwinningforest #eTwinningtree


"SAMANI" Meeting Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Matanat Ahadova / Azerbaijan

Matanat Ahadova About me:  the ambassador form Azerbaijan  the teacher of Baku European Lyceum  7 years in eTwinning  13 European Quality Labels  got the European Prize for the project “ Young Scientists

SAMANI- Science, Art, Math, Astronomy, Nature, ICT About the project  The project is based on joining 2 topics of

eTwinning “Cultural Heritage“ and “ Climate Change”  Addressing to environmental issues and climate change and encouraging the students to find the ways and solutions  In parallel the students grow Samani ( green sprouts of wheat ) and compare its growing in different countries and climate zones and temperatures.

Aims 1. to integrate into the curriculum and learn the growing of the plants 2. to develop Foreign language skills 3. to increase science skills and STEAM integrating them into the subjects 4. To develop ICT skills 5. To collaborate and communicate while growing Samani 6. to integrate into the different countries` culture 7. to research climate changing in every country .

We have done Members: Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Estonia, Ukraine,Moldova Republic, Tunisia, Poland, Greece, North Macedonia, Cyprus The students: February 1. introduced themselves, their countries and schools 2. made a recearch on the climate change and shared their presentations 3. presented their climate zones exploring different tools March 4. grew Samani as a symbol of Nature, friendship , health and wealth. 5. researched and compared growing the plants in different country zones and in different weather, exploring climate change and ecological problems. 6. observed the growing Samani and filled in the chart using the template for it.

Our “Samani”s

a i n o t Es

n a j i a b r Aze


y e k r u T


We`ll do The students in April 7. will compare all the researches using the charts 8. will make a sharing resource on google slides 9. will compare last year`s and nowadays ` some dates 10. will celebrate the Earth Day in May 11. will create an eBook adding their ideas and solutions on climate change 12. will create a website of the project 13. will have a farewell party 14. will evaluate the project

What can we recommend you 1. Choose a tradition or custom you`d like to introduce 2. Find out the joining points with the idea and climate change 3. Create activities and events where these ideas meet


Save Europe, Save the Earth Ioanna Giannopoulou Teacher of English Chrysostomos Smyrnis Primary School, Leonteio Lykeio

8 teachers, 214 students from 7 countries  Greece (founder of the project) with two teachers and three classes  Spain (co-founder)  Italy  Cyprus  Turkey  Romania  Bulgaria

Introducing ourselves and our school

A warm-up activity that students usually enjoy it

They love making videos, choosing what photos to take and what to say  the school presentation in a Word do

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1whPD NDuWzIEznaDZ3rMUXcIGpW3y4SeHATq8v2z9KWw/ edit?usp=sharing

 Click here to watch the video


Main Theme 1. A padlet with the ecosystems and their animals »talked about the 6 ecosystems in class, characteristics, flora and fauna »each student was assigned one animal to describe and find a photo of it. »each member could comment or add information »they made drawings of their animals and gathered all information in 6 common books presented in smore Common Books

The Project Logo

Group work:

 Each group was assigned a monument or landscape located in our country which is protected by Natura and WWF or needs to be preserved.  They searched the Internet to find information  They chose photos and made a collage using BeFunky  We used tricider to vote for the best logo.  Children wrote a description and uploaded their collage.  Everyone voted for the best logo, explaining what they liked about it.

http://www.tricider.com/admin/2Z XdsZRhrcl/4dmI5iuAkQl

February is devoted to e-Safety The topics chosen for this year were: cyberbullying, social media, sharing personal details and information, online games, fake news.

• Students worked in groups of 4-5 • Video making, PowerPoint Presentations, • Drawings

https://vimeo.com /392071391 Password: diagonismos2020

Ecosystems and their Problems  Class discussion

to explore what are the major

 3 afternoon chats on twinspace

problems each ecosystem faces, the causes and the consequences

 A padlet where students (group work) discussed one problem per ecosystem,

and each one of them made a drawing. In some cases, the drawings will be put in a collage with Be Funky.

Thank you for your attention!

