NYDKC May - June 2019

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E R I P M E KEY trict New York Dis b Key Clu

Issue 1 | May - June | 2019-2020

e v a g b u l C y e K o t e c n a h c e h t me n i h t i w y t i n u d fin . y t i n u m m o c the Jaylene Noviello Lieutenant Governor, Division 22


a note from the


Hey NYDKC! I'm Angelo Lontok, your 2019-2020 District Bulletin Editor, here with your May-June District Newsletter! To start, here's a couple things about me: I'm a junior at the High School for Math, Science, and Engineering, which is a part of Division 11. Outside of Key Club, I like to paint and play the piano. My goal as editor is to feature as much of the New York District as

possible. I want to have every division represented, and give attention to the dedicated members that show Key Club's core values!

wouldn't be a Key Club! So please, share this with your friends. Show them makes Key Club so so great.

Yours in service,

When you read through this newsletter, keep this in mind. Making this newsletter was only through the hard work of not only the District Board, but also you, the members! Without people to serve their communities, there would be no Key Club newsletter. There

Angelo Lontok 2019-20 District Editor

resources Website nydkc.org

Governor's Bulletins

JUNE issuu.com/nydistrictkeyclub/docs/june_gov_bulletin JULY issuu.com/nydistrictkeyclub/docs/july_gov_bulletin__1_

New York Minute

Social Media @nydkc






in this issue







LTC 2019



3 4 ICON 2019





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For relations I’ve been working with the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee on a guide for the Lieutenant Governors to help them plan an event with the KFamily. One thing all of you could do is to reach out to your local Kiwanis Club and see how you could help them.


Camille Brock Hello New York District Key Club! Happy Summer! I hope you all had a successful school year. My name is Camille Brock and I have the honor of serving as your 2019-2020 District Governor. I am a rising senior at Candor High School which is located in Division 20. Serving as their Lieutenant Governor during the 2018-2019 service year was what prompted me to run for Governor in March! The start to this year has been amazing, but throughout my term this year I would like to stress three important things… communication, relations, and achievements. For communication, I’ve implemented monthly calls with all District Board members and have increased our social media presence. If any of you have any concerns or want to reach out, feel free to get ahold of me!


For achievements we’ve implemented “Member Monday” every other Monday on our Instagram. Do you have a member that you think is deserving? Send their information to your Lieutenant Governor! Moving on to board information, we’ve had a great three months since the 71st Annual Leadership Training Conference. We held our first meeting at the end of April and voted on a few important things. We voted on our fundraising goal which is $200,000, and our service hour goal which is 120,000 hours. We also decided that the District Project is “Project Semicolon” and my Governor’s Project is the “NY Chapter of the Special Olympics.” Within the upcoming months the board and I will be attending International Convention in Baltimore, we’ll be starting Fall Rally planning, and will host the Back to School Board Meeting in September. Some important dates to look out for is your division’s Fall Rally and the 72nd Annual Leadership Training Conference. Attending your Fall Rally will help you meet Key Clubbers in your area and help you learn more about the District and how you can become more involved! Another way to become more involved istocontinue

is to continue reading. The “Empire Key” is packed with important information for the district! You can also check out my bulletin that I release every month, as well as the “New York Minute” that’s located on our YouTube channel! With that being said, I wish you all the most amazing summer. Be safe and don’t forget that Key Club is still happening! And if you ever need anything throughout this year, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Yours in service, Camille Brock 2019-20 Governor

in the summer so I applaud all the Key Clubs that continue to host these events. Continue to go to divisionals that your Lieutenant Governor hosts so that you can be updated on divisional and district news. Thank you to Divisions 3, 8 ,9, 11, 24 for getting their Monthly Report Forms in! Continue to fill these out during the summer as they are extremely important to the district. We have 15,614.79 hours out of the 200,000 service hour goal, or 13% to our service hour goal. Imagine how many service hours we would have if everyone handed in their Monthly Report Forms! The New York District has approximately 12,000 members. That's a lot of members! We only have this large amount of members because of your participation in Key Club. In September, it is a great way to start or continue to be engaged in Key Club! Advertising meetings and teaching what Key Club is about is a great way to get more members involved in your Key Club.


