founders xpression from the publisher
s Founder and President of Xcellence, Inc., I would like to welcome you to our latest community initiative, Xcellence Community Magazine. As our organization continues to grow, we want to adhere to supporting our community leaders, and small and start-up businesses. Our mission is is to unify the citizens of the community by promoting self-sufficiency, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Through a combined collaboration of resources, we will strengthen our families, our youth, and our businesses to reach their greatest potential. Our community leaders include our youth. The more proactive we are as a society to teach and train our youth to walk in Xcellence, means more successful careers, reduction in crib to prison pipeline, and a society that cares about each other through increased community efforts. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, I have a dream, must continue to live on in our lives daily and not once a year annually in celebration of words and no action.
Mrs. Angella Banks
Angella Banks
Audra Buchanan
Courtney Pettigrew CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Monica Dunnagan
“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence”. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We are well positioned to develop and implement programs that support all divisions of Xcellence, Inc.: Men, Women, Sons and Daughters of Xcellence. This year we added a marketing team that will serve to offer small and start-up businesses support to grow their businesses with quality products and services, cost-efficiency in operations, media, and marketing. We have long envisioned launching chapters nationally. On Saturday, January 26, 2013, this dream will become a reality as our first chapter launches in Nashville Tennessee with one of the company’s initiatives of Business Networking. Xcellence other three initiatives are Spirituality, Socialization, and Outreach. Chapters forming nationally have the option to select one as their primary reason for operating. The company currently has 5 additional chapters scheduled to launch this winter in Las Angeles, CA, Memphis TN, Everett WA, Seattle WA, and Indianapolis IN. I personally would like to invite you to join in our cause and support us as we create a movement of Xcellence across the United States. We are the organization that is changing lives and helping visions come true. Please visit us online at .
CHRISTY PEOPLES Christy has combined her experience with her business knowledge to further her career in the beauty industry as a Beauty Consultant. She is a certified color analysis and consultant for CMB, Flori Roberts,and Hayah Mineral Cosmetics. She is on a journey to inspire and share her love for beauty with the world. Her passion is to connect with each client and enhance their beauty naturally while making sure they get a sophisticated but sassy look! “Make up should never cover but enhance!”
MONICA DUNNAGAN Monica is an author, consultant, and serves as the National Membership Director of Xcellence, Inc. She is the overseer of 10 Regional Coordinators nationally and numbers expected to increase in 2013. Her role includes ensuring the Xcellence vision and growth throughout the United States is represented in the most positive way. She is a native of MS, and is now a resident of Nashville TN. Her role as a consultant currently has her in the Everett WA area.
BRIAN D. HICKS, MBA, MLS (ASCP)CM Brian is the CEO/President and an Entrepreneur of Opaleye-Medical Laboratory. He holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Medical Technology/ Allied Health from Clark Atlanta University and a MBA in Accounting from Colorado Technical University.
TREVA GORDON Treva Gordon is a motivational speaker, evangelist, artist, song writer, business leader, playwright and community event organizer. She holds a B.S. Degree in Corporate Communications and Marketing from Austin Peay State University . She is the founder of Leading Ladies, an organization she started in 2011 to encourage women with a message of hope and the inspiration to succeed through host conferences, workshops, and books. She has also hosted her own radio and television shows in addition to emceeing several prestigious events. Treva is a native of Michigan, but currently resides in Tennessee with her husband Robert and three children.
DETECTIVE SGT. VATISHA EVANS-BARKEN Detective Sgt. Vatisha Evans-Barken is a native of West Tennessee. She began her Law Enforcement career as a Deputy Sheriff with the Madison County Sheriff’s Office, where she later became their first African American female Criminal Investigator in the history of the county. Not only does she protect the roads of Madison County, she is also a wife(William) and a mother (Collin), and a member of Woodlawn Missionary Baptist Church in Brownsville TN.
ESE MORRISON Ese Morrison is a Nashville based entrepreneur, CEO and founder of 353 Enterprises. Being a wealth of talent himself, he is a developer of others and has an acute desire for perfection. He currently serves on Xcellence Marketing team as web developer/ graphics specialist. Check out his works on
his is that time of year that most people start out by making New Year’s resolutions. We all have the best of intentions in keeping those resolutions but somewhere along the line, usually about the third week of January, we become sidetracked with the everyday cares of life. What started as a wonderful idea has now become a distant memory. Making resolutions is the easy part, however, keeping and fulfilling those resolutions can be the hard part. One of the core foundational aspects of Xcellence is our spirituality and keeping God first, which has a direct correlation to our overall quality of life. Xcellence fosters the idea of taking care of the “whole man/woman”. As you take time to reflect, think about all of the things you learned in 2012 and how you can make your 2013 even better. Set goals and work hard to accomplish them. It can be something as simple as taking the time to call an elderly relative each month just to keep in touch or volunteering a couple of hours each month to spend time with an at risk youth. Remember, our resolutions don’t always to have to be on a large or grand scale. We can start small, but make a large impact not only for ourselves but for others as well. Make 2013 the best year of your life and allow the Xcellence of our King to shine forth in all that you do! Serving Him in Xcellence, Audra L. Buchanan Xcellence Co-Founder/VP
Audra is a native of Kalamazoo Michigan and currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the proud mother of one son, Marcus Isaac.
xcellence 3e vision Exposure, Engagement, Expand
013 is such a vibrant year to expand an organization that brings such vitality to its community nationwide. In order to embark upon such an expansion, it requires the commitment of each and every member of the organization and that is why 2013 is going to be such a great year, because all members are working together to ensure that we Xcelle to the next highest level of Xcel-
In order to achieve such a fate there must be a code of conduct to follow and one of those codes to follow would center upon Xcellence’s Vision. That vision consist of 3 E’s; Exposure, Engagement, & Expansion. Exposure: Exposure occurs each and every time an Xcellence member communicates with another individual. It occurs when we engage in positive relations with education, religion, and community based organizations. Most importantly, exposure occurs through your leadership qualities and the examples that each of you display! When we stop to think about how much influence we each hold within our community, that concept derives at one item and that is the derivative of exposure. In other words we expose others to a positive atmosphere that they can then develop into their own world; which will lead to a domino effect of positive social change.
Xcellence Welcomes Mrs. Monica Dunnagan as National Membership Director As of January 1, 2013, Monica Dunnagan accepted and began her role as National Director for Xcellence, Inc. She is a consultant and author of “Your Legacy” a children’s book written in order to help children as well as parents and grandparents embrace their culture while learning from their past and developing their future. I have found my home in Tennessee, but came from a small town in Mississippi. Writing has become a way for me to relax while traveling to various states working as a Consultant. Through my work as a Consultant I work with various organizations to develop programs that will improve Leadership skills and encourage an increase in communication levels. It is my goal to be able to encourage involvement and growth in the family, community, as well as in various organizations. I have worked in programs that encourage positive self-esteem, Drug & Alcohol Prevention and Intervention, Self- Defense, Coaching & Counseling and currently hold a Master’s Degree of Psychology Public Administration, while pursuing a Doctorate Degree. I am committed to Xcellence and the vision that it stands for by enriching lives by leadership, and giving back to not only my community, but also to a National Community.
Engagement: We each commit to social change through exposure and then through the process of engagement. While speaking to others about how they can create an impact upon society we gain exposure; however we cannot stop there. The next step is to involve others in volunteer activities that will in turn help their own community. Engage them within an activity that they have passion about; something that is close to their heart that they will follow through. When you find that avenue, then you have found a path in which to embark upon a whole new journey of learning. Learning then becomes the pathway to a better society, a more positive community. Expand: Expanding then becomes second nature and everyone you meet will be more than willing to join in and help make our world a better place to live. Expand by touching lives, by exposing others to positive avenues that they can travel and become engaged in within their community. Reach out to your neighbor, your co-worker, your family and friends and simply show them how a small act of kindness can reach around the world and back. Xcellence, Inc. is committed to their vision and committed to giving back to communities that give so much to others. Xcellence is committed to expanding as a model of leadership that will even encourage students from all ages to develop into strong leaders of tomorrow.