“ESBF” EARTH SHOULD NOT BE A FRYING PAN! Presentation by Marina Screpanti, Italian eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning project ITALY/GREECE Istituto comprensivo 3 Chieti/1rst Experimental Primary School, Alexandroupolis





Students take decisions in the forums






“Climate Change & Environmental Challenges online Unconference” SAKİNE RÜZGAR

Primary School Teacher Istanbul / Turkey

WE MIND THE NATURE  The Project ‘We Mind The Nature’

was created Sakine Rüzgar from Turkey and Eleonora Burnete from Romania.  There are 30 partners from 6 different countries.These countries are Turkey, Romania , Albania, Moldova,Italy,Ukranie

We voted for the logo and the poster of the Project. Project Logo

Project Poster

About the Project ď‚— According to recent researches,

human activities, earthquakes, storms, floods, earth slides and cyclones are possible to affect future disasters because the increase in population and urbanization make the population defenseless against the natural disasters. Scientific researches emphasize that disaster and risk education must be the part of the some lessons at national primary and secondary curriculum.

ď‚— Our project aims to increase the

interest in activities in science, innovative interdisciplinary and the abilities to learn, language ability, literacy, science and maths qualification, digital qualification, entrepreneurship and creativity abilities. We believe that our project will encourage our students to join democratic life in Europe and it will increase their knowledge and ability.

TOPICS OF THE PROJECT        

Nature and Natural Disasters Earthquake Flood Fire Landslide Erosion Volcano Tornado


We planted plants in the class and saved them with love.

Why people should recycle? ď‚— Recycling helps protect the

environment ď‚— Recycling reduces the need for extracting, refining and processing raw materials all of which create air and water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate change.

EARTHQUAKE  Our students learned what to do

in case of an earthquake with earthquake simulation  We built our house by using cube candy and play dough. We took attention to building security and human health  The students made a house protected from an earthquake and she shaked it but the house was not destroyed


We prepared earthquake bags and did stem activities.

Earthquake Drill

our students will receive instructions on how to use the "life triangle" during an earthquake The students learned How do you do an earthquake drill .


The students learned how to prevent floods with the help of this Project.


We taught kids about fire safety with this fun STEAM activity. The students learned how fire occurred and how it could be put out.

VOLCANO We made volcano experiment in the class and the students learned how it happens .


The students watched videos about tornado and talked about it.In the end we made an experiment.

-COMMON WORKS 1-LEAF ACTIVITY: Each partners created leaves and wrote some notes on them about nature and sent them to their paired country’s students

2-Creating Hero of the Project.  Firstly each member prepared a 

  

project character for our project then members chose one of them and uploaded that on our project's relevant page. After, each member uploaded We carried out a poll to choose our project's character. We voted for the best hero for the project.

Lego Education Online Workshop

One of the Project members is a lego expert. We organized some lego education workshops with him.He and his students did the following activities about recycle ,flood,eartquake and landslide with lego education.

Blended Country Teams Activities  We wanted to raise awareness on

some of the negative effects of global warming.  We used some web 2 toolswhich are chatterpix,voki and maker avatar. when we did these activities.

   

TOPICS; Air Pollution Endangered Animals Sowing Seeds

1- Air Pollution : As you know air pollution is one of the most important problems of our time. As a project team we want to draw attention to this problem by creating awareance. In this activity the students in the blended country teams will answer the questions asked them using any avatar program.

2. Endangered Animals  Students who is written for Blended

Country Teams going to do this activity. Each partner determined the Endangered  Animals that are specific to any country.  While preparing this, the members paid great attention to cover the reasons of the extinction especially the role of humans.

3-Sowing Seed: Each partners sowed seeds and observed the process of growing of them and took each steps photos and uploaded them to the twinspace.


"Reuse school objects,create new toys" ICS. « FALCONE » SAN GIOVANNI LA PUNTA – CATANIA ITALY Prof. Irene Confalone

That’s me I’ m Irene Confalone I teach in a primary school in the southern part of Italy .In a beautiful island called Sicily. I’ve been teaching English since 1991 .I ‘ve been the coordinator of several Erasmus projects of my school .I’m etwinner since 2012 .I’m a MIE , MIEE and Mistery Skype Teacher . I love my work and I love travelling because I like to open my arm to new cultures.

ICS. ÂŤFALCONEÂť ď‚— "Giovanni Falcone" is an institution with kindergarten, primary and

secondary school, which is located 10 kilometers far from Catania . Our institution is located in a socio-economically disadvantaged area. Despite the opening of a big shopping center, the unemployment rate is still very high. Moreover, in our school there are a lot of pupils with disabilities: some of them are integrated in the classes of normal children. In our school there are 1200 pupils aged between 3-13 years.

Falcone school ď‚— . Our institute develops a teaching aimed at providing its students with

skills required at ministerial level. In the logical-scientific field, the work, in the different school orders, is aimed at the development of problem solving and the use of IT systems as an aid in study activities. We develop the internationalization as a mutual aim of the school to open our students’ mind and heart.