Linna Cheung Hey NYDKC! My name is Linna Cheung and I'll be serving as your District Secretary this year. We are officially in summer! That means trips to the beach and getting tans, but remember to keep Key Clubbing over the summer! I know that sometimes it is hard to organize events

I am working on newsletters and resources that will be sent to individual members and it will explain what the different paperwork are. These will be emailed out when they are completed. Remember to have fun this summer volunteering and hanging out with your friends! If you guys have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Yours in service, Linna Cheung 2019-20 District Secretary


Feel free to reach out to me about anything, whether it would be about dues, FRF submissions, the Youth Opportunities Fund grant, or whatever comes to you.

Yours in care and service, Anthony Lim 2019-20 District Treasurer


Anthony Lim Hi NYDKC!

The three months since LTC has been pretty short, but luckily summer started already. This calls for all the summer fundraisers, and I hope to see some original ones! I’ve got a few updates for you. Our fundraising goal this year is $220,000. We’re currently at over $40,000! Our goal is pretty high, but if we all continue to fill out FRFs, we will definitely surpass it. The district board wants to implement a combined MRF and FRF form, to simplify paperwork. I also want to revamp the current FRF, to make it simpler for all the treasurers to fill out. Moreover, more information will be provided on the FRF on how to donate to the district charities that haven’t been listed on yet. Please remember to stay hydrated at service projects and fundraisers! If you don’t feel so good, sit in a shaded area and drink cool water.


External Executive Assistant

Jaron Belmore Hello NYDKC, My name is Jaron Belmore and I am serving as the External Executive Assistant for the New York District Board for the 2019-2020 service year. I am a rising Senior at Norwood-Norfolk Central School and I am so excited for the rest of this service year. This is my fourth year in Key Club and I have been to three LTCs and can’t wait to help plan my last one! Now for my update: As EA, I help Lieutenant Governors plan Fall Rallies and help in any way I can with the other board members. Fall Rally planning will be starting very soon and I am very excited to make each rallyasfd

rally the best they can possibly be. As LTG, this was one of my favorite projects to plan and execute, and now I can do the same but on a larger scale. I hope that you all can attend your local Fall Rally and have a great time. My second goal for this year is to ensure that the upcoming LTC be the greatest one yet. I would like to see so many people from all over the state come to our annual conference. I can’t wait to see all the fantastic workshops and to meet all the fantastic people. I’m so excited for the rest of the service year and to see just what our district is going to do this year. I hope to see you all at LTC in March. Have a great summer and don’t forget to keep up your great Key Club spirit!

Yours in service and gratitude, Jaron Belmore 2019-20 External Executive Assistant

Internal Executive Assistant

Qian Ting Chen Hey NYDKC!

Wow! Can you believe that three months

months have passed since our new service year have started? As I’m writing this, I’m almost on my way to ICON (Key Club International Convention). I’m so excited to go to Baltimore and meet the Key Clubbers from all over the world! Before serving as your District Executive Assistant, I started Key Club in my freshman year and moved on as the secretary of Brooklyn Tech Key Club the following year. After that, I was the secretary of Division 9 in Brooklyn. This year as the District EA, I would utilize skills from my experience and continually improving myself to better serve the district and the community. Outside of Key Club, I have various interests and hobbies. Sometimes I like to go out with my friends and wander in NYC for food and movies. Other times, I would stay home and enjoy the time with my family. I also like to challenge myself. For example, I love to go ice skating with my friends even though I’ve tried at least five times and still not good at it. Over the past few months, I enjoyed meeting many of you in fundraisers and meetings. I feel overwhelming spirits of passion and dedication to service from you guys. I see officers and members contributing together to make every volunteering event and every fundraiser better than before. Therefore, I’m extremely to have this chance to serve this wonderful, supportive group of volunteers. Moreover, I have been communicating with the lieutenant governors and organizing


organizing the paperwork. I have to make sure the lieutenant governors are on track in terms of their work to resolve any issues on time. Lastly, I really want to meet more of you and know about your experience in the Key Club. Be sure to say hello to me whenever you see me around!

Yours in service,

Qian Ting Chen (Tiffany) 2019-20 Internal Executive Assistant


Ramisa Azad Hello New York District Key Club, I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer so far! My name is Ramisa Azad and I am honored to be serving as your District Webmaster this year. I’m currently a rising Senior and have been in Key Club for the last 3 years as a part of LaGuardia Key Club.