THE STATE OF THE CHURCH & TAKING A STAND Pastor T. Ray Greer, Jr. obliterates the stereotype of yesterday’s preacher. He is truly the voice of a new generation. Without any reservation, Pastor Greer embraced the idea of marketing through the power of the Internet. With great creativity, he has evangelized many souls through technological innovations through the power of the gospel. Pastor T. Ray Greer, Jr. have been a guest of The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) several times and have also been called upon by many ministries locally and nationally to assist in the area of marketing and branding through unconventional methods. He has experienced an explosive following on Twitter with over 20,000 followers. He is the Pastor of Salem Baptist church in Mason, TN. To learn more please visit WWW.SALEMCHURCH.US..
As a lover of the church, I’m always seeking to evaluate its present condition. Once upon a time the church as a whole spent its time trying to reach the non-believers while being able to maintain a very healthy base. By reaching the non-believers or what I like to call the outsiders, it increased the opportunity of producing first time Christians that could be inducted into the local church. This was a powerful technique that strengthens the membership of the church in the present and galvanized its future. However, based upon recent research it appears that the membership of the church have entered into a declining trend as it relates to membership base. The reason this downward trend has become stimulated is because of the falling away of young adults. Many young adults that boldly called themselves Christians are now leaving the church and eventually leaving Christianity all together. Their voices can be heard through Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets calling the church irreverent, out of touch, and antiquated. Their mindset is cemented in disconnection and disdain for a once highly esteemed institution called the church. This continually growing number of young adults has taken their delusions, annoyances, apprehensions, anticipations, and disenchantments to other outlets outside of the church. Contrary to being raised in the church, their actions suggest that the church is unsafe for new ideas that possibly could bring remedy for new issues that only this generation has faced. Many believe that church leaders have obtained a PhD in passing judgment and are high school dropouts in their ability to listen. This group of young adults rejects the old church cliché “young people are the church of tomorrow”. This group of young adults feels if they can’t be the church of today, than they will be members of something else tomorrow and that tomorrow has already manifested itself. I personally don’t feel they are calling for a reformation of doctrine but a reformation of church culture.
Percent of Americans of each age who report monthly churchgoing and church participation. *Includes church worship service, youth group, small group, or Sunday School. Source: Barna Group, nationwide studies, conducted from 1997-2010, N = 52,496
I pray that all leaders shift from left brain thoughts to include more right brain solutions. The left side of the brain deals with logic and structure while the right side deal with creativity and empathy. Without a single doubt we need both sides completely synchronized together. We need new builders working with new apprentice to design a new and fresh approach to church. Let’s stop the seismic shift between church and culture NOW! I still believe that Jesus is coming back for his church. I’m simply afraid that his church might be in a coma. Article written by: Pastor T.Ray Greer, Jr.
Genuine Love Equals an Ordained Love
Pastor Superintendent Ezell Jackson, Sr. &First Lady Everlyn Jackson Celebrates 50 years of Marriage One would think that by the way this couple still stirs into each other eyes that they were still in their dating days. On January 19, 2013, Pastor Jackson and First Lady Jackson will commemorate 50 years of marriage. With a church filled with their kids, grandkids, congregational lay members, siblings, family, and friends, they will pronounce their love all over again, this time without any kind of marital jitters, but with the gratitude in each other’s heart that God saw fit to give them their soul-mate early in life. With simple signs of their compatibility, this couple even shares birthdays one day apart and are the same age. Last year in 2012, the couple was blessed to celebrate their 70th birthday together. “Love never grows old; it just takes two willing hearts to renew it” astor Jackson and First Lady Jackson contribute their obedience to God as a pillar of their love testament today. His church is New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C., of Freeport Illinois and he serves as the Superintendent of the Fifth Illinois Jurisdiction, Greater -A.Banks
Blessing District. They are the parents of 5 kids and 9 grandkids.
Xcellence Congratulates Pastor & First Lady Jackson on many more years of love to come!
X celebrates leadership former nfl cheerleader dances into community’s hearts
Rosella “Rosie” Hardy “Latin Heat” Dance Studio Owner/Dance Instructor Western Washington Region
osella Hardy is a proud Latina and originally from Panama City, Panama. She is the wonderful and proud mother of two beautiful girls ages six & seven for whom she is committed to standing as an excellent role model and positive leader in order to provide them with an environment in which they can flourish into strong positive young women. Rosie has expressed dancing all of her life beginning as a young girl. She continued to follow her passion as a dancer and cheerleader throughout her college life to her career as a NFL Cheerleader for the Seattle Seahawks, to the present day owner/ instructor of ShakeItLatinStyle Fitness Club.
Rosie is a successful entrepreneur and owner of ShakeItLatinStyle Fitness Club in Mill Creek Washington. ShakeItLatinStyle Fitness Club is not your typical fitness club. ShakeItLatinStyle has beautiful hardwood floors, with one wall covered with mirrors in order for the students to be capable of viewing the transformation that is taking place right before their eyes. To enhance any fitness program it becomes a challenge for instructors to keep the work out exciting and exhilarating in order to keep their students returning for more. Rosie accomplishes this through positive encouragement, motivation, her own unique choreography, and of course when the lights are low the party atmosphere is turned up “Latin Style”. The studio is equipped with state of the art sound equipment and lighting system that allows her students to transform their workout into a positive nightclub environment that is exciting and a one of a kind in the Washington area.
ShakeItLatinStyle Fitness Club is the perfect destination for exercise classes such as Zumba Hot Hula ,Yoga Fit , Belly Dance, & Hot Latin Night, with 2013 ushering in new styles of fitness programs such as; Mommy & Me, Zumba Gold , & Zumbatonic! . All of Rosie’s students are her “ShakeIt” Beau-
ties & Gents; they are the reason for Rosie to “Breath”. Her love of dance has brought students from all corners of the Washington area in order to live healthier happier lives, by transforming their bodies, becoming more confident, building new friendships, bring out their sexier intimate self and all while finding a place that they can escape from the stresses of daily life and work. Through Rosie’s fitness club she finds that she is truly blessed, because when Rosie’s is on the platform she is dancing for their healthy benefit. Rosie views each and every one of her students as beautiful positive individuals inside and out and finds it a blessing to be able to guide them into leading a better life, through exercise and fitness. Rosie’s students share their success stories every day and that is truly an amazing part of her career. When you are told that a student no longer needs their medication or their inhaler, or has dropped several dress sizes then you know you are creating a positive impact in your community and providing a studio that individuals can walk into and make healthy life lasting changes. Rosie does not stop with creating everlasting change within her studio; instead she finds ways to give back to a community that gives so much to her and encourages her students to participate as well. Rosie finds avenues to impact her community through volunteer work and fund raising such as the American Cancer Society Strides Walks, American Breast Cancer Society, and the Hand-in-Hand program which removes children from homes in emergency situations, as well as the Homeward Pet Rescue/ Shelter and donating schools supplies. However the volunteer work does not stop there, while Rosie encourages all of her students to assist in fund raising projects for their community, she also recognizes students that need assistance as well. One of her own students lost a relative in an unfortunate accident and Rosie organized a fund raiser to help her student through her time of need. The hearts and lives that Rosie’s very own student’s change is limitless. The impact that Rosie has upon her students and her community is beyond any words that could be bestowed upon her.
