NYDKC Sep - Oct 2019

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E R I P M E KEY trict New York Dis b Key Clu

Issue 3 | September - October | 2019-2020

When you join Key Club, it's not just an after-school activity. It's an international community. You get to make a mark. Sarah Varghese Division 2 Lt. Governor


a note from the Hey NYDKC!

I'm Angelo Lontok, your 2019-2020 District Bulletin Editor, here with your September-October district newsletter! Now that we've all headed back to school, I hope that all of you have managed to get back on that Key Club grind. And if not, it's never too late to start! We still have a few months to go before the 2020 Leadership Training Conference. So at this point, we're more than halfway through the


service year. What does this mean? Clubs, don't forget to apply for awards. All of you do so much, and you can get recognized throughout the district! Members, keep on doing what you do best: service. And if you're a freshman, sophomore, or junior, now is the time to start thinking about whether you want to run for an officer position. Don't be scared to run—you can do more than you think! You guys will keep Key Club great after we seniors graduate.

We can do so much in these next few months. All we need to do is push further. There tens of thousands of us, and I know we can made a difference.

Yours in service, Angelo Lontok 2019-20 District Editor

resources Governor's Bulletin

Social Media @nydkc @keyclubint @thebestsistrict @kci1920



New York District Key Club Key Club International



@nykeyclub @keyclub

nydkc Key Club


The New York Minute Check out our membership video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ1_TcvWy6k&t=1s


in this issue


Governor Secretary Treasurer Executive Assistants Webmaster International Trustee District Committees Leadership Training Conference






Fall Rally International Coastal Cleanup Day Nick's Fight to be Healed 5K Run Bake Sale Fundraiser Interclub Bowling Fundraiser Teddy Bear Clinic Key Club Week

Getting Involved with the K-Family Featured Members International and District Partners Service and Fundraising Progress Directory Pledge




a word from



Camille Brock

Happy Holidays! I hope your first few months of school have been all that you want them to be. And same for your first few months of Key Club! In my club, we’re gearing up for our Adopt-A-Family project where we buy gifts for children in our elementary school. It’s my favorite project of the year! Looking back at these past two months, I had the opportunity to attend two Fall Rallies, a few Circle K events, and our Tri-K Board Meeting! I always love seeing the branches of the K-Family altogether; it makes our organization seem complete. Moving forward, I challenge you and your club to reach out to your local Kiwanis or Circle K club and complete a joint event! You can find them by reaching out to your Lieutenant Governor. And thanks to everyone who came out to their region’s Fall Rally. I hope you had a great time and are excited to attend next year.


At the district level, we’re starting to plan for the 72nd Annual Leadership Training Conference, and we’re excited to see you there! Our most recent board meeting was filled with great discussions regarding the tshirt and pin design, as well as fundraisers and service projects we can complete throughout the duration of the conference. This year’s conference is being held at the Desmond Hotel from March 27th-29th, and our theme is the “Roaring 2020s!” It’s such a fantastic experience for everyone, and I really hope you and your club decide to join us. From PLAYFAIR on Friday night where you can meet Key Clubbers from around

the state, to sessions where you can listen to two amazing keynote speakers and win some of the 500 awards we present throughout the weekend, it’s an event like no other. Oh, and you can’t forget the Governor’s Ball on Saturday where you can dance the night away! If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to reach out to me, your Lieutenant Governor, or visit our website for more information. Now that it’s December, this is a great time of year to hold a winter outerwear drive for those who may not have access to the right clothing, or a gift drop to collect gifts for those who cannot afford them this holiday season. In January, try to host a Kiwanis Family event! Whether it’s a dinner or lending a hand at the local animal shelter, the branches together is what makes us feel complete. That’s all from me for this issue. I encourage you to take a look at the amazing things happening around New York and the international level by continuing to read on. Continue filling out those reports so we can meet our district goals, and keep up the incredible work!

Yours in service, Camille Brock 2019-20 District Governor

a word from


Linna Cheung

Hello NYDKC!