As your webmaster, I will be serving to keepasdf

keep our Key Club District connected, up to date, and working to spread the word of Key Club throughout the New York District with a new and informative NYDKC website. I will make sure to make the website a valuable resource for members, and as a tool to inform the public of the great work New York District Key Club is doing. I will work my best to keep it updated, resourceful, and easy to navigate for you all! The role of a webmaster requires adept technological and designing skills in areas such as website development, digital graphics, and visual media and as your District Webmaster, I am excited to contribute my creativity, vision, and coding and management skills for a service organization that is so influential to all of us. Feel free to reach out to me with questions/concerns and I will be more than happy to hear your ideas regarding potential improvements for the website and everything else!

Yours in service, Ramisa Azad 2019-20 District Webmaster

Trustee's Farewell Message

Hello NYDKC Key Clubbers! As I approach the final weeks of my term as International Trustee to the mighty New York District, I have reflected on my term and involvement with the New York District's impactful service for the past year. I had the opportunity to meet some of you at the Leadership Training Conference in March and will get to meet those attending the 2019 International Convention in one short week. I want to thank each one of you for welcoming me into your district and exemplifying the qualities of service leadership. During my term, I served the New York, Louisiana-Mississippi-West-Tennessee, and Utah-Idaho Districts in several different roles. I often worked as a close advisor to the District Governor on resolving various challenges on the district board while also providing necessary resources to board members. I also implemented a regular system of optional phone calls with district board members to discuss their work, goals, and other specific check-in items. Beyond the resource and advisory role, I represent the New York District's input about international bylaw and policies amendment proposals. The International Executive Committee reviewed the entirety of the International Guidebook and proposed a long list of potential changes--both minute language clarifications and more significant content substitutions. Discussions of the proposals extended into districts. My responsibility as International Trustee focused on conveying NYDKC'S argumentations for and against potential changes. Saying my farewells brings forth a sense of gratitude for the experiences and opportunities

opportunities in the past year. I truly have enjoyed each moment of serving as NYDKC's International Trustee in moments of celebration, frustration, and somewhere in between. As with any journey, I did not walk on it alone. Without the dedicated district staff, hardworking board members, and amazing governors, I would not have the support network of individuals who reminded me of what we accomplished and where we still need progress. Thank you all. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our sister districts and on various international committees. For one last time and fond memories, I am from Minnesota, the land of ten thousand lakes and many jokes about our extreme winter weather. No, I do not speak with the Minnesota accent to many people's disappointment.

Yours in service and friendship, Alice Geng 2018-19 International Trustee 11

Committee Updates Endorsed Projects Head: Anthony Lim

The endorsed projects committee has been off to a great start for the service year. We’ve had one meeting so far, and we’ve already covered a lot of ground. The posters for each district charity will be available shortly, and we’re planning many new ways to promote all of the district charities. Shoutout to Sarah Varghese, Julia Segal, and Max Coppola (LTGs of Division 2, 3, and 7, respectively) for attending an event about Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, one of our district projects. We have many fun district-wide service projects that support the cause of each district project coming soon, so be on the lookout for that!

K-Family & KCI Relations Head: Jaylene Noviello

As chair of K-Family and Key Club International Relations, my committee and I have been working on multiple projects. These include our booklet, “The Different Branches of Key Club”, and our slides, “How to Hold a K-family Event.” These projects mainly focus on bringing awareness to other parts of our K-family, besides Key Club. In order for our projects to reach our fellow Key Clubbers, we plan on handing out the booklets at divisionals and to present the PowerPoint at events such as Fall Rally, divisionals, LTC, and Tri-k. We also want to build a strong connection between Key Clubbers and the rest of the K-family, especially by connecting with our school administrators to charter new K-Kids or Builders Club. We are very eager to play such a positive role in the world of Key Club.


Heads: Kiln Chen and AJ Zheng The Awards Committee held its first meeting at ICON. We discussed the goals for the committee and how we would make this year’s booklet and the possibility of including the awards information on the district website. Our second meeting should take place mid to late July and we will discuss any changes we would like to make to any awards and any additional awards we would like to add.