Falcone school ď‚— . In particular, unplugged and computer programming activities are

carried out (via the code.org website and the Scratch application). These concepts are then put into practice with robotics activities structured appropriately for the age of the pupils (Bee-Bot, Lego We Do 2.0, Lego Mindstorm). ď‚— This school received the eTwinning School label in 2018/19 and we received the School Label for the current year 2020.We received 6 European Quality Labels and 4 National Quality Labels from 2012 to now.

The project    

Etwinning project and Climate Action Project Level : From 5 to 9 Key competencies : Civic / Cultural awareness and expression Subjects : Art / Citizenship / Cross Curricular / Environmental Education / Geography / Music/ History / Primary School and kindergarten

The idea Plastic pollution is a problem throughout the world that causes problems in our towns, cities and oceans because it causes so much harm and so much mess. We would like to work with people who want to explore ways to tackle the problems that plastic brings to our community by getting the children to research alternative ways of using plastic and different ways of packaging everyday items.

We want to change the world  The children were challenged to put bottles and other

plastic school objects to better use by creating something else through them as toys… Recycling… … What we can do? We started from the idea of a fish…

Pedagogical aims ď‚— - To raise awareness of environmental problems

- To develop their critical thinking by being able to provide solutions - To become active citizens and make their voices being heard - To organize their work and be able to work in international teams - To learn about pollution by conducting science experiments - To build a strong environmental awareness and consciousness by creating new toys to play.

Activities  The students are divided in 2 teams):

Teams of different age (youngest and eldest). Each team worked on different activities Each team :one creating the new toys ,the eldest creating the instruments. • Review vocabulary terms dealing with their topic (• Collect informative material ) • Invited experts and visit organizations dealing with the topic • Make experiments to understand better the type of pollution they are dealing with  • Agree on specific activities and campaigns that students can organize locally

Collaboration  The teams worked on the above activities and organize meetings to present their results to the other teams. All teams worked on creating: • info sheets with their main findings about their type of pollution (Science, Art and ICT teachers) • short informative videos (Language and ICT teachers) • posters with easy steps that every student can do to help to have a pollution free sea (Science, Art, Language and ICT teachers) The teams also worked collaboratively to write a collaborative story on a topic like: Every student has to add at least one sentence to the story. The school organized an event in their school where they will invite local authorities, parents and environmental organizations. For the organization of this, they can also involve other classes. During this event, the schools can connect online and share their work, they can have a display all of their posters they created, they organized sessions to play the board games with other students and host small debates on the topic. They closed the event with one action: cleaning a nearby yard park of the school. Tools: Writing Words, Genially, Easel.ly, Voki, Vocaroo, Storyjumper.

Comunication ď‚— Students have been asked to make a

drawing or the pollution issues in our planet . In an online meeting, the partner schools met and introduced each other and discussed their feelings and fears about the future of the planet.

Evaluation ď‚— Students evaluated their work at different

stages of the project. Working in different teams and presenting from time to time their work and toys to the other classes and gave them the feedback they need to continue their work. "Reuse school objects,create new toys"

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« S.W.A.T. » Science Will Advance Through us Etwinning project PARTNERSHIP: Istituto Compensivo « C. Govoni » di Ferrara, Italy « SEK-Atlántico » de Pontevedra, Spain « C.E.I.P. Al-Kazar »Los Alcázares ,Spain

Main Idea of the project and aims: The project is focused on the study of the polar sciences, especially on the scientific research carried out in Antarctica with the Andrill project, in which it was studied in particular how changes in the polar helmets influenced climate change around the world.  Check that Climate Change is already manifesting in our environment.  Express own experiences after scientific analisys.  Take action with the purchase and consumption of non-polluting products.  Join the Teacher for Future project.  Develop the Zero Waste Recess program.  Put the 3 Rs into practice: reduce, recycle, reuse.

Methodology Research

 Through the Twinspace we can share

basic material that we got from Scientists’ research of the Andrill and not only. Also, other kind of material about the topic of climate change has been used by us.  etwinning

Peer to peer tutoring  Thanks to ICTs tools such as

videochat and other collaborative online webtools, students have been able to work in mixed groups in different activities to develope the 4 language skills and to get deeper into this topic.  Sync and Asyncronic activities were activated among partners.