Welcome to a winter wonderland! Winter (feels like) it is here! That means snow and hot chocolate! Sadly, snow in New York City isn’t as pretty as snow in other parts of New York. Even though it's starting to get colder, please continue to host volunteering events and fundraisers! Continue to serve the community through the cold weather to bring smiles to your community. With more service projects, please remember to fill out Monthly Report Forms. Since the summer, there has been a decline in paperwork submissions. Please remember to fill out your missing paperwork. It will allow the district to accurately portray the progress towards our goals. I have over 50% of all the Election Report Forms. If you have not submitted an election report form, please submit one. It is overdue. We have 55,660 service hours out of our goal of 200,000 service hours, or 46% of our service hour goal. Keep up the good work! I hope everyone stays warm and cozy during this cold season!

Yours in service, Linna Cheung 2019-20 District Secretary


We're two and a half months into the school year, and so many fun Key Club activities has been happening. I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am! We’ve raised $72,130 so far, 36% of our fundraising goal of $200,000. Please remember to submit your FRFs (Fundraising Report Forms) as soon as possible after each fundraiser, so you don’t forget key information. If you have any questions on how to fill out the FRF, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I know we can reach our goal. Please submit your dues! The regular deadline for dues is December 1st, so please make sure they’re out before then. If you can’t make that date, please get them in before February 1st, so your club doesn’t become suspended. Remember, you have to pay a $100 fee on top of your dues if you fall into suspended status. Just a quick reminder on the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF), if you haven't submitted your Letter of Agreement or Release form yet, please do so in order to receive your funding. With the holidays coming up fast, I hope to see a lot of exciting fundraisers. Maybe selling hot chocolate at school, or watching a movie at your local theater? As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.

Yours in care and service,

a word from


Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim 2019-20 District Treasurer


a word from

a word from

EXTERNAL EA INTERNAL EA Jaron Belmore Hello NYDKC, I hope you all have had a great Thanksgiving. These past months have gone by so quickly. It’s crazy to think that we are now into December and the annual Leadership Training Conference is only 4 months away! So let's get into my update:


First, I'd like to congratulate all LTGs on hosting Fall Rallies. They all went great, giving training to club officers and letting members get to know one another. I hope you could all attend and learn something new to bring back to your club.

It is the time for clubs and members to think about attending the Annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) at Albany. It will be an exciting three-day event where you will get to sharpen your leadership skills in workshops and meet Key Clubbers from all over the places in New York District. Speaking of the LTC, it it is also the time to think about running for higher office. If you are interested, you should reach out to your respective LTGs for more information.

Now that all the Fall Rallies have been completed, we are moving into LTC—my last one, but one I get to help plan! The Leadership Training Conference is the annual three-day conference where members of Key Club from all over the state meet in Albany, where we have workshops and have remarkable speakers. Members can learn a lot about growing as a leader and how to hold an outstanding service project. This event will be held on March 27-29, 2020 and the theme is Roaring 2020’s. For more information about this awesome experience please visit our website, or reach out to your LTG. I hope you all have an amazing holiday season no matter what you may celebrate, and have a great start to the new year!

Yours in service & gratitude,

Jaron Belmore 2019-20 External Executive Assistant


Qianting (Tiffany) Chen

I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. As the year is coming to an end, the end of our service year is also approaching. I can’t believe it is just roughly three months away!

Since my last Empire Key update, I've had the most pleasure of meeting Key Clubbers and talking with them about their experiences in Key Club. It's with these moments that I feel honored to be serving this wonderful organization, and it makes my job so much more meaningful. I can't wait to see more of you in the future!

Yours in caring service,

Qianting Chen 2019-20 Internal Executive Assistant


a word from


Hello NYDKC,

Ramisa Azad

Your district webmaster here! I hope all of you are having a great service year so far. Have a wonderful winter break, and seniors, good luck on college apps! Here are a few updates for you all: We’ve completed a lot as a district. Key Club Week and Fall Rally were huge successes—keep up the good work! I look forward to meeting all of you at the annual Leadership Training Conference in March. If you didn't have the chance to participate in Fall Rally, this will be a great opportunity to build leadership skills with your fellow members, with great speakers and activities for you all to enjoy! With LTC coming up, we have a lot of planning to do and check the NYDKC website under the events tab so you guys can keep up, too: once the awards booklet comes out and registration opens up, get started with awards and LTC signups! I’m always open to hear feedback on the website, and if you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Yours in service,