Membership Growth & Development Head: Julia Segal

Currently, the Membership Growth and Development Committee is working on refining the chartering guide, planning a membership video for the upcoming year, and finding a more efficient way to complete the membership retention tracker that was started last service year. With the chartering guide, we are hoping to promote a greater understanding of the chartering process among Lieutenant Governors and have this completed by August 30th. We are also researching schools in each division that do not yet have Key Clubs. We are going to divide all of the divisions up between the committee members and hopefully end up with a list for each LTG that they can use to charter clubs. One of the most important roles of this committee is making sure that members turn in their dues, so a lot of the work of the committee will be in August and September as we approach the dues deadlines. So far everything is going well with our committee and we are hoping for this trend to continue into the rest of the service year!

Events Engagement Head: David DeRienzo

Our committee consists of one representative from each Fall rally Region. We discussed each aspect of Fall Rally and its importance to planning a successful Fall Rally. The committee members’ responsibilities in each region is to aid in the dividing of the tasks between each Lieutenant Governor. Each aspect can be explained through the sheet sent out in the email, and each LTG can select however many tasks they want to focus on. Everyone by now should have a groupchat I believe, or at least the contact info for the other LTG if planning for a Fall Rally with only two divisions divisions. Bimonthly meetings are needed, which I will leave up to each region to plan. Besides that, our main Committees are goals as a committee are to take the incentive in each essential to improve the region, set and meet deadlines, communicate district. Every member frequently, and increase attendance and engage of the district board members.

works on a committee, and each is lead by one or two heads.


LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE 2019 Leadership Training Conference, or LTC for short, is a major event hosted at the Desmond Hotel in Albany, where more than 700 Key Club members throughout NY meet up for a fun weekend filled with workshops and icebreakers! This conference also marks the 31 o t 29 end of the service year, and so the new h c r Ma governor, secretary, and treasurer are all elected here by delegates from clubs throughout the district.

a h Alo o t e c i v Ser 14

JACK LEHMAN DIVISION 11 The 2019 Leadership Training Conference (LTC) was a three-day event taking place during the last weekend of March. This was my first time going, and I enjoyed each and every second of it. Despite how daunting the idea of a "training conference" originally seemed to me, LTC was an extremely enjoyable experience. I loved the fun and engaging workshops and all the activities planned throughout the weekend.

Most of the workshops available related to Key Club and just leadership in general. I enjoyed all of these workshops as they encouraged me to engage with people whom I had never seen before in my life, all towards a common goal of following Key Club's core values. By speaking to various other people from outside of my division, I learned aspects of service and leadership to with my role as president.

Outside of just the workshops, there were multiple sessions of speakers from both outside and inside the K-Family. The two Keynote speakers shared with us the many extremes of service, while district and international officers that spoke gave important insight on how Key Club had changed their lives and how it may change ours in the future.


JADEN THOMAS DIVISION 9 LTG The annual Leadership Training Conference was the first time that I had ever been exposed to such a vast amount of dedicated Key Clubbers in the state of New York. I remember counting down the days until LTC in excitement, knowing that I would be able to meet so many other people who share the same common interest and goal that I do - serving my community as a whole. At LTC, I had the amazing experience of bonding with my peers, and learning more about the impact that I have on my community and 16

community and those around me. One of the most memorable experiences that I have from LTC was from Playfair, which is essentially a huge icebreaker. While I was forced to escape from my usual comfort zone, it allowed me to network and socialize, which has become imperative to me as an individual, and I am so glad that I was able to participate in this experience. The workshops at LTC then gave me insight on how I could improve my skills as an officer, and as a Key Clubber. The keynote speakers emphasized the meaning of serving others.

your community, and showed that service can be contributed in any way, in any community.

the people at LTC taught me that key club is a diverse, inclusive, dedicated organization filled with people seeking to inspire others to lead within their communities. I still have so much to learn about serving my community, but LTC has definitely opened my eyes about what I can do, and I have no doubt that it does the same for many others.

SARAH VARGHESE DIVISION 2 LTG event I don't think I've ever enjoyed an lutely the way I did at LTC. It was absos from amazing. I made so many friend zy to all over New York and it was crally is. see just how big Key Club reain our Sometimes we get so blinded it's an home club that we forget LTC is international organization, so people really an eye opener. You meet for who have the same passion that volunteering as you. And from start shared passion, you get to nds! If friendships with people in secoto LTC, you get the opportunity to go don't pass it up..


What is ICON?