First impacts On students: • Increament of students’ understanding of content knowledge (climate system, geologic time, and relationship between climate and human history) • Improvement of students’ information literacy in science using climate change and human interaction issues. • More conscious about On Teachers and teaching: • Increase of the international interaction to improve our teaching • Implementation of this topic in an interdisciplinary mode. On School: • Huge dissemination on all their educative community about climate change issues

Our Twinspace https://twinspace.etwinning.net/65407/pages/page/440088















THE PROJECT’S URL https://natgeo.novoed.com/#!/courses/educatorcertification-fall-2019/reports/1214255


Be eco friendly, eTwinner! Presentation of eTwinning project GiedrÄ— RaudonienÄ— Lithuania

Project Partners

There are 24 teachers from 10 countries in this wonderful project.

Countries: Lithuania Serbia Turkey Romania Spain Ukraine Greece Czech Republic Poland Portugal

What is project about This project is about effective actions towards the environment problem and protection. In this project we focus on Sustainable Development Goal related to the environment. The students share their ideas about how to make SDG achievable.

Project aim SDG 15 LIFE ON LAND -To make pupils sensitive about the environment and sustainable problems. -To develop an attitude of taking care of the environment. - To be proud of their own eco-friendly behaviour. - To improve skills in graphic design and ICT skills in general. -To encourage creativity and self-expression.

Pre-survey https://youtu.be/XqlrEWvWh_A Important Questions: Do you know SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

European Day of Languages https://padlet.com/giedraud/ecofriendly

Lessons about 15th „Life on Land“ SDG There are some links to present this goal:  https://www.globalgoals.org/15-life-on-land  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=556QXoUpjUY  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTvxUparz1U There is the Ted-ed lesson created for 15th SDG:  https://ed.ted.com/on/aY2HRs2G

Students‘ works on SDG

Students write about problems in schools, in cities or countries and give solutions There are many cars and motorcycles in our district I want to find a solution for this. I live in Vilnius. Its a big city. We have a lot of pollution. In our city there is a lot of trash. Some people sort but others do not. We have a polluted air. People cut trees and destroy animal habitats. During the discussion we also thought about the particular help from us as a pupils. In the end we agreed that we can help our Earth using recycling because there is to much trash in the world. In my village, people don't throw trash in the bin, don't segregate them, they burn various plastic things. I live in Levadia. In my town there are these problems: there are a lot of rubbish on the roads, bad graffiti's on some walls and there are many dog dirts. There is also a lot of noise because of cars and motorbikes. I live in Lithuania town called TelĹĄiai. In TelĹĄiai we got these problems: Alot of people drive with cars motorbikes etc... I say we need more drive with bicycles or just go for the walk without any cars and motorbikes.

Common Book https://read.bookcreator.com/x8BJF0ySE2WSHeBa3jGKYM XbqVS2/r2WBjz4ZTMiYogoKeIuUAg

We create logos and posters Students created logos, posters and we all decided which one is most suitable by voting.

Common book from students‘ slogan https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/75502075

Greeting Cardsvirtual exchange

https://padlet.com/broscutele_digitalizate/p8wq bmjd91pf

Common book Recycle, Reuse, Reduce https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/72575935/5d7fe1329dcef

Bags- gallery https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q7doTrsRr7k5GeNE9

Safer Internet Day 2020 https://youtu.be/5gc_DDGWKY0

Two calendars

https://www.canva.com/design/DADzn_BFz68/xBNsZHM83E7Jb j7Bx0AaAg/edit https://www.canva.com/design/DADy5MZY8n8/ukcaXn7U nr_9UuM8ypwIkA/edit

Birdfeeders for our birds at hard time in winter ï‚— https://youtu.be/CrkQLl7MfPg

Golden Rules

Live project title

Go Green(with art & micro:bit) ● Maria Georgiadou ● eTwinning ambassador ● Greece

2020: year of climate emergency and biodiversity ● “Go Green (with art and micro:bit) is

our eTwining eco-project ● Partner countries: Greece, Spain, Poland, France, Denmark, Sweden ● Main objective:raise awareness of environmental emergency and build global citizenship

Our project’s features 1.It is linked to a future Erasmus+ partnership 2a.It is a combination of two projects in one: the Green Team consists of the Spanish,Poland and Greek partners.Their final product will be a short movie

Our project’s features 2b.The Robotics Team consists of the Swedish and the Greek partners.They will explore micro:bit and their final product will be a Soil Moisture Tester and/or‌.