When asked why it is so important to give back to her community, Rosie stated, “It is simply out of Human Kindness”. “When people have the opportunity and the resources to help others, they should; when you can unite others who want to help, you should. Giving back to your community to those who need assistance no matter how small that need is, becomes that act of human kindness and it makes our world a better place. In our ShakeIt family, we have a lot of love to give and when I ask my students if they can help…the only answer they give… is how much? It is truly amazing how deep their hearts go, for them to be willing to just say okay! When you have a passionate voice it should be utilized to help other individuals as well as other organizations to find their own voice and receive the help that they need”. Rosella West Hardy Successful Career Woman & Community Leader. “Turn your passion in to a business; Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life! Most importantly, don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s not possible”.
Rosie’s photo by: Josh Marshall Photography
Leading Ladies P – PURPOSE The first P is Purpose. Ask yourselves this, What is it that God has called me to do? You may say, I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing with my life? Matt. 6:33 tells us to seek God first and his kingdom and all of these things will be added. Start out each day with prayer and begin writing matters of your heart down on paper. There is a reason that you were created. The time is now.
Hello Women of Xcellence, for this issue I will be sharing with you information about Leading Ladies and what it takes to be a woman of great standards I will be sharing three matters of the heart that will help you prioritize your life. In 2011, I first established a group for women called Leading Ladies because I wanted to find more ways for women to connect on all levels. Leading Ladies is about women of Xcellence coming together; for together we are all mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters, and friends. As Leading Ladies, we are very passionate about life and all want to succeed. We put God first and love to help others. As we continue to climb to newer heights in our business, ministry, and home, I would like to share my three P’s with you for this issue.
P- PLAN The second P is Plan. What is your plan for your life? What were you created here to do? My friend, God does have a plan for your life as a Women of Xcellence. What are your goals, your vision, and your dreams? In order to get these questions answered, you must first begin creating your very own personal check list of things that you must do. As the driver of your own vehicle; ask yourself this, how do I get from point A to point B? When you look at it like this it will make it easier to accomplish your task. The keys are determination and focus. P- PASSION Get in the game. The last P is Passion. What are you most passionate about? What do you love that makes your eyes sparkle or keeps you glowing from across the room. Do what you love to do is what I will say to you. So many people work day in and day out and never explore their passion. Passion will be the heartbeat that keeps you moving and growing along. Treva Gordon is a motivational speaker, evangelist, and business leader. For more information about Leading Ladies or becoming a Woman of Xcellence email .
How to Lead From the Front Be who you are created to be in Christ Jesus. Use your gifts to bless those around you. Lead by example, follow the savior, and never stop learning. My belief is that God places people in our lives to make a difference. The best gift that can be given to others is wisdom. The Star Achievement Pageant family stands to build self-esteem in young ladies, and promote healthy living in every capacity. We are the role models for our youth who want to learn from us. Let us stand together to achieve excellence in all that we do. What is the legacy of service you will leave to those coming behind you? Warmest regards, Quiana Rockette
e are now taking applications for the 2013 Star Achievement Pageant. No pageant experience is required. If you enjoy showcasing your talent, helping your community or you’re a fashionista at heart, come and be a part of this awesome pageant system. If you are a scholastic achiever with goals and ambitions, we are looking for you. At Star Achievement Pageants we celebrate inner and outer beauty, hard work, and reaching your goals. For the 2013 pageant, teen contestants you must be in high school, striving for academic excellence, have adequate school attendance and be a resident of Mississippi, Arkansas or Tennessee. Miss & Miss Plus contestants must have a job or attend school while striving for academic excellence, have adequate school attendance and be a resident of Mississippi, Arkansas or Tennessee. All contestants must be in the age bracket, for their division, by the date of the pageant date. The divisions and age groupings are listed below. Email any questions or for an application to:
Our pageant will be held early 2013. We have a special rate going on now! Email for details. We look forward to adding you to our pageant family. Note*** There are limited spots available for the 2013 pageant. Don’t miss out on the fun. STAR ACHIEVEMENT PAGEANTS Founder/Director: Quiana Rockette The 2013 pageant is open to young ladies( who reside in Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas) MISS TEEN STAR ACHIEVEMENT(13-17 YRS OLD) MISS STAR ACHIEVEMENT(18-24YRS OLD) MISS PLUS STAR ACHIEVEMENT(18-24YRS OLD) *CONTESTANTS IN THE PLUS DIVISION MUST WEAR AT LEAST A SIZE 14 (IN LADIES). *NO EXCEPTIONS
Recently, Merriweather started an outreach ministry (Kids in the Kitchen) in the Hillcrest Circle community in collaboration with Area Relief Ministry. The goal of this ministry is to strengthen the family unit by bringing families back to the table. Kids learn how to prepare healthy meals and make healthier food choices for them and their families. These programs are just some of the efforts Merriweather’s department administers to help improve the quality of life for City of Jackson residents. She takes a leadership role in a wide range of community organizations and professional associations. When she is not working, Monique enjoys Zumba (A Latin dance workout routine) singing, reading shopping, and spending quality time with her family. Her proudest accomplishments consist of having a relationship with the Lord, marrying her husband, Errick, her four beautiful sons and earning her Master’s degree. “Leadership Jackson for me was not about making the winning shot and being the MVP, it was more about assisting in the process and helping others make it to the GOAL!”
MONIQUE MERRIWEATHER Monique began working for the City of Jackson as a 911 dispatcher in August of 1997. In 2005, she became the Case Manager for the Drug Treatment Court program. In 2008, she was appointed by Mayor Jerry Gist as the director of Neighborhood Services. Her responsibilities include implementing the 32 recommendations made by the Safe Neighborhood Task force, in an effort to reduce crime and property code violations within the city. The mission of the Neighborhood Service Department is to make government more accessible to the people it serves. This department acts as a conduit for constituents and neighborhood groups to get answers and find solutions to problems; also to be a resource for technical assistance to neighborhood groups to empower citizens; and a way for government to reach out to its citizens through meaningful public process. Merriweather’s staff is committed to helping promote active neighborhood involvement and finding long term-solutions to ongoing problems in our community. Merriweather advocates for programs that will help improve the overall quality of life for City of Jackson families. In 2009, her department implemented the Mayor’s Second Chance program, a program that assists non-violent felony offenders in their efforts to find gainful employment. In 2010, Merriweather with the support of Mayor Gist and other community advocates, implemented the Homeowner repair program. This program consist of area churches from all denominations working together to assist homeowners that do not have the resources to repair their homes. Materials for the repairs are provided to homeowners that meet the income requirements.
BETH WILSON Beth Wilson has a husband of 20 years with whom she fell in love with at age 7. They have an active, sports minded 12 year old son. Ms. Wilson is currently the Director of the Exchange Club-Carl Perkins Center in Haywood County and is also the Relative Caregiver Director for 20 counties served by the Carl Perkins Center in West TN. She is recipient of undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Memphis and procured additional classes and supervision to obtain a professional license in counseling with a mental health service endorsement. Ms. Wilson has worked in the mental health field for 23 years and is a member of the TN Children and Youth Councils in both NW & SW, TN.
