HSMSE Key Club Aug - Sep 2018

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Aug - Sep 2018 Volume 2 Issue 3

Editor's Message

Hey MSE Key Club! It's your editor again, writing for the third time! Can you believe it's been about six months already for the service year? All this time passed by so fast! Our Key Club is making great progress. We've already held two big fundraisers and we're planning so much more, not to mention all the events we go to! And this shouldn't end now that school is back in session. The start of the school year means two things: the seniors from last year graduated and aren't part of our club anymore, but we also get to welcome in a new batch of Key Clubbers! We've been working hard planning for our school's club fair and we hope to get a lot of new members, from freshmen to anyone from other grades who would love to start getting involved! Angelo Lontok 2

Table of Contents



Cover Page 1


Table of Contents Page 3

Editor's Message Page 2



Club Information Page 4


Events Page 8


Contact Information Page 22

Announcements Page 20





Vice President Linna Cheung

Mengfan Wang




William Leung

Julie Li

Angelo Lontok 4

Kiln Chen




Visual Arts

Karen Wu

Pratik Yallapragada

Hassaan Qaiser



Visual Arts

Melanie Andrade Whralston Anderson 5

Laura Song




Best buddies International

Points System Points are assigned for your work in HSMSE Key Club. You can get points by doing things like going to meetings, divisionals, and events, helping out in committees, and more. Every 10 points you earn counts as one hour of volunteering. Be sure to pay the dues for the service year ($15). If you don't pay, then we cannot keep track of your points!


Past Events

August Divisional 8/17

HSMSE x LaG's Volleyball Tournament 8/21

NYSoM Back to School Bonanza 8/25

Donut Dash 8/26

Carter Burden Network Meal Delivery 9/4


HSMSE x LaGuardia's


On a bright sunny Thursday, we played volleyball on Pier 25. We had such an amazing time! Right after paying, I stepped into the sand and grabbed a volleyball. The sand was burning hot at first, but the water nearby kept us cool. After having fun doing a volleyball circle, I leaned on the side lounge chairs and waited for everyone to be in the sand playing and preparing. I was the referee for the tournament. With my buddy Pratik, we kept score and arranged the scoring brackets. There were four teams, and we played two single elimination games. All the teams were good and had amazing team morale. William Leung President

Each round was played to 21 points with a hard cap of 15 minutes. The closest score was 21-18. Many people were cheering for both teams. The results: 1st place was"6 Piece Nuggetz" and 2nd place was "The Godz." After the tournament, we played volleyball for fun until our food was ready. We then walked to Battery Park nearby and had our picnic. Everyone enjoyed themselves, hung out, and chatted. We had pizza, brownies, chips, and soda. Everything was amazing! I had so much fun and met new faces around the way!


HSMSE and LaGuardia Key Club partnered up again this year to host a fun and exciting summer fundraiser. Last year we held a scavenger hunt and this year we hosted a volleyball tournament followed by a picnic in the park! It was great to see everyone's faces and watch the volleyball match. We had four amazing teams who played with all their might, but "6 Piece Nuggetz" was the team who won! It was such an intense game in the sand and sun, but we were able to have a pretty chill picnic with a delicious pizza. The stressful planning was all worth it because everyone was having a great time! Kiln Chen Webmaster

With the help of our fundraising committee and LaGuardia Key Club, we were able to raise

$101 Thanks to all that came!



Back to School Bonanza As summer comes to an end and school returns for another year, NYSoM organized their Back to School Bonanza event in the Target Gardens in East Harlem. Volunteers began the day helping set up the four gardens. The event's goal was to give school supplies and backpacks to children whose families can't afford new supplies for school. It helped, in my opinion, to get the kids motivated to start a new year of school.

During the event, there were different opportunities to win a prize, from getting stickers from the different gardens to completing worksheets. The first garden had a free barbecue and an arts and crafts area.The second had face painting. In the third there were tents by different organizations, like Girl Scouts. The fourth garden was where the kids get their final sticker and received their prize. All in all it was fun interacting with kids and meeting new people whom I hope to see again in future events. Melanie Andrade Fundraising Co-Head 13

Donut Dash The 5K went from Pier 62 to 84 and back. I was assigned with someone else to stay behind and pick up trash from the runners. Thankfully they didn't leave that much behind, but we still picked up trash that others left. Other volunteers were stationed at different parts of the course to cheer the people and guide them. After all that work, we - organizers, volunteers, and runners alike - enjoyed some donuts. Everyone was really happy to be there and I know for sure that I'd want to come again next year!

Many third world countries do not have adequate access to healthcare. ASH is working to change that. Enter Donut Dash: a 5K walk/run whose proceeds all go to promoting sustainable health in Kenya.

I woke up that day at around 4:30; while the actual event started at 9, volunteers showed up at around 6:45. It was still somewhat dark when we came, but we were all still happy to be there. From setting up tables to unloading cars to handing out shirts, there was always a lot to do. Angelo Lontok Editor 14

Carter Burden Network

Meal Delivery 16

On September 4th, we had a division service event at the Carter Burden Network. We all met in a room in a church on the Upper East Side, and waited for the volunteer coordinator to assign our routes. Once everyone arrived and the food was ready, we split into groups of 2-3 and walked around the neighborhood with hot and cold food packs. Personally, I was in a group with Angelo from our school and Gordon from QHSS. It was really fun walking around and delivering the food, especially since all the people we gave the food to seemed very appreciative. While it was hot, we did get brief moments of air conditioning when we went into the apartment buildings :) Mara Yella Division 11 LTG Overall, it was a great event, and was very reminiscent of my past weekends at Meals on Heels, so if you missed this event, you could always go to Meals on Heels in the future!


Future Events

FAPC Meals on Heels Saturdays

NYC Undy RunWalk 9/22

Club Fair


ADA Step Out Walk


CaringKind Alzheimber's Walk



Announcements Want to give input on our club? Fill out our bimonthly

Suggestion box

Our Address: 240 Convent Ave New York, NY 10031

on our website!

HSMSE hosts its

Sign up for events in our Facebook group or our website!

Club Fair in late September. See you there!

I pledge... To keep members more updated, we're introducing a monthly

Email and Bulletin Be sure to check it out!

on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

You take initiative.

Why should you be a project leader?

No matter what your position is in our club - even as a new member - you'll always have this as an opportunity to support our club.

It helps the club. Through the work of project leaders, our club is able to record volunteer hours and work on our annual scrapbook and bimonthly newsletters.

Your roles:

It helps you.

take attendance

You gain leadership experience from this, and you earn two extra hours of community service!.

take pictures write a scrapbook caption write a newsletter article



Events Karen Wu elizabethwu0514@gmail.com Melanie Andrade mandrade-21@hsmse.org

President William Leung 21isolic@gmail.com Vice President Linna Cheung lcheung1302@gmail.com Secretary Mengfan Wang mengfanwang724@gmail.com Treasurer Julie Li julie.li3502224@gmail.com Editor Angelo Lontok anelonto@gmail.com Webmaster Kiln Chen kilnchen02@gmail.com

Fundraising Pratik Yallapragada pratik.psoli@gmail.com Whralston Anderson wanderson-21@hsmse.org Visual Arts Hassaan Qaiser fashionsense1003@gmail.com Laura Song lauraws1234@gmail.com



Website hsmsekeyclub.weebly.com Facebook Group HSMSE Key Club Email hsmsekc@gmail.com Remind @msekc


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