2c.Science teachers are the facilitators of the Robotics Team 2d.Language teachers are the facilitators of the Green Team

Our project’s features 3.It is related to the following SDG: Goal 13: Climate Change(exploring threats and solutions) Goal 14: Life under Water(exploring alien species in our marine ecosystem) Goal 15: Life on land(protecting environment and biodiversity) Goal 4 : Quality Education(innovative ways of teaching/learning sustainability)

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

We consider outdoor learning and participation in competitions an effective way of motivating students as well as of dissemination, as these competitions are related to festivals or event prizes. In this project, we take part in 2 (until now)competitions:

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

1.”Cinematheia”:Northern and Southern Aegean student film festival (collaborative film, we have finished the first scene)

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

2.YRE Competition 2020 Young Reporters for the Environment is an international educational program in which can participate young people aged 11-25 years old

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

Participants duties: a)They have to choose one of the three competition categories:

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

-International competition -Litter Less Campaign -International Collaboration b)Participants have to choose between three media categories; Article, Photograph, and Video.

Our project’s features 4.Competitions: a means of motivation & dissemination

c)Follow the

Our project’s features YRE’s 4-step methodology


1.Investigate a local environmental issue 2.Conduct a research and identify possible solutions 3.Report on the local environmental issue and its possible solutions through your chosen media 4.Disseminate with the local audience using 3 different ways, one of them being the school site

Our collaborative video: “The entrance of alien species in the Mediterranean Sea”


We are creating STEAM embassies in the European schools network Cristina Nicolăiță Gh. Magheru School Caracal, Romania

 ‘We are creating STEAM embassies in the European school network’ is an

eTwinning project for an Erasmus plus KA229 granted by European Union to share best practices and increase digital competencies across Europe.

ď‚— The Erasmus plus project is coordinated by

Internationella Engelska Skolan from Stockholm, Sweden. Partner schools from Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, Romania and Turkey, plan to share best practices and increase STEAM competencies not only across our six nations, but by promoting our work, across the European school network. eTwinning gives us this opportunity, and our school is the founder of the project on eTwinning portal, along with our Turkish partner.

Project journal The first four transnational meetings were: Mersin, Turkey, January 2019- focus on Engineering Stockholm, Sweden, April 2019- focus on Robotics and Technology Dublin, Ireland, June 2019- focus on Basic Science and Physics. Caracal, Romania, September 2019- focus on Ecology and Sustainability A usual day of a meeting would be full of challenges for our students, developing also their creativity, critical thinking and team work, many of them connected with climate change and environmental challenges. All activities were then presented and replicated in our school conditions, so as many students as possible could benefit from the experience of those participating in mobilities. They were mentors for their colleagues, a role they have taken very seriously.

Save the pelicans! The Pelican activity on making a nest that would protect the eggs perfectly, made the students think of how to build a unbreakable nest for a pelican with maximum eggs. The teachers and the students were instantly involved and we made a nest with 8 eggs. All eggs survived the ‘drop’ from 1m height and we had the opportunity to discuss about trial and error involved in learning Science and about the importance of collaboration and team work in choosing the best solution.

The friendly neighbourhood Designing a 'housing development project' was the second challenge which made us think about how to build a environment friendly community taking care of ‘Runoff’ issues. Our students designed a community that was capable of accommodating high income sources but also was equally innovative in dealing with runoff issues.

Environmental challenges- Ireland

Biodiversity awareness activities

Natural Science Museum visit

Testing knowledge on biodiversity

Recycled paper workshop Students attended a paperrecycling workshop to make new paper out of wasted paper, cotton buds, dried grass and leaves or flower petals. They also learned about printing history, and tested their printing skills with ancient printing machines, using natural obtained ink, with no chemical colorants. We also visited the Museum of Handicrafts.

Other recycling activities Stand lamp from recycled newspapers and plastic bottles  plastic bottle  old newspaper  adhesive (glue, silicone)  light source  decorative elements (tempera, beads, trimmings)

• ruler, scissors • cutter • glue gun • rolling support (needle, marker)

Planting activities

Minigarden in the classroom

Trees in the schoolyard

AI for oceans- CodeWeek4All Challenge

Computer science is about so much more than coding! When we used the AI for Oceans activity we were training real machine learning models. https://code.org/oceans

�Evergreen country� activity Imagine a newly created, civilized country that you must manage, in which you want to live. Carry out this project within the team, following the ideas suggested below: How would you name the country? How and by whom would it be governed? What laws can be adapted to maintain safety, order and peace, respecting nature, neighboring countries and their inhabitants; What new jobs could the inhabitants of the newly created country have? What solutions can you find to live beautifully in a healthy and protected environment?