CARMEN PEASE Carmen Pease is a wife and a mother of three wonderful children. She enjoys the family and life God has blessed her with. Aside of being a wife and mother she is also a veteran of the US military. She served 8 years in the army reserve, part of which 1 year and 4 months was spent overseas in Kuwait and Iraq serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. After returning home from war, she went on to earn her Bachelors degree in Business Administration concentration in Healthcare operations. Shortly after earning her bachelors degree she pursued a Masters degree in Business Administration concentration in healthcare Management. Carmen was employed at Vanderbilt Medical Center as an Administrative Manager until recently when she was afforded the opportunity for a career change into law enforcement, which has been a passion for many years. She is currently employed with the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, where she is able to work in her field of study, which is business, and fulfill her passion for justice. She is a member of the Haywood County Foster Care Review Board and Child Protective Investigative Team. In addition, she is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and currently is a board member for the Haywood County Exchange Club. She is also a board member for Xcellence, Inc., serves on the board for the Salvation Army in Haywood County as the Social Welfare Secretary and is an active member of the Humane Society. During her spare time she enjoys making jewelry and volunteers at her sons school, for the Salvation Army and for the Delta Heritage Center . She has two life mottos that she tries to live by:“family comes first” and “never say never” Beth Wilson, MS, NCC, LPC/MHSP
LISA CARLTON Lisa is a mother of 2, Bryse and Brenna Carlton. She has a wonderful husband, Link and they reside in Brownsville, Tn. Lisa is City President of First State Bank in Brownsville. She is currently President of The Carl Perkins Center, board member for Haywood County Rotary Club, Board member of Brownsville Boys and Girls Club, Corporate Chair fundraiser for United Way in Brownsville, Biking for Babies Chair for March of Dimes and Alumni Council member for WestStar. She attends First United Methodist Church. To relieve stress, Lisa enjoys triathlons, teaching aerobics and she recently completed her first marathon, 26.2 miles of running.
Dianne was born and raised in Streator Illinois, she currently resides in Woodstock Georgia. She is employed at Metlife Auto and Home as an Underwriting Consultant and serves as the Regional Coordinator for Xcellence in the Atlanta NW Region. She is the chairmen of the Atlanta Regional Office Working on Wellness division and Local Inclusion Action team in which she coordinates employees physical activity events and brings diversity awareness to her office. She has over 23 years of experience in the insurance industry. She attended Highland Community College and holds a associates business degree. She has two sons, Joseph and Aaron, and a grandmother of a baby girl. She is actively involved at her church in the dance ministry, and enjoys walking and participates annually in the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race. Tutoring and Mentoring Programs, Meals for Miles Walk, Dr. Martin Luther King Walk, Freshmen College Giveaway, Feeding the Homeless, Secret Santa,Teen Pregnancy Door, and many, many more This organization is willing and ready to volunteer at any events which you may have or need assistance.
“ Mission Statement “ A Support group of women whose sole purpose is to help uplift women and teenage girls to higher spirits,rebuild,fellowship and assisting worldwide”
If you would like to join this outstanding organization please contact: She thanks God for each and every woman that is dedicated to BSW! Handsome Spirited Men are COMING SOON!!!!!!!!
CRYSTAL CLARK Crystal Clark is a 30 year old hardworking, motivating, and energetic indiviual whom realize that life was so important when she became a mother 4 years ago to a beautiful daughter name Princess Asia. Crystal Clark holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Lane College, a Masters Degree in Business Administration from University of Phoenix Cordova, and working on her Doctoral Degree in Finance! She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. With God ahead of her life she feels that she can achieve everything she wants out of life. Crystal Clark is the CEO of Beautiful Spirited Women Non Profit Organization, an idea that was brought to her from God to mentor teenage girls within the community in which she stays in and uplift the women which that joins a Drama Free environment, no matter what race, creed, or religion She then brought the idea to her 3 sisters whom are the founders of this organizations., Mrs. Nicole Steen, Mrs Delbera Deberry, and Ms. Ursula Johnson to help her make this dream come true. With the blessings and help from her sisters, friends and women all over the world, Beautiful Spirited Women has 7 running chapters starting with her home town Memphis, Tn., Mississippi., Houston, Tx., Atlanta, Ga., Chicago/Freeport IL., Springfield, Tn and the city in which we are in now Jackson, Tn. This organization has participated/donated in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Awareness, Chrohn Colitis Awareness Walk, Parkinson Disease. Lupus Foundation, Lebohneur Children Medical Center.,Assistant Living Centers, Dreams Do Come True Contest, Teen Uplifitng Hour, Children Books Giveaway,
C. Rena Johnson is a native of Brownsville TN, and a 1991 graduate of the Haywood County School System. She began her professional career at Sears Roebuck as an Assistant Manager and later employed at Bancorp South as an Account Specialist. Currently, she is employed as a Team Lead for Apria Healthcare in their billing department. As much as Rena loves her career, she is most proud of her spiritual walk. In 1994, Rena married her soul mate, Undrae Johnson. They both soon realized that they had a special place in their heart for ministry. After serving many years as the Youth Leader of Greater Community Temple of Deliverance in Jackson, Tennessee, Rena knew that her calling to serve was greater to the body of Christ. Pastor Undrae and First Lady Rena are the founders of Family Life Fellowship Ministries, located in Brownsville Tennessee. Their ministry has consistently experienced growth and has plans underway for expansion. She is also a loving and caring mother of 3, a friend, mentor, and community leader to many, including Xcellence
STACY AMBROSE Stacy Hunter Ambrose was born and raised in Somerville ,TN. She is blessed with 2 children Victoria an Alex. She graduated from Fayette Ware High School in 1990 with license in cosmetology. Fall of 1990 she decided to attend Texas Southern University for 21/2 years. During those two years she also decided to join the military but was later discharged. Then really not knowing which direction to go she decided to use her cosmetology license and become a professional hairstylist in a beauty salon in Brownsville , TN and this became her profession for over 20 years. During those years she received a Bachelor Degree Science in Business Management Degree in 2007 and her instructor license in cosmetology 2009. After trying all these things she knew her true calling and passion was established in 1992 and that was in volunteering in her community and surrounding areas. Her first volunteer experience came when College Hill in Brownsville started their first summer camp. Since then she have participated in numerous events such as event advisor at Douglass Community Center, Girls Scout Leader, HIV/AIDS Awareness Sponsor, Youth Adviser At St. John Baptist Church, Inner Beauty Seminars, and many more. HER STRENGTH COMES FROM MAKING PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES AND BELIEVING EACH DAY THEY SHOULD COME WITH PASSION KNOWING THAT GOD IS REAL AND HE SUPPLY ALL OF THEIR HAPPINESS!!!
SONJA WRIGHT Sonja Wright , a native of Brownsville, is a graduate of the University of Memphis with a B.L.S. in African American Educational Studies. It is there that she was initiated into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She received her M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from Freed Hardeman University in 2000. After graduating from Freed Hardeman, Mrs. Wright began her teaching career in Fayette County where she became one of the first Instructional Facilitators in the district. In 2006 she embarked on a new journey with Memphis City Schools as a Title I Instructional Faciltiator and Coordinator of one of the top Supplimentary Educational Services. Currently, she is a proud 1st grade teacher at Coleman Elementary School where she wears many hats. She is the Chairperson of the 2013 SACS Accredidation for Coleman, new teacher mentor, Envoy Coach, Memphis City Schools’ TEI (Teacher Effectiveness initiative) Ambassador and her newest hat- Co- Sponsor of the Wildcat Dance/Step team. Mrs. Wright’s passion for education shows in her spirit and will to educate all people. She has taught grades 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 and High School English. She stated, “I have the ability to reach and teach ALL students, young and old. This is my niche. I don’t think I would ever want to do anything else. The passion is too great. The students need me. I want them to be the best and have the best! They are our future doctors, lawyers, mail carriers, care givers, etc. I owe it to them to ensure that they have bright futures ‘BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.’” She lives by the quote from Carol Buchner, “Students may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Mrs. Wright currently resides in Cordova, TN with her husband, Clarence and their daughter Molly.