Ramisa Azad 2019-20 District Webmaster

Trustee Irin here! I hope Feast Week treated you all well, your tummies are full, and your bank accounts are zeroed out. During November, I had the honor of attending the New York District’s Tri-K Event. Y'all... it HIT DIFFERENT. The Kiwanis family has always held a special place in my heart: the Kiwanians from my term as LTG and I are still close—they're the ones who made the Kiwanis family so dear to me. But after my term ended, I began to lose grasp of that love and care that Kiwanis has had on me in the past. Tri-K reminded me of the close bonds I had with my top supporters & how important interfamily connections are. Seeing the relationships between the different branches was inspiring. I learned so much from, and made friendships throughout, Kiwanis, Circle K, and Key Club, so it's clear we're blessed with a PHENOMENAL board! With that, I encourage you to reach out to a past advisor, a Key Clubber you haven’t spoken to in a while, and if you're a club officer, reach out to your Kiwanis counterparts and plan a joint-event—they'll be thrilled to hear from you! With the holiday season upon us, there's never been a better time to come together to celebrate our organization & all it has to offer. All it takes is ONE person to unite the Kiwanis branches. Now let’s go change the world.

Service IS forever,

a word from


Irin Shim 2019-20 Trustee

Irin Shim


a word from the


Head: Julia Segal


The Membership Growth and Development Committee has finished a number of projects: we’ve completed a video in order to recruit more members, a list of prospective clubs for Lt. Governors, and a guide to the Membership Update Center. We are currently working on the Membership Retention Tracker once again. We will go back to the chartering guide which we developed a plan for earlier in the year, hoping to make the guide more specific to our district, since it is currently being used for all of Key Club International. We will also draft an email that will be sent to all inactive and suspended clubs in the district, to make sure that these clubs are working towards being activated once again. We are also going to find a way to keep track of the clubs that have not yet turned in dues by the regular dues deadline of December 1st. Our committee is looking forward to making progress with these goals over the course of the next few months!

a word from the



Head: Jaylene Noviello 10

The K-Family and Key Club International Relations Committee has had a couple projects done, all of whicih do plan on being on the NYDKC website. Our current focus now is the Kiwanis Family map,

which will also be featured on the website. The objective of this map is so regions are able to see their different K-Family counterparts. This includes Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis.

a word from the



Head: Anthony Lim

The Endorsed Projects Committee has been planning and making a video for Special Olympics New York. It includes a lot of useful information for clubs to use if they don’t know what it is or how to explain it. It’ll be released really soon, so be sure to be on the lookout for it. Many clubs have also held a fundraiser for a District Project, and if you haven't done one already, I hope

Committee Updates you have one soon. It'll be a fun way to support a great cause! Our next video will be on Project Semicolon.

a word from the



Head:Â David DeRienzo

The Events Engagement Committee has seen the conclusion of all of New York's Fall Rallies, and would like to thank everyone that came down to the regional events and hopefully learned something. At the moment, the committee is working on creating a report for each LTG to fill out, to make next year's Fall Rallies go even more smoothly. The committee is also interested in possibly setting up an event across the district to get Key Clubbers,

Circle Kers, and Kiwanians to have a day of service to show the power of the mighty NY district.

a word from the


Heads:Â Kiln Chen AJ Zheng


The District Awards Committee has been working tirelessly to create this year's Awards Booklet! The booklet and portal will be out in a few short days. Be sure to look out in your lieutenant governor's email updates. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any member of the committee. Happy applying!


e r a s t h e '2 0 B ACK !

Want to meet Key Clubbers throughout New York and learn leadership skills? Head to LTC. The Leadership Training Conference is an annual weekend-long gathering in Albany, open to the entire district. It marks the end of one service year and the beginning of another. At LTC you can meet new people all throughout New York, hone your leadership skills and receive officer training, attend fun workshops, listen to keynote speakers, win awards, elect the 2020-21 governor, secretary, and treasurer, and so much more! Cost:

Registration Deadlines:

Member: $300 Advisor/Chaperone: $335 PriFinoalriRegi ty Registrati stration:oMarch n: February 21 2 Payment: March 13

All registration will be online. For more info, check out nydkc.org/ltc/. If you have any questions, contact nydconference@gmail.com.


r u o y s a w w ho

Y L L A R L L A F ? e c n e i r e exp Max Coppola Division 7 LTG

On Sunday, October 27th, 2019, the Long Island Region held its 6th annual Fall Rally Conference at LIU.