Final message from one of the teams

STEAM KAHOOT Challenge https://kahoot.it/challe nge/0857046?challenge-id =a23aebe6-821d-4543-b57c -bcb587206c80_1584992746 566

THE WORLD WE W@NT Cristina-Iulia Gila History teacher eTwinning Ambassador

OUR WORLD AND CLIMATE CHANGE  According to the United Nations

Development Program, “Receding forests, changing rainfall patterns and rising sea levels will exacerbate existing economic, political and humanitarian stresses and affect human development in all parts of the world.”

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ď‚— This eTwinning project was developed between 2017-2018. Students

from Slovakia, Romania, Italy and Greece participated in this project. The project "The World we W@nt“ deals with the issues connected with the global goals for sustainable development that the UN have identified as priorities for all people and our planet, in order to help build a better world for all, within the next 15 years.

AIMS  to reflect on responsible, active citizenship  to lead and motivate students to be global and active

citizens of the world and to widen their horizons about the SDGs  to make progress in mutual understanding of the vision of better world, its better present and future  to collectively develop and implement innovative actions that further sustainability at the local level  to develop the abilities to learn from others

ACTIVITIES  September - introduction – countries, towns,

schools, students.  October – May -the partner schools work on the project. they discuss different issues of the project and discuss these topics: Do you feel responsible world citizen? What are SDGs? Can we do something with SDGs to make our world better? Students involved in the project will go through all 17 goals, like ending poverty, hunger, achieving gender equality, ensuring inclusive and quality education, ... they will do practical deeds connected with SDGs for better world. The Romanian and Slovak students plant a tree in front of the school

ACTIVITIES  They will also have videoconferences

about the discussed issues.  They will take actions to make the world better, they will cooperate with UN and also will have videoconferences about the discussed isuues, they will use tools Web 2.0 in the project work, cooperate via forums and create a web page of the project.  June - evaluation

ACTIVITIES Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts  Climate change is now affecting every

country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow.  Task 1: A list of pledges  2.Do something at your school, community, town to support climate change  3.Do the crossword about climate change

4.Take the quiz


Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development – LIFE BELOW WATER  The oceans cover more than 70 per cent of

the surface of our planet and play a key role in supporting life on earth. They are the most diverse and important ecosystem, contributing to global and regional elemental cycling, and regulating the climate.  Task 1: Learn and play with the Quizzlet about how to save life under water  Task 2: Find an organization in your country or region working on water related issues and introduce it to your partners


Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss – LIFE ON LAND  Around 1.6 billion people

depend on forests for their livelihood. This includes some 70 million indigenous people  Forests are home to more than 80 per cent of all terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects Task 1: Solve this puzzle 2.Express your opinion


Create a creative and interactive tour through SDG and win some eTwinning goodies!

RESULTS ď‚— Creating the webpage of the project and presenting the project to wider

public: schoolmates, parents, people in the home town, other schools, local newspapers and press.

PROJECT PRESETED IN UN VIENNA ï‚— The Slovak eTwinning team led by Tomas and Daniela from Business

Academy in Levice presented the project The World we W@nt in UN in Vienna on the workshop.


According to these results of the evaluating survey filled in by 51 students of schools involved in the project.

AWARDS Our project got European Quality Labels in: Romania, Slovakia, Italy and Greece. Our project won 4th place in Slovak eTwinning competition 2018.

Pollution: a never-ending story

E-Twinning project 2019-2020

After writing the project plan we introduced ourselves, our schools and our areas

We celebrated the ‘Day of Languages’ and ‘ Halloween’

Then we created transnational teams which had chats to decide about the problem they wanted to talk about and the possible solutions.

Then the students started to write the story, chapter after chapter. Each chapter was divided into parts and each nation had to make a comic of its part following the given procedure. All the strips were uploaded in ‘Book Creator’.

Instructions for Book Creator

Thank you! Ambasciatrice E-Twinning Liguria : Bruna Giacosa

Educational Complex School 10. eTwinning School 2018-2019. Marhanets. Ukraine eTwinning Project “Working to change earth tears into LIFE”. Yana Tsykunkova Ambassador

School Activities in the project  Planning  Presenting team and school  Presenting eTwinning activities

School Activities in the project School Logo

Land Crying

School Activities in the project.Eco School

School Activities in the project. Group Collaboration https://learningapps.org/display?v=p0t6zqv9j19 https://learningapps.org/display?v=p2zfv77sn19

School Activities in the project  Live Events

 Code Week. 2019

School Activities in the project. Final Product  Planting trees

 Good news

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