BARBARA BOND Barbara A. Richmond-Bond was born in Brownsville, Tn. She is the daughter of the late Rev. & Mrs. J.R. Richmond. Barbara moved to Madison County, TN with her family in 1967 and attended Madison County School System. Barbara is a 1976 graduate of West Senior High School, where she was a cheerleader and the captain of the color guard squad. Upon graduating from high school sche continued her education at Lane College, where she was initiated in the Beta Chi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Barbara graduated from Lane College in 1980 with a Bachelors of Arts degrees in Communications and Sociology. Mrs. Bond is also a 1992 graduate of Bethel University where she received a Bachelolrs of Arts degree in Education with a concentration in Supervision Curriculum and Design. Mrs. Bond is currently employed with the State of TN - Department of Children’s Services. She has been employed with the State for 21 years. Currently she is the Resource Linkage Coordinator fo rthe South West Region where she provides services to elevin counties. Mrs. Bond works very closely in each county as a liaison for DCS with Faith-Based, state, city and county officials, school systems and other local agencies and organizations to continue improving the quality of life for our children and families throughout the SW Region. Mrs. Bond is also the owner of Bond Janitorial Services and covers all of the North and Southwest regions. Barbara is the proud wife of Mr. Fenner Bond and the mother of two beautiful daughters, Brittney and Hope, and the grandmother of one, Semiah, which she adores. Barbara is a member of Light of Life Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Nathaniel Bond.
VIRGINIA STACKENS-CRUMP Ms. Virginia Stackens-Crump is the fifth of ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. James Higgins of Memphis, Tennessee. She is an alumnus of the Memphis City School System, Lambuth University and the University of Memphis. While in college, she had the opportunity to work in the Jackson law offices of Attorney Richard H. Donnell and Jerry C. Cox, whose tutelage was instrumental in her professional growth and development of life skills and philosophies that have served her throughout her career. Ms. Crump served as a special education instructor in Haywood County and Jackson-Madison County for seventeen years. Her diligence and commitment afforded her the opportunity to serve as principal of Parkview Montessori Magnet School for eight years. Monumental successes at the elementary school resulted in a mid-year appointment as principal to Jackson Central-Merry High School beginning 20052006 school years. This historical appointment established her as the first African American female high school principal in Jackson, Tennessee. July 2009, Ms. Crump was assigned to the Jackson-Madison County Board of Education as Grant Writer, Federal Projects Monitor and Pre-School Monitor. On March 31, 2010, Ms. Crump retired from JMCSS with 30+ years of undaunted and committed service. On April 1, 2010, past involvement and cooperative endeavors with the historic Lane College welcomed Ms. Crump as Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Director of Lane Evening Accelerated Program; Director of Career Planning and Placement and Advisor to the President. She is a member of many professional organizations. Her philosophy for educating children is more “a ministry” which translates to hard work, dedication and service. She instills in every student the 3 R’s of life: Respectability, Responsibility and Resourcefulness.
An integral part of her philosophy is a strong commitment to community service, which is exemplified by numerous awards and commendations: 4 Way Test Award (Rotary Club of Jackson); Woman of the Year for Children (Boys and Girls Club); Service Key Award (Phi Delta Kappa International Fraternity); Educator of the Year 2005 (Phi Delta Kappa Sorority); Educator of the Year 2005 (Lane Chapter and Lane Commandry 16/24); Outstanding Educator (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity); Outstanding Leadership Ability, Commitment to Education and Service to Community – Deliverance House of Prayer, - February 2005; Distinguished School Administrator (JMCEA); and, Citizen of the Year (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity). In 2006, she was honored in the Lane College Commemorative Calendar; she was the recipient of the Rosa Parks Distinguished Human Service Award (SANKOFA) and the Rosa Parks Award for Leadership and Commitment to Humanity (New Life Christian Center); July, 2006, honored by Greater Enon Baptist Church, McKenzie, TN; Juvenile Court Services Volunteer Recognition – 2006; February 2006, she was the honored guest on Black History DVD for Blue Cross/Blue Shield; was invited as an honored guest with President George Bush, White House - February 2007; received the Alpha Phi Alpha Citation of Honor - December 2007; Recipient of the William H. Graves. Sr. Award for Community Service - Mother Liberty CME Church, December 2007; Received High Schools That Work Recognition for High School Reform, January 2008. Equally significant, Ms. Crump is a member of National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE); has been actively engaged as the Vice-president of the Jackson Midtown Optimist Club of America; Board of Directors for JACOA; Education Coordinator for United Way; Member of the NAACP, Advisory Board for Jackson Sun Parent & Family Magazine; Advisory Council for TENNderCARE Outreach Program; Board of Directors for YMCA; Quality Council 20/20 Vision; Building Task Force for Chamber of Commerce; City Tree Board; past president of Phi Delta Kappa International Fraternity; and, past member of the President’s Leadership Board for Lambuth University. Beyond her diligence in school reform in Jackson, Ms. Crump is most visible and active in community service across the state, via public speaking (platform – “Quality education NOW for all children”). She has three children, one daughter-in-law, four granddaughters and one grandson and is a member of Temple of Deliverance C.O.G.I.C., Memphis Tennessee.
JACQUELINE KNIGHT Jacqueline Knight, a mother, friend, teacher, mentor, and a vessel of God are words that many use to describe her. She retired from the military in 2008 with twenty-three plus years of faithful service. Her job while in the military was as a Logistician. Through her ministry of helping people in the I Care Ministry, many have received blessings from her. She is presently employed as a Management Analyst with the Directorate of Public Works; at Ft. Campbell, KY and a Professor at University of Phoenix. A native of Jackson, Tennessee, she is a graduate of Austin Peay State University of Clarksville, TN where she received a B.S. in Public Management. She also holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Leadership Management from Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, NJ, and is presently pursuing a Doctorate’s Degree in Business Administration (DBA) with a concentration in Marketing at Argosy University, Nashville, TN. Her expected graduation date is 2013. In addition to her previous accomplishments, she thrives on new challenges and believes that making dreams come to life for her and her family is completely within the scope of her abilities. Her strengths are just a cornerstone to success and outweigh any weaknesses that she may have. She graduated from Leadership Fort Campbell, Class of 2011-2012, and is an active member with the National Association of Professional Women and serves as the Regional Coordinator for Xcellence, Inc. for the Middle TN and KY Region. Jackie is the mother of two children: Eric Jr and Jasmine Tionne (a vessel of God who has gone on home to be with the Lord). Her motivation for serving comes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “I can never become what I ought to be until you become who you need to be.”
i, my name is Aniya. I am 9 years old and today we are going to talk about technology. Rule #1 – Don’t give out your personal business to anyone (ex. your age, address, birthday, etc…) Rule # 2 - Don’t cyber bully! Cyber bullying is when u bully over social media and that’s a big problem. Make sure your not one of those people. Rule #3 – Don’t give away your passwords to anyone but you can share with your family. Last rule #4 - Now rule four is to just have fun! Social media is AWESOME and ROCKS!!! I want to share a few of my favorite sites that I use:,, I’m a girl but boys I didn’t forget about you: and If you like virtual worlds: woozworld. com,, clubpenguin. com Now you boys and girls have fun and be safe by using and sharing my tips with your other friends.
Crime Trends & Latest Protection Methods
Please be aware of your surroundings AT ALL TIMES, this includes: •While walking to and from your vehicle: whether you are searching for where you parked your car, or studying your receipt to make sure you were not over charged, you are making yourself vulnerable to crime. •Especially while at ATM machines: make sure there are no other vehicles or people on the parking lot. If the ATM machine is secluded, drive a few extra miles to a well-lit ATM. Once you retrieve your money, proceed immediately to your car and leave. Do not sit in your car counting your money – you are a waiting target. •Talking on your cell phone: Save deep conversations for when you are in the safety of your destination, cell phone distractions make you an easy target. •Keep vehicle doors locked while driving and when parked: criminals can easily walk up and enter your vehicle while you’re sitting at a traffic light, stop signs or intersections. Many victims have been carjacked or robbed because they were not paying attention and/ or simply because their car door was unlocked. Although law enforcement includes surveillance of the community, it is impossible for officers to be everywhere, at all times. Therefore, awareness is a tool that will help you avoid becoming a criminal’s prey. Always be attentive and avoid distractions while performing everyday tasks so that you don’t become a statistic. It’s better to be too safe than unsafe.