This was a day full of engaging lessons, inspiration, idea sharing, bonding, & of course, service. The event kicked off with our inspiring Keynote Speaker Nick Singh, a Make-A-Wish Wish Granter, a Director for the Boys and Girls Club of America, and now co-founder of


Experiences-4-Causes. This is someone who truly lives a life of service, dedicated to helping others through selfless acts each and every day. Then we headed into our officer workshops, training club officers on how to most effectively lead in their primary communities. After, it was time for lunch! We had some yummy pizza for over 100 people. After we ate, we headed into our service project with Community Service Made Easy, where we used templates to write letters to all different sorts of people in need—

everyth sick chil new and idea.

Just bef had one included more ab Key Clu Key Clu closing discuss announ addition donate, trip hom

ing from first responders, to ldren, to our soldiers. It was a d exciting take on a classic

ore closing ceremonies, we e last workshop block. This d everything from learning bout K-Family Relations, to b for Introverts, to our big hit, b Kahoot! Finally, we had ceremonies to recap our day, a few things moving forward, nce that we had over $400 in nal funding from the event to and wished everyone a safe me!

What's Fall Rally?

New York Key Clubbers have the opportunity to make new friends and learn leadership skills at two conferences throughout the year, one at the Leadership Training Conference—a weekend-long conference open to the entire district where members also elect the governor, secretary, and treasurer—and one at the many Fall Rallies hosted throughout NY. These are hosted at a smaller scale than LTC, but they're also cheaper and easier for most to get to! Groups of divisions come together for a day of fun workshops and icebreakers and learn more about what it means to be a Key Clubber.

Division Date and Place 1–7 8–12 13 14–18 19, 21 20, 22 23, 25–27 24

10/27 at LIU Post 10/13 at LIU Brooklyn 11/15 at Castle Fun Center 11/16 at Shenendehowa HS 10/26 at Syracuse University 10/12 at Cornell University 11/16-17 at Salamanca HS 10/19 at Sir Robert Borden HS


Shen Fights for Health

Nick’s Fight to be Healed Foundation began in 2009 to help local children battling cancer at The Bernard & Millie Duker’s Children’s Hospital’s Melodies Center at Albany Med. Over $700,000 has been donated to financially and emotionally support children battling cancer.

Peiling Luo Division 10

International Coastal Cleanup Day was on September 21st, and it was a success in Staten Island. We gathered over 20 pounds of trash at the beach—there were food wrappers, bottle caps, utensils, straws, but mostly cigarette buds and plastics. My experience at this event was great because it felt good helping our environment.

I got the chance to meet new people from other schools who also participated at this event, but I wish there were more of these mass events where our whole community could join the effort to clean up.

New Dorp's Coastal Cleanup 16

I got a bracelet that was made from plastic at the beach and I was shocked. It’s really sad to know how much plastic was on the beach! But overall, International Coastal Cleanup Day was successful, and I hope we get the chance to do more of these types of events!

Jenna Vinoya Division 16 LTG

On Sunday, September 29th, Shenendehowa Key Club participated in the Annual 5K Run event. While waiting for runs to start/finish, members got to participate in various activities such as putting on carnival games for the kids, handing out water to runners, and face painting! It's always rewarding to see the Clifton Park community come together to support this cause. Local organizations all had a helping hand in making sure this event was as successful as it could be.

From food and water to clothing, everyone and everything was accounted for. It was a great way to give back to the community and a great cause!

North Shore Bakes Cookies Julia Salat (Advisor) Division 4N

The North Shore Key Club participates with their sponsoring Kiwanis Club of North Shore annually at the Sea Cliff Mini Mart. Members baked & sold 1400 cookies, raising funds for St. Jude and Make a Wish Foundation. As a participant in the Sea Cliff Mini Mart for 22 years, our Key Club has had a total of 30,800 baked and sold! Pictured below are our members:


Lindy's Teddy Bear Clinic Robert Hager Division 2

On October 28, 2019, Lindenhurst Key Club members held their first Teddy Bear Clinic at Harding Elementary School. At the clinic, club members were accompanied by Kristi Ladowski of the Stony Brook Trauma Center.

The event was amazing. We were able to teach kids about how to be safe in a creative way and help the students become pretend doctors and nurses that helped their teddy bears get better from what they learned. — Aliya John


Together, members and Ms. Ladowski taught kindergartners about car and helmet safety in a fun and innovative way which made the students very interested. This included using props and demonstrations provided by the Trauma Center. Such demonstrations included an egg drop where one egg was in a styrofoam “helmet” when the other egg was not. The egg with the styrofoam “helmet” was able to stay safe when the other egg was not.