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International Convention, or ICON, is an annual gathering of Key Club members all around the world, held at a different location each year.

Why attend? Attending events outside of your club lets you meet members from so many different schools, and ICON is no different. You'll meet members from 38 different countries and explore Baltimore with them, learn about being a servant leader, and elect the next Key Club International Board. Over 1,500 students attend each year, with each of them making memories to last a lifetime. While the 2019 ICON has already passed, sign up for the 2020 ICON in San Francisco!


North Shore Key Club Has a Heart for Seniors JULIA SALAT DIVISION 4N North Shore High School hosts an annual Senior Citizen Prom, which took place on May 19th. Â This event follows the Junior Prom that takes place the night before. Â The hosts and hostesses for the afternoon were the Key Club and Builders Club members. Lots of fun was had by all who attended this wonderful event. A DJ provided the music, raffle prizes were provided by local businesses, and a special thank you was given to the Fashion Class at North Shore 20

who spend their time every year to create sling bags for all female guests. Last, but not least, was the crowning of the King & Queen and the end to a wonderful afternoon full of smiles.

General Brown's Car Wash MADISON CURRY DIVISION 24

In late May, about 10 people in General Brown’s Key Club held a car wash to raise money in order to get nicer materials for future service projects. Members that helped out were: Madison Curry, Conner Shuler-Hopper, Emma Gilligan, Caden Crosby, and Jenna McIntosh. In addition, we will take some of the $280 we had earned and donate after our club votes on a charity. General Brown’s Key Club secretary Conner says, It was really fun to have everyone helping out and washing cars...we all had our jobs that we would have to do which made the work go more quickly and fun making it a little contest. Everyone that came had a lot of fun, and we can’t wait to find out how the money can be used for a greater cause! 21

bethpage dodges for a cure BRYAN HANLEY DIVISION 6

June 6th wasn’t your average afternoon in the Bethpage High School gymnasium. Numerous teams met together in the bleachers waiting for their team to be called. And as the clock hit 3:00, a three count and a whistle signalled the start of the 4th annual Dodge for a Cure Fundraiser.

Over the past four years, this competition has pitted students against each other with a single purpose: raise money for the Winthrop Children’s Hospital Cancer Center. Bethpage’s Student Civic Key Club has done an exemplary job of branching out to kids of all ages school-wide, with the event annually 22

annually proving to be one of the most successful fundraisers each year. With a total of $5,000 donated since the fundraiser first took form, the club hopes to continue the event for years to come. Daniel Fazio, the faculty advisor, said: “I think this tournament is so great because it is a reflection of what happens here at Bethpage. We get students from all grades together to have fun and raise money for a tremendous cause. I'm really proud of all our participants and our Student Civic Key Club Members who made the day so special.”The tournament continues to grow more and more each year. This year alone, the club will donate $1500 to Winthrop. “I think we can grow even more. People like it. It’s something fun. It’s something new. And it’s a great way to get the community all together,” said current Key Club member Bryan Hanley. “I’m excited to see how big we can make it next year.”

Whether big or small, community-wide events like this not only build community spirit, but save lives in the process.

Stuy and Dave and Buster's JASON XIONG DIVISION 11 On Wednesday June 19th, Stuyvesant Key Club held our annual Dave and Buster’s fundraiser. We sold cards of $15 and $25, with chips that can be used to play the various games offered. The games varied—both low-effort and action-packed games were widely available. Many people chose to try out a bunch of activities, while others just stuck to their favorite, like me! Some tried their luck at the claw toy machines, going home with a bag full of stuffed animals and squishies, while others collected tokens and cards in exchange for tickets. Playing each game, with the exception of the claw toy ones, asdfasdf

allows attendees to earn tickets to redeem for prizes at the Winner’s Circle. Everyone went home with lots of goodies, from fluffy llama and Pikachu plushies, to expensive slushy making machines and bluetooth speakers. We were able to raise a whopping total of $3,722 for our Governor’s Project, the New York Chapter of the Special Olympics, a sports organization that provides training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.


h t l a e H s ' n e r d l i h C r o F y l i m a The K-F JULIA SEGAL DIVISION 3 LTG

One of the best parts of being a Lieutenant Governor is having the opportunity to attend events that bring members of Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis together. 24