Article by: Detective Sgt. Vatisha Evans-Barken
t is important to remember that while emotional abuse is often thought of as being committed by a man against a woman, women can also emotionally abuse men with whom they are in a relationship, or the abuse may occur between members of a samesex relationship. Emotional abuse in any relationship is not acceptable. No matter how attractive, old or smart a person is, he or she can be a victim of emotional abuse. The chances of that abuse gravitating to one of a physical nature are very high. Here are some signs of an abusive partner or spouse. 1. Isolates You from Friends and Family - Emotionally abusive spouses want you all to themselves and make an effort to have it that way. They do not understand that you have a life outside of the relationship – one that includes family and friends. It is healthy and normal for you to hang out with other people as well, so if your partner prevents you from doing so, this may be a sign of an emotionally abusive relationship. 2. Is Verbally Abusive - If someone calls you derogatory names, even if they say they are joking, they mean to hurt you and keep you in line. Abusers sometimes cover themselves by blaming you, saying that you need to lighten up or that you are too sensitive. You are not too sensitive; you are feeling in your gut that this is not the way you should be treated. Abusers have a way of making you think that this is normal behavior and that it is you who has the problem.
3. Blames Others for His or Her Problems - If your significant other always blames everything on someone else, namely you, this may be a bad sign. If he or she throws a tantrum or attacks you verbally, he or she will say it was because of you. It is not a sign of a healthy relationship if your partner never takes responsibility and never admits to being at fault. 4. Alcohol and Drug Use - Not all abusers use drugs or drink excessive alcohol, but many do. An addiction can lead to erratic and innappropriate behavior. Substance abuse can be a gateway to emotional abuse and an unhealthy relationship. 5. Instills Fear - If you feel fear around your partner or spouse, there is something very wrong. Abusers may try to intimidate you with violence, dominance or power tactics. For example, intentionally putting you in possibly harmful situations, or showing you their gun collection and stating they are not afraid to use them. 6. Punishes You for Spending Time Away - This goes along with the isolation technique, where abusers want you all to themselves. If you do go somewhere or do something without your partner, or even if he or she goes along but others are also there, an emotional abuser will punish you later. An abuser may shout, insult, threaten or worse, all because you were not exclusively hanging out with him or her.
XCELLENCE COMMUNITY MAGAZINE If you are in or believe that a friend or a loved one is in an emotionally abusive relationship, you can help them to get through the adverse effects of emotional abuse. Here’s how: • Start with subtlety. If you are overtly critical of the suspected abuser, it makes it less likely the victim will trust you with their secret. Sometimes the best that one can do is to offer a sympathetic ear and an assurance of safety if they ever find themselves needing it. • Help them disconnect. In a romantic relationship where this is happening, recovery involves stepping back enough to question the truths and assumptions that they have, This will entail moving away from the abuser and seeking others who can give a more balanced and less personally motivated perspective on the person’s strengths and weaknesses. • Suggest they seek help. This is certainly not an easy process, so the person may need therapy to work through their issues and overcome the abuse. • Seek outside help. If you are concerned for the person’s safety, do not hesitate to seek outside help if needed. Physical safety is the primary concern. If someone is being physically abused, they should take steps to ensure that they are out of harm’s way by finding a safe place to stay and receive support that they need from a trusted person, Once in a safe place, the person should connect with supportive services for abused individuals. • Receive continuing care. It is a difficult process of breaking free. The person needs a lot of support and can benefit from being in therapy or part of a support group as well. Emotional abuse can be subtle, but once recognized, it can be dealt with in several positive ways. Article contributed by: 353 UrbanVoice
7. Expects You to Wait on Him or Her Like a Servant - An emotional abuser goes through life feeling entitled to be treated like royalty, and wants you to be a willing servant. He or she expects you to do everything and will not help at all. 8. Is Extremely Jealous of You - A prominent trait of abusers is their jealousy. An abusive partner or spouse is often jealous of you, other people and even your dreams and goals. Their jealousy and rage over intangible things like your aspirations stem from the lack of control they feel over those aspects of your life. 9. Controls You Through His or Her Emotions - An abuser is a grand manipulator and will sulk, threaten to leave, and emotionally punish you for not going along with his or her idea of how things should be. An abuser will try to make you feel guilty any time you exert your will and assert what is right for you. At times the abuser may appear to be apologetic and loving but his “remorse” doesn’t last long; the abuse begins again when the abuser feels he or she has you back. 10. Gets Physical - If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, there is a good chance that eventually things may get physical. At first, the abuser might pull your hair, push you, or grab you so hard that you bruise; these may only be warning signs that things can escalate further. A partner with an explosive temper who has reacted with violence before (breaking things, punching the wall, getting into altercations with others) may be likely to physically abuse you.
Brian is a board certified Medical Laboratory Scientist by the American Society of Clinical Pathologist & National Credentialing Agency. He has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. For the past 8 years Brian has performed laboratory practices at a host of healthcare entities throughout the United States including Shands Jacksonville, the Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson Cancer Center. There are different aspects of health. It’s not limited to what we eat or how much we exercise. Simply, health is a spectrum or a blend of many components. Those components are spiritual, mental, physical, social, environmental, and emotional. Spiritual health is primary because it’s at the center of all the other health components. For example, it resembles the sun at the center of the solar system surrounded by the planets.
Everyday people schedule appointments to see psychiatrists and medical doctors. Scientists take samples of the earth to conduct research while garbage men transport waste from one location to another. All these actions are taken to preserve the health of our communities. Our communities, the place where we live, work, shop, and attend school, host events and worship. Its health is affected when one or more of the health components become deficient. A young man takes a gun and kills his mom, 8 other adults and 20 elementary school children before turning the gun on him is a prime example of a community that has become deficient in one of the health components. A town that allows large manufacturing companies to dump polluted substances into the town’s main water supply system is another example of a community deficient in health. Spiritual health is sufficient, not lacking. It’s primary because it involves God. A community without God is not only a community deficient in spiritual health but health in general because all health derives from the Spirit of God. Communities that excel in the components of health do so as a result of its source. Yes, it is the professionals’ job to implement programs and run businesses in the community to help improve the components of health. While traveling throughout the U.S. as a medical laboratory scientist, I have observed health deficiencies in certain communities. Drugs, prostitution, gangs, and crooked politicians infect the population of people and the effect is newly constructed jails, mental health institutions, abortion clinics, and increased diseased rates.
The making of a healthy community begins when spiritual health is cultivated. Spiritual health is cultivated when God is welcomed into the places where we live, eat, work, shop and attend school. His presence affects all the components of health: spiritual, mental, physical, social, environmental, and emotional. He gives wisdom to the community to make wise decisions to decrease crime, waste, domestic violence, the uneducated etc. Remember what you have read in this article. Share it with your community and its leaders. The next time you watch the news or read the newspaper, take notice of the communities that lack certain health components. To maintain healthy communities we must impart this understanding into the minds of our children so that they’ll know how to overcome the ills of society. A community that acknowledges God as the source of all health and healing is a community destined to be filled with love, unity, and health itself. If you are interested in learning more about developing healthier communities please visit the website: ( to download a free copy of my e-book: “Opaleye Medical Laboratory Inspires A Way to Better Health.”