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he educational n of the Teddy Bear the kindergartners brought back to their with their teddy bears ot dressed up as s in gloves, hair caps, mask. Kids had to y what happened to eddy bears and how p them get better.

ds showed great ment and looked so that the high lers came to visit.

denhurst Key b plans to hold ther Teddy Bear ic later in the because of its zing success.

New Dorp & Tottenville Bowling for Good James Ubi Division 10

Bright lights, excitement, and the sounds of pins dropping —this all happened during our bowling fundraiser on October 19th. Competitive spirits let loose: over 60 people competed for who could score the most, knock the most pins down, and get the most strikes. After the excitement quieted down, we served pizza and relaxed. This was all especially rewarding to me and my fellow executives, since weeks went into the planning and success of this fundraiser. This was an amazing experience, and I can't wait to do it again next year.

We raised at $575 for Se otal of ame Society, wh n’s provides ca ich re for abandoned a abused chi nd ldren.


Want to share your experiences on Key Club Week? Fill out this survey: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/QZX6PMD


Show Yo

This day is all abo Key Club, from w to even decora school! Here are m WGO Copiague (Division Science (Division 11) showing

WEDNES Dare to

UNICEF, March Children's Miracle N are Key Club's prefe and their goal is to Key Clubbers took the tim and have service projects to support and President K'lena announced h project: The Elim


Connect t


Key Club is part o Kiwanis commun various branches: fo schoolers, middle sc schoolers, college studen adults with disabilities. To promote bonding different branches, Key Club district bo painted with Circle Kers and Kiwanian November b


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out promoting wearing merch ating a door at members from 2) and Bronx off their spirit.


of Dimes, and Network: these erred charities, help out kids! e to fundraise these causes, her president's minate Project!


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of the broader nity, which has or elementary choolers, high ts, adults, and g between the oard members ns during their oard meeting.


Kudos to the Key Players It's November. Thanksgiving is this month—what are you thankful for? Key Clubbers took the time to give thanks to those that have helped them out on their Key Club journey! Here are members from Brooklyn Tech (Division 9) announcing their gratitude in a video they produced.


Random Acts of Kindness Take the time to be kind, every single day. It doesn't need to be anything big, too! This day is about promoting kindness and celebrating the small things. Can't think of ideas? Here's an example: Key Clubbers from Thomas A. Edison CTE (Division 8) went out to give free hugs!




d e v l o v In at Every Level: Member

Volunteer! Show the world how we embody service. And reMEMBER this: everyone in Key Club is a member first and foremost. No matter your position, service should be the top priority.


Run for a position: president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, editor, and webmaster. Some clubs also have committees which you can join or lead.


elementary schoolers

middle schoolers

Key Club high schoolers

Each division is different. Some have divisional boards and committees, others are run completely by the LTG. Reach out to your LTG and see what you can do for your division!

Circle K

You can become a part of the district board in three ways: run for LTG at a divisional (around January), run for governor, secretary, or treasurer at LTC (in March), or apply for executive assistant, editor, or webmaster (in April).



At LTC, you can run for endorsement to become International Trustee, International Vice President, or International President, then run for that position at ICON.



Builder's Club beyo




college students


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adults with disabilities



UR MEMBERS. Pelin Bozok

Ayan Rahman

Anna Girhart

Peiling Luo

Patchogue-Medford High School Division 2

Shenendehowa High School Division 16

out all of you working essly, volunteering and ing fundraisers, there would o Key Club. ive members the recognition deserve, we feature members y other Monday who go ve and beyond on our official agram: @nydkc.

s can nominate a member, or one can fill out this form:

ps://forms.gle/r62PQHhbFW r9Z6

at work, New York!

Brooklyn Technical High School Division 9

New Dorp High School Division 10


Go for it! What makes Key Club so great, outside of the service, is the amount of opportunities available for high schoolers like you and I to take up leadership roles. Whether it's within the club or for any other level, we can all do so much. If you're considering running for a district board position, let your LTG know if you would like to be their successor, as LTG elections will be held around January. And for those running for governor, secretary, or treasurer (or endorsement for an international position), be on the lookout for the elections packet.