On June 18th, Suffolk East and West Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center hosted an event at Stonybrook University Children’s Hospital that did just that. Attendees learned about three different programs run by the center-one on distracted driving, one on hosting Teddy Bear Clinics, and one on handling bleeding in urgent situations. During the event, informational clips were shown about distracted driving and the impo

importance of bleeding control. Attendees were also able to learn about what a real Teddy Bear Clinic would be like. Volunteers educated their audience on the importance of using a helmet by dropping two eggs, one with a helmet and one without, as would be done in the real program for children. Those who answered questions throughout the presentation also had the opportunity to get T-Shirts with reminders about the importance of not driving while distracted. In addition to a brief introduction to the three programs, guests were able to see the beautiful new Children’s Hospital Lobby and even had the opportunity to pack a fake wound and tie a tourniquet, a key part of the bleeding control training. After the event was over, all attendees were given information about the programs and contact information so that they could host similar events in their own communities through their local Key Club, Circle K, or Kiwanis Organizations.

This event truly epitomized the importance of maintaining strong K-Family Relations and offered valuable information to everyone who attended. 25

PAMELA YANG DIVISION 11 The Walk for Kids’ Growth was one of my favorite events this year. It was on Saturday, April 6th and the weather was extremely nice. The event took place in Flushing Meadows Park, in front of the Fountain of Planets. I don’t live near the park, but I saw a giant globe fountain in the park and I thought “Hey, that must be the place.” I couldn’t be more wrong. I didn’t see anyone there, so I panicked. I begged my friend to share his location with me, and it turned out that I was half a mile off, and the whole way, all I thought was “I suck at directions.” But even with a rocky start, the event

stuy walks for kids' growth 26

But even with a rocky start, this event was so much fun. event itself was so much fun. At the beginning, we got snacks and drinks to start the day. We participated in the walk and marched through the route holding signs and cheering everyone on. Afterwards, the event coordinators brought out subway sandwiches for everyone! We also had a big musical showcase where a singer and her daughter went on the stage and performed for everyone. People were shy at first, but then some did join in. At the end of the event, we helped to break down tables and chairs, and helped to load them away. I think that the best part about this day was that there were so many other schools there! I got to see my friends from other schools, and I’m glad I came.

Want your club featured? Submit articles about events (either about volunteering events or fundraisers) via email (editor@nydkc.org) or fill out a Google form that can either be found on Instagram or sent from your LTG. I look forward to representing the district as a whole!



GOALS Service

120,000 hours

Fundraising $200,000

Endorsed Projects Kamp Kiwanis Goal: $3500

Created by the New York District Kiwanis Foundation, this is a wilderness camp that seeks to provide children, including those with special needs, with a unique camping experience filled with team-building exercises. Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation Goal: $3500

Kiwanis is committed to improving the health of children. This organization helps pay for medical treatment for children with Lyme Disease, a brain disease caused by bacteria often from a deer tick.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Goal: $3500

As part of the Kiwanis-Hospital Association, this organization provides treatment for children suffering from trauma, helping to prevent deaths and disabilities with proper care. 28

Governor's Project New York Chapter of the Special Olympics Goal: $15,000

If you’re a fan of unity, acceptance, empowerment, dignity, pride and fun, you’re a fan of Special Olympics New York. You’re one of us. The Special Olympics is an international sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities of all ages, promoting inclusion and health. District Project Project Semicolon Goal: $15,000

Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can save lives. Project Semicolon is an organization focusing on mental health. Their goal is to prevent suicide through increased education and awareness of this public issue. 29

L A N O I T A N R E INT S R E N T PAR Partners

Thirst Project

The Thirst Project seeks to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world, focusing on bringing water to the entirety of Eswatini by 2022. Landscape Structures

Landscape Structures works to bring high-quality playground equipment to children worldwide. Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon encourages kids to be more active and have a positive impact on the world, with their Worldwide Day of Play and Get Dirty campaigns. U.S. Army

The U.S. Army enables people to receive advanced education debt-free and become empowered leaders, through programs such as the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Up With People

Up With People seeks to inspire youth worldwide to make a difference, through volunteer service and musical performances in various communities across different continents. 30

Squads Abroad

Squads Abroad enables teenagers to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact on the health and education of developing communities. Kiwanis Gives Online

Kiwanis Gives Online is a crowdfunding platform designed for Key Club, helping to manage campaigns and rewarding those who donate. Preferred Charities