Article written by: Brian D. Hicks MBA, MLS (ASCP)CM CEO/President Opaleye Medical Laboratory LLC
Fit Word for the Soul Greetings! In the name of our gracious Christ Jesus, it is with great joy and xcitement that I am able to share with you some health and fitness tips for a better 2013. As a Personal Fitness Trainer and Certified Zumba Instructor on the west coast, I am constantly challenged with obstacles. You too, will face obstacles when you make a conscious decision to become fit. We, you, & I together must overcome them with reckless abandonment. Here’s why, obstacles will always happen, appear, arise, show up, spring forth and however else you want to say it, THEY’LL COME This is how WE DEW!!!! Step 1- we must make a decision to change our world, our bodies. Step 2 is to become selfish with OUR TIME. We must carve out time to work out, exercise, and train. I recommend 4 to 5 days of active movement. Dancing, hiking and/or weight training are all great ways to stay active. Intertwining all three keeps your muscle toned and your mind stimulated from boredom. However choosing one of the three will bring the results. Step 3, is the most difficult; yet guarantees results- be consistent!!! Do repetitive baits, it ensures your change. There you have it, Fit for the Souls formula to a better 2013. It’s easy as 1.2.3!!! For more information or specific workouts contact TJ @ or call 818.422.1667 (Muscle by Russell) Toney Jenkins Fit for the Soul/ MbR 818.217.5509
Providing Healthy Weight Balanced Meals for You and Your Family Balanced Body Meals is a Nashville-based company specializing in creating healthy 200-400 calorie personalized delicious meals that assist individuals stay on track with their weight loss goals. Owner and Head Chef, LaCita Mason, gets her inspiration for food from her grandmother, “Grandma Pete.� Grandma Pete has 82 years of cooking knowledge and passion that she passed down to LaCita, and you can feel the love in her savory flavors. A lady that loves southern cookin, LaCita has incorporated her love for these transitions into a healthier version so that everyone can enjoy all the foods they love but without the stress of gaining weight. We explore and experiment with new recipes, for healthier living choices every day! LaCita love to watch people lives transform because of her recipes all while enjoying her food. She has a simple motto:
Pretty. Good. Health. Food.
To learn more about Balanced Body Meals, please contact Ms. LaCita Mason, CEO and Owner. - 615-942-8884
First Fridays of Jackson, TN Visit us at First Fridays is known as the premier networking organization among urban professionals throughout the country. The monthly events - taking place on the first Friday of each month - originated in Newark, NJ., in 1987 as an outlet for urban professionals to network and develop contracts with their peers. Over the years, the concept has grown. First Fridays is the largest and most consistent networking organization in the nation. Originating in the late 1980’s, First Fridays has strong name recognition with almost 20 years presence in the marketplace. It operates in over 30 cities across the United States. This organization consistently attracts 300 to 3,000 loyal patrons to our signature First Fridays event held each month per city. It is the #1 event in urban America reaching over 850,000 professionals.... If you ever visit a First Friday you will be impressed with the type of patrons this event brings out. You will notice how everyone interacts, mingle and network all while having a great entertaining evening. The patrons are well dressed business minded individuals. First Friday events has been going strong for a long time and we are proud to have one each and every month here in Jackson, Tennessee. We held our first event here in July of 2009 and enjoy seeing the continuing growth of this event. Our Functions are dressy, classy and most of our events are themed. Some of the events have giveaway prizes and offer ways for business owners to socialize and at the same time market their business by means of business cards, placing flyers on the tables, sometimes even microphone time. Guest has the option of joining our ever-growing emailing list. Come join us as we look forward to another great year in 2013.
How Socializing Opened Doors for Entrepreneurship First Fridays Promoter, Marvin Freeman grew up in Jackson, Tennessee. Marvin graduated from North Side High School here in Jackson before continuing his education. He has worked in the engineering department for a local company here in Jackson for over 20 years. Marvin likes to golf in his spare time but also enjoys promoting social events that encourages networking. With that being said he attended a First Friday Event the early part of 2009 in Memphis, Tn. He was so impressed with how everyone interacted, mingled and networked all the while having a great entertaining evening. He noticed how all the patrons were well dressed business minded individuals. Immediately after arriving back in Jackson, the following day he started researching on how he could bring something of that nature and quality here. Marvin succeeded in getting a Jackson First Friday and had his first event in July of that same year. Shortly after launching, he welcomed a business partner. Between the two of them and a very dedicated team they are keeping Jackson First Friday as one of best socializing and networking venues in the area. Utilizing social media, radio advertisements and an emailing list, their guest are always informed on the upcoming events.
was having fun shooting what I discovered as glamour photography. Long story short, Fancy was born. It evolved into a passion for the beauty of women and the art of intimate portraits. After a few months I had a revelation that I should go on a mission to empower women through intimate portraiture. I walked away from eight years of career development in the financial services industry to show women that they can be beautiful no matter what.” - Tru The Photographer Trunetta Atwater Owner+Photographer Truimage Jackson, TN 731-313-7850
I’m counting down the days until the 2013 Engaging Moments Bridal Show hosted by Forever Communications at the Carl Perkins Civic Center in Jackson, TN. In 2012 over 500 brides and their guest attended this show. We would like for you to know what it means to be a Fancy Bride? Simply combine the Fancy Experience with your excitement of being the Hottest Bride in town + plus your dress, your lingerie, me and my camera and Team Fancy! The 5 Top reasons for being a Fancy Bride! 5. Because you deserve to see your beauty! 4. Because supermodels aren’t the only ones with a sexy side. 3. The best way to take a break and relax from planning. 2. The Fancy Bridal Boudoir experience makes a great gift for him! 1. You are going to love this!!! There are a few other perks of being Fancy! If you are a bride or recently married in 2012 email us so that you will receive access to our 2013 Bridal Show Bonuses!!! If you are ready to have a Truimage Wedding and Be a Fancy Bride… contact us here! We hope to hear from you soon! - Tru
Husband and Wife Duo Turns Recession Into Success
our time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs. I began with this quote because a lot of times people are afraid to follow their dreams. They are reluctant to step out on faith. A little over two years ago, my wife and I were introduced to a business that today has changed our lives. Prior to this opportunity, I worked in the real estate business. I made a nice living for my family. Then in 2008 when the market crashed, so did my income along with many others’ income. Every day on the news you would see how people were losing their homes to foreclosure and how the unemployment rate was steady rising. I was forced to work a 9-5 job that required my “time” in exchange for a “paycheck.” I have always liked nice things and wanted the best for my family and trading time for money just was not getting it. In October 2010, an opportunity was presented to my wife and I. Because we stepped out on faith, today I can say that I no longer have to work for someone else or build someone else’s dream. We are having the time of our lives. Because of the time freedom this opportunity has given me, my family and I have gone on six vacations and many mini weekend getaways to Atlanta, St. Louis, Mississippi to mention a few. We took our first trip out of the country to a 5-star resort in Cancun back in August. This trip was five days four nights all inclusive for only $500.00 per person. We have earned a company paid for BMW and most importantly, my wife and I working on leaving a legacy for our children’s children. If you haven’t figured it out by now, this amazing opportunity involves travel. Through our business, we have been blessed to meet and work with some incredible people. I’ll end with this quote: “When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.” – Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. If you are interested in knowing more about the opportunity that has changed my life, you can send me a private message on Facebook at Marcus Chandra Jackson.
Let’s Make A Living…Living. Let’s Get It!!!
It’s not about the way you look or the sound of your voice or your job, it’s your state of mind. It’s confidence in the man God created you to be.
IS CHIVALRY REALLY DEAD The Ultimate Guide to Being A Gentleman
Being a gentleman is an attitude. It is an attitude about life. It is also a behavior, which can be learned and acted out. It’s not about the way you look or the sound of your voice or your job, it’s your state of mind. It’s confidence in the man God created you to be. Being a gentleman will help you in your relationships and your career
Take a look at 28 simple rules below to being a gentleman. 1. Call her the next day. The “wait three days rule” can ALWAYS be broken. 2. Rules that are not cool to break: • Never date your friend’s ex • Never date your ex’s friend • Never date your ex’s roommate • No cutting in line • No cutting a “line” in the bathroom (That probably went over a few of your heads, but it’s ok…) • Keep a napkin on your lap while dining 3. A gentleman never publicly worries, complains, or comments about money. A gentleman who is cool never hesitates to pick up a tab or loan to a friend in need. Remember, if you’re making more than 2 dollars a day, you’re considered in the top 3% of the richest people on the planet. 4. At a business lunch, give your credit/debit card to the waiter before you’re seated. This ends the debate when the meal is finished before it even starts.