Thirst Project

The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world, focusing on bringing water to the entirety of Eswatini by 2022.

Landscape Structures

Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide.


Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns.

U.S. Army

The U.S. Army enables people to receive advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Up With People

Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference through volunteering and musical performances in various communities worldwide.

Squads Abroad

Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities.

Kiwanis Gives Online 24

Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate.

President's Project

The Eliminate Project Goal: $360,000 The Eliminate Project is a joint effort between Kiwanis and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide. In 2015, the International Board pledged $3 million towards this project.

Four years later, we have about $800K remaining before we reach that goal. Last year, Key Clubbers worldwide raised $340K, and we hope to top that by raising another $360K.

Preferred Charities

Children's Miracle Network

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospitals, research, and to raise awareness of children's health issues.

March of Dimes

March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families.


UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation.

Collaborative Partners

K Corps

K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families.

Project Happiness

Project Happiness is committed to promoting mental wellness through resources based on neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness.



Endorsed Projects

Kamp Kiwanis Goal: $3500

This is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises.

Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation Goal: $3500

Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer tick.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Goal: $3500

These centers in North Shore, Brooklyn, Albany, and Buffalo provide emergency treatment for children, preventing deaths and disabilities with proper care.

Submitting funds for an endorsed project:

1. Make the check payable to "New York Key Club Foundation" and write the club’s name, division, and which charity the funds are for in the memo box 2. Mail the check to either Mr. John Goldstein at 590 Mullock Road, Port Jervis, NY, 12771 or Mr. Jason Steiner at 68-36 108th Street Apt. B-41, Forest Hills, NY, 11375. 3. Submit the Fundraising Report Form!


Governor's Project New York Chapter of the Special Olympics Goal: $15,000 If you’re a fan of unity, acceptance, empowerment, dignity, pride and fun, you’re a fan of Special Olympics New York. You’re one of us. The Special Olympics is an international sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities of all ages, promoting inclusion and health.

District Project Project Semicolon Goal: $15,000 Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can save lives. Project Semicolon is an organization focusing on mental health. Their goal is to prevent suicide through increased education and awareness of this public issue.








AS OF 10PM, 11/30/19

53,931.92 / 120,000

$75,683 / $200,000

SPECIAL OLYMPICS NY 39% $5,801.76 / $15,000









$1,741.04 / $15,000

$2,339 / $3,500

$11.75 / $3,500

$113 / $3,500

leadership characterbuilding caring inclusiveness our core values







Anthony Lim

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant



Jaron Belmore

Qian Ting Chen

Bulletin Editor




Angelo Lontok


Camille Brock


Linna Cheung

Ramisa Azad

Lieutenant Governors 1 Bianca Bossey


4S Jessica Koo

2 Sarah Varghese

3 Julia Segal

4N Christiana Claus

division2@nydkc.org division3@nydkc.org division4n@nydkc.org

5 Katie Ferrugia

division4s@nydkc.org division5@nydkc.org



6 David DeRienzo division6@nydkc.org

7 Max Coppola


8 AJ Zheng

8A Sanjeev Pal

9 Aurora Hom

division8@nydkc.org division8a@nydkc.org division9@nydkc.org


Mariam Makar


Kiln Chen

division10@nydkc.org division11@nydkc.org


Holden Lee


Chloe Baker


Brayan Guerrero division12@nydkc.org


Maddie Breen

division13@nydkc.org division14@nydkc.org division15@nydkc.org


Jenna Vinoya



Zoe Van Savage





Ashleigh Mein



Clarissa Mbera Jordan Jackowski

division19@nydkc.org division20@nydkc.org division21@nydkc.org



Jaylene Noviello Tatiana Solodova

24 Hailey Weber

division22@nydkc.org division23@nydkc.org division24@nydkc.org

25 Avery Blank

26 Kohl Ambuske

27 Eian Smith

division25@nydkc.org division26@nydkc.org division27@nydkc.org

Admins District Administrator John Goldstein


Assistant Administrator Michael Berthel


Assistant Administrator Jason Steiner ianjs@aol.com

KCI International President

K'lena Schnack


International Vice President Kaitlin Cirillo


International Trustee to NY Irin Shim



I pledge. .. on my honor,

to uphold the objects of Key Club international;

to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


Car i Our Way o ng f Life 33

Issue 3 | September - October | 2019-2020

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