Children's Miracle Network

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises money to support children's hospitals, research, and to raise awareness of children's health issues. March of Dimes

March of Dimes addresses health threats to both mothers and children by educating both medical professionals and the public, supporting research, and providing comfort and support to families. UNICEF

UNICEF is an organization within the United Nations dedicated to children. The organization works in developing countries to provide healthcare, education, and safe water and sanitation. Collaborative Partners

K Corps

K Corps is a youth exchange program for Key Clubbers organized with Kiwanis International, working with Japanese host families. Project Happiness

Project Happiness is committed to promoting mental wellness through resources based on neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness. 31

h t u o y t h e u n it ie s t r o p p o d n fu

what? how?

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) provides grants to Key Clubs for service opportunities. The application will be posted on the official Key Club website: keyclub.org.

Here are some details: Grants are only given to clubs and/or individual members. Amounts between $100 and $2,000 may be requested. Applicants are notified by the first week of January. Dues must be paid before YOF grant checks can be issued. A YOF Final Grant Report is due at the end of the grant cycle 32

Featured Members What makes Key Club so great? Well, without all of you working tirelessly, volunteering and hosting fundraisers, there would be no Key Club. To give members the recognition they deserve, we feature members every other Monday who go above and beyond on our official Instagram: @nydkc, as nominated by their LTG. Great work, everyone!

Tomer Hoory

Great Neck South High School Division 4N

Mason Garbus

Hannibal High School Division 21

Daniel Clark

Midwood High School Division 9

Yi Lan Zhang

The Bronx High School of Science Division 11 33


to the 2018-19 Key Club International Board!

2018-19 President Emily Rice

2018-19 Vice President Hannah Nivar


2018-19 Trustees Krysta Couzi Braeden Dorchester Alice Geng Jennifer Harned Foster Hillis Grace Ison Lamiya Kudrati K'lena Schnack Me'Shale Sherwood Cindy Shou Leslie Truong


to the 2019-20 Key Club International Board!

2019-20 President 2019-20 Vice President K'lena Schnack 2019-20 Trustees Caroline Bushnell Alexander Drahos Riley Feng Alexis Henry Aminhan Lobster Conrad Nguyen Brandon Orick Indigo Parlin Hannah Povroznik Irin Shim Rachel Zhang

Kaitlin Cirillo

w hat a re

Key C l u b's core v alues ? char acterinclus building i v leade eness rship caring 35



Camille Brock governor@nydkc.org





Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant



Bulletin Editor


Linna Cheung

Anthony Lim

Jaron Belmore

Qian Ting Chen

Ramisa Azad

Angelo Lontok



Lieutenant Governors 1

Bianca Bossey



Jessica Koo


Sarah Varghese


Julia Segal

4N Christiana Claus

division2@nydkc.org division3@nydkc.org division4n@nydkc.org


Katie Ferrugia


David DeRienzo


Max Coppola

division4s@nydkc.org division5@nydkc.org division6@nydkc.org division7@nydkc.org


8 AJ Zheng




Kiara Polanco

Jaden Thomas

Mariam Makar




division8@nydkc.org division8a@nydkc.org division9@nydkc.org division10@nydkc.org


Kiln Chen

Brayan Guerrero

Holden Lee

division11@nydkc.org division12@nydkc.org division13@nydkc.org


Maddie Breen


Jenna Vinoya


Collin Bolebruch


18 Hannah Williams

division15@nydkc.org division16@nydkc.org division17@nydkc.org division18@nydkc.org



Zoe Van Savage

Margaret Ryan




Jordan Jackowski


Jaylene Noviello

division19@nydkc.org division20@nydkc.org division21@nydkc.org division22@nydkc.org

Tatiana Solodova

Hailey Weber

25 Avery Blank

26 Kohl Ambuske

division23@nydkc.org division24@nydkc.org division25@nydkc.org division26@nydkc.org


Administrators John Goldstein


Jason Steiner (assistant) ianjs@aol.com

Michael Berthel (assistant) mjberthel@gmail.com

. . . e g d e l Ip on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club internation al; to build my home, scho ol, and community; to serve my nation and world, and to combat all force s which tend to underm ine these institutions.


Ca r i Our Wa n y of Lif g e 39

Issue 1 | May - JUne | 2019-2020

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