5. Make eye contact with a woman. Then buy her a drink before going on your way, and leave it at that. The transaction is over, and she’ll be left thinking about you the rest of the night. 6. Buy a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you. 7. Displaying your masculinity at the bar or club or Sunday morning church service like a lion stalking a wounded herd of scattered sheep is never cool. This representation of the circle of life in the animal kingdom always ends in a bloody massacre, so take note: stay cool, calm, and collected when she walks into the room. Eye contact with a smile from across the way is often your green light to casually approach the situation, and make your introduction. 8. You are not your job or how you pay the bills. Upon introductions, ask someone what it is they “do,” really do with their life, and not how they put food on the table. Not only can this question change a person’s entire day, it will also tell you more about them than any question regarding their salary. 9. Take out the bluetooth earpiece. You’re not as cool as you think you are. 10. Be creative on dates. Anything is better than going for dinner and a movie or just for drinks. Take her out for a picnic at night in the park, or bowling and forget to keep score. Play cards in the park, or even steal street signs if she’s the mischievous type. (Disclaimer: is in no way advocating criminal activities; do this at your own risk and don’t call us for bail money…you will be sent to voicemail) 10: Never lose your cool. This is very un-cool.
11. Facebook is a public place. Stay cool by staying mysterious. 12. Make your yes’s mean yes, and your nos mean no. If you say you’re going to do something, by all means, DO IT! 13. Always speak with confidence no matter the subject matter. 14. Lose the baggy clothes unless you’re coming out on stage with Waka Flocka. (Don’t know who that is?…More of a reason to stay away from the baggy clothes) 15. Popped collars are not cool. They were never cool. Unless you’re Dracula or an Elvis Impersonator, keep ‘em down. This look only works with your winter jacket. All other occasions: unacceptable. 16. Ask her out. It’s that simple. She’s been waiting for you to do it, I promise. Women have always said that there’s nothing cooler, or sexier, than a man who has the confidence to walk across the room and ask out a woman. And if she says no? Treat her exactly the same way you did thirty seconds ago before asking. Surprise. Your world didn’t stop and implode. (Disclaimer: This is NOT permission to go asking out every woman in a thirty-mile radius like the world is going to end tomorrow. Very un-cool….again, we are not responsible and will not pay your bail) 17. You can and should still hold the door open for a lady. Even if she’s a malicious feminist plotting the fall of mankind. Walk over to her side of the car and open the door! 18. Let the woman order first, and for the love of God, never, ever order for her.
19. Keep your Blackberry, your Blueberry, or your Chuck Berry in your pocket while in good company. There is a time and a place for your iPad, iPhone, and iPod. At the dinner table with family, coffee with friends, or on a date is not that place. Show some respect. Make eye contact. The world won’t stop spinning because you haven’t Tweeted or updated your Facebook status for an hour. 20. Be early. Fashionably late is out of fashion. 21. If someone else is talking, shut up and listen. It’s that simple. Got it? Good. 22. It may be common practice these days to swear like a sailor on a ship full of swashbuckling pirates, but a gentleman chooses his words carefully. Tacking on a curse to the end of every sentence does not make you sound like an individual—it makes you sound like an uneducated moron. Your vocabulary is unimpressive. 23. No matter what, do not go into a woman’s purse— even if she asks you to retrieve some mysterious artifact from it. This is a trap. You don’t want a woman digging through your closet or all those private folders hidden on your desktop. Sometimes it’s best if you let some things in life remain a mystery. 24. Walk away from altercations. No one will be impressed with you punching another man in the teeth because he’s eyeballin’ your woman, yo. 25. You are never over-dressed when wearing a suit. 26. Read. A gentleman educates himself. Your iPad and iPhone can now download books for little or no cost. There’s no excuse not to be reading Kerouac’s On The Road or Catcher in the Rye by Salinger. Not heterosexual enough for you? Then go for grittier work like Charlie Huston’s Caught Stealing. This book reads with the intensity of a Bruce Willis movie jacked up on Methamphetamine. It’s dirty, mean, violent, and funny. And best of all, short. 27. When asking a woman out on a date, a gentleman does this in person or over the phone. He does not poke her on Facebook or shoot her a text. Poor form, my friend. Be confident. 28. This goes for breaking up, too. You do not send an email telling her it’s been real and thanks for the memories. Do not send your brother by to pick up your things or send a text. This is to be done in person without using phrases like, “It’s not you, it’s me,” or “I no longer find you attractive and want to start dating your roommate.” Again, remember - it’s not about the way you look or the sound of your voice or your job, it’s your state of mind. It’s confidence in the man God created you to be. Be Breezy… Article contributed by
Beauty Done Naturally Skincare Tips for Healthy Beautiful Skin Skincare is one of the greatest investments you can make to ensure that you have healthy skin now and in the future. Having beautiful skin and looking flawless and radiant in make-up takes a little bit of effort but is not impossible to achieve. You first must know how to take care of your skin. Get started with these tips!
Do’s and Don’ts
Suggestions for Normal to Oily Skin
Product suggestion for Normal to Dry Skin
The Enlighten Skin Essentials Collection For Normal To Oily skin includes everything to achieve smoother, clearer, and brighter looking skin at a special price. The collection includes the Perfect Tone Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer and Exfoliating Facial Scrub and Primer.
Enlighten Skin Essentials Collection For Normal To Dry Skin Product # [62738]. The Enlighten Skin Essentials Collection For Normal To Dry skin includes everything to achieve smoother, clearer, and brighter looking skin at a special price. The collection includes the Perfect Tone Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer, and Exfoliating Facial Scrub And Primer. The Cleanser, a $20 value is free with the purchase of the collection.
Wash make up sponges weekly and dispose of them monthly Wash make up brushes frequently Do not share make up with friends that is not healthy. Do not keep make up more than 16 months, if make-up smells bad or doesn’t look right, Replace It! Do not apply make up until skin has been cleansed properly
How to properly care for your skin Always remove make up at the end of the day Cleanse face twice a day (morning and night) Always choose products based on your skin type so you can get the best result: For normal to dry skin, consider a cream cleanser For oily to combination skin consider a foaming cleanser or gel. 1. Cleanse Removes any and all dirt on your face Always cleanse face twice a day (morning and night) 2. Exfoliate, IT IS KEY! At least once a week Removes dead skin cells and leaves your skin looking smooth and healthy. 3. Toner Removes any make up residue and natural oils 4. Moisturizer Keeps skin hydrated Remember a proper skin care regimen can keep your skin glowing and help avoid premature ageing. Invest in you and take care of your skin! Here are some product suggestions, visit for additional products or to make purchases. Looking to turn making others beautiful into dollars, several career opportunities are open and available for you.
Product suggestion for Oily Skin If your skin is oily, go for this category. Formulated with natural starches, anti-inflammatory astringent and balancing ingredients to control excess oils and leave your skin healthy, soft and smooth. For a small investment of time, just 3 minutes to more beautiful skin. Cleanse with Foaming Cleanser, tone with Revitalizing Toner, moisturize with Daily Defense Oil Free, and exfoliate with Revitalizing Masque. See clearer, more radiant, and smoother skin in just 2 weeks.
Try a Papaya Collection Product# [05593]. This perfect travel size kit is the best way to try all the papaya products from Adrien Arpel. When used all together, papaya and Vitamin C combine to gently yet effectively exfoliate, nourish and protect the skin for a smoother, softer and more radiant complexion. The kit includes Sample sizes of the Papaya Foam Cleanser, Papaya Toner, Papaya Scrub and 7 day supply of Vitamin C-Source capsules in a vinyl bag.
Contact Christy Peoples, Beauty Consultant 731-697-5665 or Email